This work is co-funded by the ECO project (funded by European Commission – Competitiveness and In... more This work is co-funded by the ECO project (funded by European Commission – Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP)) and the GAMIMOOC project (“TIN2014-54874-R – Framework motivacional utilizando gamificacion y redes sociales en Cursos Masivos Abiertos Online”, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Produção no âmbito do Projeto Europeu EMMA- European Multiple MOOC Aggregator, European Union'... more Produção no âmbito do Projeto Europeu EMMA- European Multiple MOOC Aggregator, European Union's Competitiveness and Innovation framework Programme under grant agreement no 621030 ( integrado no tema MOOCs do Encontro EL@IES2015, sobre o MOOC Lisboa e o Mar: uma história de chegadas e partidas, desenvolvido no âmbito do Projeto Europeu EMMA- European Multiple MOOC Aggregator.European Union's Competitiveness and Innovation framework Programme under grant agreement no
Dedicada à temática da Educação Aberta e ao seu contributo para "abrir a educação" em P... more Dedicada à temática da Educação Aberta e ao seu contributo para "abrir a educação" em Portugal, apresentam-se quatro casos de boas práticas e experiências em curso nas instituições: o caso do Instituto Superior Técnico, com a sua experiência na área STEM ; o caso do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal com a experiência dos MOOCs Scratch e Tópicos de Matemática Elementar; o caso da Universidade Aberta com os MOOCs Alterações Climáticas e o Contexto das Experiências de Vida, Competências Digitais para Professores e Lisboa e o Mar: uma história de chegadas e partidas, e o caso da FCT- FCC com a proposta do projeto nacional MOOC Portugal. Este painel integra-se no eL@IES2015, 5º Encontro de Instituições e Unidades de eLearning do Ensino Superior dedicado ao tema da Inclusão no eLearning.Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Universidade de Coimbra e LE@D - Laboratório de Educação a Distância e eLearning da Universidade
Este trabalho foi financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecn... more Este trabalho foi financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do projeto UID/Multi/04372/2016. A coleção LE@D TALKS – diálogos globais reúne a produção científica realizada no âmbito das conferências, seminários, workshops que decorreram no contexto de iniciativas de disseminação da investigação produzida pela comunidade de investigadores da UID – investigadores integrados, colaboradores, doutorandos, mestrandos e investigadores visitantes e parceiros de investigação da UID.As LE@D Talks promovidas, desde 2010, pelo Laboratório de Educação a Distância e eLearning (LE@D), unidade de investigação sediada na Universidade Aberta (UAb) e financiada pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), têm como objetivo disseminar a investigação produzida pela comunidade de investigadores do LE@D, sejam investigadores integrados, colaboradores, doutorandos, mestrandos, investigadores visitantes ou parceiros de investigação da unidade. ...
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) became very popular during the last years leading to an incre... more Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) became very popular during the last years leading to an increasing global debate about their quality. To address the quality issues, several research surveys and instruments were developed to analyse the current status of MOOCs and to examine the different perspectives of learning with MOOC from core MOOC stakeholders. Based on a literature review and analysis of existing quality approaches and indicators for MOOCs, the Global MOOC Quality Survey was designed and conducted (n=267). Final objective is the development of the Quality Reference Framework (QRF) with quality indicators and tools in close collaboration with all interested stakeholders worldwide. This paper presents first results from the Global MOOC Quality survey relating to the overall experiences with MOOCs and their offered four interaction types: learner-facilitator (LF), learner-resource (LR), learner-learner (LL) and group-group (GG). There was a very high significant relationship...
