Health Japan 21 is Japan’s premier health promotion policy encompassing preventive community heal... more Health Japan 21 is Japan’s premier health promotion policy encompassing preventive community health measures for lifestyle-related diseases. In this repeated cross-sectional survey, we report 24-year trends of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), obesity, hypertension, and their association with dietary intakes to evaluate Health Japan 21’s impact and identify gaps for future policy implementation. We analyzed data from 217,519 and 232,821 adults participating in the physical examination and dietary intake assessment, respectively, of the National Health and Nutrition Survey 1995–2019. Average HbA1c and BMI have significantly increased along with the prevalence of T2DM and overweight/obesity among males. Despite a significant decrease in daily salt intake, the decline in the combined prevalence of Grades 1–3 hypertension was non-significant. Seafood and meat intakes showed strong opposing trends during the study period, indicating a dietary shift in the Japanese population. Neither salt...
Problematika yang terjadi dikalangan peserta didik sering mengalami kesulitan Ketika menulis huru... more Problematika yang terjadi dikalangan peserta didik sering mengalami kesulitan Ketika menulis huruf huruf arab yang baik dan benar ini terjadi dikarenakan Ketika proses menulis tidak ada penekanan dari pengajar kepada peserta didik dan juga karena didalam menulis memilki hubungan antara proses berfikir dan proses expesif keindahan, Materi keterampilan menulis (maharah al-kitabah) diberikan agar siswa dapat membentuk alphabet dan mengeja. Selain itu, juga dapat membantu siswa dalam menyalurkan fikiran dan perasaan melalui tulisan. Meningkatkan maharah al-kitabah terdapat beberapa macam teknik salah satu adalah khat (kaligrafi). Khat merupakan proses menulis rapi, keindahan, sehingga dalam pembelajaran khat peserta didik tidak hanya menulis menulis huruf dan membentuk kata serta kalimat saja, tetapi juga menyentuh aspek estetika atau keindahan, sehingga membuat mereka nyama dan betah untuk terus menulis Oleh karena itu, tujuan pembelajaran khat adalah agar para peserta didik terampil ...
Penelitian ini dilakukan atas kerjasama antara Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Natuna Prov... more Penelitian ini dilakukan atas kerjasama antara Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Natuna Provinsi Kepulauan Riau dengan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Riau Indonesia dengan rentang waktu penelitian selama 4 bulan pada tahun 2015. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui potensi ikan yang boleh ditangkap di kawasan konservasi perairan daerah sehingga lestari. Metode penelitian berupa metode survei dengan pengumpulan data produksi perikanan secara time series (5 tahun) dari statistik perikanan tangkap Dinas Kelautan danPerikanan Kabupaten Natuna. Analisis dilakukan mengunakan analisis surplus produksi. Potensi lestari ikan demersal pada kawasan I yaitu 184.177,51 ton/ tahun dengan effort optimum 49.237 unit. Pada kawasan II yaitu 9.042,49 ton/tahun dengan effort optimum 2.089 unit dan pada kawasan III yaitu 5.150,20 ton/ tahun dengan effort optimum 859 unit.
pendahuluan Kepemerintahan yang baik (good governance) merupakan isu yang paling menemuka dalam p... more pendahuluan Kepemerintahan yang baik (good governance) merupakan isu yang paling menemuka dalam pengelolaan administrasi publik saat ini. Prasetyantoko (2008) mengatakan bahwa untuk meningkatkan kinerja perlu diterapkannya prinsip good governance. Apabila aparatur pemerintah dalam memberikan pelayanan publik sesuai dengan prinsip good governance maka pemberian pelayanan publik tersebut sudah maksimal dalam kegiatannya. (Cahyadi et al., 2016) Konsep good governance muncul karenaadanya ketidakpuasan pada kinerja pemerintahan yang selama ini dipercaya sebagai penyelenggara urusan publik. Menerapkan praktik good governance dapat dilakukan secara bertahap sesuai dengan kapasitas pemerintah, masyarakat sipil, dan mekanisme pasar. Salah satu pilihan strategis untuk menerapkan good governance di Indonesia adalah melalui penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik. Pelayanan publik menjadi tolok ukur keberhasilan pelaksanaan tugas dan pengukuran kinerja pemerintah melalui birokrasi. Pelayanan publik se...
