From the aspect of safety the level railway-road crossings represent one of the most critical poi... more From the aspect of safety the level railway-road crossings represent one of the most critical points on the railway network. This is confirmed by the fact that they are often places where traffic incidents and accidents frequently occur, with consequences in human victims and great material damages. These facts represent an actual problem of traffic safety in every country and in the Republic of Croatia as well. According to statistics, the drivers of road vehicles are most often the cause for such emergencies, indicating their extremely low level of complying with the traffic regulations. This is also confirmed by the data on a large number of accidents or avoided accidents at crossings with the highest level of protection. The paper analyses the problems of railway-road crossings, safety condition and all the relevant statistical data about the causes and consequences of emergencies, both at the level of the Republic of Croatia, and at the level of the entire Europe.
International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure, 2021
Level crossings (LC’s) are one of the most dangerous points in railway traffic with frequent acci... more Level crossings (LC’s) are one of the most dangerous points in railway traffic with frequent accidents that result in significant material damages and almost always fatalities. When level crossings are located within highly populated urban areas, they represent an even higher risk for accidents because of increased traffic volume for both the road and rail sectors. There are currently 34 level crossings in the City of Zagreb, some of which are on the roads with the highest traffic volume in the Republic of Croatia. Accident analyses on level crossings show poor traffic culture, especially pedestrians, which are intentionally disregarding traffic rules and showing poor judgment. This paper will show the existing condition and possible improvements of identified shortcomings of observed level crossings in the City of Zagreb and it will also present the existing level crossing regulations, classification, and safety on the railway network in the Republic of Croatia.
Ovaj prometni elaborat sadrži analizu željeznicko- cestovnog prijelaza Kupinec na pruzi M202, Zag... more Ovaj prometni elaborat sadrži analizu željeznicko- cestovnog prijelaza Kupinec na pruzi M202, Zagreb – Rijeka, stacionaža 446+363, a ukljucuje analizu postojeceg stanja (infrastrukturne znacajke cestovne i željeznicke infrastrukture, održavanje prometnica, analiza prometnih tokova cestovnog i željeznickog prometa), analizu uocenih poteskoca i nedostataka na željeznicko-cestovnom prijelazu Kupinec (oblikovnost, opremljenost i ponasanje sudionika u prometu) i zakljucno prijedloge mjera poboljsanja postojeceg stanja predmetnog željeznicko-cestovnog prijelaza.
From the safety point of view, level crossings (LC's) are critical points in the safe conduct... more From the safety point of view, level crossings (LC's) are critical points in the safe conduct of rail and road traffic. Due to the different characteristics of rail and road vehicles (size, speed, stopping distance, maneuvering capabilities etc.) level crossings are often places with frequent accidents which and in most cases result in human fatalities and big material damages, even though, all of them are secured with appropriate level of technical protection. Accident statistics have shown that the main cause for all accidents (more than 95%) is human factor of road users (drivers, cyclist and pedestrians) who didn’t follow and obey traffic safety regulation at level crossings. This review paper presents current safety situation at level crossings in the Republic of Croatia and comparison with EU countries. Safety measures for preventing or diminishing level crossing accidents are presented and proposed.
As a place of direct conflict of the railway and road traffic, level crossing (LC) represents a p... more As a place of direct conflict of the railway and road traffic, level crossing (LC) represents a point of potential high risk of traffic safety. According to statistics, the drivers of road vehicles, as well as pedestrians are most often those who cause such emergencies, indicating their extremely low level of complying with the traffic regulations, so the behavior of traffic participants represents the main cause of traffic accidents at LCs. Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (University of Zagreb) and Croatian Railways launched in 2016 preventive and safety educational project "Implementation of measures to improve the safety of the most vulnerable traffic participants at level crossings". The paper presents methods and the dynamics of the activities within project measures with special focus on the education of traffic participants, as an essential element for increasing traffic culture and reducing the traffic accidents at LCs.
