Authors' contribution Wkład autorów: A. Study design/planning zaplanowanie badań B. Data collecti... more Authors' contribution Wkład autorów: A. Study design/planning zaplanowanie badań B. Data collection/entry zebranie danych C. Data analysis/statistics dane-analiza i statystyki D. Data interpretation interpretacja danych E. Preparation of manuscript przygotowanie artykułu F. Literature analysis/search wyszukiwanie i analiza literatury G. Funds collection zebranie funduszy Summary Background. Excess body mass is an alarming issue among children today. The goal of the study was to evaluate the nutritional status of young primary-aged school children in Poland. Material and methods. The study included children (n=908) between 6 and 10 years of age attending elementary schools in urban and rural areas of Poland. An original questionnaire was used as the research tool in the study, which parents of the children completed. The questionnaire contained 40 questions divided into 4 parts (basic anthropometric data and family information, dietary habits, level of physical activity and level of parents' knowledge about principles of nutrition). Nutritional status was defined by BMI values based on standardized BMI charts recommended by WHO. Results. The study found that 74.7% of children had a normal or ideal body mass and 17.1% had excess body weight (overweight and obesity). Obesity was found in 6.8% of children and overweight in 10.3%. The study didn't reveal any significant differences in the prevalence of obesity among boys versus girls; however, overweight was found to be significantly higher among boys compared with girls (p<0.05). Children's nutritional status was similar regardless of where they lived. Conclusions. Prevalence of eating disorders among children is at a significant level. Obesity was found to be the most uncommon eating disorder in this study group, as opposed to overweight, which was the most common. However, because the study was based on a self-reporting questionnaire, there may be issues of accuracy, reliability and compliance, especially in case of weight disorders.
The prospective randomized trial was used to determine Se, Zn, and Cu concentrations in intestina... more The prospective randomized trial was used to determine Se, Zn, and Cu concentrations in intestinal cancer tissue and colorectal polyp. We also determined the relationship among the trace element levels in cancer tissue, the localization of neoplasms, and the stage of their development. The concentrations of these trace elements were examined in cancer tissue of the colorectum in 67 patients and in the colon and rectum polyps in 42 patients using the total-reflection X-ray fluorescence (TRXRF) method. The mean concentration of Se in colorectal cancer was 0.86 µg/g tissue and was statistically higher than in the case of polyps (0.57 µg/g). The mean concentration of Zn in colorectal cancer was higher than in the polyp (14.8 µg/g and 9.84 µg/g, respectively). The determined average concentration of Cu in colorectal cancer was 3.87 µg/g tissue and was a little lower than the level of this metal in the polyp (3.94 µg/g). There was no difference in the levels of these trace elements depending on the location of the neoplasm and the stage of its development. Also, there was no difference between the concentrations of these trace elements in the cancer tissue of malignant and benign tumors after taking into consideration the sex and age of patients. During the examination, we determined significantly higher concentrations of only selenium and zinc in the cancer tissue and not in the polyp. The level of copper was lower in a malignant tumor than in a benign one.
The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effect of high voltage stimulation (HVS) on the p... more The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effect of high voltage stimulation (HVS) on the process of healing of crural ulceration. Three comparative groups of patients, A, B and C, were drawn at random from patients with venous crural ulceration. Thirty-three patients in group A were subjected to treatment with HVS. In the course of treatment, doubled-peak monophasic impulses of a total duration of 0.1 ms and frequency of 100 Hz were applied. The voltage was 100 V. Group B, made up of 32 patients treated with topically applied medicine, and group C, made up of 14 patients treated with Unna&#39;s boot were used as control. In all patients in all groups (A, B and C) a significant reduction in wound size in relation to baseline was found. The rate of wound area change was highest in group A. The rate of pus cleansing was significantly highest in group A. The degree of granulation after 2 weeks was significantly greater in group A than in the other groups (P&lt;0.003). High voltage stimulation was an efficient method of enhancement of the healing of crural ulceration.
We investigated the possible differences between the concentrations of selenium in the whole bloo... more We investigated the possible differences between the concentrations of selenium in the whole blood and thyroid tissue of patients with thyroid disease. The study comprises 41 women with nodular goiter, 19 women and 2 men with thyroid cancer, 18 women with Graves' disease, and 7 women with thyroiditis. The concentration of selenium was determined by the TRXRF method. The lowest mean selenium level was achieved in the whole blood of women with Graves' disease and the highest in the whole blood of healthy people. In the thyroid cancer tissue, we found the lowest concentration of selenium and the highest in the thyroid gland of women with nodular goiter and Graves' disease. The low selenium levles in the thyroid tissue may increase thyroid cancer risk.
