At present, the application of noble values in teaching faces many challenges in its implementati... more At present, the application of noble values in teaching faces many challenges in its implementation. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the factors that encourage teachers to implement inculcation of noble values in their classroom teaching in primary schools. This study was conducted at four types of schools at North Zone Peninsular Malaysia. This study was used a qualitative approach in the form of case studies. The qualitative approach aims at gaining meaning and a deep understanding of the phenomenon studied from the perspectives of the study participants and not intended to make generalization. The sample in this study consists of eight teachers who teach in four types of schools that have been chosen purposively. The method of data collection is through semi-structured interviews used in this study. The comparative method is continuously used in this study to analyze the primary data collected. The findings show that there are several factors that motivate ...
Ar-Raniry, International Journal of Islamic Studies, 2017
The main purpose of this study is to trace information related to the influence of social norms a... more The main purpose of this study is to trace information related to the influence of social norms and spiritual tendencies to moral considerations in religious school students. This study aims to identify the influence of the dimensions of Islamic spiritual tendencies and the dimension of social customs to moral considerations based on established schemes. Three measuring tools were used in this study, namely Ujian Skema taakulan Akhlak (UPSTA), Kuesioner Kecenderungan Kerohanian Islam (ISDQ) dan Tes Sikap dan Pegangan Terhadap Standar Prevalensi Sosial (USPSK). The subjects of the study consisted of 500 students who were divided into gender according to the type of religious high school in the state of Kelantan which were randomly selected from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA), Maahad Muhammadi (MM), Maahad Tahfiz Al-Quran / Sains (MTAQ / MTS), Sekolah Agama Rakyat (SAR) dan Sekolah Agama Swasta (SAS). This review review uses a quantitative method based on cross-sectional res...
Al Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 2021
Pendidikan merupakan teras utama dalam membina peradaban sesebuah negara. Pengajaran dan pembelaj... more Pendidikan merupakan teras utama dalam membina peradaban sesebuah negara. Pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PDP) yang berkesan menjadi asas utama dalam melahirkan modal insan. Bagi memastikan keberkesanan PDP, pelbagai pendekatan digunakan oleh pendidik antara membina hubungan komunikasi dengan pelajar. Pendekatan ini memerlukan sifat penyayang, pemurah dan penyabar dalam diri pendidik. Maka, objektif kajian ini ialah mengkaji penerimaan pendekatan sifat pemurah dan penyayang dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran berbanding sifat yang garang. Kajian rintis ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif melibatkan seramai 150 pelajar diploma di IPT. Analisis data yang diperolehi dianalisis kebolehpercayaan soal selidik menggunakan Program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 17.0. dan ditafsirkan dengan bantuan diagram. Analisis SPSS nilai Croanbach’s Alpha ialah 0.952 menunjukkan Kebolehpercayaan soal selidik yang tinggi. Hanya 9 pelajar memilih pensyarah garang berbanding 141 pelaja...
International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2021
Nowadays, teaching and learning need to improve parallel with the change of time and demand from ... more Nowadays, teaching and learning need to improve parallel with the change of time and demand from society. Employers' demand for students who are going through the phase of revolution 4.0 is not just academic excellence but also look at the aspects of skills that can be applied while working. The unemployment scenario among students can be seen as a big challenge for them and it is not limited to a particular field of study. Educators or lecturers act to help students solve problems given to them as a learning process and this can indirectly build skills in students. However, previous studies have found that the implementation of learning in shaping job availability skills among students nowadays appears to contribute various forms of challenges to lecturers. Through this study, researchers identify how this concept of student-centered learning and contextual teaching strategy can be used as an effective teaching medium in building job availability skills among students. The stud...
Untuk melahirkan masyarakat yang bertatasusila, bersatu padu, demokratik, adil dan progresif, set... more Untuk melahirkan masyarakat yang bertatasusila, bersatu padu, demokratik, adil dan progresif, setiap guru harus memainkan peranan sebagai role model kepada pelajar. Kepatuhan guru terhadap etika kerja Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM), kod etika guru dan Standard Guru Malaysia perlu dititikberatkan bagi melahirkan golongan pendidikan yang memiliki nilai etika yang baik dan berkualiti tinggi. Menyedari kepentingan ini, satu modul etika kerja guru telah dibina khusus bagi meningkatkan pengetahuan, kefahaman dan amalan tentang etika kerja bertujuan melahirkan guru yang berkualiti pada masa kini dan pada masa hadapan. Artikel ini memberi tumpuan kepada pembinaan modul tersebut yang telah dibuat berdasarkan Model Pembinaan Modul yang telah perkenalkan oleh Sidek Noah. Dalam membangunkan sesebuah modul, Model ini telah menetapkan dua peringkat, iaitu sembilan langkah di peringkat pertama dan dua langkah di peringkat kedua. Modul etika kerja ini telah melalui kesemua peringkat yang dica...
