Forecasting methods can predict the values of a variable based on the known value of that varia... more Forecasting methods can predict the values of a variable based on the known value of that variable or other related variables. In the quantitative category forecasting method, especially the time series model, several smoothing methods are known, namely average and exponential smoothing. A trended series is defined as a time series that contains a long-term component that represents growth or decline in the series, and whose average value changes up or down over a period of time. The average method is that a number of values that are given an equivalent weight (or smoothed) are included in the calculation of the average. A double moving average, also known as a linear moving average, is designed for time series data with a trending pattern or a linear trend. The time series data used is poverty line data by area of residence in West Sumatra based on the ability to meet basic needs (basic needs approach). With this approach, poverty is seen as an economic inability to meet basi...
Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2021
Expert system is a computer program which is designed for modelling the ability of problem solvin... more Expert system is a computer program which is designed for modelling the ability of problem solving as it is an expert (human expert). The expert system method used is the forward chaining method which is the inference method that is doing logical reasoning from the problem to its solution. The aim of this research is to design and develop an expert system that is able to identify the severe malnutrition on children from the age of 0 - 5 years old. The knowledge is derived from the question askedto a nutrition expert. The data are taken from the questions asked to the user and when all of the questions has been answered, then the goal will be appeared which shows the nutrition status. This system application will enable the user to diagnose the nutrition/disease that affects children and get the solution. This system can be used by any kind of user due to the easy access. This system is also put the important information about the severe malnutrition and the recent news of children’s...
The Monte Carlo method is a computational algorithm to simulate various behaviors in physical and... more The Monte Carlo method is a computational algorithm to simulate various behaviors in physical and mathematical systems. The Monte Carlo method uses the principle of generating random numbers (random) to test a function. The Monte Carlo method will be integrated with the queue system of vehicle tax payment at the Padang Samsat Office with the aim to determine the effectiveness of the number of counters at the time of vehicle tax payment services and make a simulation of the payment queue system to obtain alternative system improvements. The queuing simulation used is the single channel multiple phase structure and the monte carlo method in order to provide information and an overview of the number of people served and the average waiting time for a particular unit of time. Keywords : Queueing theory, Monte Carlo Method, Simulation, Vehicle Tax
Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a system that can simplify the process of handling var... more Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a system that can simplify the process of handling various human resource management activities in a company in a structured and comprehensive manner. HRMS can assist management in carrying out their duties and assist companies in achieving goals and minimizing the risk of loss due to errors in managing employee data, especially in terms of payroll. The number of components in managing employees in a company will make the management in carrying out their duties a little more complicated and complex. So it is necessary to have a system that can manage all components of employee management in one centralized system. In this study, a web-based HRMS has been designed that can be used by employee management and also the employees themselves. From the results of the study, it is known that the implementation of HRMS at the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) of Lingga Regency can assist employee management in managing all employee data includi...
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) atau Decision Support System (DSS) adalah sebuah sistem yang mam... more Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) atau Decision Support System (DSS) adalah sebuah sistem yang mampu memberikan kemampuan pemecahan masalah maupun kemampuan pengkomunikasian untuk masalah dengan kondisi semi terstruktur dan tak terstruktur. Sistem pendukung keputusan dapat diimplementasikan pada berbagai macam aplikasi untuk memecahkan banyak permasalahan di beberapa bidang. Salah satu metode yang digunakan dari Decision support adalah Case-Based Reasoning. Metode Case-Based Reasoning digunakan untuk menemukan kesamaan objek dengan objek lain, sehingga dalam mendapatkan hasil kemiripannya dengan tingkat objek. Dengan menggunakan metode sistem pendukung keputusan Proses Penalaran Berbasis Kasus untuk pemilihan karyawan pada PT.Telkom Akses dapat dilakukan secara efisien dan menghemat waktu dan dapat membantu para staff mengelola data. Kata kunci: algoritma nearest neighbor, Case-Based Reasoning, Pendukung keputusan
Desain sistem ini menentukan jumlah penjualan barang-barang dengan menggunakan metode monte carlo... more Desain sistem ini menentukan jumlah penjualan barang-barang dengan menggunakan metode monte carlo di industri rumahan Istiqomah bertujuan untuk memprediksi penjualan setiap produk untuk bulan berikutnya dan mencari pendapatan kotor di setiap barang yang dijual. Sistem dirancang untuk memprediksi barang dan mencari keuntungan kotor di setiap jenis barang di toko yang dibuat menggunakan PHP dan MySQL sebagai databasenya. Dengan sistem ini dapat digunakan oleh industri rumahan untuk mensimulasikan penjualan barang di toko, dan dapat memudahkan pemilik industri rumahan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kemungkinan yang akan terjadi pada penjualan produk keripik maco.
