The current perception that there is an important shortage of anesthesiologists in Portugal, led ... more The current perception that there is an important shortage of anesthesiologists in Portugal, led the Board of the Portuguese College of Anesthesiology to carry out a national survey on May 2014. All Head of Anesthetic Departments of the Public Hospitals included in the Portuguese National Health Service (NHS), whatever the type of management used were contacted. Fifty two Portuguese Public Hospitals were included (from inland including the three oncologic hospitals and the two military hospitals in Lisbon and Porto, to the Islands of Azores and Madeira with four publics hospitals). Data related to organizational, human resources and logistic were asked to report to the week between 12 and 18 May 2014, and the annual numbers related to operational results coming from 2013. A simplified version of the national survey was sent to the Clinical Director of the Portuguese Private Hospitals, with the aim to identify all anesthesiologists working in an exclusive basis in the private system....
Materials and Methods: Patient satisfaction was assessed in a cohort of 80 adult day-case patient... more Materials and Methods: Patient satisfaction was assessed in a cohort of 80 adult day-case patients using the CARE questionnaire (2). The questionnaire contains 10 items exploring the non-technical aspects of the anaesthetistpatient relationship which may be broadly divided into 3 areas: 1) emotional support 2) respect for patient values 3) information-giving and education. Patients were asked to rate the 10 items on a scale ranging from poor to excellent. In addition, patients were asked to indicate how important the 10 items were to them and free comments were invited. Reponses were obtained by post within 2 weeks of discharge. Results and Discussion: The overall response rate was 70%. 91% of the responders rated the items in the emotional support category as either very good or excellent. Regarding the respect for patient values and informationgiving and education items, they were rated as very good or excellent in 72% and 74% of the responses respectively. 89% considered the items on the questionnaire to be either moderately (30%) or very (59%) important. Conclusions: An important indicator of quality of care is patient satisfaction and we have demonstrated a high level through our survey. This study has enabled us to implement changes to address the shortfalls that have been identified. The free comments have been invaluable in this process of tailoring our service to the patients' specific needs. References:
The objective of this study is to identify the number of anaesthesiologists working in Portugal a... more The objective of this study is to identify the number of anaesthesiologists working in Portugal and to monitor the national activity of this medical specialty by comparing it with a similar Census performed in 2014. Observational cross-sectional study. Data related to the month of May 2017 was collected from Anaesthesiology departments of 53 Portuguese public institutions from a total of 86 hospitals. The Census registered 615 127 surgical procedures (3.4% more than in 2013), 84.1% of which on a non-emergent basis, and 49.6% day case surgery (6.1% more than in 2013). Moreover, 89 608 procedures were performed outside the operating rooms (19.0% less than in 2013), 282 944 were anaesthetic clinics (1.3% more than in 2013) and 112 183 were chronic pain evaluations (13.1% more than in 2013). In addition, 51 380 labour analgesia were performed for delivery (14.3% more than in 2013) corresponding to 70.5% of all deliveries occurring in the Obstetric department of Portuguese public hospita...
We present and characterize the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal measured using the first three years... more We present and characterize the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal measured using the first three years of data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES Y3) covering 4132 deg 2. These galaxy-galaxy measurements are used in the DES Y3 3×2pt cosmological analysis, which combines weak lensing and galaxy clustering information. We use two lens samples: a magnitude-limited sample and the M G sample, which span the redshift range ∼ 0.2 − 1 with 10.7 M and 2.6 M galaxies respectively. For the source catalog, we use the M shape sample, consisting of 100 M galaxies separated into 4 tomographic bins. Our galaxy-galaxy lensing estimator is the mean tangential shear, for which we obtain a total S/N of ∼148 for M L (∼120 for M G), and ∼67 (∼55) after applying the scale cuts of 6 Mpc/h. Thus we reach percent-level statistical precision, which requires