This document contains the <strong>Quality Reference Framework (QRF)</strong> develop... more This document contains the <strong>Quality Reference Framework (QRF)</strong> developed by the European Alliance for the Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), called MOOQ (see: The Quality Reference Framework consists of three dimensions: Dimension 1: Phases<br> Dimension 2: Perspectives<br> Dimension 3: Roles It is most important to note that MOOC designers, facilitators and providers have to select the appropriate and relevant phases and processes according to their situation, the learning objectives, target groups, context and conditions. Some processes are already decided and (partly or completely) defined by pre-conditions and requirements (e.g., the available resources, budget and staff). In addition, the Quality Reference Framework provides the <strong>QRF Key Quality Criteria</strong> and the <strong>QRF Quality Checklist</strong> for designing and developing MOOCs. Main target groups of the Qual...
Invited Speech at MOOC-Maker Global Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, by Stracke, C. M., Tan, E., Texe... more Invited Speech at MOOC-Maker Global Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, by Stracke, C. M., Tan, E., Texeira, A. M., Texeira Pinto, M., & Paz, J. (2018, 17 April) on: "Building a Common Quality Reference Framework for Improving, Assessing and Comparing MOOC Design"
During the COVID-19 pandemic, most Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across the globe moved to... more During the COVID-19 pandemic, most Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across the globe moved towards “emergency online education”, experiencing a metamorphosis that advanced their capacities and competencies as never before. Teaching and Learning Centers (TLCs), the internal units that promote sustainable transformations, can play a key role in making this metamorphosis last. Existing models for TLCs have defined the competencies that they could help develop, focusing on teachers’, students’, and managers’ development, but have mislead aspects such as leadership, organizational processes, and infrastructures. This paper evaluates the PROF-XXI framework, which offers a holistic perspective on the competencies that TLCs should develop for supporting deep and sustainable transformations of HEIs. The framework was evaluated with 83 participants from four Latin American institutions and used for analyzing the transformation of their teaching and learning practices during the pandemic l...
The course on open education proposed here comprises 8 modules based on 8 competences. For each c... more The course on open education proposed here comprises 8 modules based on 8 competences. For each competence we have defined learning outcomes. The modules are built around the practices identified and described in IO1. In each module 3 practices are used to engage the trainees. The practices themselves are transformed into learning activities, allowing the trainees to actively interact with the learning activities.
A obra que aqui se apresenta consubstancia uma parte da investigação desenvolvida no âmbito do pr... more A obra que aqui se apresenta consubstancia uma parte da investigação desenvolvida no âmbito do projeto “Avaliação e eLearning no Ensino Superior “(@ssess.he), financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). Este projeto desenvolveu-se entre 2011 e 2013, e teve como foco a investigação em torno da avaliação digital no Ensino Superior. O projeto visou estudar as estratégias de avaliação digital, adequadas e válidas aos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem no Ensino Superior, contribuindo para a clarificação de processos e visando a definição de indicadores que garantam a sua autenticidade e validade na avaliação de competências em contextos de elearning.
Authenticity and transparency constitute two essential dimensions in the digital assessment of co... more Authenticity and transparency constitute two essential dimensions in the digital assessment of competences. Authenticity emphasises the importance of the complexity inherent to online assessment tasks related to real life contexts and are recognised as relevant by students, teachers and potential employers. Transparency has to do with the students’ involvement in the assessment tasks, through the democratisation and knowledge of the used strategies. Self-, coand peer assessment are powerful instruments in the transparency operationalisation. The current study presents the peer assessment (PA) implementation process in a first cycle university degree curricular unit, in online context. The study was planned according to the following purposes: 1) to identify peer assessment potentialities and constraints in first cycle university degrees; 2) to analyse the questions that are brought forward among students by the application of a scoring rubric; 3) to reflect on the obtained results, ...
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are open courses made available online at no cost to the user... more Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are open courses made available online at no cost to the user and designed to scale up, allowing for a large number of participants. As such, they are a disruptive new development which has the potential to widen access to higher education since they contribute to social inclusion, the dissemination of knowledge and pedagogical innovation. However, assuring quality learning opportunities to all cannot be simply reduced to allowing free access to higher education. On the contrary, it implies assuring equitable opportunities for every participant to succeed in their learning experience. This goal depends on the quality of the learning design. To be successful, a massive open online learning experience has to empower learners and to facilitate a networked learning environment. In fact, MOOCs are designed to serve a high heterogeneity of profiles, with many differences regarding learning needs and preferences, prior knowledge, contexts of participatio...
