This increase in transportation facilities causes the traffic volume of a road to be greater but ... more This increase in transportation facilities causes the traffic volume of a road to be greater but is not supported by adequate road infrastructure, one of which is parking facilities. Parking is a phenomenon that affects the movement of vehicles when vehicles that have such a high intensity will be hampered by vehicles parked on the road, causing congestion. Vehicles parked on the roadside are generally around places or activity centres such as offices, markets, schools, and restaurants. Maximum vehicle volume without on-street parking occurs in segment 1 on Monday at 16:30, with the number of vehicles amounting to 2154.3 SMP/hour with a capacity value (C) = 2375 SMP/hour; the degree of saturation value (DS) is obtained. =0.91. This shows that the level of service is included in category E, which means that segment 1 has unstable flow, decreased speed, and vehicle motion is approaching capacity. When parking occurs on the road, the capacity value decreases to (C) = 1243.01 SMP/hour s...
Good rainfall data can be obtained from recordings that are maintained and monitored continuously... more Good rainfall data can be obtained from recordings that are maintained and monitored continuously. Thus, the more rain stations there are, the more detailed the rainfall data will be. The rain station network density is expressed as the area of the watershed represented by one rain station. Meanwhile, the pattern of distribution of rain stations states the location of the placement of rain stations in the watershed. Ternate Island with an area of 76 km2 and has stations located in Akehuda Village, Gamayou Village, Tabona Village, Sasa Village, Kastela Village, and Sulamadaha Village. This study aims to rationalize the density of rainfall stations in Ternate Island. Rationalization of rainfall stations using the Kagan-Rodda method. The results obtained for the rationalization of rainfall stations with a total of 5 rain gauge stations spread across the city of Ternate, which are located in the Tabam, Gamayou, Sasa, Dorpedu, and Togafo areas with a grading error of 19.27% with a network density of 4.17 Km²/station.
The objectives of this study are to mapping the hazard-prone area and to analyse the flood vulner... more The objectives of this study are to mapping the hazard-prone area and to analyse the flood vulnerability index in Kobe Watershed, Central Halmahera District. In order to determine the optimal selection of weights for the factors that contribute to flood risk, GIS and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) were used in conjunction with the application of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method to create the flood hazard map. The flood hazard map was generated by using selected hazard factors including land use, topography, slope, and rainfall pattern. The result shows that the Kobe River basin is a flood-prone area, with 77.46 percent of its land classified as less prone to flooding and 21.41 percent classified as flood-prone. However, only 21.41 percent of its land is classified as flood-prone. Only 1.13 percent of the land is protected from the danger of floods, compared to the whole country. The altitude factor is the most important element influencing flood susceptibility in Weda District, where the majority of the land (16.34 percent) is located at or below sea level, making it particularly vulnerable to flooding.
Salah satu wilayah di Kota Ternate yaitu Kampung Makasar Timur yang sebagian besar penduduknya be... more Salah satu wilayah di Kota Ternate yaitu Kampung Makasar Timur yang sebagian besar penduduknya bermukim diatas air sehingga mengesankan daerah ini terlihat kumuh karena tidak adanya sist em pengelolaan sampah domestik baik padat maupun cair yang baik. Permasalahan ini perlu diatasi dengan pengelolaan sampah secara sistematis, menyeluruh, dan berkesinambungan yang meliputi pengurangan dan penanganan sampah dari sumbernya yaitu masyarakat. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah membantu masyarakat dengan memberikan penjelasan dan. meningkatkan wawasan masyarakat tentang sistem pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga, lingkungan, meningkatkan peran serta masyarakat dalam sistem pengelolaan sampah dan memasyarakatkan pengelolaan sampah berbasis rumah tangga sebagai upaya menjaga kelestarian lingkungan, Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diawali dengan mengamati lokasi pengabdian masyarajat untuk mengetahui sumber dan volume timbulan sampah, melakukan pendekatan terhadap masyarakat terutama kalangan ibu-ibu Rumah Tangga melalui kegiatan Dasawisma kemudian memberikan pembinaan dan penyuluhan, untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan peran serta masyarakat dalam mengelola sampah dengan memanfaatkan media temu warga di lokasi kelurahan. Selanjutnya mengajarkan masrakat cara memilah sampah berdasarkan jenisnya dengan cara membuat Keranjang Takakura sebagai penghasil kompos rumah tangga.
