This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Genome-wide association studies have greatly increased the number of T2DM associated risk variant... more Genome-wide association studies have greatly increased the number of T2DM associated risk variants but most of them have focused on populations of European origin. There is scarcity of such studies in developing countries including Pakistan. High prevalence of T2DM in Pakistani population prompted us to design this study. We have devised a two stage (the discovery stage and validation stage) case-control study in Pashtun ethnic population in which 500 T2DM cases and controls each have been recruited to investigate T2DM genetic risk variants. In discovery stage Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) was used to identify and suggest T2DM pathogenic SNPs, based on SIFT and Polyphen scores; whereas in validation stage the selected variants were confirmed for T2DM association using MassAR-RAY genotyping and appropriate statistical tests. Results of the study showed the target positive association of rs1801282/PPARG (OR = 1.24, 95%Cl = 1.20-1.46, P = 0.010), rs745975/HNF4A (OR = 1.30, 95%Cl = 1.06-1.38, P = 0.004), rs806052/GLIS3 (OR = 1.32, 95%Cl = 1.07-1.66, P = 0.016), rs8192552/MTNR1B (OR = 1.53, 95%Cl = 0.56-1.95, P = 0.012) and rs1805097/IRS-2 (OR = 1.27, 95%Cl = 1.36-1.92, P = 0.045), with T2DM; whereas rs6415788/GLIS3, rs61788900/NOTCH2, rs61788901/NOTCH2 and rs11810554/ NOTCH2 (P>0.05) showed no significant association. Identification of genetic risk factors/ variants can be used in defining high risk subjects assessment, and disease prevention.
Background: Genetic studies play a significant role in understanding the underlying risk factors ... more Background: Genetic studies play a significant role in understanding the underlying risk factors of breast cancer. Polymorphism in the tumor suppressor gene TP 53, CDH1 and ATM genes are found to increase susceptibility for breast cancer globally. Objective: This study aimed to identify/analyze the contribution of genetic polymorphisms in the breast cancer candidate genes ATM, TP53 and CDH1 that may be associated with familial breast cancer risk in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa population. Subjects and Methods: In the present case-control study, Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) of the 100 breast cancer patients and 100 ethnic controls were performed for the selected genes in the target population. Results: Of the studied variants rs3743674 of the CDH1 gene (crude P=0.014 and adjusted p=0.000) evident significant association with breast cancer in Pakistani Pashtun population. Whereas TP53rs1042522 (crude P=0.251 and adjusted P=0.851) and ATM rs659243 (crude p=0.256 and adjusted p=0.975) showed no or negative association with breast cancer in study population. Conclusion: The present study demonstrates that CDH1rs3743674 polymorphism is associated with elevated breast cancer risk in the Pashtun ethic population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
In this research work, we construct an epidemic model to understand COVID-19 transmission vaccina... more In this research work, we construct an epidemic model to understand COVID-19 transmission vaccination and therapy considerations. The model's equilibria were examined, and the reproduction parameter was calculated via a next-generation matrix method, symbolized by $ \mathcal{R}_0 $. We have shown that the infection-free steady state of our system is locally asymptotically stable for $ \mathcal{R}_0 < 1 $. Also, the local asymptotic stability of the endemic steady state has been established for $ \mathcal{R}_0 > 1 $. We have used a partial rank correlation coefficient method for sensitivity analysis of the threshold parameter $ \mathcal{R}_0 $. The contribution of vaccination to the threshold parameter is explored through graphical results. In addition to this, the uniqueness and existence of the solution to the postulated model of COVID-19 infection is shown. We ran various simulations of the proposed COVID-19 dynamics with varied input parameters to scrutinize the complex dynamics of COVID-19 infection. We illustrated the variation in the dynamical behavior of the system with different values of the input parameters. The key factors of the system are visualized for the public health officials for the control of the infection.