Nowadays social media are important tools for web resource discovery. The performance and capabil... more Nowadays social media are important tools for web resource discovery. The performance and capabilities of web searches are vital, especially search results from social research paper bookmarking. This paper proposes a new algorithm for ranking method that is a combination of similarity ranking with paper posted time or CSTRank. The paper posted time is static ranking for improving search results. For this particular study, the paper posted time is combined with similarity ranking to produce a better ranking than other methods such as similarity ranking or SimRank. The retrieval performance of combination rankings is evaluated using mean values of NDCG. The evaluation in the experiments implies that the chosen CSTRank ranking by using weight score at ratio 90:10 can improve the efficiency of research paper searching on social bookmarking websites.
Currently, the sources of cultures and tourist attractions are presented in online documentary fo... more Currently, the sources of cultures and tourist attractions are presented in online documentary form only. In order to make them more virtual, the researcher then collected and presented them in the form of Virtual Temple. The prototype, which is a replica of the actual location, was developed to the website and allows people who are interested in Rattanakosin Island can see in form of Panorama Pan View. By this way, anyone can access the data and appreciate the beauty of Rattanakosin Island in the virtual model like the real place. The result from the experiment showed that the levels of the knowledge on Thai temples in Rattanakosin Island increased; moreover, the users were highly satisfied with the systems. It can be concluded that virtual temples can support to publicize Thai arts, cultures and travels, as well as it can be utilized effectively.
Currently, searching and utilizing social networking systems are becoming a part of daily life. B... more Currently, searching and utilizing social networking systems are becoming a part of daily life. Bibliographic social bookmarking is an example of academic social networking systems. Researchers realize the importance of searching for papers through bibliographic social bookmarking systems, therefore, the integrated indexing and personalized re-ranking for bibliographic social bookmaking systems were created in this dissertation.Three indexing types were developed as a part of research experiment. The results showed that only tagging information is inadequate to create efficient indexing and user profile. The integrated indexing making up with social tagging, title, and abstract (TTA) was a more suitable combination. This technique can be applied to buliding user profile and personalized re-ranking. In addition, the year of publication factor can further support the information about recent papers and improve ranking. Evaluation of the proposed technique was carried out with user-for...
Proceedings of the 2019 3rd International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Control, 2019
The unique tourism style of Thailand is boat trip. Om Non Canal is the canal that still has the o... more The unique tourism style of Thailand is boat trip. Om Non Canal is the canal that still has the original waterway lifestyle. There are many tourist attractions such as cultural attractions, floating market routes, and Thai way of tourist attractions. Therefore, in this research, Machine Learning Based Approach Techniques and Analytic Hierarchy Process Techniques is applied for introducing the attractions by considering POIs (Points of Interest), travel dates, previous attractions which users travel to support the development and to introduce the information of water travel attractions around the Om Non Canal. From the results of the experiment, it was found that the travel route recommender system is suitable for tourism planning around the Om Non Canal. It is useful for the tourists and the tourism business operators.
Internet of Things (IOT) is the idea of monitoring and alert real-world objects through the Inter... more Internet of Things (IOT) is the idea of monitoring and alert real-world objects through the Internet. This research applies IOT which work with sensor to monitoring using computer laboratory of department of information technology and alert via Line application. The proposed of this paper is real time management for checking by using PIR (Passive Infrared) motion sensor. The system uses infrared sensor and CCTV to monitoring when have computer laboratory users who are not on the class schedule the system will alert via Line application to administrators. The result of evaluation system found that the prototype can support computer laboratory admin to monitoring usage in level good and can protecting government property.
Web 3.0 and social bookmarking have altered the traditional roles of the indexer and user. Recent... more Web 3.0 and social bookmarking have altered the traditional roles of the indexer and user. Recently, web, allows users to create, organize, and search for images and other information sources through social tagging and other method activities. One of the image social bookmarking is such as Flickr. This research examines to increase the efficiency of image search result by creating indexes. The assumption of the experiment is a combination of social tagging and other factor such as image description that can improve web performance. Therefore, three indexers were created and were compared with the search results between a search engine using the indexing method of “Description with Tag” or DT indexer, “Posted Time With Tag” or PT indexer and the “Tag only” or T indexer which is a native method. The retrieval performance of this search engine is evaluated using the mean values of Normalized Discount Cumulative Gain (NDCG). The result illustrates that the search engine with indexer usi...