As the provision of MOOCs continues to grow exponentially across the globe, much of the criticism... more As the provision of MOOCs continues to grow exponentially across the globe, much of the criticism on the quality of the learning experiences provided is based on its typically low drop-out rates. There is strong evidence that completion is not a goal for the majority of MOOC participants neither does it affect their satisfaction and perception of the quality of their learning experiences. Based on a literature review and analysis of existing quality approaches and indicators for MOOCs, the Global MOOC Quality Survey was designed and conducted in order to access quality perceptions of actors in the MOOC design and implementation process (n=267). In this paper, we present its first results relating to the designers and learners experiences with MOOCs and their offered four interaction types: learner-facilitator (LF), learner-resource (LR), learner-learner (LL) and group-group (GG). Comparing the different perspectives of learners and designers, our analysis presents significant differ...
Societal, educational and personal changes have brought Open (Online) Education in the forefront ... more Societal, educational and personal changes have brought Open (Online) Education in the forefront of the global learning setting. One of the most significant challenges behind the EU Modernization Agenda is for education to respond to the characteristics of future students and to new needs in society. According to the Europe 2020 agenda, 40% of young people should complete higher education studies by 2020. The entire European university sector witnesses an increase of student numbers. Conventional learning methods are suboptimal solutions for these massive student numbers. Thus, important questions and issues arise: How can we anticipate increasing student numbers combined with the likelihood of lower funding? How should we combine online and traditional formats to devise sustainable university business-models? In order to address these challenges Europe is investing in flexible educational solutions as this is embraced by the EC in its Open Educational Resource (OER) agenda. During ...
This work is co-funded by the ECO project (funded by European Commission – Competitiveness and In... more This work is co-funded by the ECO project (funded by European Commission – Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP)) and the GAMIMOOC project (“TIN2014-54874-R – Framework motivacional utilizando gamificacion y redes sociales en Cursos Masivos Abiertos Online”, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Produção no âmbito do Projeto Europeu EMMA- European Multiple MOOC Aggregator, European Union'... more Produção no âmbito do Projeto Europeu EMMA- European Multiple MOOC Aggregator, European Union's Competitiveness and Innovation framework Programme under grant agreement no 621030 ( integrado no tema MOOCs do Encontro EL@IES2015, sobre o MOOC Lisboa e o Mar: uma história de chegadas e partidas, desenvolvido no âmbito do Projeto Europeu EMMA- European Multiple MOOC Aggregator.European Union's Competitiveness and Innovation framework Programme under grant agreement no
Dedicada à temática da Educação Aberta e ao seu contributo para "abrir a educação" em P... more Dedicada à temática da Educação Aberta e ao seu contributo para "abrir a educação" em Portugal, apresentam-se quatro casos de boas práticas e experiências em curso nas instituições: o caso do Instituto Superior Técnico, com a sua experiência na área STEM ; o caso do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal com a experiência dos MOOCs Scratch e Tópicos de Matemática Elementar; o caso da Universidade Aberta com os MOOCs Alterações Climáticas e o Contexto das Experiências de Vida, Competências Digitais para Professores e Lisboa e o Mar: uma história de chegadas e partidas, e o caso da FCT- FCC com a proposta do projeto nacional MOOC Portugal. Este painel integra-se no eL@IES2015, 5º Encontro de Instituições e Unidades de eLearning do Ensino Superior dedicado ao tema da Inclusão no eLearning.Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Universidade de Coimbra e LE@D - Laboratório de Educação a Distância e eLearning da Universidade
Este trabalho foi financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecn... more Este trabalho foi financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do projeto UID/Multi/04372/2016. A coleção LE@D TALKS – diálogos globais reúne a produção científica realizada no âmbito das conferências, seminários, workshops que decorreram no contexto de iniciativas de disseminação da investigação produzida pela comunidade de investigadores da UID – investigadores integrados, colaboradores, doutorandos, mestrandos e investigadores visitantes e parceiros de investigação da UID.As LE@D Talks promovidas, desde 2010, pelo Laboratório de Educação a Distância e eLearning (LE@D), unidade de investigação sediada na Universidade Aberta (UAb) e financiada pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), têm como objetivo disseminar a investigação produzida pela comunidade de investigadores do LE@D, sejam investigadores integrados, colaboradores, doutorandos, mestrandos, investigadores visitantes ou parceiros de investigação da unidade. ...
