Program kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat (PkM) yang dilaksanakan oleh Tim Pengabdian Masyaraka... more Program kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat (PkM) yang dilaksanakan oleh Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Teknologi Surabaya bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Panti Asuhan Sejahtera dan masyarakat sekitar kampus sebagai salah satu bentuk pelaksanaan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi selain kegiatan pendidikan dan penelitian. Kegiatan PkM bakti sosial penjualan baju bekas ini dilaksanakan sebagai bentuk kepedulian terhadap masyarakat sekitar disamping untuk melatih mahasiswa dalam hal menumbuhkan jiwa entrepreneurship dan kepedulian sosial juga untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu yang didapat dibangku kuliah sesuai dengan capaian pembelajaran lulusan program studi manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis. Adanya pandemi covid-19 yang mengakibatkan menurunnya tingkat kemampuan daya beli masyarakat terhadap kebutuhan akan pakaian dan kebutuhan lainnya telah mendorong mahasiswa dan tim PkM Universitas Teknologi Surabaya untuk melaksanakan kegiatan bakti sosial penjualan baju bekas yang masih layak dipakai ...
Parameter presipitasi akumulasi 24 jam dari empat model numerik yang terdapat dalam operational t... more Parameter presipitasi akumulasi 24 jam dari empat model numerik yang terdapat dalam operational tool Synergie, yaitu GFS, IFS, ARPEGE, dan WRF, diverifikasi menggunakan data observasi permukaan harian di 34 titik kajian yang mewakili setiap provinsi di Indonesia. Tiga metode verifikasi yakni dikotomi, multikategori, serta metode verifikasi untuk parameter kontinu digunakan untuk mengukur performa masing-masing model dalam memprediksi kuantitas curah hujan harian dalam periode tahun 2017 hingga 2020. Berdasarkan hasil kajian model IFS menunjukkan performa terbaik disetiap pengkategorian yang dilakukan dibandingkan dengan 3 model cuaca numerik lainnya.
This paper analyzes the important role of jamu in the complementary medical market of Indonesia b... more This paper analyzes the important role of jamu in the complementary medical market of Indonesia by exploring the four types of market valuation as proposed in the social order of market by Jens Beckert (Beckert, 2009). Different from studies conducted by Srivastava et al. (2021), Kumar et al. (2021), Neto et al. (2020), and Poonthananiwatkul et al. (2015) that mostly discuss physical and material value, specifically on the product standardization and pharmacological characteristics of traditional medicine at the respective Asian countries, this study focuses on both material and symbolic qualities of jamu in Indonesia. By presenting market valuation as a composite of standardization, cognitive anchoring, normative legitimation, and social positioning, this study reveals that Jamu is more recognized by its symbolic value than its material or physical value. As a methodological novelty, this study illustrates how to visualize the pattern and structure of connectivity between words as ...
INDONESIA Berdasarkan hasil studi dokumentasi, dapat diketahui bahwa dilingkungan Kementerian Aga... more INDONESIA Berdasarkan hasil studi dokumentasi, dapat diketahui bahwa dilingkungan Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Garut pengawas Madrasah masih terdapat kekurangan dalam bentuk pengawasan administratif. Maka dengan adanya program pelatihan yang berkesinambungan dengan tujuan peningkatan kualitas pengawasan madrasah akan lebih baik lagi. Akan tetapi berdasarkan pemantauan peneliti di lapangan, program pelatihan peningkatan mutu kepengawasan belum juga optimal, sebagai gambaran kongkrit kondisi pengawasan hari ini masih relative sama dengan pengawasan sebelumnya, kelemahan pengawasan terdapat pada pola administratife yang kurang optimal sebagaimana mestinya, gambaran kondisi pengawasan di kementerian Kabupaten Garut seperti itu tidak terlepas dari dampak lain yang terkait dalam proses rekrutmen tenaga pengawas yang tidak maksimal yang pada akhirnya berdampak pada kualitas kinerja pengawas madrasah. Di tambah kurangnya dukungan dari manajerial dan aspek lingkungan. Dengan kondisi lapangan ...
