ALSUNIYAT: Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya Arab
This study aimed to describe the forms of field muta'addi, its translation technique, and the... more This study aimed to describe the forms of field muta'addi, its translation technique, and the quality of translation in the translation book of Nūrul Yaqīn Fī Sīrati Sayyidil Mursalīn. This research used a descriptive qualitative method with Spadley's (1980) data analysis. The result of this research is the finding of 276 data of file muta'addi based on its relationship with maul bih (object), which is fill muta'addi bi nafsihi and fill muta'addi bi gharial. Based on time, Al-Ghulayaini (2007) divides fill muta'addi into mādhī, mudhāri, and amr. There were 343 using translation techniques from 11 translation techniques. In this study, 214 data were translated accurately, acceptably, and with high readability. The final assessment score of translation quality is 2.84 and is categorized as high-quality translation. So, the researcher concludes that readers will be able to easily understand the text of the life journey of the Prophet Muhammad.
Kongres Internasional Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia
Penelitian ini akan menginvestigasi terjemahan aforisme al-Hikam berbahasa Arab yang telah diterj... more Penelitian ini akan menginvestigasi terjemahan aforisme al-Hikam berbahasa Arab yang telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia. Aforisme merupakan sebuah genre khusus yang memiliki karakteristik khas, yaitu ringkas, padat, dan mudah diingat. Dalam hal ini, struktur informasi dalam aforisme menjadi penting untuk dikaji, bagaimana sebuah aforisme menjadi padu dan utuh, khususnya ketika diterjemahkan ke dalam multibahasa. Oleh sebab itulah, rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini dapat disusun sebagai berikut: (1) bagaimana bentuk tema tekstual yang menjalin kepaduan dan keutuhan dalam teks aforisme berbahasa Arab, Inggris, dan Indonesia, (2) teknik penerjemahan apa saja yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan tema tekstual dalam bahasa Arab (Bsu) ke dalam bahasa Inggris (Bsa1) dan bahasa Indonesia (Bsa2), (3) bagaimana bentuk pergeseran tema tekstual dalam aforisme berbahasa Arab jika diterjemahkan ke dalam multibahasa. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah klausa yang menga...
Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban
This study aimed to describe the types of directive speech acts, the use of translation technique... more This study aimed to describe the types of directive speech acts, the use of translation techniques, and the quality of the Indonesian translation of the book Badzl al-Mâ'ûn fi Fadhl ath-Thâ'ûn. This research used descriptive analysis to describe the findings; the qualitative was chosen as the method of this study. Consequently, the data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman's and Spradley's models. The results of this study stated that there were 60 data consisting of eight directive speech act types, where the frequency of using the technique was found 527 times for 15 techniques. Of the 60 data, 32 were translated accurately, acceptably, and with a high degree of readability and fell into the 'good' category. The average score for translation quality was 2.69. The study's contribution was to analyze Arabic texts translated into Indonesian using pragmatic models and measure their quality so that readers can quickly grasp the pandemic study from the pers...
Jurnal Al-Qadau: Peradilan dan Hukum Keluarga Islam, 2018
Perseroan terbatas merupakan bentuk usaha ekonomi yangpertanggungjawabannya bersifat terbatas dan... more Perseroan terbatas merupakan bentuk usaha ekonomi yangpertanggungjawabannya bersifat terbatas dan juga memberikankemudahan bagi pemegang saham untuk mengalihkan sahamnya. Dalampendirian perseroan terbatas masyarakat memilih Akta Notaris karenatidak ada pejabat lain selain Notaris yang ditunjuk oleh pemerintah untukmembuat Akta Pendirian Perseroan Terbatas dan berkekuatan hukumpasti. Namun Notaris yang membuat Akta mempunyai kedudukan dalamPerseroan Terbatas maka kekuatan hukum suatu akta pendirianperseroan terbatas (PT) sebagai pengurus serta pemegang saham dalamsebuah perseroan terbatas (PT) maka akta Notaris tersebut hanyamempunyai kekuatan hukum sebagai akta dibawah tangan. Adanyakesadaran bagi para Notaris agar kiranya memperhatikan prosedurpembuatan suatu akta pendirian perseroan terbatas (PT) sekaligusmengetahui akibat-akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan.