Sumber daya perikanan dapat dimanfaatkan secara berkelanjutan dengan tidak melebihi kapasitas unt... more Sumber daya perikanan dapat dimanfaatkan secara berkelanjutan dengan tidak melebihi kapasitas untuk memulihkan dirinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan sumber daya perikanan dalam wilayah pengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah (KKLD) Kabupaten Lingga yang meliputi biofisik, kondisi dan potensi perikanan. Kedalaman perairan berkisar antara 0,5 – 52 m, kecepatan arus rata-rata 20 -80 cm/s dengan arah arus pasang 135-180o dadan arah arus surut 316=355o. Kecerahan air antara 3 – 7 m, pH antara 8,1 – 8,3, Oksigen terlarut antara 4,16 – 8,3 ppm, salinitas 27,9 – 31,2 0/00 . Jumlah Rumah tangga Perikanan 9.697, armada penangkapan ikan berupa perahu/sampan dan perahu motor/pompong, Potensi Perikanan Tangkap lebih kurang 275.371,43 ton per tahun.
ABSTRAK ANALISIS CACAT BLISTER PADA KELONGSONG BAHAN BAKAR U 3 Si 2 /Al MENGGUNAKAN ULTRASONIC TE... more ABSTRAK ANALISIS CACAT BLISTER PADA KELONGSONG BAHAN BAKAR U 3 Si 2 /Al MENGGUNAKAN ULTRASONIC TEST. Integritas bahan bakar adalah salah satu aspek keselamatan yang harus dipertimbangkan selama reaktor nuklir beroperasi. Terbentuknya cacat pada bahan bakar setelah digunakan di dalam reaktor tidak diinginkan, karena dapat mempengaruhi unjuk kerja bahan bakar. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan uji pasca iradiasi untuk menjamin integritas bahan bakar. Uji tak merusak menggunakan ultrasonic test adalah salah satu metode alternatif untuk melakukan uji pasca iradiasi. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi adanya cacat blister pada kelongsong bahan bakar nuklir tipe pelat. Pada uji pasca iradiasi menggunakan ultrasonic test perlu ditentukan parameter operasi agar diperoleh hasil yang akurat. Penentuan optimasi parameter ultrasonic test dilakukan terhadap kelongsong bahan bakar U 3 Si 2 /Al yang terdapat cacat blister. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan dua teknik, yaitu teknik pulse-echo dan...
The development of cases infected with the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia continues to increase. COV... more The development of cases infected with the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia continues to increase. COVID-19 is a member of the corona virus family that has spread throughout the world. The COVID-19 Main protease is considered a suitable target for drug design against SARS infection because it plays a role in the processing of polyproteins required for the reproduction of the coronavirus. Eucalyptus are claimed to be able to ward off the COVID-19 virus. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate the content of eucalyptus compounds against Main proteases by docking studies. Based on the results of research conducted using the active site on the Main protease, it is known that eucalyptus (-)-globulol, epiglobulol, and ledol compounds have free energies of -7.23 kcal/mol, -7.91 kcal/mol, and -7.39 kcal/mol, respectively. Remdesivir as a therapeutic drug for COVID-19 has a free energy of -7.67 kcal/mol. These three compounds bind to the amino acid Glu166 as remdisivir with the best binding affinit...
This study aims as an effort to describe: (1) Cultivating an attitude of love towards the apostle... more This study aims as an effort to describe: (1) Cultivating an attitude of love towards the apostle by practicing the book of Al Barzanji in the village of Kampung Gili, Kabupaten Batang (2) The obstacle in this research is the lack of interest in the village community of Kampung Gili Kabupaten Batang. The stem of the attitude of love in the book of Al Barzanji. (3) In this research, the researcher uses the case study method. Case studies were chosen because research requires in-depth, intensive, and detailed information about certain events at the individual level, group of people, or organizations so that the resulting data are accurate data related to the research being conducted. This research was conducted at the Nurul Jannah Council, precisely in the village of Kampung Gili Kab. Batang in June 2021. The data in this study were obtained from interviews with the ustadz of the Nurul Jannah assembly and one of the students from the Nurul Jannah assembly of Kampung Gili Kabupaten Bat...