that our modeling and systematic-error control be of comparable accuracy. The tangential shear model used in the 3×2pt cosmological analysis includes lens magnification, a five-parameter intrinsic alignment model (TATT), marginalization over a point-mass to remove information from small scales and a linear galaxy bias model validated with higher-order terms. We explore the impact of these choices on the tangential shear observable and study the significance of effects not included in our model, such as reduced shear, source magnification and source clustering. We also test the robustness of our measurements to various observational and systematics effects, such as the impact of observing conditions, lens-source clustering, random-point
This work and its companion paper, Amon et al. (2021), present cosmic shear measurements and cosm... more This work and its companion paper, Amon et al. (2021), present cosmic shear measurements and cosmological constraints from over 100 million source galaxies in the Dark Energy Survey (DES) Year 3 data. We constrain the lensing amplitude parameter 8 ≡ 8 √︁ Ω m /0.3 at the 3% level in ΛCDM: 8 = 0.759 +0.025 −0.023 (68% CL). Our constraint is at the 2% level when using angular scale cuts that are optimized for the ΛCDM analysis: 8 = 0.772 +0.018 −0.017 (68% CL). With cosmic shear alone, we find no statistically significant constraint on the dark energy equation-of-state parameter at our present statistical power. We carry out our analysis blind, and compare our measurement with constraints from two other contemporary weak-lensing experiments: the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) and Hyper-Suprime Camera Subaru Strategic Program (HSC). We additionally quantify the agreement between our data and external constraints from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Our DES Y3 result under the assumption of ΛCDM is found to be in statistical agreement with Planck 2018, although favors a lower 8 than the CMB-inferred value by 2.3 (a-value of 0.02). This paper explores the robustness of these cosmic shear results to modeling of intrinsic alignments, the matter power spectrum and baryonic physics. We additionally explore the statistical preference of our data for intrinsic alignment models of different complexity. The fiducial cosmic shear model is tested using synthetic data, and we report no biases greater than 0.3 in the plane of 8 × Ω m caused by uncertainties in the theoretical models.
E. Krause, ∗ X. Fang, S. Pandey, L. F. Secco, 3 O. Alves, 5, 6 H. Huang, J. Blazek, 9 J. Prat, 3 ... more E. Krause, ∗ X. Fang, S. Pandey, L. F. Secco, 3 O. Alves, 5, 6 H. Huang, J. Blazek, 9 J. Prat, 3 J. Zuntz, T. F. Eifler, N. MacCrann, J. DeRose, M. Crocce, 15 A. Porredon, 17 B. Jain, M. A. Troxel, S. Dodelson, 20 D. Huterer, A. R. Liddle, 21, 22 C. D. Leonard, A. Amon, A. Chen, J. Elvin-Poole, 17 A. Ferté, J. Muir, Y. Park, S. Samuroff, A. Brandao-Souza, 6 N. Weaverdyck, G. Zacharegkas, R. Rosenfeld, 6 A. Campos, P. Chintalapati, A. Choi, E. Di Valentino, C. Doux, K. Herner, P. Lemos, 32 J. Mena-Fernández, Y. Omori, 3, 24 M. Paterno, M. Rodriguez-Monroy, P. Rogozenski, R. P. Rollins, A. Troja, 6 I. Tutusaus, 15 R. H. Wechsler, 24, 35 T. M. C. Abbott, M. Aguena, S. Allam, F. Andrade-Oliveira, 6 J. Annis, D. Bacon, E. Baxter, K. Bechtol, G. M. Bernstein, D. Brooks, E. Buckley-Geer, 29 D. L. Burke, 35 A. Carnero Rosell, 6, 41 M. Carrasco Kind, 43 J. Carretero, F. J. Castander, 15 R. Cawthon, C. Chang, 3 M. Costanzi, 46, 47 L. N. da Costa, 48 M. E. S. Pereira, J. De Vicente, S. Desai, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020
We present a simulated cosmology analysis using the second and third moments of the weak lensing ... more We present a simulated cosmology analysis using the second and third moments of the weak lensing mass (convergence) maps. The second moment, or variances, of the convergence as a function of smoothing scale contains information similar to standard shear two-point statistics. The third moment, or the skewness, contains additional non-Gaussian information. The analysis is geared towards the third year (Y3) data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES), but the methodology can be applied to other weak lensing data sets. We present the formalism for obtaining the convergence maps from the measured shear and for obtaining the second and third moments of these maps given partial sky coverage. We estimate the covariance matrix from a large suite of numerical simulations. We test our pipeline through a simulated likelihood analyses varying 5 cosmological parameters and 10 nuisance parameters and identify the scales where systematic or modelling uncertainties are not expected to affect the cosmolog...
