The safety and health performances aspects of a building are the most challenging aspect of facil... more The safety and health performances aspects of a building are the most challenging aspect of facility management. It requires a deep understanding by the building managers on the factors that contribute to health and safety performances. This study attempted to develop an explanatory architectural safety performance model for stratified low-cost housing in Malaysia. The proposed Building Safety and Health Performance (BSHP) model was tested empirically through a survey on 308 construction practitioners using partial least squares (PLS) and structural equation modelling (SEM) tool. Statistical analysis results supports the conclusion that architecture, building services, external environment, management approaches and maintenance management have positive influence on safety and health performance of stratified low-cost housing in Malaysia. The findings provide valuable insights for construction industry to introduce BSHP model in the future where the model could be used as a guideline...
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationships between the affective learning needs na... more The aim of this study is to investigate the relationships between the affective learning needs namely, self-efficacy and locus of control, learning efforts and academic achievement among engineering students. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on first year engineering students from two technical universities in Malaysia. Self-efficacy and locus of control were assessed using existing instruments whil e learning efforts were assessed using a specifically designed instrument based on Carbonaro's model of learning effort. Academic achievement data were based on cumulative grade point average (CGPA) obtained from self-report by participants. The findings indicate that females engineering students tend to have higher self-efficacy compared to males while both groups have similar locus of control and invest in similar learning efforts. Only locus of control is found to be related to academic achievement while self-efficacy is found to be related to efforts. In conclusion, locus of control seems to be an important factor in predicting academic achievement among engineering students.
Engineering lecturers are now facing greater challenge in their profession to deliver the continu... more Engineering lecturers are now facing greater challenge in their profession to deliver the continuously increasing programme content and higher stakeholders' expectations. Stakeholders are no longer satisfied with graduates who are only competent in technical knowledge and skills but sought graduates who have equally excellent soft skills which require lecturers to place greater emphasis on teaching for learning of the affective domain. The lecture method which used to be the "default method" of engineering lecturers is no longer adequate to achieve the current desired learning outcomes. This article shares some tried out teaching and learning approaches that can be used to enhance the effectiveness of teaching for affective learning of an engineering course.
Inadequate experience in handling Student-Centred Learning (SCL) approaches may hinder teachers f... more Inadequate experience in handling Student-Centred Learning (SCL) approaches may hinder teachers from demonstrating the full spectrum of the facilitation as proposed in the Heron facilitation model. Therefore, this study was undertaken to investigate the utility of the Heron facilitation model in SCL among teachers and students of higher educational institutions who are relatively inexperienced in SCL. The participants were 177 teachers from a higher engineering educational institution, and a survey using questionnaires was carried out to gauge their experience with the SCL facilitation methods. The results obtained by using the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) indicate the presence of four new dimensions instead of six, as proposed in the Heron model, namely planning, shared decision-making, flexible teamwork, and shared outcome. The first construct indicates teacher-empowered teaching, while the other three indicate students' empowered learning. The finding provides a set of new guidelines for novice teachers in planning the facilitation of SCL.
2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED), 2017
The effects of problem-based learning (PBL) and example-based learning (EBL) techniques have been... more The effects of problem-based learning (PBL) and example-based learning (EBL) techniques have been extensively studied. However, the combination of both teaching techniques has not yet been fully researched. Therefore, this quasiexperimental study was conducted to investigate the effects of using integrated teaching method (EBL+PBL) on academic achievement and cognitive load in Engineering Mathematics. A total of 38 students were assigned to the experimental group (n=18) and control group (n=20). A specifically developed post test was used to measure academic achievement, while NASA-TLX questionnaire was used to gauge cognitive load. The present findings revealed that the combination of EBL+PBL produces positive impact on academic achievement as compared to PBL. However, EBL+PBL induced higher cognitive load especially during assessment. The present research has supported the conclusion that integrating EBL+PBL is effective for teaching Engineering Mathematics. The finding has also provided some insights into how to effectively deliver learning contents that involves mathematical elements such physics, electrical circuit analysis, and solid mechanics.
