Studi tossicologici ed epidemiologici suggeriscono come l\u2019esposizione durante la gravidanza ... more Studi tossicologici ed epidemiologici suggeriscono come l\u2019esposizione durante la gravidanza a sottoprodotti della disinfezione nelle acque potabili (DBPs), principalmente Trialometani (THMs), possa aumentare il rischio di malformazioni congenite; tuttavia tale evidenza non \ue8 conclusiva. Questo studio, parte del programma di ricerca \u201cHiwate\u201d (VI Programma Quadro UE), ha avuto l'obiettivo di indagare questa associazione in un'area dove diversi disinfettanti sono utilizzati e dove differenti categorie di DBPs possono essere presenti nelle acque
Introduction A number of studies in the Mediterranean area showed much higher short term health e... more Introduction A number of studies in the Mediterranean area showed much higher short term health effects of airborne particles during the warm season compared to the cold season. We analysed whether...
Background and Aims: There is a growing concern about the health effects of Saharan dust outbreak... more Background and Aims: There is a growing concern about the health effects of Saharan dust outbreaks but exposure characterization needs to be largely improved both from a physical and chemical point...
Studi tossicologici ed epidemiologici suggeriscono che l\u2019esposizione durante la gravidanza a... more Studi tossicologici ed epidemiologici suggeriscono che l\u2019esposizione durante la gravidanza a sottoprodotti della disinfezione nelle acque potabili (DBPs), principalmente Trialometani (THMs), pu\uf2 aumentare il rischio di malformazioni congenite; tuttavia tale evidenza non \ue8 conclusiva. Questo studio, parte del programma di ricerca \u201cHiwate\u201d (VI Programma Quadro UE), ha mirato a indagare questa associazione in un'area dove diversi disinfettanti sono utilizzati e dove differenti categorie di DBPs possono essere presenti nelle acque.Uno studio caso-controllo basato su dati di registro \ue8 stato condotto in Emilia-Romagna. Tutti i casi di anomalie cromosomiche e congenite (difetti del tubo neurale, del sistema cardiovascolare, della parete addominale, delle labbra e del palato, dell\u2019apparato respiratorio e urogenitale), verificatisi nel periodo 2002-05, sono stati estratti dal Registro regionale delle malformazioni (Registro IMER). 4 controlli (neonati senza malformazioni) sono stati selezionati con modalit\ue0 random dal Registro regionale delle nascite (CedAP) e appaiati ai casi in base al periodo di gravidanza. L\u2019impianto che forniva l\u2019acqua potabile durante il primo trimestre di gravidanza \ue8 stato identificato in base alla residenza della madre e le concentrazioni di DBPs (THM singoli e totali, clorito e clorato) e le principali informazioni tecniche e strutturali sono state estratte. In totale, 1242 casi e 4984 controlli sono stati arruolati.Complessivamente, i livelli di THMs sono risultati bassi (media:3,8\ub13,6\u3bcg/l) e nessun eccesso di rischio di malformazioni \ue8 stato osservato. I valori di clorito e di clorato sono apparsi al contrario pi\uf9 elevati (media:427\ub118\u3bcg/l e 283\ub178\u3bcg/l, rispettivamente). Dopo aver aggiustato per potenziali fattori confondenti (et\ue0, storia riproduttiva e caratteristiche socio-economiche), le donne esposte a concentrazioni di clorito >700\u3bcg/l hanno presentato, rispetto a quelle esposte a 200\ub5g/l sono risultate ad elevato rischio di neonati con difetti urinari ostruttivi (OR:2,9;IC95%:1,1-7,6) e spina bifida (OR:4,94;IC95%:1,1-22).Questo \ue8 stato il primo studio epidemiologico a valutare la relazione tra malformazioni e la contemporanea esposizione a diversi DBPs: un aumento significativo del rischio di anomalie, in particolare per l'apparato urinario, \ue8 stato osservato in relazione all\u2019esposizione a clorito e clorato, i principali DBPs presenti nelle acque quando biossido di cloro viene utilizzato per la disinfezione