The measurement of 2D geoelectrical using Wenner-Schlumberger configuration has been conducted, i... more The measurement of 2D geoelectrical using Wenner-Schlumberger configuration has been conducted, in order to know the distributionof seawater intrusion in each depth. The result inversion is showed the seawater intrusion untuil 20m depth. The measurement result of rock ressitivity ranging from 0-10 Ωm is salt water, for brackish water between 10 Ωm untill less than 30 Ωm and the value more than 30 Ωmis estimated as fresh water. Another measurements namely waterquality of dug well also carried out to measure such as: Electrical Conductivity(mS/cm), Total Dissolved Solid (g/L) and Salinity (ppt). The dug wells which on a line with PDAM wells, have a high DHL, TDS and Salinity value. The value of water quality measuredthen presented as a map of sea water intrusion. The combination of methods reported here is very important to be applied at coastvurnarable to seawater intrusion
The objectives of this study are to mapping the hazard-prone area and to analyse the flood vulner... more The objectives of this study are to mapping the hazard-prone area and to analyse the flood vulnerability index in Kobe Watershed, Central Halmahera District. In order to determine the optimal selection of weights for the factors that contribute to flood risk, GIS and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) were used in conjunction with the application of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method to create the flood hazard map. The flood hazard map was generated by using selected hazard factors including land use, topography, slope, and rainfall pattern. The result shows that the Kobe River basin is a flood-prone area, with 77.46 percent of its land classified as less prone to flooding and 21.41 percent classified as flood-prone. However, only 21.41 percent of its land is classified as flood-prone. Only 1.13 percent of the land is protected from the danger of floods, compared to the whole country. The altitude factor is the most important element influencing flood susceptibility ...
Regional Water Supply Company (RWSC) of Ternate City is a company managed by the local government... more Regional Water Supply Company (RWSC) of Ternate City is a company managed by the local government which in its operation needs to prioritize the fulfillment of clean water for communities. Therefore the services of RWSC should based on the standards of quality service provided by the National Agency for the Improvement of Drinking Water Supply System. On the other side, the demand for clean water supply and services is increasing every year. This is caused by an increase in population and the development of cities or service areas relating to the improvement of the socio-economic. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of water supply service providers in Ternate City. Data analysis based on the guidelines from the National Agency for the Improvement of Drinking Water Supply System involves several indicators such as the financial aspects, service aspects, operational aspects, and aspects of human resources. The result shows that the score of the financial reaches ...
Good rainfall data can be obtained from recordings that are maintained and monitored continuously... more Good rainfall data can be obtained from recordings that are maintained and monitored continuously. Thus, the more rain stations there are, the more detailed the rainfall data will be. The rain station network density is expressed as the area of the watershed represented by one rain station. Meanwhile, the pattern of distribution of rain stations states the location of the placement of rain stations in the watershed. Ternate Island with an area of 76 km2 and has stations located in Akehuda Village, Gamayou Village, Tabona Village, Sasa Village, Kastela Village, and Sulamadaha Village. This study aims to rationalize the density of rainfall stations in Ternate Island. Rationalization of rainfall stations using the Kagan-Rodda method. The results obtained for the rationalization of rainfall stations with a total of 5 rain gauge stations spread across the city of Ternate, which are located in the Tabam, Gamayou, Sasa, Dorpedu, and Togafo areas with a grading error of 19.27% with a networ...
Kelurahan Bastion Karance merupakan salah satu kelurahan yang terletak di wilayah pesisir Kota Te... more Kelurahan Bastion Karance merupakan salah satu kelurahan yang terletak di wilayah pesisir Kota Ternate. Kelurahan ini sangat berpeluang mengalami bencana banjir karena letaknya topografinya yang datar dan landai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang paparan bencana, mengidentifikasi dampak bencana dan memahami kapasitas adaptif dari masyarakat and pemerintah di lokasi studi. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data lapangan dilakukan dengan empat teknik, yaitu; Forum Group Discussion (FGD); Indepth Interview (wawancara mendalam), Observasi dan literature review. Hasil studi mendapatkan bahwa masyarakat dan pemerintah Kota Ternate telah menunjukkan kapasitas adaptasi cukup baik meskipun masih perlu ditingkatkan untuk mengantisipasi bencana.