arXiv: Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics, 2020
We study a class of decaying dark matter models as a possible resolution to the observed discrepa... more We study a class of decaying dark matter models as a possible resolution to the observed discrepancies between early- and late-time probes of the universe. This class of models, dubbed DDM, characterizes the evolution of comoving dark matter density with two extra parameters. We investigate how DDM affects key cosmological observables such as the CMB temperature and matter power spectra. Combining 3x2pt data from Year 1 of the Dark Energy Survey,Planck-2018 CMB temperature and polarization data, Supernova (SN) Type Ia data from Pantheon, and BAO data from BOSS DR12, MGS and 6dFGS, we place new constraints on the amount of dark matter that has decayed and the rate with which it converts to dark radiation. The fraction of the decayed dark matter in units of the current amount of dark matter, $\zeta$, is constrained at 68% confidence level to be <0.32 for DES-Y1 3x2pt data, <0.030 for CMB+SN+BAO data, and <0.037 for the combined dataset. The probability that the DES and CMB+SN...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021
The DES-CMASS sample (DMASS) is designed to optimally combine the weak lensing measurements from ... more The DES-CMASS sample (DMASS) is designed to optimally combine the weak lensing measurements from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and redshift-space distortions (RSD) probed by the CMASS galaxy sample from the Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey. In this paper, we demonstrate the feasibility of adopting DMASS as the equivalent of CMASS for a joint analysis of DES and BOSS in the framework of modified gravity. We utilize the angular clustering of the DMASS galaxies, cosmic shear of the DES metacalibration sources, and cross-correlation of the two as data vectors. By jointly fitting the combination of the data with the RSD measurements from the CMASS sample and Planck data, we obtain the constraints on modified gravity parameters $\mu _0=-0.37^{+0.47}_{-0.45}$ and $\Sigma _0=0.078^{+0.078}_{-0.082}$. Our constraints of modified gravity with DMASS are tighter than those with the DES Year 1 redMaGiC sample with the same external data sets by 29 per cent for μ0 and 21 per cent for Σ0, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021
Quantifying tensions – inconsistencies amongst measurements of cosmological parameters by differe... more Quantifying tensions – inconsistencies amongst measurements of cosmological parameters by different experiments – has emerged as a crucial part of modern cosmological data analysis. Statistically significant tensions between two experiments or cosmological probes may indicate new physics extending beyond the standard cosmological model and need to be promptly identified. We apply several tension estimators proposed in the literature to the dark energy survey (DES) large-scale structure measurement and Planck cosmic microwave background data. We first evaluate the responsiveness of these metrics to an input tension artificially introduced between the two, using synthetic DES data. We then apply the metrics to the comparison of Planck and actual DES Year 1 data. We find that the parameter differences, Eigentension, and Suspiciousness metrics all yield similar results on both simulated and real data, while the Bayes ratio is inconsistent with the rest due to its dependence on the prior...
We study a phenomenological class of models where dark matter converts to dark radiation in the l... more We study a phenomenological class of models where dark matter converts to dark radiation in the low redshift epoch. This class of models, dubbed DMDR, characterizes the evolution of comoving dark matter density with two extra parameters, and may be able to help alleviate the observed discrepancies between early-and latetime probes of the universe. We investigate how the conversion affects key cosmological observables such as the CMB temperature and matter power spectra. Combining 3x2pt data from Year 1 of the Dark Energy Survey, Planck-2018 CMB temperature and polarization data, supernovae (SN) Type Ia data from Pantheon, and baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) data from BOSS DR12, MGS and 6dFGS, we place new constraints on the amount of dark matter that has converted to dark radiation and the rate of this conversion. The fraction of the dark matter that has converted since the beginning of the universe in units of the current amount of dark matter, ζ, is constrained at 68% confidence level to be < 0.32 for DES-Y1 3x2pt data, < 0.030 for CMB+SN+BAO data, and < 0.037 for the combined dataset. The probability that the DES and CMB+SN+BAO datasets are concordant increases from 4% for the ΛCDM model to 8% (less tension) for DMDR. The tension in S8 = σ8 Ωm/0.3 between DES-Y1 3x2pt and CMB+SN+BAO is slightly reduced from 2.3σ to 1.9σ. We find no reduction in the Hubble tension when the combined data is compared to distance-ladder measurements in the DMDR model. The maximum-posterior goodness-of-fit statistics of DMDR and ΛCDM model are comparable, indicating no preference for the DMDR cosmology over ΛCDM.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021
Beyond ΛCDM, physics or systematic errors may cause subsets of a cosmological data set to appear ... more Beyond ΛCDM, physics or systematic errors may cause subsets of a cosmological data set to appear inconsistent when analysed assuming ΛCDM. We present an application of internal consistency tests to measurements from the Dark Energy Survey Year 1 (DES Y1) joint probes analysis. Our analysis relies on computing the posterior predictive distribution (PPD) for these data under the assumption of ΛCDM. We find that the DES Y1 data have an acceptable goodness of fit to ΛCDM, with a probability of finding a worse fit by random chance of p = 0.046. Using numerical PPD tests, supplemented by graphical checks, we show that most of the data vector appears completely consistent with expectations, although we observe a small tension between large- and small-scale measurements. A small part (roughly 1.5 per cent) of the data vector shows an unusually large departure from expectations; excluding this part of the data has negligible impact on cosmological constraints, but does significantly improve ...