Tumbuhan inai telah dikenali sejak dahulu sebagai tumbuhan pelbagai guna dan telah dilaporkan man... more Tumbuhan inai telah dikenali sejak dahulu sebagai tumbuhan pelbagai guna dan telah dilaporkan manfaatnya dalam hadith dan etnobotani Melayu. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian saintifik tentang potensi inai sebagai agen pencegahan luka masih terhad dan tidak meluas. Sebatian antioksida semulajadi di dalam tumbuhan adalah amat penting bagi proses penyembuhan luka. Secara umumnya antioksida berfungsi untuk melambatkan kesan keradangan kulit dan menghalang enzim tromboplastin daripada diserang oleh radikal bebas dalam proses penyembuhan luka oleh sistem kulit manusia. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk membuktikan kewujudan sebatian antioksida dalam esktrak inai. Metode kajian yang digunapakai adalah dengan menguji kandungan antioksida dalam inai, berbanding dengan sebatian antioksida piawai iaitu quercetine dan gallic acid, melalui Ujian DPPH. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa kewujudan sebatian antioksida dalam inai, berfungsi membantu proses penyembuhan luka secara semulajadi seperti yang diama...
Dapatan terdahulu telah menunjukkan pengetahuan ialah satu daripada elemen tanggungjawab manusia.... more Dapatan terdahulu telah menunjukkan pengetahuan ialah satu daripada elemen tanggungjawab manusia. Kaitan antara pengetahuan dan tanggungjawab telah terbukti dengan penjelasan kerangka dalam pemikiran Islam dan undang-undang Islam. Objektif utama makalah ini adalah untuk memahami asas pengetahuan dalam agama Islam dan mengenal pasti justifikasi pengetahuan yang dapat mengesahkan tanggungjawab manusia. Kajian ini menggunakan penulisan klasik dan terkini dalam pelbagai disiplin terutamanya dalam pemikiran dan undang-undang Islam. Metode kajian yang digunakan ialah kaedah induktif untuk memahami pandang para cendekiawan Islam terhadap tanggungjawab pengetahuan, kaedah deduktif juga digunakan untuk mengumumkan pandangan-pandangan ini dan mengenal pasti prinsip Islam berkaitan tanggungjawab pengetahuan. Di samping itu juga, kajian ini memberi tumpuan pada kaedah perbandingan dengan membandingkan pelbagai pandangan agar dapat melihat persamaan dan perbezaan dalam kalangan cendekiawan Islam...
The process to cultivate a sense of solidarity among Malaysians must start from the early stage m... more The process to cultivate a sense of solidarity among Malaysians must start from the early stage moreover university students as they are future leaders. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the understanding of the 1Malaysia concept among students of Higher Education Institutions (IPT). The methods of this study were quantitative research and the research questions are to evaluate the level of understanding of the 1Malaysia concept among (IPT) This study was conducted through the dissemination of questionnaires and the sample consisted of local (IPT) students. A total of 1000 manuscripts were distributed and from that 478 manuscripts were returned and analyzed through the SPSS program in series 22. This research found that most (IPT) students are on a medium level of understanding of the 1Malaysia concept. In addition, this study found that these students lack the will to assimilate among them in totality which is the chief objective of the 1Malaysia concept. Therefore, i...
Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada kaitan kehendak dengan tanggungjawab. Isu ini sangat berkait rapat ... more Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada kaitan kehendak dengan tanggungjawab. Isu ini sangat berkait rapat dengan kebebasan kehendak dengan pilihan kemahuan manusia yang hangat dibincangkan oleh ahli akademik dan ahli falsafah barat, iaitu sama ada menerima teori determinism atau indeterminism kerana kehendak manusia pasti mempunyai makna yang perlu ada pertanggungjawaban. Perbahasan ini sebenarnya adalah pandangan klasik pemikiran Islam yang diadaptasi daripada diskusi Muktazilah dan al-Ashairah. Tujuan kajian ini ialah memahami konsep kehendak dari perspektif Islam dan Barat serta mengenal pasti sejauh mana kaitan kehendak dengan tanggungjawab manusia. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah kajian perpustakaan dengan merujuk bahan-bahan bacaan terdahulu dan terkini. Kaedah yang digunakan adalah kaedah induktifbagi memahami konsep-konsep kehendak serta kaedah deduktif dengan menyifatkan makna-makna kehendak kepada kategori pertanggungjawaban atau sebaliknya. Hasil kajian ini mengenengahkan beberap...
Kertas kerja ini membentangkan hasil kajian yang telah dijalankan berkaitan untuk mengenal pasti ... more Kertas kerja ini membentangkan hasil kajian yang telah dijalankan berkaitan untuk mengenal pasti kesan amalan model etika kerja guru berdasarkan kod etika kerja guru Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM).Sempel kajian ini melibatkan guru-guru yang berada di salah sebuah sekolah kebangsaan di daerah Kubang Pasu, Jitra, Kedah yang diberi rawatan selama sebulan.Kaedah soal selidik digunakan bertujuan untuk melihat kesan rawatan yang diberikan bagi membentuk Model Etika Kerja Guru. Kajian ini menggunakan statistik inferensi paired-sample t-test untuk melihat kesan perbezaan antara ujian pra dengan ujian pasca.Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa berlaku peningkatan terhadap pengamalan etika kerja niat yang betul, pelakuan yang baik, penggerak ke arah kebaikan, memperkota apa yang dikata dan disiplin dan beradab.Namun begitu bagi aspek berdisiplin dan beradab sahaja menunjukkan perbezaan yang signifikan antara ujian pra dengan ujian pasca iaitu (p< 0.05).Perbezaan ini menunjukkan bahawa ...
The tourism sector in Malaysia has undergone substantial growths as a result of the efforts taken... more The tourism sector in Malaysia has undergone substantial growths as a result of the efforts taken by the Ministry of Tourism in policy planning and implementation. It is the government’s long-term goal to make Malaysia as the most popular tourism destination. The growth of tourism sector in Malaysia can be measured by tourist arrivals and receipts. Since this industry is able to drive Malaysian economy forward, more studies should be done in determining factors that influence demand for tourism. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the demand factors of tourist arrivals in Malaysia and estimate their relative importance. Through understanding the determinants of Malaysia’s tourism demand, the government can design strategies and policies to enhance Malaysia’s competitiveness as a tourist destination. This study employed the bilateral tourism flows gravity model. The model includes income level of origin country and exchange rate to control for international shocks. This s...
Usaha melahirkan usahawan yang menghayati nilai dan etika Islam dilihat semakin mendesak memandan... more Usaha melahirkan usahawan yang menghayati nilai dan etika Islam dilihat semakin mendesak memandangkan keperluan serta cabaran mendatang dan persaingan yang ada.Berasaskan model pemikiran Ibnu Maskawayh yang menjelaskan bahawa beberapa nilai asas akhlak seseorang seperti al-hikmah, as-syaja’ah dan al-‘Iffah boleh dibentuk dengan dipupuk.Sehubungan itu, satu penyelidikan dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti amalan nilai-nilai Islam dalam kalangan usahawan berdasarkan pemikiran Ibnu Maskawayh.Kajian ini berbentuk tinjauan deskriptif dengan menggunakan kaedah kualitatif. Peserta kajian ini adalah terdiri daripada lapan orang usahawan di daerah Kubang Pasu, Kedah dan Arau, Perlis yang telah dipilih secara rawak mudah untuk sesi temu bual.Kajian mendapati antara nilai-nilai al-hikmah yang diamalkan ialah nilai kecerdasan, mudah ingatan dan pintar.Manakala nilai as-syaja’ah yang didapati ialah nilai berjiwa besar, tidak mudah putus asa, berani hadapi bahaya, cita-cita tinggi, tabah, mempunyai ke...