KEJUJURAN BAHASA DALAM SKANDAL PANAMA PAPERS: KAJIAN LINGUISTIK FORENSIK DALAM KORAN BERBAHASA AR... more KEJUJURAN BAHASA DALAM SKANDAL PANAMA PAPERS: KAJIAN LINGUISTIK FORENSIK DALAM KORAN BERBAHASA ARAB – INGGRIS AL-AHRAM ON-LINEMuhammad Yunus AnisUniversitas Sebelas Maret, SurakartaEmail: AbstrakLinguistik forensik sebagai sebuah teknik-teknik linguistik untuk menyidik kejahatan yang sebagian pembuktiaannya berupa data bahasa mulai berkembang dengan pesat di berbagai negara, khususnya Indonesia. Kajian linguistik forensik sangat berguna dalam menyibak beberapa kasus hukum tertentu dengan menggunakan data kebahasaan. Evidensi berupa data kebahasaan tersebut selayaknya mendukung sebuah proses penyelidikan kasus tertentu. Akhir-akhir ini telah beredar sebuah berita yang cukup mengejutkan khalayak ramai tentang Panama Papers. Dalam sebuah dokumen tertentu termaktub beberapa nama-nama para pengusaha yang terduga dalam penggelapan pajak. Setiap koran atau media masa memiliki cara tersendiri dalam memberitakan kasus skandal panama papers. Dalam hal ini, peneliti m...
Penelitian ini diarahkan untuk mengkaji konstruksi tema-rema judul beritadalam surat kabar berbah... more Penelitian ini diarahkan untuk mengkaji konstruksi tema-rema judul beritadalam surat kabar berbahasa Arab yang terbit di wilayah Mesir pada kurun waktubulan Agustus 2011 sampai dengan November 2011, yaitu rentangan periodesebelum Mesir melaksanakan pemilu legislatif pertama kali setelah tumbangnyaRezim Husni Mubarak. Adapun objek material penelitian ini adalah surat kabar yangterbit di wilayah Mesir, yaitu: Al-Ahra>m. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untukmengidentifikasi satuan-satuan kebahasaan yang ada dalam judul berita dalam suratkabar berbahasa Arab. Selanjutnya pola yang paling dominan dalam judul beritatersebut dianalisis dari sisi unsur-unsur pembentuk informasinya, yaitu konstruksitema-rema. Sehingga pada akhirnya akan diketahui pola pengembangan tema dalamsebuah teks berita berbahasa Arab. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwapola jumlah ’ismiyyah dalam judul berita merupakan pola yang paling dominan,kecuali dalam judul berita yang berupa kalimat imperatif (per...
This article investigates comprehensively two basic problems that are relevant to Arabic teaching... more This article investigates comprehensively two basic problems that are relevant to Arabic teaching and learning using on-line media in Indonesia. The first problem will investigate the relation between the theory of “thematic progression patterns” (especially linier pattern) and the Arabic creative writing process at two Islamic High Schools in Central Java. They are: MAN 2 Surakarta and SMA 4 Muhammadiyah Andong, Boyolali. The outcome of the first problem is to gain the synergy between Arabic learning in Indonesia and the development of general linguistic theories. The novelty in this article related deeply to the on-line method learning of Arabic creative writing based on Systemic Functional and Corpus method. The second problem of this research will investigate the process of Arabic creative writing learning using the on-line method. The research method had been structured in three stages, such as: (1) collecting the data by observation method, both in the literature review and in...
Studies related to Sufi healing have focused on the theories used by Hakim abu-Abdullah Moinuddin... more Studies related to Sufi healing have focused on the theories used by Hakim abu-Abdullah Moinuddin al-Chishtiyya related to the power of unconditional love to work healing miracles. The aspects contained in his Book of Sufi Healing consequently become the starting point for the elaboration of the Al-Hikam aphorisms, the monumental work of Ibn Athaillah As-Sakandari. This study aimed to find common ground between Sufi healing and the Al-Hikam aphorisms. To find this meeting point, descriptive analysis was carried out from linguistic and cultural perspectives using Functional Systemic Linguistic theory and Ricoeur’s translation theory applied to Arabic (L1) and Bahasa Indonesia and English language text. The main qualitative data were collected from Arabic clauses in the Al-Hikam aphorisms, comprising 435 clauses with a thematic structure derived from 100 Al-Hikam aphorisms. Linguistic theory was used to examine the text in detail from both micro and macro perspectives, the former bein...
Corruption is a trouble and critical disease which has to get the amputation as soon as possible ... more Corruption is a trouble and critical disease which has to get the amputation as soon as possible from the deep of the point of problems. This condition has become the main reason why this article should be written. How very dangerous is the effect of the corruption, until some people afraid if there is someone called the name of “Indonesia”, they just remember about the corruption. Thus, the college as the main place to get the seedbed of academicians had to be ready to face the greatest spreading of corruption effects. The readiness of the college to be opposed to corruption movement can be implemented from the three main principles of the college, such as: (1) the process of education, (2) the process of research, and (3) the process of dedication toward society.