Background. Physical activity (PA) is a primary stimulator of human psychosomatic development. Ma... more Background. Physical activity (PA) is a primary stimulator of human psychosomatic development. Material and methods. The research analysis was based on data for children 6-10 years of age (n=908) attending primary schools in Poland, which were collected through indirect interviews from their parents. The research tool included an anonymous survey questionnaire for which the response rate was 20.8%. A value of p≤0.05 was taken to indicate statistical significance. Body Mass Index (BMI) was used for the assessment of the weight and height proportions. Results. Moderate PA of 3-5 hours per week had the highest percentage among girls and boys for type of PA. Moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), which equates to 5-10 hours, was selected by 17.1-28.1% of girls, depending on body weight, and was most frequent among the group of obese girls. In the group of boys, MVPA=5-10 hours was 17.2-27.6% respectively, depending on body weight. This answer was most frequently selected by boys with normal body weight (27.6%). In the both groups of girls and boys, no statistically significant differences between nutritional status and time spent on PA were noted (girls: χ²=24.00; p=0.065; boys: χ²=19.33; p=0.199). The majority of children surveyed used sports facilities 2-4 times a week. This answer was most frequently chosen by the group of obese boys (51.7%) and girls (54.8%). Conclusions. Levels of PA among the children in this study was found to be insufficient, and the amount of PA did not have a statistically significant correlation with body weight.
Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, Nov 18, 2016
The present study aimed to determine the numeric projection of the function of the mandible and m... more The present study aimed to determine the numeric projection of the function of the mandible and muscle system during mastication. An experimental study was conducted on a healthy 47 year-old subject. On clinical examination no functional disorders were observed. To evaluate the activity of mastication during muscle functioning, bread cubes and hazelnuts were selected (2 cm 2 and 1.2/1.3 cm in diameter, respectively) for condyloid processing. An assessment of the activity of mastication during muscle functioning was determined on the basis of numeric calculations conducted with a novel software programme, Kinematics 3D, designed specifically for this study. The efficacy of the model was verified by ensuring the experimentally recorded trajectories were concordant with those calculated numerically. Experimental measurements of the characteristic points of the mandible trajectory were recorded six times. Using the configuration coordinates that were calculated, the dominant componential harmonics of the amplitude-frequency spectrum were identified. The average value of the dominant frequency during mastication of the bread cubes was ~1.16±0.06 Hz, whereas in the case of the hazelnut, this value was nearly twofold higher at 1.84±0.07 Hz. The most asymmetrical action during mastication was demonstrated to be carried out by the lateral pterygoid muscles, provided that their functioning was not influenced by food consistency. The consistency of the food products had a decisive impact on the frequency of mastication and the number of cycles necessary to grind the food. Model tests on the function of the masticatory organ serve as effective tools since they provide qualitative and quantitative novel information on the functioning of the human masticatory organ.
The study enrolled 81 with urinary incontinence following radical prostate-only prostatectomy for... more The study enrolled 81 with urinary incontinence following radical prostate-only prostatectomy for prostatic carcinoma. The patients were divided into two groups. The patients in Group I were additionally subdivided into two subgroups with respect to the physiotherapeutic method used. The patients of subgroup IA received a rehabilitation program consisting of three parts. The patients of subgroup IB rehabilitation program consist of two parts. Group II, a control group, had reported for therapy for persistent urinary incontinence following radical prostatectomy but had not entered therapy for personal reasons. For estimating the level of incontinence, a 1-hour and 24-hour urinary pad tests, the miction diary, and incontinence questionnaire were used, and for recording the measurements of pelvic floor muscles tension, the sEMG (surface electromyography) was applied. The therapy duration depended on the level of incontinence and it continued for not longer than 12 months. Superior continence outcomes were obtained in Group I versus Group II and the difference was statistically significant. The odds ratio for regaining continence was greater in the rehabilitated Group I and smaller in the group II without the rehabilitation. A comparison of continence outcomes revealed a statistically significant difference between Subgroups IA versus IB. The physiotherapeutic procedures applied on patients with urine incontinence after prostatectomy, for most of them, proved to be an effective way of acting, which is supported by the obtained results.
