We studied 13 patients with cerebellar haemorrhage diagnosed by computed tomography (CT). Hyperte... more We studied 13 patients with cerebellar haemorrhage diagnosed by computed tomography (CT). Hypertension was accepted to be the etiological factor in 7 patients (53.5%). The most common presentation findings were vertigo, nausea, vomiting and headache. In 6 patients haemorrhage was located to left cerebellar hemisphere in 5 to right cerebellar he¬misphere and in 2 to vermis. 3 patients were lost while a patient with a large vermian he¬matoma improved without any sequel. It is decided that the prognosis mostly depends on the level of consciousness from the beginning rather then the localization and the diame¬ter of the hematoma. SEREBELLAR HEMORAJI: Klinik, BT Bulgulari ve Prognoz Bu calismada Bilgisayarli Tomografi (BT) ile tani konulan 13 serebellar hemoraji (SH)'li hasta sunulmaktadir. Yedi olguda (%53.8) etyolojik faktorun hipertansiyon oldugu dusu¬nulmustur. En sik gorulen baslangic bulgulari vertigo, bulanti, kusma ve bas agrisidir. Alti hastada sol serebellar hemisfer, bes h...
Botulinum Toxin Appliccations in OMU, Department of Neurology: A Retrospective Study Clostridium ... more Botulinum Toxin Appliccations in OMU, Department of Neurology: A Retrospective Study Clostridium botulinum toxin type A blocks the cholinergic conduction at the neuromuscular conjunction by blocking acetylcholine secretion at the presynaptic region and thus produces muscle paralysis. Such effects of the toxin are in use to treat some diseases. The most frequent neurological indications are hemifacial spasm, essential blepharospasm, cervical dystonia, task-specific dystonia and post-stroke spasticity in adults.In this retrospective study, 46 patients who were tracked for botulinum toxin injections in our department between years 2003 and 2006 are reported. Their diagnoses, schemes of therapy, responses to botulinum toxin treatment, side effects, follow-up during injection therapies and subjective evaluations of therapy by patients are presented and discussed p e rta ining the relative literature. Clostridium botulinum tip A toksini, noromuskuler kavsakta presinaptik bolgede asetilkol...
Sturge-Weber sendromu, santral sinir sistemi anomalileri ve kutanoz anjiomatozis ile giden bir ta... more Sturge-Weber sendromu, santral sinir sistemi anomalileri ve kutanoz anjiomatozis ile giden bir tablodur. Genellikle yuzun bir tarafini kaplayan vaskuler bir nevus, ayni tarafta kranyumda meningial anjiomatozis, epileptik nobetler, glokom ve mental retardasyonla birliktedir. Olgularin goreceli olarak daha kucuk bir bolumunde kutanoz lezyonlar daha yaygin olabilir. Burada kutanoz anjiomatoz lezyonlari sol yuzun ust ve orta bolumleri haric, sag yuz yarisi ve tum vucutta yaygin olarak izlenen 13 yasindaki bir Sturge-Weber olgusunda klinik, radyolojik ve elektroensefalografik bulgular bildirilmektedir. Solda ust ekstremite hakimiyet-li hemiparezi, sag gozde buftalmus ve glokoma sekonder optik atrofisi saptanan mental retarde olgunun son donemde sikligi artan jeneralize tonik klonik nobetleri mevcuttu. Kontrastli kraniyal MR'inda sag serebral hemisferde yaygin leptomeningial ve dural kontrastlanmasi saptanan olguda, ayrica tutulumu daha seyrek bildirilen koroid pleksus lezyonu da rapo...
Predominantly Sensory Acute Demyelinating Polyneuropathy: Sensory Guillaine-Barre Syndrome? In th... more Predominantly Sensory Acute Demyelinating Polyneuropathy: Sensory Guillaine-Barre Syndrome? In this paper, owing to be seen rarely a patient with the diagnosis of acute sensorial de¬myelinating polyneuropathy has been presented. Bu yazida akut duysal agirlikli demyelinizan polinoropati tanisi koydugumuz bir has-tamiz, nadir gorulmesi nedeni ile sunulmustur.