From the aspect of traffic safety, level crossings (LC) are areas with increased risk for severe ... more From the aspect of traffic safety, level crossings (LC) are areas with increased risk for severe accidents. Intentional or unintentional risky behaviour of level crossing users is the main cause for all accidents. On Croatian Railways network of 2, 605 km there is a 1, 520 LCs. Approximately 45% of Croatian LCs lie within urban environments, where safety is a particular problem. The main objective of this study is to determine the reasons for illegal pedestrian crossing over LC. General behavior characteristics of nonmotirized LC users will be studied through a comprehensive review of the research literature. Survey and video surveillance will be used for evaluation of pedestrian behavior. Survey among pedestrians will be conducted on characteristic LCs located in urban part of the City of Zagreb in Croatia. Detailed study of pedestrians behavior will be done using video surveillance mounted in the area of studied LCs. Survey and video recording results will provide identification o...
Sa stajalista sigurnosti željeznicko-cestovni prijelaz (ŽCP) kao mjesto neposrednog suceljavanja ... more Sa stajalista sigurnosti željeznicko-cestovni prijelaz (ŽCP) kao mjesto neposrednog suceljavanja željeznickog i cestovnog prometa tocka je visokog rizika. Namjerno ili nenamjerno rizicno ponasanje korisnika ŽCP-a glavni je uzrok izvanrednih događaja. Cilj ovoga rada jest utvrditi uzroke nepropisnog prelaženja pjesaka i biciklista preko ŽCP-a te predložiti mjere prevencije. Istraživanjem se željelo utvrditi u kojim ce situacijama pjesaci i biciklisti nepropisno prelaziti preko pruge. Kako ce na postivanje prometnih propisa utjecati prisustvo službene osobe? Kako na postivanje propisa utjece videonadzor? Utjecu li edukativne kampanje na promjenu obrazaca ponasanja korisnika ŽCP-a? U ovome je istraživanju prvi su put primjenjivani kontinuirano videosnimanje i promatranje ponasanja korisnika željeznicko-cestovnih prijelaza te anketno istraživanje, a u cilju utvrđivanja ponasanja sudionika u prometu na ŽCP-ima. Metodologija istraživanja primjenjena je na ŽCP-u Republike Austrije.
Level crossings (LC’s) represent a significant safety challenge for both road and railway traffic... more Level crossings (LC’s) represent a significant safety challenge for both road and railway traffic because they are often places with frequent accidents which results with human fatalities and significant material damages. Analysis of accident statistics have shown that main cause of all accidents is human behaviour of road users (pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicle drivers) who didn’t obey traffic rules, either intentionally or unintentionally. This paper shows current level crossing safety in the Republic of Croatia and proposes cost-effective measures for increasing level crossing safety.
Given the high risk of severe accidents at level crossings (LCs), this study examined legal and i... more Given the high risk of severe accidents at level crossings (LCs), this study examined legal and illegal crossings by pedestrians and cyclists at a high-traffic LC in Zagreb, Croatia. Survey data and field observations were collected to identify reasons for risky behavior. Behavior was observed under normal conditions and in the presence of various safety measures, including a railway gate keeper, police officer and educational posters in order to identify measures that can reduce risky behavior. Results show that the presence of a uniformed police officer at the LC was most effective at reducing illegal crossings, while the presence of cameras contributes significantly as well, especially after safety educational campaign when illegal crossing decrease for 59.23%. Based on this we can assume that in future the improvement regarding human behavior on LC could be made with cameras on LC and more frequent educational campaigns.
International journal of injury control and safety promotion, Jan 4, 2017
Given the high risk of severe accidents at level crossings (LCs), this study examined legal and i... more Given the high risk of severe accidents at level crossings (LCs), this study examined legal and illegal crossings by pedestrians and cyclists at a high-traffic LC in Zagreb, Croatia. Survey data and field observations were collected to identify reasons for risky behaviour. Behaviour was observed under normal conditions and in the presence of various safety measures in order to identify measures that can reduce risky behaviour. Results show that the presence of police officer at the LC was most effective at reducing illegal crossings, while the presence of cameras contributes significantly as well, especially after safety educational campaign when illegal crossing decreases for 59.23%. We can assume that in future the improvement regarding human behaviour on LC could be made with cameras on LC and more frequent educational campaigns. This is the first reported use of field survey and video surveillance methods to analyse user behaviour at LCs in Croatia.