We present constraints on extensions of the minimal cosmological models dominated by dark matter ... more We present constraints on extensions of the minimal cosmological models dominated by dark matter and dark energy, ΛCDM and wCDM, by using a combined analysis of galaxy clustering and weak gravitational lensing from the first-year data of the Dark Energy Survey (DES Y1) in combination with external data. We consider four extensions of the minimal dark energy-dominated scenarios: 1) nonzero curvature Ω k , 2) number of relativistic species N eff different from the standard value of 3.046, 3) time-varying equation-of-state of dark energy described by the parameters w0 and wa (alternatively quoted by the values at the pivot redshift, wp, and wa), and 4) modified gravity described by the parameters µ0 and Σ0 that modify the metric potentials. We also consider external information from Planck cosmic microwave background measurements; baryon acoustic oscillation measurements from SDSS, 6dF, and BOSS; redshift-space distortion measurements from BOSS; and type Ia supernova information from the Pantheon compilation of datasets. Constraints on curvature and the number of relativistic species are dominated by the external data; when these are combined with DES Y1, we find Ω k = 0.0020 +0.0037 −0.0032 at the 68% confidence level, and the upper limit N eff < 3.28 (3.55) at 68% (95%) confidence, assuming a hard prior N eff > 3.0. For the time-varying equation-of-state, we find the pivot value (wp, wa) = (−0.91 +0.19 −0.23 , −0.57 +0.93 −1.11) at pivot redshift zp = 0.27 from DES alone, and (wp, wa) = (−1.01 +0.04 −0.04 , −0.28 +0.37 −0.48) at zp = 0.20 from DES Y1 combined with external data; in either case we find no evidence for the temporal variation of the equation of state. For modified gravity, we find the present-day value of the relevant parameters to be Σ0 = 0.43 +0.28 −0.29 from DES Y1 alone, and (Σ0, µ0) = (0.06 +0.08 −0.07 , −0.11 +0.42 −0.46) from DES Y1 combined with external data. These modified-gravity constraints are consistent with predictions from general relativity.
survey rule out a Universe with no dark energy, finding w = −0.80 +0.09 −0.11. The geometry is sh... more survey rule out a Universe with no dark energy, finding w = −0.80 +0.09 −0.11. The geometry is shown to be consistent with a spatially flat Universe, and we obtain a constraint on the baryon density of Ω b = 0.069 +0.009 −0.012 that is independent of early Universe measurements. These results demonstrate the potential power of large multiprobe photometric surveys and pave the way for order of magnitude advances in our constraints on properties of dark energy and cosmology over the next decade.
We present full-sky maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and polarized synchrotron and t... more We present full-sky maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and polarized synchrotron and thermal dust emission, derived from the third set ofPlanckfrequency maps. These products have significantly lower contamination from instrumental systematic effects than previous versions. The methodologies used to derive these maps follow closely those described in earlier papers, adopting four methods (Commander,NILC,SEVEM, andSMICA) to extract the CMB component, as well as three methods (Commander,GNILC, andSMICA) to extract astrophysical components. Our revised CMB temperature maps agree with corresponding products in thePlanck2015 delivery, whereas the polarization maps exhibit significantly lower large-scale power, reflecting the improved data processing described in companion papers; however, the noise properties of the resulting data products are complicated, and the best available end-to-end simulations exhibit relative biases with respect to the data at the few percent level. Us...
