Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) is the most reliable technique currently used to evaluate the m... more Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) is the most reliable technique currently used to evaluate the mechanical integrity of power transformers. While the measurement devices have been well developed over the past two decades, interpretation of the FRA signatures is still challenging regardless of the several papers published in this regard. This paper adds an attempt to understand the power transformer FRA signatures through experimental and simulation analyses. In this context, experimental FRA measurements are conducted on a 33/11 kV, 30 MVA transformer under various faults, including winding deformation, the short circuit turns, loss of clamping, and bushing fault. At the same time, the high-frequency transformer model that comprises series capacitance, self-inductance, series resistance, and mutual inductance is simulated using MATLAB / Simulink to compare simulation and experimental results. The correlation between physical circuit parameters and various faults facilitates a better understanding of each fault's effect on the FRA signature. To quantify the impact of such faults, correlation coefficient, the absolute sum of logarithmic error, standard deviation, and sum square error are calculated with respect to the healthy signature at three frequency regions. Results show that using statistical coefficients over three frequency ranges of the FRA signature facilitates better fault identification and quantification. INDEX TERMS Power transformer, frequency response analysis, fault diagnosis, statistical indicators. NOMENCLATURE V in , V out Injected and measured voltage R in , R out Input and output Resistance R s Series resistance C s Series capacitance C t Capacitance between turns C d Capacitance between discs C g Capacitance to ground The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Dazhong Ma. L s Series inductance C sHV , C sLV Series capacitance in HV and LV G s Series Conductance C gHV , C gLV Capacitance to the ground in HV, and LV winding C HL Capacitance between the HV winding and LV winding G HL Conductance between the HV winding and LV winding M km Mutual inductance
The right to own private property is one of the most cherished rights in constitutions and laws i... more The right to own private property is one of the most cherished rights in constitutions and laws in order to assure that all people are not deprived of this right. This holiness is expressed in the words of Lord William Pitt who says that "the poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail, its roof may shake; the wind may blow through it; the storms may enter, the rain may enter,-but the King of England cannot enter; all his forces dare not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement." The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "Since property is a sacred and inviolable right, no one can be deprived of it unless it requires the general necessity that is legally established." Most national legislations have been affected by the absolute view of property rights, and these have been rigidly restricted and structured in strict regulations according to the relevant laws. Among these legislation is the Bahraini Civil Code, which regulated the right of property and introduced regulations to protect and legalise its exercise.
International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health
Introduction: Treatment of HCV with direct acting antiviral agents (DAAs) with the different regi... more Introduction: Treatment of HCV with direct acting antiviral agents (DAAs) with the different regimen dramatically changed the outcomes of the disease beside its eradication. In the same time hematological concerns as anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leucopenia were a major factor before initiation, or during treatment with the antiviral drugs. Aim: To demonstrate hematological changes during and after treatment with different regimen of DAAs. Methods: Follow up the hematological changes before, during and after treatment for 100 patients with chronic HCV treated with five different sofosbuvir-based regimen; using interferon, ribavirin, simeprevir and daclatasvir. Results: There are no similar linear changes regarding anemia, leucopenia or thrombocytopenia, however, combination therapy using sofosbuvir with simeprevir or daclatasvir significantly increase platelets count, WBCs, and hemoglobin level during and after end of treatment, versus regimens uses sofosbuvir with ribavirin and or ...
Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering. Mansoura University
Chlorpyrifos is one of the most popular used organophosphorus pesticides because of its low cost ... more Chlorpyrifos is one of the most popular used organophosphorus pesticides because of its low cost and high efficiency in controlling pests in agriculture. Presence of pesticides in aquatic environments causes serious problems to living organisms. Photocatalysis considers an effective route for the removal of resistant hazardous organic wastes from aqueous solutions. In this study, the photocatalytic degradation of chlorpyrifos in aqueous solution by using synthesized prepared nano titanium dioxide (TiO2) by sol-gel method was investigated under various operational conditions such as catalyst dose, pH of the solution, initial concentration of chlorpyrifos and illumination time. Energy dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) and Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) were used for the nano TiO2 characterization. The results depicted that the photocatalytic degradation of chlorpyrifos was strongly influenced by the operational parameters. The photocatalytic degradation decreased with increasing the initial concentration of chlorpyrifos. Neutral pH of the solution is the optimum for the photocatalytic degradation of chlorpyrifos. The photocatalytic reactions approximately followedPseudo-first order kinetics and the reaction rate was inversely related to the feed concentrations. A model was performed with regression coefficient of 88.45 % to express the relation between removal efficiency and operational conditions.
Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering. Mansoura University
Electrocoagulation (EC) is one of the attractive methods for textile wastewater treatment because... more Electrocoagulation (EC) is one of the attractive methods for textile wastewater treatment because it is simple, economic and less sludge production technology. The performance of a batch EC process was studied for decolorization of synthetic colored water containing different concentrations of dye using iron electrodes. The effect of various operational conditions such as applied voltage, initial pH and processing time on color removal efficiency and energy consumption was studied in order to identify the optimum operational conditions. It was noticed that the removal efficiency of dye stabilized after 20 to 25 min. of operation using applied voltage between 10 to 20 V. The results indicate that the dye was removed with high efficiency using applied voltage of 10 V and initial pH ranged from 6 to 9 for a solution with initial dye concentration of 250 mg/l. Color removal efficiency is inversely related to solution initial dye concentration. However, the energy
Afro-Egyptian Journal of Infectious and Endemic Diseases
Conclusion: SBEM is a common sequel of hydrothorax in patients with cirrhotic ascites and its coe... more Conclusion: SBEM is a common sequel of hydrothorax in patients with cirrhotic ascites and its coexistence with SBP leads to higher morbidity and mortality.
International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health
Introduction: Typhoid fever is an endemic disease in our country; however, the changing presentat... more Introduction: Typhoid fever is an endemic disease in our country; however, the changing presentation may alter our diagnosis and management. The Aim of the Work: To improve the management of typhoid fever in Egypt through studying the changes in the clinical picture, laboratory findings, response to antimicrobial treatment & outcomes. Subjects and Methods: 590 patients were involved in the study, presenting symptoms, laboratory results, responses to medications and the outcomes were registered. Results: fever was the most prevalent symptom (98.6%) followed by a headache (82.9%) and abdominal pain (71.5%); eating outdoor is the most prevalent risk factor (80.8%); Thirty patients who used quinolone were relapsed (14.4% of cases who used quinolone), while fifty-five patients who used 3rd generation cephalosporin were relapsed (21.1% of cases who used cephalosporins).
Ship structures while in service are likely to be subjected to age deterioration which had actual... more Ship structures while in service are likely to be subjected to age deterioration which had actually caused catastrophic structural or total loss especially for bulk carriers. This had implied the need to develop advanced technologies which can allow for proper management and control of such age related deterioration. Recently, IMO and class societies have developed rules and regulations utilizing risk-based methods. The Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) is an example of such developments. In this paper a finite element model has been established by using ship structural analysis program for fore-end bulkhead of an existing bulk carrier which is being subjected to SOLAS XII as a risk control option of formal safety assessment. The main aim of the finite element model is to assess the strength characteristics of the structural members during service time with the reduction of bulkhead plating thickness due to age deterioration according to a recommended corrosion model and estimated corrosion rates. The insights developed from the present study are useful for finding a proper management for structural repair with consideration of corrosion wastage.
This paper presents a new cost-effective technique to improve the performance of doubly fed induc... more This paper presents a new cost-effective technique to improve the performance of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind energy conversion systems (WECS) during wind gust and fault events through the integration of high temperature superconductor (SC) within the DC link of the rotor side and grid side converters that interface the DFIG rotor with the grid. Fractional order proportional integral (FOPI) controller is employed to control the energy exchange between the SC and the system through controlling the duty cycle of the DC chopper interfacing the SC with the DC link. Rating of the SC and parameters of the proposed FOPI controller are precisely calculated using harmony search optimization technique in order to regulate the DFIG generated power and improve its fault ride through capability during disturbance events. To validate the superiority of the proposed FOPI controller, the performance of the studied system is also investigated when a conventional PI controller is employed. Results reveal the ability of the proposed topology and controller to improve the performance of the DFIGbased WECS during wind gust and short circuit faults at the DFIG terminals.
