Las vacas de refugo son un subproducto de la actividad de cría. Debido a su baja condición corpor... more Las vacas de refugo son un subproducto de la actividad de cría. Debido a su baja condición corporal y palatabilidad de la carne, poseen un menor precio y frecuentemente son destinadas a elaboración de conservas. Se ha visto que los taninos podrían ser una estrategia nutricional alternativa a algunos moduladores ruminales, que mejorarían el perfil de aminoácidos de la carne. Además, la maduración de esta carne resaltaría sus características organolépticas, aportándole un mayor valor de mercado. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del agregado de taninos condensados en la suplementación de una dieta de terminación de vacas de refugo basada en pasturas naturales, sobre el perfil de aminoácidos, calidad sensorial y estabilidad oxidativa de la carne madurada. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la adición de taninos podría utilizarse en esta categoría, mejorando la terneza, sin comprometer otras características de calidad ni el contenido de aminoácidos esenciales.
Background: The genetic influence on pork quality exists between breeds and within a breed. The v... more Background: The genetic influence on pork quality exists between breeds and within a breed. The variation is caused by a large set of genes and pork quality traits have a multi factorial background. Research into the genetics of meat quality found causative mutations associated with marked effects on pig meat value. The main objective of this study was to investigate the diversity of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of meat quality-related genes in pigs from commercial and family farms in the North-West of Argentina. A screen for SNPs in RYR1, RN, CAST, and SOX6 candidate genes and the differentiation of their genotypes by PCR–RFLP was conducted. Results: All genes were characterized by a high level of polymorphism and heterozygosity. Additionally, both populations, commercial and Creole pigs, showed genetic closeness for the analyzed SNPs and a moderate selection for RYR1 and RN loci consistent with their allele´s adverse effects. Conclusions: The results obtained here highlighted the role of pig genotypes as a source of basic variability potentially affecting processed meat products as well as fresh meat.
Se estudió la incidencia de polimorfismos de los genes Ryr1 y SOX6 en una población porcina del n... more Se estudió la incidencia de polimorfismos de los genes Ryr1 y SOX6 en una población porcina del noreste entrerriano. Ambos genes están relacionados con la calidad de carne, Ryr1 es responsable del síndrome de estrés porcino y carnes PSE, mientras que SOX6 es un factor de transcripción importante en la diferenciación de fibras musculares. Se analizó el efecto de dos SNPs de SOX6 y uno de Ryr1 con respecto a los atributos de calidad. Los resultados mostraron que el pH y la CRA se vieron influenciados significativamente con SOX6a mientras que SOX6b solo se vinculó con el pH. La implementación de este tipo de estrategias contribuye al crecimiento de la industria porcina y a responder a las exigencias de los consumidores. Este trabajo sugiere que la selección de genotipos portadores de alelos C para Ryr1, A para SOX6a y C para SOX6b podría mejorar la producción de carne fresca de buena calidad.
Los nuggets de pollo son bocaditos que se conservan en congelación. Elaborando nuggets con fibra ... more Los nuggets de pollo son bocaditos que se conservan en congelación. Elaborando nuggets con fibra dietaria y bajos en sodio, se pondría a disposición un alimento más saludable. Los procesos de rancidez se inician rápidamente en los productos con carne picada y la reducción del sodio podría inducir desarrollos microbianos. Este trabajo evalúa el efecto de la incorporación de fibra de trigo sobre la conservación de nuggets bajos en sodio por doce meses. Se elaboró un lote con 0% de fibra de trigo y 1,6% de NaCl (formulación estándar), y otro con 2% de fibra y 0,8% de NaCl. Se determinaron TBARS, recuentos microbiológicos y evaluación sensorial. Los datos se analizaron mediante ANOVA. Como resultado, los nuggets con 2% de fibra y reducidos en sodio no presentaron cambios a nivel oxidativo, sensorial y microbiológico durante la conservación, mostrando un comportamiento similar al de los productos con la formulación estándar.
