Občutek težkega dihanja (dispneja) je pogost simptom v zadnjih dneh življenja. Bolnik je zaradi d... more Občutek težkega dihanja (dispneja) je pogost simptom v zadnjih dneh življenja. Bolnik je zaradi dispneje zelo prizadet in velikokrat prestrašen. Ključno je, da ob takem bolniku ukrepamo hitro in pravilno. Pogoste napake so pretirana uporaba nepotrebnih diagnostičnih metod in neustrezno lajšanje simptomov. V prispevku prikazujemo obravnavo bolnika z dispnejo v terminalni fazi bolezni, ko vzročno zdravljenje ni več mogoče in je v ospredju lajšanje težav. Definiciji dispneje sledijo patofiziološka razlaga in praktični nasveti za uporabo farmakoloških in nefarmakoloških ukrepov. Na koncu so opisani ukrepi pri terminalnem hropenju in akutni obsežni krvavitvi iz dihal.Dyspnoea is a distressing symptom frequently present in patients with incurable diseases. The goal of treatment for patients in the terminal stage is symptom control. Unfortunately, optimal treatment of dyspnoea has not been achieved in all patients yet. Frequent mistakes include unnecessary diagnostic procedures and subopti...
Če izvzamemo jasno povezavo s kajenjem, so drugim dejavnikom, ki so pomembni za preventivo, diagn... more Če izvzamemo jasno povezavo s kajenjem, so drugim dejavnikom, ki so pomembni za preventivo, diagnostiko in zdravljenje pljučnega raka, doslej namenjali malo pozornosti. Predstavljamo raziskavo, ki se je osredotočila na socialni položaj bolnikov. Anketo je izpolnilo 248 zaporednih bolnikov s pljučnim rakom, ki smo jih primerjali s kontrolno skupino 244 bolnikov z rakom debelega črevesa. Obe skupini sta bili primerljivi po spolu in starosti. Anketa je zajela podatke o rojstnem kraju, izobrazbi, kajenju, prehranjevalnih navadah, telesni teži in višini, poklicu, bivalnih razmerah in družinskih prihodkih. Kot smo lahko pričakovali, je bilo v skupini s pljučnim rakom značilno več sedanjih ali bivših kadilcev. Prav tako je bilo med bolniki s pljučnim rakom v primerjavi z rakom debelega črevesa statistično značilno več priseljencev iz drugih delov nekdanje Jugoslavije ter značilno večji odstotek delavcev v »umazanih«1 poklicih, še posebno pri obdelavi kovin. Študija potrjuje, da je pljučni ...
Daily-practice challenges in oncology have been intensified by the approval of immune checkpoint ... more Daily-practice challenges in oncology have been intensified by the approval of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI). We aimed to outline current therapy policies and management of locally advanced unresectable stage III non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in different countries. One thoracic oncologist from each of the following countries—Belgium, Croatia, Greece, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, and Switzerland—participated in an electronic survey. Descriptive statistics were conducted with categorical variables reported as frequencies and continuous variables as median and interquartile range (IQR) (StataSE-v15). EBUS (endobronchial ultrasound bronchoscopy) was used either upfront or for N2 confirmation. Resectability is still a source of disagreement; thus, decisions vary within each multidisciplinary team. Overall, 66% of stage III patients [IQR 60–75] undergo chemoradiation therapy (CRT); concurrent CRT (cCRT) accounts for most cases (~70%). Pe...
Background Management of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is affected by regional specificities... more Background Management of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is affected by regional specificities. The present study aimed at determining diagnostic and therapeutic procedures including outcome of patients with NSCLC stage III in the real-world setting in Central European countries to define areas for improvements . Patients and methods This multicentre, prospective and non-interventional study collected data of patients with NSCLC stage III in a web-based registry and analysed them centrally. Results Between March 2014 and March 2017, patients (n=583) with the following characteristics were entered: 32% females, 7% never-smokers; ECOG performance status (PS) 0, 1, 2 and 3 in 25%, 58%, 12% and 5%, respectively; 21% prior weight loss; 53% squamous carcinoma, 38% adenocarcinoma; 10% EGFR mutations. Staging procedures included chest X-ray (97% of patients), chest CT (96%), PET-CT (27%), brain imaging (20%), bronchoscopy (89%), endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) (13%) and CT-guided biopsy ...