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, 2020
The change of weather conditions is considered as the major problem which is delicate for populat... more The change of weather conditions is considered as the major problem which is delicate for populations particularly the developing countries such as Thailand, e.g., the area in the southern region of Thailand, a case study of Andaman seaside which is the area most affected by the change of weather conditions compared with others. This research purposes to develop the model for rainfall forecasting for agricultural adjustment in the areas located at Andaman seaside using Machine Learning Technique to monitor the impact of the change of weather conditions such as the volume of rainfall in each year affecting to agricultural sector by studying the 30-year regressive data in order to estimate the coefficient of the model. The analysis results indicated that the rainfall volume of the areas located at the Andaman seaside of southern region tended to decrease which was resulted from the change of weather conditions where the model was able to provide the awareness of the impact caused by the change of weather to the agriculturists to prepare the proper supporting agricultural plans.
User experience and user interface design are the important processes in software design and deve... more User experience and user interface design are the important processes in software design and development, especially in the design of mobile applications, which must support the growing needs of users. Moreover, the community tourist attractions in Phatthalung Province are still lack of important information for community enterprises and tourist attractions that offers information matched the needs of users. This research, therefore, aimed to create a user interface design on mobile devices by using user experience, and to study the format of the Application for Intelligent Recommender System to enhance the Potential of Community-Based Tourism in Phatthalung so as to support the work of designers. This research compared the 3 models of UI and evaluated the heuristic of user interface to assure that the proposed format conforms to the basic operations of the user interface. The results showed that most users liked visual presentations from Model 1 and the presentation of tourist attr...
The tourist information recommendation system is useful for both tourist's them-selves and touris... more The tourist information recommendation system is useful for both tourist's them-selves and tourist operators. This recommendation system can support tourists to spend less time searching for tourist attraction information and also be a channel for public relation to create incentives for tourists to use the services. User profiles is an important part of recommendation system that is responsible for finding the users' interest and is a good representative for each tourist. However, creating a user profile to suitable each user in the tourist information recommendation system is still considered as challenging due to insufficient data collection. In addition, the use of social networks at present is becoming increasingly popular and is a source of information that has many users which can be extracted to represent the interests of each user. Therefore, this research has studied the recommendations for creating a user profile for the tourism information recommendation system in Thailand by using ATRU model to create User Profiling.
Abstract Recommender systems are important tools in library websites that assists the user to fin... more Abstract Recommender systems are important tools in library websites that assists the user to find the appropriate books. With the rapid development of internet technologies and the number of books has varied which waste of time and difficulty for finding from library searching system. This research presents a book recommendation system for university libraries to support user interests which are related in the same topic and faculty. The main motive of this research is to develop the technique which recommends the most suitable books to users according to the faculty of the user profile with book category, and book loan or FUCL technique. This is based on the combined features of association rule mining. The results show that FUCL mining technique is suitable to apply for the recommender book tool in the library and has a higher accuracy value than other technique.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 2015
Social bookmarking and publication sharing systems are essential tools for web resource discovery... more Social bookmarking and publication sharing systems are essential tools for web resource discovery. The performance and capabilities of search results from research paper bookmarking system are vital. Many researchers use social bookmarking for searching papers related to their topics of interest. This paper proposes a combination of similarity based indexing "tag title and abstract" and static ranking to improve search results. In this particular study, the year of the published paper and type of research paper publication are combined with similarity ranking called (HybridRank). Different weighting scores are employed. The retrieval performance of these weighted combination rankings are evaluated using mean values of NDCG. The results suggest that HybridRank and similarity rank with weight 75:25 has the highest NDCG scores. From the preliminary result of experiment, the combination ranking technique provide more relevant research paper search results. Furthermore the chosen heuristic ranking can improve the efficiency of research paper searching on social bookmarking websites.