The objective of fatwa research has a close relationship with the objectives of Shariah (Maqasid ... more The objective of fatwa research has a close relationship with the objectives of Shariah (Maqasid al-Sharia). The society is now faced with a new problem, which is caused by the changing patterns of life and the rapid development of science and technology ,, that give rise to a new cyber era. To solve all the problems of the human race in this new millennium, the fatwa institution must conduct an istinbat of hukm through research of fatwa systematically and effectively within the framework of Maqasid al-Sharia. With this basis, Muslim jurists or Sharia researcher are doing fatwa research more efficiently and effectively through. their diligence in understanding the verses of Quran and Sunnah as well as seeking approaches to common methods for the realization of cases more specific. Thus, the most important framework as a catalyst to the effectiveness of fatwa research is the is the understanding of jurists of the texts and the current reality. This study enunciates three (3) methods,...
Islam is a religion that is very concerned with noble morality. So the main focus of sending the ... more Islam is a religion that is very concerned with noble morality. So the main focus of sending the Messenger of Allah to the face of the earth is to perfect human morality. In the view of Islam, a Muslim who has a noble morality will gain happiness in himself and benefit the surrounding community. Among the benefits of noble morality is to strengthen and perfect the religion, facilitate the calculation of charity in the afterlife, eliminating the difficulties of life and survival in the world and the hereafter. One effort to form akhlaqul karimah on learners needed akhlaq education with moral psychology approach. Akhlaq education with psychological approach is an alternative process of guidance and teaching akhlaq to learners with emphasis on moral reasoning, it will manifest students who are able to distinguish the noble akhlaq and akhlaq disgraceful. With moral reasoning is expected learners have the motivation and able to consider the actions taken to be implemented in accordance w...
The community's demand for answer of hukm increasingly unique and diverse as a direct impact ... more The community's demand for answer of hukm increasingly unique and diverse as a direct impact from the realities of life without boundaries specifically refer to globalization. As a result, a number of new issues of hukm have not been discussed in detail by classical Muslim scholars before. This dynamism of science and technology affects the change of hukm and the accuracy of the hukm and encourages more effective research. To form the foundation of the concept and the theory of this study, reference has been made to literary materials in library savings, important and official documents such as minutes of meetings, research reports, statistics, official documents of the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia and Mufti departments. Additionally, data was also obtained through face-to-face interviews and full participation observations in a meeting of a Sharia Technical Committee (fatwa). Additionally, data was also obtained through face-to-face interviews and full participati...
At present, the application of noble values in teaching faces many challenges in its implementati... more At present, the application of noble values in teaching faces many challenges in its implementation. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the factors that encourage teachers to implement inculcation of noble values in their classroom teaching in primary schools. This study was conducted at four types of schools at North Zone Peninsular Malaysia. This study was used a qualitative approach in the form of case studies. The qualitative approach aims at gaining meaning and a deep understanding of the phenomenon studied from the perspectives of the study participants and not intended to make generalization. The sample in this study consists of eight teachers who teach in four types of schools that have been chosen purposively. The method of data collection is through semi-structured interviews used in this study. The comparative method is continuously used in this study to analyze the primary data collected. The findings show that there are several factors that motivate ...
Ar-Raniry, International Journal of Islamic Studies, 2017
The main purpose of this study is to trace information related to the influence of social norms a... more The main purpose of this study is to trace information related to the influence of social norms and spiritual tendencies to moral considerations in religious school students. This study aims to identify the influence of the dimensions of Islamic spiritual tendencies and the dimension of social customs to moral considerations based on established schemes. Three measuring tools were used in this study, namely Ujian Skema taakulan Akhlak (UPSTA), Kuesioner Kecenderungan Kerohanian Islam (ISDQ) dan Tes Sikap dan Pegangan Terhadap Standar Prevalensi Sosial (USPSK). The subjects of the study consisted of 500 students who were divided into gender according to the type of religious high school in the state of Kelantan which were randomly selected from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA), Maahad Muhammadi (MM), Maahad Tahfiz Al-Quran / Sains (MTAQ / MTS), Sekolah Agama Rakyat (SAR) dan Sekolah Agama Swasta (SAS). This review review uses a quantitative method based on cross-sectional res...