Sturge-Weber sendromu, santral sinir sistemi anomalileri ve kutanoz anjiomatozis ile giden bir ta... more Sturge-Weber sendromu, santral sinir sistemi anomalileri ve kutanoz anjiomatozis ile giden bir tablodur. Genellikle yuzun bir taraf›n› kaplayan vaskuler bir nevus, ayn› tarafta kran- yumda meningial anjiomatozis, epileptik nobetler, glokom ve mental retardasyonla birlikte- dir. Olgular›n goreceli olarak daha kucuk bir bolumunde kutanoz lezyonlar daha yayg›n ola- bilir. Burada kutanoz anjiomatoz lezyonlar› sol yuzun ust ve orta bolumleri haric, sayuz yar›s› ve tum vucutta yayg›n olarak izlenen 13 yafl›ndaki bir Sturge-Weber olgusunda klinik, radyolojik ve elektroensefalografik bulgular bildirilmektedir. Solda ust ekstremite hakimiyet- li hemiparezi, sagozde buftalmus ve glokoma sekonder optik atrofisi saptanan mental re- tarde olgunun son donemde s›kl›¤› artan jeneralize tonik klonik nobetleri mevcuttu. Kont- rastl› kraniyal MR'›nda saserebral hemisferde yayg›n leptomeningial ve dural kontrastlan- mas› saptanan olguda, ayr›ca tutulumu daha seyrek bildirilen koroid pleksus lezyonu...
Facial Nerve Investigation In Diabetic Nevropathy Patients In this study subclinic state were inv... more Facial Nerve Investigation In Diabetic Nevropathy Patients In this study subclinic state were investigated according to the direct and blink reflex R1 response of N.facialis in 33 patients with diabetic neuropathy and 24 normal control. In 25% of the patients N.facialis D and blink reflex R1 respons latences were found to be pro¬longed. R1/D was not determined different from the control group. Bu calismada 33 diabetik noropatili hasta ve 24 saglikli kiside N.facialis'in direkt (D) ve blink refleksi R1 cevabi bakilarak subklinik tutulum arastirildi. Hasta grubunun %25'inde N.facialis D ve blink refleksi R1 cevaplan latanslan uzamis olarak bulundu. R1/D orani ise kontrol grubundan farkli bulunmadi.
Venoz tromboembolizm kanserli hastalarda gorulebilen bir komplikasyondur. Literaturde lenfoma’yi ... more Venoz tromboembolizm kanserli hastalarda gorulebilen bir komplikasyondur. Literaturde lenfoma’yi iceren hematolojik malinitelerde gorulen venoz tromboembolizm konusu yeterince bilinmemektedir. Hiperkalsemi lenfoma hastalarinda gorulebilen bir elektrolit bozuklugudur. Bu yazida kavernoz sinus trombozu ve hiperkalsemi ile prezente olan diffuz buyuk B hucreli lenfoma olgusunu sunuyoruz
Background: SBMA or Kennedy’s disease, is a disorder of the motor neurons characterized by the ad... more Background: SBMA or Kennedy’s disease, is a disorder of the motor neurons characterized by the adult onset and slow progression of proximal muscle weakness and atrophy associated with fasciculations, tremor and muscle cramps. SBMA occurs only in males. Patients often show gynocomastia, testicular atrophy, and reduced fertility due to androgen insensitivity.All patients with SBMA have expansion of CAG trinucleotid repeats (>35 CAGs) in the androgen receptor (AR) gene. Methods: In this study, DNA was extracted with standart method, then AR gene’s CAG region was amplified with PCR. PCR products were evaluated with agarose gel electrophoresis. Results: The proband (patient 1) had expanded allele (with 50 CAG repeats), his son had normal allele (18 CAG). His daughters had one normal allele (20 CAG), one expanded allele (47 CAG) and one normal allele (18 CAG), one expanded allele (50 CAG), respectively. His sister had one normal allele (21 CAG) and one expanded allele (52 CAG), his fat...