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Background Any inherited or acquired condition that increases the risk of developing deep venous ... more Background Any inherited or acquired condition that increases the risk of developing deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism is considered a thrombophilic disorder. Some examples of inherited causes of thromboembolic disorders are Factor V Leiden mutation (FVL), Prothrombin gene mutation, Protein C deficiency (low or dysfunctional), Protein S deficiency (low or dysfunctional), Anti-thrombin (AT) deficiency (low or dysfunctional). Use of these studies in clinical practice has been questioned. We attempted to identify if there are populations of patients that undergo more inpatient screening for inherited causes of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Methods Retrospective chart review of patients admitted with PE or DVT in a community teaching hospital between May 2012 and December 2014. Only patients who had DVT confirmed with ultrasound or PE confirmed with CT angiogram or had high probability of PE on V/Q scan were included in the study. Individual charts were reviewed to see if thrombophilia workup was ordered. Results A total of 704 patients with acute venous thromboembolism were identified who met our inclusion criteria for the study. Of this 111 patients (15.76%) had one or more thrombophilia screening studies ordered. Risk factors related to venous thromboembolism were evaluated for all of the 704 patients. In our patient population, patients who were smokers (31% vs 20%), had history of sleep apnea (9% vs 3%), a past medical history (PMH) of VTE (37% vs 25%) or who had a family history (FH) of VTE (11% vs 4%) were more likely to have a thrombophilia workup ordered. Table 2 shows the frequency of individual thrombophilia studies ordered among the 111 patients who had testing performed and table 3 shows distribution of positive results. Table. Test Result Abnormal Test Results ANA 1 Decreased AT III 10 Decreased Protein C 10 Decreased Protein S 7 Increased Homocysteine 6 Factor V Leiden 4 PT Gene Mutation 1 APLA 1 Conclusion The largest numbers of positive test results were noted for Protein C, Protein S and Antithrombin III and these are known to be affected by acute thrombosis and therefore could be false positives. Our study shows that those patients with PMH or FH of VTE were more likely to have thrombophilia studies. There is no consensus opinion as to whether to perform thrombophilia screenings in acute care settings. Given this and the fact that personal or family history of VTE do not usually modify future treatment decisions and that there may be significant number of false positives we do not recommend routine screening in these patient populations. Figure 1. Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 2. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies, May 10, 2023
Objective. Recent GWAS largely conducted in European populations have successfully identified mul... more Objective. Recent GWAS largely conducted in European populations have successfully identified multiple genetic risk variants associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). However, the effects conferred by these variants in the Pakistani population have not yet been fully elucidated. The objective of this study was to examine European GWASidentified T2DM risk variants in the Pakistani Pashtun population to better understand the shared genetic basis of T2DM in the European and Pakistani cohorts. Methodology. A total of 100 T2DM patients and 100 healthy volunteers of Pashtun ethnicity were enrolled in this study. Both groups were genotyped for 8 selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using the Sequenom MassARRAY ® platform. The association between selected SNPs and T2DM was determined by using appropriate statistical tests. Results. Of the 8 studied SNPs, 5 SNPs, SLC30A8/ rs13266634 (p=0.031, OR=2.13), IGF2BP2/ rs4402960 (p=0.001, OR=3.01), KCNJ11/ rs5219 (p=0.042, OR=1.78), PPARG/ rs1801282 (p=0.042, OR=2.81) and TCF7L2/ rs7903146 (p=0.00006, 3.41) had a significant association with T2DM. SNP GLIS3/ rs7041847 (p=0.051, OR=2.01) showed no sufficient evidence of association. SNPs KCNQ1/ rs2237892 (p=0.140, OR=1.61) and HHEX/IDE/ s1111875 (p=0.112, OR=1.31) showed opposite allelic effects and were not validated for T2DM risk in the study population. Among the studied SNPs, TCF7L2/ rs7903146 showed the most significant association. Conclusion. Our study finding indicates that selected genome-wide significant T2DM risk variants previously identified in European descent also increase the risk of developing T2DM in the Pakistani Pashtun population.