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2016
These currently, the educated sources for Thai local cultures and Thai folk wisdoms still do not ... more These currently, the educated sources for Thai local cultures and Thai folk wisdoms still do not exist in online multimedia. In order to spread Thai folk wisdoms on Thai style house building similar to the real thing, a researcher gathered and presented in form of Virtual Museum which imitate the real places, as well as developed to integrate with the website so that any people who are interested in can study through this Virtual Museum. In addition, people can view the differences of Thai style houses in four regions which this was difficult to do previously. From the experiment by the users, it showed that they increased knowledge about Thai style houses in four regions, as well as they were satisfied in the system mostly. In sum up, Virtual Museum of Thai style houses in four regions can support in educating people about Thai cultures efficiently. Index Terms-Virtual museum, Thai style houses. I. INTRODUCTION When considering in Thai cultures and Thai local wisdoms related to houses in each regions, people, who are not in organizations or institutes that involve in this field, have known very few, or rarely have a chance to study about Thai cultures and Thai local wisdoms because to learn about Thai houses, it needs to visit the sites themselves which is the field study in order to help learners receive real experience, and view the real place. However, a field study is very costly, and takes time, as well as it is very difficult. Moreover, the current sources are not similar to Thai houses in the past since there are only pictures or textbooks only. In information technology era, only primitive kinds of media seem lack to draw attention from people. Thai houses and local wisdom in housing among Thai people in four regions were an example that a researcher found that it is very important in cultures and values to help new generation learn and interest about the local architectures in four regions. Each region has different styles, architectures, and local wisdoms. Currently, modern technology, that has been developing both in systems and programs, including internet, website, and ect., influences in solving that difficulty. Yaowalak Tianbanjong and friends (2544 :9-13) said that society in the present fills with many kinds of media so that sufficient educational materials is very important because they can help in learning, teaching, and researching information. Integrating with good designed programs will benefit to teaching and further researching. Likewise, Virtual Museum is a kind of technology innovation Manuscript
ABSTRACT At present, the performance and capabilities of Web search engine are vital. Most resear... more ABSTRACT At present, the performance and capabilities of Web search engine are vital. Most researchers use search engines for research papers related to their topics of interest. This paper demonstrates the initial comparison search results between a search engine using the indexing method of "tag title and abstract" and the native CiteUlike engine. The retrieval performance of these two search engines are evaluated using mean values of Normalized Discount Cumulative Gain (NDCG). The results illustrate that the search engine with indexer using "tag, title, and abstract" provides better search results as compared to CiteUlike, particularly for those documents in the first two rank which would be considered as the most relevant documents. This primary evaluation in the experiments implies that the chosen heuristic indexer may improve the efficiency of Web resource searching on social bookmarking Websites.
Fourth edition of the International Conference on the Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH 2014), 2014
Due to wide application of management system, information data grows rapidly. On one hand, people... more Due to wide application of management system, information data grows rapidly. On one hand, people have a large number of information resources. On the other hand, the time cost and difficulty of people finding the proper information increases. To tackle the problems, book recommendation is one of the solutions for university libraries which possess huge volumes of books and reading-intensive users. This paper proposes a library book recommendation system based on user profile loaning and apply association rule to create model. The result shows that new association rule algorithm suitable to apply for recommender book in library.
Social bookmarking systems are essential tools for web resource discovery. The performance and ca... more Social bookmarking systems are essential tools for web resource discovery. The performance and capabilities of search results from research paper bookmarking system are vital. This paper proposes a combination of similarity based indexing “tag title and abstract” and static ranking to improve search results. In this particular study, the year of the published paper is combined with similarity ranking called (CSYRank). Different weighting scores are employed. The retrieval performance of these weighted combination rankings are evaluated using mean values of NDCG. The results indicate that CSYRank and similarity rank with weight 90:10 has the highest NDCG scores. The result from the experiments implies that the chosen heuristic ranking may improve the efficiency of research paper searching on social bookmarking websites.
International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, 2011
ABSTRACT Search engines and social bookmarking systems are important tools for web resource disco... more ABSTRACT Search engines and social bookmarking systems are important tools for web resource discovery. The performance and capabilities of web search engines are vital. This paper proposes CiteRank, a combination of a similarity ranking with a static ranking. Similarity ranking measures the match between a query and a research paper index; while a static ranking, or a query independent ranking, measures the quality of a research paper. For this particular study, a group of factors containing: number of groups contained the posted paper, year of publication, research paper posted time, and priority of a research paper was used to determine a static ranking score. The NDCG was used as an evaluation metric. CiteRank was compared with SimRank and StaticRank. The results of the experiment showed that CiteRank produces a better ranking than the other methods. This implies that CiteRank can improve the effectiveness of research paper searching on social bookmarking websites.
