2017 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW), 2017
In this paper, a new method with visual saliency detection for image quality assessment (IQA) is ... more In this paper, a new method with visual saliency detection for image quality assessment (IQA) is proposed. Through the experiments in this paper, we have verified the proposed method can be effective than most others.
International Conference on Signal Processing, Aug 1, 2012
Although the empirical mode decomposition has been successfully applied to signal analysis, and t... more Although the empirical mode decomposition has been successfully applied to signal analysis, and the fusion applications, there is currently no efficient solution for color images fusion. This paper proposes a method based upon the combination of the bivariate and the complex bidimensional empirical mode decomposition for color image fusion. The proposed method can have good fusion result and is efficient in computation.
2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2015
In this paper, a sharpness measure based upon the GET (Gradient Energy Tensor) operator is propos... more In this paper, a sharpness measure based upon the GET (Gradient Energy Tensor) operator is proposed. Since the proposed sharpness measure is related to the third-order differentials of images, it can stress upon the sharpness for the focused target for image.
ABSTRACT A new method for computing complex bidimensional empirical mode decomposition (BEMD) is ... more ABSTRACT A new method for computing complex bidimensional empirical mode decomposition (BEMD) is presented in this paper. The proposed complex-BEMD uses four quadrant spectra to apply standard BEMD to four real-valued 2D signals. The so-generated intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) are 2D complex-valued, which facilitates the extension of the standard BEMD to the complex domain. The proposed complex-BEMD can be successful for the analysis of real-world 2D complex-valued signals, such as 2D NMR signals. Moreover, the proposed complex-BEMD can be applied for color image processing. A simple color image fusion algorithm based upon the proposed complex-BEMD has also been developed to have the exhibition of the potential. By our proposed complex-BEMD and image fusion algorithm, the well-fused results can be obtained, if the mode mixing in BEMD is alleviated.
ABSTRACT The recently developed quaternion Fourier transform (QFT) based on quaternion algebra ha... more ABSTRACT The recently developed quaternion Fourier transform (QFT) based on quaternion algebra has been found useful for color image processing and signal analysis. However, due to the noncommutative property of quaternion algebra, there exist various definitions for the QFT. The purpose of this letter is to establish and present an in-depth discussion on the relationships among the various QFTs.
The modulation-based time-variant filters are very useful for nonstationary signal processing. Th... more The modulation-based time-variant filters are very useful for nonstationary signal processing. They can be constructed by three stages: pre-modulation, time-invariant low-pass filtering and post-modulation. Wigner distribution is a popular tool for showing the time-frequency distribution of nonstationary signals. The combination of these two techniques is presented in this paper. We introduce Wigner distribution as a tool to estimate the modulation function for modulation-based filter. The Wigner distributions of modulation-based filters are discussed and the Wigner distributions of output signals of modulation-based filters are also shown. Zusammenfassung Modulationsbasierte zeitvariante Filter sind sehr nfitzlich zur Verarbeitung nichtstation/irer Signale. Sie k6nnen in drei Stufen konstruiert werden: Vormodulation, zeitinvariante Tiefpag-Filterung und Nachmodulation. Zur Darstellung der Zeit-Frequenz-Verteilung ist die Wigner-Verteilung ein verbreitetes Hilfsmittel. Eine Kombination dieser beiden Techniken wird in dieser Arbeit dargestellt. Wir f/ihren die Wigner-Verteilung als Methode zur Schfitzung der Modulationsfunktion ffir ein modulationsbasiertes Filter ein. Die Wigner-Verteilungen von modulationsbasierten Filtern werden diskutiert und die Wigner-Verteilungen der Ausgangssignale von modulationsbasierten Filtern gezeigt. Resum~ Les filtres bas~s sur la modulation et variant temporellement sont tr~s utiles pour le traitement des signaux non-stationnaires. Ils peuvent &re construit en trois ~tapes: la pr6modulation, le filtrage passe-bas invariant dans le temps et la post-modulation. La distribution de Wigner est un outils populaire pour montrer la distribution temps-fr~quence des signaux non-stationnaires. La combinaison de ces deux techniques est pr6sent~e clans cet article. Nous introduisons la distribution de Wigner comme un outils pour l'estimation de la fonction de modulation pour les filtres bas~s sur la modulation. Les distributions de Wigner des filtres bas~s sur la modulation sont discut~es et les distributions de Wigner des signaux de sortie des filtres bas~s sur la modulation sont ~galement montr~es.