Polymorphism in cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C9 enzyme is known to cause significant inter-individual d... more Polymorphism in cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C9 enzyme is known to cause significant inter-individual differences in drug response and occurrence of adverse drug reactions. Different alleles of the CYP2C9 gene have been identified but the notable alleles responsible for reduced enzyme activity are CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3. No pharmacogenetic data is available on CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3 alleles in Pakistani population. In Pakistan pharmacogenetics which examines the relationship between genetic factors and drug response, are in the early stages of development. We for the first time investigated the association between the CYP2C9 variant alleles CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3 and the incidence of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients who were receiving the sulfonylurea medications. A total of n=400 individuals of Pashtun ethnicity were recruited from ten different districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan to participate in the study. The study participants were divided into two distinct groups: the case grou...
Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) remains the top among Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs). Variations... more Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) remains the top among Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs). Variations in Apolipoprotein E (APOE) and Paroxonase 1 (PON1) have been associated with Myocardial Infarction (MI) in several populations. However, despite the high prevalence of CAD, no such study has been reported in the Pashtun ethnic population of Pakistan. We have conducted a two-stage (i.e., screening and validation) case-control study in which 200 cases and 100 control subjects have been recruited. In the first stage, Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) was used to screen for pathogenic variants of Myocardial Infarction (MI). In the second stage, selected variants of both APOE and PON1 genes (rs7412, rs429358, rs854560, and rs662) were analyzed through MassARRAY genotyping. Risk Allele Frequencies (RAFs) distribution and association of the selected SNPs with MI were determined using the Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis. WES identified a total of 12 sequence variants in APOE and 16 ...
Green ammonia is an efficient, carbon‐free energy carrier and storage medium. The ammonia synthes... more Green ammonia is an efficient, carbon‐free energy carrier and storage medium. The ammonia synthesis using green hydrogen requires an active catalyst that operates under mild conditions. The catalytic activity can be promoted by controlling the geometry and electronic structure of the active species. An exsolution process is implemented to improve catalytic activity by modulating the geometry and electronic structure of Ru. Ru nanoparticles exsolved on a BaCe0.9Y0.1O3‐δ support exhibit uniform size distribution, 5.03 ± 0.91 nm, and exhibited one of the highest activities, 387.31 mmolNH3 gRu−1 h−1 (0.1 MPa and 450 °C). The role of the exsolution and BaCe0.9Y0.1O3‐δ support is studied by comparing the catalyst with control samples and in‐depth characterizations. The optimal nanoparticle size is maintained during the reaction, as the Ru nanoparticles prepared by exsolution are well‐anchored to the support with in‐plane epitaxy. The electronic structure of Ru is modified by unexpected in...
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system is the most polymorphic and gene dense region of human DNA t... more Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system is the most polymorphic and gene dense region of human DNA that has shown many disease associations. It has been further divided into HLA classes I, II, and III. Polymorphism in HLA class II genes has been reported to play an important role in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes (T1D). It also showed association with T2D in different ethnic populations. However, a little is known about the relationship of HLA class I gene polymorphism and T2D. This study has evaluated the association of HLA-B (class I gene) variants with T2D in Pashtun ethnic population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In the first phase of the study, whole exome sequencing (WES) of 2 pooled DNA samples was carried out, and DNA pools used were constructed from 100 diabetic cases and 100 control subjects. WES results identified a total of n = 17 SNPs in HLA-B gene. In the next phase, first 5 out of n = 17 reported SNPs were genotyped using MassARRAY® system in order to validate WES results ...
Objective The FlywheelMS study will explore the use of a real-world health record data set genera... more Objective The FlywheelMS study will explore the use of a real-world health record data set generated by PicnicHealth, a patient-centric health records platform, to improve understanding of disease course and patterns of care for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Materials and Methods The FlywheelMS study aims to enroll 5000 adults with MS in the United States to create a large, deidentified, longitudinal data set for clinical research. PicnicHealth obtains health records, including paper charts, electronic health records, and radiology imaging files from any healthcare site. Using a large-scale health record processing pipeline, PicnicHealth abstracts standard and condition-specific data elements from structured (eg, laboratory test results) and unstructured (eg, narrative) text and maps these to standardized medical vocabularies. Researchers can use the resulting data set to answer empirical questions and study participants can access and share their harmonized health records ...
Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies
Objective. To evaluate the Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) risk variants in the Pashtun ethnic population o... more Objective. To evaluate the Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) risk variants in the Pashtun ethnic population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa using nascent whole-exome sequencing (WES) to better understand the pathogenesis of this complex polygenic disorder. Methodology. A total of 100 confirmed patients with T2D of Pashtun ethnicity were included in the study, DNA was extracted from whole blood samples, and paired-end libraries were prepared using the Illumina Nextera XT DNA library kit carefully following the manufacturer's instructions. Illumina HiSeq 2000 was used to obtain sequences of the prepared libraries followed by bioinformatics data analysis. Results. A total of n=11 pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants were reported in the CAP10, PAX4, IRS-2, NEUROD1, CDKL1 and WFS1. Among the reported variants CAP10/rs55878652 (c.1990-7T>C; p.Leu446Pro) and CAP10/rs2975766 (c.1996A>G; p.Ile666Val) identified were novel, and have not yet been reported for any disease in the database.
Communications in Mathematical Biology and Neuroscience
Rift Valley fever is the most terrifying animal disease around the globe, which transfers through... more Rift Valley fever is the most terrifying animal disease around the globe, which transfers through mosquitoes and caused by a virus. This infection is life-threatening and heavily affects the economic sectors. Therefore, it is valuable to conceptualize the dynamics of Rift Valley fever to understand its transmission pathway to provide better control policies. Here, we construct an epidemic model for Rift Valley fever with vaccination through fractional derivatives. Firstly, we present the proposed Rift Valley fever dynamics in the Caputo framework. The basic knowledge of fractional calculus is used to determine the rudimentary properties of the proposed fractional model, which include positivity, uniqueness, and boundedness of the solutions. We investigate our constructed model of Rift Valley fever for equilibria and determined the basic reproduction number of the system through next-generation technique, indicated by R 0. The stability results are established for the infection-fee steady-state of the system. Numerical simulations are conducted and sensitivity analysis of R 0 through partial rank correlation coefficient (PRCC) method is carried out to show the importance of different parameters in R 0. Then the Rift Valley fever model is analyzed in the Atangana-Baleanu framework, furthermore, we present a numerical scheme for the proposed fractional model to illustrate the solution pathway of the model.
V Readings in memory of V.T. Lisovsky: Materials of Readings (Moscow, December 17, 2021), 2021
Сборник материалов V Чтений памяти В.Т. Лисовского включает доклады и статьи ведущих и молодых уч... more Сборник материалов V Чтений памяти В.Т. Лисовского включает доклады и статьи ведущих и молодых ученых, аспирантов по исследованиям социальных проблем молодежи в условиях пандемии, поиску современных подходов к выработке молодежной политики на федеральном и региональном уровнях. Сборник представляет интерес для специалистов в сфере молодежной, семейнодемографической политики, научно-образовательного сообщества, исследователей в области социальных наук.
Multi-step generalized differential transform method (MSGDTM) is one of the most proficient and e... more Multi-step generalized differential transform method (MSGDTM) is one of the most proficient and effective method, which provides better and improved approximate solution for a system than other numerical and analytic methods for frictional derivatives and it’s performance and reliability is superior than other methods. In this research paper we will employ Multi-Step Generalized Differential Transform Method (MSGDTM) to find the approximate solution of the frictional order Host-Vector Dengue disease model and the non-negativity of the solutions of frictional order Host-Vector model will be presented.
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2021
In this research paper, a novel approach in dengue modeling with the asymptomatic carrier and rei... more In this research paper, a novel approach in dengue modeling with the asymptomatic carrier and reinfection via the fractional derivative is suggested to deeply interrogate the comprehensive transmission phenomena of dengue infection. The proposed system of dengue infection is represented in the Liouville–Caputo fractional framework and investigated for basic properties, that is, uniqueness, positivity, and boundedness of the solution. We used the next-generation technique in order to determine the basic reproduction number R0 for the suggested model of dengue infection; moreover, we conduct a sensitivity test of R0 through a partial rank correlation coefficient technique to know the contribution of input factors on the output of R0. We have shown that the infection-free equilibrium of dengue dynamics is globally asymptomatically stable for R0<1 and unstable in other circumstances. The system of dengue infection is then structured in the Atangana–Baleanu framework to represent the ...