Miyelopati, radyoterapinin ender gorulen bir komplikasyonudur. Radyasyon miyelopatisi, iyonizan r... more Miyelopati, radyoterapinin ender gorulen bir komplikasyonudur. Radyasyon miyelopatisi, iyonizan radyasyon ile karsilasildiktan belli bir sure sonra spinal kordun beyaz cevher hasari ile gelisir. Radyasyon dozu, uygulamalar arasindaki sure veya lineer enerji transferi gibi bazi faktorler miyelopatinin olusumunu ve siddetini etkiler. Bu olgu sunumunda, mide adenokarsinomu tanisiyla yapilan operasyondan sonra kemoterapi ve radyoterapi uygulanan 56 yasindaki erkek hastada, iki ay sonra gelisen ilerleyici paraparezi bildirilmektedir.Bu olgu, radyoterapi tedavisi sonrasi norolojik disfonksiyon gelisen hastalara ornektir. Radiation Myelopathy: Case Report Myelopathy is an uncommon complication of radiotherapy. Radiation myelopathy is principally a white matter injury of the spinal cord induced by ionizing radiation after a certain latent period. Several factors, such as radiation dose, fractination or linear energy transfer, modify its occurrence and severity. A 56-year old man with gastri...
Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (PNS) are defined as distant effects of tumors on the nervo... more Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (PNS) are defined as distant effects of tumors on the nervous system other than metastasis, direct invasion, and metabolic and vascular effects. Despite being rarely encountered diseases of neurology, they are important as early indicators of systemic cancer. There are rare cases reported in the literature of paraneoplastic peripheral neuropathy associ-ated with the development of ovarian malignancy. Our case exhibited positive anti-Yo, ovarian adenocarcinoma, and peripheral ne-uropathy. Tümörlerin metastaz, direkt yay›l›m, metabolic ve vasküler etkilerinin d›fl›nda sinir sistemi üzerindeki uzak etkileri paraneoplastik nöro-lojik sendromlar olarak tan›mlan›r. Nörolojinin oldukça nadir karfl›lafl›lan hastal›klar› olmalar›na karfl›n, sistemik bir kanserin erken ha-bercisi olmalar› nedeniyle önem tafl›rlar. Literatürde ovaryan maligniteye ba¤l› geliflmifl paraneoplastik periferal nöropati olgular› nadir-dir. Olgumuzda anti Yo pozitifli¤i, over kars...
ABSTRACT Patients with hereditary neuropathy at high risk of severe vincristine neurotoxicity are... more ABSTRACT Patients with hereditary neuropathy at high risk of severe vincristine neurotoxicity are well known. Here, along with a review of the literature, we described two patients with unrecognized hereditary neuropathy who developed foot drop following low dose vincristine therapy. With this report, we wanted to emphasize the importance of detailed neurologic examination and history taking before initiating therapy. Keywords: Hereditary neuropathy, Vincristin, Neurotoxicity
Central pontine myelinolysis is a neurological disorder characterized by loss of myelin in the ce... more Central pontine myelinolysis is a neurological disorder characterized by loss of myelin in the central pons as well as in the other parts of the brain like basal ganglia, lateral geniculate bodies, external and internal capsules, and cerebellum. We report the clinical and radiological findings of three patients with central pontine myelinolysis and one patient with both pontine and extrapontine myelinolysis.
Behcet`s disease is characterized by small vessel vasculitis and involvement of multiple systems.... more Behcet`s disease is characterized by small vessel vasculitis and involvement of multiple systems. In neuro-Behcet cases, spinal cord involvement is approximately 10-18%. Spinal cord lesions are often associated with cerebral or brainstem lesions, and isolated spinal cord involvement in Behcet`s disease is very rare. Here, we report a case with an isolated lesion of the cervical spine.