Already in the late nineteenth century, during the Austro-Hungarian government there was the need... more Already in the late nineteenth century, during the Austro-Hungarian government there was the need for the construction of railway lines to link with the Adriatic ports. The construction of the Metkovic - Sarajevo railway line (completed in 1891) with a capacity of 600,000 tons per year, connected the South Adriatic ports (especially the Port of Metkovic) with the interior of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Port of Ploce realizes most of its business with customers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In terms of companies with headquarters in Bosnia and Herzegovina it is certainly important to draw attention to the fact that the activities of such companies that are focused on business cooperation with the Port of Ploce, depend to a large extent on the railway infrastructure. By its location, the Port of Ploce has a large catchment area and it is irreplaceable as the final destination of the flow of goods in the railway corridor Vc. In the north-south railway connection there is the Sarajevo - Pl...
Drustveni i gospodarski razvoj svake države treba biti usmjeren ka poboljsanju životnoga standard... more Drustveni i gospodarski razvoj svake države treba biti usmjeren ka poboljsanju životnoga standarda stanovnistva, odnosno svakoga pojedinca. Promet kao osnova svakoga gospodarstva, jedan je od osnovnih cimbenika razvoja. Međutim, razvoj klasicnih grana prometa u proslom je stoljecu znatno poremetio prirodnu ravnotežu ekosustava. S obzirom na sve poznate negativne ucinke prometa, u ovome radu prikazat ce se sa ekoloskog aspekta usporedba željeznickog i cestovnog prometa na razini europskih zemalja. Na temelju prikupljenih podataka i analize stanja predložit ce se određene smjernice za optimalizaciju željeznickog i cestovnog prometa koje bi, između ostalog, trebale znatno utjecati na smanjenje stetnog utjecaja analiziranih prometnih grana na okolis.
The Republic of Croatia on the threshold of joining the European Union is facing high requirement... more The Republic of Croatia on the threshold of joining the European Union is facing high requirements of modernizing the railway network in accordance with the objectives of improving the railway transport of the Union. The railway infrastructure development strategy plans a number of projects aimed at the modernization of the main railway traffic corridors, harmonization with the conditions of interoperability and meeting the requirements to increase the capacities in the transport of goods and passengers. The paper gives a presentation of the planned projects of constructing new railway lines and upgrading of the existing railway lines on the main railway corridors. It indicates the projects of traffic control system modernization by introducing advanced technologies. In accordance with the conditions of interoperability the preparation includes the introduction of the GSM-R and ETCS systems, as well as the system of central remote control of traffic (telecommands) that should enable...
Statistički podaci ukazuju na učestale izvanredne događaje na željezničko-cestovnim prijelazima č... more Statistički podaci ukazuju na učestale izvanredne događaje na željezničko-cestovnim prijelazima čija su posljedica materijalna šteta i ljudske žrtve. Izvanredni događaji na željezničko-cestovnim prijelazima čija su posljedica smrtni slučajevi u prosjeku čine 30 posto svih nesreća u željezničkome prometu i samo oko jedan posto nesreća u cestovnome prometu [2]. Međutim, analize uzroka izvanrednih događaja ukazuju na činjenicu kako su više od 90 posto nesreća uzrokovali nesavjesni sudionici cestovnoga prometa koji se nisu (svjesno ili nesvjesno) pridržavali prometnih pravila, a koji rade ili imaju prebivalište u blizini željezničkocestovnoga prijelaza. Tako su glavni uzroci nesreća podijeljeni na nedostatak razumijevanja pravila (nenamjerne pogreške) i na namjerno kršenje pravila (namjerni prekršaji) [3].