This paper examines the role of indigenous transport as a potential component of the transport sy... more This paper examines the role of indigenous transport as a potential component of the transport system in the drive towards climate change adaptation, to complement mitigation, especially in developing countries in Asia. The rampant presence of indigenous transport in Asian city streets, either formally or informally, reflects the demand for the mode as well as its important role in the overall transport system. It becomes imperative to understand their role, function and the use of indigenous transport modes within the whole transport network, specifically in the public transport realm, to be able to draw an overall portrait of the potential of indigenous modes to supplement, complement or compete within the transport system. At the same time, the paper hopes to contribute policy-relevant insights to better understand the role of indigenous transport in climate change adaptation.
This study aimed to analyse the effect of E-commerce website and product quality to customer sati... more This study aimed to analyse the effect of E-commerce website and product quality to customer satisfaction. In this study, the analysis was done partially to see the effect of E-commerce website to customer satisfaction also product quality over customer satisfaction and simultaneously analyse e-commerce website with product quality to customer satisfaction. This study we use analysis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) methods to analyse customer satisfaction. Here, the data observation was collected by questionnaire with 124 respondents in e-commerce website. The sampling technique was used based on willingness to be correspondent. From the analysis results, we obtain a significant influence between the variables simultaneously website between E-commerce and product quality to customer satisfaction. Partially have a positive and significant influence between the variables of E-commerce website to customer satisfaction. The variable quality of the product is partially positive and s...
Proximal: Jurnal Penelitian Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, 2021
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran gaya berpi... more Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran gaya berpikir siswa pada penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think Pair Share. Subjek ditentukan sebanyak dua orang siswa yang masing-masing memiliki dominan gaya berpikir konkret dan gaya berpikir abstrak yang kuat. Analisis dilakukan secara mendalam pada subjek dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think Pair Share dengan materi garis dan sudut. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi, metode tes dan wawancara melalui 4 langkah analisis yaitu menelaah data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan menafsirkan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Baik subjek bergaya pikir konkret maupun abstrak, meraka mampu belajar dengan aktif pada penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think Pair Share (TPS). (2) Kedua subjek memiliki kemampuan yang sama, akan tetapi subjek gaya berpikir kongkret lebih kuat dalam menyelesaikan masalah berupa soal gambar sedangkan...
Sea transportation sector comes to be one golden bridge for Indonesia to increase the economy act... more Sea transportation sector comes to be one golden bridge for Indonesia to increase the economy activity. In this context, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province is one of the strategic provinces, which acts as a gate to enter in western part of Indonesia. Being surrounded by sea, a harbor and sea transportation in NAD is a must. One of the most important harbour in NAD province is Krueng Geukueh Harbour. NAD has very strategic position, between Malaysia and Singapore, and potential conditions, e.g. closely related with central business district, the existence of abundance natural resources, and the availability of airport. The purpose of this study is to improve the performance of Krueng Geukueh Harbour. An improvement efforts suggested include, improving unity of intermodal and multimodal in this harbour, increasing harbour's capacity of facilities, increasing shipping safety, improving human resources quality and technology USAge, and offering opportunities for investor.
Travel time variation indicates the reliability of bus operating systems and affects passenger sa... more Travel time variation indicates the reliability of bus operating systems and affects passenger satisfaction. This study aims to calculate and compare travel time variability of Trans Metro Bandung Bus Corridor II Route Cicaheum-Cibeureum among days. The analysis shows that the system has travel time variability range from 0,0007% up to 15,5%. This is caused by route changes and the effects of congestion. The comparison of travel time variability among days shows that the value of travel time is more stable in weekend than weekday.
The aim of this thesis is to assist the process of listing and checking items as well as facilita... more The aim of this thesis is to assist the process of listing and checking items as well as facilitating the transaction process in PD. KAPUAS storehouse. The Method used in developing this application program is SDLC (System Development Life Cycle). This application is desktop based that holds informations regarding PD. KAPUAS inventory system. The use of this application is to supervise the product acquisition in PD. KAPUAS storehouse. In addition to supervising the items, this application could generate reports with computerized one. Those reports are; received items, report of the exit items , also report of return items from suppliers. This application was designed with Visual Studio 2012, using SQL Server Management Studio 2012 as the database system, Crystal Reports is also used to generate the reports. The testing phase results gave conclusion that the system created is able to be used, and could help PD. KAPUAS to monitoring their inventory.