Diplocheilichthys pleurotaenia is one of native fish present in the Kampar River. This fish used ... more Diplocheilichthys pleurotaenia is one of native fish present in the Kampar River. This fish used to migrate to downstream area due to reproductive activities. The construction of the Koto Panjang Dam may hamper this activity and also divided the population into 2 groups, the upstream and downstream population. To understand the biological aspects of the fish in both populations and its relationship to the presence of the dam, this study has been conducted from November 2011 to August 2012. The fish was sampled in the Kampar River, in the upstream and downstream of the Koto Panjang Dam. The fish was captured using gill nets monthly for a ten months period. The number of fish captured in the upstream was 7, while that of of the downstream was 228. The sex ratio of the fish is almost balance. The fish from both population shown similar reproductive pattern, there are mature males and females in April and there is no fish caught in May due to reproductive purposes migration. The reprodu...
Kelulusan merupakan target yang ingin dicapai oleh setiap mahasiswa, tentunya dengan nilai yang b... more Kelulusan merupakan target yang ingin dicapai oleh setiap mahasiswa, tentunya dengan nilai yang bagus. setiap mahasiswa harus belajar dengan keras untuk mendapatkan nilai yang bagus, seiring berkembangnya zaman beberapa masalah muncul dalam penilaian mahasiswa. Sekarang mahasiswa bisa lebih pintar dari pada dosennya dikarenakan banyaknya sumber yang bisa didapat didunia maya. Dengan itu mahasiswa lebih lugas mencari sumber yang bagus dalam pengerjaan tugas yang diberikan dosennya, hal ini membuat mahasiswa malas membaca atau membeli buku untuk pelajaran mereka karena canggihnya alat dan fitur di dunnia maya untuk mencari data, semua tugas dikerjakan dengan system copy dan paste, dengan sedikit pembaharuan dan pergantian beberapa kata tugaspun selesai dikerjakan tanpa harus bersusah payah dalam mencari data. Memang hal ini masih menjadi pro dan kontra karena tidak semua mahasiswa seperti itu. Hal itu yang membuat dosen kesulitan memberikan nilai. Dengan permasalahan itu dicarilah pen...
2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2019
Computers are often used as a tool that can give conclusions to a disease so that they can help t... more Computers are often used as a tool that can give conclusions to a disease so that they can help the community or health practitioners. The expert system is a field of science that can process the knowledge of an expert into a computer-based system that can be used by many people. Expert systems use multiple search models to diagnose a disease. Forward Chaining is a search model that can be used to perform a symptom search of a disease. One of the diseases that can be diagnosed by using computer media is Herpes Zoster. Herpes Zoster is a disease that attacks the skin and mucosa. To provide a degree of certainty to the diagnosis can be used several methods, one of which Bayes Theorem. Bayes' Theorem is a method of calculating certainty that can be used to provide a degree of certainty of diagnosis of a disease by calculating each probability of each of its symptoms. The result of this study is a system that has the knowledge, such as a doctor to be able to diagnose herpes zoster d...
Edulab : Majalah Ilmiah Laboratorium Pendidikan, 2021
This study aims to determine the skills of the kitabah through khat riq'ah with manhaj Hamidi... more This study aims to determine the skills of the kitabah through khat riq'ah with manhaj Hamidi. This study uses a qualitative approach. This type of research is field research conducted at the Al-Quran Calligraphy School (SAKAL) in Jombang, East Java. The data sources in this study were SAKAL students and teachers. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation, and interviews. The data obtained were classified and analyzed by descriptive method. For the presentation in the form of descriptive narrative. The results of this research indicate that: First, learning the book through khat riq'ah with manhaj Hamidi aims to realize a pesantren-based madrasa education model, as well as fostering students' skills, morals, intellectuals and spirituality, and building abilities, especially in the field of Al-Qur'an calligraphy. In the process of learning khat Riq'ah, two guide books/Kurrasah were used, including Kurrasah Yusuf Dzannun and Muhammad Izzat. Second...