Estimasi biaya proyek sangat diperlukan dalam perencanaan sebuah proyek. Pada tahap awal, estimas... more Estimasi biaya proyek sangat diperlukan dalam perencanaan sebuah proyek. Pada tahap awal, estimasi biaya digunakan untuk mengetahui berapa besar biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk mewujudkan suatu proyek. Dengan keterbatasan waktu dan informasi maka cost significant model merupakan metode estimasi yang mudah dan efektif untuk memberikan gambaran awal biaya proyek. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan suatu model estimasi biaya konstruksi gedung perkantoran di kota ternate, dengan mengambil data dari delapan proyek gedung perkantoran. Prinsip yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan model biaya adalah identifikasi cost significant item yang berpengaruh terhadap total biaya pekerjaan, kemudian dianalisis untuk menghasilkan rumusan persamaan regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa komponen pekerjaan yang secara significant mempengaruhi biaya konstruksi gedung perkantoran di kota ternate adalah biaya pekerjaan beton. Model estimasi dinyatakan dalam persamaan Y = 1.195.070,346 + 1,928X4 dimana...
Tuntutan kualitas perkerasan aspal beton dalam melayani intensitas beban lalu lintas yang berat m... more Tuntutan kualitas perkerasan aspal beton dalam melayani intensitas beban lalu lintas yang berat membuat para peneliti di bidang perkerasan jalan biasanya menambahkan material tambahan dan material pengganti ke dalam campuran beraspal panas. Pemanfatan b ottom ash pada perkerasan jalan dapat menjadi solusi Alternatif dalam menanggulangi besarnya jumlah limbah yang ada. Jenis aspal pen 60/70 banyak digunakan dalam perkerasan tetapi dengan perkembangan lalu lintas maka jenis aspal pen 60/70 sudah tidak dapat memadai. Salah satu aspal modifikasi yang dapat digunakan adalah retona blend 55. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemanfaatan bottom ash sebagai agregat halus terhadap nilai uji Marshall pada campuran aspal beton AC-WC dengan bahan pengikat retona blend 55 dan juga untuk mengetahui perbandinganaspal retona blend 55 dengan aspal pen 60/70 terhadap bottom ash sebagai agregat halus pada campuran aspal beton AC-WC. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan bottom ash sebagai ...
A systematic study has been carried out to explore the physicochemical characteristics and Water ... more A systematic study has been carried out to explore the physicochemical characteristics and Water Quality of groundwater in thirteen chosen sampling stations at Sangadji village North Ternate District in Ternate Island. Water sample from wells in various sites were collected during March to August 2015 and analyzed physicochemical characteristics like EC, Salinity, pH and TDS. The remaining sampling sites show that the several wells in the study area had been an intrusion by saltwater and are not fit for drinking purpose. Furthermore, our integrated study represents a contribution to the future programs for the protection, planning, and management of the terrestrial and marine resources in this coastal are a
Kebutuhan akan penyediaan air merupakan sumber kehidupan. Manusia dan semua makhluk hidup membutu... more Kebutuhan akan penyediaan air merupakan sumber kehidupan. Manusia dan semua makhluk hidup membutuhkan air untuk kepentingan lainnya. Ketersediaan air dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas mutlak diperlukan. Penyediaan air bersih bagi penduduk Kota Ternate khususnya di Kota Ternate selatan seringkali terkendala. Penyebab dari krisis ketersediaan air ini antara lain sumber Existing tidak dapat dioptimalkan karena terbatasnya kapasitas sumber air. Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi ialah bagaimana sistem pengolahan air bersih di IPA Ngade dan berapa besar kuantitas air yang dihasilkan IPA Ngade, tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui sistem pengolahan air bersih di IPA Ngade dan kuantitas air yang dapat dihasil oleh IPA ngade.Penelitian ini dilakukan didanau Laguna di Kelurahan Ngade kawasan kota Ternate, Penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa data Primer diantaranya : data yang didapat dari hasil pengujian di laboratorium untuk mengetahui kualitas air dan data sekunder berupa Data kapa...