SummaryAim: The study of the influence of sulodexide in the treatment of venous leg ulcers. Patie... more SummaryAim: The study of the influence of sulodexide in the treatment of venous leg ulcers. Patients and method: 44 patients with chronic venous ulceration were randomly divided into two groups. Group I: 21 patients (ulceration area: 12.7-18.9 cm2), Group II: 23 patients (ulceration size: 12.1-20.3 cm2). Both groups were treated by using Unna’s boot. This dressing was changed every seven days until the ulcer had healed. Additionally, the patients in group II received the systemic pharmacological treatment with sulodexide. Results: After 7 weeks of treatment ulcers of seven patients (35%) from group I had healed, and 3 weeks later the ulceration of two more patients had healed completely. After further 7 weeks the ulcers of 12 patients had healed completely. Whereas in group II after 7 weeks of treatment ulceration of 16 (70%, p &lt;0.05) patient had healed completely and after further 3 weeks the ulcers of the remaining 7 patients had healed, too. Conclusion: The use of sulodexide in patients with chronic venous leg ulcers accelerates the healing process.
Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a frequently performed procedure in orthopaedic surgery. Recentl... more Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a frequently performed procedure in orthopaedic surgery. Recently, patient-specific instrumentation was introduced to facilitate correct positioning of implants. The aim of this study was to compare the early clinical results of TKA performed with patient-specific CT-based instrumentation and conventional technique. A prospective, randomized controlled trial on 112 patients was performed between January 2011 and December 2011. A group of 112 patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were enrolled in this study and randomly assigned to an experimental or control group. The experimental group comprised 52 patients who received the Signature CT-based implant positioning system, and the control group consisted of 60 patients with conventional instrumentation. Clinical outcomes were evaluated with the KSS scale, WOMAC scale, and VAS scales to assess knee pain severity and patient satisfaction with the surgery. Specified in-hospital data were recorded. Patients were followed up for 12 months. At one year after surgery, there were no statistically significant differences between groups with respect to clinical outcomes and in-hospital data, including operative time, blood loss, hospital length of stay, intraoperative observations, and postoperative complications. Further high-quality investigations of various patient-specific systems and longer follow-up may be helpful in assessing their utility for TKA.
The concentrations of Fe, Cu, Zn and Se in cancerous and benign tissues of breast, lung and intes... more The concentrations of Fe, Cu, Zn and Se in cancerous and benign tissues of breast, lung and intestine (colon) have been determined. In the cases when the element concentration has not been determined in all samples the Kaplan-Meier method has been used for the reconstruction of the original concentration distributions and estimation of the true mean concentrations and medians. Finally, the log-rank test has been applied to compare the elemental concentration distributions between cancerous and benign tissues of the same organ, between cancerous tissues and between benign tissues taken from different organs. Comparing benign and malignant neoplastic tissues, statistically significant differences have been found between Fe and Se concentration distributions of breast as well as for Cu and Zn in the case of lung tissues and in the case of colon tissues for Zn. The concentrations of all elements have been found to be statistically different in cancer tissues as well as in benign ones when comparing the different organs, i.e. groups &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;breast-colon&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; and &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;breast-lung&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;. Concentrations of Fe and Cu have been found to be statistically different in lung and colon cancerous tissues. For benign tissues of lung and colon a statistically significant difference has been found only for Zn.
Authors' contribution Wkład autorów: A. Study design/planning zaplanowanie badań B. Data collecti... more Authors' contribution Wkład autorów: A. Study design/planning zaplanowanie badań B. Data collection/entry zebranie danych C. Data analysis/statistics dane-analiza i statystyki D. Data interpretation interpretacja danych E. Preparation of manuscript przygotowanie artykułu F. Literature analysis/search wyszukiwanie i analiza literatury G. Funds collection zebranie funduszy Summary Background. One of the most important factors in a child's development is balanced diet and the formation of good eating habits. Material and methods. Parents of children (n=908) aged 6-10 attending primary schools in Poland were surveyed between September 2018 and June 2019. The research tool was a survey questionnaire divided into 4 parts. The first 3 parts dealt with information about the child, while the 4th part was dedicated to parents, and the questions in it assessed parents' knowledge about the correct principles of child nutrition. Results. Almost half of the respondents rightly claimed that a proper balanced diet for a child should include five or more meals per day. Slightly less than half of the respondents, i.e. 40.5%, stated incorrectly that the child's daily intake of milk or milk products should be one portion. Only 6.4% of the parents correctly considered that the daily consumption of dairy products by the child should be at least three to four portions. The correct answer about the recommended consumption of 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day was indicated by 12.7% of parents. Almost half of the parents knew that regular physical activity is at the base of the Pyramid of Healthy Food and Lifestyle for Children and Teenagers. Conclusions. Parents' knowledge of proper nutrition is still insufficient. It is very important that the correct principles of nutrition apply to everyone in the household, and not just to the child in an isolated way.