This study aims to find out and analyze what factors influence the learning outcomes of children ... more This study aims to find out and analyze what factors influence the learning outcomes of children with intellectual disabilities and dual mental retardation in Islamic religious education subjects at SLB Waraqil Jannah Kec. X Koto Pan Overview West Sumatra. The study only focused on three factors, the first is the type of disability, intelligence level and learning motivation factors. This research is a quantitative research. The sample in this study amounted to 29 mentally retarded children and multiple mentally retarded children. Data collection methods used were questionnaire and documentation methods which were then analyzed using the Chi Squaer formula. The results of the study showed that there was no influence of the three research variables with the acquisition of a disability value of 1.19225, the price of Kai Squared was much smaller on the significance table of 5% or 1% or 40.113 <1.19255 <46.963. The acquisition value of the intelligence level of 5.4452558 which is ...
2018 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2018
In this paper explains about recruitment of employees in a company. To determine the progress of ... more In this paper explains about recruitment of employees in a company. To determine the progress of a company is determined based on quality resources. The selection process is usually done only by looking at psycho test results, interviews and computer skills and this makes it difficult for decision makers to select the best candidates from some applicants. Therefore a decision support system is needed to help the selection of hiring new employees. Actually decision making efficiently and effectively is not easy, so experts are beginning to develop methods that can facilitate decision-making and improve accuracy. Using the Method Evaluation Process (MFEP) method was chosen because the MEFP method gives subjective and objective consideration to the factors that are considered important. Considerations for Weighting System on multifactors are involved and considered important.
High stress levels among hospital workers could be harmful to both workers and the institution. E... more High stress levels among hospital workers could be harmful to both workers and the institution. Enabling the workers to monitor their stress level has many advantages. Knowing their own stress level can help them to stay aware and feel more in control of their response to situations and know when it is time to relax or take some actions to treat it properly. This monitoring task can be enabled by using wearable devices to measure physiological responses related to stress. In this work, we propose a smartwatch sensors based continuous stress detection method using some individual classifiers and classifier ensembles. The experiment results show that all of the classifiers work quite well to detect stress with an accuracy of more than 70%. The results also show that the ensemble method obtained higher accuracy and F1-measure compared to all of the individual classifiers. The best accuracy was obtained by the ensemble with soft voting strategy (ES) with 87.10% while the hard voting str...
Health Japan 21 is Japan’s premier health promotion policy encompassing preventive community heal... more Health Japan 21 is Japan’s premier health promotion policy encompassing preventive community health measures for lifestyle-related diseases. In this repeated cross-sectional survey, we report 24-year trends of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), obesity, hypertension, and their association with dietary intakes to evaluate Health Japan 21’s impact and identify gaps for future policy implementation. We analyzed data from 217,519 and 232,821 adults participating in the physical examination and dietary intake assessment, respectively, of the National Health and Nutrition Survey 1995–2019. Average HbA1c and BMI have significantly increased along with the prevalence of T2DM and overweight/obesity among males. Despite a significant decrease in daily salt intake, the decline in the combined prevalence of Grades 1–3 hypertension was non-significant. Seafood and meat intakes showed strong opposing trends during the study period, indicating a dietary shift in the Japanese population. Neither salt...
Problematika yang terjadi dikalangan peserta didik sering mengalami kesulitan Ketika menulis huru... more Problematika yang terjadi dikalangan peserta didik sering mengalami kesulitan Ketika menulis huruf huruf arab yang baik dan benar ini terjadi dikarenakan Ketika proses menulis tidak ada penekanan dari pengajar kepada peserta didik dan juga karena didalam menulis memilki hubungan antara proses berfikir dan proses expesif keindahan, Materi keterampilan menulis (maharah al-kitabah) diberikan agar siswa dapat membentuk alphabet dan mengeja. Selain itu, juga dapat membantu siswa dalam menyalurkan fikiran dan perasaan melalui tulisan. Meningkatkan maharah al-kitabah terdapat beberapa macam teknik salah satu adalah khat (kaligrafi). Khat merupakan proses menulis rapi, keindahan, sehingga dalam pembelajaran khat peserta didik tidak hanya menulis menulis huruf dan membentuk kata serta kalimat saja, tetapi juga menyentuh aspek estetika atau keindahan, sehingga membuat mereka nyama dan betah untuk terus menulis Oleh karena itu, tujuan pembelajaran khat adalah agar para peserta didik terampil ...