2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED), 2017
Learning strategies (cognition), emotion (affection) and conation are suggested as important elem... more Learning strategies (cognition), emotion (affection) and conation are suggested as important elements of success for engineering students. Identifying student learning profile may help improve successful rate in engineering program. An instrument that can be used for reliably assessing the cognitive- affective-conative profile of students is needed. This paper report the development and initial testing of the questionnaire (CACQ). Quantitative procedures were used. The set of questionnaire was distributed to 207 final year engineering students after being reviewed by four experts. Each of the constructs reached a good reliability value. Strong and positive correlations were established between learning strategy, emotion, conation and achievement motivation measures. The strength of correlations between the constructs also provides an indicator to the unidimensionality of the constructs. This new questionnaire is a promising measure for assessing the cognitive, affective and conative...
International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2020
Industry 4.0 is viewed as a complex scenario. This complex scenario could be interpreted using il... more Industry 4.0 is viewed as a complex scenario. This complex scenario could be interpreted using illustrations such as sketches or drawings. Ideally, sketches and drawings are useful in illustrating complexity and multiple abstracts from observed social reality. The use of illustrations allows novice qualitative researchers to explore observed social reality in depth with less linear insight. However, few scholars mention the use of illustrations at the research planning stage because most sketches and drawings have been used as tools during data collection merely to understand an interviewee’s perspective. Therefore, this article aims to demonstrate the use of illustrations as a tool to facilitate the research process from problem identification to the selection of the qualitative research methodology. Five specific purposes of illustration that significantly contribute to the body of knowledge for effective decision making and are useful tools in delivering information are demonstra...
This paper aims to highlight the current gaps in practices among Secondary schools teachers who a... more This paper aims to highlight the current gaps in practices among Secondary schools teachers who are involved in the Malaysian Special Education Integration Program (SEIP). A one to one interview was conducted on 13 teachers who teach the inclusive classes at one secondary school to identify their individual needs with respect to successfully integrating special needs students into mainstream classrooms. Findings were discussed in relation to several aspects of teaching and learning, including inclusive students’ characteristics, appropriate and inappropriate school based practices, and challenges faced by inclusive teachers. Based on the findings, recommendations are made for school-based improvement and teacher-professional developments that inform policymakers on future development plans.
Ensuring engineering graduates have a high employability is a big concern among stakeholders. Suc... more Ensuring engineering graduates have a high employability is a big concern among stakeholders. Successful intelligence which comprises analytical, creative and practical thinking skills has been closely associated not only with greater employability potential but also with greater career success. Therefore, developing successful intelligence among engineering students through appropriate means is highly desirable. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) method seems to have the necessary elements that can promote successful intelligence. In this paper, the authors provide a review of the literature on successful intelligence and the theoretical underpinnings that makes PBL as the most appropriate means for developing successful intelligence among engineering students.
2015 IEEE Conference on e-Learning, e-Management and e-Services (IC3e), 2015
From the perspective of cognitivism, any complex learning task can be broken down into its suppor... more From the perspective of cognitivism, any complex learning task can be broken down into its supporting components which when acquired will lead to the learning of the complex task. Failure to identify the supporting components will lead to non-achievement of the intended learning goal. The procedural task analysis and the learning task analysis technique are techniques that can be used to analyse learning or training demand which would lead to a better understanding of prerequisites to an intended learning/training goal. This paper provides an example of how procedural task analysis and the learning task analysis techniques can be used to identify the prerequisites to a learning goal for a vocational skill training course in mechanical engineering.
This is an entry into the encyclopedia regarding the use of learning hierarchy technique for dete... more This is an entry into the encyclopedia regarding the use of learning hierarchy technique for determining enabling skills towards the achievement of a terminal learning objectives.
Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) is a relatively new concept in the Malaysian ... more Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) is a relatively new concept in the Malaysian Higher Education system (HEIs) and in South East Asia in general, although widely known and practiced in other countries such as South Africa, Australia and America. Implementing APEL in higher education system could help prepare human capital better particularly for the preparation of teachers in the technical and vocational sector. The paper is based on a study conducted under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Platform (RCP) aiming to develop an APEL model to steer a systematic adoption of APEL in higher education and increase the number of Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET)-teachers that have acquired strong practical skills in the world of work. In the process, the study will assess the quality assurance of existing practices in APEL for TVET teacher training (TVET-TT) among the participating RCP partner countries including Malaysia. This research is mainly a qualitative study involving multiple methods such as document analysis, thematic analysis and focus group discussion. Document analysis was conducted to identify the gap in current practices by comparing the similarities and differences in existing APEL practices in other countries. Thematic analysis was carried out on data gathered from interviews of officers from the Open University Malaysia and the Malaysia Qualification Agency for the purpose of identifying the APEL practices within Malaysia. The analysis findings indicate no quality assurance as such is yet in place. However APEL has been officially recognized in the system although it has not been widely implemented. The draft of an APEL model was proposed taking into account existing global practices and a series of focus group discussions were carried out to refine the draft in terms of verifying and validating the final model. The focus group discussions involved research counterparts from Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia and experts from the Wawasan Open University representing Malaysia. Upon completion of the validation process, a general model based on the APEL process was developed. This model has significant implications on the training provisions and quality of TVET teachers as it will attract more industry-experienced candidates to enrol in TVET teacher preparation programmes. In a nutshell, this model can provide general guiding principles for implementing APEL into a TVET system and provide guidelines for putting quality assurance in place. Nonetheless, a degree of finetunings may be required for application in certain countries.
Pendedahan pelajar kepada ABM dari ciptaan teknologi merupakan suatu yang lumrah. Walaubagaimanap... more Pendedahan pelajar kepada ABM dari ciptaan teknologi merupakan suatu yang lumrah. Walaubagaimanapun kos membeli alat bantuan mengajar adalah tinggi terutama yang datang dari negara luar. KPM dan KPTM mencuba mengawal perbelanjaan sedemikian dengan mengalu-alukan ciptaan ABM dan seterusnya menggalakan iklim keusahawanan. Objektif kertaskerja ini ialah menerangkan proses pembangunan satu koswer multimedia interaktif bagi maksud membantu meningkatkan kemahiran konsep matematik bagi menyelesaikan masalah matematik berayat. Kaedah kajian adalah dari aspek kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang mana telah dibuat dalam kalangan 137 pelajar Politeknik Kota Bharu (KPTM) pada tahun 2006. Langkah-langkah pembinaan koswer adalah diadaptasikan mengikut teori Hermann Brain Dominance Model. Ujian Pra dan Pasca telah dijalankan bagi membuktikan keberkesanan CDiCL setelah digunakan dalam kalangan empat kumpulan pelajar. Dapatan adalah mereka yang menggunakan CD sahaja telah berjaya mengatasi kumpulan-kumpulan CDiCL, konvensional dan Pembelajaran Kolaboratif. Keputusan statistik deskriptif melalui pakej SPSS 12.0 menunjukkan kumpulan CD sahaja mendapat purata peningkatan skor tertinggi sebanyak 14.1; diikuti dengan kumpulan CDiCL 11.97; kumpulan Konvensional 9.48 dan kumpulan Pembelajaran Kolaboratif PK 8.43. Melalui kaedah ANCOVA di mana skor ujian pra adalah kovariat dan skor ujian Pasca adalah pembolehubah bersandar didapati bahawa perbezaan interaksi antara kumpulan dan tahap pencapaian pelajar-pelajar adalah tidak mempunyai perbezaan bersignikan statistik (p> 0.05). Keputusan ini dicapai dengan mengambil kira pembangunan koswer adalah 100% dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Sebanyak 28 siri temubual dalam kalangan pelajar tentang kebaikan penggunaan koswer ini di dalam topik aljabar sahaja di mana elemen kerja berpasukan dan bahasa pengantaraan koswer di dalam BI diketengahkan. Didapati koswer ini mempunyai potensi digunakan di dalam PnP matematik di dalam mana-mana bilik darjah jika bahasa pengantaraan adalah di dalam bahasa ibunda, tidak memberi fokus sepenuhnya hanya kepada penyelesaian matematik berayat sahaja dan adanya penyediaan soalan berbentuk rawak yang memenuhi prinsip teksonomi Bloom.