From the aspect of safety the level railway-road crossings represent one of the most critical poi... more From the aspect of safety the level railway-road crossings represent one of the most critical points on the railway network. This is confirmed by the fact that they are often places where traffic incidents and accidents frequently occur, with consequences in human victims and great material damages. These facts represent an actual problem of traffic safety in every country and in the Republic of Croatia as well. According to statistics, the drivers of road vehicles are most often the cause for such emergencies, indicating their extremely low level of complying with the traffic regulations. This is also confirmed by the data on a large number of accidents or avoided accidents at crossings with the highest level of protection. The paper analyses the problems of railway-road crossings, safety condition and all the relevant statistical data about the causes and consequences of emergencies, both at the level of the Republic of Croatia, and at the level of the entire Europe.
International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure, 2021
Level crossings (LC’s) are one of the most dangerous points in railway traffic with frequent acci... more Level crossings (LC’s) are one of the most dangerous points in railway traffic with frequent accidents that result in significant material damages and almost always fatalities. When level crossings are located within highly populated urban areas, they represent an even higher risk for accidents because of increased traffic volume for both the road and rail sectors. There are currently 34 level crossings in the City of Zagreb, some of which are on the roads with the highest traffic volume in the Republic of Croatia. Accident analyses on level crossings show poor traffic culture, especially pedestrians, which are intentionally disregarding traffic rules and showing poor judgment. This paper will show the existing condition and possible improvements of identified shortcomings of observed level crossings in the City of Zagreb and it will also present the existing level crossing regulations, classification, and safety on the railway network in the Republic of Croatia.
Ovaj prometni elaborat sadrži analizu željeznicko- cestovnog prijelaza Kupinec na pruzi M202, Zag... more Ovaj prometni elaborat sadrži analizu željeznicko- cestovnog prijelaza Kupinec na pruzi M202, Zagreb – Rijeka, stacionaža 446+363, a ukljucuje analizu postojeceg stanja (infrastrukturne znacajke cestovne i željeznicke infrastrukture, održavanje prometnica, analiza prometnih tokova cestovnog i željeznickog prometa), analizu uocenih poteskoca i nedostataka na željeznicko-cestovnom prijelazu Kupinec (oblikovnost, opremljenost i ponasanje sudionika u prometu) i zakljucno prijedloge mjera poboljsanja postojeceg stanja predmetnog željeznicko-cestovnog prijelaza.
From the safety point of view, level crossings (LC's) are critical points in the safe conduct... more From the safety point of view, level crossings (LC's) are critical points in the safe conduct of rail and road traffic. Due to the different characteristics of rail and road vehicles (size, speed, stopping distance, maneuvering capabilities etc.) level crossings are often places with frequent accidents which and in most cases result in human fatalities and big material damages, even though, all of them are secured with appropriate level of technical protection. Accident statistics have shown that the main cause for all accidents (more than 95%) is human factor of road users (drivers, cyclist and pedestrians) who didn’t follow and obey traffic safety regulation at level crossings. This review paper presents current safety situation at level crossings in the Republic of Croatia and comparison with EU countries. Safety measures for preventing or diminishing level crossing accidents are presented and proposed.
As a place of direct conflict of the railway and road traffic, level crossing (LC) represents a p... more As a place of direct conflict of the railway and road traffic, level crossing (LC) represents a point of potential high risk of traffic safety. According to statistics, the drivers of road vehicles, as well as pedestrians are most often those who cause such emergencies, indicating their extremely low level of complying with the traffic regulations, so the behavior of traffic participants represents the main cause of traffic accidents at LCs. Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (University of Zagreb) and Croatian Railways launched in 2016 preventive and safety educational project "Implementation of measures to improve the safety of the most vulnerable traffic participants at level crossings". The paper presents methods and the dynamics of the activities within project measures with special focus on the education of traffic participants, as an essential element for increasing traffic culture and reducing the traffic accidents at LCs.
