L’article descriu en tres parts, de manera critica, el sistema de formacio docent suis. En la pri... more L’article descriu en tres parts, de manera critica, el sistema de formacio docent suis. En la primera part es presenta de forma sintetica la realitat institucional de Suissa en materia de formacio del professorat. Aquesta realitat es el resultat d’una reforma, iniciada en la decada de 1990 i que ha conduit, en la majoria dels cantons, a la creacio de les universitats de formacio del professorat. En la segona part s’argumenta com els problemes a que s’enfronten actualment els sistemes escolars nomes es podran resoldre si la formacio permanent s’inscriu dins una concepcio global que (a) consideri com un objectiu primordial el desenvolupament durador de competencies professionals individuals i col·lectives; (b) es concedeixi a si mateixa els mitjans per identificar, tenir en compte i gestionar els nivells de coneixement i els recursos humans i materials existents, i (c) aconsegueixi comprometre el conjunt dels agents implicats en una investigacio col·lectiva i cooperativa, fonamentada ...
In most school systems, leadership is the responsibility of school administrators (policy makers,... more In most school systems, leadership is the responsibility of school administrators (policy makers, members of general management, heads of schools and directors of teacher training institutions), who are expected to exercise a form of leadership that is determining in the development of these systems. At the same time, the argument concerning their role and function is all too often limited to a few general principles relating to their position within a hierarchical structure and to their activities as prescribed in their job description (when available) rather than involving a detailed analysis of their actual work. From one country to the next – or even from one region to the next in federalist countries – there are differences, depending on the law and political orientations but also on the prevailing professional culture. In fact their roles as leaders will involve very different methods and forms of leadership. They may find themselves in different positions: sometimes as sole d...
L’article descriu en tres parts, de manera critica, el sistema de formacio docent suis. En la pri... more L’article descriu en tres parts, de manera critica, el sistema de formacio docent suis. En la primera part es presenta de forma sintetica la realitat institucional de Suissa en materia de formacio del professorat. Aquesta realitat es el resultat d’una reforma, iniciada en la decada de 1990 i que ha conduit, en la majoria dels cantons, a la creacio de les universitats de formacio del professorat. En la segona part s’argumenta com els problemes a que s’enfronten actualment els sistemes escolars nomes es podran resoldre si la formacio permanent s’inscriu dins una concepcio global que (a) consideri com un objectiu primordial el desenvolupament durador de competencies professionals individuals i col·lectives; (b) es concedeixi a si mateixa els mitjans per identificar, tenir en compte i gestionar els nivells de coneixement i els recursos humans i materials existents, i (c) aconsegueixi comprometre el conjunt dels agents implicats en una investigacio col·lectiva i cooperativa, fonamentada ...
In most school systems, leadership is the responsibility of school administrators (policy makers,... more In most school systems, leadership is the responsibility of school administrators (policy makers, members of general management, heads of schools and directors of teacher training institutions), who are expected to exercise a form of leadership that is determining in the development of these systems. At the same time, the argument concerning their role and function is all too often limited to a few general principles relating to their position within a hierarchical structure and to their activities as prescribed in their job description (when available) rather than involving a detailed analysis of their actual work. From one country to the next – or even from one region to the next in federalist countries – there are differences, depending on the law and political orientations but also on the prevailing professional culture. In fact their roles as leaders will involve very different methods and forms of leadership. They may find themselves in different positions: sometimes as sole d...
Papers by Monica Gather Thurler