The current perception that there is an important shortage of anesthesiologists in Portugal, led ... more The current perception that there is an important shortage of anesthesiologists in Portugal, led the Board of the Portuguese College of Anesthesiology to carry out a national survey on May 2014. All Head of Anesthetic Departments of the Public Hospitals included in the Portuguese National Health Service (NHS), whatever the type of management used were contacted. Fifty two Portuguese Public Hospitals were included (from inland including the three oncologic hospitals and the two military hospitals in Lisbon and Porto, to the Islands of Azores and Madeira with four publics hospitals). Data related to organizational, human resources and logistic were asked to report to the week between 12 and 18 May 2014, and the annual numbers related to operational results coming from 2013. A simplified version of the national survey was sent to the Clinical Director of the Portuguese Private Hospitals, with the aim to identify all anesthesiologists working in an exclusive basis in the private system....
Materials and Methods: Patient satisfaction was assessed in a cohort of 80 adult day-case patient... more Materials and Methods: Patient satisfaction was assessed in a cohort of 80 adult day-case patients using the CARE questionnaire (2). The questionnaire contains 10 items exploring the non-technical aspects of the anaesthetistpatient relationship which may be broadly divided into 3 areas: 1) emotional support 2) respect for patient values 3) information-giving and education. Patients were asked to rate the 10 items on a scale ranging from poor to excellent. In addition, patients were asked to indicate how important the 10 items were to them and free comments were invited. Reponses were obtained by post within 2 weeks of discharge. Results and Discussion: The overall response rate was 70%. 91% of the responders rated the items in the emotional support category as either very good or excellent. Regarding the respect for patient values and informationgiving and education items, they were rated as very good or excellent in 72% and 74% of the responses respectively. 89% considered the items on the questionnaire to be either moderately (30%) or very (59%) important. Conclusions: An important indicator of quality of care is patient satisfaction and we have demonstrated a high level through our survey. This study has enabled us to implement changes to address the shortfalls that have been identified. The free comments have been invaluable in this process of tailoring our service to the patients' specific needs. References:
The objective of this study is to identify the number of anaesthesiologists working in Portugal a... more The objective of this study is to identify the number of anaesthesiologists working in Portugal and to monitor the national activity of this medical specialty by comparing it with a similar Census performed in 2014. Observational cross-sectional study. Data related to the month of May 2017 was collected from Anaesthesiology departments of 53 Portuguese public institutions from a total of 86 hospitals. The Census registered 615 127 surgical procedures (3.4% more than in 2013), 84.1% of which on a non-emergent basis, and 49.6% day case surgery (6.1% more than in 2013). Moreover, 89 608 procedures were performed outside the operating rooms (19.0% less than in 2013), 282 944 were anaesthetic clinics (1.3% more than in 2013) and 112 183 were chronic pain evaluations (13.1% more than in 2013). In addition, 51 380 labour analgesia were performed for delivery (14.3% more than in 2013) corresponding to 70.5% of all deliveries occurring in the Obstetric department of Portuguese public hospita...
We present and characterize the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal measured using the first three years... more We present and characterize the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal measured using the first three years of data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES Y3) covering 4132 deg 2. These galaxy-galaxy measurements are used in the DES Y3 3×2pt cosmological analysis, which combines weak lensing and galaxy clustering information. We use two lens samples: a magnitude-limited sample and the M G sample, which span the redshift range ∼ 0.2 − 1 with 10.7 M and 2.6 M galaxies respectively. For the source catalog, we use the M shape sample, consisting of 100 M galaxies separated into 4 tomographic bins. Our galaxy-galaxy lensing estimator is the mean tangential shear, for which we obtain a total S/N of ∼148 for M L (∼120 for M G), and ∼67 (∼55) after applying the scale cuts of 6 Mpc/h. Thus we reach percent-level statistical precision, which requires