Aktifitas manusia dalam memanfaatkan alam selalu meninggalkan sisa yang dianggap sudah tidak berg... more Aktifitas manusia dalam memanfaatkan alam selalu meninggalkan sisa yang dianggap sudah tidak berguna lagi sehingga diperlakukan sebagai barang buangan yaitu sampah. Metode pengelolaan sampah yang digunakan pada TPA khususnya TPA Buku Deru-deru saat ini merupakan metode Controlled landfill dimana metode ini merupakan peningkatan dari metode Open dumping . Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey dan juga analisis yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui pencemaran air tanah akibat dari polutan air lindi dan juga mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas mengenai dengan suatu keadaan berdasarkan data yang diperoleh pada TPA Buku Deru-deru Kota Ternate. Hasil penelitian dan juga analisis pencemaran air bawah tanah berdasarkan metode uji geolistrik diperoleh nilai resistivitas pada titik barat, brt1 (6,42 – 238724 Ωm), brt2 (30,4 – 3818 Ωm) titik utara, utr (405 – 10098 Ωm) titik timur, tmr (61,7 – 3107 Ωm), IPAL (150 – 1973 Ωm) titik selatan, mdl1 (3,21 – 105152 Ωm) mdl2 (0,794 – 29913 Ωm) mdl3 (...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Coastal area is a region that highly vulnerable to environmental degradation. One of the problems... more Coastal area is a region that highly vulnerable to environmental degradation. One of the problems occurred in the coastal area in Ternate city is the number of solid and liquid household waste throws to the watershed or sea water. The different of geographical characteristics in Ternate is the focus of this study. The study took place in Kampung Makassar Timur Village that has people who have the house on the sea water and Sangadji village who live in the coastal area. This research aims to determine the behaviour of the population in residential areas who live in different geographical characteristics by calculating a total load of domestic wastewater and measuring the quality of domestic wastewater. Data collection and information collected by using questionnaires to the respondents in the study areas and following up by determining the quality of wastewater in some representative stations by laboratory analyses performed. The result shows that the behaviour of most respondents in...
This increase in transportation facilities causes the traffic volume of a road to be greater but ... more This increase in transportation facilities causes the traffic volume of a road to be greater but is not supported by adequate road infrastructure, one of which is parking facilities. Parking is a phenomenon that affects the movement of vehicles when vehicles that have such a high intensity will be hampered by vehicles parked on the road, causing congestion. Vehicles parked on the roadside are generally around places or activity centres such as offices, markets, schools, and restaurants. Maximum vehicle volume without on-street parking occurs in segment 1 on Monday at 16:30, with the number of vehicles amounting to 2154.3 SMP/hour with a capacity value (C) = 2375 SMP/hour; the degree of saturation value (DS) is obtained. =0.91. This shows that the level of service is included in category E, which means that segment 1 has unstable flow, decreased speed, and vehicle motion is approaching capacity. When parking occurs on the road, the capacity value decreases to (C) = 1243.01 SMP/hour s...
Good rainfall data can be obtained from recordings that are maintained and monitored continuously... more Good rainfall data can be obtained from recordings that are maintained and monitored continuously. Thus, the more rain stations there are, the more detailed the rainfall data will be. The rain station network density is expressed as the area of the watershed represented by one rain station. Meanwhile, the pattern of distribution of rain stations states the location of the placement of rain stations in the watershed. Ternate Island with an area of 76 km2 and has stations located in Akehuda Village, Gamayou Village, Tabona Village, Sasa Village, Kastela Village, and Sulamadaha Village. This study aims to rationalize the density of rainfall stations in Ternate Island. Rationalization of rainfall stations using the Kagan-Rodda method. The results obtained for the rationalization of rainfall stations with a total of 5 rain gauge stations spread across the city of Ternate, which are located in the Tabam, Gamayou, Sasa, Dorpedu, and Togafo areas with a grading error of 19.27% with a network density of 4.17 Km²/station.