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Genome-wide association studies have greatly increased the number of T2DM associated risk variant... more Genome-wide association studies have greatly increased the number of T2DM associated risk variants but most of them have focused on populations of European origin. There is scarcity of such studies in developing countries including Pakistan. High prevalence of T2DM in Pakistani population prompted us to design this study. We have devised a two stage (the discovery stage and validation stage) case-control study in Pashtun ethnic population in which 500 T2DM cases and controls each have been recruited to investigate T2DM genetic risk variants. In discovery stage Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) was used to identify and suggest T2DM pathogenic SNPs, based on SIFT and Polyphen scores; whereas in validation stage the selected variants were confirmed for T2DM association using MassAR-RAY genotyping and appropriate statistical tests. Results of the study showed the target positive association of rs1801282/PPARG (OR = 1.24, 95%Cl = 1.20-1.46, P = 0.010), rs745975/HNF4A (OR = 1.30, 95%Cl = 1.06-1.38, P = 0.004), rs806052/GLIS3 (OR = 1.32, 95%Cl = 1.07-1.66, P = 0.016), rs8192552/MTNR1B (OR = 1.53, 95%Cl = 0.56-1.95, P = 0.012) and rs1805097/IRS-2 (OR = 1.27, 95%Cl = 1.36-1.92, P = 0.045), with T2DM; whereas rs6415788/GLIS3, rs61788900/NOTCH2, rs61788901/NOTCH2 and rs11810554/ NOTCH2 (P>0.05) showed no significant association. Identification of genetic risk factors/ variants can be used in defining high risk subjects assessment, and disease prevention.
Background: Genetic studies play a significant role in understanding the underlying risk factors ... more Background: Genetic studies play a significant role in understanding the underlying risk factors of breast cancer. Polymorphism in the tumor suppressor gene TP 53, CDH1 and ATM genes are found to increase susceptibility for breast cancer globally. Objective: This study aimed to identify/analyze the contribution of genetic polymorphisms in the breast cancer candidate genes ATM, TP53 and CDH1 that may be associated with familial breast cancer risk in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa population. Subjects and Methods: In the present case-control study, Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) of the 100 breast cancer patients and 100 ethnic controls were performed for the selected genes in the target population. Results: Of the studied variants rs3743674 of the CDH1 gene (crude P=0.014 and adjusted p=0.000) evident significant association with breast cancer in Pakistani Pashtun population. Whereas TP53rs1042522 (crude P=0.251 and adjusted P=0.851) and ATM rs659243 (crude p=0.256 and adjusted p=0.975) showed no or negative association with breast cancer in study population. Conclusion: The present study demonstrates that CDH1rs3743674 polymorphism is associated with elevated breast cancer risk in the Pashtun ethic population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
In this research work, we construct an epidemic model to understand COVID-19 transmission vaccina... more In this research work, we construct an epidemic model to understand COVID-19 transmission vaccination and therapy considerations. The model's equilibria were examined, and the reproduction parameter was calculated via a next-generation matrix method, symbolized by $ \mathcal{R}_0 $. We have shown that the infection-free steady state of our system is locally asymptotically stable for $ \mathcal{R}_0 &lt; 1 $. Also, the local asymptotic stability of the endemic steady state has been established for $ \mathcal{R}_0 &gt; 1 $. We have used a partial rank correlation coefficient method for sensitivity analysis of the threshold parameter $ \mathcal{R}_0 $. The contribution of vaccination to the threshold parameter is explored through graphical results. In addition to this, the uniqueness and existence of the solution to the postulated model of COVID-19 infection is shown. We ran various simulations of the proposed COVID-19 dynamics with varied input parameters to scrutinize the complex dynamics of COVID-19 infection. We illustrated the variation in the dynamical behavior of the system with different values of the input parameters. The key factors of the system are visualized for the public health officials for the control of the infection.