Si le verbe an « manger » se retrouve frequemment dans les expressions vietnamiennes au niveau de... more Si le verbe an « manger » se retrouve frequemment dans les expressions vietnamiennes au niveau des relations humaines, amicales, familiales, sentimentales, il serait necessaire pour mieux comprendre la culture vietnamienne de le considerer au-dela d'un mot, plutot comme un univers socio-culturel dans lequel se melent inextricablement les differents aspects identitaires. D'une conversation commune aux dictons, proverbes et chants populaires, le verbe « manger » permet de decrire tout aussi bien l'univers complexe propre a un individu que ses relations avec le monde exterieur. La nourriture illustre de nombreux dictons de la culture populaire qui traversent le temps et mutuellement se renforcent, s'entretiennent dans la croyance collective. Ils nourrissent essentiellement les liens familiaux et precisent ainsi le statut, la fonction de chaque membre du groupe. Il est donc interessant d'insister sur le role educatif de la nourriture dans l'immigration vietnamienne ou le confucianisme regit les codes de bonne conduite dans la cellule familiale. Enfin, outre la croyance au sacre et le detachement necessaire devant certains evenements, la nourriture, dans la pratique alimentaire quotidienne comme dans la representation de l'identite culturelle des Vietnamiens apporte trois autres experiences precieuses, le pragmatisme, l'indulgence et l'exigence relationnelle. La nourriture servirait-elle a l'apprentissage d'un art de vivre ?
Fibroblast growth factor 5 (Fgf5) has been widely used as a marker for the epiblast in the postim... more Fibroblast growth factor 5 (Fgf5) has been widely used as a marker for the epiblast in the postimplantation embryo and epiblast stem cells (mEpiSCs) in the mouse, making it valuable for study of differentiation of various tissues and epiblast cells in vivo and in vitro. Here, we report for the first time the generation of Fgf5-P2A-Venus BAC transgenic (Tg) mice and show that the BAC Tg can recapitulate endogenous Fgf5 expression in epiblast and visceral endodermal cells of E6.5 and 7.5 embryos. We also show that Fgf5-P2A-Venus BAC Tg mEpiSCs in the undifferentiated state expressed abundant Venus, and upon reprogramming into naïve state, Venus was suppressed. Furthermore, while most Tg mEpiSCs expressed Venus abundantly, surprisingly the Tg mEpiSCs contained a minor subpopulation of Venus-negative cells that were capable of conversion to Venus-positive cells, indicating that even Fgf5 expression shows dynamic heterogeneity in mEpiSCs. Taken together, Fgf5-P2A-Venus BAC Tg mice and mE...
This paper is to present a space vecto PWM algorithm for four switch phase inverters (B4, FSTP) b... more This paper is to present a space vecto PWM algorithm for four switch phase inverters (B4, FSTP) based on the one for six switch three phase inverters (B6, SSTP) (principle of similarity) where the plan is divided into 6 sectors and the formation of the required reference voltage space vectcr is done in the same way as for B6 by using effective (mean) vectors. This facilitates the calculation for B4 and some studies on B6 can be applied for B4 as well through this proposed similarity, e.g. the problem with PWM in the overmodulation zone due to the complicated non-linear character there. Matlab/Simulink is used for the simulation of the proposed SVPWM algorithm for undermodulation, overmodulation mode 1 and 2. This SVPWM approach is also validated experimentally using DSP TMS320LF2407a (Texas Instruments).
Piezoelectric generators work based on a piezoelectric effect which is understood as the electrom... more Piezoelectric generators work based on a piezoelectric effect which is understood as the electromechanical interaction between the mechanical and electrical states in crystalline materials with inversion asymmetry. The aim of this paper is to explore energy harvesting characteristics of lead free piezo-ceramics during human walking. First, piezoelectric responses of a ceramic transducer were examined using a controllable pneumatic actuator, which was fabricated to generate mechanical forces desired. According to a predesigned mode, generated power was determined by characterizing the relationship between the output voltage and applied force. Second, based on the observed data, a nonlinear black box model (NBBM) representing for the piezo ceramic material was constructed by applying a mathematical model called nonlinear autoregressive exogressive model (NARX). Next, the results of the above steps were used for a study of energy harvesting from human walking. In human walking process, ground reaction force is the main motive source which pushes people forward. Due to the unique characteristic, piezo-ceramic sheets are suggested to be attached below the footwear to absorb the reaction force for energy generating purpose. In this study, human locomotion was modeled as an inverted pendulum and the ground reaction force is considered as the input for the designed piezo ceramic model, by then total power scavenging can be estimated. The simulation results show that an electric power from 25 mW to 40 mW could be generated from human motion when the footwear is equipped with piezo ceramic sheets.