The objectives of this study are to mapping the hazard-prone area and to analyse the flood vulner... more The objectives of this study are to mapping the hazard-prone area and to analyse the flood vulnerability index in Kobe Watershed, Central Halmahera District. In order to determine the optimal selection of weights for the factors that contribute to flood risk, GIS and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) were used in conjunction with the application of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method to create the flood hazard map. The flood hazard map was generated by using selected hazard factors including land use, topography, slope, and rainfall pattern. The result shows that the Kobe River basin is a flood-prone area, with 77.46 percent of its land classified as less prone to flooding and 21.41 percent classified as flood-prone. However, only 21.41 percent of its land is classified as flood-prone. Only 1.13 percent of the land is protected from the danger of floods, compared to the whole country. The altitude factor is the most important element influencing flood susceptibility in Weda District, where the majority of the land (16.34 percent) is located at or below sea level, making it particularly vulnerable to flooding.
Salah satu wilayah di Kota Ternate yaitu Kampung Makasar Timur yang sebagian besar penduduknya be... more Salah satu wilayah di Kota Ternate yaitu Kampung Makasar Timur yang sebagian besar penduduknya bermukim diatas air sehingga mengesankan daerah ini terlihat kumuh karena tidak adanya sist em pengelolaan sampah domestik baik padat maupun cair yang baik. Permasalahan ini perlu diatasi dengan pengelolaan sampah secara sistematis, menyeluruh, dan berkesinambungan yang meliputi pengurangan dan penanganan sampah dari sumbernya yaitu masyarakat. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah membantu masyarakat dengan memberikan penjelasan dan. meningkatkan wawasan masyarakat tentang sistem pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga, lingkungan, meningkatkan peran serta masyarakat dalam sistem pengelolaan sampah dan memasyarakatkan pengelolaan sampah berbasis rumah tangga sebagai upaya menjaga kelestarian lingkungan, Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diawali dengan mengamati lokasi pengabdian masyarajat untuk mengetahui sumber dan volume timbulan sampah, melakukan pendekatan terhadap masyarakat terutama kalangan ibu-ibu Rumah Tangga melalui kegiatan Dasawisma kemudian memberikan pembinaan dan penyuluhan, untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan peran serta masyarakat dalam mengelola sampah dengan memanfaatkan media temu warga di lokasi kelurahan. Selanjutnya mengajarkan masrakat cara memilah sampah berdasarkan jenisnya dengan cara membuat Keranjang Takakura sebagai penghasil kompos rumah tangga.
The measurement of 2D geoelectrical using Wenner-Schlumberger configuration has been conducted, i... more The measurement of 2D geoelectrical using Wenner-Schlumberger configuration has been conducted, in order to know the distributionof seawater intrusion in each depth. The result inversion is showed the seawater intrusion untuil 20m depth. The measurement result of rock ressitivity ranging from 0-10 Ωm is salt water, for brackish water between 10 Ωm untill less than 30 Ωm and the value more than 30 Ωmis estimated as fresh water. Another measurements namely waterquality of dug well also carried out to measure such as: Electrical Conductivity(mS/cm), Total Dissolved Solid (g/L) and Salinity (ppt). The dug wells which on a line with PDAM wells, have a high DHL, TDS and Salinity value. The value of water quality measuredthen presented as a map of sea water intrusion. The combination of methods reported here is very important to be applied at coastvurnarable to seawater intrusion
The objectives of this study are to mapping the hazard-prone area and to analyse the flood vulner... more The objectives of this study are to mapping the hazard-prone area and to analyse the flood vulnerability index in Kobe Watershed, Central Halmahera District. In order to determine the optimal selection of weights for the factors that contribute to flood risk, GIS and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) were used in conjunction with the application of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method to create the flood hazard map. The flood hazard map was generated by using selected hazard factors including land use, topography, slope, and rainfall pattern. The result shows that the Kobe River basin is a flood-prone area, with 77.46 percent of its land classified as less prone to flooding and 21.41 percent classified as flood-prone. However, only 21.41 percent of its land is classified as flood-prone. Only 1.13 percent of the land is protected from the danger of floods, compared to the whole country. The altitude factor is the most important element influencing flood susceptibility ...