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Background Any inherited or acquired condition that increases the risk of developing deep venous ... more Background Any inherited or acquired condition that increases the risk of developing deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism is considered a thrombophilic disorder. Some examples of inherited causes of thromboembolic disorders are Factor V Leiden mutation (FVL), Prothrombin gene mutation, Protein C deficiency (low or dysfunctional), Protein S deficiency (low or dysfunctional), Anti-thrombin (AT) deficiency (low or dysfunctional). Use of these studies in clinical practice has been questioned. We attempted to identify if there are populations of patients that undergo more inpatient screening for inherited causes of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Methods Retrospective chart review of patients admitted with PE or DVT in a community teaching hospital between May 2012 and December 2014. Only patients who had DVT confirmed with ultrasound or PE confirmed with CT angiogram or had high probability of PE on V/Q scan were included in the study. Individual charts were reviewed to see if thrombophilia workup was ordered. Results A total of 704 patients with acute venous thromboembolism were identified who met our inclusion criteria for the study. Of this 111 patients (15.76%) had one or more thrombophilia screening studies ordered. Risk factors related to venous thromboembolism were evaluated for all of the 704 patients. In our patient population, patients who were smokers (31% vs 20%), had history of sleep apnea (9% vs 3%), a past medical history (PMH) of VTE (37% vs 25%) or who had a family history (FH) of VTE (11% vs 4%) were more likely to have a thrombophilia workup ordered. Table 2 shows the frequency of individual thrombophilia studies ordered among the 111 patients who had testing performed and table 3 shows distribution of positive results. Table. Test Result Abnormal Test Results ANA 1 Decreased AT III 10 Decreased Protein C 10 Decreased Protein S 7 Increased Homocysteine 6 Factor V Leiden 4 PT Gene Mutation 1 APLA 1 Conclusion The largest numbers of positive test results were noted for Protein C, Protein S and Antithrombin III and these are known to be affected by acute thrombosis and therefore could be false positives. Our study shows that those patients with PMH or FH of VTE were more likely to have thrombophilia studies. There is no consensus opinion as to whether to perform thrombophilia screenings in acute care settings. Given this and the fact that personal or family history of VTE do not usually modify future treatment decisions and that there may be significant number of false positives we do not recommend routine screening in these patient populations. Figure 1. Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 2. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies, May 10, 2023
Objective. Recent GWAS largely conducted in European populations have successfully identified mul... more Objective. Recent GWAS largely conducted in European populations have successfully identified multiple genetic risk variants associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). However, the effects conferred by these variants in the Pakistani population have not yet been fully elucidated. The objective of this study was to examine European GWASidentified T2DM risk variants in the Pakistani Pashtun population to better understand the shared genetic basis of T2DM in the European and Pakistani cohorts. Methodology. A total of 100 T2DM patients and 100 healthy volunteers of Pashtun ethnicity were enrolled in this study. Both groups were genotyped for 8 selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using the Sequenom MassARRAY ® platform. The association between selected SNPs and T2DM was determined by using appropriate statistical tests. Results. Of the 8 studied SNPs, 5 SNPs, SLC30A8/ rs13266634 (p=0.031, OR=2.13), IGF2BP2/ rs4402960 (p=0.001, OR=3.01), KCNJ11/ rs5219 (p=0.042, OR=1.78), PPARG/ rs1801282 (p=0.042, OR=2.81) and TCF7L2/ rs7903146 (p=0.00006, 3.41) had a significant association with T2DM. SNP GLIS3/ rs7041847 (p=0.051, OR=2.01) showed no sufficient evidence of association. SNPs KCNQ1/ rs2237892 (p=0.140, OR=1.61) and HHEX/IDE/ s1111875 (p=0.112, OR=1.31) showed opposite allelic effects and were not validated for T2DM risk in the study population. Among the studied SNPs, TCF7L2/ rs7903146 showed the most significant association. Conclusion. Our study finding indicates that selected genome-wide significant T2DM risk variants previously identified in European descent also increase the risk of developing T2DM in the Pakistani Pashtun population.