Students classroom engagement has been shown to be an indicator of active learning process which ... more Students classroom engagement has been shown to be an indicator of active learning process which is important in ensuring learning. However, classroom engagement is a multifaceted construct that includes cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspect of engagements which makes it difficult to get a holistic measure of the construct. Thus, behavioral engagement alone has been often used to provide an indication of classroom engagement that represents the two aspects of engagement (positive/negative). Generating behavioral engagement that reflects affective engagement would require a teaching and learning approach that integrates affects and cognitive needs in the teaching and learning approach. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to get a better understanding on the impact of an integrated affective-cognitive learning approach on students‘ behavioral engagement during the learning process via observation. The proposed affective-cognitive learning approach integrates the affective and cognitive aspects of learning into teaching and learning activities. The study used quasi-experimental design method with a control group involving civil engineering diploma students. The experimental group (n=36) was taught mechanics of material using the proposed learning approach while the control group (n=34) was taught the same course using the conventional method. Results revealed that the experimental group was more engaged during class compared to the control group resulting in more of them submitting classroom tasks on time and less of them showing negative behavioral engagement such as yawning and sleeping in class.
ABSTRACT This paper highlights some of the initiatives undertaken by Malaysia in addressing socia... more ABSTRACT This paper highlights some of the initiatives undertaken by Malaysia in addressing social and economic challenges through TVET programmes in general and through TVET agency - industry collaborative efforts in particular. A brief description of the TVET programmes that are under the various agencies in Malaysia will be presented to be followed by examples of collaboration initiatives undertaken at the various levels of the TVET system. The issues and challenges encountered in their implementations are identified as factors that need to be addressed to ensure sustainability of future TVET collaborations.
The safety and health performances aspects of a building are the most challenging aspect of facil... more The safety and health performances aspects of a building are the most challenging aspect of facility management. It requires a deep understanding by the building managers on the factors that contribute to health and safety performances. This study attempted to develop an explanatory architectural safety performance model for stratified low-cost housing in Malaysia. The proposed Building Safety and Health Performance (BSHP) model was tested empirically through a survey on 308 construction practitioners using partial least squares (PLS) and structural equation modelling (SEM) tool. Statistical analysis results supports the conclusion that architecture, building services, external environment, management approaches and maintenance management have positive influence on safety and health performance of stratified low-cost housing in Malaysia. The findings provide valuable insights for construction industry to introduce BSHP model in the future where the model could be used as a guideline...
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationships between the affective learning needs na... more The aim of this study is to investigate the relationships between the affective learning needs namely, self-efficacy and locus of control, learning efforts and academic achievement among engineering students. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on first year engineering students from two technical universities in Malaysia. Self-efficacy and locus of control were assessed using existing instruments whil e learning efforts were assessed using a specifically designed instrument based on Carbonaro's model of learning effort. Academic achievement data were based on cumulative grade point average (CGPA) obtained from self-report by participants. The findings indicate that females engineering students tend to have higher self-efficacy compared to males while both groups have similar locus of control and invest in similar learning efforts. Only locus of control is found to be related to academic achievement while self-efficacy is found to be related to efforts. In conclusion, locus of control seems to be an important factor in predicting academic achievement among engineering students.
Engineering lecturers are now facing greater challenge in their profession to deliver the continu... more Engineering lecturers are now facing greater challenge in their profession to deliver the continuously increasing programme content and higher stakeholders' expectations. Stakeholders are no longer satisfied with graduates who are only competent in technical knowledge and skills but sought graduates who have equally excellent soft skills which require lecturers to place greater emphasis on teaching for learning of the affective domain. The lecture method which used to be the "default method" of engineering lecturers is no longer adequate to achieve the current desired learning outcomes. This article shares some tried out teaching and learning approaches that can be used to enhance the effectiveness of teaching for affective learning of an engineering course.