Background Erlotinib is nowadays an established treatment for metastatic non-small cell lung canc... more Background Erlotinib is nowadays an established treatment for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with tumours harbouring epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) activating mutations. After a year of initial treatment most patients progress, but some very long responses have been observed. We here present the results of patients treated with erlotinib that did not progress in the 12 months from beginning of treatment.
Pljučnica je najpogostejši vzrok za težji potek okužbe z virusom SARS-CoV-2 in s hospitalizacijo.... more Pljučnica je najpogostejši vzrok za težji potek okužbe z virusom SARS-CoV-2 in s hospitalizacijo. Potek covidne pljučnice je lahko različen; infiltrati, vidni na rentgenski sliki, se lahko resorbirajo spontano, včasih pa je potrebno zdravljenje s sistemskimi glukokortikoidi. Ob odpustu iz bolnišnice zdravljenje običajno še ni končano, zato je Združenje pulmologov Slovenije v želji po enotnem obravnavanju bolnikov s covidno pljučnico izdelalo mnenje za obravnavo in sledenje bolnikov po odpustu iz bolnišnice. Zavedamo se, da ob novi bolezni ne gre za dokončno priporočilo, saj bodo nova spoznanja o covidni pljučnici zanesljivo zahtevala obnavljanje priporočil.
Občutek težkega dihanja (dispneja) je pogost simptom v zadnjih dneh življenja. Bolnik je zaradi d... more Občutek težkega dihanja (dispneja) je pogost simptom v zadnjih dneh življenja. Bolnik je zaradi dispneje zelo prizadet in velikokrat prestrašen. Ključno je, da ob takem bolniku ukrepamo hitro in pravilno. Pogoste napake so pretirana uporaba nepotrebnih diagnostičnih metod in neustrezno lajšanje simptomov. V prispevku prikazujemo obravnavo bolnika z dispnejo v terminalni fazi bolezni, ko vzročno zdravljenje ni več mogoče in je v ospredju lajšanje težav. Definiciji dispneje sledijo patofiziološka razlaga in praktični nasveti za uporabo farmakoloških in nefarmakoloških ukrepov. Na koncu so opisani ukrepi pri terminalnem hropenju in akutni obsežni krvavitvi iz dihal.
Malignant tumors of major salivary glands are a rare and heterogeneous group of diseases. On aver... more Malignant tumors of major salivary glands are a rare and heterogeneous group of diseases. On average, 8 people in Slovenia are diagnosed with this disease every year. In the article, anatomy, epidemiological and etiological characteristics as well as diagnostic procedures and treatment principles applied in these tumors, are presented. Furthermore, we reviewed modes and results of therapy of malignant tumors of major salivary glands as conducted at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana during 1980-2004. They were compared with results of similar institutions from elsewhere in the world.
Background With standard radiology, distinction between partial remissions (PR) and complete resp... more Background With standard radiology, distinction between partial remissions (PR) and complete responses (CR) is often difficult. Here we present experience with positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) to evaluate metabolic response to treatment in a single-arm Phase 2 clinical trial of intercalated chemotherapy and erlotinib for advanced epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
BACKGROUND Nowadays cancer patients tend to be more involved in the medical decision process. Act... more BACKGROUND Nowadays cancer patients tend to be more involved in the medical decision process. Active participation improves health outcomes and patient satisfaction. To participate effectively patients require a huge amount of information, but time limits make it impossible to satisfy all information needs at clinics. We tried to find out which kind of media cancer patients use when searching for information and how often. Lastly, we try to find out how popular the Internet is in this regard. METODS In this research we invited cancer patients, who had regular clinic examinations at the Oncology Institute between 21 st and 25 th May in 2012. We carried out a prospective research by anonymous questionnaires. We were investigating which media were used and how often. We analysed results with descriptive statistics, ANOVA, the χ²-Test and the t-test. RESULTS 478 of 919 questionnaires distributed among cancer patients were returned. Mean age was 59.9 years. 61 % of responders were female...