The Internet and the World Wide Web provide a way to store and share information, especially in a... more The Internet and the World Wide Web provide a way to store and share information, especially in academic fields. Community-based research paper sharing systems, such as CiteULike, have become popular among researchers. This paper proposes a framework for a tag-based research paper recommender system. The proposed approach exploits the use of sets of tags for recommending research papers to each
Nowadays social media are important tools for web resource discovery. The performance and capabil... more Nowadays social media are important tools for web resource discovery. The performance and capabilities of web searches are vital, especially search results from social research paper bookmarking. This paper proposes a new algorithm for ranking method that is a combination of similarity ranking with paper posted time or CSTRank. The paper posted time is static ranking for improving search results. For this particular study, the paper posted time is combined with similarity ranking to produce a better ranking than other methods such as similarity ranking or SimRank. The retrieval performance of combination rankings is evaluated using mean values of NDCG. The evaluation in the experiments implies that the chosen CSTRank ranking by using weight score at ratio 90:10 can improve the efficiency of research paper searching on social bookmarking websites.
Currently, the sources of cultures and tourist attractions are presented in online documentary fo... more Currently, the sources of cultures and tourist attractions are presented in online documentary form only. In order to make them more virtual, the researcher then collected and presented them in the form of Virtual Temple. The prototype, which is a replica of the actual location, was developed to the website and allows people who are interested in Rattanakosin Island can see in form of Panorama Pan View. By this way, anyone can access the data and appreciate the beauty of Rattanakosin Island in the virtual model like the real place. The result from the experiment showed that the levels of the knowledge on Thai temples in Rattanakosin Island increased; moreover, the users were highly satisfied with the systems. It can be concluded that virtual temples can support to publicize Thai arts, cultures and travels, as well as it can be utilized effectively.
Currently, searching and utilizing social networking systems are becoming a part of daily life. B... more Currently, searching and utilizing social networking systems are becoming a part of daily life. Bibliographic social bookmarking is an example of academic social networking systems. Researchers realize the importance of searching for papers through bibliographic social bookmarking systems, therefore, the integrated indexing and personalized re-ranking for bibliographic social bookmaking systems were created in this dissertation.Three indexing types were developed as a part of research experiment. The results showed that only tagging information is inadequate to create efficient indexing and user profile. The integrated indexing making up with social tagging, title, and abstract (TTA) was a more suitable combination. This technique can be applied to buliding user profile and personalized re-ranking. In addition, the year of publication factor can further support the information about recent papers and improve ranking. Evaluation of the proposed technique was carried out with user-for...
Proceedings of the 2019 3rd International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Control, 2019
The unique tourism style of Thailand is boat trip. Om Non Canal is the canal that still has the o... more The unique tourism style of Thailand is boat trip. Om Non Canal is the canal that still has the original waterway lifestyle. There are many tourist attractions such as cultural attractions, floating market routes, and Thai way of tourist attractions. Therefore, in this research, Machine Learning Based Approach Techniques and Analytic Hierarchy Process Techniques is applied for introducing the attractions by considering POIs (Points of Interest), travel dates, previous attractions which users travel to support the development and to introduce the information of water travel attractions around the Om Non Canal. From the results of the experiment, it was found that the travel route recommender system is suitable for tourism planning around the Om Non Canal. It is useful for the tourists and the tourism business operators.
Internet of Things (IOT) is the idea of monitoring and alert real-world objects through the Inter... more Internet of Things (IOT) is the idea of monitoring and alert real-world objects through the Internet. This research applies IOT which work with sensor to monitoring using computer laboratory of department of information technology and alert via Line application. The proposed of this paper is real time management for checking by using PIR (Passive Infrared) motion sensor. The system uses infrared sensor and CCTV to monitoring when have computer laboratory users who are not on the class schedule the system will alert via Line application to administrators. The result of evaluation system found that the prototype can support computer laboratory admin to monitoring usage in level good and can protecting government property.
Web 3.0 and social bookmarking have altered the traditional roles of the indexer and user. Recent... more Web 3.0 and social bookmarking have altered the traditional roles of the indexer and user. Recently, web, allows users to create, organize, and search for images and other information sources through social tagging and other method activities. One of the image social bookmarking is such as Flickr. This research examines to increase the efficiency of image search result by creating indexes. The assumption of the experiment is a combination of social tagging and other factor such as image description that can improve web performance. Therefore, three indexers were created and were compared with the search results between a search engine using the indexing method of “Description with Tag” or DT indexer, “Posted Time With Tag” or PT indexer and the “Tag only” or T indexer which is a native method. The retrieval performance of this search engine is evaluated using the mean values of Normalized Discount Cumulative Gain (NDCG). The result illustrates that the search engine with indexer usi...
