A number of studies have indicated that peer behavior is a highly influential factor in a youth&a... more A number of studies have indicated that peer behavior is a highly influential factor in a youth's decision to smoke, and pub- lic health policymakers take these results seriously. However, these results are suspect because most fail to account for selec- tion eects. This paper develops an econometric model of youth smoking which incorporates both peer eects and selection ef-
Many leader types have been described and are useful. Because so many leader types have been iden... more Many leader types have been described and are useful. Because so many leader types have been identified, they may be interpreted as competing with each other rather than as complementary or alternative types that depend on individual leaders, the groups that are being led, or the situations in which leadership occurs. This chapter suggests that it is valuable to identify a leader type that can serve as an umbrella term and concept to capture principles relevant to all types of effective leadership. The identification of an overarching, effective leader type is based on a psychobiosocial perspective that draws from field theory in the social sciences and from the stress literature. Based on these literatures, the term “allostatic leader” is offered to describe an ideal leader who responds, adapts, learns, and changes with experience to become even more effective in subsequent situations. Consequently, a clear operational and holistic definition can best focus leader education and development programs to optimally grow effective leaders.
A number of studies have indicated that peer behavior is a highly influential factor in a youth&a... more A number of studies have indicated that peer behavior is a highly influential factor in a youth's decision to smoke, and pub- lic health policymakers take these results seriously. However, these results are suspect because most fail to account for selec- tion eects. This paper develops an econometric model of youth smoking which incorporates both peer eects and selection ef-
Many leader types have been described and are useful. Because so many leader types have been iden... more Many leader types have been described and are useful. Because so many leader types have been identified, they may be interpreted as competing with each other rather than as complementary or alternative types that depend on individual leaders, the groups that are being led, or the situations in which leadership occurs. This chapter suggests that it is valuable to identify a leader type that can serve as an umbrella term and concept to capture principles relevant to all types of effective leadership. The identification of an overarching, effective leader type is based on a psychobiosocial perspective that draws from field theory in the social sciences and from the stress literature. Based on these literatures, the term “allostatic leader” is offered to describe an ideal leader who responds, adapts, learns, and changes with experience to become even more effective in subsequent situations. Consequently, a clear operational and holistic definition can best focus leader education and development programs to optimally grow effective leaders.
Papers by Neil Grunberg