La cohabitation souple entre differentes religions (bouddhisme, taoisme, confucianisme, mais auss... more La cohabitation souple entre differentes religions (bouddhisme, taoisme, confucianisme, mais aussi animisme ou culte des genies...) est une des caracteristiques de l'Asie. Les religions asiatiques, dans leur syncretisme, permettent a leurs sujets en exil d'apprehender l'integration comme une necessite, voire un devoir. Sous reserve cependant de la perennite de certains rites, tel le culte des ancetres, base de la pratique sociale de l'entraide, condition meme de cette integration
Due to their high power output and reliability, robots can replace humans in most modern industri... more Due to their high power output and reliability, robots can replace humans in most modern industrial tasks associated with heavy loads. However, there are some jobs that require both human flexibility and robot power. Consequently, there is a demand to combine the high power of a robot arm with the dexterity of a human. In this work, a robot system called the power assistant robot (PAR) is proposed to satisfy this demand. The system can be applied not only in heavy industrial tasks, but also in various fields such as rehabilitation, the military, and security. This research focuses on applying a new type of actuator, called an electro-hydraulic system (EHA), in a power assistant robot. The EHA-PAR includes 5 degrees of freedom (1 passive joint and 4 active joints) and interacts with the user through a 4-dimensional intelligent joystick. By analyzing commands from a human, the human-robot interface distributes reference angles for all active joints. However, in some positions, robot o...
TENCON 2008 - 2008 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2008
Hong Hee Lee*, Phan Quoc Dzung**, Le Dinh Khoa**, Le Minh Phuong**, Huynh Tan Thanh** *School of ... more Hong Hee Lee*, Phan Quoc Dzung**, Le Dinh Khoa**, Le Minh Phuong**, Huynh Tan Thanh** *School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan, Korea **Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, HCMC University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam hhlee ...
The design technique of using gray code addressing to reduce power dissipation in CPU of pacemake... more The design technique of using gray code addressing to reduce power dissipation in CPU of pacemaker is presented in this paper. The experimental results of reducing power up to 20% would be a promising result. This work is implemented by using Altera Quartus II 9.0, the device Cylone II EP2C20F484C7 is used.
The 2012 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, 2012
This study presents power gating techniques to reduce the power consumption in pacemaker device. ... more This study presents power gating techniques to reduce the power consumption in pacemaker device. A novel structure based on power technique in pacemaker device is presented. Experimental results in power reduction and cost overhead by using proposed structure are given. The result in saving power consumption-up to 25%- would be promising because the structure could last usage time of pacemaker device longer than normal structure. However, the cost overhead appears but is smaller than 0.65% in indicators of logic element, combinational function, and logic register.
2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2010
With the large amount of information (large number of daily load curves) for one consumer or one ... more With the large amount of information (large number of daily load curves) for one consumer or one group of consumers, the classification and building the representative load curve (RLC) are necessary. The RLC can be built in the set of similar load curves by clustering analysis. This paper presents a Fuzzy clustering technique to determine RLC on the basis of
TENCON 2009 - 2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2009
This paper presents a realization of the space-vector pulse-width modulation (SVPWM) strategy for... more This paper presents a realization of the space-vector pulse-width modulation (SVPWM) strategy for control system induction motor (IM). In this paper is presented a space vector PWM algorithm for four switch three phase inverters (B4, FSTPI) based on the one for six switch three phase inverters (B6, SSTPI) (principle of similarity) where the ¿�? plan is divided into 6 sectors
TENCON 2009 - 2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2009
This paper proposes a new space vector PWM technique for four-switch three-phase inverters (FSTPI... more This paper proposes a new space vector PWM technique for four-switch three-phase inverters (FSTPI) under DC-link voltage ripple condition with the optimization of the amplitude of first harmonic output voltage. The proposed algorithm is based on the establishment of quasi-space-vectors with their maximum length and modulation technique, which is simulated the technique for six-switch three-phase inverters. This approach has a
International Forum on Strategic Technology 2010, 2010
... NEW FUZZY LOGIC ApPROACH CONTROL Since the PI controller is tuned for a specific linearized m... more ... NEW FUZZY LOGIC ApPROACH CONTROL Since the PI controller is tuned for a specific linearized model about a nominal frequency, it may provide insufficient damping for any different operating point caused by disturbances and parameter uncertainties ... 9] M. Hogdahl, and JG ...
