During the first year at university, a remarkably small number of students stay in school and suc... more During the first year at university, a remarkably small number of students stay in school and succeed. To explain that phenomenon, we first take into account the students’ socio-demographic characteristics and school backgrounds. For thirty years, other elements have also been studied based on different theoretical trends. On the one hand educational models (Tinto, 1975, 1997; Bean, 1980) underline both the importance of social and school experiences the students have when entering university right after high school and their adaptation to new individual and institutional features. On the other hand motivation models (Wigfield & Eccles, 2000; Eccles & Wigfield, 2002; Kahn & Nauta, 2001) focus upon the students’ personal features (for instance feeling competent, recognizing goals, etc.). Validating the model of Tinto in the Belgian educational environment and analyzing the complementary role of the feeling of personal efficiency, we try here to clearly show what those different theor...
Depuis l’annee academique 2012 - 2013, le cours Projet de formation est integre au programme des ... more Depuis l’annee academique 2012 - 2013, le cours Projet de formation est integre au programme des etudiants inscrits en premiere annee de Bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l’education a l’Universite catholique de Louvain (Belgique). Il a pour objectif d’accompagner l’etudiant dans la construction progressive de son projet professionnel tout au long des trois annees de Bachelier, en vue de son choix de stages de master, de filieres d’etudes dans le master et de son insertion socioprofessionnelle future. Le dispositif pedagogique est construit autour de l’elaboration progressive d’un portfolio qui explore trois dimensions vocationnelles (Germeijs et Verschueren, 2006) : personnelle, d’etudes et professionnelle. L’etudiant est accompagne dans la construction de ce portfolio par des activites d’enseignement et d’apprentissage contextualisees (Frenay & Bedard, 2004) telles qu’un stage d’immersion avec un public particulier. La reflexivite des etudiants est developpee en alternant...
The purpose of this present paper is to investigate the different types of goals low-qualified un... more The purpose of this present paper is to investigate the different types of goals low-qualified unemployed jobseekers pursue in social-professional learning situations and to understand the dynamics of multiple goal pursuit and how these dynamics influence commitment in social-professional learning. Moreover, this research aims to develop a methodology which is also applicable to low-qualified populations who may face problems related to reading and comprehension. These two theoretical issues were examined through the lens of the hierarchical structure of goals proposed by Carver and Scheier (1998, 2000). According to these authors, goals are defined by two dimensions: the abstraction level of goals (be goals versus do goals) and the degree of integration between goals (highly connected goals versus isolated goals). Both dimensions are important determinants of the importance people attribute to learning goals (hypotheses 1, 2). We also assume that goal importance and self-efficacy t...
The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of motivational and cognitive processes on se... more The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of motivational and cognitive processes on several achievement outcomes. Academic achievement was assessed through final percentage and three tasks assessing three different levels of knowledge (acquisition of knowledge, understanding of principles and application of concepts). The relation between achievement and self-efficacy beliefs, goal orientation, learning strategies and self-regulation was investigated while controlling for student’s previous performance. The participants were 217 students from the engineering faculty at the Universite catholique de Louvain in Belgium. The students were at the beginning of their third year of study. Data were analyzed through stepwise regression. The results mainly highlighted that final percentage is essentially modulated by motivational factors (mastery goal), whereas the performance to specific tasks was related with cognitive factors (deep processing and surface processing). Moreover, t...
The transition from secondary school to post-secondary education is a key moment in students’ edu... more The transition from secondary school to post-secondary education is a key moment in students’ educational trajectories, as it requires them to make important study and career choices. In Belgium, while the access rate to higher education is about 56% for secondary education students. rate of failure of first year undergraduates is also quite high: 58.9% of the freshmen fail. Students who fail can start again their first year in the same study program or change their study choice. Even if changing from one study program to another is very easy, 77% of the students who fail, do persist in their first study choice (ETNIC, 2008). Therefore, we would like to understand why students keep engaged to studies they have failed and/or which may not suit them. One explanation could be found in public commitment. Indeed, making a public commitment towards a behaviour or a goal reinforces the person’s commitment to this behaviour or goal (e.g. Debar & al., 2011; Nyer & Dellande, 2010). As a resul...