, who provided insight and expertise that assisted the research. The results presented were part ... more , who provided insight and expertise that assisted the research. The results presented were part of the Ph.D. research partially supported by the Foundation for the Development of Fracture Stabilization Techniques "Dynastab".
Polski merkuriusz lekarski : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego, May 1, 2006
The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of a high voltage stimulation, sonotherapy and... more The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of a high voltage stimulation, sonotherapy and laser biostimulation on the process of healing of venous leg ulcers. Four comparative groups--A, B, C and D--were made at a random from 92 patients with venous leg ulcers. The group A consisted of 26 patients, the group B--21 patients, the group C--21 patients, and the group D--24 patients. The patients in all comparative groups were treated pharmacologically. Ulcerations at the patients in the group A were additionally treated with the high voltage stimulation. However, ulcerations at the patients in the group B were treated with the sonotherapy. Ulcerations at the patients in the group C were treated with the laser biostimulation. Changes of the area, length, width and volume of the tissue defekt after above physical therapies were assessed. Changes of the pus decontamination and granulation processes were observed too. After treatment concluded, high voltage stimulation and ultrasound therapy had been more efficient at enhancing healing of venous leg ulcers than topical pharmacology. No significant effect of laser biostimulation on healing process was observed.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of a high voltage stimulation, sonotherapy and... more The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of a high voltage stimulation, sonotherapy and laser biostimulation on the process of healing of venous leg ulcers. Material and methods: Four comparative groups--A, B, C and D--were made at a random from 92 patients with venous leg ulcers. The group A consisted of 26 patients, the group B--21 patients, the group C--21 patients, and the group D--24 patients. The patients in all comparative groups were treated pharmacologically. Ulcerations at the patients in the group A were additionally treated with the high voltage stimulation. However, ulcerations at the patients in the group B were treated with the sonotherapy. Ulcerations at the patients in the group C were treated with the laser biostimulation. Changes of the area, length, width and volume of the tissue defekt after above physical therapies were assessed. Changes of the pus decontamination and granulation processes were observed too. Conclusions: After treatment concluded, high voltage stimulation and ultrasound therapy had been more efficient at enhancing healing of venous leg ulcers than topical pharmacology. No significant effect of laser biostimulation on healing process was observed.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B, May 1, 2020
Patients with extensive and deep burns who do not have enough donor sites for autologous skin gra... more Patients with extensive and deep burns who do not have enough donor sites for autologous skin grafts require alternative treatment methods. Tissue engineering is a useful tool to solve this problem. The aim of this study was to find the optimal method for the production of a biovital skin substitute based on acellular dermal matrix (ADM) and in vitro cultured fibroblasts and keratinocytes. In this work, nine methods of ADM production were assessed. The proposed methods are based on the use of the following enzymes: Dispase II, collagenase I/ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), collagenase II/EDTA, and mechanical perforation using DermaRoller and mesh dermatome. The obtained ADMs were examined (both on the side of the basement membrane and on the "cut-off" side) by means of scanning electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry tests and strength tests. ADM was revitalized with human fibroblasts and keratinocytes. The ability of in-depth revitalization of cultured fibroblasts and their ability to secrete collagen IV was examined. The obtained results indicate that the optimal method of production of live skin substitutes is the colonization of autologous fibroblasts and keratinocytes on the scaffold obtained using two-step incubation method: Trypsin/EDTA and dispase II.
In recent years, because of huge advances in medicine and technological progress, coupled with th... more In recent years, because of huge advances in medicine and technological progress, coupled with the application of increasingly accurate diagnostic tests, the use of saliva for medical purposes has become increasingly important. Saliva is a natural digestive secretion of the major and minor salivary glands that ensures, among other things, the proper functioning of the occlusion system. Other functions include the protection of dental surfaces from various external influences, and involvement in the formation of the food bolus and in the acts of swallowing, digestion, and speech. The composition of saliva is varied. In addition to water, which is found in saliva in far greater quantities than in any other substance, it also contains various substances which are also present in the blood. Their determination in saliva often has a great diagnostic potential in the early detection of both oral and systemic diseases. The diagnosis of selected systemic diseases using saliva is becoming the subject of a growing number of scientific studies. In this paper, the authors have focused on providing the reader with basic information about the physiology of saliva and on presenting the possibilities for its diagnostic application in selected systemic diseases.