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, 2020
The change of weather conditions is considered as the major problem which is delicate for populat... more The change of weather conditions is considered as the major problem which is delicate for populations particularly the developing countries such as Thailand, e.g., the area in the southern region of Thailand, a case study of Andaman seaside which is the area most affected by the change of weather conditions compared with others. This research purposes to develop the model for rainfall forecasting for agricultural adjustment in the areas located at Andaman seaside using Machine Learning Technique to monitor the impact of the change of weather conditions such as the volume of rainfall in each year affecting to agricultural sector by studying the 30-year regressive data in order to estimate the coefficient of the model. The analysis results indicated that the rainfall volume of the areas located at the Andaman seaside of southern region tended to decrease which was resulted from the change of weather conditions where the model was able to provide the awareness of the impact caused by the change of weather to the agriculturists to prepare the proper supporting agricultural plans.
User experience and user interface design are the important processes in software design and deve... more User experience and user interface design are the important processes in software design and development, especially in the design of mobile applications, which must support the growing needs of users. Moreover, the community tourist attractions in Phatthalung Province are still lack of important information for community enterprises and tourist attractions that offers information matched the needs of users. This research, therefore, aimed to create a user interface design on mobile devices by using user experience, and to study the format of the Application for Intelligent Recommender System to enhance the Potential of Community-Based Tourism in Phatthalung so as to support the work of designers. This research compared the 3 models of UI and evaluated the heuristic of user interface to assure that the proposed format conforms to the basic operations of the user interface. The results showed that most users liked visual presentations from Model 1 and the presentation of tourist attr...
The tourist information recommendation system is useful for both tourist's them-selves and touris... more The tourist information recommendation system is useful for both tourist's them-selves and tourist operators. This recommendation system can support tourists to spend less time searching for tourist attraction information and also be a channel for public relation to create incentives for tourists to use the services. User profiles is an important part of recommendation system that is responsible for finding the users' interest and is a good representative for each tourist. However, creating a user profile to suitable each user in the tourist information recommendation system is still considered as challenging due to insufficient data collection. In addition, the use of social networks at present is becoming increasingly popular and is a source of information that has many users which can be extracted to represent the interests of each user. Therefore, this research has studied the recommendations for creating a user profile for the tourism information recommendation system in Thailand by using ATRU model to create User Profiling.
Abstract Recommender systems are important tools in library websites that assists the user to fin... more Abstract Recommender systems are important tools in library websites that assists the user to find the appropriate books. With the rapid development of internet technologies and the number of books has varied which waste of time and difficulty for finding from library searching system. This research presents a book recommendation system for university libraries to support user interests which are related in the same topic and faculty. The main motive of this research is to develop the technique which recommends the most suitable books to users according to the faculty of the user profile with book category, and book loan or FUCL technique. This is based on the combined features of association rule mining. The results show that FUCL mining technique is suitable to apply for the recommender book tool in the library and has a higher accuracy value than other technique.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 2015
Social bookmarking and publication sharing systems are essential tools for web resource discovery... more Social bookmarking and publication sharing systems are essential tools for web resource discovery. The performance and capabilities of search results from research paper bookmarking system are vital. Many researchers use social bookmarking for searching papers related to their topics of interest. This paper proposes a combination of similarity based indexing "tag title and abstract" and static ranking to improve search results. In this particular study, the year of the published paper and type of research paper publication are combined with similarity ranking called (HybridRank). Different weighting scores are employed. The retrieval performance of these weighted combination rankings are evaluated using mean values of NDCG. The results suggest that HybridRank and similarity rank with weight 75:25 has the highest NDCG scores. From the preliminary result of experiment, the combination ranking technique provide more relevant research paper search results. Furthermore the chosen heuristic ranking can improve the efficiency of research paper searching on social bookmarking websites.