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) became very popular during the last years leading to an incre... more Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) became very popular during the last years leading to an increasing global debate about their quality. To address the quality issues, several research surveys and instruments were developed to analyse the current status of MOOCs and to examine the different perspectives of learning with MOOC from core MOOC stakeholders. Based on a literature review and analysis of existing quality approaches and indicators for MOOCs, the Global MOOC Quality Survey was designed and conducted (n=267). Final objective is the development of the Quality Reference Framework (QRF) with quality indicators and tools in close collaboration with all interested stakeholders worldwide. This paper presents first results from the Global MOOC Quality survey relating to the overall experiences with MOOCs and their offered four interaction types: learner-facilitator (LF), learner-resource (LR), learner-learner (LL) and group-group (GG). There was a very high significant relationship...
This document contains the <strong>Quality Reference Framework (QRF)</strong> develop... more This document contains the <strong>Quality Reference Framework (QRF)</strong> developed by the European Alliance for the Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), called MOOQ (see: The Quality Reference Framework consists of three dimensions: Dimension 1: Phases<br> Dimension 2: Perspectives<br> Dimension 3: Roles It is most important to note that MOOC designers, facilitators and providers have to select the appropriate and relevant phases and processes according to their situation, the learning objectives, target groups, context and conditions. Some processes are already decided and (partly or completely) defined by pre-conditions and requirements (e.g., the available resources, budget and staff). In addition, the Quality Reference Framework provides the <strong>QRF Key Quality Criteria</strong> and the <strong>QRF Quality Checklist</strong> for designing and developing MOOCs. Main target groups of the Qual...
Invited Speech at MOOC-Maker Global Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, by Stracke, C. M., Tan, E., Texe... more Invited Speech at MOOC-Maker Global Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, by Stracke, C. M., Tan, E., Texeira, A. M., Texeira Pinto, M., & Paz, J. (2018, 17 April) on: "Building a Common Quality Reference Framework for Improving, Assessing and Comparing MOOC Design"
During the COVID-19 pandemic, most Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across the globe moved to... more During the COVID-19 pandemic, most Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across the globe moved towards “emergency online education”, experiencing a metamorphosis that advanced their capacities and competencies as never before. Teaching and Learning Centers (TLCs), the internal units that promote sustainable transformations, can play a key role in making this metamorphosis last. Existing models for TLCs have defined the competencies that they could help develop, focusing on teachers’, students’, and managers’ development, but have mislead aspects such as leadership, organizational processes, and infrastructures. This paper evaluates the PROF-XXI framework, which offers a holistic perspective on the competencies that TLCs should develop for supporting deep and sustainable transformations of HEIs. The framework was evaluated with 83 participants from four Latin American institutions and used for analyzing the transformation of their teaching and learning practices during the pandemic l...
The course on open education proposed here comprises 8 modules based on 8 competences. For each c... more The course on open education proposed here comprises 8 modules based on 8 competences. For each competence we have defined learning outcomes. The modules are built around the practices identified and described in IO1. In each module 3 practices are used to engage the trainees. The practices themselves are transformed into learning activities, allowing the trainees to actively interact with the learning activities.
