O proxecto Bibliodiversidade, as bibliotecas como axentes para educar na diversidade afectivo-sex... more O proxecto Bibliodiversidade, as bibliotecas como axentes para educar na diversidade afectivo-sexual, nace do CEXeF, o Centro de Estudos de Xénero e Feministas da Universidade da Coruña. En gran parte inspirado polas iniciativas das bibliotecas municipais da cidade, a prol da oferta e divulgación de material que representa a diversidade afectiva-sexual, este proxecto ten o obxectivo principal de promover o uso destes recursos como ferramenta didáctica nas aulas. Levouse a cabo durante Setembro-Decembro de 2021. Seleccionamos 18 libros para revisar e suxerir posibilidades orientadas a súa incorporación en propostas didácticas. Estes libros corresponden ás etapas educativas dende segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil ata o terceiro ciclo de Educación Primaria. Organizamos 8 mesas de traballo para analizar estes libros e xerar ideas sobre o seu uso nas aulas. A cada unha destas mesas, coordinadas por Ana-María Amigo Ventureira e Almudena Varela Suárez, convidamos a participar unha persoa...
In this article, we analyze several lines of activism related to gender and sexual diversity, alo... more In this article, we analyze several lines of activism related to gender and sexual diversity, along with the impact they have had, and continue to have, in school contexts. We analyze these movements along two main lines – first we review lgbt activism, movements that have promoted equality and visibility of gay, lesbian, transsexual and bisexual persons. At the same time, we consider other more radical movements based on transfeminist thinking that resist the very notion of normal, extending feminist critique of the patriarchy to include the social construction of the sexual binary. We identify the institution of schooling as a key site for disseminating inaccurate and harmful social ideologies, as well as for their resistance. We review here some of the efforts of activist collectives to educate about gender and sexual diversity.En este artículo, analizamos las varias líneas de activismo relacionadas con la diversidad afectivo-sexual y de género, así como el impacto que tuvieron, ...
Queer Social Movements and Outreach Work in Schools, 2020
During the repressive Franco regime (1939–1975), much of Spain’s early sexual rights movement too... more During the repressive Franco regime (1939–1975), much of Spain’s early sexual rights movement took place behind closed doors. Now Spain ranks 12th out of all 49 European countries on a scale based on laws and policies that directly impact on LGBTI people’s human rights. However, Spanish schooling still lacks an explicit policy framework for teaching gender and sexual diversity. Activist organizations have begun to develop resources and materials in the hope of filling important gaps in teacher training and institutional support. This chapter explores several lines of activism related to gender and sexual diversity, along with the impact they have had, and continue to have, in school contexts. These social movements have followed two main lines—the promotion of equality and visibility for (primarily gay and lesbian) persons, and a more radical trend based on transfeminist thinking that resists the notion of normal, extending a feminist critique of the patriarchy.
Dentro dos procesos de revitalizacion das linguas minorizadas a escola pode desempenar un papel c... more Dentro dos procesos de revitalizacion das linguas minorizadas a escola pode desempenar un papel central se conta cun profesorado motivado e linguisticamente competente. No caso galego, constatase que nos ultimos anos unha porcentaxe importante do estudantado dos graos de maxisterio chega a universidade cunha competencia linguistica escasa, de maneira que resulta imprescindibel fomentar accions para que o futuro corpo docente tome consciencia das suas necesidades de aprendizaxe. Neste traballo presentamos os principais resultados dunha investigacion accion participativa (IAP) que se desenvolveu nos cursos academicos 2016/2017 e 2017/2018 e que consistiu na analise dunha practica de aula realizada na materia “Didactica da lingua galega”, do Grao en Educacion Infantil da Universidade da Coruna, e das respostas aos cuestionarios distribuidos entre o mesmo alumnado unha vez finalizadas as clases. O estudo permitiunos concluir, por unha parte, que a creacion de grupos de traballo integrad...
In Cabo Verde, Portuguese is the official language, while Kriolu is the first language of virtual... more In Cabo Verde, Portuguese is the official language, while Kriolu is the first language of virtually all the population. The schooling context clearly reflects this diglossic situation: while the vast majority of children speak Kriolu at home, Portuguese continues to be the exclusive language of instruction. Thus, Portuguese in Cabo Verde represents a post-colonial language that has maintained its de jure status but has not entered de facto domains of use. The research described in this article is based on discourse analysis of legislative and policy documents and extended semi-structured interviews with politicians, educators and language activists. Our results in this former colonial context invite us to reconsider traditional understandings of pluricentricity, as they suggest that Cabo Verdean Portuguese is not (yet) associated with local identity and has not (yet) been accepted by its speakers as a legitimate, standardised variety.
The chapters collected in this book were developed from papers presented at the XV World Congress... more The chapters collected in this book were developed from papers presented at the XV World Congress of Comparative Education Societies held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in June of 2013. The overall theme of this conference, New Times, New Voices, calls for a forward-thinking, change-oriented perspective on comparative and international education and, in our interpretation, also an inclusive one.
Despite feminist understandings of the socially constructed nature of sex and gender and anthropo... more Despite feminist understandings of the socially constructed nature of sex and gender and anthropological studies of alternative constructions, western societies tend to understand sex and gender in terms of mutually-exclusive hierarchical categories. We analyze the process by which a heteronormative sex-gender-sexuality system is constructed and legitimized to the exclusion of those whose physiology and/or behaviors do not conform to it. We provide some insights into ways in which the extraordinary diversity of sex-gender can be recognized and valued on various social planes, through activism, the production and critique of popular culture, and education.