De nombreux dispositifs d’aide a la reussite ont ete developpes. Cependant, la plupart de ceux-ci... more De nombreux dispositifs d’aide a la reussite ont ete developpes. Cependant, la plupart de ceux-ci n’ont pas fait l’objet d’une evaluation rigoureuse et systematique concernant leurs impacts sur la reussite et l’apprentissage des etudiants. En continuite du poster de l'annee passee, ce poster presentera la seconde evaluation du dispositif Pack en Bloque. L'evaluation 2013-2014 a ete realisee sur 1111 etudiants de premieres annee issus des 9 facultes participants au dispositif. Celle-ci permet de confirmer les resultats precedemment obtenus et d'aller plus en profondeur dans l'analyse de l'efficacite du dispositif. Plus precisement, elle estime l'impact reel de Pack en Bloque au travers d'analyses a mesures repetees comparant l'evolution de la gestion de l'etude des participants (n=322) a celle d'un groupe controle (n=789). De plus, elle offre egalement une analyse fine de l'effet du dispositif sur les performances de l’etudiant a la session...
The first purpose of this paper is to investigate the different types of goals low-qualified unem... more The first purpose of this paper is to investigate the different types of goals low-qualified unemployed jobseekers pursue in social-professional learning situations and their goal priorities allocated to goals pursued. The second objective is to understand the dynamics of multiple goal pursuit and how these dynamics influence goal commitment. These two theoretical issues were examined through the lens of the hierarchical structure of goals proposed by Carver and Scheier (1998, 2001). According to these authors, goals are defined by two dimensions: the abstraction level of goals (be goals versus do goals) and the degree of integration between goals (highly connected goals versus isolated goals). These two dimensions are assumed to be related to goal commitment, as mediated by the importance people attribute to learning goals. Self-efficacy towards the attainment of the goal is also hypothesized to determine commitment to the learning goal. A questionnaire was developed to measure par...
La transition entre les etudes secondaires et universitaires est un sujet qui a suscite beaucoup ... more La transition entre les etudes secondaires et universitaires est un sujet qui a suscite beaucoup d’interet chez les chercheurs en psychologie et en sciences de l’education ces trente dernieres annees. En Communaute francaise de Belgique, cet engouement peut s’expliquer par le taux eleve et stable d’echecs et d’abandons en premiere annee a l’universite (Droesbeke, Lecrenier, Tabutin & Vermandele, 2008 ; Galand, Neuville, & Frenay, 2005 ; OCDE, 2011). Face a cette situation problematique, de nombreux dispositifs d’aide a la reussite ont vu le jour. Cependant, peu d’entre eux ont fait l’objet d’une evaluation rigoureuse et systematique en ce qui concerne leur efficacite sur la reussite et l’apprentissage des etudiants. Dans ce cadre, notre recherche a pour objectif d’evaluer un dispositif d’aide a la reussite mis en place a l’Universite catholique de Louvain et appele « Pack en Bloque ». Cette recherche a porte sur 438 etudiants issus de 8 facultes et ayant profite de ce dispositif. La recherche s’est deroulee en 3 temps afin d’evaluer l’evolution de la gestion de l’etude des etudiants. Trois dimensions de la gestion de l’etude ont ete evalue : la qualite d’etude (efficacite de l’etude, ajustement des strategies d’etude…), la quantite d’etude (equilibre entre loisirs et etude, gestion du temps…) et la qualite de vie (qualite du sommeil, gestion du stress…). Les resultats preliminaires montrent une amelioration de la quantite et de la qualite d’etude des etudiants suite a « Pack en bloque ». De plus, les resultats tendent a montrer que les competences de gestion de l’etude developpees lors de pack en bloque ont ete transferees lors du blocus suivant. Il semble donc que le dispositif « Pack en bloque » ait ete utile et efficace pour les etudiants qui y ont pris part. De nombreuses implications et perspectives futures decoulent de cette recherche.