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2016
These currently, the educated sources for Thai local cultures and Thai folk wisdoms still do not ... more These currently, the educated sources for Thai local cultures and Thai folk wisdoms still do not exist in online multimedia. In order to spread Thai folk wisdoms on Thai style house building similar to the real thing, a researcher gathered and presented in form of Virtual Museum which imitate the real places, as well as developed to integrate with the website so that any people who are interested in can study through this Virtual Museum. In addition, people can view the differences of Thai style houses in four regions which this was difficult to do previously. From the experiment by the users, it showed that they increased knowledge about Thai style houses in four regions, as well as they were satisfied in the system mostly. In sum up, Virtual Museum of Thai style houses in four regions can support in educating people about Thai cultures efficiently. Index Terms-Virtual museum, Thai style houses. I. INTRODUCTION When considering in Thai cultures and Thai local wisdoms related to houses in each regions, people, who are not in organizations or institutes that involve in this field, have known very few, or rarely have a chance to study about Thai cultures and Thai local wisdoms because to learn about Thai houses, it needs to visit the sites themselves which is the field study in order to help learners receive real experience, and view the real place. However, a field study is very costly, and takes time, as well as it is very difficult. Moreover, the current sources are not similar to Thai houses in the past since there are only pictures or textbooks only. In information technology era, only primitive kinds of media seem lack to draw attention from people. Thai houses and local wisdom in housing among Thai people in four regions were an example that a researcher found that it is very important in cultures and values to help new generation learn and interest about the local architectures in four regions. Each region has different styles, architectures, and local wisdoms. Currently, modern technology, that has been developing both in systems and programs, including internet, website, and ect., influences in solving that difficulty. Yaowalak Tianbanjong and friends (2544 :9-13) said that society in the present fills with many kinds of media so that sufficient educational materials is very important because they can help in learning, teaching, and researching information. Integrating with good designed programs will benefit to teaching and further researching. Likewise, Virtual Museum is a kind of technology innovation Manuscript
ABSTRACT At present, the performance and capabilities of Web search engine are vital. Most resear... more ABSTRACT At present, the performance and capabilities of Web search engine are vital. Most researchers use search engines for research papers related to their topics of interest. This paper demonstrates the initial comparison search results between a search engine using the indexing method of "tag title and abstract" and the native CiteUlike engine. The retrieval performance of these two search engines are evaluated using mean values of Normalized Discount Cumulative Gain (NDCG). The results illustrate that the search engine with indexer using "tag, title, and abstract" provides better search results as compared to CiteUlike, particularly for those documents in the first two rank which would be considered as the most relevant documents. This primary evaluation in the experiments implies that the chosen heuristic indexer may improve the efficiency of Web resource searching on social bookmarking Websites.
Fourth edition of the International Conference on the Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH 2014), 2014
Due to wide application of management system, information data grows rapidly. On one hand, people... more Due to wide application of management system, information data grows rapidly. On one hand, people have a large number of information resources. On the other hand, the time cost and difficulty of people finding the proper information increases. To tackle the problems, book recommendation is one of the solutions for university libraries which possess huge volumes of books and reading-intensive users. This paper proposes a library book recommendation system based on user profile loaning and apply association rule to create model. The result shows that new association rule algorithm suitable to apply for recommender book in library.
Social bookmarking systems are essential tools for web resource discovery. The performance and ca... more Social bookmarking systems are essential tools for web resource discovery. The performance and capabilities of search results from research paper bookmarking system are vital. This paper proposes a combination of similarity based indexing “tag title and abstract” and static ranking to improve search results. In this particular study, the year of the published paper is combined with similarity ranking called (CSYRank). Different weighting scores are employed. The retrieval performance of these weighted combination rankings are evaluated using mean values of NDCG. The results indicate that CSYRank and similarity rank with weight 90:10 has the highest NDCG scores. The result from the experiments implies that the chosen heuristic ranking may improve the efficiency of research paper searching on social bookmarking websites.
International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, 2011
ABSTRACT Search engines and social bookmarking systems are important tools for web resource disco... more ABSTRACT Search engines and social bookmarking systems are important tools for web resource discovery. The performance and capabilities of web search engines are vital. This paper proposes CiteRank, a combination of a similarity ranking with a static ranking. Similarity ranking measures the match between a query and a research paper index; while a static ranking, or a query independent ranking, measures the quality of a research paper. For this particular study, a group of factors containing: number of groups contained the posted paper, year of publication, research paper posted time, and priority of a research paper was used to determine a static ranking score. The NDCG was used as an evaluation metric. CiteRank was compared with SimRank and StaticRank. The results of the experiment showed that CiteRank produces a better ranking than the other methods. This implies that CiteRank can improve the effectiveness of research paper searching on social bookmarking websites.
The Internet and the World Wide Web provide a way to store and share information, especially in a... more The Internet and the World Wide Web provide a way to store and share information, especially in academic fields. Community-based research paper sharing systems, such as CiteULike, have become popular among researchers. This paper proposes a framework for a tag-based research paper recommender system. The proposed approach exploits the use of sets of tags for recommending research papers to each
Papers by Pijitra Jomsri