Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengukur persepsi Tenaga Kependidikan tentang Kebijakan Merdeka Bela... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengukur persepsi Tenaga Kependidikan tentang Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka di Universitas Flores. Survei dilakukan terhadap 118 Tenaga Kependidikan, menggunakan instrumen pada aplikasi SPADA Dikti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya 13% Tenaga Kependidikan Universitas Flores mengetahui kebijakan MBKM secara keseluruhan dan mengetahui kebijakan MBKM melalui media masa sebesar 21%. Pemahaman Implementasi tentang MBKM masih rendah yaitu 18%, bersedia ikut berpartisipasi secara penuh 24% dan 29% merasa puas dan ingin lebih jauh berpartisipasi. Hasil survei menujukkan bahwa MBKM akan meningkatkan soff skill dan hard skill mahasiswa dengan sangat baik sebesar 13% dan peningkatan dengan sangat baik bagi dosen sebesar 47%. Hasil survei menunjukkan 52% Tenaga Kependidkan mengetahui adanya pedoman MBKM di level Universitas dan menyatakan manfaat implementasi MBKM dalam pemenuhan CPL sebesar 63%. Perbandingan signifikan peningkatan kualitas lulusa...
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah kesiapan dosen sebagai pendamping kegiatan MBKM sangat diper... more Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah kesiapan dosen sebagai pendamping kegiatan MBKM sangat diperlukan guna menghasilkan output yang sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat dan dunia usaha. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui persepsi dosen Universitas Flores tentang MBKM. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey. Responden adalh para dosen yang berjumlah 184 orang. Data dikumpulkan melalui pengisian kuesioner pada link yang dibagikan. Data yang dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Dosen memperoleh informasi MBKM dari berbagai sumber sehingga memiliki pengetahuan tentang MBKM. Pengetahuan tentang MBKM menjadi tidak utuh karena belum semua dosen terlibat dalam MBKM, baik sebagai pendamping, penyusun dokumen maupun rapat-rapat terkait MBKM di tingkat Program Studi, Fakultas dan Universitas. Sejak adanya MBKM dosen Universitas Flores juga terlibat pada kegiatan seperti KKN Tematik, Magang, Praktek Kerja Nyata, dan Pengabdian Masyara...
The weakening of national economic conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on econo... more The weakening of national economic conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on economic conditions in the regions, including in Ende Regency. Restrictions on community activities have disrupted economic activity in all sectors, including the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector. This can be seen in the reduced trading activity at several market in Ende Regency. This study was conducted to find out how much impact the Covid-19 pandemic had on the economy in Ende Regency. The results showed that (1) the economic condition in Ende Regency prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic was sufficiently demonstrated by the low GRDP value of Ende Regency; (2) The Direct Cash Assistance (DCA) policy has an economic impact on the community but it is not yet very effective because there are still many people who do not receive DCA funds even though they meet the criteria as prospective DCA recipients; (3) The impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the community is experienced by busin...
Sebagai daerah destinasi utama wisata kelas premium, kota Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat, Nusa Teng... more Sebagai daerah destinasi utama wisata kelas premium, kota Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) terus berbenah. Mulai dari pembangunan infrastruktur yang terus dikebut hingga persoalan manajemen sampah. Fokus utama permasalahan sampah di Labuan Bajo yakni, pantai dan jalan reklamasi. Sampah masih dibuang sembarangan oleh warga dan pelaku usaha yang berdomisili di sekitaran lokasi wisata. Pada penelitian ini, telah dikaji persepsi tentang Dampak Manajemen Sampah Terhadap Keberlanjutan Pariwisata di Labuan Bajo, ditinjau dari aspek ekologi. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara langsung terhadap responden dan pakar yang dipilih, serta hasil pengamatan di lokasi penelitian. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, diskusi, kuisioner, dan survey lapangan. Sedangkan data sekunder dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber meliputi data dari BPS Kabupaten dan Provins...