This Research discusses the variations of noun phrase translation types and the technique of tran... more This Research discusses the variations of noun phrase translation types and the technique of translating noun phrase on novel “Mawākibul-Achrār” written by AlKailānī. Methode of the research was descriptive qualitative. The source of the data research which describe the type and the technique of translation of noun phrase on novel “Mawākibul-Achrār” written by Al-Kailānī. Based on the research it can be concluded that: First, there are three variations of noun phrase type named: naʻty, idhāfy, and combination of both. Second, the techniques used to translate of noun phrase were 13 translation techniques.
Cmes-computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Dec 17, 2017
This study aims to describe translation techniques and methods used in the translation of Syi‘ru ... more This study aims to describe translation techniques and methods used in the translation of Syi‘ru Machallil Qiy ā m. This research is based on conceptual theories about translation techniques from Molina and Albir and Newmark's theory of translation method. This study is under the research paradigm of descriptive-qualitative. The data were collected by using non-interactive method is, using document recording technique. The data analysis applied the Miles and Huberman’s model (1994) which consists of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion and verification. The data source was the book of Al-Barzanji authored by Sayyid Ja'far Al-Barzanji which was translated by Yasin (2001). The results showed that there were 10 translation techniques used in the translation of Syi‘ru Machallil Qiy ā m including the technique of adaptation found 2 data (2.7%), description 4 data (5.5%), generalization of 3 data (4.1%), particularization of 1 data (1.4%), calque found 10 data (13.7% ), literal 12 data (16.4%), borrowings 4 data (5.5%), reduction of 2 data (2.7%), addition of 13 data (17.8%), and shifting of 22 data (30.2% ). The most widely used technique was the shifting technique found as many as 22 data. This was occured primarily due to the underlying difference between the Source Language (SL) and TL structures, therefore, to achieve the language correspondence and acceptability, the translator has focused on using more shifting techniques. The translation method used was oriented at the Target Language (TL) of 49 data (67,1%).
ALSUNIYAT: Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya Arab
This study aimed to describe the forms of field muta'addi, its translation technique, and the... more This study aimed to describe the forms of field muta'addi, its translation technique, and the quality of translation in the translation book of Nūrul Yaqīn Fī Sīrati Sayyidil Mursalīn. This research used a descriptive qualitative method with Spadley's (1980) data analysis. The result of this research is the finding of 276 data of file muta'addi based on its relationship with maul bih (object), which is fill muta'addi bi nafsihi and fill muta'addi bi gharial. Based on time, Al-Ghulayaini (2007) divides fill muta'addi into mādhī, mudhāri, and amr. There were 343 using translation techniques from 11 translation techniques. In this study, 214 data were translated accurately, acceptably, and with high readability. The final assessment score of translation quality is 2.84 and is categorized as high-quality translation. So, the researcher concludes that readers will be able to easily understand the text of the life journey of the Prophet Muhammad.
Kongres Internasional Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia
Penelitian ini akan menginvestigasi terjemahan aforisme al-Hikam berbahasa Arab yang telah diterj... more Penelitian ini akan menginvestigasi terjemahan aforisme al-Hikam berbahasa Arab yang telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia. Aforisme merupakan sebuah genre khusus yang memiliki karakteristik khas, yaitu ringkas, padat, dan mudah diingat. Dalam hal ini, struktur informasi dalam aforisme menjadi penting untuk dikaji, bagaimana sebuah aforisme menjadi padu dan utuh, khususnya ketika diterjemahkan ke dalam multibahasa. Oleh sebab itulah, rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini dapat disusun sebagai berikut: (1) bagaimana bentuk tema tekstual yang menjalin kepaduan dan keutuhan dalam teks aforisme berbahasa Arab, Inggris, dan Indonesia, (2) teknik penerjemahan apa saja yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan tema tekstual dalam bahasa Arab (Bsu) ke dalam bahasa Inggris (Bsa1) dan bahasa Indonesia (Bsa2), (3) bagaimana bentuk pergeseran tema tekstual dalam aforisme berbahasa Arab jika diterjemahkan ke dalam multibahasa. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah klausa yang menga...
Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban
This study aimed to describe the types of directive speech acts, the use of translation technique... more This study aimed to describe the types of directive speech acts, the use of translation techniques, and the quality of the Indonesian translation of the book Badzl al-Mâ'ûn fi Fadhl ath-Thâ'ûn. This research used descriptive analysis to describe the findings; the qualitative was chosen as the method of this study. Consequently, the data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman's and Spradley's models. The results of this study stated that there were 60 data consisting of eight directive speech act types, where the frequency of using the technique was found 527 times for 15 techniques. Of the 60 data, 32 were translated accurately, acceptably, and with a high degree of readability and fell into the 'good' category. The average score for translation quality was 2.69. The study's contribution was to analyze Arabic texts translated into Indonesian using pragmatic models and measure their quality so that readers can quickly grasp the pandemic study from the pers...
Jurnal Al-Qadau: Peradilan dan Hukum Keluarga Islam, 2018
Perseroan terbatas merupakan bentuk usaha ekonomi yangpertanggungjawabannya bersifat terbatas dan... more Perseroan terbatas merupakan bentuk usaha ekonomi yangpertanggungjawabannya bersifat terbatas dan juga memberikankemudahan bagi pemegang saham untuk mengalihkan sahamnya. Dalampendirian perseroan terbatas masyarakat memilih Akta Notaris karenatidak ada pejabat lain selain Notaris yang ditunjuk oleh pemerintah untukmembuat Akta Pendirian Perseroan Terbatas dan berkekuatan hukumpasti. Namun Notaris yang membuat Akta mempunyai kedudukan dalamPerseroan Terbatas maka kekuatan hukum suatu akta pendirianperseroan terbatas (PT) sebagai pengurus serta pemegang saham dalamsebuah perseroan terbatas (PT) maka akta Notaris tersebut hanyamempunyai kekuatan hukum sebagai akta dibawah tangan. Adanyakesadaran bagi para Notaris agar kiranya memperhatikan prosedurpembuatan suatu akta pendirian perseroan terbatas (PT) sekaligusmengetahui akibat-akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan.
KEJUJURAN BAHASA DALAM SKANDAL PANAMA PAPERS: KAJIAN LINGUISTIK FORENSIK DALAM KORAN BERBAHASA AR... more KEJUJURAN BAHASA DALAM SKANDAL PANAMA PAPERS: KAJIAN LINGUISTIK FORENSIK DALAM KORAN BERBAHASA ARAB – INGGRIS AL-AHRAM ON-LINEMuhammad Yunus AnisUniversitas Sebelas Maret, SurakartaEmail: AbstrakLinguistik forensik sebagai sebuah teknik-teknik linguistik untuk menyidik kejahatan yang sebagian pembuktiaannya berupa data bahasa mulai berkembang dengan pesat di berbagai negara, khususnya Indonesia. Kajian linguistik forensik sangat berguna dalam menyibak beberapa kasus hukum tertentu dengan menggunakan data kebahasaan. Evidensi berupa data kebahasaan tersebut selayaknya mendukung sebuah proses penyelidikan kasus tertentu. Akhir-akhir ini telah beredar sebuah berita yang cukup mengejutkan khalayak ramai tentang Panama Papers. Dalam sebuah dokumen tertentu termaktub beberapa nama-nama para pengusaha yang terduga dalam penggelapan pajak. Setiap koran atau media masa memiliki cara tersendiri dalam memberitakan kasus skandal panama papers. Dalam hal ini, peneliti m...
Penelitian ini diarahkan untuk mengkaji konstruksi tema-rema judul beritadalam surat kabar berbah... more Penelitian ini diarahkan untuk mengkaji konstruksi tema-rema judul beritadalam surat kabar berbahasa Arab yang terbit di wilayah Mesir pada kurun waktubulan Agustus 2011 sampai dengan November 2011, yaitu rentangan periodesebelum Mesir melaksanakan pemilu legislatif pertama kali setelah tumbangnyaRezim Husni Mubarak. Adapun objek material penelitian ini adalah surat kabar yangterbit di wilayah Mesir, yaitu: Al-Ahra>m. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untukmengidentifikasi satuan-satuan kebahasaan yang ada dalam judul berita dalam suratkabar berbahasa Arab. Selanjutnya pola yang paling dominan dalam judul beritatersebut dianalisis dari sisi unsur-unsur pembentuk informasinya, yaitu konstruksitema-rema. Sehingga pada akhirnya akan diketahui pola pengembangan tema dalamsebuah teks berita berbahasa Arab. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwapola jumlah ’ismiyyah dalam judul berita merupakan pola yang paling dominan,kecuali dalam judul berita yang berupa kalimat imperatif (per...