that our modeling and systematic-error control be of comparable accuracy. The tangential shear model used in the 3×2pt cosmological analysis includes lens magnification, a five-parameter intrinsic alignment model (TATT), marginalization over a point-mass to remove information from small scales and a linear galaxy bias model validated with higher-order terms. We explore the impact of these choices on the tangential shear observable and study the significance of effects not included in our model, such as reduced shear, source magnification and source clustering. We also test the robustness of our measurements to various observational and systematics effects, such as the impact of observing conditions, lens-source clustering, random-point
This work and its companion paper, Amon et al. (2021), present cosmic shear measurements and cosm... more This work and its companion paper, Amon et al. (2021), present cosmic shear measurements and cosmological constraints from over 100 million source galaxies in the Dark Energy Survey (DES) Year 3 data. We constrain the lensing amplitude parameter 8 ≡ 8 √︁ Ω m /0.3 at the 3% level in ΛCDM: 8 = 0.759 +0.025 −0.023 (68% CL). Our constraint is at the 2% level when using angular scale cuts that are optimized for the ΛCDM analysis: 8 = 0.772 +0.018 −0.017 (68% CL). With cosmic shear alone, we find no statistically significant constraint on the dark energy equation-of-state parameter at our present statistical power. We carry out our analysis blind, and compare our measurement with constraints from two other contemporary weak-lensing experiments: the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) and Hyper-Suprime Camera Subaru Strategic Program (HSC). We additionally quantify the agreement between our data and external constraints from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Our DES Y3 result under the assumption of ΛCDM is found to be in statistical agreement with Planck 2018, although favors a lower 8 than the CMB-inferred value by 2.3 (a-value of 0.02). This paper explores the robustness of these cosmic shear results to modeling of intrinsic alignments, the matter power spectrum and baryonic physics. We additionally explore the statistical preference of our data for intrinsic alignment models of different complexity. The fiducial cosmic shear model is tested using synthetic data, and we report no biases greater than 0.3 in the plane of 8 × Ω m caused by uncertainties in the theoretical models.
E. Krause, ∗ X. Fang, S. Pandey, L. F. Secco, 3 O. Alves, 5, 6 H. Huang, J. Blazek, 9 J. Prat, 3 ... more E. Krause, ∗ X. Fang, S. Pandey, L. F. Secco, 3 O. Alves, 5, 6 H. Huang, J. Blazek, 9 J. Prat, 3 J. Zuntz, T. F. Eifler, N. MacCrann, J. DeRose, M. Crocce, 15 A. Porredon, 17 B. Jain, M. A. Troxel, S. Dodelson, 20 D. Huterer, A. R. Liddle, 21, 22 C. D. Leonard, A. Amon, A. Chen, J. Elvin-Poole, 17 A. Ferté, J. Muir, Y. Park, S. Samuroff, A. Brandao-Souza, 6 N. Weaverdyck, G. Zacharegkas, R. Rosenfeld, 6 A. Campos, P. Chintalapati, A. Choi, E. Di Valentino, C. Doux, K. Herner, P. Lemos, 32 J. Mena-Fernández, Y. Omori, 3, 24 M. Paterno, M. Rodriguez-Monroy, P. Rogozenski, R. P. Rollins, A. Troja, 6 I. Tutusaus, 15 R. H. Wechsler, 24, 35 T. M. C. Abbott, M. Aguena, S. Allam, F. Andrade-Oliveira, 6 J. Annis, D. Bacon, E. Baxter, K. Bechtol, G. M. Bernstein, D. Brooks, E. Buckley-Geer, 29 D. L. Burke, 35 A. Carnero Rosell, 6, 41 M. Carrasco Kind, 43 J. Carretero, F. J. Castander, 15 R. Cawthon, C. Chang, 3 M. Costanzi, 46, 47 L. N. da Costa, 48 M. E. S. Pereira, J. De Vicente, S. Desai, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020
We present a simulated cosmology analysis using the second and third moments of the weak lensing ... more We present a simulated cosmology analysis using the second and third moments of the weak lensing mass (convergence) maps. The second moment, or variances, of the convergence as a function of smoothing scale contains information similar to standard shear two-point statistics. The third moment, or the skewness, contains additional non-Gaussian information. The analysis is geared towards the third year (Y3) data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES), but the methodology can be applied to other weak lensing data sets. We present the formalism for obtaining the convergence maps from the measured shear and for obtaining the second and third moments of these maps given partial sky coverage. We estimate the covariance matrix from a large suite of numerical simulations. We test our pipeline through a simulated likelihood analyses varying 5 cosmological parameters and 10 nuisance parameters and identify the scales where systematic or modelling uncertainties are not expected to affect the cosmolog...