Authors' contribution Wkład autorów: A. Study design/planning zaplanowanie badań B. Data collecti... more Authors' contribution Wkład autorów: A. Study design/planning zaplanowanie badań B. Data collection/entry zebranie danych C. Data analysis/statistics dane-analiza i statystyki D. Data interpretation interpretacja danych E. Preparation of manuscript przygotowanie artykułu F. Literature analysis/search wyszukiwanie i analiza literatury G. Funds collection zebranie funduszy Summary Background. Excess body mass is an alarming issue among children today. The goal of the study was to evaluate the nutritional status of young primary-aged school children in Poland. Material and methods. The study included children (n=908) between 6 and 10 years of age attending elementary schools in urban and rural areas of Poland. An original questionnaire was used as the research tool in the study, which parents of the children completed. The questionnaire contained 40 questions divided into 4 parts (basic anthropometric data and family information, dietary habits, level of physical activity and level of parents' knowledge about principles of nutrition). Nutritional status was defined by BMI values based on standardized BMI charts recommended by WHO. Results. The study found that 74.7% of children had a normal or ideal body mass and 17.1% had excess body weight (overweight and obesity). Obesity was found in 6.8% of children and overweight in 10.3%. The study didn't reveal any significant differences in the prevalence of obesity among boys versus girls; however, overweight was found to be significantly higher among boys compared with girls (p<0.05). Children's nutritional status was similar regardless of where they lived. Conclusions. Prevalence of eating disorders among children is at a significant level. Obesity was found to be the most uncommon eating disorder in this study group, as opposed to overweight, which was the most common. However, because the study was based on a self-reporting questionnaire, there may be issues of accuracy, reliability and compliance, especially in case of weight disorders.
The prospective randomized trial was used to determine Se, Zn, and Cu concentrations in intestina... more The prospective randomized trial was used to determine Se, Zn, and Cu concentrations in intestinal cancer tissue and colorectal polyp. We also determined the relationship among the trace element levels in cancer tissue, the localization of neoplasms, and the stage of their development. The concentrations of these trace elements were examined in cancer tissue of the colorectum in 67 patients and in the colon and rectum polyps in 42 patients using the total-reflection X-ray fluorescence (TRXRF) method. The mean concentration of Se in colorectal cancer was 0.86 µg/g tissue and was statistically higher than in the case of polyps (0.57 µg/g). The mean concentration of Zn in colorectal cancer was higher than in the polyp (14.8 µg/g and 9.84 µg/g, respectively). The determined average concentration of Cu in colorectal cancer was 3.87 µg/g tissue and was a little lower than the level of this metal in the polyp (3.94 µg/g). There was no difference in the levels of these trace elements depending on the location of the neoplasm and the stage of its development. Also, there was no difference between the concentrations of these trace elements in the cancer tissue of malignant and benign tumors after taking into consideration the sex and age of patients. During the examination, we determined significantly higher concentrations of only selenium and zinc in the cancer tissue and not in the polyp. The level of copper was lower in a malignant tumor than in a benign one.
The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effect of high voltage stimulation (HVS) on the p... more The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effect of high voltage stimulation (HVS) on the process of healing of crural ulceration. Three comparative groups of patients, A, B and C, were drawn at random from patients with venous crural ulceration. Thirty-three patients in group A were subjected to treatment with HVS. In the course of treatment, doubled-peak monophasic impulses of a total duration of 0.1 ms and frequency of 100 Hz were applied. The voltage was 100 V. Group B, made up of 32 patients treated with topically applied medicine, and group C, made up of 14 patients treated with Unna&#39;s boot were used as control. In all patients in all groups (A, B and C) a significant reduction in wound size in relation to baseline was found. The rate of wound area change was highest in group A. The rate of pus cleansing was significantly highest in group A. The degree of granulation after 2 weeks was significantly greater in group A than in the other groups (P&lt;0.003). High voltage stimulation was an efficient method of enhancement of the healing of crural ulceration.
We investigated the possible differences between the concentrations of selenium in the whole bloo... more We investigated the possible differences between the concentrations of selenium in the whole blood and thyroid tissue of patients with thyroid disease. The study comprises 41 women with nodular goiter, 19 women and 2 men with thyroid cancer, 18 women with Graves' disease, and 7 women with thyroiditis. The concentration of selenium was determined by the TRXRF method. The lowest mean selenium level was achieved in the whole blood of women with Graves' disease and the highest in the whole blood of healthy people. In the thyroid cancer tissue, we found the lowest concentration of selenium and the highest in the thyroid gland of women with nodular goiter and Graves' disease. The low selenium levles in the thyroid tissue may increase thyroid cancer risk.