ABSTRACT: There is an increasing consumer demand to avoid the use of synthetic additives like man... more ABSTRACT: There is an increasing consumer demand to avoid the use of synthetic additives like many antioxidants currently added to food. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of spraying ascorbic acid, rosemary extract and a combination of both on pork meat during refrigerated storage. Pork meat with antioxidants sprayed on the surface was packaged under vacuum and stored (4ºC, 45d). pH, color, lipid oxidation, total aerobic count, drip loss and moisture were evaluated during storage. Results suggested that surface application of rosemary extract and a combination of rosemary extract and ascorbic acid resulted in an effective delay of lipid oxidation of pork meat, without affecting pH, colour or water content during storage. No effect of rosemary extract on microbial growth was observed.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of oven, griddle plate and water bath cooking on... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of oven, griddle plate and water bath cooking on the WBSF values and % cooking loss for longissimus thoracis (LT), semitendinosus (ST), semimenbranosus (SM) and biceps femoris (BF), of Aberdeen-Angus steers. Similar effect of cooking methods on WBSF values were observed for LT, SM and BF steaks. The highest values were observed in oven whereas the lowest were obtained in griddle plate. For ST steaks significant differences of WBSF values were obtained between oven (with the highest value) and the other two methods. Moreover, the cooking methods studied presented differences in the coefficients of variation of WBSF values, which also were different according to the type of muscle for each cooking method. Oven cooking resulted in the highest cooking losses in all muscles.
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 2016
Aims: The effect of sodium chloride (NaCl) reduction and wheat fiber (F) addition on chicken nugg... more Aims: The effect of sodium chloride (NaCl) reduction and wheat fiber (F) addition on chicken nugget quality was analysed. Storage stability of a low sodium formulation was also determined. Study Design: Thirteen batches of chicken nuggets were produced according to an arrangement based on a Central Composite Design. In the storage stability study, two batches were elaborated. One batch was similar to products currently marketed; the other batch was selected according to the previous results. These nuggets were stored in a freezer for twelve months. Place and Duration of Study: Laboratorio de Industrias Cárnicas, Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentación, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Concordia, Argentina, between July 2012 until October 2015. Methodology: Chicken nuggets with the addition of sodium chloride (0.5 – (to) 1.9%) and wheat fiber (0 – (to) 2%) were prepared. Physico-chemical parameters such as PH, cooking loss, texture, Original Research Article Bonato et al.; BJAST, 17(3): 1-9, 2016; Article no.BJAST.28032 2 color, fat, protein and moisture were determined. The effect of NaCl and F on these parameters was analyzed using response surface methodology. A sensory test was also conducted by consumers (60) who evaluated overall acceptability. Storage stability of two batches (Batch 1: no F and 1.6% NaCl; Batch 2: 2% F and 0.8% NaCl) was measured by performing TBARS, microbial counts and descriptive sensory test (14 trained judges) for rancid characteristics. Data was analyzed with ANOVA. Results: The reduction of NaCl significantly affected pH, moisture, cooking loss and whiteness (P=.05) of chicken nuggets. Moreover, F addition significantly affected pH, moisture and hardness (P=.05). No differences between batches (P>.05) were found in overall acceptability. No changes (P>.05) were found in lipid oxidation and microbiological counts between 2% F + 0.8% NaCl sodium and control nuggets during frozen storage. Conclusion: The reduction of NaCl by 50% and the addition of 2% fiber improved the quality of chicken nuggets. These chicken nuggets had less cooking loss, tenderer characteristics and a slight decrease in whiteness without affecting consumer acceptability or storage behavior.
Consumption of poultry meat and poultry meat products is currently growing and increased producti... more Consumption of poultry meat and poultry meat products is currently growing and increased production of cut-up and processed meat has provided considerable quantities of parts suitable for mechanical deboning. Aqueous washing of me- chanically separated meat have been studied because of the advantages of re- moving fat, heme pigments and other water soluble compounds. The addition of different quantities of washed mechanically deboned chicken meat into restruc- tured poultry products, such as nuggets, as a substitute for hand deboned chicken meat offers many opportunities to the poultry industry. The objective of this study was to evaluate textural characteristics of chicken nuggets formulated with differ- ent quantities of washed mechanically deboned chicken meat as a substitute for hand deboned chicken meat. Washed mechanically deboned chicken meat could be incorporated into nugget formulation as a substitute for hand deboned chicken meat but beyond a 20% of replacement properties ...