arXiv: Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics, 2020
We study a class of decaying dark matter models as a possible resolution to the observed discrepa... more We study a class of decaying dark matter models as a possible resolution to the observed discrepancies between early- and late-time probes of the universe. This class of models, dubbed DDM, characterizes the evolution of comoving dark matter density with two extra parameters. We investigate how DDM affects key cosmological observables such as the CMB temperature and matter power spectra. Combining 3x2pt data from Year 1 of the Dark Energy Survey,Planck-2018 CMB temperature and polarization data, Supernova (SN) Type Ia data from Pantheon, and BAO data from BOSS DR12, MGS and 6dFGS, we place new constraints on the amount of dark matter that has decayed and the rate with which it converts to dark radiation. The fraction of the decayed dark matter in units of the current amount of dark matter, $\zeta$, is constrained at 68% confidence level to be <0.32 for DES-Y1 3x2pt data, <0.030 for CMB+SN+BAO data, and <0.037 for the combined dataset. The probability that the DES and CMB+SN...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021
The DES-CMASS sample (DMASS) is designed to optimally combine the weak lensing measurements from ... more The DES-CMASS sample (DMASS) is designed to optimally combine the weak lensing measurements from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and redshift-space distortions (RSD) probed by the CMASS galaxy sample from the Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey. In this paper, we demonstrate the feasibility of adopting DMASS as the equivalent of CMASS for a joint analysis of DES and BOSS in the framework of modified gravity. We utilize the angular clustering of the DMASS galaxies, cosmic shear of the DES metacalibration sources, and cross-correlation of the two as data vectors. By jointly fitting the combination of the data with the RSD measurements from the CMASS sample and Planck data, we obtain the constraints on modified gravity parameters $\mu _0=-0.37^{+0.47}_{-0.45}$ and $\Sigma _0=0.078^{+0.078}_{-0.082}$. Our constraints of modified gravity with DMASS are tighter than those with the DES Year 1 redMaGiC sample with the same external data sets by 29 per cent for μ0 and 21 per cent for Σ0, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021
Quantifying tensions – inconsistencies amongst measurements of cosmological parameters by differe... more Quantifying tensions – inconsistencies amongst measurements of cosmological parameters by different experiments – has emerged as a crucial part of modern cosmological data analysis. Statistically significant tensions between two experiments or cosmological probes may indicate new physics extending beyond the standard cosmological model and need to be promptly identified. We apply several tension estimators proposed in the literature to the dark energy survey (DES) large-scale structure measurement and Planck cosmic microwave background data. We first evaluate the responsiveness of these metrics to an input tension artificially introduced between the two, using synthetic DES data. We then apply the metrics to the comparison of Planck and actual DES Year 1 data. We find that the parameter differences, Eigentension, and Suspiciousness metrics all yield similar results on both simulated and real data, while the Bayes ratio is inconsistent with the rest due to its dependence on the prior...
We study a phenomenological class of models where dark matter converts to dark radiation in the l... more We study a phenomenological class of models where dark matter converts to dark radiation in the low redshift epoch. This class of models, dubbed DMDR, characterizes the evolution of comoving dark matter density with two extra parameters, and may be able to help alleviate the observed discrepancies between early-and latetime probes of the universe. We investigate how the conversion affects key cosmological observables such as the CMB temperature and matter power spectra. Combining 3x2pt data from Year 1 of the Dark Energy Survey, Planck-2018 CMB temperature and polarization data, supernovae (SN) Type Ia data from Pantheon, and baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) data from BOSS DR12, MGS and 6dFGS, we place new constraints on the amount of dark matter that has converted to dark radiation and the rate of this conversion. The fraction of the dark matter that has converted since the beginning of the universe in units of the current amount of dark matter, ζ, is constrained at 68% confidence level to be < 0.32 for DES-Y1 3x2pt data, < 0.030 for CMB+SN+BAO data, and < 0.037 for the combined dataset. The probability that the DES and CMB+SN+BAO datasets are concordant increases from 4% for the ΛCDM model to 8% (less tension) for DMDR. The tension in S8 = σ8 Ωm/0.3 between DES-Y1 3x2pt and CMB+SN+BAO is slightly reduced from 2.3σ to 1.9σ. We find no reduction in the Hubble tension when the combined data is compared to distance-ladder measurements in the DMDR model. The maximum-posterior goodness-of-fit statistics of DMDR and ΛCDM model are comparable, indicating no preference for the DMDR cosmology over ΛCDM.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021
Beyond ΛCDM, physics or systematic errors may cause subsets of a cosmological data set to appear ... more Beyond ΛCDM, physics or systematic errors may cause subsets of a cosmological data set to appear inconsistent when analysed assuming ΛCDM. We present an application of internal consistency tests to measurements from the Dark Energy Survey Year 1 (DES Y1) joint probes analysis. Our analysis relies on computing the posterior predictive distribution (PPD) for these data under the assumption of ΛCDM. We find that the DES Y1 data have an acceptable goodness of fit to ΛCDM, with a probability of finding a worse fit by random chance of p = 0.046. Using numerical PPD tests, supplemented by graphical checks, we show that most of the data vector appears completely consistent with expectations, although we observe a small tension between large- and small-scale measurements. A small part (roughly 1.5 per cent) of the data vector shows an unusually large departure from expectations; excluding this part of the data has negligible impact on cosmological constraints, but does significantly improve ...