Polymorphism in cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C9 enzyme is known to cause significant inter-individual d... more Polymorphism in cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C9 enzyme is known to cause significant inter-individual differences in drug response and occurrence of adverse drug reactions. Different alleles of the CYP2C9 gene have been identified but the notable alleles responsible for reduced enzyme activity are CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3. No pharmacogenetic data is available on CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3 alleles in Pakistani population. In Pakistan pharmacogenetics which examines the relationship between genetic factors and drug response, are in the early stages of development. We for the first time investigated the association between the CYP2C9 variant alleles CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3 and the incidence of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients who were receiving the sulfonylurea medications. A total of n=400 individuals of Pashtun ethnicity were recruited from ten different districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan to participate in the study. The study participants were divided into two distinct groups: the case grou...
Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) remains the top among Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs). Variations... more Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) remains the top among Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs). Variations in Apolipoprotein E (APOE) and Paroxonase 1 (PON1) have been associated with Myocardial Infarction (MI) in several populations. However, despite the high prevalence of CAD, no such study has been reported in the Pashtun ethnic population of Pakistan. We have conducted a two-stage (i.e., screening and validation) case-control study in which 200 cases and 100 control subjects have been recruited. In the first stage, Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) was used to screen for pathogenic variants of Myocardial Infarction (MI). In the second stage, selected variants of both APOE and PON1 genes (rs7412, rs429358, rs854560, and rs662) were analyzed through MassARRAY genotyping. Risk Allele Frequencies (RAFs) distribution and association of the selected SNPs with MI were determined using the Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis. WES identified a total of 12 sequence variants in APOE and 16 ...
Green ammonia is an efficient, carbon‐free energy carrier and storage medium. The ammonia synthes... more Green ammonia is an efficient, carbon‐free energy carrier and storage medium. The ammonia synthesis using green hydrogen requires an active catalyst that operates under mild conditions. The catalytic activity can be promoted by controlling the geometry and electronic structure of the active species. An exsolution process is implemented to improve catalytic activity by modulating the geometry and electronic structure of Ru. Ru nanoparticles exsolved on a BaCe0.9Y0.1O3‐δ support exhibit uniform size distribution, 5.03 ± 0.91 nm, and exhibited one of the highest activities, 387.31 mmolNH3 gRu−1 h−1 (0.1 MPa and 450 °C). The role of the exsolution and BaCe0.9Y0.1O3‐δ support is studied by comparing the catalyst with control samples and in‐depth characterizations. The optimal nanoparticle size is maintained during the reaction, as the Ru nanoparticles prepared by exsolution are well‐anchored to the support with in‐plane epitaxy. The electronic structure of Ru is modified by unexpected in...
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system is the most polymorphic and gene dense region of human DNA t... more Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system is the most polymorphic and gene dense region of human DNA that has shown many disease associations. It has been further divided into HLA classes I, II, and III. Polymorphism in HLA class II genes has been reported to play an important role in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes (T1D). It also showed association with T2D in different ethnic populations. However, a little is known about the relationship of HLA class I gene polymorphism and T2D. This study has evaluated the association of HLA-B (class I gene) variants with T2D in Pashtun ethnic population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In the first phase of the study, whole exome sequencing (WES) of 2 pooled DNA samples was carried out, and DNA pools used were constructed from 100 diabetic cases and 100 control subjects. WES results identified a total of n = 17 SNPs in HLA-B gene. In the next phase, first 5 out of n = 17 reported SNPs were genotyped using MassARRAY® system in order to validate WES results ...
Objective The FlywheelMS study will explore the use of a real-world health record data set genera... more Objective The FlywheelMS study will explore the use of a real-world health record data set generated by PicnicHealth, a patient-centric health records platform, to improve understanding of disease course and patterns of care for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Materials and Methods The FlywheelMS study aims to enroll 5000 adults with MS in the United States to create a large, deidentified, longitudinal data set for clinical research. PicnicHealth obtains health records, including paper charts, electronic health records, and radiology imaging files from any healthcare site. Using a large-scale health record processing pipeline, PicnicHealth abstracts standard and condition-specific data elements from structured (eg, laboratory test results) and unstructured (eg, narrative) text and maps these to standardized medical vocabularies. Researchers can use the resulting data set to answer empirical questions and study participants can access and share their harmonized health records ...
Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies
Objective. To evaluate the Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) risk variants in the Pashtun ethnic population o... more Objective. To evaluate the Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) risk variants in the Pashtun ethnic population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa using nascent whole-exome sequencing (WES) to better understand the pathogenesis of this complex polygenic disorder. Methodology. A total of 100 confirmed patients with T2D of Pashtun ethnicity were included in the study, DNA was extracted from whole blood samples, and paired-end libraries were prepared using the Illumina Nextera XT DNA library kit carefully following the manufacturer's instructions. Illumina HiSeq 2000 was used to obtain sequences of the prepared libraries followed by bioinformatics data analysis. Results. A total of n=11 pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants were reported in the CAP10, PAX4, IRS-2, NEUROD1, CDKL1 and WFS1. Among the reported variants CAP10/rs55878652 (c.1990-7T>C; p.Leu446Pro) and CAP10/rs2975766 (c.1996A>G; p.Ile666Val) identified were novel, and have not yet been reported for any disease in the database.
Communications in Mathematical Biology and Neuroscience
Rift Valley fever is the most terrifying animal disease around the globe, which transfers through... more Rift Valley fever is the most terrifying animal disease around the globe, which transfers through mosquitoes and caused by a virus. This infection is life-threatening and heavily affects the economic sectors. Therefore, it is valuable to conceptualize the dynamics of Rift Valley fever to understand its transmission pathway to provide better control policies. Here, we construct an epidemic model for Rift Valley fever with vaccination through fractional derivatives. Firstly, we present the proposed Rift Valley fever dynamics in the Caputo framework. The basic knowledge of fractional calculus is used to determine the rudimentary properties of the proposed fractional model, which include positivity, uniqueness, and boundedness of the solutions. We investigate our constructed model of Rift Valley fever for equilibria and determined the basic reproduction number of the system through next-generation technique, indicated by R 0. The stability results are established for the infection-fee steady-state of the system. Numerical simulations are conducted and sensitivity analysis of R 0 through partial rank correlation coefficient (PRCC) method is carried out to show the importance of different parameters in R 0. Then the Rift Valley fever model is analyzed in the Atangana-Baleanu framework, furthermore, we present a numerical scheme for the proposed fractional model to illustrate the solution pathway of the model.
V Readings in memory of V.T. Lisovsky: Materials of Readings (Moscow, December 17, 2021), 2021
Сборник материалов V Чтений памяти В.Т. Лисовского включает доклады и статьи ведущих и молодых уч... more Сборник материалов V Чтений памяти В.Т. Лисовского включает доклады и статьи ведущих и молодых ученых, аспирантов по исследованиям социальных проблем молодежи в условиях пандемии, поиску современных подходов к выработке молодежной политики на федеральном и региональном уровнях. Сборник представляет интерес для специалистов в сфере молодежной, семейнодемографической политики, научно-образовательного сообщества, исследователей в области социальных наук.
Multi-step generalized differential transform method (MSGDTM) is one of the most proficient and e... more Multi-step generalized differential transform method (MSGDTM) is one of the most proficient and effective method, which provides better and improved approximate solution for a system than other numerical and analytic methods for frictional derivatives and it’s performance and reliability is superior than other methods. In this research paper we will employ Multi-Step Generalized Differential Transform Method (MSGDTM) to find the approximate solution of the frictional order Host-Vector Dengue disease model and the non-negativity of the solutions of frictional order Host-Vector model will be presented.
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2021
In this research paper, a novel approach in dengue modeling with the asymptomatic carrier and rei... more In this research paper, a novel approach in dengue modeling with the asymptomatic carrier and reinfection via the fractional derivative is suggested to deeply interrogate the comprehensive transmission phenomena of dengue infection. The proposed system of dengue infection is represented in the Liouville–Caputo fractional framework and investigated for basic properties, that is, uniqueness, positivity, and boundedness of the solution. We used the next-generation technique in order to determine the basic reproduction number R0 for the suggested model of dengue infection; moreover, we conduct a sensitivity test of R0 through a partial rank correlation coefficient technique to know the contribution of input factors on the output of R0. We have shown that the infection-free equilibrium of dengue dynamics is globally asymptomatically stable for R0<1 and unstable in other circumstances. The system of dengue infection is then structured in the Atangana–Baleanu framework to represent the ...
Papers by M Asif Jan