El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto del extracto de romero, del ácido ascórbico ... more El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto del extracto de romero, del ácido ascórbico y de una combinación de ambos (todos ellos adicionados por aspersión) durante la comercialización de carne de cerdo conservada a 4ºC y envasada en bandejas plásticas cubiertas con film de PVC (cloruro de polivinilo) o bajo vacío. Durante el almacenamiento se evaluó el pH, color, índice de rojez, oxidación de lípidos, recuento total de aerobios mesófilos, mermas por goteo, aroma a carne en mal estado y aromas no característicos. Los resultados sugieren que, independientemente del sistema de envasado (bandejas con film de PVC o vacío), la aplicación por aspersión sobre la superficie de extracto de romero dio como resultado una disminución de la oxidación lipídica, sin afectar otras características de calidad. El ácido ascórbico no mostró un efecto antioxidante.
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue revisar la literatura referente al empleo de taninos en diet... more El objetivo del presente trabajo fue revisar la literatura referente al empleo de taninos en dietas de rumiantes y su incidencia sobre parámetros de calidad y rendimiento de carne. Los taninos son un grupo de compuestos fenólicos que cumplen un rol fundamental, aunque controversial, en la digestión y la performance animal. Además, podrían incidir sobre la calidad del producto. La bibliografía revela la existencia de numerosas investigaciones que evalúan los efectos de la incorporación de taninos en la dieta de pequeños rumiantes, orientadas fundamentalmente al desempeño productivo ovino. Si bien existe información sobre su efecto en la performance en bovinos, poco se sabe acerca de su influencia sobre parámetros físicos y químicos que definen atributos de calidad de la carne.
Las vacas de refugo son un subproducto de la actividad de cría. Debido a su baja condición corpor... more Las vacas de refugo son un subproducto de la actividad de cría. Debido a su baja condición corporal y palatabilidad de la carne, poseen un menor precio y frecuentemente son destinadas a elaboración de conservas. Se ha visto que los taninos podrían ser una estrategia nutricional alternativa a algunos moduladores ruminales, que mejorarían el perfil de aminoácidos de la carne. Además, la maduración de esta carne resaltaría sus características organolépticas, aportándole un mayor valor de mercado. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del agregado de taninos condensados en la suplementación de una dieta de terminación de vacas de refugo basada en pasturas naturales, sobre el perfil de aminoácidos, calidad sensorial y estabilidad oxidativa de la carne madurada. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la adición de taninos podría utilizarse en esta categoría, mejorando la terneza, sin comprometer otras características de calidad ni el contenido de aminoácidos esenciales.
Background: The genetic influence on pork quality exists between breeds and within a breed. The v... more Background: The genetic influence on pork quality exists between breeds and within a breed. The variation is caused by a large set of genes and pork quality traits have a multi factorial background. Research into the genetics of meat quality found causative mutations associated with marked effects on pig meat value. The main objective of this study was to investigate the diversity of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of meat quality-related genes in pigs from commercial and family farms in the North-West of Argentina. A screen for SNPs in RYR1, RN, CAST, and SOX6 candidate genes and the differentiation of their genotypes by PCR–RFLP was conducted. Results: All genes were characterized by a high level of polymorphism and heterozygosity. Additionally, both populations, commercial and Creole pigs, showed genetic closeness for the analyzed SNPs and a moderate selection for RYR1 and RN loci consistent with their allele´s adverse effects. Conclusions: The results obtained here highlighted the role of pig genotypes as a source of basic variability potentially affecting processed meat products as well as fresh meat.