Axillary neuropathy due to entrapment of the nerve in the quadrilateral space is seen rarely. Her... more Axillary neuropathy due to entrapment of the nerve in the quadrilateral space is seen rarely. Here, we describe a 24-year-old patient diagnosed with isolated axillary neuropathy that mimicked quadrilateral space syndrome. Quadrilateral or quadrangular space syndrome (QSS), first described by Cahill and Palmer in 1983, was defined as the entrapment of the distal branch of the axillary nerve and the posterior humeral circumflex artery (PHCA) in the quadrangular shaped anatomic space. We tracked the follow up of the patient for one year both clinically and electrophysiologically. Our aim in reporting this case is to stress the point that cases of such a nature usually represent situations of diagnostic and treatment challenges, where multidisciplinary approaches are required.
Behçet's disease (BD) is a systemic disorder of unknown cause. In our study, we investigated ... more Behçet's disease (BD) is a systemic disorder of unknown cause. In our study, we investigated the utility of Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT and MRI in patients with neuro-Beh,cet's disease (n-BD). Twelve patients (two females, ten males; mean age 33 +/- 9.6 yr; age range 18-45 yr) with n-BD, fulfilling the criteria of the International Study Group for BD, were included in the study. MRI was performed according to a standard protocol with 1 or 1.5 T imagers. Brain SPECT data were obtained using a single head gamma camera after 555 MBq Tc-99m HMPAO injections. Following image reconstruction, regional cerebral perfusion was evaluated both visually and semi quantitatively. Neurological examination showed parenchymal brain involvement in 6 of 12 patients (50%). All 6 patients had white matter lesions on MRI, while only 5 of them showed perfusion defects on brain SPECT. Out of 6 patients (50%) without clinical signs of parenchymal brain involvement, 1 patient showed a pathological brain SPECT ...
We studied 13 patients with cerebellar haemorrhage diagnosed by computed tomography (CT). Hyperte... more We studied 13 patients with cerebellar haemorrhage diagnosed by computed tomography (CT). Hypertension was accepted to be the etiological factor in 7 patients (53.5%). The most common presentation findings were vertigo, nausea, vomiting and headache. In 6 patients haemorrhage was located to left cerebellar hemisphere in 5 to right cerebellar he¬misphere and in 2 to vermis. 3 patients were lost while a patient with a large vermian he¬matoma improved without any sequel. It is decided that the prognosis mostly depends on the level of consciousness from the beginning rather then the localization and the diame¬ter of the hematoma. SEREBELLAR HEMORAJI: Klinik, BT Bulgulari ve Prognoz Bu calismada Bilgisayarli Tomografi (BT) ile tani konulan 13 serebellar hemoraji (SH)'li hasta sunulmaktadir. Yedi olguda (%53.8) etyolojik faktorun hipertansiyon oldugu dusu¬nulmustur. En sik gorulen baslangic bulgulari vertigo, bulanti, kusma ve bas agrisidir. Alti hastada sol serebellar hemisfer, bes h...
Botulinum Toxin Appliccations in OMU, Department of Neurology: A Retrospective Study Clostridium ... more Botulinum Toxin Appliccations in OMU, Department of Neurology: A Retrospective Study Clostridium botulinum toxin type A blocks the cholinergic conduction at the neuromuscular conjunction by blocking acetylcholine secretion at the presynaptic region and thus produces muscle paralysis. Such effects of the toxin are in use to treat some diseases. The most frequent neurological indications are hemifacial spasm, essential blepharospasm, cervical dystonia, task-specific dystonia and post-stroke spasticity in adults.In this retrospective study, 46 patients who were tracked for botulinum toxin injections in our department between years 2003 and 2006 are reported. Their diagnoses, schemes of therapy, responses to botulinum toxin treatment, side effects, follow-up during injection therapies and subjective evaluations of therapy by patients are presented and discussed p e rta ining the relative literature. Clostridium botulinum tip A toksini, noromuskuler kavsakta presinaptik bolgede asetilkol...