Sebagai daerah destinasi utama wisata kelas premium, kota Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat, Nusa Teng... more Sebagai daerah destinasi utama wisata kelas premium, kota Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) terus berbenah. Mulai dari pembangunan infrastruktur yang terus dikebut hingga persoalan manajemen sampah. Fokus utama permasalahan sampah di Labuan Bajo yakni, pantai dan jalan reklamasi. Sampah masih dibuang sembarangan oleh warga dan pelaku usaha yang berdomisili di sekitaran lokasi wisata. Pada penelitian ini, telah dikaji persepsi tentang Dampak Manajemen Sampah Terhadap Keberlanjutan Pariwisata di Labuan Bajo, ditinjau dari aspek ekologi. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara langsung terhadap responden dan pakar yang dipilih, serta hasil pengamatan di lokasi penelitian. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, diskusi, kuisioner, dan survey lapangan. Sedangkan data sekunder dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber meliputi data dari BPS Kabupaten dan Provins...
The sector of agriculture experienced significant growth at the national level during 2008. This ... more The sector of agriculture experienced significant growth at the national level during 2008. This lead to the betterment of rural society or urban society. So does the Province of Nusa Tenggara Timur. The development of the sector of agriculture is significant enough but it is not quite optimal. It could be seen from the decreasing capability of absorbing manpower. This is the strong reason why rural areas need developing as agribusiness based-areas because the majority of the people who live in a rural area are a farmer. Knowing the prospect of an area if developed as an agribusiness based-areas needs specific research which can formulate priority of right strategies to develop agribusiness-based rural areas. This research was performed in the sub-district of Kelimutu, the regency of Ende, Province of Nusa Tenggara Timur. The internal factors which constitute the strength and the weakness are the availability of resources and land, farmer group, agricultural extension doer, cooperat...
As one of the leading destinations, Labuan Bajo offers several natural tourist attractions that a... more As one of the leading destinations, Labuan Bajo offers several natural tourist attractions that are no less interesting. However, some destinations do not yet have a tourism ecosystem management that can balance ethics, aesthetics, economy, and locality to create excellence in quality tourist destinations. The University of Flores' research team has conducted a survey of standard facilities or standard criteria in 7 tourist sites in the West Manggarai district. The seven locations include Tado Village, Melo Traditional Village, Padar Island, Komodo Island, Rangko Cave, Batu Cermin Cave, Senanggoang Lake. The survey conducted aims to capture tourist destinations from three aspects, namely product, service, and management. Based on the results of the survey that has been conducted, it can be said that: several standard facilities in 7 tourist destinations have not been met. Suggestions are given to the Regency Government and managers of tourist destinations in West Manggarai Regen...
The existence of MSMEs cannot be doubted because they have proven to be able to survive, especial... more The existence of MSMEs cannot be doubted because they have proven to be able to survive, especially after the economic crisis in 1998. In the Covid 19 Pandemic era like today, MSMEs still play an important role. Many sectors have been affected by the Covid 19 pandemic but MSMEs still show good resilience compared to large-scale economic sectors, one example is MSMEs in Ende Regency. The most dominant businesses in Ende Regency are micro and small businesses, while medium scale businesses also exist, but not too many. Even though people experience limited purchasing power due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the existence of MSMEs in Ende Regency is still taken into account. Efforts to increase the existence and competitiveness of UMKN in Ende Regency were also carried out by the Regional Government and Stakeholders through the empowerment of MSMEs. The concept of empowerment carried out by the Regional Government basically refers to the concept of national empowerment which is carried out ...
The purpose of this research is to analyze the contribution, effectiveness and efficiency of taxe... more The purpose of this research is to analyze the contribution, effectiveness and efficiency of taxes and retribution on PAD. To analize public perceptions and constraints in the system of collecting taxes and retribution in Ende district. To formulate policy strategies in optimizing local tax and retribution revenues in Ende district. This research is a quantitative research and the sampling technique uses purposive sampling. The population used is all DPPKAD apparatus, related agencies, tax and retribution payers in Ende regency. The results showed that the contribution of taxes and retribution is at a moderate level and is quite good. Effectiveness of taxes and retributions are classified as less effective and very effective. Efficiency of taxes and retribution is in an efficient position. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced in the context of local taxes and retribution in Ende regency are the lack of a base for taxes and retribution managed by the regions. Keywords: PAD Optimalization; ...