Inadequate experience in handling Student-Centred Learning (SCL) approaches may hinder teachers f... more Inadequate experience in handling Student-Centred Learning (SCL) approaches may hinder teachers from demonstrating the full spectrum of the facilitation as proposed in the Heron facilitation model. Therefore, this study was undertaken to investigate the utility of the Heron facilitation model in SCL among teachers and students of higher educational institutions who are relatively inexperienced in SCL. The participants were 177 teachers from a higher engineering educational institution, and a survey using questionnaires was carried out to gauge their experience with the SCL facilitation methods. The results obtained by using the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) indicate the presence of four new dimensions instead of six, as proposed in the Heron model, namely planning, shared decision-making, flexible teamwork, and shared outcome. The first construct indicates teacher-empowered teaching, while the other three indicate students' empowered learning. The finding provides a set of new guidelines for novice teachers in planning the facilitation of SCL.
2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED), 2017
The effects of problem-based learning (PBL) and example-based learning (EBL) techniques have been... more The effects of problem-based learning (PBL) and example-based learning (EBL) techniques have been extensively studied. However, the combination of both teaching techniques has not yet been fully researched. Therefore, this quasiexperimental study was conducted to investigate the effects of using integrated teaching method (EBL+PBL) on academic achievement and cognitive load in Engineering Mathematics. A total of 38 students were assigned to the experimental group (n=18) and control group (n=20). A specifically developed post test was used to measure academic achievement, while NASA-TLX questionnaire was used to gauge cognitive load. The present findings revealed that the combination of EBL+PBL produces positive impact on academic achievement as compared to PBL. However, EBL+PBL induced higher cognitive load especially during assessment. The present research has supported the conclusion that integrating EBL+PBL is effective for teaching Engineering Mathematics. The finding has also provided some insights into how to effectively deliver learning contents that involves mathematical elements such physics, electrical circuit analysis, and solid mechanics.
2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED), 2017
Learning strategies (cognition), emotion (affection) and conation are suggested as important elem... more Learning strategies (cognition), emotion (affection) and conation are suggested as important elements of success for engineering students. Identifying student learning profile may help improve successful rate in engineering program. An instrument that can be used for reliably assessing the cognitive- affective-conative profile of students is needed. This paper report the development and initial testing of the questionnaire (CACQ). Quantitative procedures were used. The set of questionnaire was distributed to 207 final year engineering students after being reviewed by four experts. Each of the constructs reached a good reliability value. Strong and positive correlations were established between learning strategy, emotion, conation and achievement motivation measures. The strength of correlations between the constructs also provides an indicator to the unidimensionality of the constructs. This new questionnaire is a promising measure for assessing the cognitive, affective and conative...
International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2020
Industry 4.0 is viewed as a complex scenario. This complex scenario could be interpreted using il... more Industry 4.0 is viewed as a complex scenario. This complex scenario could be interpreted using illustrations such as sketches or drawings. Ideally, sketches and drawings are useful in illustrating complexity and multiple abstracts from observed social reality. The use of illustrations allows novice qualitative researchers to explore observed social reality in depth with less linear insight. However, few scholars mention the use of illustrations at the research planning stage because most sketches and drawings have been used as tools during data collection merely to understand an interviewee’s perspective. Therefore, this article aims to demonstrate the use of illustrations as a tool to facilitate the research process from problem identification to the selection of the qualitative research methodology. Five specific purposes of illustration that significantly contribute to the body of knowledge for effective decision making and are useful tools in delivering information are demonstra...
This paper aims to highlight the current gaps in practices among Secondary schools teachers who a... more This paper aims to highlight the current gaps in practices among Secondary schools teachers who are involved in the Malaysian Special Education Integration Program (SEIP). A one to one interview was conducted on 13 teachers who teach the inclusive classes at one secondary school to identify their individual needs with respect to successfully integrating special needs students into mainstream classrooms. Findings were discussed in relation to several aspects of teaching and learning, including inclusive students’ characteristics, appropriate and inappropriate school based practices, and challenges faced by inclusive teachers. Based on the findings, recommendations are made for school-based improvement and teacher-professional developments that inform policymakers on future development plans.