Al Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 2021
Pendidikan merupakan teras utama dalam membina peradaban sesebuah negara. Pengajaran dan pembelaj... more Pendidikan merupakan teras utama dalam membina peradaban sesebuah negara. Pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PDP) yang berkesan menjadi asas utama dalam melahirkan modal insan. Bagi memastikan keberkesanan PDP, pelbagai pendekatan digunakan oleh pendidik antara membina hubungan komunikasi dengan pelajar. Pendekatan ini memerlukan sifat penyayang, pemurah dan penyabar dalam diri pendidik. Maka, objektif kajian ini ialah mengkaji penerimaan pendekatan sifat pemurah dan penyayang dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran berbanding sifat yang garang. Kajian rintis ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif melibatkan seramai 150 pelajar diploma di IPT. Analisis data yang diperolehi dianalisis kebolehpercayaan soal selidik menggunakan Program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 17.0. dan ditafsirkan dengan bantuan diagram. Analisis SPSS nilai Croanbach’s Alpha ialah 0.952 menunjukkan Kebolehpercayaan soal selidik yang tinggi. Hanya 9 pelajar memilih pensyarah garang berbanding 141 pelaja...
International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2021
Nowadays, teaching and learning need to improve parallel with the change of time and demand from ... more Nowadays, teaching and learning need to improve parallel with the change of time and demand from society. Employers' demand for students who are going through the phase of revolution 4.0 is not just academic excellence but also look at the aspects of skills that can be applied while working. The unemployment scenario among students can be seen as a big challenge for them and it is not limited to a particular field of study. Educators or lecturers act to help students solve problems given to them as a learning process and this can indirectly build skills in students. However, previous studies have found that the implementation of learning in shaping job availability skills among students nowadays appears to contribute various forms of challenges to lecturers. Through this study, researchers identify how this concept of student-centered learning and contextual teaching strategy can be used as an effective teaching medium in building job availability skills among students. The stud...
Untuk melahirkan masyarakat yang bertatasusila, bersatu padu, demokratik, adil dan progresif, set... more Untuk melahirkan masyarakat yang bertatasusila, bersatu padu, demokratik, adil dan progresif, setiap guru harus memainkan peranan sebagai role model kepada pelajar. Kepatuhan guru terhadap etika kerja Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM), kod etika guru dan Standard Guru Malaysia perlu dititikberatkan bagi melahirkan golongan pendidikan yang memiliki nilai etika yang baik dan berkualiti tinggi. Menyedari kepentingan ini, satu modul etika kerja guru telah dibina khusus bagi meningkatkan pengetahuan, kefahaman dan amalan tentang etika kerja bertujuan melahirkan guru yang berkualiti pada masa kini dan pada masa hadapan. Artikel ini memberi tumpuan kepada pembinaan modul tersebut yang telah dibuat berdasarkan Model Pembinaan Modul yang telah perkenalkan oleh Sidek Noah. Dalam membangunkan sesebuah modul, Model ini telah menetapkan dua peringkat, iaitu sembilan langkah di peringkat pertama dan dua langkah di peringkat kedua. Modul etika kerja ini telah melalui kesemua peringkat yang dica...
Tumbuhan inai telah dikenali sejak dahulu sebagai tumbuhan pelbagai guna dan telah dilaporkan man... more Tumbuhan inai telah dikenali sejak dahulu sebagai tumbuhan pelbagai guna dan telah dilaporkan manfaatnya dalam hadith dan etnobotani Melayu. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian saintifik tentang potensi inai sebagai agen pencegahan luka masih terhad dan tidak meluas. Sebatian antioksida semulajadi di dalam tumbuhan adalah amat penting bagi proses penyembuhan luka. Secara umumnya antioksida berfungsi untuk melambatkan kesan keradangan kulit dan menghalang enzim tromboplastin daripada diserang oleh radikal bebas dalam proses penyembuhan luka oleh sistem kulit manusia. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk membuktikan kewujudan sebatian antioksida dalam esktrak inai. Metode kajian yang digunapakai adalah dengan menguji kandungan antioksida dalam inai, berbanding dengan sebatian antioksida piawai iaitu quercetine dan gallic acid, melalui Ujian DPPH. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa kewujudan sebatian antioksida dalam inai, berfungsi membantu proses penyembuhan luka secara semulajadi seperti yang diama...
