Papers by Meliha Sermin Paksoy
Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Araştırmaları dergisi, May 27, 2024
Guncel kavram icin bkz. Inge Kroppenberg, Der gescheiterte Codex: Uberlegungen zur Kodifikationsg... more Guncel kavram icin bkz. Inge Kroppenberg, Der gescheiterte Codex: Uberlegungen zur Kodifikationsgeschichte des Codex Theodosianus, (2007) 10 Rechtsgeschichte 112. Bununla birlikte, Kroppenberg, kodifikasyon kavramini, Codex Theodosianus veya XII Levha Tabletleri gibi dokumanlari da kapsamasi icin kullanir: Mythos Kodifikation – Ein rechtshistorischer Streifzug, [2008] Juristenzeitung 910 (n. 109). Pio Caroni, (De)Kodifikation: wenn historische Begriffe ins Schleudern geraten: Karel V. Maly, Pio Caroni (ed.), Kodifikation und Dekodifikation des Privatrechts in der heutigen
Yarg. IBGK. 19.01.2007, E.2005/1, K.2007/12; Yarg. IBGK., 18.04.1960, E.1960/15, K.1960/7; Yarg. ... more Yarg. IBGK. 19.01.2007, E.2005/1, K.2007/12; Yarg. IBGK., 18.04.1960, E.1960/15, K.1960/7; Yarg. IBGK., 04.03.1959, E.1959/2, K.1959/19; Yarg. IBGK., 26.05.1954, E.1954/7, K.1954/17; Yarg. IBGK, 27.01.1954, E.1951/8, K.1954/2; Yarg. IBGK., 27.04.1949, E.1948/7, K.1949/7; Yarg. IBGK., 01.12.1948, E.1947/8, K.1948/9 (cev- rimici), (12.08.2014); Bu ictihadi birlestirme kararlarinin cogunda Yargitay’in MK 713 II’nin uygulamasini daraltacak sekilde karar vermis olmasi da ay- rica dikkat cekicidir
Springer, 2020
Since the rule is changed from easily forget to easily remember thanks to the digital Internet pl... more Since the rule is changed from easily forget to easily remember thanks to the digital Internet platforms, the question if there should be a right to be forgotten consecrated to individuals has become a frequently asked question with—of course—no “one correct answer” in different legal systems all around the world. Turkish legal practice has also encountered different cases where the question if a right to be forgotten should be recognized/accorded or not. Thus, the concept itself and discussions thereon prove to be heated nowadays among legal scholars. Accordingly, this article mainly aims to legally analyze the newly emerging concept “the right to be forgotten” and its potential practical impacts to the existing or future Internet technologies, in light of the Turkish legislations and existing case law.
Zararın belirlenmesine yönelik söz konusu hüküm, esasen birbirinden farklı üç konuyu bir arada el... more Zararın belirlenmesine yönelik söz konusu hüküm, esasen birbirinden farklı üç konuyu bir arada ele almaktadır. Bunlar rücu edilemeyen sosyal güvenlik ödemeleri ile ifa amacını taşımayan ödemelerin durumu, hesaplanan tazminatta hakkaniyet düşüncesi ile artırma veya azaltılma yapılamaması ve son olarak idarenin bedensel zarar- lardan veya ölüm halinde ortaya çıkan zararlardan sorumluluğudur. Her üç konunun ayrı ayrı ele alınmasında yarar bulunmaktadır
GİRİŞ: Miras hukukunun, değişim çabalarına karşı direnen statik bir hukuk dalı olduğu iddia edili... more GİRİŞ: Miras hukukunun, değişim çabalarına karşı direnen statik bir hukuk dalı olduğu iddia edilir. Bu iddia doğru değildir. Miras hukuku da aynen başkaca hukuk dalları gibi, yasama, yargı ve öğreti alanlarındaki ve yaşamdaki değişimle aynı kapsamda ve aynı dinamikte değişir. Miras hukukundaki değişim ne daha az ne de daha yavaştır. Her hukuk dalında olduğu gibi, miras hukuku da toplumsal ilişkiler tarafından şekillendirilmekte, güncel sosyo ekonomik ve hukuk politikası gelişmelerini yansıtmaktadır. Bu nedenle miras hukukunun gelecekteki gelişimine ilişkin isabetli bir öngörü miras hukukunu şekillendiren toplumdaki tetikleyici güçlerin tespiti ile işe başlamalıdır."Quo vadis ius hereditatis" (Miras Hukuku nereye gidiyor?) sorusunu cevaplayabilmek için öncelikle şu sorunun cevabı araştırılmalıdır: Toplumumuzun hayat gerçeklerinde neler değişmektedir?
İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 2019
Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020
Bahcesehir University Law Journal, 2019
When a residential or roofed business premise is leased, the legislator intervenes in the contrac... more When a residential or roofed business premise is leased, the legislator intervenes in the contract between the parties with many mandatory provisions. The alleged purpose of this intervention by the legislator is to protect the weak side of the lease contract. However, it is debated whether the legislator went too far in this protection and whether the tenant of a roofed business premise should be protected with the same provisions as the tenant of a residential premise. In line with these discussions, some of the articles of the Law of Obligations, which regulate the lease contract, have been postponed for tenants who are merchants or legal entities. Instead of such artificial interventions, landlords may be advised to grant easements. As a rule, easement rights are acquired by registration following the easement contract to be concluded officially in the title deed. It is possible to establish the right of easement for a certain period of time which cannot be prolonged without the consensus of the parties. There is no obstacle for the determination of the price of the easement in foreign currency. Similarly, monthly or yearly payments and an increase in these payments can be determined by the parties freelly. Given the partially deferred provisions of the Code of Obligations relating to the lease contract, flexibility in the matters listed above may result in the preference of easement rights. However, it should also be questioned whether this preference would constitute a circumvention of the law.
legal hukuk, 2019
According to the recent decisions of Turkish Court of Cassations, a spouse’s capacity to act is ... more According to the recent decisions of Turkish Court of Cassations, a spouse’s capacity to act is restricted when it comes to the transactions alienating the family home or limiting rights in respect of the family home. Land Register Ordinance Art. 19 instructs land register officials to check the applicant’s capacity to act. Same officials can electronically access the domicile addresses of the applicants and in most of the cases this address will correspond to the family home’s address if the applicant is married. Land register official may easily compare this address with the address of the relevant property. Consequently, if the land official does not reject an application requesting alienation or limitation of a right over the family home, people who suffer damages because of this transaction may hold the state accountable for their losses based on Art. 1007 of TCC.
Özet Kira sözleşmesinin şerhi, TBK 312'de düzenlenmiştir. TBK 310 ve 311'de kira sözleşmesinin ka... more Özet Kira sözleşmesinin şerhi, TBK 312'de düzenlenmiştir. TBK 310 ve 311'de kira sözleşmesinin kanuni devri düzenlendikten sonra bu şerhin önemi, büyük ölçüde azalmıştır. Azalan önemine rağmen kira sözleşmesinin şerhinin, malikin TBK 350'ye, yeni malikin TBK 351'e dayanarak kira sözleşmesini sona erdirme imkânını ortadan kaldıracağı için halen anlam taşıdığı ifade edilmektedir. TMK 1009 çerçevesinde kira sözleşmesinin şerhi, şerh edilen sözleşmenin kiracı tarafından taşınmazda sonradan hak sahibi olan kişilere karşı da ileri sürülebilmesini sağlar. Bu nedenle şerhi görerek taşınmazı iktisap etmiş yeni malikin TBK 351'e dayanamayacağını savunmak yerindedir. Çünkü TBK 351, önceki malikin sahip olmadığı, şerh edilen sözleşmede yer almayan, kiracının tabi olduğu sözleşme şartlarını değiştiren yeni bir fesih imkânıdır. Fakat şerh, kira sözleşmesini şerh ettiren malik ile kiracı arasındaki sözleşmenin tabi olduğu şartları değiştirmeyeceği için kira sözleşmesi şerh edildiğinde hâlihazırdaki malikin TBK 350'ye dayanamayacağının ileri sürülmesi makul değildir. Kira sözleşmesini şerh ettiren malik gibi TBK 310 ve 311 çerçevesinde kira sözleşmesini kanunen devralan kişiler de önceki malikin devredilen sözleşme çerçevesinde sahip olduğu haklardan istifade edebilirler. Abstract According to Art.312 of Turkish Code of Obligations, parties to a lease may agree to have it annotated in the land register. After articles 310 and 311 of Turkish Code of Obligations, regulating mandatory legal assignment of the lease contract, came into effect in 2012, this annotation lost its significance. In spite of this development, it is claimed that this annotation has still some value. According to some writers and expressionary statement of the code, this annotation will eliminate termination right of the owner due to own needs, recontruction or redevelopment based on Art.350 and termination right of the new owner due to own need based on Art.351. Actually, annotation enables the tenant to claim his existing contractual rights against anyone who obtains ownership or any other real right affecting his usage after the annotation. That is why it is logical to claim that annotation eliminates the termination right of the new owner due to own need because this right did not exist in the registered lease agreement. Contrary to this, annotation should not remove the termination right of the first lessor who asked for the annotation because according to Art. 1009, annotation does not change the contractual rights and obligations among the existing parties of a contract. Accordingly, new owner may enjoy the same contractual rights even if the relevant contract has been annotated since the contract is assigned to him in accordance with Art.310.
Istanbul Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi Mecmuası, 2013
Conference Presentations by Meliha Sermin Paksoy
There are significant differences between merely recommending COVID-19 vaccination and making it ... more There are significant differences between merely recommending COVID-19 vaccination and making it a strong, often even compulsory, policy. In many countries, health authorities and political leaders have gone beyond simple recommendations and have actively encouraged or even indirectly mandated COVID-19 vaccination for their citizens. These various measures highlight the importance placed on achieving high vaccination coverage to control the spread of COVID-19, protect public health. While some countries have effective administrative remedies for individuals to seek compensation for harm caused by vaccines, in other countries, such opportunities have not been made available to those who have been vaccinated. In the latter countries, it should be questioned whether COVID-19 vaccination was genuinely only recommended. While there are many examples and strong arguments in favor of holding the state responsible for recommended vaccines that serve public health, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has not made decisions that would force countries to change their policies in this regard. However, if the COVID-19 vaccine is mandated directly or indirectly, the respective country should also bear administrative responsibility for vaccine-related harm.
Papers by Meliha Sermin Paksoy
Conference Presentations by Meliha Sermin Paksoy