Ensuring engineering graduates have a high employability is a big concern among stakeholders. Suc... more Ensuring engineering graduates have a high employability is a big concern among stakeholders. Successful intelligence which comprises analytical, creative and practical thinking skills has been closely associated not only with greater employability potential but also with greater career success. Therefore, developing successful intelligence among engineering students through appropriate means is highly desirable. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) method seems to have the necessary elements that can promote successful intelligence. In this paper, the authors provide a review of the literature on successful intelligence and the theoretical underpinnings that makes PBL as the most appropriate means for developing successful intelligence among engineering students.
2015 IEEE Conference on e-Learning, e-Management and e-Services (IC3e), 2015
From the perspective of cognitivism, any complex learning task can be broken down into its suppor... more From the perspective of cognitivism, any complex learning task can be broken down into its supporting components which when acquired will lead to the learning of the complex task. Failure to identify the supporting components will lead to non-achievement of the intended learning goal. The procedural task analysis and the learning task analysis technique are techniques that can be used to analyse learning or training demand which would lead to a better understanding of prerequisites to an intended learning/training goal. This paper provides an example of how procedural task analysis and the learning task analysis techniques can be used to identify the prerequisites to a learning goal for a vocational skill training course in mechanical engineering.
This is an entry into the encyclopedia regarding the use of learning hierarchy technique for dete... more This is an entry into the encyclopedia regarding the use of learning hierarchy technique for determining enabling skills towards the achievement of a terminal learning objectives.
Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) is a relatively new concept in the Malaysian ... more Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) is a relatively new concept in the Malaysian Higher Education system (HEIs) and in South East Asia in general, although widely known and practiced in other countries such as South Africa, Australia and America. Implementing APEL in higher education system could help prepare human capital better particularly for the preparation of teachers in the technical and vocational sector. The paper is based on a study conducted under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Platform (RCP) aiming to develop an APEL model to steer a systematic adoption of APEL in higher education and increase the number of Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET)-teachers that have acquired strong practical skills in the world of work. In the process, the study will assess the quality assurance of existing practices in APEL for TVET teacher training (TVET-TT) among the participating RCP partner countries including Malaysia. This research is mainly a qualitative study involving multiple methods such as document analysis, thematic analysis and focus group discussion. Document analysis was conducted to identify the gap in current practices by comparing the similarities and differences in existing APEL practices in other countries. Thematic analysis was carried out on data gathered from interviews of officers from the Open University Malaysia and the Malaysia Qualification Agency for the purpose of identifying the APEL practices within Malaysia. The analysis findings indicate no quality assurance as such is yet in place. However APEL has been officially recognized in the system although it has not been widely implemented. The draft of an APEL model was proposed taking into account existing global practices and a series of focus group discussions were carried out to refine the draft in terms of verifying and validating the final model. The focus group discussions involved research counterparts from Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia and experts from the Wawasan Open University representing Malaysia. Upon completion of the validation process, a general model based on the APEL process was developed. This model has significant implications on the training provisions and quality of TVET teachers as it will attract more industry-experienced candidates to enrol in TVET teacher preparation programmes. In a nutshell, this model can provide general guiding principles for implementing APEL into a TVET system and provide guidelines for putting quality assurance in place. Nonetheless, a degree of finetunings may be required for application in certain countries.