From the aspect of traffic safety, level crossings (LC) are areas with increased risk for severe ... more From the aspect of traffic safety, level crossings (LC) are areas with increased risk for severe accidents. Intentional or unintentional risky behaviour of level crossing users is the main cause for all accidents. On Croatian Railways network of 2, 605 km there is a 1, 520 LCs. Approximately 45% of Croatian LCs lie within urban environments, where safety is a particular problem. The main objective of this study is to determine the reasons for illegal pedestrian crossing over LC. General behavior characteristics of nonmotirized LC users will be studied through a comprehensive review of the research literature. Survey and video surveillance will be used for evaluation of pedestrian behavior. Survey among pedestrians will be conducted on characteristic LCs located in urban part of the City of Zagreb in Croatia. Detailed study of pedestrians behavior will be done using video surveillance mounted in the area of studied LCs. Survey and video recording results will provide identification o...
Sa stajalista sigurnosti željeznicko-cestovni prijelaz (ŽCP) kao mjesto neposrednog suceljavanja ... more Sa stajalista sigurnosti željeznicko-cestovni prijelaz (ŽCP) kao mjesto neposrednog suceljavanja željeznickog i cestovnog prometa tocka je visokog rizika. Namjerno ili nenamjerno rizicno ponasanje korisnika ŽCP-a glavni je uzrok izvanrednih događaja. Cilj ovoga rada jest utvrditi uzroke nepropisnog prelaženja pjesaka i biciklista preko ŽCP-a te predložiti mjere prevencije. Istraživanjem se željelo utvrditi u kojim ce situacijama pjesaci i biciklisti nepropisno prelaziti preko pruge. Kako ce na postivanje prometnih propisa utjecati prisustvo službene osobe? Kako na postivanje propisa utjece videonadzor? Utjecu li edukativne kampanje na promjenu obrazaca ponasanja korisnika ŽCP-a? U ovome je istraživanju prvi su put primjenjivani kontinuirano videosnimanje i promatranje ponasanja korisnika željeznicko-cestovnih prijelaza te anketno istraživanje, a u cilju utvrđivanja ponasanja sudionika u prometu na ŽCP-ima. Metodologija istraživanja primjenjena je na ŽCP-u Republike Austrije.
Level crossings (LC’s) represent a significant safety challenge for both road and railway traffic... more Level crossings (LC’s) represent a significant safety challenge for both road and railway traffic because they are often places with frequent accidents which results with human fatalities and significant material damages. Analysis of accident statistics have shown that main cause of all accidents is human behaviour of road users (pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicle drivers) who didn’t obey traffic rules, either intentionally or unintentionally. This paper shows current level crossing safety in the Republic of Croatia and proposes cost-effective measures for increasing level crossing safety.
Given the high risk of severe accidents at level crossings (LCs), this study examined legal and i... more Given the high risk of severe accidents at level crossings (LCs), this study examined legal and illegal crossings by pedestrians and cyclists at a high-traffic LC in Zagreb, Croatia. Survey data and field observations were collected to identify reasons for risky behavior. Behavior was observed under normal conditions and in the presence of various safety measures, including a railway gate keeper, police officer and educational posters in order to identify measures that can reduce risky behavior. Results show that the presence of a uniformed police officer at the LC was most effective at reducing illegal crossings, while the presence of cameras contributes significantly as well, especially after safety educational campaign when illegal crossing decrease for 59.23%. Based on this we can assume that in future the improvement regarding human behavior on LC could be made with cameras on LC and more frequent educational campaigns.
International journal of injury control and safety promotion, Jan 4, 2017
Given the high risk of severe accidents at level crossings (LCs), this study examined legal and i... more Given the high risk of severe accidents at level crossings (LCs), this study examined legal and illegal crossings by pedestrians and cyclists at a high-traffic LC in Zagreb, Croatia. Survey data and field observations were collected to identify reasons for risky behaviour. Behaviour was observed under normal conditions and in the presence of various safety measures in order to identify measures that can reduce risky behaviour. Results show that the presence of police officer at the LC was most effective at reducing illegal crossings, while the presence of cameras contributes significantly as well, especially after safety educational campaign when illegal crossing decreases for 59.23%. We can assume that in future the improvement regarding human behaviour on LC could be made with cameras on LC and more frequent educational campaigns. This is the first reported use of field survey and video surveillance methods to analyse user behaviour at LCs in Croatia.