Se estudió la incidencia de polimorfismos de los genes Ryr1 y SOX6 en una población porcina del n... more Se estudió la incidencia de polimorfismos de los genes Ryr1 y SOX6 en una población porcina del noreste entrerriano. Ambos genes están relacionados con la calidad de carne, Ryr1 es responsable del síndrome de estrés porcino y carnes PSE, mientras que SOX6 es un factor de transcripción importante en la diferenciación de fibras musculares. Se analizó el efecto de dos SNPs de SOX6 y uno de Ryr1 con respecto a los atributos de calidad. Los resultados mostraron que el pH y la CRA se vieron influenciados significativamente con SOX6a mientras que SOX6b solo se vinculó con el pH. La implementación de este tipo de estrategias contribuye al crecimiento de la industria porcina y a responder a las exigencias de los consumidores. Este trabajo sugiere que la selección de genotipos portadores de alelos C para Ryr1, A para SOX6a y C para SOX6b podría mejorar la producción de carne fresca de buena calidad.
Los nuggets de pollo son bocaditos que se conservan en congelación. Elaborando nuggets con fibra ... more Los nuggets de pollo son bocaditos que se conservan en congelación. Elaborando nuggets con fibra dietaria y bajos en sodio, se pondría a disposición un alimento más saludable. Los procesos de rancidez se inician rápidamente en los productos con carne picada y la reducción del sodio podría inducir desarrollos microbianos. Este trabajo evalúa el efecto de la incorporación de fibra de trigo sobre la conservación de nuggets bajos en sodio por doce meses. Se elaboró un lote con 0% de fibra de trigo y 1,6% de NaCl (formulación estándar), y otro con 2% de fibra y 0,8% de NaCl. Se determinaron TBARS, recuentos microbiológicos y evaluación sensorial. Los datos se analizaron mediante ANOVA. Como resultado, los nuggets con 2% de fibra y reducidos en sodio no presentaron cambios a nivel oxidativo, sensorial y microbiológico durante la conservación, mostrando un comportamiento similar al de los productos con la formulación estándar.
ABSTRACT: There is an increasing consumer demand to avoid the use of synthetic additives like man... more ABSTRACT: There is an increasing consumer demand to avoid the use of synthetic additives like many antioxidants currently added to food. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of spraying ascorbic acid, rosemary extract and a combination of both on pork meat during refrigerated storage. Pork meat with antioxidants sprayed on the surface was packaged under vacuum and stored (4ºC, 45d). pH, color, lipid oxidation, total aerobic count, drip loss and moisture were evaluated during storage. Results suggested that surface application of rosemary extract and a combination of rosemary extract and ascorbic acid resulted in an effective delay of lipid oxidation of pork meat, without affecting pH, colour or water content during storage. No effect of rosemary extract on microbial growth was observed.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of oven, griddle plate and water bath cooking on... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of oven, griddle plate and water bath cooking on the WBSF values and % cooking loss for longissimus thoracis (LT), semitendinosus (ST), semimenbranosus (SM) and biceps femoris (BF), of Aberdeen-Angus steers. Similar effect of cooking methods on WBSF values were observed for LT, SM and BF steaks. The highest values were observed in oven whereas the lowest were obtained in griddle plate. For ST steaks significant differences of WBSF values were obtained between oven (with the highest value) and the other two methods. Moreover, the cooking methods studied presented differences in the coefficients of variation of WBSF values, which also were different according to the type of muscle for each cooking method. Oven cooking resulted in the highest cooking losses in all muscles.