The objectives of this study were (1) to identify superior horticulture commodities, (2) to calcu... more The objectives of this study were (1) to identify superior horticulture commodities, (2) to calculate the magnitude of multiplier effects of superior horticulture commodities, (3) to determine the status of the sustainability of horticulture agribusiness development and (4) to determine the dominant attributes influencing the sustainability in East Sumba Regency. The analysis methods used in this study were superior commodities analysis, multiplier analysis and Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS). The results showed that (1) the superior horticulture commodities in East Sumba were mango and cucumber, (2) the multiplier effect values for mango and cucumber were 2.10 and 2.01; (3) the multidimension status of superior horticulture agribusiness development in East Sumba was in the less sustainable category with an index value of 49.37 while the status of social and institutional dimensions were in quite sustainable with index value of 50.23 and 50.76, but was less sustainable of the ecolog...
West Sumba is one of the regencies in Sumba island province of East Nusa Tenggara. Horticulture i... more West Sumba is one of the regencies in Sumba island province of East Nusa Tenggara. Horticulture is a popular agricultural product there. The market potential for horticultural commodities in West Sumba is quite large but its production is still low. For this reason, the research was conducted with the aim of (1) knowing the sustainability status of horticultural agribusiness in West Sumba and (2) knowing the dominant attributes affecting the sustainability status of horticultural agribusiness development in the region. This is interesting to be examined since the sustainability is related to the ability of an area to increase production in the agricultural sector including the horticulture sub-sector. This study used the Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) analysis method, which is modification of the Rapid Appraisal of the Status of Farming (RAP-farm) method. MDS analysis results show that (1) West Sumba Regency is in a fairly sustainable status for social and institutional dimensions ...
Tourism is one of the important sectors as a source of regional income. The satisfaction of each ... more Tourism is one of the important sectors as a source of regional income. The satisfaction of each tourist depends on the facilities and services provided. The purpose of this survey is to measure the satisfaction of tourists who come and visit tourist destinations in Labuan Bajo. This survey activity also measures the success of the West Manggarai Regional Government, all stakeholders and the community in maintaining the sustainability of tourism in Labuan Bajo, as well as being able to answer user needs based on user experience. This survey was conducted using the exit survey method, by interviewing as many tourists as possible who had visited Labuan Bajo and were going out through the existing airport in Labuan Bajo. Based on the results of research on the level of visitor satisfaction with services and facilities in several tourist destinations in Labuan Bajo are between 55.28% to 76.45% of tourists satisfied with the existing facilities and services. This research contributes to ...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengukur persepsi Tenaga Kependidikan tentang Kebijakan Merdeka Bela... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengukur persepsi Tenaga Kependidikan tentang Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka di Universitas Flores. Survei dilakukan terhadap 118 Tenaga Kependidikan, menggunakan instrumen pada aplikasi SPADA Dikti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya 13% Tenaga Kependidikan Universitas Flores mengetahui kebijakan MBKM secara keseluruhan dan mengetahui kebijakan MBKM melalui media masa sebesar 21%. Pemahaman Implementasi tentang MBKM masih rendah yaitu 18%, bersedia ikut berpartisipasi secara penuh 24% dan 29% merasa puas dan ingin lebih jauh berpartisipasi. Hasil survei menujukkan bahwa MBKM akan meningkatkan soff skill dan hard skill mahasiswa dengan sangat baik sebesar 13% dan peningkatan dengan sangat baik bagi dosen sebesar 47%. Hasil survei menunjukkan 52% Tenaga Kependidkan mengetahui adanya pedoman MBKM di level Universitas dan menyatakan manfaat implementasi MBKM dalam pemenuhan CPL sebesar 63%. Perbandingan signifikan peningkatan kualitas lulusa...
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah kesiapan dosen sebagai pendamping kegiatan MBKM sangat diper... more Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah kesiapan dosen sebagai pendamping kegiatan MBKM sangat diperlukan guna menghasilkan output yang sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat dan dunia usaha. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui persepsi dosen Universitas Flores tentang MBKM. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey. Responden adalh para dosen yang berjumlah 184 orang. Data dikumpulkan melalui pengisian kuesioner pada link yang dibagikan. Data yang dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Dosen memperoleh informasi MBKM dari berbagai sumber sehingga memiliki pengetahuan tentang MBKM. Pengetahuan tentang MBKM menjadi tidak utuh karena belum semua dosen terlibat dalam MBKM, baik sebagai pendamping, penyusun dokumen maupun rapat-rapat terkait MBKM di tingkat Program Studi, Fakultas dan Universitas. Sejak adanya MBKM dosen Universitas Flores juga terlibat pada kegiatan seperti KKN Tematik, Magang, Praktek Kerja Nyata, dan Pengabdian Masyara...