Dapatan terdahulu telah menunjukkan pengetahuan ialah satu daripada elemen tanggungjawab manusia.... more Dapatan terdahulu telah menunjukkan pengetahuan ialah satu daripada elemen tanggungjawab manusia. Kaitan antara pengetahuan dan tanggungjawab telah terbukti dengan penjelasan kerangka dalam pemikiran Islam dan undang-undang Islam. Objektif utama makalah ini adalah untuk memahami asas pengetahuan dalam agama Islam dan mengenal pasti justifikasi pengetahuan yang dapat mengesahkan tanggungjawab manusia. Kajian ini menggunakan penulisan klasik dan terkini dalam pelbagai disiplin terutamanya dalam pemikiran dan undang-undang Islam. Metode kajian yang digunakan ialah kaedah induktif untuk memahami pandang para cendekiawan Islam terhadap tanggungjawab pengetahuan, kaedah deduktif juga digunakan untuk mengumumkan pandangan-pandangan ini dan mengenal pasti prinsip Islam berkaitan tanggungjawab pengetahuan. Di samping itu juga, kajian ini memberi tumpuan pada kaedah perbandingan dengan membandingkan pelbagai pandangan agar dapat melihat persamaan dan perbezaan dalam kalangan cendekiawan Islam...
The process to cultivate a sense of solidarity among Malaysians must start from the early stage m... more The process to cultivate a sense of solidarity among Malaysians must start from the early stage moreover university students as they are future leaders. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the understanding of the 1Malaysia concept among students of Higher Education Institutions (IPT). The methods of this study were quantitative research and the research questions are to evaluate the level of understanding of the 1Malaysia concept among (IPT) This study was conducted through the dissemination of questionnaires and the sample consisted of local (IPT) students. A total of 1000 manuscripts were distributed and from that 478 manuscripts were returned and analyzed through the SPSS program in series 22. This research found that most (IPT) students are on a medium level of understanding of the 1Malaysia concept. In addition, this study found that these students lack the will to assimilate among them in totality which is the chief objective of the 1Malaysia concept. Therefore, i...
Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada kaitan kehendak dengan tanggungjawab. Isu ini sangat berkait rapat ... more Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada kaitan kehendak dengan tanggungjawab. Isu ini sangat berkait rapat dengan kebebasan kehendak dengan pilihan kemahuan manusia yang hangat dibincangkan oleh ahli akademik dan ahli falsafah barat, iaitu sama ada menerima teori determinism atau indeterminism kerana kehendak manusia pasti mempunyai makna yang perlu ada pertanggungjawaban. Perbahasan ini sebenarnya adalah pandangan klasik pemikiran Islam yang diadaptasi daripada diskusi Muktazilah dan al-Ashairah. Tujuan kajian ini ialah memahami konsep kehendak dari perspektif Islam dan Barat serta mengenal pasti sejauh mana kaitan kehendak dengan tanggungjawab manusia. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah kajian perpustakaan dengan merujuk bahan-bahan bacaan terdahulu dan terkini. Kaedah yang digunakan adalah kaedah induktifbagi memahami konsep-konsep kehendak serta kaedah deduktif dengan menyifatkan makna-makna kehendak kepada kategori pertanggungjawaban atau sebaliknya. Hasil kajian ini mengenengahkan beberap...
Kertas kerja ini membentangkan hasil kajian yang telah dijalankan berkaitan untuk mengenal pasti ... more Kertas kerja ini membentangkan hasil kajian yang telah dijalankan berkaitan untuk mengenal pasti kesan amalan model etika kerja guru berdasarkan kod etika kerja guru Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM).Sempel kajian ini melibatkan guru-guru yang berada di salah sebuah sekolah kebangsaan di daerah Kubang Pasu, Jitra, Kedah yang diberi rawatan selama sebulan.Kaedah soal selidik digunakan bertujuan untuk melihat kesan rawatan yang diberikan bagi membentuk Model Etika Kerja Guru. Kajian ini menggunakan statistik inferensi paired-sample t-test untuk melihat kesan perbezaan antara ujian pra dengan ujian pasca.Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa berlaku peningkatan terhadap pengamalan etika kerja niat yang betul, pelakuan yang baik, penggerak ke arah kebaikan, memperkota apa yang dikata dan disiplin dan beradab.Namun begitu bagi aspek berdisiplin dan beradab sahaja menunjukkan perbezaan yang signifikan antara ujian pra dengan ujian pasca iaitu (p< 0.05).Perbezaan ini menunjukkan bahawa ...