Logika fuzzy adalah salah satu cabang dari AI ( Artificial Intelligence ). Logika fuzzy alat mate... more Logika fuzzy adalah salah satu cabang dari AI ( Artificial Intelligence ). Logika fuzzy alat matematika yang memungkinkan modem komputer digital untuk model sistem yang didefinisikan dengan tepat. Logika fuzzy diyakini sangat fleksibel dan memiliki toleransi terhadap data-data yang ada. Dengan menggunakan logika fuzzy, akan dihasilkan suatu model dari suatu sistem yang mampu memperkirakan jumlah kalori pada ibu hamil. Pada saat ini perlu diperhatikannya kebutuhan gizi pada setiap ibu hamil yang bertujuan untuk mencegah terjadinya kekurangan gizi (gizi buruk) selama kehamilan. Salah satunya dengan memperhatikan daya tahan tubuh yang mereka miliki mengakibatkan ibu hamil tersebut harus mengetahui kadar kalori yang ada dalam tubuhnya. Makanan yang mereka makan tidak hanya mengenyangkan tetapi juga harus sesuai dengan kondisi tubuh dan kebutuhan nutrisi untuk janin mereka. Pemenuhan gizi seimbang untuk ibu hamil sesuai dengan kondisi tubuh guna memenuhi standar kesehatan terkadang men...
Expert system is a computer program which is designed for modelling the ability of problem solvin... more Expert system is a computer program which is designed for modelling the ability of problem solving as it is an expert (human expert). The expert system method used is the forward chaining method which is the inference method that is doing logical reasoning from the problem to its solution. The aim of this research is to design and develop an expert system that is able to identify the severe malnutrition on children from the age of 0 - 5 years old. The knowledge is derived from the question askedto a nutrition expert. The data are taken from the questions asked to the user and when all of the questions has been answered, then the goal will be appeared which shows the nutrition status. This system application will enable the user to diagnose the nutrition/disease that affects children and get the solution. This system can be used by any kind of user due to the easy access. This system is also put the important information about the severe malnutrition and the recent news of children’s...
Fuzzy logic is widely applied in various fields, such as industry, communications, etc. Fuzzy log... more Fuzzy logic is widely applied in various fields, such as industry, communications, etc. Fuzzy logic was developed to solve an obscure problem. The problem that arises in the production at UMKM Songket Silungkang and Songket Pandai Sikek at this time is that there is no system used as a reference in predict the amount of production that will come. Where this method can utilize demand and supply data in the past which is then processed with fuzzy stages so as to produce production figures. The government has prioritized the development of the Silungkang songket handicraft business, which is a regional specialty, in order to enter the export market. In the early stages, the priority of the regional government was to increase the production of craftsmen by facilitating coaching for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), especially those engaged in songket crafts, to continue to be developed by increasing quality and creativity. By applying the Fuzzy Inference System method in pred...
The use of computers in people's lives is growing as is the case with companies that provide ... more The use of computers in people's lives is growing as is the case with companies that provide scholarships for the children of employees who work at the company. The scholarship selection system is still done manually so it is ineffective and inefficient and requires a long time. By using a new system design to assist in data processing of spare part goods, producing a desired system a system is created. In this study the authors used the method of field research, interviews, library research and laboratory research, in conducting analysis using UML (Unified Model Language). The new system will be implemented later to improve the quality of information generated so that these designs can be useful for the company concerned.