2009 International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), 2009
This paper is concerned on FPGA design for control implementations of four switch three phase inv... more This paper is concerned on FPGA design for control implementations of four switch three phase inverters (B4, FSTPI). This paper is to present a space vector PWM algorithm for four switch three phase inverters (B4, FSTPI) based on the one for six switch three phase inverters (B6, SSTPI) (principle of similarity) where the ¿�? plan is divided into 6 sectors
Si le verbe an « manger » se retrouve frequemment dans les expressions vietnamiennes au niveau de... more Si le verbe an « manger » se retrouve frequemment dans les expressions vietnamiennes au niveau des relations humaines, amicales, familiales, sentimentales, il serait necessaire pour mieux comprendre la culture vietnamienne de le considerer au-dela d'un mot, plutot comme un univers socio-culturel dans lequel se melent inextricablement les differents aspects identitaires. D'une conversation commune aux dictons, proverbes et chants populaires, le verbe « manger » permet de decrire tout aussi bien l'univers complexe propre a un individu que ses relations avec le monde exterieur. La nourriture illustre de nombreux dictons de la culture populaire qui traversent le temps et mutuellement se renforcent, s'entretiennent dans la croyance collective. Ils nourrissent essentiellement les liens familiaux et precisent ainsi le statut, la fonction de chaque membre du groupe. Il est donc interessant d'insister sur le role educatif de la nourriture dans l'immigration vietnamienne ou le confucianisme regit les codes de bonne conduite dans la cellule familiale. Enfin, outre la croyance au sacre et le detachement necessaire devant certains evenements, la nourriture, dans la pratique alimentaire quotidienne comme dans la representation de l'identite culturelle des Vietnamiens apporte trois autres experiences precieuses, le pragmatisme, l'indulgence et l'exigence relationnelle. La nourriture servirait-elle a l'apprentissage d'un art de vivre ?
Fibroblast growth factor 5 (Fgf5) has been widely used as a marker for the epiblast in the postim... more Fibroblast growth factor 5 (Fgf5) has been widely used as a marker for the epiblast in the postimplantation embryo and epiblast stem cells (mEpiSCs) in the mouse, making it valuable for study of differentiation of various tissues and epiblast cells in vivo and in vitro. Here, we report for the first time the generation of Fgf5-P2A-Venus BAC transgenic (Tg) mice and show that the BAC Tg can recapitulate endogenous Fgf5 expression in epiblast and visceral endodermal cells of E6.5 and 7.5 embryos. We also show that Fgf5-P2A-Venus BAC Tg mEpiSCs in the undifferentiated state expressed abundant Venus, and upon reprogramming into naïve state, Venus was suppressed. Furthermore, while most Tg mEpiSCs expressed Venus abundantly, surprisingly the Tg mEpiSCs contained a minor subpopulation of Venus-negative cells that were capable of conversion to Venus-positive cells, indicating that even Fgf5 expression shows dynamic heterogeneity in mEpiSCs. Taken together, Fgf5-P2A-Venus BAC Tg mice and mE...
This paper is to present a space vecto PWM algorithm for four switch phase inverters (B4, FSTP) b... more This paper is to present a space vecto PWM algorithm for four switch phase inverters (B4, FSTP) based on the one for six switch three phase inverters (B6, SSTP) (principle of similarity) where the plan is divided into 6 sectors and the formation of the required reference voltage space vectcr is done in the same way as for B6 by using effective (mean) vectors. This facilitates the calculation for B4 and some studies on B6 can be applied for B4 as well through this proposed similarity, e.g. the problem with PWM in the overmodulation zone due to the complicated non-linear character there. Matlab/Simulink is used for the simulation of the proposed SVPWM algorithm for undermodulation, overmodulation mode 1 and 2. This SVPWM approach is also validated experimentally using DSP TMS320LF2407a (Texas Instruments).
Piezoelectric generators work based on a piezoelectric effect which is understood as the electrom... more Piezoelectric generators work based on a piezoelectric effect which is understood as the electromechanical interaction between the mechanical and electrical states in crystalline materials with inversion asymmetry. The aim of this paper is to explore energy harvesting characteristics of lead free piezo-ceramics during human walking. First, piezoelectric responses of a ceramic transducer were examined using a controllable pneumatic actuator, which was fabricated to generate mechanical forces desired. According to a predesigned mode, generated power was determined by characterizing the relationship between the output voltage and applied force. Second, based on the observed data, a nonlinear black box model (NBBM) representing for the piezo ceramic material was constructed by applying a mathematical model called nonlinear autoregressive exogressive model (NARX). Next, the results of the above steps were used for a study of energy harvesting from human walking. In human walking process, ground reaction force is the main motive source which pushes people forward. Due to the unique characteristic, piezo-ceramic sheets are suggested to be attached below the footwear to absorb the reaction force for energy generating purpose. In this study, human locomotion was modeled as an inverted pendulum and the ground reaction force is considered as the input for the designed piezo ceramic model, by then total power scavenging can be estimated. The simulation results show that an electric power from 25 mW to 40 mW could be generated from human motion when the footwear is equipped with piezo ceramic sheets.