During the first year at university, a remarkably small number of students stay in school and suc... more During the first year at university, a remarkably small number of students stay in school and succeed. To explain that phenomenon, we first take into account the students’ socio-demographic characteristics and school backgrounds. For thirty years, other elements have also been studied based on different theoretical trends. On the one hand educational models (Tinto, 1975, 1997; Bean, 1980) underline both the importance of social and school experiences the students have when entering university right after high school and their adaptation to new individual and institutional features. On the other hand motivation models (Wigfield & Eccles, 2000; Eccles & Wigfield, 2002; Kahn & Nauta, 2001) focus upon the students’ personal features (for instance feeling competent, recognizing goals, etc.). Validating the model of Tinto in the Belgian educational environment and analyzing the complementary role of the feeling of personal efficiency, we try here to clearly show what those different theor...
Depuis l’annee academique 2012 - 2013, le cours Projet de formation est integre au programme des ... more Depuis l’annee academique 2012 - 2013, le cours Projet de formation est integre au programme des etudiants inscrits en premiere annee de Bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l’education a l’Universite catholique de Louvain (Belgique). Il a pour objectif d’accompagner l’etudiant dans la construction progressive de son projet professionnel tout au long des trois annees de Bachelier, en vue de son choix de stages de master, de filieres d’etudes dans le master et de son insertion socioprofessionnelle future. Le dispositif pedagogique est construit autour de l’elaboration progressive d’un portfolio qui explore trois dimensions vocationnelles (Germeijs et Verschueren, 2006) : personnelle, d’etudes et professionnelle. L’etudiant est accompagne dans la construction de ce portfolio par des activites d’enseignement et d’apprentissage contextualisees (Frenay & Bedard, 2004) telles qu’un stage d’immersion avec un public particulier. La reflexivite des etudiants est developpee en alternant...
The purpose of this present paper is to investigate the different types of goals low-qualified un... more The purpose of this present paper is to investigate the different types of goals low-qualified unemployed jobseekers pursue in social-professional learning situations and to understand the dynamics of multiple goal pursuit and how these dynamics influence commitment in social-professional learning. Moreover, this research aims to develop a methodology which is also applicable to low-qualified populations who may face problems related to reading and comprehension. These two theoretical issues were examined through the lens of the hierarchical structure of goals proposed by Carver and Scheier (1998, 2000). According to these authors, goals are defined by two dimensions: the abstraction level of goals (be goals versus do goals) and the degree of integration between goals (highly connected goals versus isolated goals). Both dimensions are important determinants of the importance people attribute to learning goals (hypotheses 1, 2). We also assume that goal importance and self-efficacy t...
The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of motivational and cognitive processes on se... more The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of motivational and cognitive processes on several achievement outcomes. Academic achievement was assessed through final percentage and three tasks assessing three different levels of knowledge (acquisition of knowledge, understanding of principles and application of concepts). The relation between achievement and self-efficacy beliefs, goal orientation, learning strategies and self-regulation was investigated while controlling for student’s previous performance. The participants were 217 students from the engineering faculty at the Universite catholique de Louvain in Belgium. The students were at the beginning of their third year of study. Data were analyzed through stepwise regression. The results mainly highlighted that final percentage is essentially modulated by motivational factors (mastery goal), whereas the performance to specific tasks was related with cognitive factors (deep processing and surface processing). Moreover, t...
The transition from secondary school to post-secondary education is a key moment in students’ edu... more The transition from secondary school to post-secondary education is a key moment in students’ educational trajectories, as it requires them to make important study and career choices. In Belgium, while the access rate to higher education is about 56% for secondary education students. rate of failure of first year undergraduates is also quite high: 58.9% of the freshmen fail. Students who fail can start again their first year in the same study program or change their study choice. Even if changing from one study program to another is very easy, 77% of the students who fail, do persist in their first study choice (ETNIC, 2008). Therefore, we would like to understand why students keep engaged to studies they have failed and/or which may not suit them. One explanation could be found in public commitment. Indeed, making a public commitment towards a behaviour or a goal reinforces the person’s commitment to this behaviour or goal (e.g. Debar & al., 2011; Nyer & Dellande, 2010). As a resul...