Občutek težkega dihanja (dispneja) je pogost simptom v zadnjih dneh življenja. Bolnik je zaradi d... more Občutek težkega dihanja (dispneja) je pogost simptom v zadnjih dneh življenja. Bolnik je zaradi dispneje zelo prizadet in velikokrat prestrašen. Ključno je, da ob takem bolniku ukrepamo hitro in pravilno. Pogoste napake so pretirana uporaba nepotrebnih diagnostičnih metod in neustrezno lajšanje simptomov. V prispevku prikazujemo obravnavo bolnika z dispnejo v terminalni fazi bolezni, ko vzročno zdravljenje ni več mogoče in je v ospredju lajšanje težav. Definiciji dispneje sledijo patofiziološka razlaga in praktični nasveti za uporabo farmakoloških in nefarmakoloških ukrepov. Na koncu so opisani ukrepi pri terminalnem hropenju in akutni obsežni krvavitvi iz dihal.Dyspnoea is a distressing symptom frequently present in patients with incurable diseases. The goal of treatment for patients in the terminal stage is symptom control. Unfortunately, optimal treatment of dyspnoea has not been achieved in all patients yet. Frequent mistakes include unnecessary diagnostic procedures and subopti...
Če izvzamemo jasno povezavo s kajenjem, so drugim dejavnikom, ki so pomembni za preventivo, diagn... more Če izvzamemo jasno povezavo s kajenjem, so drugim dejavnikom, ki so pomembni za preventivo, diagnostiko in zdravljenje pljučnega raka, doslej namenjali malo pozornosti. Predstavljamo raziskavo, ki se je osredotočila na socialni položaj bolnikov. Anketo je izpolnilo 248 zaporednih bolnikov s pljučnim rakom, ki smo jih primerjali s kontrolno skupino 244 bolnikov z rakom debelega črevesa. Obe skupini sta bili primerljivi po spolu in starosti. Anketa je zajela podatke o rojstnem kraju, izobrazbi, kajenju, prehranjevalnih navadah, telesni teži in višini, poklicu, bivalnih razmerah in družinskih prihodkih. Kot smo lahko pričakovali, je bilo v skupini s pljučnim rakom značilno več sedanjih ali bivših kadilcev. Prav tako je bilo med bolniki s pljučnim rakom v primerjavi z rakom debelega črevesa statistično značilno več priseljencev iz drugih delov nekdanje Jugoslavije ter značilno večji odstotek delavcev v »umazanih«1 poklicih, še posebno pri obdelavi kovin. Študija potrjuje, da je pljučni ...
Daily-practice challenges in oncology have been intensified by the approval of immune checkpoint ... more Daily-practice challenges in oncology have been intensified by the approval of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI). We aimed to outline current therapy policies and management of locally advanced unresectable stage III non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in different countries. One thoracic oncologist from each of the following countries—Belgium, Croatia, Greece, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, and Switzerland—participated in an electronic survey. Descriptive statistics were conducted with categorical variables reported as frequencies and continuous variables as median and interquartile range (IQR) (StataSE-v15). EBUS (endobronchial ultrasound bronchoscopy) was used either upfront or for N2 confirmation. Resectability is still a source of disagreement; thus, decisions vary within each multidisciplinary team. Overall, 66% of stage III patients [IQR 60–75] undergo chemoradiation therapy (CRT); concurrent CRT (cCRT) accounts for most cases (~70%). Pe...
Background Management of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is affected by regional specificities... more Background Management of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is affected by regional specificities. The present study aimed at determining diagnostic and therapeutic procedures including outcome of patients with NSCLC stage III in the real-world setting in Central European countries to define areas for improvements . Patients and methods This multicentre, prospective and non-interventional study collected data of patients with NSCLC stage III in a web-based registry and analysed them centrally. Results Between March 2014 and March 2017, patients (n=583) with the following characteristics were entered: 32% females, 7% never-smokers; ECOG performance status (PS) 0, 1, 2 and 3 in 25%, 58%, 12% and 5%, respectively; 21% prior weight loss; 53% squamous carcinoma, 38% adenocarcinoma; 10% EGFR mutations. Staging procedures included chest X-ray (97% of patients), chest CT (96%), PET-CT (27%), brain imaging (20%), bronchoscopy (89%), endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) (13%) and CT-guided biopsy ...