Penelitian ini dilakukan atas kerjasama antara Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Natuna Prov... more Penelitian ini dilakukan atas kerjasama antara Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Natuna Provinsi Kepulauan Riau dengan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Riau Indonesia dengan rentang waktu penelitian selama 4 bulan pada tahun 2015. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui potensi ikan yang boleh ditangkap di kawasan konservasi perairan daerah sehingga lestari. Metode penelitian berupa metode survei dengan pengumpulan data produksi perikanan secara time series (5 tahun) dari statistik perikanan tangkap Dinas Kelautan danPerikanan Kabupaten Natuna. Analisis dilakukan mengunakan analisis surplus produksi. Potensi lestari ikan demersal pada kawasan I yaitu 184.177,51 ton/ tahun dengan effort optimum 49.237 unit. Pada kawasan II yaitu 9.042,49 ton/tahun dengan effort optimum 2.089 unit dan pada kawasan III yaitu 5.150,20 ton/ tahun dengan effort optimum 859 unit.
pendahuluan Kepemerintahan yang baik (good governance) merupakan isu yang paling menemuka dalam p... more pendahuluan Kepemerintahan yang baik (good governance) merupakan isu yang paling menemuka dalam pengelolaan administrasi publik saat ini. Prasetyantoko (2008) mengatakan bahwa untuk meningkatkan kinerja perlu diterapkannya prinsip good governance. Apabila aparatur pemerintah dalam memberikan pelayanan publik sesuai dengan prinsip good governance maka pemberian pelayanan publik tersebut sudah maksimal dalam kegiatannya. (Cahyadi et al., 2016) Konsep good governance muncul karenaadanya ketidakpuasan pada kinerja pemerintahan yang selama ini dipercaya sebagai penyelenggara urusan publik. Menerapkan praktik good governance dapat dilakukan secara bertahap sesuai dengan kapasitas pemerintah, masyarakat sipil, dan mekanisme pasar. Salah satu pilihan strategis untuk menerapkan good governance di Indonesia adalah melalui penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik. Pelayanan publik menjadi tolok ukur keberhasilan pelaksanaan tugas dan pengukuran kinerja pemerintah melalui birokrasi. Pelayanan publik se...
Sumber daya perikanan dapat dimanfaatkan secara berkelanjutan dengan tidak melebihi kapasitas unt... more Sumber daya perikanan dapat dimanfaatkan secara berkelanjutan dengan tidak melebihi kapasitas untuk memulihkan dirinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan sumber daya perikanan dalam wilayah pengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah (KKLD) Kabupaten Lingga yang meliputi biofisik, kondisi dan potensi perikanan. Kedalaman perairan berkisar antara 0,5 – 52 m, kecepatan arus rata-rata 20 -80 cm/s dengan arah arus pasang 135-180o dadan arah arus surut 316=355o. Kecerahan air antara 3 – 7 m, pH antara 8,1 – 8,3, Oksigen terlarut antara 4,16 – 8,3 ppm, salinitas 27,9 – 31,2 0/00 . Jumlah Rumah tangga Perikanan 9.697, armada penangkapan ikan berupa perahu/sampan dan perahu motor/pompong, Potensi Perikanan Tangkap lebih kurang 275.371,43 ton per tahun.
ABSTRAK ANALISIS CACAT BLISTER PADA KELONGSONG BAHAN BAKAR U 3 Si 2 /Al MENGGUNAKAN ULTRASONIC TE... more ABSTRAK ANALISIS CACAT BLISTER PADA KELONGSONG BAHAN BAKAR U 3 Si 2 /Al MENGGUNAKAN ULTRASONIC TEST. Integritas bahan bakar adalah salah satu aspek keselamatan yang harus dipertimbangkan selama reaktor nuklir beroperasi. Terbentuknya cacat pada bahan bakar setelah digunakan di dalam reaktor tidak diinginkan, karena dapat mempengaruhi unjuk kerja bahan bakar. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan uji pasca iradiasi untuk menjamin integritas bahan bakar. Uji tak merusak menggunakan ultrasonic test adalah salah satu metode alternatif untuk melakukan uji pasca iradiasi. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi adanya cacat blister pada kelongsong bahan bakar nuklir tipe pelat. Pada uji pasca iradiasi menggunakan ultrasonic test perlu ditentukan parameter operasi agar diperoleh hasil yang akurat. Penentuan optimasi parameter ultrasonic test dilakukan terhadap kelongsong bahan bakar U 3 Si 2 /Al yang terdapat cacat blister. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan dua teknik, yaitu teknik pulse-echo dan...