We present constraints on extensions of the minimal cosmological models dominated by dark matter ... more We present constraints on extensions of the minimal cosmological models dominated by dark matter and dark energy, ΛCDM and wCDM, by using a combined analysis of galaxy clustering and weak gravitational lensing from the first-year data of the Dark Energy Survey (DES Y1) in combination with external data. We consider four extensions of the minimal dark energy-dominated scenarios: 1) nonzero curvature Ω k , 2) number of relativistic species N eff different from the standard value of 3.046, 3) time-varying equation-of-state of dark energy described by the parameters w0 and wa (alternatively quoted by the values at the pivot redshift, wp, and wa), and 4) modified gravity described by the parameters µ0 and Σ0 that modify the metric potentials. We also consider external information from Planck cosmic microwave background measurements; baryon acoustic oscillation measurements from SDSS, 6dF, and BOSS; redshift-space distortion measurements from BOSS; and type Ia supernova information from the Pantheon compilation of datasets. Constraints on curvature and the number of relativistic species are dominated by the external data; when these are combined with DES Y1, we find Ω k = 0.0020 +0.0037 −0.0032 at the 68% confidence level, and the upper limit N eff < 3.28 (3.55) at 68% (95%) confidence, assuming a hard prior N eff > 3.0. For the time-varying equation-of-state, we find the pivot value (wp, wa) = (−0.91 +0.19 −0.23 , −0.57 +0.93 −1.11) at pivot redshift zp = 0.27 from DES alone, and (wp, wa) = (−1.01 +0.04 −0.04 , −0.28 +0.37 −0.48) at zp = 0.20 from DES Y1 combined with external data; in either case we find no evidence for the temporal variation of the equation of state. For modified gravity, we find the present-day value of the relevant parameters to be Σ0 = 0.43 +0.28 −0.29 from DES Y1 alone, and (Σ0, µ0) = (0.06 +0.08 −0.07 , −0.11 +0.42 −0.46) from DES Y1 combined with external data. These modified-gravity constraints are consistent with predictions from general relativity.
survey rule out a Universe with no dark energy, finding w = −0.80 +0.09 −0.11. The geometry is sh... more survey rule out a Universe with no dark energy, finding w = −0.80 +0.09 −0.11. The geometry is shown to be consistent with a spatially flat Universe, and we obtain a constraint on the baryon density of Ω b = 0.069 +0.009 −0.012 that is independent of early Universe measurements. These results demonstrate the potential power of large multiprobe photometric surveys and pave the way for order of magnitude advances in our constraints on properties of dark energy and cosmology over the next decade.
We present full-sky maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and polarized synchrotron and t... more We present full-sky maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and polarized synchrotron and thermal dust emission, derived from the third set ofPlanckfrequency maps. These products have significantly lower contamination from instrumental systematic effects than previous versions. The methodologies used to derive these maps follow closely those described in earlier papers, adopting four methods (Commander,NILC,SEVEM, andSMICA) to extract the CMB component, as well as three methods (Commander,GNILC, andSMICA) to extract astrophysical components. Our revised CMB temperature maps agree with corresponding products in thePlanck2015 delivery, whereas the polarization maps exhibit significantly lower large-scale power, reflecting the improved data processing described in companion papers; however, the noise properties of the resulting data products are complicated, and the best available end-to-end simulations exhibit relative biases with respect to the data at the few percent level. Us...
Papers by P. Lemos