Pendedahan pelajar kepada ABM dari ciptaan teknologi merupakan suatu yang lumrah. Walaubagaimanap... more Pendedahan pelajar kepada ABM dari ciptaan teknologi merupakan suatu yang lumrah. Walaubagaimanapun kos membeli alat bantuan mengajar adalah tinggi terutama yang datang dari negara luar. KPM dan KPTM mencuba mengawal perbelanjaan sedemikian dengan mengalu-alukan ciptaan ABM dan seterusnya menggalakan iklim keusahawanan. Objektif kertaskerja ini ialah menerangkan proses pembangunan satu koswer multimedia interaktif bagi maksud membantu meningkatkan kemahiran konsep matematik bagi menyelesaikan masalah matematik berayat. Kaedah kajian adalah dari aspek kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang mana telah dibuat dalam kalangan 137 pelajar Politeknik Kota Bharu (KPTM) pada tahun 2006. Langkah-langkah pembinaan koswer adalah diadaptasikan mengikut teori Hermann Brain Dominance Model. Ujian Pra dan Pasca telah dijalankan bagi membuktikan keberkesanan CDiCL setelah digunakan dalam kalangan empat kumpulan pelajar. Dapatan adalah mereka yang menggunakan CD sahaja telah berjaya mengatasi kumpulan-kumpulan CDiCL, konvensional dan Pembelajaran Kolaboratif. Keputusan statistik deskriptif melalui pakej SPSS 12.0 menunjukkan kumpulan CD sahaja mendapat purata peningkatan skor tertinggi sebanyak 14.1; diikuti dengan kumpulan CDiCL 11.97; kumpulan Konvensional 9.48 dan kumpulan Pembelajaran Kolaboratif PK 8.43. Melalui kaedah ANCOVA di mana skor ujian pra adalah kovariat dan skor ujian Pasca adalah pembolehubah bersandar didapati bahawa perbezaan interaksi antara kumpulan dan tahap pencapaian pelajar-pelajar adalah tidak mempunyai perbezaan bersignikan statistik (p> 0.05). Keputusan ini dicapai dengan mengambil kira pembangunan koswer adalah 100% dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Sebanyak 28 siri temubual dalam kalangan pelajar tentang kebaikan penggunaan koswer ini di dalam topik aljabar sahaja di mana elemen kerja berpasukan dan bahasa pengantaraan koswer di dalam BI diketengahkan. Didapati koswer ini mempunyai potensi digunakan di dalam PnP matematik di dalam mana-mana bilik darjah jika bahasa pengantaraan adalah di dalam bahasa ibunda, tidak memberi fokus sepenuhnya hanya kepada penyelesaian matematik berayat sahaja dan adanya penyediaan soalan berbentuk rawak yang memenuhi prinsip teksonomi Bloom.
Students classroom engagement has been shown to be an indicator of active learning process which ... more Students classroom engagement has been shown to be an indicator of active learning process which is important in ensuring learning. However, classroom engagement is a multifaceted construct that includes cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspect of engagements which makes it difficult to get a holistic measure of the construct. Thus, behavioral engagement alone has been often used to provide an indication of classroom engagement that represents the two aspects of engagement (positive/negative). Generating behavioral engagement that reflects affective engagement would require a teaching and learning approach that integrates affects and cognitive needs in the teaching and learning approach. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to get a better understanding on the impact of an integrated affective-cognitive learning approach on students‘ behavioral engagement during the learning process via observation. The proposed affective-cognitive learning approach integrates the affective and cognitive aspects of learning into teaching and learning activities. The study used quasi-experimental design method with a control group involving civil engineering diploma students. The experimental group (n=36) was taught mechanics of material using the proposed learning approach while the control group (n=34) was taught the same course using the conventional method. Results revealed that the experimental group was more engaged during class compared to the control group resulting in more of them submitting classroom tasks on time and less of them showing negative behavioral engagement such as yawning and sleeping in class.
ABSTRACT This paper highlights some of the initiatives undertaken by Malaysia in addressing socia... more ABSTRACT This paper highlights some of the initiatives undertaken by Malaysia in addressing social and economic challenges through TVET programmes in general and through TVET agency - industry collaborative efforts in particular. A brief description of the TVET programmes that are under the various agencies in Malaysia will be presented to be followed by examples of collaboration initiatives undertaken at the various levels of the TVET system. The issues and challenges encountered in their implementations are identified as factors that need to be addressed to ensure sustainability of future TVET collaborations.
Papers by Maizam Alias