The Inlis application at the Archives and Library Office of West Sumatra Province is used to mana... more The Inlis application at the Archives and Library Office of West Sumatra Province is used to manage the lending and book return process carried out by each library member. With the library system, it can help the librarians to know the flow of books in and out of the delay in returning the library members to determine the fines to be paid by the members. Based on this the authors will measure the quality of the Library Information System because in this system the quality of the system is unknown, thus identifying the accuracy, completeness and quality of the software in the Inlis Application. The measurement method in this study is the McCall Method. The results based on the McCall Method show that the quality of the Inlis Application is good with a percentage value of 73%, with the best indicator value, namely reliability with a yield of 73% and the worst indicator value, ie with a result of 51%
Penelitian sistem antrian yang ada pada PT Sarana Sumatera Barat Ventura “SSBV” untuk pembayaran ... more Penelitian sistem antrian yang ada pada PT Sarana Sumatera Barat Ventura “SSBV” untuk pembayaran kredit Nasabah didasarkan pada waktu pelayanan yang lama sehingga Nasabah merasa kurang nyaman saat menunggu antrian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu pihak perusahaan terutama pelayanan PT SSBV agar proses antrian tidak membutuhkan waktu yang lama, sehingga mampu memberikan waktu pelayanan yang efektif, efisien dan pelayanan menjadi lebih cepat, dengan menggunakan pemodelan dan simulasi dengan metode Monte Carlo jenis Multi Channel Single Phase untuk antrian pelayanan Nasabah PT Sarana Sumatera Barat Ventura “SSBV”. Penelitian ini dikerjakan dengan cara datang langsung kelapangan, dengan melakukan riset perpustakaan dan penelitian di laboratorium, dimana hasil yang ditampilkan berbentuk simulasi menggunakan software promodel pada pc atau laptop. Kesimpulan penelitian, yaitu dengan analisa sistem antrian menggunakan metode Monte Carlo mampu mengetahui lamanya waktu pelayanan dan d...
Telah dilakukan penelitian pada Kantor Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Kabupaten Pasaman Barat dimana p... more Telah dilakukan penelitian pada Kantor Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Kabupaten Pasaman Barat dimana permasalahan yang dijadikan sebagai dasar dalam penelitian ini yaitu penyajian informasi Mengenai prasarana Jalan Dan jembatan secara cepat dan tepat. Dengan proses observasi secara langsung kelapangan telah mendapatkan kelemahan sistem yang sedang berjalan. Walaupun tidak secara keseluruhan namun lebih mengarah pada masalah spesifik, tetapi diharapkan dapat membantu permasalahan dalam penyajian informasi prasarana jalan dan jembatan. Penulis merancang sistem informasi dalam pemeliharaan jalan dan jembatan karena dengan sistem informasi ini akan lebih cepat, tepat dan akurat dalam penyajian informasi kepada pihak-pihak berkepentingan dalam Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Kabupaten Pasaman Barat.
Teknologi Internet telah terbukti menjadi salah satu media informasi yang efektif dan efisien dal... more Teknologi Internet telah terbukti menjadi salah satu media informasi yang efektif dan efisien dalam menyebarkan informasi yang dapat diakses oleh siapa saja, kapan saja dan dimana saja. Dengan pesatnya perkembangan aplikasi web sejak munculnya teknologi internet sangat membantu dalam kemudahan dan kecepatan pengiriman, penyampaian dan penerimaan informasi. Selama ini Toko Iim bergerak dibidang pemesanan makanan yaitu rendang telur minangkabau, promosi yang ada masih menggunakan fasilitas kertas, brosur, dan fasilitas lain yang sejenis. Kendala tersebut membuat promosi produk kurang efektif, dan pelanggan yang ingin melihat informasi makanan rendang telur di Toko Iim harus datang langsung ke alamatnya. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk merancang sebuah aplikasi berbasis web untuk promosi dan pemesanan rendang telur. Sehingga dapat memenuhi keinginan pengguna informasi yang menginginkan kecepatan waktu.