The relationship between finite discrete Zak transform and finite Gabor expansion are well discus... more The relationship between finite discrete Zak transform and finite Gabor expansion are well discussed in this paper. In this paper, we present two DFT-based algorithms for computing Gabor coefficients. One is based upon the time-split Zak transform, the other is based upon the frequency-split Zak transform. These two methods are time and frequency dual pairs. With the help of Zak transform, the closed-form solutions for analysis basis can also be derived while the oversampling ratio is an integer. Moreover, we extend the relationship between finite discrete Zak transform and Gabor expansion to the 2-D case and compute 2-D Gabor expansion coefficients through 2-D discrete Zak transform and 4-D DFT. Four methods can be applied in the 2-D case. They are time-time-split, time-frequency-split, frequency-time-split and frequency-frequency-split. Zusammenfassung In diesem Beitrag werden die Beziehungen zwischen der endlichen diskreten Zaktransformation und der endlichen Gaborentwicklung griindlich diskutiert. Wir priisentieren zwei Algorithmen auf DFT-Basis zur Berechnung von Gaborkoeffizienten. Einer beruht auf der zeitlich, der andere auf der frequenzmaig zerlegten Zaktransformation. Diese Methoden sind dual beziiglich Zeit-und Frequenzbereich. Mit Hilfe der Zaktransformation kann man such eine geschlossene Losung fir die Analysebasis ableiten, wenn um einen ganzzahligen Faktor iiberabgetastet wird. Dariiberhinaus erweitem wir die Beziehung zwischen der endlichen diskreten Zaktransformation und der Gaborentwickhmg auf den 2D-Fall und berechnen 2D-Gaborentwicklungs-Koeffizienten mittels einer 2D-Zaktransformation und einer 4D-DFT. Vier Methoden sind im 2D-Fall anwendbar. Sie beruhen auf Zeit-Zeit-, Zeit-Frequenz-, Frequenz-Zeit-und Frequenz-Frequenz-Zerlegungen. La relation existant entre la transformation de Zak discrete finie et l'expansion de Gabor finie est disc&e en profondeur dans cet article. Nous presentons deux algorithmes bases sur la DFT pour le calcul des coefficients de Gabor. L'un est base sur la transformation de Zak par partage de temps, l'autre sur la transformation de Zak par partage de frequence. Ces deux methodes constituent une paire duale temps-frequence. A l'aide de la transformation de Zak, les solutions analytiques pour la base d'analyse peuvent igalement etre d&iv&es si le rapport de sur-Cchantillonnage est un entier. De
Abstract—This paper is concerned with the definitions of the discrete fractional cosine transform... more Abstract—This paper is concerned with the definitions of the discrete fractional cosine transform (DFRCT) and the discrete fractional sine transform (DFRST). The definitions of DFRCT and DFRST are based on the eigen decomposition of DCT and DST kernels. This is the same idea as that of the discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT); the eigenvalue and eigenvector relationships between the DFRCT, DFRST, and DFRFT can be established. The computations of DFRFT for even or odd signals can be planted into the half-size DFRCT and DFRST calculations. This will reduce the computational load of the DFRFT by about one half. Index Terms—Discrete fractional cosine transform, discrete fractional Fourier transform, discrete fractional sine transform. I.
Fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) performs a rotation of signals in the timeÐfrequency plane, a... more Fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) performs a rotation of signals in the timeÐfrequency plane, and it has many theories and applications in time-varying signal analysis. Because of the importance of fractional Fourier transform, the implementation of discrete fractional Fourier transform will be an important issue. Recently, a discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT) with discrete Hermite eigenvectors has been proposed, and it can provide similar results to match the continuous outputs. On the other hand, the two dimensional continuous fractional Fourier transform is also proposed for 2D signal analysis. This paper develops a 2D DFRFT which can preserve the rotation properties and
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Ii: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 1999
... [10] CC Lee, Fuzzy logic in control systems: Fuzzy logic controller-Part I & Par... more ... [10] CC Lee, Fuzzy logic in control systems: Fuzzy logic controller-Part I & Part II, IEEE Trans. ... B. Conventional Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform Let data vector be x; Santhanam and McClellan defined the discrete fractional Fourier transform as [14] < [x] = F 2 = x: (27) ...
Several quadratic signid representation methods have been successfully iised in signal processing... more Several quadratic signid representation methods have been successfully iised in signal processing. Four quadratic: signal rcpresent,ations, Wigner distribution, Ambiguity function. signal correlation function and spectral correlation function arc thc traditional oncs. In this paper, we proposc a generalized distribution of tlie four quadratic time-frequency r e p resentat,ions. The proposed distributions can have partial t,iine/frequcncy-lag and partial time-laglfrequeiicy charactc,ristics of signals.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Ii: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 1998
This paper is concerned with the definitions of the discrete fractional Hartley transform (DFRHT)... more This paper is concerned with the definitions of the discrete fractional Hartley transform (DFRHT) and the discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT). First, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the discrete Fourier and Hartley transform matrices are investigated. Then, the results of the eigendecompositions of the transform matrices are used to define DFRHT and DFRFT. Also, an important relationship between DFRHT and DFRFT is described, and numerical examples are illustrated to demonstrate that the proposed DFRFT is a better approximation to the continuous fractional Fourier transform than the conventional defined DFRFT. Finally, a filtering technique in the fractional Fourier transform domain is applied to remove chirp interference. Index Terms-Discrete Fourier transform, discrete fractional Fourier transform, discrete fractional Hartley transform, discrete Hartley transform.
The continuous fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) performs a spectrum rotation of signal in the ... more The continuous fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) performs a spectrum rotation of signal in the time-frequency plane, and it becomes an important tool for time-varying signal analysis. A discrete fractional Fourier transform has been recently developed by Santhanam and McClellan, but its results do not match those of the corresponding continuous fractional Fourier transforms. In this paper, we propose a new discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT). The new DFRFT has DFT Hermite eigenvectors and retains the eigenvalue-eigenfunction relation as a continous FRFT. To obtain DFT Hermite eigenvectors, two orthogonal projection methods are introduced. Thus, the new DFRFT will provide similar transform and rotational properties as those of continuous fractional Fourier transforms. Moreover, the relationship between FRFT and the proposed DFRFT has been established in the same way as the conventional DFT-tocontinuous-Fourier transform.
Hadamard transform is an important tool in discrete signal processing. In this paper, we define t... more Hadamard transform is an important tool in discrete signal processing. In this paper, we define the discrete fractional Hadamard transform which is a generalized one. The development of discrete fractional Hadamard is based upon the same spirit as that of the discrete fractional Fourier transform
A novel method for the discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT) computation is given in this... more A novel method for the discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT) computation is given in this paper. With the help of this novel method, the DFRFT of any angle can be computed by the weighted summation of the DFRFTs with the special angles. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is suitable for chirp signal detection and the VLSI implementations
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Ii: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 2000
Hilbert transform plays an important role in the signal processing. A generalization of Hilbert t... more Hilbert transform plays an important role in the signal processing. A generalization of Hilbert transform, fractional Hilbert transform, was recently proposed, and it presents physical interpretation in the definition. In this paper, we develop the discrete fractional Hilbert transform, and apply the proposed discrete fractional Hilbert transform to the edge detection applications.
The fractional Fourier transform is a useful mathematical operation that generalizes the well-kno... more The fractional Fourier transform is a useful mathematical operation that generalizes the well-known continuous Fourier transform. Several discrete fractional Fourier transforms (DFRFT's) have been developed, but their results do not match those of the continuous case. We propose a new DFRFT. This improved DFRFT provides transforms similar to those of the continuous fractional Fourier transform and also retains the rotation properties.