The development of cases infected with the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia continues to increase. COV... more The development of cases infected with the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia continues to increase. COVID-19 is a member of the corona virus family that has spread throughout the world. The COVID-19 Main protease is considered a suitable target for drug design against SARS infection because it plays a role in the processing of polyproteins required for the reproduction of the coronavirus. Eucalyptus are claimed to be able to ward off the COVID-19 virus. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate the content of eucalyptus compounds against Main proteases by docking studies. Based on the results of research conducted using the active site on the Main protease, it is known that eucalyptus (-)-globulol, epiglobulol, and ledol compounds have free energies of -7.23 kcal/mol, -7.91 kcal/mol, and -7.39 kcal/mol, respectively. Remdesivir as a therapeutic drug for COVID-19 has a free energy of -7.67 kcal/mol. These three compounds bind to the amino acid Glu166 as remdisivir with the best binding affinit...
This study aims as an effort to describe: (1) Cultivating an attitude of love towards the apostle... more This study aims as an effort to describe: (1) Cultivating an attitude of love towards the apostle by practicing the book of Al Barzanji in the village of Kampung Gili, Kabupaten Batang (2) The obstacle in this research is the lack of interest in the village community of Kampung Gili Kabupaten Batang. The stem of the attitude of love in the book of Al Barzanji. (3) In this research, the researcher uses the case study method. Case studies were chosen because research requires in-depth, intensive, and detailed information about certain events at the individual level, group of people, or organizations so that the resulting data are accurate data related to the research being conducted. This research was conducted at the Nurul Jannah Council, precisely in the village of Kampung Gili Kab. Batang in June 2021. The data in this study were obtained from interviews with the ustadz of the Nurul Jannah assembly and one of the students from the Nurul Jannah assembly of Kampung Gili Kabupaten Bat...
Diplocheilichthys pleurotaenia is one of native fish present in the Kampar River. This fish used ... more Diplocheilichthys pleurotaenia is one of native fish present in the Kampar River. This fish used to migrate to downstream area due to reproductive activities. The construction of the Koto Panjang Dam may hamper this activity and also divided the population into 2 groups, the upstream and downstream population. To understand the biological aspects of the fish in both populations and its relationship to the presence of the dam, this study has been conducted from November 2011 to August 2012. The fish was sampled in the Kampar River, in the upstream and downstream of the Koto Panjang Dam. The fish was captured using gill nets monthly for a ten months period. The number of fish captured in the upstream was 7, while that of of the downstream was 228. The sex ratio of the fish is almost balance. The fish from both population shown similar reproductive pattern, there are mature males and females in April and there is no fish caught in May due to reproductive purposes migration. The reprodu...
Kelulusan merupakan target yang ingin dicapai oleh setiap mahasiswa, tentunya dengan nilai yang b... more Kelulusan merupakan target yang ingin dicapai oleh setiap mahasiswa, tentunya dengan nilai yang bagus. setiap mahasiswa harus belajar dengan keras untuk mendapatkan nilai yang bagus, seiring berkembangnya zaman beberapa masalah muncul dalam penilaian mahasiswa. Sekarang mahasiswa bisa lebih pintar dari pada dosennya dikarenakan banyaknya sumber yang bisa didapat didunia maya. Dengan itu mahasiswa lebih lugas mencari sumber yang bagus dalam pengerjaan tugas yang diberikan dosennya, hal ini membuat mahasiswa malas membaca atau membeli buku untuk pelajaran mereka karena canggihnya alat dan fitur di dunnia maya untuk mencari data, semua tugas dikerjakan dengan system copy dan paste, dengan sedikit pembaharuan dan pergantian beberapa kata tugaspun selesai dikerjakan tanpa harus bersusah payah dalam mencari data. Memang hal ini masih menjadi pro dan kontra karena tidak semua mahasiswa seperti itu. Hal itu yang membuat dosen kesulitan memberikan nilai. Dengan permasalahan itu dicarilah pen...