Introduction Respiratory conditions are strongly dependent on air pollution. Urban areas are typi... more Introduction Respiratory conditions are strongly dependent on air pollution. Urban areas are typically characterized by risky environmental conditions, especially due to traffic congestion. Indeed, there may be important variations in environmental quality even within urban areas. Objectives To analyze the effect of traffic proximity on asthma and to explore the relationship between level of traffic proximity and lung function in both asthmatic children and non-asthmatic children. Methods A case-control study on children visited for suspected respiratory diseases at IBIM from September 2011 to May 2014 was performed. All the children have been geocoded according to their residence address. After geocoding, level of exposure to environmental conditions was assessed through determination of number and types of streets in proximity of the place of residence. High traffic roads (HTR) were defined as all roads segments with at least 10,000 vehicles per- day. Moreover, the city area has been divided in two main polygons: city centre, North area and suburbs. Their relationship with lung function was explored jointly with other variables collected through questionnaire surveys and laboratory functional tests. As for the lung function, spirometric indices (FEV1; FVC; FEV1/FVC; FEF25-75) were obtained by using a portable spirometer (Pony FX, Cosmed, Italy) and they were expressed as percent predicted using GLI-2012 equation. A measure of restrictive pattern was determined as the ratio FEV1/FVC > LLN and FVC <LLN, by using GLI. Results There were 386 children, 90 (23.3%) of which with diagnosis of persistent asthma, 105 (27.2%) with diagnosis of intermittent asthma, and 191 (49.5%) composed by those who have been visited at IBIM during the study period, but did not resulted in an asthma diagnosis (i.e. controls). Level of exposure to traffic conditions, did not showed significant differences between cases (persistent and intermittent asthmatics) and controls, neither at a distance of 100 meters from the place of residence, nor at 200 and 500 meters. Associations between environmental conditions and lung function were analyzed, among those subjects for which spirometric measures were available (n=341). FEV1 index expressed as a percentage of predicted was used to classify children lung function in two categories, i.e. above and below 95% (Table 1). Association between living in proximity to HTR and worst lung function resulted only for children with persistent asthma (OR=4,02; CI= 1,47; 10,97). Indeed, further analyses on lung function indices such as FEV1/FVC<LLN; did not resulted associated with traffic proximity measures. Conclusion Our preliminary results do not show differences in environmental conditions as measured through traffic proximity indices among persistent asthmatics, intermittent asthmatics and controls. However, association between lung function and traffic proximity is observed for asthmatic children. These results, if confirmed, would indicate that living in proximity to HTR, although not being a risk factor for asthma can be a determinant for worst lung functions among asthmatic subjects
Studi tossicologici ed epidemiologici suggeriscono come l\u2019esposizione durante la gravidanza ... more Studi tossicologici ed epidemiologici suggeriscono come l\u2019esposizione durante la gravidanza a sottoprodotti della disinfezione nelle acque potabili (DBPs), principalmente Trialometani (THMs), possa aumentare il rischio di malformazioni congenite; tuttavia tale evidenza non \ue8 conclusiva. Questo studio, parte del programma di ricerca \u201cHiwate\u201d (VI Programma Quadro UE), ha avuto l'obiettivo di indagare questa associazione in un'area dove diversi disinfettanti sono utilizzati e dove differenti categorie di DBPs possono essere presenti nelle acque
Introduction A number of studies in the Mediterranean area showed much higher short term health e... more Introduction A number of studies in the Mediterranean area showed much higher short term health effects of airborne particles during the warm season compared to the cold season. We analysed whether...
Background and Aims: There is a growing concern about the health effects of Saharan dust outbreak... more Background and Aims: There is a growing concern about the health effects of Saharan dust outbreaks but exposure characterization needs to be largely improved both from a physical and chemical point...