Background. Physical activity (PA) is a primary stimulator of human psychosomatic development. Ma... more Background. Physical activity (PA) is a primary stimulator of human psychosomatic development. Material and methods. The research analysis was based on data for children 6-10 years of age (n=908) attending primary schools in Poland, which were collected through indirect interviews from their parents. The research tool included an anonymous survey questionnaire for which the response rate was 20.8%. A value of p≤0.05 was taken to indicate statistical significance. Body Mass Index (BMI) was used for the assessment of the weight and height proportions. Results. Moderate PA of 3-5 hours per week had the highest percentage among girls and boys for type of PA. Moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), which equates to 5-10 hours, was selected by 17.1-28.1% of girls, depending on body weight, and was most frequent among the group of obese girls. In the group of boys, MVPA=5-10 hours was 17.2-27.6% respectively, depending on body weight. This answer was most frequently selected by boys with normal body weight (27.6%). In the both groups of girls and boys, no statistically significant differences between nutritional status and time spent on PA were noted (girls: χ²=24.00; p=0.065; boys: χ²=19.33; p=0.199). The majority of children surveyed used sports facilities 2-4 times a week. This answer was most frequently chosen by the group of obese boys (51.7%) and girls (54.8%). Conclusions. Levels of PA among the children in this study was found to be insufficient, and the amount of PA did not have a statistically significant correlation with body weight.
Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, Nov 18, 2016
The present study aimed to determine the numeric projection of the function of the mandible and m... more The present study aimed to determine the numeric projection of the function of the mandible and muscle system during mastication. An experimental study was conducted on a healthy 47 year-old subject. On clinical examination no functional disorders were observed. To evaluate the activity of mastication during muscle functioning, bread cubes and hazelnuts were selected (2 cm 2 and 1.2/1.3 cm in diameter, respectively) for condyloid processing. An assessment of the activity of mastication during muscle functioning was determined on the basis of numeric calculations conducted with a novel software programme, Kinematics 3D, designed specifically for this study. The efficacy of the model was verified by ensuring the experimentally recorded trajectories were concordant with those calculated numerically. Experimental measurements of the characteristic points of the mandible trajectory were recorded six times. Using the configuration coordinates that were calculated, the dominant componential harmonics of the amplitude-frequency spectrum were identified. The average value of the dominant frequency during mastication of the bread cubes was ~1.16±0.06 Hz, whereas in the case of the hazelnut, this value was nearly twofold higher at 1.84±0.07 Hz. The most asymmetrical action during mastication was demonstrated to be carried out by the lateral pterygoid muscles, provided that their functioning was not influenced by food consistency. The consistency of the food products had a decisive impact on the frequency of mastication and the number of cycles necessary to grind the food. Model tests on the function of the masticatory organ serve as effective tools since they provide qualitative and quantitative novel information on the functioning of the human masticatory organ.
The study enrolled 81 with urinary incontinence following radical prostate-only prostatectomy for... more The study enrolled 81 with urinary incontinence following radical prostate-only prostatectomy for prostatic carcinoma. The patients were divided into two groups. The patients in Group I were additionally subdivided into two subgroups with respect to the physiotherapeutic method used. The patients of subgroup IA received a rehabilitation program consisting of three parts. The patients of subgroup IB rehabilitation program consist of two parts. Group II, a control group, had reported for therapy for persistent urinary incontinence following radical prostatectomy but had not entered therapy for personal reasons. For estimating the level of incontinence, a 1-hour and 24-hour urinary pad tests, the miction diary, and incontinence questionnaire were used, and for recording the measurements of pelvic floor muscles tension, the sEMG (surface electromyography) was applied. The therapy duration depended on the level of incontinence and it continued for not longer than 12 months. Superior continence outcomes were obtained in Group I versus Group II and the difference was statistically significant. The odds ratio for regaining continence was greater in the rehabilitated Group I and smaller in the group II without the rehabilitation. A comparison of continence outcomes revealed a statistically significant difference between Subgroups IA versus IB. The physiotherapeutic procedures applied on patients with urine incontinence after prostatectomy, for most of them, proved to be an effective way of acting, which is supported by the obtained results.