The weakening of national economic conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on econo... more The weakening of national economic conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on economic conditions in the regions, including in Ende Regency. Restrictions on community activities have disrupted economic activity in all sectors, including the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector. This can be seen in the reduced trading activity at several market in Ende Regency. This study was conducted to find out how much impact the Covid-19 pandemic had on the economy in Ende Regency. The results showed that (1) the economic condition in Ende Regency prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic was sufficiently demonstrated by the low GRDP value of Ende Regency; (2) The Direct Cash Assistance (DCA) policy has an economic impact on the community but it is not yet very effective because there are still many people who do not receive DCA funds even though they meet the criteria as prospective DCA recipients; (3) The impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the community is experienced by busin...
Sebagai daerah destinasi utama wisata kelas premium, kota Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat, Nusa Teng... more Sebagai daerah destinasi utama wisata kelas premium, kota Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) terus berbenah. Mulai dari pembangunan infrastruktur yang terus dikebut hingga persoalan manajemen sampah. Fokus utama permasalahan sampah di Labuan Bajo yakni, pantai dan jalan reklamasi. Sampah masih dibuang sembarangan oleh warga dan pelaku usaha yang berdomisili di sekitaran lokasi wisata. Pada penelitian ini, telah dikaji persepsi tentang Dampak Manajemen Sampah Terhadap Keberlanjutan Pariwisata di Labuan Bajo, ditinjau dari aspek ekologi. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara langsung terhadap responden dan pakar yang dipilih, serta hasil pengamatan di lokasi penelitian. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, diskusi, kuisioner, dan survey lapangan. Sedangkan data sekunder dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber meliputi data dari BPS Kabupaten dan Provins...
Sebagai daerah destinasi utama wisata kelas premium, kota Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat, Nusa Teng... more Sebagai daerah destinasi utama wisata kelas premium, kota Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) terus berbenah. Mulai dari pembangunan infrastruktur yang terus dikebut hingga persoalan manajemen sampah. Fokus utama permasalahan sampah di Labuan Bajo yakni, pantai dan jalan reklamasi. Sampah masih dibuang sembarangan oleh warga dan pelaku usaha yang berdomisili di sekitaran lokasi wisata. Pada penelitian ini, telah dikaji persepsi tentang Dampak Manajemen Sampah Terhadap Keberlanjutan Pariwisata di Labuan Bajo, ditinjau dari aspek ekologi. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara langsung terhadap responden dan pakar yang dipilih, serta hasil pengamatan di lokasi penelitian. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, diskusi, kuisioner, dan survey lapangan. Sedangkan data sekunder dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber meliputi data dari BPS Kabupaten dan Provins...
The sector of agriculture experienced significant growth at the national level during 2008. This ... more The sector of agriculture experienced significant growth at the national level during 2008. This lead to the betterment of rural society or urban society. So does the Province of Nusa Tenggara Timur. The development of the sector of agriculture is significant enough but it is not quite optimal. It could be seen from the decreasing capability of absorbing manpower. This is the strong reason why rural areas need developing as agribusiness based-areas because the majority of the people who live in a rural area are a farmer. Knowing the prospect of an area if developed as an agribusiness based-areas needs specific research which can formulate priority of right strategies to develop agribusiness-based rural areas. This research was performed in the sub-district of Kelimutu, the regency of Ende, Province of Nusa Tenggara Timur. The internal factors which constitute the strength and the weakness are the availability of resources and land, farmer group, agricultural extension doer, cooperat...
As one of the leading destinations, Labuan Bajo offers several natural tourist attractions that a... more As one of the leading destinations, Labuan Bajo offers several natural tourist attractions that are no less interesting. However, some destinations do not yet have a tourism ecosystem management that can balance ethics, aesthetics, economy, and locality to create excellence in quality tourist destinations. The University of Flores' research team has conducted a survey of standard facilities or standard criteria in 7 tourist sites in the West Manggarai district. The seven locations include Tado Village, Melo Traditional Village, Padar Island, Komodo Island, Rangko Cave, Batu Cermin Cave, Senanggoang Lake. The survey conducted aims to capture tourist destinations from three aspects, namely product, service, and management. Based on the results of the survey that has been conducted, it can be said that: several standard facilities in 7 tourist destinations have not been met. Suggestions are given to the Regency Government and managers of tourist destinations in West Manggarai Regen...