Studi tossicologici ed epidemiologici suggeriscono che l\u2019esposizione durante la gravidanza a... more Studi tossicologici ed epidemiologici suggeriscono che l\u2019esposizione durante la gravidanza a sottoprodotti della disinfezione nelle acque potabili (DBPs), principalmente Trialometani (THMs), pu\uf2 aumentare il rischio di malformazioni congenite; tuttavia tale evidenza non \ue8 conclusiva. Questo studio, parte del programma di ricerca \u201cHiwate\u201d (VI Programma Quadro UE), ha mirato a indagare questa associazione in un'area dove diversi disinfettanti sono utilizzati e dove differenti categorie di DBPs possono essere presenti nelle acque.Uno studio caso-controllo basato su dati di registro \ue8 stato condotto in Emilia-Romagna. Tutti i casi di anomalie cromosomiche e congenite (difetti del tubo neurale, del sistema cardiovascolare, della parete addominale, delle labbra e del palato, dell\u2019apparato respiratorio e urogenitale), verificatisi nel periodo 2002-05, sono stati estratti dal Registro regionale delle malformazioni (Registro IMER). 4 controlli (neonati senza malformazioni) sono stati selezionati con modalit\ue0 random dal Registro regionale delle nascite (CedAP) e appaiati ai casi in base al periodo di gravidanza. L\u2019impianto che forniva l\u2019acqua potabile durante il primo trimestre di gravidanza \ue8 stato identificato in base alla residenza della madre e le concentrazioni di DBPs (THM singoli e totali, clorito e clorato) e le principali informazioni tecniche e strutturali sono state estratte. In totale, 1242 casi e 4984 controlli sono stati arruolati.Complessivamente, i livelli di THMs sono risultati bassi (media:3,8\ub13,6\u3bcg/l) e nessun eccesso di rischio di malformazioni \ue8 stato osservato. I valori di clorito e di clorato sono apparsi al contrario pi\uf9 elevati (media:427\ub118\u3bcg/l e 283\ub178\u3bcg/l, rispettivamente). Dopo aver aggiustato per potenziali fattori confondenti (et\ue0, storia riproduttiva e caratteristiche socio-economiche), le donne esposte a concentrazioni di clorito >700\u3bcg/l hanno presentato, rispetto a quelle esposte a 200\ub5g/l sono risultate ad elevato rischio di neonati con difetti urinari ostruttivi (OR:2,9;IC95%:1,1-7,6) e spina bifida (OR:4,94;IC95%:1,1-22).Questo \ue8 stato il primo studio epidemiologico a valutare la relazione tra malformazioni e la contemporanea esposizione a diversi DBPs: un aumento significativo del rischio di anomalie, in particolare per l'apparato urinario, \ue8 stato osservato in relazione all\u2019esposizione a clorito e clorato, i principali DBPs presenti nelle acque quando biossido di cloro viene utilizzato per la disinfezione
Introduction Respiratory conditions are strongly dependent on air pollution. Urban areas are typi... more Introduction Respiratory conditions are strongly dependent on air pollution. Urban areas are typically characterized by risky environmental conditions, especially due to traffic congestion. Indeed, there may be important variations in environmental quality even within urban areas. Objectives To analyze the effect of traffic proximity on asthma and to explore the relationship between level of traffic proximity and lung function in both asthmatic children and non-asthmatic children. Methods A case-control study on children visited for suspected respiratory diseases at IBIM from September 2011 to May 2014 was performed. All the children have been geocoded according to their residence address. After geocoding, level of exposure to environmental conditions was assessed through determination of number and types of streets in proximity of the place of residence. High traffic roads (HTR) were defined as all roads segments with at least 10,000 vehicles per- day. Moreover, the city area has been divided in two main polygons: city centre, North area and suburbs. Their relationship with lung function was explored jointly with other variables collected through questionnaire surveys and laboratory functional tests. As for the lung function, spirometric indices (FEV1; FVC; FEV1/FVC; FEF25-75) were obtained by using a portable spirometer (Pony FX, Cosmed, Italy) and they were expressed as percent predicted using GLI-2012 equation. A measure of restrictive pattern was determined as the ratio FEV1/FVC > LLN and FVC <LLN, by using GLI. Results There were 386 children, 90 (23.3%) of which with diagnosis of persistent asthma, 105 (27.2%) with diagnosis of intermittent asthma, and 191 (49.5%) composed by those who have been visited at IBIM during the study period, but did not resulted in an asthma diagnosis (i.e. controls). Level of exposure to traffic conditions, did not showed significant differences between cases (persistent and intermittent asthmatics) and controls, neither at a distance of 100 meters from the place of residence, nor at 200 and 500 meters. Associations between environmental conditions and lung function were analyzed, among those subjects for which spirometric measures were available (n=341). FEV1 index expressed as a percentage of predicted was used to classify children lung function in two categories, i.e. above and below 95% (Table 1). Association between living in proximity to HTR and worst lung function resulted only for children with persistent asthma (OR=4,02; CI= 1,47; 10,97). Indeed, further analyses on lung function indices such as FEV1/FVC<LLN; did not resulted associated with traffic proximity measures. Conclusion Our preliminary results do not show differences in environmental conditions as measured through traffic proximity indices among persistent asthmatics, intermittent asthmatics and controls. However, association between lung function and traffic proximity is observed for asthmatic children. These results, if confirmed, would indicate that living in proximity to HTR, although not being a risk factor for asthma can be a determinant for worst lung functions among asthmatic subjects
Papers by Paolo Lauriola