In order to guarantee the success of the provision of public transport, it is imperative to have ... more In order to guarantee the success of the provision of public transport, it is imperative to have a deep knowledge regarding the consumer. One of the most important aspects of the consumer is gender. Gender is believed to have a significant role in influencing the decision in making use of public transport, as well as building a different pattern of travelling. This article aims to investigate the relationship between gender and travel behaviour of the user in using public transport in Indonesian cities, i.e. Jakarta, Bandung, and Yogyakarta. The results show that there is significant different of travel behaviour between male and female in making use of public transport. Trip purpose and number of owned driving licence appear as two behaviours that significantly different for male and female in these three cities. Not just travel behaviour, but the perceptions and negative experiences are also different between male and female in these cities.
The aim of this study is to explore the effect of motorization to the development of urban public... more The aim of this study is to explore the effect of motorization to the development of urban public transportation in urban areas in Indonesian city in the last decade. The study employs many statistical data regarding motorization and urban public transport. It can be concluded that the motorization will continue to grow, and the existing transport policy should be re-questioned. It roots on the lack of acceptable provision of public transport in term of quality and quantity, but also as a result of high preference on using private transport. The challenge becomes excessive and complex, since there is no appropriate visionary road map for development of urban public transport. In answering this problem, the authors propose an abstract of two sequence approach, namely setting priority in taking side in provision of acceptable mobility for all, and followed with the redefinition of urban transport development by implementing transit-oriented development. Key words : motorization, urban...
Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca, 2017
IntisariPada 27 September 2017 beberapa wilayah di DKI Jakarta dilanda hujan dengan intensitas le... more IntisariPada 27 September 2017 beberapa wilayah di DKI Jakarta dilanda hujan dengan intensitas lebat yang memicu genangan di beberapa wilayah. Wilayah DKI Jakarta pada bulan September masih dalam periode transisi dari musim kemarau menuju musim hujan, sehingga potensi kejadian hujan dengan intensitas ringan hingga lebat yang disertai kilat/petir dan angin kencang cukup tinggi, meski umumnya masih bersifat sporadis. Dengan menggunakan data reanalysis model diketahui bahwa pada saat kejadian terdapat anomali pola angin di lapisan 850 hPa dibandingkan dengan klimatologisnya, serta didentifikasi adanya anomali kelembapan udara di lapisan bawah hingga 500 hPa yang lebih basah dibandingkan dengan klimatologisnya. Pertumbuhan awan hujan tipe Nimbustratus yang optimal pada saat kejadian dipicu oleh daerah konvergensi yang terbentuk di wilayah Banten, DKI Jakarta, hingga Jawa Barat, serta kondisi atmosfer yang basah hingga di lapisan menengah. On September 27, 2017, several areas in DKI Ja...
Kepuasan pelanggan terhadap pelayanan PDAM Tirta Mayang Kota Jambi berkaitan dengan tingkat kuali... more Kepuasan pelanggan terhadap pelayanan PDAM Tirta Mayang Kota Jambi berkaitan dengan tingkat kualitaspelayanan yang diberikan. Penggunaan TI dapat membantu meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan di PDAM TirtaMayang Kota Jambi dan dipandang sebagai aset strategis yang turut menentukan strategi bisnis PDAM TirtaMayang Kota Jambi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk merancang sistem informasi ITSMpada PDAM Tirta Mayang Kota Jambi. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu metode wawancara,observasi dan dokumentasi, selanjutnya data dan informasi yang diperoleh dianalisis yang menghasilkansebuah analisa kondisi sistem yang sedang berjalan. Adapun sistem yang dirancang berupa protitipe yangrancangannya mengikuti setiap tahapan proses ITIL versi 3 area service operation, yaitu: proses eventmanagement, incident management (incident identification, incident logging, incident categorization,incident prioritization, initial diagnosis, incident escalation, investigation and diagnosis, r...
Jurnal Muara Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora, dan Seni, 2018
The writer in this paper tried to investigated and describe the philosophical thoughts of the rol... more The writer in this paper tried to investigated and describe the philosophical thoughts of the role of Law Philospohy in to realize justice. However, if there are questions about justice, could not be determined what measures are use to determine something is fair or not. Various answers about justice usually never or rarely satisfying so that continues to be debated, so it can be concluded that the various formulations so of justice if a relative statement. This issue Ultimately ecourages many people to take a shortcut by submitting formulation or justice to the legislators and judges who will formulate it based on theirs own considerations.