Sturge-Weber sendromu, santral sinir sistemi anomalileri ve kutanoz anjiomatozis ile giden bir ta... more Sturge-Weber sendromu, santral sinir sistemi anomalileri ve kutanoz anjiomatozis ile giden bir tablodur. Genellikle yuzun bir tarafini kaplayan vaskuler bir nevus, ayni tarafta kranyumda meningial anjiomatozis, epileptik nobetler, glokom ve mental retardasyonla birliktedir. Olgularin goreceli olarak daha kucuk bir bolumunde kutanoz lezyonlar daha yaygin olabilir. Burada kutanoz anjiomatoz lezyonlari sol yuzun ust ve orta bolumleri haric, sag yuz yarisi ve tum vucutta yaygin olarak izlenen 13 yasindaki bir Sturge-Weber olgusunda klinik, radyolojik ve elektroensefalografik bulgular bildirilmektedir. Solda ust ekstremite hakimiyet-li hemiparezi, sag gozde buftalmus ve glokoma sekonder optik atrofisi saptanan mental retarde olgunun son donemde sikligi artan jeneralize tonik klonik nobetleri mevcuttu. Kontrastli kraniyal MR'inda sag serebral hemisferde yaygin leptomeningial ve dural kontrastlanmasi saptanan olguda, ayrica tutulumu daha seyrek bildirilen koroid pleksus lezyonu da rapo...
Predominantly Sensory Acute Demyelinating Polyneuropathy: Sensory Guillaine-Barre Syndrome? In th... more Predominantly Sensory Acute Demyelinating Polyneuropathy: Sensory Guillaine-Barre Syndrome? In this paper, owing to be seen rarely a patient with the diagnosis of acute sensorial de¬myelinating polyneuropathy has been presented. Bu yazida akut duysal agirlikli demyelinizan polinoropati tanisi koydugumuz bir has-tamiz, nadir gorulmesi nedeni ile sunulmustur.
Sturge-Weber sendromu, santral sinir sistemi anomalileri ve kutanoz anjiomatozis ile giden bir ta... more Sturge-Weber sendromu, santral sinir sistemi anomalileri ve kutanoz anjiomatozis ile giden bir tablodur. Genellikle yuzun bir taraf›n› kaplayan vaskuler bir nevus, ayn› tarafta kran- yumda meningial anjiomatozis, epileptik nobetler, glokom ve mental retardasyonla birlikte- dir. Olgular›n goreceli olarak daha kucuk bir bolumunde kutanoz lezyonlar daha yayg›n ola- bilir. Burada kutanoz anjiomatoz lezyonlar› sol yuzun ust ve orta bolumleri haric, sayuz yar›s› ve tum vucutta yayg›n olarak izlenen 13 yafl›ndaki bir Sturge-Weber olgusunda klinik, radyolojik ve elektroensefalografik bulgular bildirilmektedir. Solda ust ekstremite hakimiyet- li hemiparezi, sagozde buftalmus ve glokoma sekonder optik atrofisi saptanan mental re- tarde olgunun son donemde s›kl›¤› artan jeneralize tonik klonik nobetleri mevcuttu. Kont- rastl› kraniyal MR'›nda saserebral hemisferde yayg›n leptomeningial ve dural kontrastlan- mas› saptanan olguda, ayr›ca tutulumu daha seyrek bildirilen koroid pleksus lezyonu...
