This dataset supports automated modelling of rainfall-runoff with the Process-Based Modelling Too... more This dataset supports automated modelling of rainfall-runoff with the Process-Based Modelling Tool (ProBMoT) ( ProBMoT allows for the integration of domain knowledge, formalized as template components for the construction of the process-based models, into equation discovery from measured data. It automatically identifies both the structure and parameter values of an appropriate process-based model, given: a) a knowledge library (i.e., a mathematical formulation of the selected domain) in the form of model components, or, more specifically, template entities and processes, b) a conceptual model of the observed system, and c) measurements. Namely, ProBMoT can be used to find the structure and parameters' values of alternative rainfall-runoff models that provide optimal fit against pipe flow measurements. Three alternative methods are provided to describe infiltration: the SCS CN method, the Variable UK runoff equation, and the UK Water Industry Research equation. This approach is transferable to any catchment and enables the discovery of viable rainfall-runoff models. To do so, the user has to specify a conceptual model of the selected case study area, compliant with the knowledge library. Furthermore, the user has to provide rainfall and flow measurement data and catchment characteristics (i.e., land use, topography, soil properties), based on which the values of the model constants can be determined. Data structure: 1) Knowledge library (.pbl file), 2) Conceptual model (.pbm file), 3) Settings (.xml file), 4) Measurements of rain events for model calibration and validation (.data files).
This paper evaluates the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) measures with hydrologi... more This paper evaluates the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) measures with hydrological-hydraulic modelling and multi-criteria analysis on a case study of Girona, Spain. To assess their effectiveness for rainwater runoff reduction and consequently the reduction of combined sewer overflow (CSO) the software Giswater was employed for development of the urban catchment model. This software couples spatial data from QGIS with EPA Storm water management model (SWMM). In accordance with the conditions in the urban catchment, five scenarios were developed consisting of following SUDS measures: infiltration basins, infiltration trenches, green roofs and their combinations. These scenarios were evaluated with multi-criteria analysis based on CSO reduction, CAPEX, OPEX, amenity, biodiversity, and feasibility regarding ownership. According to the results, the scenario that included only infiltration basins was most favourable (average grade: 4.1/5), followed by the scenario which combined infiltration basins and tranches (average grade: 3.5/5).
Urbanizacija povzroci spremembe v naravnem hidroloskem krogu, ki se kažejo v manjsi infiltraciji ... more Urbanizacija povzroci spremembe v naravnem hidroloskem krogu, ki se kažejo v manjsi infiltraciji in evapotranspiraciji ter povecanem povrsinskem odtoku. Temu botruje spremenjena raba tal, saj so predhodno prepustne povrsine nadomescene z neprepustnimi. Mesani kanalizacijski sistemi so dimenzionirani tako, da prevajajo sanitarno vodo in v omejenih kolicinah tudi padavinsko vodo do cistilne naprave. Med padavinskimi dogodki, ko je njihova prevodna sposobnost presežena, razbremenilniki odvajajo presežne kolicine vode v odvodnik. Cilj te naloge je vzpostavitev modela, s katerim bodo ocenjeni ukrepi razprsenega zadrževanja in ponikanja meteornih voda (ang. SUDS), ki so alternativna oz. dopolnjujoca resitev tradicionalnim resitvam, kot so podzemni zadrževalniki in kanaliziranje, ki naj bi preprecile prelivanje iz mesanega kanalizacijskega sistema v reko Onyar prek razbremenilnika ob trgu Placa dels Paisos Catalans v Gironi, Spanija. V skladu s pogoji v urbanem povodju, ki pokriva 2,7 km2,...
Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) have been proven to effectively mitigate and solve resource depletio... more Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) have been proven to effectively mitigate and solve resource depletion and climate-related challenges in urban areas. The COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action CA17133 entitled “Implementing nature-based solutions (NBS) for building a resourceful circular city” has established seven urban circularity challenges (UCC) that can be addressed effectively with NBS. This paper presents the outcomes of five elucidation workshops with more than 20 European experts from different backgrounds. These international workshops were used to examine the effectiveness of NBS to address UCC and foster NBS implementation towards circular urban water management. A major outcome was the identification of the two most relevant challenges for water resources in urban areas: ‘Restoring and maintaining the water cycle’ (UCC1) and ‘Water and waste treatment, recovery, and reuse’ (UCC2). s Moreover, significant synergies with ‘Nutrient recovery and reuse’, ‘Material r...
Stormwater control measures (SCMs) are decentralized technical elements, which can prevent the ne... more Stormwater control measures (SCMs) are decentralized technical elements, which can prevent the negative effects of uncontrolled stormwater flow while providing co-benefits. Optimal SCMs have to be selected and designed to achieve the desired hydrological response of an urban catchment. In this study, automated modeling and domain-specific knowledge in the fields of modeling rainfall-runoff (RR) and SCMs are applied to automate the process of optimal SCM design. A new knowledge library for modeling RR and SCMs, compliant with the equation discovery tool ProBMoT (Process-Based Modeling Tool), was developed. The proposed approach was used to (a) find the optimal RR model that best fits the available pipe flow measurements, and (b) to find the optimal SCMs design that best fits the target catchment outflow. The approach was applied to an urban catchment in the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia. First, nine RR models were created that generally had »very good« performance according to the Nash...
This paper presents a methodology for assessing the selection of stormwater control measures (SCM... more This paper presents a methodology for assessing the selection of stormwater control measures (SCM) within an urban drainage system that combines hydrological-hydraulic modelling and multi-criteria analysis (MCA). The methodology's utility is illustrated on urban catchment in the city of Girona, Spain. The SWMM model was applied and calibrated to simulate SCM scenarios. Seven scenarios were evaluated consisting of one grey infrastructure measure using underground storage tank and three nature-based SCM i.e. infiltration basins, infiltration trenches, green roofs, and combinations thereof. These scenarios were evaluated with MCA including combined sewer overflow (CSO) reduction, CAPEX, OPEX, amenity, biodiversity, and feasibility regarding ownership. The results show that the scenario that included only infiltration basins was most favourable, followed by the scenario which combined infiltration basins and trenches. The underground storage tank was the least favourable with the lo...
Nature-based solutions (NBS) can protect, manage and restore natural or modified ecosystems. They... more Nature-based solutions (NBS) can protect, manage and restore natural or modified ecosystems. They are a multidisciplinary, integrated approach to address societal challenges and some natural hazards effectively and adaptively, simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits. NBS applications can be easily noticed in circular cities, establishing an urban system that is regenerative and accessible. This paper aims to offer a review on NBS for urban water management from the literature and some relevant projects running within the COST Action ‘Implementing nature-based solutions for creating a resourceful circular city’. The method used in the study is based on a detailed tracking of specific keywords in the literature using Google Scholar, ResearchGate,, ScienceDirect and Scopus. Based on this review, three main applications were identified: (i) flood and drought protection; (ii) the water-food-energy nexus; and (iii) water purification. The paper sho...
Soil hydraulic conductivity has a direct influence on infiltration rate, which is of great import... more Soil hydraulic conductivity has a direct influence on infiltration rate, which is of great importance for modelling and design of surface runoff and stormwater control measures. In this study, three measuring techniques for determination of soil hydraulic conductivity were compared in an urban catchment in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Double ring (DRI) and dual head infiltrometer (DHI) were applied to measure saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and mini disk infiltrometer (MDI) was applied to measure unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (K), which was recalculated in Ks in order to compare the results. Results showed significant differences between investigated techniques, namely DHI showed 6.8 times higher values of Ks in comparison to DRI. On the other hand, Ks values obtained by MDI and DRI exhibited the lowest difference. MDI measurements in 12 locations of the small plot pointed to the spatial variability of K ranging between 73%–89% as well as to temporal variability within a single l...