I N present work, different natural fabrics (cotton, wool and silk)were printed via pomegranate p... more I N present work, different natural fabrics (cotton, wool and silk)were printed via pomegranate peel dye. The dye solution subjected to ultrasonic to reach the nano size.Two techniques of mordanting were used, (pre-mordanting and simultaneous mordanting);substrateswere mordanted prior to printing process using two ecofriendly mordants separately: Alum and tannic acid, other substrates were printed via paste incorporated with mordant for comparison. Pomegranate peel natural dye was studied to clarify the impact of nature of nano-size color particles on size, shape, and particle distribution of the natural dye with comparative studies of the K/S and over all fastness properties of printed samples.Results showed that the K/S values of nano samples are higher than original samples, irrespective of the nature of the fabric used and /or the concentration of the coloring matter. Nano-pomegranate peel dye could be used successfully instead of the original dye incorporated with Alum mordant irrespective of the fabric used. In addition,pre-mordanting technique acquired the higher K/S values than the simultaneous mordanting technique.There is a tendency of improvement of the perspiration fastness while keeping the washing and rubbing fastness unaltered after miniaturization of the pomegranate dye.
International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology
This paper presents a comparison between various methods used to solve economic dispatch (ED) pro... more This paper presents a comparison between various methods used to solve economic dispatch (ED) problem. These methods are heuristic methods such as Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. Comparisons between these heuristic methods and conventional methods such as Interior Point method (IPM) are introduced. The objective function that consists of the fuel (generation) cost is minimized. Numerical examples typical to each method are presented. The solutions method adopted has yielded encouraging results that proved useful in the improvement of economic dispatch environment.
Alanine aminopeptidase is purified from camel liver to homogeneity and designated CLAAP. The puri... more Alanine aminopeptidase is purified from camel liver to homogeneity and designated CLAAP. The purification procedure involved anion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose column and gel filtration chromatography on Sephacryl S-300 column. The specific activity of CLAAP is increased to 9.9 folds over the crude extract with 25.3% yields. The purified CLAAP is homotrimmer protein with 180 kDa consists of three identical subunits of 60 kDa each. CLAAP displayed its optimum activity at pH 8.0 and the Km value is 0.083 mM alanine β-naphthylamide. The divalent cations CuCl2, MnCl2 and ZnCl2 inhibited CLAAP activity while CoCl2 and MgCl2 increased its activity. CLAAP was inhibited competitively with bestatin that has one binding site on the enzyme and Ki value of 14 µM. This report represents AAP purified from the camel liver as a safe source. Therefore, a task for the future will be the application of this purified CLAAP enzyme in the industry of meat and dairy products for flavor development.
In this paper, the steady process of laminar film condensation on a vertical wall with the backsi... more In this paper, the steady process of laminar film condensation on a vertical wall with the backside cooled by free convection in a fluid-saturated porous medium is analysed as a conjugate problem. In the analysis, neither the temperature nor the heat flux at the wall sides is assumed, but they are determined from the solution like other unknown parameters. The analysis is conducted in a dimensionless way to generalize the solution. The main variables controlling the film condensation process are revealed from the analysis, which define the relative importance of interactive wall conduction, free convection and film condensation modes. The study indicates that the conjugate solution of laminar-film condensation problem is different from a Nusselt-type solution.
In this study, the conjugate heat transfer problem of two laminar forced convection boundary-laye... more In this study, the conjugate heat transfer problem of two laminar forced convection boundary-layers of counter flow on the opposite sides of a conductive wall is analyzed by employing the integral method. The analysis is conducted in a dimensionless framework to generalize the solution. The dimensionless parameters affecting the thermal interaction between the two convection layers are deduced from the analysis. These parameters give a measure of the relative importance of interactive heat transfer modes. Mean Nusselt number data are obtained for a wide range of the main affecting parameters.
Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) is the most reliable technique currently used to evaluate the m... more Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) is the most reliable technique currently used to evaluate the mechanical integrity of power transformers. While the measurement devices have been well developed over the past two decades, interpretation of the FRA signatures is still challenging regardless of the several papers published in this regard. This paper adds an attempt to understand the power transformer FRA signatures through experimental and simulation analyses. In this context, experimental FRA measurements are conducted on a 33/11 kV, 30 MVA transformer under various faults, including winding deformation, the short circuit turns, loss of clamping, and bushing fault. At the same time, the high-frequency transformer model that comprises series capacitance, self-inductance, series resistance, and mutual inductance is simulated using MATLAB / Simulink to compare simulation and experimental results. The correlation between physical circuit parameters and various faults facilitates a better understanding of each fault's effect on the FRA signature. To quantify the impact of such faults, correlation coefficient, the absolute sum of logarithmic error, standard deviation, and sum square error are calculated with respect to the healthy signature at three frequency regions. Results show that using statistical coefficients over three frequency ranges of the FRA signature facilitates better fault identification and quantification. INDEX TERMS Power transformer, frequency response analysis, fault diagnosis, statistical indicators. NOMENCLATURE V in , V out Injected and measured voltage R in , R out Input and output Resistance R s Series resistance C s Series capacitance C t Capacitance between turns C d Capacitance between discs C g Capacitance to ground The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Dazhong Ma. L s Series inductance C sHV , C sLV Series capacitance in HV and LV G s Series Conductance C gHV , C gLV Capacitance to the ground in HV, and LV winding C HL Capacitance between the HV winding and LV winding G HL Conductance between the HV winding and LV winding M km Mutual inductance
The right to own private property is one of the most cherished rights in constitutions and laws i... more The right to own private property is one of the most cherished rights in constitutions and laws in order to assure that all people are not deprived of this right. This holiness is expressed in the words of Lord William Pitt who says that "the poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail, its roof may shake; the wind may blow through it; the storms may enter, the rain may enter,-but the King of England cannot enter; all his forces dare not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement." The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "Since property is a sacred and inviolable right, no one can be deprived of it unless it requires the general necessity that is legally established." Most national legislations have been affected by the absolute view of property rights, and these have been rigidly restricted and structured in strict regulations according to the relevant laws. Among these legislation is the Bahraini Civil Code, which regulated the right of property and introduced regulations to protect and legalise its exercise.
International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health
Introduction: Treatment of HCV with direct acting antiviral agents (DAAs) with the different regi... more Introduction: Treatment of HCV with direct acting antiviral agents (DAAs) with the different regimen dramatically changed the outcomes of the disease beside its eradication. In the same time hematological concerns as anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leucopenia were a major factor before initiation, or during treatment with the antiviral drugs. Aim: To demonstrate hematological changes during and after treatment with different regimen of DAAs. Methods: Follow up the hematological changes before, during and after treatment for 100 patients with chronic HCV treated with five different sofosbuvir-based regimen; using interferon, ribavirin, simeprevir and daclatasvir. Results: There are no similar linear changes regarding anemia, leucopenia or thrombocytopenia, however, combination therapy using sofosbuvir with simeprevir or daclatasvir significantly increase platelets count, WBCs, and hemoglobin level during and after end of treatment, versus regimens uses sofosbuvir with ribavirin and or ...
Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering. Mansoura University
Chlorpyrifos is one of the most popular used organophosphorus pesticides because of its low cost ... more Chlorpyrifos is one of the most popular used organophosphorus pesticides because of its low cost and high efficiency in controlling pests in agriculture. Presence of pesticides in aquatic environments causes serious problems to living organisms. Photocatalysis considers an effective route for the removal of resistant hazardous organic wastes from aqueous solutions. In this study, the photocatalytic degradation of chlorpyrifos in aqueous solution by using synthesized prepared nano titanium dioxide (TiO2) by sol-gel method was investigated under various operational conditions such as catalyst dose, pH of the solution, initial concentration of chlorpyrifos and illumination time. Energy dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) and Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) were used for the nano TiO2 characterization. The results depicted that the photocatalytic degradation of chlorpyrifos was strongly influenced by the operational parameters. The photocatalytic degradation decreased with increasing the initial concentration of chlorpyrifos. Neutral pH of the solution is the optimum for the photocatalytic degradation of chlorpyrifos. The photocatalytic reactions approximately followedPseudo-first order kinetics and the reaction rate was inversely related to the feed concentrations. A model was performed with regression coefficient of 88.45 % to express the relation between removal efficiency and operational conditions.
Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering. Mansoura University
Electrocoagulation (EC) is one of the attractive methods for textile wastewater treatment because... more Electrocoagulation (EC) is one of the attractive methods for textile wastewater treatment because it is simple, economic and less sludge production technology. The performance of a batch EC process was studied for decolorization of synthetic colored water containing different concentrations of dye using iron electrodes. The effect of various operational conditions such as applied voltage, initial pH and processing time on color removal efficiency and energy consumption was studied in order to identify the optimum operational conditions. It was noticed that the removal efficiency of dye stabilized after 20 to 25 min. of operation using applied voltage between 10 to 20 V. The results indicate that the dye was removed with high efficiency using applied voltage of 10 V and initial pH ranged from 6 to 9 for a solution with initial dye concentration of 250 mg/l. Color removal efficiency is inversely related to solution initial dye concentration. However, the energy
Afro-Egyptian Journal of Infectious and Endemic Diseases
Conclusion: SBEM is a common sequel of hydrothorax in patients with cirrhotic ascites and its coe... more Conclusion: SBEM is a common sequel of hydrothorax in patients with cirrhotic ascites and its coexistence with SBP leads to higher morbidity and mortality.
International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health
Introduction: Typhoid fever is an endemic disease in our country; however, the changing presentat... more Introduction: Typhoid fever is an endemic disease in our country; however, the changing presentation may alter our diagnosis and management. The Aim of the Work: To improve the management of typhoid fever in Egypt through studying the changes in the clinical picture, laboratory findings, response to antimicrobial treatment & outcomes. Subjects and Methods: 590 patients were involved in the study, presenting symptoms, laboratory results, responses to medications and the outcomes were registered. Results: fever was the most prevalent symptom (98.6%) followed by a headache (82.9%) and abdominal pain (71.5%); eating outdoor is the most prevalent risk factor (80.8%); Thirty patients who used quinolone were relapsed (14.4% of cases who used quinolone), while fifty-five patients who used 3rd generation cephalosporin were relapsed (21.1% of cases who used cephalosporins).
Ship structures while in service are likely to be subjected to age deterioration which had actual... more Ship structures while in service are likely to be subjected to age deterioration which had actually caused catastrophic structural or total loss especially for bulk carriers. This had implied the need to develop advanced technologies which can allow for proper management and control of such age related deterioration. Recently, IMO and class societies have developed rules and regulations utilizing risk-based methods. The Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) is an example of such developments. In this paper a finite element model has been established by using ship structural analysis program for fore-end bulkhead of an existing bulk carrier which is being subjected to SOLAS XII as a risk control option of formal safety assessment. The main aim of the finite element model is to assess the strength characteristics of the structural members during service time with the reduction of bulkhead plating thickness due to age deterioration according to a recommended corrosion model and estimated corrosion rates. The insights developed from the present study are useful for finding a proper management for structural repair with consideration of corrosion wastage.
This paper presents a new cost-effective technique to improve the performance of doubly fed induc... more This paper presents a new cost-effective technique to improve the performance of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind energy conversion systems (WECS) during wind gust and fault events through the integration of high temperature superconductor (SC) within the DC link of the rotor side and grid side converters that interface the DFIG rotor with the grid. Fractional order proportional integral (FOPI) controller is employed to control the energy exchange between the SC and the system through controlling the duty cycle of the DC chopper interfacing the SC with the DC link. Rating of the SC and parameters of the proposed FOPI controller are precisely calculated using harmony search optimization technique in order to regulate the DFIG generated power and improve its fault ride through capability during disturbance events. To validate the superiority of the proposed FOPI controller, the performance of the studied system is also investigated when a conventional PI controller is employed. Results reveal the ability of the proposed topology and controller to improve the performance of the DFIGbased WECS during wind gust and short circuit faults at the DFIG terminals.