Telah dilakukan penelitian pada Kantor Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Kabupaten Pasaman Baratdimana pe... more Telah dilakukan penelitian pada Kantor Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Kabupaten Pasaman Baratdimana permasalahan yang dijadikan sebagai dasar dalam penelitian ini yaitu penyajian informasi Mengenai prasarana Jalan Dan jembatansecara cepat dan tepat. Dengan proses observasi secara langsung kelapangan telah mendapatkan kelemahan sistem yang sedang berjalan. Walaupun tidak secara keseluruhan namun lebih mengarah pada masalah spesifik, tetapi diharapkan dapat membantu permasalahan dalam penyajian informasi prasarana jalan dan jembatan. Penulis merancang sistem informasi dalam pemeliharaan jalan dan jembatankarena dengan sistem informasi ini akan lebih cepat, tepat dan akurat dalam penyajianinformasi kepada pihak-pihak berkepentingan dalam Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Kabupaten Pasaman Barat
Artificial Neural Networks is a computational paradigm in which the way it works mimics the biolo... more Artificial Neural Networks is a computational paradigm in which the way it works mimics the biological nerve cell system based on the characteristics of the function of the human brain. One method used in Artificial Neural Networks is a backpropagation algorithm that is widely used, especially in dealing with the problem of identification, prediction, recognition of complex patterns because this method is able to predict what will happen in the future based on patterns that existed in the past. Songket is one of the works of skilled hands of the original Silungkang craftsmen, Sawahlunto City, West Sumatra who have varied and unique patterns and motifs. Sawahlunto City Government, West Sumatra prioritizes the development of Silungkang songket craft business, which is a regional specialty, to enter the export market. At the initial stage, the regional government's priority is to increase the production of crafters by facilitating the development of micro, small and medium enterpri...
Forecasting methods can predict the values of a variable based on the known value of that varia... more Forecasting methods can predict the values of a variable based on the known value of that variable or other related variables. In the quantitative category forecasting method, especially the time series model, several smoothing methods are known, namely average and exponential smoothing. A trended series is defined as a time series that contains a long-term component that represents growth or decline in the series, and whose average value changes up or down over a period of time. The average method is that a number of values that are given an equivalent weight (or smoothed) are included in the calculation of the average. A double moving average, also known as a linear moving average, is designed for time series data with a trending pattern or a linear trend. The time series data used is poverty line data by area of residence in West Sumatra based on the ability to meet basic needs (basic needs approach). With this approach, poverty is seen as an economic inability to meet basi...
Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2021
Expert system is a computer program which is designed for modelling the ability of problem solvin... more Expert system is a computer program which is designed for modelling the ability of problem solving as it is an expert (human expert). The expert system method used is the forward chaining method which is the inference method that is doing logical reasoning from the problem to its solution. The aim of this research is to design and develop an expert system that is able to identify the severe malnutrition on children from the age of 0 - 5 years old. The knowledge is derived from the question askedto a nutrition expert. The data are taken from the questions asked to the user and when all of the questions has been answered, then the goal will be appeared which shows the nutrition status. This system application will enable the user to diagnose the nutrition/disease that affects children and get the solution. This system can be used by any kind of user due to the easy access. This system is also put the important information about the severe malnutrition and the recent news of children’s...