This dataset supports automated modelling of rainfall-runoff with the Process-Based Modelling Too... more This dataset supports automated modelling of rainfall-runoff with the Process-Based Modelling Tool (ProBMoT) ( ProBMoT allows for the integration of domain knowledge, formalized as template components for the construction of the process-based models, into equation discovery from measured data. It automatically identifies both the structure and parameter values of an appropriate process-based model, given: a) a knowledge library (i.e., a mathematical formulation of the selected domain) in the form of model components, or, more specifically, template entities and processes, b) a conceptual model of the observed system, and c) measurements. Namely, ProBMoT can be used to find the structure and parameters' values of alternative rainfall-runoff models that provide optimal fit against pipe flow measurements. Three alternative methods are provided to describe infiltration: the SCS CN method, the Variable UK runoff equation, and the UK Water Industry Research equation. This approach is transferable to any catchment and enables the discovery of viable rainfall-runoff models. To do so, the user has to specify a conceptual model of the selected case study area, compliant with the knowledge library. Furthermore, the user has to provide rainfall and flow measurement data and catchment characteristics (i.e., land use, topography, soil properties), based on which the values of the model constants can be determined. Data structure: 1) Knowledge library (.pbl file), 2) Conceptual model (.pbm file), 3) Settings (.xml file), 4) Measurements of rain events for model calibration and validation (.data files).
This paper evaluates the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) measures with hydrologi... more This paper evaluates the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) measures with hydrological-hydraulic modelling and multi-criteria analysis on a case study of Girona, Spain. To assess their effectiveness for rainwater runoff reduction and consequently the reduction of combined sewer overflow (CSO) the software Giswater was employed for development of the urban catchment model. This software couples spatial data from QGIS with EPA Storm water management model (SWMM). In accordance with the conditions in the urban catchment, five scenarios were developed consisting of following SUDS measures: infiltration basins, infiltration trenches, green roofs and their combinations. These scenarios were evaluated with multi-criteria analysis based on CSO reduction, CAPEX, OPEX, amenity, biodiversity, and feasibility regarding ownership. According to the results, the scenario that included only infiltration basins was most favourable (average grade: 4.1/5), followed by the scenario which combined infiltration basins and tranches (average grade: 3.5/5).
Urbanizacija povzroci spremembe v naravnem hidroloskem krogu, ki se kažejo v manjsi infiltraciji ... more Urbanizacija povzroci spremembe v naravnem hidroloskem krogu, ki se kažejo v manjsi infiltraciji in evapotranspiraciji ter povecanem povrsinskem odtoku. Temu botruje spremenjena raba tal, saj so predhodno prepustne povrsine nadomescene z neprepustnimi. Mesani kanalizacijski sistemi so dimenzionirani tako, da prevajajo sanitarno vodo in v omejenih kolicinah tudi padavinsko vodo do cistilne naprave. Med padavinskimi dogodki, ko je njihova prevodna sposobnost presežena, razbremenilniki odvajajo presežne kolicine vode v odvodnik. Cilj te naloge je vzpostavitev modela, s katerim bodo ocenjeni ukrepi razprsenega zadrževanja in ponikanja meteornih voda (ang. SUDS), ki so alternativna oz. dopolnjujoca resitev tradicionalnim resitvam, kot so podzemni zadrževalniki in kanaliziranje, ki naj bi preprecile prelivanje iz mesanega kanalizacijskega sistema v reko Onyar prek razbremenilnika ob trgu Placa dels Paisos Catalans v Gironi, Spanija. V skladu s pogoji v urbanem povodju, ki pokriva 2,7 km2,...
Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) have been proven to effectively mitigate and solve resource depletio... more Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) have been proven to effectively mitigate and solve resource depletion and climate-related challenges in urban areas. The COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action CA17133 entitled “Implementing nature-based solutions (NBS) for building a resourceful circular city” has established seven urban circularity challenges (UCC) that can be addressed effectively with NBS. This paper presents the outcomes of five elucidation workshops with more than 20 European experts from different backgrounds. These international workshops were used to examine the effectiveness of NBS to address UCC and foster NBS implementation towards circular urban water management. A major outcome was the identification of the two most relevant challenges for water resources in urban areas: ‘Restoring and maintaining the water cycle’ (UCC1) and ‘Water and waste treatment, recovery, and reuse’ (UCC2). s Moreover, significant synergies with ‘Nutrient recovery and reuse’, ‘Material r...
Stormwater control measures (SCMs) are decentralized technical elements, which can prevent the ne... more Stormwater control measures (SCMs) are decentralized technical elements, which can prevent the negative effects of uncontrolled stormwater flow while providing co-benefits. Optimal SCMs have to be selected and designed to achieve the desired hydrological response of an urban catchment. In this study, automated modeling and domain-specific knowledge in the fields of modeling rainfall-runoff (RR) and SCMs are applied to automate the process of optimal SCM design. A new knowledge library for modeling RR and SCMs, compliant with the equation discovery tool ProBMoT (Process-Based Modeling Tool), was developed. The proposed approach was used to (a) find the optimal RR model that best fits the available pipe flow measurements, and (b) to find the optimal SCMs design that best fits the target catchment outflow. The approach was applied to an urban catchment in the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia. First, nine RR models were created that generally had »very good« performance according to the Nash...
This paper presents a methodology for assessing the selection of stormwater control measures (SCM... more This paper presents a methodology for assessing the selection of stormwater control measures (SCM) within an urban drainage system that combines hydrological-hydraulic modelling and multi-criteria analysis (MCA). The methodology's utility is illustrated on urban catchment in the city of Girona, Spain. The SWMM model was applied and calibrated to simulate SCM scenarios. Seven scenarios were evaluated consisting of one grey infrastructure measure using underground storage tank and three nature-based SCM i.e. infiltration basins, infiltration trenches, green roofs, and combinations thereof. These scenarios were evaluated with MCA including combined sewer overflow (CSO) reduction, CAPEX, OPEX, amenity, biodiversity, and feasibility regarding ownership. The results show that the scenario that included only infiltration basins was most favourable, followed by the scenario which combined infiltration basins and trenches. The underground storage tank was the least favourable with the lo...
Nature-based solutions (NBS) can protect, manage and restore natural or modified ecosystems. They... more Nature-based solutions (NBS) can protect, manage and restore natural or modified ecosystems. They are a multidisciplinary, integrated approach to address societal challenges and some natural hazards effectively and adaptively, simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits. NBS applications can be easily noticed in circular cities, establishing an urban system that is regenerative and accessible. This paper aims to offer a review on NBS for urban water management from the literature and some relevant projects running within the COST Action ‘Implementing nature-based solutions for creating a resourceful circular city’. The method used in the study is based on a detailed tracking of specific keywords in the literature using Google Scholar, ResearchGate,, ScienceDirect and Scopus. Based on this review, three main applications were identified: (i) flood and drought protection; (ii) the water-food-energy nexus; and (iii) water purification. The paper sho...
Soil hydraulic conductivity has a direct influence on infiltration rate, which is of great import... more Soil hydraulic conductivity has a direct influence on infiltration rate, which is of great importance for modelling and design of surface runoff and stormwater control measures. In this study, three measuring techniques for determination of soil hydraulic conductivity were compared in an urban catchment in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Double ring (DRI) and dual head infiltrometer (DHI) were applied to measure saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and mini disk infiltrometer (MDI) was applied to measure unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (K), which was recalculated in Ks in order to compare the results. Results showed significant differences between investigated techniques, namely DHI showed 6.8 times higher values of Ks in comparison to DRI. On the other hand, Ks values obtained by MDI and DRI exhibited the lowest difference. MDI measurements in 12 locations of the small plot pointed to the spatial variability of K ranging between 73%–89% as well as to temporal variability within a single l...
Papers by Matej Radinja