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 2016
Aims: The effect of sodium chloride (NaCl) reduction and wheat fiber (F) addition on chicken nugg... more Aims: The effect of sodium chloride (NaCl) reduction and wheat fiber (F) addition on chicken nugget quality was analysed. Storage stability of a low sodium formulation was also determined. Study Design: Thirteen batches of chicken nuggets were produced according to an arrangement based on a Central Composite Design. In the storage stability study, two batches were elaborated. One batch was similar to products currently marketed; the other batch was selected according to the previous results. These nuggets were stored in a freezer for twelve months. Place and Duration of Study: Laboratorio de Industrias Cárnicas, Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentación, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Concordia, Argentina, between July 2012 until October 2015. Methodology: Chicken nuggets with the addition of sodium chloride (0.5 – (to) 1.9%) and wheat fiber (0 – (to) 2%) were prepared. Physico-chemical parameters such as PH, cooking loss, texture, Original Research Article Bonato et al.; BJAST, 17(3): 1-9, 2016; Article no.BJAST.28032 2 color, fat, protein and moisture were determined. The effect of NaCl and F on these parameters was analyzed using response surface methodology. A sensory test was also conducted by consumers (60) who evaluated overall acceptability. Storage stability of two batches (Batch 1: no F and 1.6% NaCl; Batch 2: 2% F and 0.8% NaCl) was measured by performing TBARS, microbial counts and descriptive sensory test (14 trained judges) for rancid characteristics. Data was analyzed with ANOVA. Results: The reduction of NaCl significantly affected pH, moisture, cooking loss and whiteness (P=.05) of chicken nuggets. Moreover, F addition significantly affected pH, moisture and hardness (P=.05). No differences between batches (P>.05) were found in overall acceptability. No changes (P>.05) were found in lipid oxidation and microbiological counts between 2% F + 0.8% NaCl sodium and control nuggets during frozen storage. Conclusion: The reduction of NaCl by 50% and the addition of 2% fiber improved the quality of chicken nuggets. These chicken nuggets had less cooking loss, tenderer characteristics and a slight decrease in whiteness without affecting consumer acceptability or storage behavior.
Consumption of poultry meat and poultry meat products is currently growing and increased producti... more Consumption of poultry meat and poultry meat products is currently growing and increased production of cut-up and processed meat has provided considerable quantities of parts suitable for mechanical deboning. Aqueous washing of me- chanically separated meat have been studied because of the advantages of re- moving fat, heme pigments and other water soluble compounds. The addition of different quantities of washed mechanically deboned chicken meat into restruc- tured poultry products, such as nuggets, as a substitute for hand deboned chicken meat offers many opportunities to the poultry industry. The objective of this study was to evaluate textural characteristics of chicken nuggets formulated with differ- ent quantities of washed mechanically deboned chicken meat as a substitute for hand deboned chicken meat. Washed mechanically deboned chicken meat could be incorporated into nugget formulation as a substitute for hand deboned chicken meat but beyond a 20% of replacement properties ...
El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto del extracto de romero, del ácido ascórbico ... more El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto del extracto de romero, del ácido ascórbico y de una combinación de ambos (todos ellos adicionados por aspersión) durante la comercialización de carne de cerdo conservada a 4ºC y envasada en bandejas plásticas cubiertas con film de PVC (cloruro de polivinilo) o bajo vacío. Durante el almacenamiento se evaluó el pH, color, índice de rojez, oxidación de lípidos, recuento total de aerobios mesófilos, mermas por goteo, aroma a carne en mal estado y aromas no característicos. Los resultados sugieren que, independientemente del sistema de envasado (bandejas con film de PVC o vacío), la aplicación por aspersión sobre la superficie de extracto de romero dio como resultado una disminución de la oxidación lipídica, sin afectar otras características de calidad. El ácido ascórbico no mostró un efecto antioxidante.
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue revisar la literatura referente al empleo de taninos en diet... more El objetivo del presente trabajo fue revisar la literatura referente al empleo de taninos en dietas de rumiantes y su incidencia sobre parámetros de calidad y rendimiento de carne. Los taninos son un grupo de compuestos fenólicos que cumplen un rol fundamental, aunque controversial, en la digestión y la performance animal. Además, podrían incidir sobre la calidad del producto. La bibliografía revela la existencia de numerosas investigaciones que evalúan los efectos de la incorporación de taninos en la dieta de pequeños rumiantes, orientadas fundamentalmente al desempeño productivo ovino. Si bien existe información sobre su efecto en la performance en bovinos, poco se sabe acerca de su influencia sobre parámetros físicos y químicos que definen atributos de calidad de la carne.
Papers by Romina Fabre