2017 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW), 2017
In this paper, a new method with visual saliency detection for image quality assessment (IQA) is ... more In this paper, a new method with visual saliency detection for image quality assessment (IQA) is proposed. Through the experiments in this paper, we have verified the proposed method can be effective than most others.
International Conference on Signal Processing, Aug 1, 2012
Although the empirical mode decomposition has been successfully applied to signal analysis, and t... more Although the empirical mode decomposition has been successfully applied to signal analysis, and the fusion applications, there is currently no efficient solution for color images fusion. This paper proposes a method based upon the combination of the bivariate and the complex bidimensional empirical mode decomposition for color image fusion. The proposed method can have good fusion result and is efficient in computation.
2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2015
In this paper, a sharpness measure based upon the GET (Gradient Energy Tensor) operator is propos... more In this paper, a sharpness measure based upon the GET (Gradient Energy Tensor) operator is proposed. Since the proposed sharpness measure is related to the third-order differentials of images, it can stress upon the sharpness for the focused target for image.
ABSTRACT A new method for computing complex bidimensional empirical mode decomposition (BEMD) is ... more ABSTRACT A new method for computing complex bidimensional empirical mode decomposition (BEMD) is presented in this paper. The proposed complex-BEMD uses four quadrant spectra to apply standard BEMD to four real-valued 2D signals. The so-generated intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) are 2D complex-valued, which facilitates the extension of the standard BEMD to the complex domain. The proposed complex-BEMD can be successful for the analysis of real-world 2D complex-valued signals, such as 2D NMR signals. Moreover, the proposed complex-BEMD can be applied for color image processing. A simple color image fusion algorithm based upon the proposed complex-BEMD has also been developed to have the exhibition of the potential. By our proposed complex-BEMD and image fusion algorithm, the well-fused results can be obtained, if the mode mixing in BEMD is alleviated.
ABSTRACT The recently developed quaternion Fourier transform (QFT) based on quaternion algebra ha... more ABSTRACT The recently developed quaternion Fourier transform (QFT) based on quaternion algebra has been found useful for color image processing and signal analysis. However, due to the noncommutative property of quaternion algebra, there exist various definitions for the QFT. The purpose of this letter is to establish and present an in-depth discussion on the relationships among the various QFTs.
The modulation-based time-variant filters are very useful for nonstationary signal processing. Th... more The modulation-based time-variant filters are very useful for nonstationary signal processing. They can be constructed by three stages: pre-modulation, time-invariant low-pass filtering and post-modulation. Wigner distribution is a popular tool for showing the time-frequency distribution of nonstationary signals. The combination of these two techniques is presented in this paper. We introduce Wigner distribution as a tool to estimate the modulation function for modulation-based filter. The Wigner distributions of modulation-based filters are discussed and the Wigner distributions of output signals of modulation-based filters are also shown. Zusammenfassung Modulationsbasierte zeitvariante Filter sind sehr nfitzlich zur Verarbeitung nichtstation/irer Signale. Sie k6nnen in drei Stufen konstruiert werden: Vormodulation, zeitinvariante Tiefpag-Filterung und Nachmodulation. Zur Darstellung der Zeit-Frequenz-Verteilung ist die Wigner-Verteilung ein verbreitetes Hilfsmittel. Eine Kombination dieser beiden Techniken wird in dieser Arbeit dargestellt. Wir f/ihren die Wigner-Verteilung als Methode zur Schfitzung der Modulationsfunktion ffir ein modulationsbasiertes Filter ein. Die Wigner-Verteilungen von modulationsbasierten Filtern werden diskutiert und die Wigner-Verteilungen der Ausgangssignale von modulationsbasierten Filtern gezeigt. Resum~ Les filtres bas~s sur la modulation et variant temporellement sont tr~s utiles pour le traitement des signaux non-stationnaires. Ils peuvent &re construit en trois ~tapes: la pr6modulation, le filtrage passe-bas invariant dans le temps et la post-modulation. La distribution de Wigner est un outils populaire pour montrer la distribution temps-fr~quence des signaux non-stationnaires. La combinaison de ces deux techniques est pr6sent~e clans cet article. Nous introduisons la distribution de Wigner comme un outils pour l'estimation de la fonction de modulation pour les filtres bas~s sur la modulation. Les distributions de Wigner des filtres bas~s sur la modulation sont discut~es et les distributions de Wigner des signaux de sortie des filtres bas~s sur la modulation sont ~galement montr~es.