The Monte Carlo method is a computational algorithm to simulate various behaviors in physical and... more The Monte Carlo method is a computational algorithm to simulate various behaviors in physical and mathematical systems. The Monte Carlo method uses the principle of generating random numbers (random) to test a function. The Monte Carlo method will be integrated with the queue system of vehicle tax payment at the Padang Samsat Office with the aim to determine the effectiveness of the number of counters at the time of vehicle tax payment services and make a simulation of the payment queue system to obtain alternative system improvements. The queuing simulation used is the single channel multiple phase structure and the monte carlo method in order to provide information and an overview of the number of people served and the average waiting time for a particular unit of time. Keywords : Queueing theory, Monte Carlo Method, Simulation, Vehicle Tax
Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a system that can simplify the process of handling var... more Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a system that can simplify the process of handling various human resource management activities in a company in a structured and comprehensive manner. HRMS can assist management in carrying out their duties and assist companies in achieving goals and minimizing the risk of loss due to errors in managing employee data, especially in terms of payroll. The number of components in managing employees in a company will make the management in carrying out their duties a little more complicated and complex. So it is necessary to have a system that can manage all components of employee management in one centralized system. In this study, a web-based HRMS has been designed that can be used by employee management and also the employees themselves. From the results of the study, it is known that the implementation of HRMS at the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) of Lingga Regency can assist employee management in managing all employee data includi...
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) atau Decision Support System (DSS) adalah sebuah sistem yang mam... more Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) atau Decision Support System (DSS) adalah sebuah sistem yang mampu memberikan kemampuan pemecahan masalah maupun kemampuan pengkomunikasian untuk masalah dengan kondisi semi terstruktur dan tak terstruktur. Sistem pendukung keputusan dapat diimplementasikan pada berbagai macam aplikasi untuk memecahkan banyak permasalahan di beberapa bidang. Salah satu metode yang digunakan dari Decision support adalah Case-Based Reasoning. Metode Case-Based Reasoning digunakan untuk menemukan kesamaan objek dengan objek lain, sehingga dalam mendapatkan hasil kemiripannya dengan tingkat objek. Dengan menggunakan metode sistem pendukung keputusan Proses Penalaran Berbasis Kasus untuk pemilihan karyawan pada PT.Telkom Akses dapat dilakukan secara efisien dan menghemat waktu dan dapat membantu para staff mengelola data. Kata kunci: algoritma nearest neighbor, Case-Based Reasoning, Pendukung keputusan
Desain sistem ini menentukan jumlah penjualan barang-barang dengan menggunakan metode monte carlo... more Desain sistem ini menentukan jumlah penjualan barang-barang dengan menggunakan metode monte carlo di industri rumahan Istiqomah bertujuan untuk memprediksi penjualan setiap produk untuk bulan berikutnya dan mencari pendapatan kotor di setiap barang yang dijual. Sistem dirancang untuk memprediksi barang dan mencari keuntungan kotor di setiap jenis barang di toko yang dibuat menggunakan PHP dan MySQL sebagai databasenya. Dengan sistem ini dapat digunakan oleh industri rumahan untuk mensimulasikan penjualan barang di toko, dan dapat memudahkan pemilik industri rumahan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kemungkinan yang akan terjadi pada penjualan produk keripik maco.
Logika fuzzy adalah salah satu cabang dari AI ( Artificial Intelligence ). Logika fuzzy alat mate... more Logika fuzzy adalah salah satu cabang dari AI ( Artificial Intelligence ). Logika fuzzy alat matematika yang memungkinkan modem komputer digital untuk model sistem yang didefinisikan dengan tepat. Logika fuzzy diyakini sangat fleksibel dan memiliki toleransi terhadap data-data yang ada. Dengan menggunakan logika fuzzy, akan dihasilkan suatu model dari suatu sistem yang mampu memperkirakan jumlah kalori pada ibu hamil. Pada saat ini perlu diperhatikannya kebutuhan gizi pada setiap ibu hamil yang bertujuan untuk mencegah terjadinya kekurangan gizi (gizi buruk) selama kehamilan. Salah satunya dengan memperhatikan daya tahan tubuh yang mereka miliki mengakibatkan ibu hamil tersebut harus mengetahui kadar kalori yang ada dalam tubuhnya. Makanan yang mereka makan tidak hanya mengenyangkan tetapi juga harus sesuai dengan kondisi tubuh dan kebutuhan nutrisi untuk janin mereka. Pemenuhan gizi seimbang untuk ibu hamil sesuai dengan kondisi tubuh guna memenuhi standar kesehatan terkadang men...