2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2019
Computers are often used as a tool that can give conclusions to a disease so that they can help t... more Computers are often used as a tool that can give conclusions to a disease so that they can help the community or health practitioners. The expert system is a field of science that can process the knowledge of an expert into a computer-based system that can be used by many people. Expert systems use multiple search models to diagnose a disease. Forward Chaining is a search model that can be used to perform a symptom search of a disease. One of the diseases that can be diagnosed by using computer media is Herpes Zoster. Herpes Zoster is a disease that attacks the skin and mucosa. To provide a degree of certainty to the diagnosis can be used several methods, one of which Bayes Theorem. Bayes' Theorem is a method of calculating certainty that can be used to provide a degree of certainty of diagnosis of a disease by calculating each probability of each of its symptoms. The result of this study is a system that has the knowledge, such as a doctor to be able to diagnose herpes zoster d...
Edulab : Majalah Ilmiah Laboratorium Pendidikan, 2021
This study aims to determine the skills of the kitabah through khat riq'ah with manhaj Hamidi... more This study aims to determine the skills of the kitabah through khat riq'ah with manhaj Hamidi. This study uses a qualitative approach. This type of research is field research conducted at the Al-Quran Calligraphy School (SAKAL) in Jombang, East Java. The data sources in this study were SAKAL students and teachers. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation, and interviews. The data obtained were classified and analyzed by descriptive method. For the presentation in the form of descriptive narrative. The results of this research indicate that: First, learning the book through khat riq'ah with manhaj Hamidi aims to realize a pesantren-based madrasa education model, as well as fostering students' skills, morals, intellectuals and spirituality, and building abilities, especially in the field of Al-Qur'an calligraphy. In the process of learning khat Riq'ah, two guide books/Kurrasah were used, including Kurrasah Yusuf Dzannun and Muhammad Izzat. Second...
This study aims to find out and analyze what factors influence the learning outcomes of children ... more This study aims to find out and analyze what factors influence the learning outcomes of children with intellectual disabilities and dual mental retardation in Islamic religious education subjects at SLB Waraqil Jannah Kec. X Koto Pan Overview West Sumatra. The study only focused on three factors, the first is the type of disability, intelligence level and learning motivation factors. This research is a quantitative research. The sample in this study amounted to 29 mentally retarded children and multiple mentally retarded children. Data collection methods used were questionnaire and documentation methods which were then analyzed using the Chi Squaer formula. The results of the study showed that there was no influence of the three research variables with the acquisition of a disability value of 1.19225, the price of Kai Squared was much smaller on the significance table of 5% or 1% or 40.113 <1.19255 <46.963. The acquisition value of the intelligence level of 5.4452558 which is ...
2018 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2018
In this paper explains about recruitment of employees in a company. To determine the progress of ... more In this paper explains about recruitment of employees in a company. To determine the progress of a company is determined based on quality resources. The selection process is usually done only by looking at psycho test results, interviews and computer skills and this makes it difficult for decision makers to select the best candidates from some applicants. Therefore a decision support system is needed to help the selection of hiring new employees. Actually decision making efficiently and effectively is not easy, so experts are beginning to develop methods that can facilitate decision-making and improve accuracy. Using the Method Evaluation Process (MFEP) method was chosen because the MEFP method gives subjective and objective consideration to the factors that are considered important. Considerations for Weighting System on multifactors are involved and considered important.
High stress levels among hospital workers could be harmful to both workers and the institution. E... more High stress levels among hospital workers could be harmful to both workers and the institution. Enabling the workers to monitor their stress level has many advantages. Knowing their own stress level can help them to stay aware and feel more in control of their response to situations and know when it is time to relax or take some actions to treat it properly. This monitoring task can be enabled by using wearable devices to measure physiological responses related to stress. In this work, we propose a smartwatch sensors based continuous stress detection method using some individual classifiers and classifier ensembles. The experiment results show that all of the classifiers work quite well to detect stress with an accuracy of more than 70%. The results also show that the ensemble method obtained higher accuracy and F1-measure compared to all of the individual classifiers. The best accuracy was obtained by the ensemble with soft voting strategy (ES) with 87.10% while the hard voting str...
Papers by Muhammad Alwan Fauzi