Facial Nerve Investigation In Diabetic Nevropathy Patients In this study subclinic state were inv... more Facial Nerve Investigation In Diabetic Nevropathy Patients In this study subclinic state were investigated according to the direct and blink reflex R1 response of N.facialis in 33 patients with diabetic neuropathy and 24 normal control. In 25% of the patients N.facialis D and blink reflex R1 respons latences were found to be pro¬longed. R1/D was not determined different from the control group. Bu calismada 33 diabetik noropatili hasta ve 24 saglikli kiside N.facialis'in direkt (D) ve blink refleksi R1 cevabi bakilarak subklinik tutulum arastirildi. Hasta grubunun %25'inde N.facialis D ve blink refleksi R1 cevaplan latanslan uzamis olarak bulundu. R1/D orani ise kontrol grubundan farkli bulunmadi.
Venoz tromboembolizm kanserli hastalarda gorulebilen bir komplikasyondur. Literaturde lenfoma’yi ... more Venoz tromboembolizm kanserli hastalarda gorulebilen bir komplikasyondur. Literaturde lenfoma’yi iceren hematolojik malinitelerde gorulen venoz tromboembolizm konusu yeterince bilinmemektedir. Hiperkalsemi lenfoma hastalarinda gorulebilen bir elektrolit bozuklugudur. Bu yazida kavernoz sinus trombozu ve hiperkalsemi ile prezente olan diffuz buyuk B hucreli lenfoma olgusunu sunuyoruz
Background: SBMA or Kennedy’s disease, is a disorder of the motor neurons characterized by the ad... more Background: SBMA or Kennedy’s disease, is a disorder of the motor neurons characterized by the adult onset and slow progression of proximal muscle weakness and atrophy associated with fasciculations, tremor and muscle cramps. SBMA occurs only in males. Patients often show gynocomastia, testicular atrophy, and reduced fertility due to androgen insensitivity.All patients with SBMA have expansion of CAG trinucleotid repeats (>35 CAGs) in the androgen receptor (AR) gene. Methods: In this study, DNA was extracted with standart method, then AR gene’s CAG region was amplified with PCR. PCR products were evaluated with agarose gel electrophoresis. Results: The proband (patient 1) had expanded allele (with 50 CAG repeats), his son had normal allele (18 CAG). His daughters had one normal allele (20 CAG), one expanded allele (47 CAG) and one normal allele (18 CAG), one expanded allele (50 CAG), respectively. His sister had one normal allele (21 CAG) and one expanded allele (52 CAG), his fat...
Miyelopati, radyoterapinin ender gorulen bir komplikasyonudur. Radyasyon miyelopatisi, iyonizan r... more Miyelopati, radyoterapinin ender gorulen bir komplikasyonudur. Radyasyon miyelopatisi, iyonizan radyasyon ile karsilasildiktan belli bir sure sonra spinal kordun beyaz cevher hasari ile gelisir. Radyasyon dozu, uygulamalar arasindaki sure veya lineer enerji transferi gibi bazi faktorler miyelopatinin olusumunu ve siddetini etkiler. Bu olgu sunumunda, mide adenokarsinomu tanisiyla yapilan operasyondan sonra kemoterapi ve radyoterapi uygulanan 56 yasindaki erkek hastada, iki ay sonra gelisen ilerleyici paraparezi bildirilmektedir.Bu olgu, radyoterapi tedavisi sonrasi norolojik disfonksiyon gelisen hastalara ornektir. Radiation Myelopathy: Case Report Myelopathy is an uncommon complication of radiotherapy. Radiation myelopathy is principally a white matter injury of the spinal cord induced by ionizing radiation after a certain latent period. Several factors, such as radiation dose, fractination or linear energy transfer, modify its occurrence and severity. A 56-year old man with gastri...
Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (PNS) are defined as distant effects of tumors on the nervo... more Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (PNS) are defined as distant effects of tumors on the nervous system other than metastasis, direct invasion, and metabolic and vascular effects. Despite being rarely encountered diseases of neurology, they are important as early indicators of systemic cancer. There are rare cases reported in the literature of paraneoplastic peripheral neuropathy associ-ated with the development of ovarian malignancy. Our case exhibited positive anti-Yo, ovarian adenocarcinoma, and peripheral ne-uropathy. Tümörlerin metastaz, direkt yay›l›m, metabolic ve vasküler etkilerinin d›fl›nda sinir sistemi üzerindeki uzak etkileri paraneoplastik nöro-lojik sendromlar olarak tan›mlan›r. Nörolojinin oldukça nadir karfl›lafl›lan hastal›klar› olmalar›na karfl›n, sistemik bir kanserin erken ha-bercisi olmalar› nedeniyle önem tafl›rlar. Literatürde ovaryan maligniteye ba¤l› geliflmifl paraneoplastik periferal nöropati olgular› nadir-dir. Olgumuzda anti Yo pozitifli¤i, over kars...
ABSTRACT Patients with hereditary neuropathy at high risk of severe vincristine neurotoxicity are... more ABSTRACT Patients with hereditary neuropathy at high risk of severe vincristine neurotoxicity are well known. Here, along with a review of the literature, we described two patients with unrecognized hereditary neuropathy who developed foot drop following low dose vincristine therapy. With this report, we wanted to emphasize the importance of detailed neurologic examination and history taking before initiating therapy. Keywords: Hereditary neuropathy, Vincristin, Neurotoxicity
Central pontine myelinolysis is a neurological disorder characterized by loss of myelin in the ce... more Central pontine myelinolysis is a neurological disorder characterized by loss of myelin in the central pons as well as in the other parts of the brain like basal ganglia, lateral geniculate bodies, external and internal capsules, and cerebellum. We report the clinical and radiological findings of three patients with central pontine myelinolysis and one patient with both pontine and extrapontine myelinolysis.
Behcet`s disease is characterized by small vessel vasculitis and involvement of multiple systems.... more Behcet`s disease is characterized by small vessel vasculitis and involvement of multiple systems. In neuro-Behcet cases, spinal cord involvement is approximately 10-18%. Spinal cord lesions are often associated with cerebral or brainstem lesions, and isolated spinal cord involvement in Behcet`s disease is very rare. Here, we report a case with an isolated lesion of the cervical spine.
Axillary neuropathy due to entrapment of the nerve in the quadrilateral space is seen rarely. Her... more Axillary neuropathy due to entrapment of the nerve in the quadrilateral space is seen rarely. Here, we describe a 24-year-old patient diagnosed with isolated axillary neuropathy that mimicked quadrilateral space syndrome. Quadrilateral or quadrangular space syndrome (QSS), first described by Cahill and Palmer in 1983, was defined as the entrapment of the distal branch of the axillary nerve and the posterior humeral circumflex artery (PHCA) in the quadrangular shaped anatomic space. We tracked the follow up of the patient for one year both clinically and electrophysiologically. Our aim in reporting this case is to stress the point that cases of such a nature usually represent situations of diagnostic and treatment challenges, where multidisciplinary approaches are required.
Behçet's disease (BD) is a systemic disorder of unknown cause. In our study, we investigated ... more Behçet's disease (BD) is a systemic disorder of unknown cause. In our study, we investigated the utility of Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT and MRI in patients with neuro-Beh,cet's disease (n-BD). Twelve patients (two females, ten males; mean age 33 +/- 9.6 yr; age range 18-45 yr) with n-BD, fulfilling the criteria of the International Study Group for BD, were included in the study. MRI was performed according to a standard protocol with 1 or 1.5 T imagers. Brain SPECT data were obtained using a single head gamma camera after 555 MBq Tc-99m HMPAO injections. Following image reconstruction, regional cerebral perfusion was evaluated both visually and semi quantitatively. Neurological examination showed parenchymal brain involvement in 6 of 12 patients (50%). All 6 patients had white matter lesions on MRI, while only 5 of them showed perfusion defects on brain SPECT. Out of 6 patients (50%) without clinical signs of parenchymal brain involvement, 1 patient showed a pathological brain SPECT ...
Papers by Musa Onar