Expert system is a computer program which is designed for modelling the ability of problem solvin... more Expert system is a computer program which is designed for modelling the ability of problem solving as it is an expert (human expert). The expert system method used is the forward chaining method which is the inference method that is doing logical reasoning from the problem to its solution. The aim of this research is to design and develop an expert system that is able to identify the severe malnutrition on children from the age of 0 - 5 years old. The knowledge is derived from the question askedto a nutrition expert. The data are taken from the questions asked to the user and when all of the questions has been answered, then the goal will be appeared which shows the nutrition status. This system application will enable the user to diagnose the nutrition/disease that affects children and get the solution. This system can be used by any kind of user due to the easy access. This system is also put the important information about the severe malnutrition and the recent news of children’s...
Fuzzy logic is widely applied in various fields, such as industry, communications, etc. Fuzzy log... more Fuzzy logic is widely applied in various fields, such as industry, communications, etc. Fuzzy logic was developed to solve an obscure problem. The problem that arises in the production at UMKM Songket Silungkang and Songket Pandai Sikek at this time is that there is no system used as a reference in predict the amount of production that will come. Where this method can utilize demand and supply data in the past which is then processed with fuzzy stages so as to produce production figures. The government has prioritized the development of the Silungkang songket handicraft business, which is a regional specialty, in order to enter the export market. In the early stages, the priority of the regional government was to increase the production of craftsmen by facilitating coaching for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), especially those engaged in songket crafts, to continue to be developed by increasing quality and creativity. By applying the Fuzzy Inference System method in pred...
The use of computers in people's lives is growing as is the case with companies that provide ... more The use of computers in people's lives is growing as is the case with companies that provide scholarships for the children of employees who work at the company. The scholarship selection system is still done manually so it is ineffective and inefficient and requires a long time. By using a new system design to assist in data processing of spare part goods, producing a desired system a system is created. In this study the authors used the method of field research, interviews, library research and laboratory research, in conducting analysis using UML (Unified Model Language). The new system will be implemented later to improve the quality of information generated so that these designs can be useful for the company concerned.
The Inlis application at the Archives and Library Office of West Sumatra Province is used to mana... more The Inlis application at the Archives and Library Office of West Sumatra Province is used to manage the lending and book return process carried out by each library member. With the library system, it can help the librarians to know the flow of books in and out of the delay in returning the library members to determine the fines to be paid by the members. Based on this the authors will measure the quality of the Library Information System because in this system the quality of the system is unknown, thus identifying the accuracy, completeness and quality of the software in the Inlis Application. The measurement method in this study is the McCall Method. The results based on the McCall Method show that the quality of the Inlis Application is good with a percentage value of 73%, with the best indicator value, namely reliability with a yield of 73% and the worst indicator value, ie with a result of 51%
Penelitian sistem antrian yang ada pada PT Sarana Sumatera Barat Ventura “SSBV” untuk pembayaran ... more Penelitian sistem antrian yang ada pada PT Sarana Sumatera Barat Ventura “SSBV” untuk pembayaran kredit Nasabah didasarkan pada waktu pelayanan yang lama sehingga Nasabah merasa kurang nyaman saat menunggu antrian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu pihak perusahaan terutama pelayanan PT SSBV agar proses antrian tidak membutuhkan waktu yang lama, sehingga mampu memberikan waktu pelayanan yang efektif, efisien dan pelayanan menjadi lebih cepat, dengan menggunakan pemodelan dan simulasi dengan metode Monte Carlo jenis Multi Channel Single Phase untuk antrian pelayanan Nasabah PT Sarana Sumatera Barat Ventura “SSBV”. Penelitian ini dikerjakan dengan cara datang langsung kelapangan, dengan melakukan riset perpustakaan dan penelitian di laboratorium, dimana hasil yang ditampilkan berbentuk simulasi menggunakan software promodel pada pc atau laptop. Kesimpulan penelitian, yaitu dengan analisa sistem antrian menggunakan metode Monte Carlo mampu mengetahui lamanya waktu pelayanan dan d...