A obra que aqui se apresenta consubstancia uma parte da investigação desenvolvida no âmbito do pr... more A obra que aqui se apresenta consubstancia uma parte da investigação desenvolvida no âmbito do projeto “Avaliação e eLearning no Ensino Superior “(@ssess.he), financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). Este projeto desenvolveu-se entre 2011 e 2013, e teve como foco a investigação em torno da avaliação digital no Ensino Superior. O projeto visou estudar as estratégias de avaliação digital, adequadas e válidas aos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem no Ensino Superior, contribuindo para a clarificação de processos e visando a definição de indicadores que garantam a sua autenticidade e validade na avaliação de competências em contextos de elearning.
Authenticity and transparency constitute two essential dimensions in the digital assessment of co... more Authenticity and transparency constitute two essential dimensions in the digital assessment of competences. Authenticity emphasises the importance of the complexity inherent to online assessment tasks related to real life contexts and are recognised as relevant by students, teachers and potential employers. Transparency has to do with the students’ involvement in the assessment tasks, through the democratisation and knowledge of the used strategies. Self-, coand peer assessment are powerful instruments in the transparency operationalisation. The current study presents the peer assessment (PA) implementation process in a first cycle university degree curricular unit, in online context. The study was planned according to the following purposes: 1) to identify peer assessment potentialities and constraints in first cycle university degrees; 2) to analyse the questions that are brought forward among students by the application of a scoring rubric; 3) to reflect on the obtained results, ...
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are open courses made available online at no cost to the user... more Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are open courses made available online at no cost to the user and designed to scale up, allowing for a large number of participants. As such, they are a disruptive new development which has the potential to widen access to higher education since they contribute to social inclusion, the dissemination of knowledge and pedagogical innovation. However, assuring quality learning opportunities to all cannot be simply reduced to allowing free access to higher education. On the contrary, it implies assuring equitable opportunities for every participant to succeed in their learning experience. This goal depends on the quality of the learning design. To be successful, a massive open online learning experience has to empower learners and to facilitate a networked learning environment. In fact, MOOCs are designed to serve a high heterogeneity of profiles, with many differences regarding learning needs and preferences, prior knowledge, contexts of participatio...
As the provision of MOOCs continues to grow exponentially across the globe, much of the criticism... more As the provision of MOOCs continues to grow exponentially across the globe, much of the criticism on the quality of the learning experiences provided is based on its typically low drop-out rates. There is strong evidence that completion is not a goal for the majority of MOOC participants neither does it affect their satisfaction and perception of the quality of their learning experiences. Based on a literature review and analysis of existing quality approaches and indicators for MOOCs, the Global MOOC Quality Survey was designed and conducted in order to access quality perceptions of actors in the MOOC design and implementation process (n=267). In this paper, we present its first results relating to the designers and learners experiences with MOOCs and their offered four interaction types: learner-facilitator (LF), learner-resource (LR), learner-learner (LL) and group-group (GG). Comparing the different perspectives of learners and designers, our analysis presents significant differ...
Societal, educational and personal changes have brought Open (Online) Education in the forefront ... more Societal, educational and personal changes have brought Open (Online) Education in the forefront of the global learning setting. One of the most significant challenges behind the EU Modernization Agenda is for education to respond to the characteristics of future students and to new needs in society. According to the Europe 2020 agenda, 40% of young people should complete higher education studies by 2020. The entire European university sector witnesses an increase of student numbers. Conventional learning methods are suboptimal solutions for these massive student numbers. Thus, important questions and issues arise: How can we anticipate increasing student numbers combined with the likelihood of lower funding? How should we combine online and traditional formats to devise sustainable university business-models? In order to address these challenges Europe is investing in flexible educational solutions as this is embraced by the EC in its Open Educational Resource (OER) agenda. During ...
Papers by Maria do Carmo Teixeira Pinto