<p><sup>a</sup> Of the girls in this age group 224 were 19 years of age, 263 we... more <p><sup>a</sup> Of the girls in this age group 224 were 19 years of age, 263 were 18 years, 222 were 16 years, 62 were 15 years, 14 were 14 years, and 1 was 13 years;</p><p><sup>b</sup> Excluding UMAs;</p><p><sup>c</sup> Countries of origin of the women from Sub-Saharan Africa are presented in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0134724#pone.0134724.t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>; main countries of origin of the women from the other regions of origin were Afghanistan (454 women), Iran (129), Iraq (470), China (242), countries of the former Soviet Union (518) and Syria (96).</p><p>Characteristics of asylum seekers who gave birth during their stay in asylum reception in The Netherlands, 2000–2008.</p
Tijdschrift voor sociale gezondheidszorg: TSG: 14-daags blad van de Algemene Nederlandse Vereniging voor Sociale Gezondheidszorg
Sinds 2000 worden asielzoekers door praktijkverpleegkundigen van de Medische Opvang Asielzoekers ... more Sinds 2000 worden asielzoekers door praktijkverpleegkundigen van de Medische Opvang Asielzoekers (MOA) voor diagnostiek en behandeling 'toegeleid' naar reguliere huisartsen. Hierbij beoordeelt de praktijkverpleegkundige of de hulpvraag van de asielzoeker zogenaamde zelfzorg betreft of dat de asielzoeker doorverwezen moet worden naar de huisarts. Om te onderzoeken hoe de samenwerking in de toegeleiding verloopt en welke factoren hierop van invloed zijn, is een survey verricht onder huisartsen die zorg verlenen aan asielzoekers (N=342) en praktijkverpleegkundigen van de MOA (N=332). De samenwerking is geoperationaliseerd in termen van de hoeveelheid werkafspraken en besprekingen, en de waardering voor de samenwerking. Factoren die de samenwerking naar verwachting beïnvloeden zijn de lokale context, het draagvlak onder huisartsen en praktijkverpleegkundigen en hun persoonsgebonden kenmerken. Uit dit onderzoek komt naar voren dat huisartsen en praktijkverpleegkundigen gemiddeld ...
Additional file 5. Strategy specific facilitators and barriers identified in interviews with TB c... more Additional file 5. Strategy specific facilitators and barriers identified in interviews with TB care staff, Eritrean key figures and Eritrean participants.
Additional file 2. Interview topic guide, Topic guide for group interviews with Eritrean particip... more Additional file 2. Interview topic guide, Topic guide for group interviews with Eritrean participants and project team members and TB care staff, and for individual interviews with Eritrean participants.
Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, Jan 23, 2008
To describe differences in the risk of drowning of young children (under 10 years) in the Netherl... more To describe differences in the risk of drowning of young children (under 10 years) in the Netherlands according to ethnicity and relevant trends since 996. Retrospective. We analysed the causes of death data for all 266 children aged 0 to 10 years who died of drowning between 1996 and 2005. Information for the cause of death was obtained from the cause of death data of Statistics Netherlands. Data about the size and composition of the population at risk (age, sex and ethnicity) were obtained from the municipal population registers. Young children&#39;s risk of drowning has decreased by about one-third since 1996. This decrease took place among native Dutch children and children of the major ethnic groups, notably Turkish, Moroccan and Surinamese. However for children of recently immigrated parents of non-Western ethnicity, mainly asylum seekers, the risk of drowning was 4 to 8 times higher than that of native children aged 3 to 10 years. Timely health education directed at newly arrived families with children could be an important measure to help them cope with the hazards of living in a water-rich environment such as the Netherlands. The education should point out the necessity of increased supervision of the youngest children and improved swimming skills for the slightly older ones.
<p><sup>a</sup> Of the girls in this age group 224 were 19 years of age, 263 we... more <p><sup>a</sup> Of the girls in this age group 224 were 19 years of age, 263 were 18 years, 222 were 16 years, 62 were 15 years, 14 were 14 years, and 1 was 13 years;</p><p><sup>b</sup> Excluding UMAs;</p><p><sup>c</sup> Countries of origin of the women from Sub-Saharan Africa are presented in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0134724#pone.0134724.t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>; main countries of origin of the women from the other regions of origin were Afghanistan (454 women), Iran (129), Iraq (470), China (242), countries of the former Soviet Union (518) and Syria (96).</p><p>Characteristics of asylum seekers who gave birth during their stay in asylum reception in The Netherlands, 2000–2008.</p
Tijdschrift voor sociale gezondheidszorg: TSG: 14-daags blad van de Algemene Nederlandse Vereniging voor Sociale Gezondheidszorg
Sinds 2000 worden asielzoekers door praktijkverpleegkundigen van de Medische Opvang Asielzoekers ... more Sinds 2000 worden asielzoekers door praktijkverpleegkundigen van de Medische Opvang Asielzoekers (MOA) voor diagnostiek en behandeling 'toegeleid' naar reguliere huisartsen. Hierbij beoordeelt de praktijkverpleegkundige of de hulpvraag van de asielzoeker zogenaamde zelfzorg betreft of dat de asielzoeker doorverwezen moet worden naar de huisarts. Om te onderzoeken hoe de samenwerking in de toegeleiding verloopt en welke factoren hierop van invloed zijn, is een survey verricht onder huisartsen die zorg verlenen aan asielzoekers (N=342) en praktijkverpleegkundigen van de MOA (N=332). De samenwerking is geoperationaliseerd in termen van de hoeveelheid werkafspraken en besprekingen, en de waardering voor de samenwerking. Factoren die de samenwerking naar verwachting beïnvloeden zijn de lokale context, het draagvlak onder huisartsen en praktijkverpleegkundigen en hun persoonsgebonden kenmerken. Uit dit onderzoek komt naar voren dat huisartsen en praktijkverpleegkundigen gemiddeld ...
Additional file 5. Strategy specific facilitators and barriers identified in interviews with TB c... more Additional file 5. Strategy specific facilitators and barriers identified in interviews with TB care staff, Eritrean key figures and Eritrean participants.
Additional file 2. Interview topic guide, Topic guide for group interviews with Eritrean particip... more Additional file 2. Interview topic guide, Topic guide for group interviews with Eritrean participants and project team members and TB care staff, and for individual interviews with Eritrean participants.
Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, Jan 23, 2008
To describe differences in the risk of drowning of young children (under 10 years) in the Netherl... more To describe differences in the risk of drowning of young children (under 10 years) in the Netherlands according to ethnicity and relevant trends since 996. Retrospective. We analysed the causes of death data for all 266 children aged 0 to 10 years who died of drowning between 1996 and 2005. Information for the cause of death was obtained from the cause of death data of Statistics Netherlands. Data about the size and composition of the population at risk (age, sex and ethnicity) were obtained from the municipal population registers. Young children&#39;s risk of drowning has decreased by about one-third since 1996. This decrease took place among native Dutch children and children of the major ethnic groups, notably Turkish, Moroccan and Surinamese. However for children of recently immigrated parents of non-Western ethnicity, mainly asylum seekers, the risk of drowning was 4 to 8 times higher than that of native children aged 3 to 10 years. Timely health education directed at newly arrived families with children could be an important measure to help them cope with the hazards of living in a water-rich environment such as the Netherlands. The education should point out the necessity of increased supervision of the youngest children and improved swimming skills for the slightly older ones.
Papers by Simone Goosen