Background Erlotinib is nowadays an established treatment for metastatic non-small cell lung canc... more Background Erlotinib is nowadays an established treatment for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with tumours harbouring epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) activating mutations. After a year of initial treatment most patients progress, but some very long responses have been observed. We here present the results of patients treated with erlotinib that did not progress in the 12 months from beginning of treatment.
Pljučnica je najpogostejši vzrok za težji potek okužbe z virusom SARS-CoV-2 in s hospitalizacijo.... more Pljučnica je najpogostejši vzrok za težji potek okužbe z virusom SARS-CoV-2 in s hospitalizacijo. Potek covidne pljučnice je lahko različen; infiltrati, vidni na rentgenski sliki, se lahko resorbirajo spontano, včasih pa je potrebno zdravljenje s sistemskimi glukokortikoidi. Ob odpustu iz bolnišnice zdravljenje običajno še ni končano, zato je Združenje pulmologov Slovenije v želji po enotnem obravnavanju bolnikov s covidno pljučnico izdelalo mnenje za obravnavo in sledenje bolnikov po odpustu iz bolnišnice. Zavedamo se, da ob novi bolezni ne gre za dokončno priporočilo, saj bodo nova spoznanja o covidni pljučnici zanesljivo zahtevala obnavljanje priporočil.
Občutek težkega dihanja (dispneja) je pogost simptom v zadnjih dneh življenja. Bolnik je zaradi d... more Občutek težkega dihanja (dispneja) je pogost simptom v zadnjih dneh življenja. Bolnik je zaradi dispneje zelo prizadet in velikokrat prestrašen. Ključno je, da ob takem bolniku ukrepamo hitro in pravilno. Pogoste napake so pretirana uporaba nepotrebnih diagnostičnih metod in neustrezno lajšanje simptomov. V prispevku prikazujemo obravnavo bolnika z dispnejo v terminalni fazi bolezni, ko vzročno zdravljenje ni več mogoče in je v ospredju lajšanje težav. Definiciji dispneje sledijo patofiziološka razlaga in praktični nasveti za uporabo farmakoloških in nefarmakoloških ukrepov. Na koncu so opisani ukrepi pri terminalnem hropenju in akutni obsežni krvavitvi iz dihal.
Malignant tumors of major salivary glands are a rare and heterogeneous group of diseases. On aver... more Malignant tumors of major salivary glands are a rare and heterogeneous group of diseases. On average, 8 people in Slovenia are diagnosed with this disease every year. In the article, anatomy, epidemiological and etiological characteristics as well as diagnostic procedures and treatment principles applied in these tumors, are presented. Furthermore, we reviewed modes and results of therapy of malignant tumors of major salivary glands as conducted at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana during 1980-2004. They were compared with results of similar institutions from elsewhere in the world.
Background With standard radiology, distinction between partial remissions (PR) and complete resp... more Background With standard radiology, distinction between partial remissions (PR) and complete responses (CR) is often difficult. Here we present experience with positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) to evaluate metabolic response to treatment in a single-arm Phase 2 clinical trial of intercalated chemotherapy and erlotinib for advanced epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
BACKGROUND Nowadays cancer patients tend to be more involved in the medical decision process. Act... more BACKGROUND Nowadays cancer patients tend to be more involved in the medical decision process. Active participation improves health outcomes and patient satisfaction. To participate effectively patients require a huge amount of information, but time limits make it impossible to satisfy all information needs at clinics. We tried to find out which kind of media cancer patients use when searching for information and how often. Lastly, we try to find out how popular the Internet is in this regard. METODS In this research we invited cancer patients, who had regular clinic examinations at the Oncology Institute between 21 st and 25 th May in 2012. We carried out a prospective research by anonymous questionnaires. We were investigating which media were used and how often. We analysed results with descriptive statistics, ANOVA, the χ²-Test and the t-test. RESULTS 478 of 919 questionnaires distributed among cancer patients were returned. Mean age was 59.9 years. 61 % of responders were female...
Papers by Mirjana Rajer