The relationship between finite discrete Zak transform and finite Gabor expansion are well discus... more The relationship between finite discrete Zak transform and finite Gabor expansion are well discussed in this paper. In this paper, we present two DFT-based algorithms for computing Gabor coefficients. One is based upon the time-split Zak transform, the other is based upon the frequency-split Zak transform. These two methods are time and frequency dual pairs. With the help of Zak transform, the closed-form solutions for analysis basis can also be derived while the oversampling ratio is an integer. Moreover, we extend the relationship between finite discrete Zak transform and Gabor expansion to the 2-D case and compute 2-D Gabor expansion coefficients through 2-D discrete Zak transform and 4-D DFT. Four methods can be applied in the 2-D case. They are time-time-split, time-frequency-split, frequency-time-split and frequency-frequency-split. Zusammenfassung In diesem Beitrag werden die Beziehungen zwischen der endlichen diskreten Zaktransformation und der endlichen Gaborentwicklung griindlich diskutiert. Wir priisentieren zwei Algorithmen auf DFT-Basis zur Berechnung von Gaborkoeffizienten. Einer beruht auf der zeitlich, der andere auf der frequenzmaig zerlegten Zaktransformation. Diese Methoden sind dual beziiglich Zeit-und Frequenzbereich. Mit Hilfe der Zaktransformation kann man such eine geschlossene Losung fir die Analysebasis ableiten, wenn um einen ganzzahligen Faktor iiberabgetastet wird. Dariiberhinaus erweitem wir die Beziehung zwischen der endlichen diskreten Zaktransformation und der Gaborentwickhmg auf den 2D-Fall und berechnen 2D-Gaborentwicklungs-Koeffizienten mittels einer 2D-Zaktransformation und einer 4D-DFT. Vier Methoden sind im 2D-Fall anwendbar. Sie beruhen auf Zeit-Zeit-, Zeit-Frequenz-, Frequenz-Zeit-und Frequenz-Frequenz-Zerlegungen. La relation existant entre la transformation de Zak discrete finie et l'expansion de Gabor finie est disc&e en profondeur dans cet article. Nous presentons deux algorithmes bases sur la DFT pour le calcul des coefficients de Gabor. L'un est base sur la transformation de Zak par partage de temps, l'autre sur la transformation de Zak par partage de frequence. Ces deux methodes constituent une paire duale temps-frequence. A l'aide de la transformation de Zak, les solutions analytiques pour la base d'analyse peuvent igalement etre d&iv&es si le rapport de sur-Cchantillonnage est un entier. De
Abstract—This paper is concerned with the definitions of the discrete fractional cosine transform... more Abstract—This paper is concerned with the definitions of the discrete fractional cosine transform (DFRCT) and the discrete fractional sine transform (DFRST). The definitions of DFRCT and DFRST are based on the eigen decomposition of DCT and DST kernels. This is the same idea as that of the discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT); the eigenvalue and eigenvector relationships between the DFRCT, DFRST, and DFRFT can be established. The computations of DFRFT for even or odd signals can be planted into the half-size DFRCT and DFRST calculations. This will reduce the computational load of the DFRFT by about one half. Index Terms—Discrete fractional cosine transform, discrete fractional Fourier transform, discrete fractional sine transform. I.
Fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) performs a rotation of signals in the timeÐfrequency plane, a... more Fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) performs a rotation of signals in the timeÐfrequency plane, and it has many theories and applications in time-varying signal analysis. Because of the importance of fractional Fourier transform, the implementation of discrete fractional Fourier transform will be an important issue. Recently, a discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT) with discrete Hermite eigenvectors has been proposed, and it can provide similar results to match the continuous outputs. On the other hand, the two dimensional continuous fractional Fourier transform is also proposed for 2D signal analysis. This paper develops a 2D DFRFT which can preserve the rotation properties and
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Ii: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 1999
... [10] CC Lee, Fuzzy logic in control systems: Fuzzy logic controller-Part I & Par... more ... [10] CC Lee, Fuzzy logic in control systems: Fuzzy logic controller-Part I & Part II, IEEE Trans. ... B. Conventional Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform Let data vector be x; Santhanam and McClellan defined the discrete fractional Fourier transform as [14] < [x] = F 2 = x: (27) ...
Several quadratic signid representation methods have been successfully iised in signal processing... more Several quadratic signid representation methods have been successfully iised in signal processing. Four quadratic: signal rcpresent,ations, Wigner distribution, Ambiguity function. signal correlation function and spectral correlation function arc thc traditional oncs. In this paper, we proposc a generalized distribution of tlie four quadratic time-frequency r e p resentat,ions. The proposed distributions can have partial t,iine/frequcncy-lag and partial time-laglfrequeiicy charactc,ristics of signals.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Ii: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 1998
This paper is concerned with the definitions of the discrete fractional Hartley transform (DFRHT)... more This paper is concerned with the definitions of the discrete fractional Hartley transform (DFRHT) and the discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT). First, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the discrete Fourier and Hartley transform matrices are investigated. Then, the results of the eigendecompositions of the transform matrices are used to define DFRHT and DFRFT. Also, an important relationship between DFRHT and DFRFT is described, and numerical examples are illustrated to demonstrate that the proposed DFRFT is a better approximation to the continuous fractional Fourier transform than the conventional defined DFRFT. Finally, a filtering technique in the fractional Fourier transform domain is applied to remove chirp interference. Index Terms-Discrete Fourier transform, discrete fractional Fourier transform, discrete fractional Hartley transform, discrete Hartley transform.
The continuous fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) performs a spectrum rotation of signal in the ... more The continuous fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) performs a spectrum rotation of signal in the time-frequency plane, and it becomes an important tool for time-varying signal analysis. A discrete fractional Fourier transform has been recently developed by Santhanam and McClellan, but its results do not match those of the corresponding continuous fractional Fourier transforms. In this paper, we propose a new discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT). The new DFRFT has DFT Hermite eigenvectors and retains the eigenvalue-eigenfunction relation as a continous FRFT. To obtain DFT Hermite eigenvectors, two orthogonal projection methods are introduced. Thus, the new DFRFT will provide similar transform and rotational properties as those of continuous fractional Fourier transforms. Moreover, the relationship between FRFT and the proposed DFRFT has been established in the same way as the conventional DFT-tocontinuous-Fourier transform.
Hadamard transform is an important tool in discrete signal processing. In this paper, we define t... more Hadamard transform is an important tool in discrete signal processing. In this paper, we define the discrete fractional Hadamard transform which is a generalized one. The development of discrete fractional Hadamard is based upon the same spirit as that of the discrete fractional Fourier transform
A novel method for the discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT) computation is given in this... more A novel method for the discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT) computation is given in this paper. With the help of this novel method, the DFRFT of any angle can be computed by the weighted summation of the DFRFTs with the special angles. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is suitable for chirp signal detection and the VLSI implementations
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Ii: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 2000
Hilbert transform plays an important role in the signal processing. A generalization of Hilbert t... more Hilbert transform plays an important role in the signal processing. A generalization of Hilbert transform, fractional Hilbert transform, was recently proposed, and it presents physical interpretation in the definition. In this paper, we develop the discrete fractional Hilbert transform, and apply the proposed discrete fractional Hilbert transform to the edge detection applications.
The fractional Fourier transform is a useful mathematical operation that generalizes the well-kno... more The fractional Fourier transform is a useful mathematical operation that generalizes the well-known continuous Fourier transform. Several discrete fractional Fourier transforms (DFRFT's) have been developed, but their results do not match those of the continuous case. We propose a new DFRFT. This improved DFRFT provides transforms similar to those of the continuous fractional Fourier transform and also retains the rotation properties.
Papers by Min-Hung Yeh