Program kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat (PkM) yang dilaksanakan oleh Tim Pengabdian Masyaraka... more Program kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat (PkM) yang dilaksanakan oleh Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Teknologi Surabaya bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Panti Asuhan Sejahtera dan masyarakat sekitar kampus sebagai salah satu bentuk pelaksanaan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi selain kegiatan pendidikan dan penelitian. Kegiatan PkM bakti sosial penjualan baju bekas ini dilaksanakan sebagai bentuk kepedulian terhadap masyarakat sekitar disamping untuk melatih mahasiswa dalam hal menumbuhkan jiwa entrepreneurship dan kepedulian sosial juga untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu yang didapat dibangku kuliah sesuai dengan capaian pembelajaran lulusan program studi manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis. Adanya pandemi covid-19 yang mengakibatkan menurunnya tingkat kemampuan daya beli masyarakat terhadap kebutuhan akan pakaian dan kebutuhan lainnya telah mendorong mahasiswa dan tim PkM Universitas Teknologi Surabaya untuk melaksanakan kegiatan bakti sosial penjualan baju bekas yang masih layak dipakai ...
Parameter presipitasi akumulasi 24 jam dari empat model numerik yang terdapat dalam operational t... more Parameter presipitasi akumulasi 24 jam dari empat model numerik yang terdapat dalam operational tool Synergie, yaitu GFS, IFS, ARPEGE, dan WRF, diverifikasi menggunakan data observasi permukaan harian di 34 titik kajian yang mewakili setiap provinsi di Indonesia. Tiga metode verifikasi yakni dikotomi, multikategori, serta metode verifikasi untuk parameter kontinu digunakan untuk mengukur performa masing-masing model dalam memprediksi kuantitas curah hujan harian dalam periode tahun 2017 hingga 2020. Berdasarkan hasil kajian model IFS menunjukkan performa terbaik disetiap pengkategorian yang dilakukan dibandingkan dengan 3 model cuaca numerik lainnya.
This paper analyzes the important role of jamu in the complementary medical market of Indonesia b... more This paper analyzes the important role of jamu in the complementary medical market of Indonesia by exploring the four types of market valuation as proposed in the social order of market by Jens Beckert (Beckert, 2009). Different from studies conducted by Srivastava et al. (2021), Kumar et al. (2021), Neto et al. (2020), and Poonthananiwatkul et al. (2015) that mostly discuss physical and material value, specifically on the product standardization and pharmacological characteristics of traditional medicine at the respective Asian countries, this study focuses on both material and symbolic qualities of jamu in Indonesia. By presenting market valuation as a composite of standardization, cognitive anchoring, normative legitimation, and social positioning, this study reveals that Jamu is more recognized by its symbolic value than its material or physical value. As a methodological novelty, this study illustrates how to visualize the pattern and structure of connectivity between words as ...
INDONESIA Berdasarkan hasil studi dokumentasi, dapat diketahui bahwa dilingkungan Kementerian Aga... more INDONESIA Berdasarkan hasil studi dokumentasi, dapat diketahui bahwa dilingkungan Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Garut pengawas Madrasah masih terdapat kekurangan dalam bentuk pengawasan administratif. Maka dengan adanya program pelatihan yang berkesinambungan dengan tujuan peningkatan kualitas pengawasan madrasah akan lebih baik lagi. Akan tetapi berdasarkan pemantauan peneliti di lapangan, program pelatihan peningkatan mutu kepengawasan belum juga optimal, sebagai gambaran kongkrit kondisi pengawasan hari ini masih relative sama dengan pengawasan sebelumnya, kelemahan pengawasan terdapat pada pola administratife yang kurang optimal sebagaimana mestinya, gambaran kondisi pengawasan di kementerian Kabupaten Garut seperti itu tidak terlepas dari dampak lain yang terkait dalam proses rekrutmen tenaga pengawas yang tidak maksimal yang pada akhirnya berdampak pada kualitas kinerja pengawas madrasah. Di tambah kurangnya dukungan dari manajerial dan aspek lingkungan. Dengan kondisi lapangan ...