De nombreux dispositifs d’aide a la reussite ont ete developpes. Cependant, la plupart de ceux-ci... more De nombreux dispositifs d’aide a la reussite ont ete developpes. Cependant, la plupart de ceux-ci n’ont pas fait l’objet d’une evaluation rigoureuse et systematique concernant leurs impacts sur la reussite et l’apprentissage des etudiants. En continuite du poster de l'annee passee, ce poster presentera la seconde evaluation du dispositif Pack en Bloque. L'evaluation 2013-2014 a ete realisee sur 1111 etudiants de premieres annee issus des 9 facultes participants au dispositif. Celle-ci permet de confirmer les resultats precedemment obtenus et d'aller plus en profondeur dans l'analyse de l'efficacite du dispositif. Plus precisement, elle estime l'impact reel de Pack en Bloque au travers d'analyses a mesures repetees comparant l'evolution de la gestion de l'etude des participants (n=322) a celle d'un groupe controle (n=789). De plus, elle offre egalement une analyse fine de l'effet du dispositif sur les performances de l’etudiant a la session...
The first purpose of this paper is to investigate the different types of goals low-qualified unem... more The first purpose of this paper is to investigate the different types of goals low-qualified unemployed jobseekers pursue in social-professional learning situations and their goal priorities allocated to goals pursued. The second objective is to understand the dynamics of multiple goal pursuit and how these dynamics influence goal commitment. These two theoretical issues were examined through the lens of the hierarchical structure of goals proposed by Carver and Scheier (1998, 2001). According to these authors, goals are defined by two dimensions: the abstraction level of goals (be goals versus do goals) and the degree of integration between goals (highly connected goals versus isolated goals). These two dimensions are assumed to be related to goal commitment, as mediated by the importance people attribute to learning goals. Self-efficacy towards the attainment of the goal is also hypothesized to determine commitment to the learning goal. A questionnaire was developed to measure par...
La transition entre les etudes secondaires et universitaires est un sujet qui a suscite beaucoup ... more La transition entre les etudes secondaires et universitaires est un sujet qui a suscite beaucoup d’interet chez les chercheurs en psychologie et en sciences de l’education ces trente dernieres annees. En Communaute francaise de Belgique, cet engouement peut s’expliquer par le taux eleve et stable d’echecs et d’abandons en premiere annee a l’universite (Droesbeke, Lecrenier, Tabutin & Vermandele, 2008 ; Galand, Neuville, & Frenay, 2005 ; OCDE, 2011). Face a cette situation problematique, de nombreux dispositifs d’aide a la reussite ont vu le jour. Cependant, peu d’entre eux ont fait l’objet d’une evaluation rigoureuse et systematique en ce qui concerne leur efficacite sur la reussite et l’apprentissage des etudiants. Dans ce cadre, notre recherche a pour objectif d’evaluer un dispositif d’aide a la reussite mis en place a l’Universite catholique de Louvain et appele « Pack en Bloque ». Cette recherche a porte sur 438 etudiants issus de 8 facultes et ayant profite de ce dispositif. La recherche s’est deroulee en 3 temps afin d’evaluer l’evolution de la gestion de l’etude des etudiants. Trois dimensions de la gestion de l’etude ont ete evalue : la qualite d’etude (efficacite de l’etude, ajustement des strategies d’etude…), la quantite d’etude (equilibre entre loisirs et etude, gestion du temps…) et la qualite de vie (qualite du sommeil, gestion du stress…). Les resultats preliminaires montrent une amelioration de la quantite et de la qualite d’etude des etudiants suite a « Pack en bloque ». De plus, les resultats tendent a montrer que les competences de gestion de l’etude developpees lors de pack en bloque ont ete transferees lors du blocus suivant. Il semble donc que le dispositif « Pack en bloque » ait ete utile et efficace pour les etudiants qui y ont pris part. De nombreuses implications et perspectives futures decoulent de cette recherche.
Papers by Mariane Frenay