SummaryAim: The study of the influence of sulodexide in the treatment of venous leg ulcers. Patie... more SummaryAim: The study of the influence of sulodexide in the treatment of venous leg ulcers. Patients and method: 44 patients with chronic venous ulceration were randomly divided into two groups. Group I: 21 patients (ulceration area: 12.7-18.9 cm2), Group II: 23 patients (ulceration size: 12.1-20.3 cm2). Both groups were treated by using Unna’s boot. This dressing was changed every seven days until the ulcer had healed. Additionally, the patients in group II received the systemic pharmacological treatment with sulodexide. Results: After 7 weeks of treatment ulcers of seven patients (35%) from group I had healed, and 3 weeks later the ulceration of two more patients had healed completely. After further 7 weeks the ulcers of 12 patients had healed completely. Whereas in group II after 7 weeks of treatment ulceration of 16 (70%, p &lt;0.05) patient had healed completely and after further 3 weeks the ulcers of the remaining 7 patients had healed, too. Conclusion: The use of sulodexide in patients with chronic venous leg ulcers accelerates the healing process.
Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a frequently performed procedure in orthopaedic surgery. Recentl... more Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a frequently performed procedure in orthopaedic surgery. Recently, patient-specific instrumentation was introduced to facilitate correct positioning of implants. The aim of this study was to compare the early clinical results of TKA performed with patient-specific CT-based instrumentation and conventional technique. A prospective, randomized controlled trial on 112 patients was performed between January 2011 and December 2011. A group of 112 patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were enrolled in this study and randomly assigned to an experimental or control group. The experimental group comprised 52 patients who received the Signature CT-based implant positioning system, and the control group consisted of 60 patients with conventional instrumentation. Clinical outcomes were evaluated with the KSS scale, WOMAC scale, and VAS scales to assess knee pain severity and patient satisfaction with the surgery. Specified in-hospital data were recorded. Patients were followed up for 12 months. At one year after surgery, there were no statistically significant differences between groups with respect to clinical outcomes and in-hospital data, including operative time, blood loss, hospital length of stay, intraoperative observations, and postoperative complications. Further high-quality investigations of various patient-specific systems and longer follow-up may be helpful in assessing their utility for TKA.
The concentrations of Fe, Cu, Zn and Se in cancerous and benign tissues of breast, lung and intes... more The concentrations of Fe, Cu, Zn and Se in cancerous and benign tissues of breast, lung and intestine (colon) have been determined. In the cases when the element concentration has not been determined in all samples the Kaplan-Meier method has been used for the reconstruction of the original concentration distributions and estimation of the true mean concentrations and medians. Finally, the log-rank test has been applied to compare the elemental concentration distributions between cancerous and benign tissues of the same organ, between cancerous tissues and between benign tissues taken from different organs. Comparing benign and malignant neoplastic tissues, statistically significant differences have been found between Fe and Se concentration distributions of breast as well as for Cu and Zn in the case of lung tissues and in the case of colon tissues for Zn. The concentrations of all elements have been found to be statistically different in cancer tissues as well as in benign ones when comparing the different organs, i.e. groups &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;breast-colon&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; and &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;breast-lung&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;. Concentrations of Fe and Cu have been found to be statistically different in lung and colon cancerous tissues. For benign tissues of lung and colon a statistically significant difference has been found only for Zn.
Authors' contribution Wkład autorów: A. Study design/planning zaplanowanie badań B. Data collecti... more Authors' contribution Wkład autorów: A. Study design/planning zaplanowanie badań B. Data collection/entry zebranie danych C. Data analysis/statistics dane-analiza i statystyki D. Data interpretation interpretacja danych E. Preparation of manuscript przygotowanie artykułu F. Literature analysis/search wyszukiwanie i analiza literatury G. Funds collection zebranie funduszy Summary Background. One of the most important factors in a child's development is balanced diet and the formation of good eating habits. Material and methods. Parents of children (n=908) aged 6-10 attending primary schools in Poland were surveyed between September 2018 and June 2019. The research tool was a survey questionnaire divided into 4 parts. The first 3 parts dealt with information about the child, while the 4th part was dedicated to parents, and the questions in it assessed parents' knowledge about the correct principles of child nutrition. Results. Almost half of the respondents rightly claimed that a proper balanced diet for a child should include five or more meals per day. Slightly less than half of the respondents, i.e. 40.5%, stated incorrectly that the child's daily intake of milk or milk products should be one portion. Only 6.4% of the parents correctly considered that the daily consumption of dairy products by the child should be at least three to four portions. The correct answer about the recommended consumption of 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day was indicated by 12.7% of parents. Almost half of the parents knew that regular physical activity is at the base of the Pyramid of Healthy Food and Lifestyle for Children and Teenagers. Conclusions. Parents' knowledge of proper nutrition is still insufficient. It is very important that the correct principles of nutrition apply to everyone in the household, and not just to the child in an isolated way.