Telah dilakukan penelitian pada Kantor Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Kabupaten Pasaman Barat dimana p... more Telah dilakukan penelitian pada Kantor Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Kabupaten Pasaman Barat dimana permasalahan yang dijadikan sebagai dasar dalam penelitian ini yaitu penyajian informasi Mengenai prasarana Jalan Dan jembatan secara cepat dan tepat. Dengan proses observasi secara langsung kelapangan telah mendapatkan kelemahan sistem yang sedang berjalan. Walaupun tidak secara keseluruhan namun lebih mengarah pada masalah spesifik, tetapi diharapkan dapat membantu permasalahan dalam penyajian informasi prasarana jalan dan jembatan. Penulis merancang sistem informasi dalam pemeliharaan jalan dan jembatan karena dengan sistem informasi ini akan lebih cepat, tepat dan akurat dalam penyajian informasi kepada pihak-pihak berkepentingan dalam Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Kabupaten Pasaman Barat.
Teknologi Internet telah terbukti menjadi salah satu media informasi yang efektif dan efisien dal... more Teknologi Internet telah terbukti menjadi salah satu media informasi yang efektif dan efisien dalam menyebarkan informasi yang dapat diakses oleh siapa saja, kapan saja dan dimana saja. Dengan pesatnya perkembangan aplikasi web sejak munculnya teknologi internet sangat membantu dalam kemudahan dan kecepatan pengiriman, penyampaian dan penerimaan informasi. Selama ini Toko Iim bergerak dibidang pemesanan makanan yaitu rendang telur minangkabau, promosi yang ada masih menggunakan fasilitas kertas, brosur, dan fasilitas lain yang sejenis. Kendala tersebut membuat promosi produk kurang efektif, dan pelanggan yang ingin melihat informasi makanan rendang telur di Toko Iim harus datang langsung ke alamatnya. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk merancang sebuah aplikasi berbasis web untuk promosi dan pemesanan rendang telur. Sehingga dapat memenuhi keinginan pengguna informasi yang menginginkan kecepatan waktu.
Telah dilakukan penelitian pada Kantor Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Kabupaten Pasaman Baratdimana pe... more Telah dilakukan penelitian pada Kantor Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Kabupaten Pasaman Baratdimana permasalahan yang dijadikan sebagai dasar dalam penelitian ini yaitu penyajian informasi Mengenai prasarana Jalan Dan jembatansecara cepat dan tepat. Dengan proses observasi secara langsung kelapangan telah mendapatkan kelemahan sistem yang sedang berjalan. Walaupun tidak secara keseluruhan namun lebih mengarah pada masalah spesifik, tetapi diharapkan dapat membantu permasalahan dalam penyajian informasi prasarana jalan dan jembatan. Penulis merancang sistem informasi dalam pemeliharaan jalan dan jembatankarena dengan sistem informasi ini akan lebih cepat, tepat dan akurat dalam penyajianinformasi kepada pihak-pihak berkepentingan dalam Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Kabupaten Pasaman Barat
Artificial Neural Networks is a computational paradigm in which the way it works mimics the biolo... more Artificial Neural Networks is a computational paradigm in which the way it works mimics the biological nerve cell system based on the characteristics of the function of the human brain. One method used in Artificial Neural Networks is a backpropagation algorithm that is widely used, especially in dealing with the problem of identification, prediction, recognition of complex patterns because this method is able to predict what will happen in the future based on patterns that existed in the past. Songket is one of the works of skilled hands of the original Silungkang craftsmen, Sawahlunto City, West Sumatra who have varied and unique patterns and motifs. Sawahlunto City Government, West Sumatra prioritizes the development of Silungkang songket craft business, which is a regional specialty, to enter the export market. At the initial stage, the regional government's priority is to increase the production of crafters by facilitating the development of micro, small and medium enterpri...
Papers by Rima Liana Gema