This article investigates comprehensively two basic problems that are relevant to Arabic teaching... more This article investigates comprehensively two basic problems that are relevant to Arabic teaching and learning using on-line media in Indonesia. The first problem will investigate the relation between the theory of “thematic progression patterns” (especially linier pattern) and the Arabic creative writing process at two Islamic High Schools in Central Java. They are: MAN 2 Surakarta and SMA 4 Muhammadiyah Andong, Boyolali. The outcome of the first problem is to gain the synergy between Arabic learning in Indonesia and the development of general linguistic theories. The novelty in this article related deeply to the on-line method learning of Arabic creative writing based on Systemic Functional and Corpus method. The second problem of this research will investigate the process of Arabic creative writing learning using the on-line method. The research method had been structured in three stages, such as: (1) collecting the data by observation method, both in the literature review and in...
Studies related to Sufi healing have focused on the theories used by Hakim abu-Abdullah Moinuddin... more Studies related to Sufi healing have focused on the theories used by Hakim abu-Abdullah Moinuddin al-Chishtiyya related to the power of unconditional love to work healing miracles. The aspects contained in his Book of Sufi Healing consequently become the starting point for the elaboration of the Al-Hikam aphorisms, the monumental work of Ibn Athaillah As-Sakandari. This study aimed to find common ground between Sufi healing and the Al-Hikam aphorisms. To find this meeting point, descriptive analysis was carried out from linguistic and cultural perspectives using Functional Systemic Linguistic theory and Ricoeur’s translation theory applied to Arabic (L1) and Bahasa Indonesia and English language text. The main qualitative data were collected from Arabic clauses in the Al-Hikam aphorisms, comprising 435 clauses with a thematic structure derived from 100 Al-Hikam aphorisms. Linguistic theory was used to examine the text in detail from both micro and macro perspectives, the former bein...
Corruption is a trouble and critical disease which has to get the amputation as soon as possible ... more Corruption is a trouble and critical disease which has to get the amputation as soon as possible from the deep of the point of problems. This condition has become the main reason why this article should be written. How very dangerous is the effect of the corruption, until some people afraid if there is someone called the name of “Indonesia”, they just remember about the corruption. Thus, the college as the main place to get the seedbed of academicians had to be ready to face the greatest spreading of corruption effects. The readiness of the college to be opposed to corruption movement can be implemented from the three main principles of the college, such as: (1) the process of education, (2) the process of research, and (3) the process of dedication toward society.
This Research discusses the variations of noun phrase translation types and the technique of tran... more This Research discusses the variations of noun phrase translation types and the technique of translating noun phrase on novel “Mawākibul-Achrār” written by AlKailānī. Methode of the research was descriptive qualitative. The source of the data research which describe the type and the technique of translation of noun phrase on novel “Mawākibul-Achrār” written by Al-Kailānī. Based on the research it can be concluded that: First, there are three variations of noun phrase type named: naʻty, idhāfy, and combination of both. Second, the techniques used to translate of noun phrase were 13 translation techniques.
Cmes-computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Dec 17, 2017
This study aims to describe translation techniques and methods used in the translation of Syi‘ru ... more This study aims to describe translation techniques and methods used in the translation of Syi‘ru Machallil Qiy ā m. This research is based on conceptual theories about translation techniques from Molina and Albir and Newmark's theory of translation method. This study is under the research paradigm of descriptive-qualitative. The data were collected by using non-interactive method is, using document recording technique. The data analysis applied the Miles and Huberman’s model (1994) which consists of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion and verification. The data source was the book of Al-Barzanji authored by Sayyid Ja'far Al-Barzanji which was translated by Yasin (2001). The results showed that there were 10 translation techniques used in the translation of Syi‘ru Machallil Qiy ā m including the technique of adaptation found 2 data (2.7%), description 4 data (5.5%), generalization of 3 data (4.1%), particularization of 1 data (1.4%), calque found 10 data (13.7% ), literal 12 data (16.4%), borrowings 4 data (5.5%), reduction of 2 data (2.7%), addition of 13 data (17.8%), and shifting of 22 data (30.2% ). The most widely used technique was the shifting technique found as many as 22 data. This was occured primarily due to the underlying difference between the Source Language (SL) and TL structures, therefore, to achieve the language correspondence and acceptability, the translator has focused on using more shifting techniques. The translation method used was oriented at the Target Language (TL) of 49 data (67,1%).
Papers by Muhammad Yunus Anis