O proxecto Bibliodiversidade, as bibliotecas como axentes para educar na diversidade afectivo-sex... more O proxecto Bibliodiversidade, as bibliotecas como axentes para educar na diversidade afectivo-sexual, nace do CEXeF, o Centro de Estudos de Xénero e Feministas da Universidade da Coruña. En gran parte inspirado polas iniciativas das bibliotecas municipais da cidade, a prol da oferta e divulgación de material que representa a diversidade afectiva-sexual, este proxecto ten o obxectivo principal de promover o uso destes recursos como ferramenta didáctica nas aulas. Levouse a cabo durante Setembro-Decembro de 2021. Seleccionamos 18 libros para revisar e suxerir posibilidades orientadas a súa incorporación en propostas didácticas. Estes libros corresponden ás etapas educativas dende segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil ata o terceiro ciclo de Educación Primaria. Organizamos 8 mesas de traballo para analizar estes libros e xerar ideas sobre o seu uso nas aulas. A cada unha destas mesas, coordinadas por Ana-María Amigo Ventureira e Almudena Varela Suárez, convidamos a participar unha persoa...
In this article, we analyze several lines of activism related to gender and sexual diversity, alo... more In this article, we analyze several lines of activism related to gender and sexual diversity, along with the impact they have had, and continue to have, in school contexts. We analyze these movements along two main lines – first we review lgbt activism, movements that have promoted equality and visibility of gay, lesbian, transsexual and bisexual persons. At the same time, we consider other more radical movements based on transfeminist thinking that resist the very notion of normal, extending feminist critique of the patriarchy to include the social construction of the sexual binary. We identify the institution of schooling as a key site for disseminating inaccurate and harmful social ideologies, as well as for their resistance. We review here some of the efforts of activist collectives to educate about gender and sexual diversity.En este artículo, analizamos las varias líneas de activismo relacionadas con la diversidad afectivo-sexual y de género, así como el impacto que tuvieron, ...
Queer Social Movements and Outreach Work in Schools, 2020
During the repressive Franco regime (1939–1975), much of Spain’s early sexual rights movement too... more During the repressive Franco regime (1939–1975), much of Spain’s early sexual rights movement took place behind closed doors. Now Spain ranks 12th out of all 49 European countries on a scale based on laws and policies that directly impact on LGBTI people’s human rights. However, Spanish schooling still lacks an explicit policy framework for teaching gender and sexual diversity. Activist organizations have begun to develop resources and materials in the hope of filling important gaps in teacher training and institutional support. This chapter explores several lines of activism related to gender and sexual diversity, along with the impact they have had, and continue to have, in school contexts. These social movements have followed two main lines—the promotion of equality and visibility for (primarily gay and lesbian) persons, and a more radical trend based on transfeminist thinking that resists the notion of normal, extending a feminist critique of the patriarchy.
Dentro dos procesos de revitalizacion das linguas minorizadas a escola pode desempenar un papel c... more Dentro dos procesos de revitalizacion das linguas minorizadas a escola pode desempenar un papel central se conta cun profesorado motivado e linguisticamente competente. No caso galego, constatase que nos ultimos anos unha porcentaxe importante do estudantado dos graos de maxisterio chega a universidade cunha competencia linguistica escasa, de maneira que resulta imprescindibel fomentar accions para que o futuro corpo docente tome consciencia das suas necesidades de aprendizaxe. Neste traballo presentamos os principais resultados dunha investigacion accion participativa (IAP) que se desenvolveu nos cursos academicos 2016/2017 e 2017/2018 e que consistiu na analise dunha practica de aula realizada na materia “Didactica da lingua galega”, do Grao en Educacion Infantil da Universidade da Coruna, e das respostas aos cuestionarios distribuidos entre o mesmo alumnado unha vez finalizadas as clases. O estudo permitiunos concluir, por unha parte, que a creacion de grupos de traballo integrad...
In Cabo Verde, Portuguese is the official language, while Kriolu is the first language of virtual... more In Cabo Verde, Portuguese is the official language, while Kriolu is the first language of virtually all the population. The schooling context clearly reflects this diglossic situation: while the vast majority of children speak Kriolu at home, Portuguese continues to be the exclusive language of instruction. Thus, Portuguese in Cabo Verde represents a post-colonial language that has maintained its de jure status but has not entered de facto domains of use. The research described in this article is based on discourse analysis of legislative and policy documents and extended semi-structured interviews with politicians, educators and language activists. Our results in this former colonial context invite us to reconsider traditional understandings of pluricentricity, as they suggest that Cabo Verdean Portuguese is not (yet) associated with local identity and has not (yet) been accepted by its speakers as a legitimate, standardised variety.
The chapters collected in this book were developed from papers presented at the XV World Congress... more The chapters collected in this book were developed from papers presented at the XV World Congress of Comparative Education Societies held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in June of 2013. The overall theme of this conference, New Times, New Voices, calls for a forward-thinking, change-oriented perspective on comparative and international education and, in our interpretation, also an inclusive one.
Despite feminist understandings of the socially constructed nature of sex and gender and anthropo... more Despite feminist understandings of the socially constructed nature of sex and gender and anthropological studies of alternative constructions, western societies tend to understand sex and gender in terms of mutually-exclusive hierarchical categories. We analyze the process by which a heteronormative sex-gender-sexuality system is constructed and legitimized to the exclusion of those whose physiology and/or behaviors do not conform to it. We provide some insights into ways in which the extraordinary diversity of sex-gender can be recognized and valued on various social planes, through activism, the production and critique of popular culture, and education.
Papers by Renée DePalma