I N present work, different natural fabrics (cotton, wool and silk)were printed via pomegranate p... more I N present work, different natural fabrics (cotton, wool and silk)were printed via pomegranate peel dye. The dye solution subjected to ultrasonic to reach the nano size.Two techniques of mordanting were used, (pre-mordanting and simultaneous mordanting);substrateswere mordanted prior to printing process using two ecofriendly mordants separately: Alum and tannic acid, other substrates were printed via paste incorporated with mordant for comparison. Pomegranate peel natural dye was studied to clarify the impact of nature of nano-size color particles on size, shape, and particle distribution of the natural dye with comparative studies of the K/S and over all fastness properties of printed samples.Results showed that the K/S values of nano samples are higher than original samples, irrespective of the nature of the fabric used and /or the concentration of the coloring matter. Nano-pomegranate peel dye could be used successfully instead of the original dye incorporated with Alum mordant irrespective of the fabric used. In addition,pre-mordanting technique acquired the higher K/S values than the simultaneous mordanting technique.There is a tendency of improvement of the perspiration fastness while keeping the washing and rubbing fastness unaltered after miniaturization of the pomegranate dye.
International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology
This paper presents a comparison between various methods used to solve economic dispatch (ED) pro... more This paper presents a comparison between various methods used to solve economic dispatch (ED) problem. These methods are heuristic methods such as Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. Comparisons between these heuristic methods and conventional methods such as Interior Point method (IPM) are introduced. The objective function that consists of the fuel (generation) cost is minimized. Numerical examples typical to each method are presented. The solutions method adopted has yielded encouraging results that proved useful in the improvement of economic dispatch environment.
Alanine aminopeptidase is purified from camel liver to homogeneity and designated CLAAP. The puri... more Alanine aminopeptidase is purified from camel liver to homogeneity and designated CLAAP. The purification procedure involved anion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose column and gel filtration chromatography on Sephacryl S-300 column. The specific activity of CLAAP is increased to 9.9 folds over the crude extract with 25.3% yields. The purified CLAAP is homotrimmer protein with 180 kDa consists of three identical subunits of 60 kDa each. CLAAP displayed its optimum activity at pH 8.0 and the Km value is 0.083 mM alanine β-naphthylamide. The divalent cations CuCl2, MnCl2 and ZnCl2 inhibited CLAAP activity while CoCl2 and MgCl2 increased its activity. CLAAP was inhibited competitively with bestatin that has one binding site on the enzyme and Ki value of 14 µM. This report represents AAP purified from the camel liver as a safe source. Therefore, a task for the future will be the application of this purified CLAAP enzyme in the industry of meat and dairy products for flavor development.
In this paper, the steady process of laminar film condensation on a vertical wall with the backsi... more In this paper, the steady process of laminar film condensation on a vertical wall with the backside cooled by free convection in a fluid-saturated porous medium is analysed as a conjugate problem. In the analysis, neither the temperature nor the heat flux at the wall sides is assumed, but they are determined from the solution like other unknown parameters. The analysis is conducted in a dimensionless way to generalize the solution. The main variables controlling the film condensation process are revealed from the analysis, which define the relative importance of interactive wall conduction, free convection and film condensation modes. The study indicates that the conjugate solution of laminar-film condensation problem is different from a Nusselt-type solution.
In this study, the conjugate heat transfer problem of two laminar forced convection boundary-laye... more In this study, the conjugate heat transfer problem of two laminar forced convection boundary-layers of counter flow on the opposite sides of a conductive wall is analyzed by employing the integral method. The analysis is conducted in a dimensionless framework to generalize the solution. The dimensionless parameters affecting the thermal interaction between the two convection layers are deduced from the analysis. These parameters give a measure of the relative importance of interactive heat transfer modes. Mean Nusselt number data are obtained for a wide range of the main affecting parameters.
Papers by Mohamed Mosaad