The existence of MSMEs cannot be doubted because they have proven to be able to survive, especial... more The existence of MSMEs cannot be doubted because they have proven to be able to survive, especially after the economic crisis in 1998. In the Covid 19 Pandemic era like today, MSMEs still play an important role. Many sectors have been affected by the Covid 19 pandemic but MSMEs still show good resilience compared to large-scale economic sectors, one example is MSMEs in Ende Regency. The most dominant businesses in Ende Regency are micro and small businesses, while medium scale businesses also exist, but not too many. Even though people experience limited purchasing power due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the existence of MSMEs in Ende Regency is still taken into account. Efforts to increase the existence and competitiveness of UMKN in Ende Regency were also carried out by the Regional Government and Stakeholders through the empowerment of MSMEs. The concept of empowerment carried out by the Regional Government basically refers to the concept of national empowerment which is carried out ...
The purpose of this research is to analyze the contribution, effectiveness and efficiency of taxe... more The purpose of this research is to analyze the contribution, effectiveness and efficiency of taxes and retribution on PAD. To analize public perceptions and constraints in the system of collecting taxes and retribution in Ende district. To formulate policy strategies in optimizing local tax and retribution revenues in Ende district. This research is a quantitative research and the sampling technique uses purposive sampling. The population used is all DPPKAD apparatus, related agencies, tax and retribution payers in Ende regency. The results showed that the contribution of taxes and retribution is at a moderate level and is quite good. Effectiveness of taxes and retributions are classified as less effective and very effective. Efficiency of taxes and retribution is in an efficient position. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced in the context of local taxes and retribution in Ende regency are the lack of a base for taxes and retribution managed by the regions. Keywords: PAD Optimalization; ...
The objectives of this study were (1) to identify superior horticulture commodities, (2) to calcu... more The objectives of this study were (1) to identify superior horticulture commodities, (2) to calculate the magnitude of multiplier effects of superior horticulture commodities, (3) to determine the status of the sustainability of horticulture agribusiness development and (4) to determine the dominant attributes influencing the sustainability in East Sumba Regency. The analysis methods used in this study were superior commodities analysis, multiplier analysis and Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS). The results showed that (1) the superior horticulture commodities in East Sumba were mango and cucumber, (2) the multiplier effect values for mango and cucumber were 2.10 and 2.01; (3) the multidimension status of superior horticulture agribusiness development in East Sumba was in the less sustainable category with an index value of 49.37 while the status of social and institutional dimensions were in quite sustainable with index value of 50.23 and 50.76, but was less sustainable of the ecolog...
West Sumba is one of the regencies in Sumba island province of East Nusa Tenggara. Horticulture i... more West Sumba is one of the regencies in Sumba island province of East Nusa Tenggara. Horticulture is a popular agricultural product there. The market potential for horticultural commodities in West Sumba is quite large but its production is still low. For this reason, the research was conducted with the aim of (1) knowing the sustainability status of horticultural agribusiness in West Sumba and (2) knowing the dominant attributes affecting the sustainability status of horticultural agribusiness development in the region. This is interesting to be examined since the sustainability is related to the ability of an area to increase production in the agricultural sector including the horticulture sub-sector. This study used the Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) analysis method, which is modification of the Rapid Appraisal of the Status of Farming (RAP-farm) method. MDS analysis results show that (1) West Sumba Regency is in a fairly sustainable status for social and institutional dimensions ...
Tourism is one of the important sectors as a source of regional income. The satisfaction of each ... more Tourism is one of the important sectors as a source of regional income. The satisfaction of each tourist depends on the facilities and services provided. The purpose of this survey is to measure the satisfaction of tourists who come and visit tourist destinations in Labuan Bajo. This survey activity also measures the success of the West Manggarai Regional Government, all stakeholders and the community in maintaining the sustainability of tourism in Labuan Bajo, as well as being able to answer user needs based on user experience. This survey was conducted using the exit survey method, by interviewing as many tourists as possible who had visited Labuan Bajo and were going out through the existing airport in Labuan Bajo. Based on the results of research on the level of visitor satisfaction with services and facilities in several tourist destinations in Labuan Bajo are between 55.28% to 76.45% of tourists satisfied with the existing facilities and services. This research contributes to ...
Papers by Ernesta Leha