The tourism sector in Malaysia has undergone substantial growths as a result of the efforts taken... more The tourism sector in Malaysia has undergone substantial growths as a result of the efforts taken by the Ministry of Tourism in policy planning and implementation. It is the government’s long-term goal to make Malaysia as the most popular tourism destination. The growth of tourism sector in Malaysia can be measured by tourist arrivals and receipts. Since this industry is able to drive Malaysian economy forward, more studies should be done in determining factors that influence demand for tourism. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the demand factors of tourist arrivals in Malaysia and estimate their relative importance. Through understanding the determinants of Malaysia’s tourism demand, the government can design strategies and policies to enhance Malaysia’s competitiveness as a tourist destination. This study employed the bilateral tourism flows gravity model. The model includes income level of origin country and exchange rate to control for international shocks. This s...
Usaha melahirkan usahawan yang menghayati nilai dan etika Islam dilihat semakin mendesak memandan... more Usaha melahirkan usahawan yang menghayati nilai dan etika Islam dilihat semakin mendesak memandangkan keperluan serta cabaran mendatang dan persaingan yang ada.Berasaskan model pemikiran Ibnu Maskawayh yang menjelaskan bahawa beberapa nilai asas akhlak seseorang seperti al-hikmah, as-syaja’ah dan al-‘Iffah boleh dibentuk dengan dipupuk.Sehubungan itu, satu penyelidikan dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti amalan nilai-nilai Islam dalam kalangan usahawan berdasarkan pemikiran Ibnu Maskawayh.Kajian ini berbentuk tinjauan deskriptif dengan menggunakan kaedah kualitatif. Peserta kajian ini adalah terdiri daripada lapan orang usahawan di daerah Kubang Pasu, Kedah dan Arau, Perlis yang telah dipilih secara rawak mudah untuk sesi temu bual.Kajian mendapati antara nilai-nilai al-hikmah yang diamalkan ialah nilai kecerdasan, mudah ingatan dan pintar.Manakala nilai as-syaja’ah yang didapati ialah nilai berjiwa besar, tidak mudah putus asa, berani hadapi bahaya, cita-cita tinggi, tabah, mempunyai ke...
The objective of fatwa research has a close relationship with the objectives of Shariah (Maqasid ... more The objective of fatwa research has a close relationship with the objectives of Shariah (Maqasid al-Sharia). The society is now faced with a new problem, which is caused by the changing patterns of life and the rapid development of science and technology ,, that give rise to a new cyber era. To solve all the problems of the human race in this new millennium, the fatwa institution must conduct an istinbat of hukm through research of fatwa systematically and effectively within the framework of Maqasid al-Sharia. With this basis, Muslim jurists or Sharia researcher are doing fatwa research more efficiently and effectively through. their diligence in understanding the verses of Quran and Sunnah as well as seeking approaches to common methods for the realization of cases more specific. Thus, the most important framework as a catalyst to the effectiveness of fatwa research is the is the understanding of jurists of the texts and the current reality. This study enunciates three (3) methods,...
Islam is a religion that is very concerned with noble morality. So the main focus of sending the ... more Islam is a religion that is very concerned with noble morality. So the main focus of sending the Messenger of Allah to the face of the earth is to perfect human morality. In the view of Islam, a Muslim who has a noble morality will gain happiness in himself and benefit the surrounding community. Among the benefits of noble morality is to strengthen and perfect the religion, facilitate the calculation of charity in the afterlife, eliminating the difficulties of life and survival in the world and the hereafter. One effort to form akhlaqul karimah on learners needed akhlaq education with moral psychology approach. Akhlaq education with psychological approach is an alternative process of guidance and teaching akhlaq to learners with emphasis on moral reasoning, it will manifest students who are able to distinguish the noble akhlaq and akhlaq disgraceful. With moral reasoning is expected learners have the motivation and able to consider the actions taken to be implemented in accordance w...
The community's demand for answer of hukm increasingly unique and diverse as a direct impact ... more The community's demand for answer of hukm increasingly unique and diverse as a direct impact from the realities of life without boundaries specifically refer to globalization. As a result, a number of new issues of hukm have not been discussed in detail by classical Muslim scholars before. This dynamism of science and technology affects the change of hukm and the accuracy of the hukm and encourages more effective research. To form the foundation of the concept and the theory of this study, reference has been made to literary materials in library savings, important and official documents such as minutes of meetings, research reports, statistics, official documents of the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia and Mufti departments. Additionally, data was also obtained through face-to-face interviews and full participation observations in a meeting of a Sharia Technical Committee (fatwa). Additionally, data was also obtained through face-to-face interviews and full participati...
Papers by Muhammad othman