Already in the late nineteenth century, during the Austro-Hungarian government there was the need... more Already in the late nineteenth century, during the Austro-Hungarian government there was the need for the construction of railway lines to link with the Adriatic ports. The construction of the Metkovic - Sarajevo railway line (completed in 1891) with a capacity of 600,000 tons per year, connected the South Adriatic ports (especially the Port of Metkovic) with the interior of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Port of Ploce realizes most of its business with customers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In terms of companies with headquarters in Bosnia and Herzegovina it is certainly important to draw attention to the fact that the activities of such companies that are focused on business cooperation with the Port of Ploce, depend to a large extent on the railway infrastructure. By its location, the Port of Ploce has a large catchment area and it is irreplaceable as the final destination of the flow of goods in the railway corridor Vc. In the north-south railway connection there is the Sarajevo - Pl...
Drustveni i gospodarski razvoj svake države treba biti usmjeren ka poboljsanju životnoga standard... more Drustveni i gospodarski razvoj svake države treba biti usmjeren ka poboljsanju životnoga standarda stanovnistva, odnosno svakoga pojedinca. Promet kao osnova svakoga gospodarstva, jedan je od osnovnih cimbenika razvoja. Međutim, razvoj klasicnih grana prometa u proslom je stoljecu znatno poremetio prirodnu ravnotežu ekosustava. S obzirom na sve poznate negativne ucinke prometa, u ovome radu prikazat ce se sa ekoloskog aspekta usporedba željeznickog i cestovnog prometa na razini europskih zemalja. Na temelju prikupljenih podataka i analize stanja predložit ce se određene smjernice za optimalizaciju željeznickog i cestovnog prometa koje bi, između ostalog, trebale znatno utjecati na smanjenje stetnog utjecaja analiziranih prometnih grana na okolis.
The Republic of Croatia on the threshold of joining the European Union is facing high requirement... more The Republic of Croatia on the threshold of joining the European Union is facing high requirements of modernizing the railway network in accordance with the objectives of improving the railway transport of the Union. The railway infrastructure development strategy plans a number of projects aimed at the modernization of the main railway traffic corridors, harmonization with the conditions of interoperability and meeting the requirements to increase the capacities in the transport of goods and passengers. The paper gives a presentation of the planned projects of constructing new railway lines and upgrading of the existing railway lines on the main railway corridors. It indicates the projects of traffic control system modernization by introducing advanced technologies. In accordance with the conditions of interoperability the preparation includes the introduction of the GSM-R and ETCS systems, as well as the system of central remote control of traffic (telecommands) that should enable...
Statistički podaci ukazuju na učestale izvanredne događaje na željezničko-cestovnim prijelazima č... more Statistički podaci ukazuju na učestale izvanredne događaje na željezničko-cestovnim prijelazima čija su posljedica materijalna šteta i ljudske žrtve. Izvanredni događaji na željezničko-cestovnim prijelazima čija su posljedica smrtni slučajevi u prosjeku čine 30 posto svih nesreća u željezničkome prometu i samo oko jedan posto nesreća u cestovnome prometu [2]. Međutim, analize uzroka izvanrednih događaja ukazuju na činjenicu kako su više od 90 posto nesreća uzrokovali nesavjesni sudionici cestovnoga prometa koji se nisu (svjesno ili nesvjesno) pridržavali prometnih pravila, a koji rade ili imaju prebivalište u blizini željezničkocestovnoga prijelaza. Tako su glavni uzroci nesreća podijeljeni na nedostatak razumijevanja pravila (nenamjerne pogreške) i na namjerno kršenje pravila (namjerni prekršaji) [3].
Papers by Martin Starčević