La cohabitation souple entre differentes religions (bouddhisme, taoisme, confucianisme, mais auss... more La cohabitation souple entre differentes religions (bouddhisme, taoisme, confucianisme, mais aussi animisme ou culte des genies...) est une des caracteristiques de l'Asie. Les religions asiatiques, dans leur syncretisme, permettent a leurs sujets en exil d'apprehender l'integration comme une necessite, voire un devoir. Sous reserve cependant de la perennite de certains rites, tel le culte des ancetres, base de la pratique sociale de l'entraide, condition meme de cette integration
Due to their high power output and reliability, robots can replace humans in most modern industri... more Due to their high power output and reliability, robots can replace humans in most modern industrial tasks associated with heavy loads. However, there are some jobs that require both human flexibility and robot power. Consequently, there is a demand to combine the high power of a robot arm with the dexterity of a human. In this work, a robot system called the power assistant robot (PAR) is proposed to satisfy this demand. The system can be applied not only in heavy industrial tasks, but also in various fields such as rehabilitation, the military, and security. This research focuses on applying a new type of actuator, called an electro-hydraulic system (EHA), in a power assistant robot. The EHA-PAR includes 5 degrees of freedom (1 passive joint and 4 active joints) and interacts with the user through a 4-dimensional intelligent joystick. By analyzing commands from a human, the human-robot interface distributes reference angles for all active joints. However, in some positions, robot o...
TENCON 2008 - 2008 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2008
Hong Hee Lee*, Phan Quoc Dzung**, Le Dinh Khoa**, Le Minh Phuong**, Huynh Tan Thanh** *School of ... more Hong Hee Lee*, Phan Quoc Dzung**, Le Dinh Khoa**, Le Minh Phuong**, Huynh Tan Thanh** *School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan, Korea **Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, HCMC University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam hhlee ...
The design technique of using gray code addressing to reduce power dissipation in CPU of pacemake... more The design technique of using gray code addressing to reduce power dissipation in CPU of pacemaker is presented in this paper. The experimental results of reducing power up to 20% would be a promising result. This work is implemented by using Altera Quartus II 9.0, the device Cylone II EP2C20F484C7 is used.
The 2012 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, 2012
This study presents power gating techniques to reduce the power consumption in pacemaker device. ... more This study presents power gating techniques to reduce the power consumption in pacemaker device. A novel structure based on power technique in pacemaker device is presented. Experimental results in power reduction and cost overhead by using proposed structure are given. The result in saving power consumption-up to 25%- would be promising because the structure could last usage time of pacemaker device longer than normal structure. However, the cost overhead appears but is smaller than 0.65% in indicators of logic element, combinational function, and logic register.
2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2010
With the large amount of information (large number of daily load curves) for one consumer or one ... more With the large amount of information (large number of daily load curves) for one consumer or one group of consumers, the classification and building the representative load curve (RLC) are necessary. The RLC can be built in the set of similar load curves by clustering analysis. This paper presents a Fuzzy clustering technique to determine RLC on the basis of
TENCON 2009 - 2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2009
This paper presents a realization of the space-vector pulse-width modulation (SVPWM) strategy for... more This paper presents a realization of the space-vector pulse-width modulation (SVPWM) strategy for control system induction motor (IM). In this paper is presented a space vector PWM algorithm for four switch three phase inverters (B4, FSTPI) based on the one for six switch three phase inverters (B6, SSTPI) (principle of similarity) where the ¿�? plan is divided into 6 sectors
TENCON 2009 - 2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2009
This paper proposes a new space vector PWM technique for four-switch three-phase inverters (FSTPI... more This paper proposes a new space vector PWM technique for four-switch three-phase inverters (FSTPI) under DC-link voltage ripple condition with the optimization of the amplitude of first harmonic output voltage. The proposed algorithm is based on the establishment of quasi-space-vectors with their maximum length and modulation technique, which is simulated the technique for six-switch three-phase inverters. This approach has a
International Forum on Strategic Technology 2010, 2010
... NEW FUZZY LOGIC ApPROACH CONTROL Since the PI controller is tuned for a specific linearized m... more ... NEW FUZZY LOGIC ApPROACH CONTROL Since the PI controller is tuned for a specific linearized model about a nominal frequency, it may provide insufficient damping for any different operating point caused by disturbances and parameter uncertainties ... 9] M. Hogdahl, and JG ...
2009 International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), 2009
This paper is concerned on FPGA design for control implementations of four switch three phase inv... more This paper is concerned on FPGA design for control implementations of four switch three phase inverters (B4, FSTPI). This paper is to present a space vector PWM algorithm for four switch three phase inverters (B4, FSTPI) based on the one for six switch three phase inverters (B6, SSTPI) (principle of similarity) where the ¿�? plan is divided into 6 sectors
Papers by Le Anh Khoa (FPL HCM)