This paper examines the role of indigenous transport as a potential component of the transport sy... more This paper examines the role of indigenous transport as a potential component of the transport system in the drive towards climate change adaptation, to complement mitigation, especially in developing countries in Asia. The rampant presence of indigenous transport in Asian city streets, either formally or informally, reflects the demand for the mode as well as its important role in the overall transport system. It becomes imperative to understand their role, function and the use of indigenous transport modes within the whole transport network, specifically in the public transport realm, to be able to draw an overall portrait of the potential of indigenous modes to supplement, complement or compete within the transport system. At the same time, the paper hopes to contribute policy-relevant insights to better understand the role of indigenous transport in climate change adaptation.
This study aimed to analyse the effect of E-commerce website and product quality to customer sati... more This study aimed to analyse the effect of E-commerce website and product quality to customer satisfaction. In this study, the analysis was done partially to see the effect of E-commerce website to customer satisfaction also product quality over customer satisfaction and simultaneously analyse e-commerce website with product quality to customer satisfaction. This study we use analysis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) methods to analyse customer satisfaction. Here, the data observation was collected by questionnaire with 124 respondents in e-commerce website. The sampling technique was used based on willingness to be correspondent. From the analysis results, we obtain a significant influence between the variables simultaneously website between E-commerce and product quality to customer satisfaction. Partially have a positive and significant influence between the variables of E-commerce website to customer satisfaction. The variable quality of the product is partially positive and s...
Proximal: Jurnal Penelitian Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, 2021
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran gaya berpi... more Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran gaya berpikir siswa pada penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think Pair Share. Subjek ditentukan sebanyak dua orang siswa yang masing-masing memiliki dominan gaya berpikir konkret dan gaya berpikir abstrak yang kuat. Analisis dilakukan secara mendalam pada subjek dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think Pair Share dengan materi garis dan sudut. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi, metode tes dan wawancara melalui 4 langkah analisis yaitu menelaah data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan menafsirkan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Baik subjek bergaya pikir konkret maupun abstrak, meraka mampu belajar dengan aktif pada penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think Pair Share (TPS). (2) Kedua subjek memiliki kemampuan yang sama, akan tetapi subjek gaya berpikir kongkret lebih kuat dalam menyelesaikan masalah berupa soal gambar sedangkan...
Sea transportation sector comes to be one golden bridge for Indonesia to increase the economy act... more Sea transportation sector comes to be one golden bridge for Indonesia to increase the economy activity. In this context, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province is one of the strategic provinces, which acts as a gate to enter in western part of Indonesia. Being surrounded by sea, a harbor and sea transportation in NAD is a must. One of the most important harbour in NAD province is Krueng Geukueh Harbour. NAD has very strategic position, between Malaysia and Singapore, and potential conditions, e.g. closely related with central business district, the existence of abundance natural resources, and the availability of airport. The purpose of this study is to improve the performance of Krueng Geukueh Harbour. An improvement efforts suggested include, improving unity of intermodal and multimodal in this harbour, increasing harbour's capacity of facilities, increasing shipping safety, improving human resources quality and technology USAge, and offering opportunities for investor.
Travel time variation indicates the reliability of bus operating systems and affects passenger sa... more Travel time variation indicates the reliability of bus operating systems and affects passenger satisfaction. This study aims to calculate and compare travel time variability of Trans Metro Bandung Bus Corridor II Route Cicaheum-Cibeureum among days. The analysis shows that the system has travel time variability range from 0,0007% up to 15,5%. This is caused by route changes and the effects of congestion. The comparison of travel time variability among days shows that the value of travel time is more stable in weekend than weekday.
The aim of this thesis is to assist the process of listing and checking items as well as facilita... more The aim of this thesis is to assist the process of listing and checking items as well as facilitating the transaction process in PD. KAPUAS storehouse. The Method used in developing this application program is SDLC (System Development Life Cycle). This application is desktop based that holds informations regarding PD. KAPUAS inventory system. The use of this application is to supervise the product acquisition in PD. KAPUAS storehouse. In addition to supervising the items, this application could generate reports with computerized one. Those reports are; received items, report of the exit items , also report of return items from suppliers. This application was designed with Visual Studio 2012, using SQL Server Management Studio 2012 as the database system, Crystal Reports is also used to generate the reports. The testing phase results gave conclusion that the system created is able to be used, and could help PD. KAPUAS to monitoring their inventory.