Regional Water Supply Company (RWSC) of Ternate City is a company managed by the local government... more Regional Water Supply Company (RWSC) of Ternate City is a company managed by the local government which in its operation needs to prioritize the fulfillment of clean water for communities. Therefore the services of RWSC should based on the standards of quality service provided by the National Agency for the Improvement of Drinking Water Supply System. On the other side, the demand for clean water supply and services is increasing every year. This is caused by an increase in population and the development of cities or service areas relating to the improvement of the socio-economic. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of water supply service providers in Ternate City. Data analysis based on the guidelines from the National Agency for the Improvement of Drinking Water Supply System involves several indicators such as the financial aspects, service aspects, operational aspects, and aspects of human resources. The result shows that the score of the financial reaches ...
Good rainfall data can be obtained from recordings that are maintained and monitored continuously... more Good rainfall data can be obtained from recordings that are maintained and monitored continuously. Thus, the more rain stations there are, the more detailed the rainfall data will be. The rain station network density is expressed as the area of the watershed represented by one rain station. Meanwhile, the pattern of distribution of rain stations states the location of the placement of rain stations in the watershed. Ternate Island with an area of 76 km2 and has stations located in Akehuda Village, Gamayou Village, Tabona Village, Sasa Village, Kastela Village, and Sulamadaha Village. This study aims to rationalize the density of rainfall stations in Ternate Island. Rationalization of rainfall stations using the Kagan-Rodda method. The results obtained for the rationalization of rainfall stations with a total of 5 rain gauge stations spread across the city of Ternate, which are located in the Tabam, Gamayou, Sasa, Dorpedu, and Togafo areas with a grading error of 19.27% with a networ...
Kelurahan Bastion Karance merupakan salah satu kelurahan yang terletak di wilayah pesisir Kota Te... more Kelurahan Bastion Karance merupakan salah satu kelurahan yang terletak di wilayah pesisir Kota Ternate. Kelurahan ini sangat berpeluang mengalami bencana banjir karena letaknya topografinya yang datar dan landai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang paparan bencana, mengidentifikasi dampak bencana dan memahami kapasitas adaptif dari masyarakat and pemerintah di lokasi studi. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data lapangan dilakukan dengan empat teknik, yaitu; Forum Group Discussion (FGD); Indepth Interview (wawancara mendalam), Observasi dan literature review. Hasil studi mendapatkan bahwa masyarakat dan pemerintah Kota Ternate telah menunjukkan kapasitas adaptasi cukup baik meskipun masih perlu ditingkatkan untuk mengantisipasi bencana.
Estimasi biaya proyek sangat diperlukan dalam perencanaan sebuah proyek. Pada tahap awal, estimas... more Estimasi biaya proyek sangat diperlukan dalam perencanaan sebuah proyek. Pada tahap awal, estimasi biaya digunakan untuk mengetahui berapa besar biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk mewujudkan suatu proyek. Dengan keterbatasan waktu dan informasi maka cost significant model merupakan metode estimasi yang mudah dan efektif untuk memberikan gambaran awal biaya proyek. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan suatu model estimasi biaya konstruksi gedung perkantoran di kota ternate, dengan mengambil data dari delapan proyek gedung perkantoran. Prinsip yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan model biaya adalah identifikasi cost significant item yang berpengaruh terhadap total biaya pekerjaan, kemudian dianalisis untuk menghasilkan rumusan persamaan regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa komponen pekerjaan yang secara significant mempengaruhi biaya konstruksi gedung perkantoran di kota ternate adalah biaya pekerjaan beton. Model estimasi dinyatakan dalam persamaan Y = 1.195.070,346 + 1,928X4 dimana...
Tuntutan kualitas perkerasan aspal beton dalam melayani intensitas beban lalu lintas yang berat m... more Tuntutan kualitas perkerasan aspal beton dalam melayani intensitas beban lalu lintas yang berat membuat para peneliti di bidang perkerasan jalan biasanya menambahkan material tambahan dan material pengganti ke dalam campuran beraspal panas. Pemanfatan b ottom ash pada perkerasan jalan dapat menjadi solusi Alternatif dalam menanggulangi besarnya jumlah limbah yang ada. Jenis aspal pen 60/70 banyak digunakan dalam perkerasan tetapi dengan perkembangan lalu lintas maka jenis aspal pen 60/70 sudah tidak dapat memadai. Salah satu aspal modifikasi yang dapat digunakan adalah retona blend 55. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemanfaatan bottom ash sebagai agregat halus terhadap nilai uji Marshall pada campuran aspal beton AC-WC dengan bahan pengikat retona blend 55 dan juga untuk mengetahui perbandinganaspal retona blend 55 dengan aspal pen 60/70 terhadap bottom ash sebagai agregat halus pada campuran aspal beton AC-WC. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan bottom ash sebagai ...