, who provided insight and expertise that assisted the research. The results presented were part ... more , who provided insight and expertise that assisted the research. The results presented were part of the Ph.D. research partially supported by the Foundation for the Development of Fracture Stabilization Techniques "Dynastab".
Polski merkuriusz lekarski : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego, May 1, 2006
The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of a high voltage stimulation, sonotherapy and... more The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of a high voltage stimulation, sonotherapy and laser biostimulation on the process of healing of venous leg ulcers. Four comparative groups--A, B, C and D--were made at a random from 92 patients with venous leg ulcers. The group A consisted of 26 patients, the group B--21 patients, the group C--21 patients, and the group D--24 patients. The patients in all comparative groups were treated pharmacologically. Ulcerations at the patients in the group A were additionally treated with the high voltage stimulation. However, ulcerations at the patients in the group B were treated with the sonotherapy. Ulcerations at the patients in the group C were treated with the laser biostimulation. Changes of the area, length, width and volume of the tissue defekt after above physical therapies were assessed. Changes of the pus decontamination and granulation processes were observed too. After treatment concluded, high voltage stimulation and ultrasound therapy had been more efficient at enhancing healing of venous leg ulcers than topical pharmacology. No significant effect of laser biostimulation on healing process was observed.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of a high voltage stimulation, sonotherapy and... more The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of a high voltage stimulation, sonotherapy and laser biostimulation on the process of healing of venous leg ulcers. Material and methods: Four comparative groups--A, B, C and D--were made at a random from 92 patients with venous leg ulcers. The group A consisted of 26 patients, the group B--21 patients, the group C--21 patients, and the group D--24 patients. The patients in all comparative groups were treated pharmacologically. Ulcerations at the patients in the group A were additionally treated with the high voltage stimulation. However, ulcerations at the patients in the group B were treated with the sonotherapy. Ulcerations at the patients in the group C were treated with the laser biostimulation. Changes of the area, length, width and volume of the tissue defekt after above physical therapies were assessed. Changes of the pus decontamination and granulation processes were observed too. Conclusions: After treatment concluded, high voltage stimulation and ultrasound therapy had been more efficient at enhancing healing of venous leg ulcers than topical pharmacology. No significant effect of laser biostimulation on healing process was observed.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B, May 1, 2020
Patients with extensive and deep burns who do not have enough donor sites for autologous skin gra... more Patients with extensive and deep burns who do not have enough donor sites for autologous skin grafts require alternative treatment methods. Tissue engineering is a useful tool to solve this problem. The aim of this study was to find the optimal method for the production of a biovital skin substitute based on acellular dermal matrix (ADM) and in vitro cultured fibroblasts and keratinocytes. In this work, nine methods of ADM production were assessed. The proposed methods are based on the use of the following enzymes: Dispase II, collagenase I/ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), collagenase II/EDTA, and mechanical perforation using DermaRoller and mesh dermatome. The obtained ADMs were examined (both on the side of the basement membrane and on the "cut-off" side) by means of scanning electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry tests and strength tests. ADM was revitalized with human fibroblasts and keratinocytes. The ability of in-depth revitalization of cultured fibroblasts and their ability to secrete collagen IV was examined. The obtained results indicate that the optimal method of production of live skin substitutes is the colonization of autologous fibroblasts and keratinocytes on the scaffold obtained using two-step incubation method: Trypsin/EDTA and dispase II.
In recent years, because of huge advances in medicine and technological progress, coupled with th... more In recent years, because of huge advances in medicine and technological progress, coupled with the application of increasingly accurate diagnostic tests, the use of saliva for medical purposes has become increasingly important. Saliva is a natural digestive secretion of the major and minor salivary glands that ensures, among other things, the proper functioning of the occlusion system. Other functions include the protection of dental surfaces from various external influences, and involvement in the formation of the food bolus and in the acts of swallowing, digestion, and speech. The composition of saliva is varied. In addition to water, which is found in saliva in far greater quantities than in any other substance, it also contains various substances which are also present in the blood. Their determination in saliva often has a great diagnostic potential in the early detection of both oral and systemic diseases. The diagnosis of selected systemic diseases using saliva is becoming the subject of a growing number of scientific studies. In this paper, the authors have focused on providing the reader with basic information about the physiology of saliva and on presenting the possibilities for its diagnostic application in selected systemic diseases.
Papers by Marek Kucharzewski