In order to guarantee the success of the provision of public transport, it is imperative to have ... more In order to guarantee the success of the provision of public transport, it is imperative to have a deep knowledge regarding the consumer. One of the most important aspects of the consumer is gender. Gender is believed to have a significant role in influencing the decision in making use of public transport, as well as building a different pattern of travelling. This article aims to investigate the relationship between gender and travel behaviour of the user in using public transport in Indonesian cities, i.e. Jakarta, Bandung, and Yogyakarta. The results show that there is significant different of travel behaviour between male and female in making use of public transport. Trip purpose and number of owned driving licence appear as two behaviours that significantly different for male and female in these three cities. Not just travel behaviour, but the perceptions and negative experiences are also different between male and female in these cities.
The aim of this study is to explore the effect of motorization to the development of urban public... more The aim of this study is to explore the effect of motorization to the development of urban public transportation in urban areas in Indonesian city in the last decade. The study employs many statistical data regarding motorization and urban public transport. It can be concluded that the motorization will continue to grow, and the existing transport policy should be re-questioned. It roots on the lack of acceptable provision of public transport in term of quality and quantity, but also as a result of high preference on using private transport. The challenge becomes excessive and complex, since there is no appropriate visionary road map for development of urban public transport. In answering this problem, the authors propose an abstract of two sequence approach, namely setting priority in taking side in provision of acceptable mobility for all, and followed with the redefinition of urban transport development by implementing transit-oriented development. Key words : motorization, urban...
Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca, 2017
IntisariPada 27 September 2017 beberapa wilayah di DKI Jakarta dilanda hujan dengan intensitas le... more IntisariPada 27 September 2017 beberapa wilayah di DKI Jakarta dilanda hujan dengan intensitas lebat yang memicu genangan di beberapa wilayah. Wilayah DKI Jakarta pada bulan September masih dalam periode transisi dari musim kemarau menuju musim hujan, sehingga potensi kejadian hujan dengan intensitas ringan hingga lebat yang disertai kilat/petir dan angin kencang cukup tinggi, meski umumnya masih bersifat sporadis. Dengan menggunakan data reanalysis model diketahui bahwa pada saat kejadian terdapat anomali pola angin di lapisan 850 hPa dibandingkan dengan klimatologisnya, serta didentifikasi adanya anomali kelembapan udara di lapisan bawah hingga 500 hPa yang lebih basah dibandingkan dengan klimatologisnya. Pertumbuhan awan hujan tipe Nimbustratus yang optimal pada saat kejadian dipicu oleh daerah konvergensi yang terbentuk di wilayah Banten, DKI Jakarta, hingga Jawa Barat, serta kondisi atmosfer yang basah hingga di lapisan menengah. On September 27, 2017, several areas in DKI Ja...
Kepuasan pelanggan terhadap pelayanan PDAM Tirta Mayang Kota Jambi berkaitan dengan tingkat kuali... more Kepuasan pelanggan terhadap pelayanan PDAM Tirta Mayang Kota Jambi berkaitan dengan tingkat kualitaspelayanan yang diberikan. Penggunaan TI dapat membantu meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan di PDAM TirtaMayang Kota Jambi dan dipandang sebagai aset strategis yang turut menentukan strategi bisnis PDAM TirtaMayang Kota Jambi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk merancang sistem informasi ITSMpada PDAM Tirta Mayang Kota Jambi. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu metode wawancara,observasi dan dokumentasi, selanjutnya data dan informasi yang diperoleh dianalisis yang menghasilkansebuah analisa kondisi sistem yang sedang berjalan. Adapun sistem yang dirancang berupa protitipe yangrancangannya mengikuti setiap tahapan proses ITIL versi 3 area service operation, yaitu: proses eventmanagement, incident management (incident identification, incident logging, incident categorization,incident prioritization, initial diagnosis, incident escalation, investigation and diagnosis, r...
Jurnal Muara Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora, dan Seni, 2018
The writer in this paper tried to investigated and describe the philosophical thoughts of the rol... more The writer in this paper tried to investigated and describe the philosophical thoughts of the role of Law Philospohy in to realize justice. However, if there are questions about justice, could not be determined what measures are use to determine something is fair or not. Various answers about justice usually never or rarely satisfying so that continues to be debated, so it can be concluded that the various formulations so of justice if a relative statement. This issue Ultimately ecourages many people to take a shortcut by submitting formulation or justice to the legislators and judges who will formulate it based on theirs own considerations.
Papers by Kiki Kiki