A systematic study has been carried out to explore the physicochemical characteristics and Water ... more A systematic study has been carried out to explore the physicochemical characteristics and Water Quality of groundwater in thirteen chosen sampling stations at Sangadji village North Ternate District in Ternate Island. Water sample from wells in various sites were collected during March to August 2015 and analyzed physicochemical characteristics like EC, Salinity, pH and TDS. The remaining sampling sites show that the several wells in the study area had been an intrusion by saltwater and are not fit for drinking purpose. Furthermore, our integrated study represents a contribution to the future programs for the protection, planning, and management of the terrestrial and marine resources in this coastal are a
Kebutuhan akan penyediaan air merupakan sumber kehidupan. Manusia dan semua makhluk hidup membutu... more Kebutuhan akan penyediaan air merupakan sumber kehidupan. Manusia dan semua makhluk hidup membutuhkan air untuk kepentingan lainnya. Ketersediaan air dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas mutlak diperlukan. Penyediaan air bersih bagi penduduk Kota Ternate khususnya di Kota Ternate selatan seringkali terkendala. Penyebab dari krisis ketersediaan air ini antara lain sumber Existing tidak dapat dioptimalkan karena terbatasnya kapasitas sumber air. Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi ialah bagaimana sistem pengolahan air bersih di IPA Ngade dan berapa besar kuantitas air yang dihasilkan IPA Ngade, tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui sistem pengolahan air bersih di IPA Ngade dan kuantitas air yang dapat dihasil oleh IPA ngade.Penelitian ini dilakukan didanau Laguna di Kelurahan Ngade kawasan kota Ternate, Penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa data Primer diantaranya : data yang didapat dari hasil pengujian di laboratorium untuk mengetahui kualitas air dan data sekunder berupa Data kapa...
Aktifitas manusia dalam memanfaatkan alam selalu meninggalkan sisa yang dianggap sudah tidak berg... more Aktifitas manusia dalam memanfaatkan alam selalu meninggalkan sisa yang dianggap sudah tidak berguna lagi sehingga diperlakukan sebagai barang buangan yaitu sampah. Metode pengelolaan sampah yang digunakan pada TPA khususnya TPA Buku Deru-deru saat ini merupakan metode Controlled landfill dimana metode ini merupakan peningkatan dari metode Open dumping . Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey dan juga analisis yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui pencemaran air tanah akibat dari polutan air lindi dan juga mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas mengenai dengan suatu keadaan berdasarkan data yang diperoleh pada TPA Buku Deru-deru Kota Ternate. Hasil penelitian dan juga analisis pencemaran air bawah tanah berdasarkan metode uji geolistrik diperoleh nilai resistivitas pada titik barat, brt1 (6,42 – 238724 Ωm), brt2 (30,4 – 3818 Ωm) titik utara, utr (405 – 10098 Ωm) titik timur, tmr (61,7 – 3107 Ωm), IPAL (150 – 1973 Ωm) titik selatan, mdl1 (3,21 – 105152 Ωm) mdl2 (0,794 – 29913 Ωm) mdl3 (...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Coastal area is a region that highly vulnerable to environmental degradation. One of the problems... more Coastal area is a region that highly vulnerable to environmental degradation. One of the problems occurred in the coastal area in Ternate city is the number of solid and liquid household waste throws to the watershed or sea water. The different of geographical characteristics in Ternate is the focus of this study. The study took place in Kampung Makassar Timur Village that has people who have the house on the sea water and Sangadji village who live in the coastal area. This research aims to determine the behaviour of the population in residential areas who live in different geographical characteristics by calculating a total load of domestic wastewater and measuring the quality of domestic wastewater. Data collection and information collected by using questionnaires to the respondents in the study areas and following up by determining the quality of wastewater in some representative stations by laboratory analyses performed. The result shows that the behaviour of most respondents in...
Papers by Nani Nagu