The results of both analytical and numerical calculations of the light scattering by periodic arr... more The results of both analytical and numerical calculations of the light scattering by periodic array (either finite or infinite) of gold nanocylinders are compared. Surprisingly, the dipole approximation appears to be well applicable down to the distance between the cylinders only twice exceeding their diameter.
The scattering of electromagnetic wave by a periodic array of nanowires is calculated by the boun... more The scattering of electromagnetic wave by a periodic array of nanowires is calculated by the boundary element method. The method is extended to the infinite grating near the interface between two dielectrics. A special Green function is derived that allows to study the evanescent wave. The Rayleigh--- Wood's anomalies are found in the period-to-wavelength dependence of the average Pointing vector in the wave zone. For thin wires the calculations are shown to agree with the two-dimensional coupled dipole approximation.
Proceedings of Spie the International Society For Optical Engineering, Oct 1, 1998
The applications of the new interferometric techniques to the measurement of nonlinear refractive... more The applications of the new interferometric techniques to the measurement of nonlinear refractive index are summarized in this paper. Developed methods are based on dispersion and shearing interferometry and allow to perform the direct phase measurements in the near field. The majority of the limitations of traditional interferometers have been eliminated in these schemes. At the same time, the benefit of using these methods comparable to currently used is shown for the cases of complicated dependence of the refractive index on the intensity and when the response time of nonlinearity is comparable with the laser pulse duration.
We present a new wave-front sensitive interferometry technique ͑called dispersion shearing interf... more We present a new wave-front sensitive interferometry technique ͑called dispersion shearing interferom-etry͒ for the measurement of both the sign and the magnitude of n 2 . The interference pattern is produced by two laterally shifted second harmonics of the laser source. Only the fundamental wave passes through the nonlinear sample, which is placed before the interferometer. We demonstrate this technique on an aggregated colloidal silver solution using a YAG:Nd laser and KTiOPO 4 frequency doublers.
Proceedings of Spie the International Society For Optical Engineering, Apr 1, 2007
The light-induced forces in the aggregates of metal nanoparticles are studied with the Newton's a... more The light-induced forces in the aggregates of metal nanoparticles are studied with the Newton's and coupled dipole equations. The simulations imply a linear intrinsic optical response of the particles and host medium. Large and relatively fast third-order optical nonlinearity of such a nanocomposite is shown to originate from the light-induced motion of the particles. The nonlinear absorption coefficients of an artificial medium composed of 5-particles aggregates are simulated at different intensities and frequencies of the incident light. The calculated nonlinear absorption appears to be of the same order of magnitude as typically measured for the silver colloids.
The magnetic field distribution and electric-field amplification factor are found in the gap betw... more The magnetic field distribution and electric-field amplification factor are found in the gap between periodically arranged parallel metal cylinders scattering an evanescent wave. Such a wave appears if an original plane wave is incident from the dielectric substrate onto the interface at an angle of total internal reflection. A substantial restructuring of the near-field distribution, which results from a small change in the angle of incidence, is revealed. Estimations of the angular dependence of the local field, explaining the shift and broadening of the plasmon resonance at a shorter wavelength, are presented.
The new mechanism for obtaining a nonlinear phase shift has been proposed and the schemes are des... more The new mechanism for obtaining a nonlinear phase shift has been proposed and the schemes are described for its implementation. As it is shown, the interference of two waves with intensity-dependent amplitude ratio coming from the second harmonic generation should produce the nonlinear phase shift. The sign and amount of nonlinear distortion of a beam wavefront is dependent of the relative phase of the waves that is introduced by the phase element. Calculated value of $n_2^{eff}$ exceeds that connected with cascaded quadratic nonlinearity, at the same conditions.
Enhanced optical responses in metal nanostructured materials have been intensively studied during... more Enhanced optical responses in metal nanostructured materials have been intensively studied during the past two decades. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering, surface-enhanced coherent antiStokes Raman scattering, enhanced degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM), enhanced harmonic generation, and other fascinating optical effects have been predicted and observed in rough metal films and colloidal solutions . It was found that the giant enhancement is associated with a collective interaction of metal nanoparticles in a metal-dielectric composite, and therefore the enhancement factors depend on the geometrical structure of the material .
The results of both analytical and numerical calculations of the light scattering by periodic arr... more The results of both analytical and numerical calculations of the light scattering by periodic array (either finite or infinite) of gold nanocylinders are compared. Surprisingly, the dipole approximation appears to be well applicable down to the distance between the cylinders only twice exceeding their diameter.
The scattering of electromagnetic wave by a periodic array of nanowires is calculated by the boun... more The scattering of electromagnetic wave by a periodic array of nanowires is calculated by the boundary element method. The method is extended to the infinite grating near the interface between two dielectrics. A special Green function is derived that allows to study the evanescent wave. The Rayleigh--- Wood's anomalies are found in the period-to-wavelength dependence of the average Pointing vector in the wave zone. For thin wires the calculations are shown to agree with the two-dimensional coupled dipole approximation.
Proceedings of Spie the International Society For Optical Engineering, Oct 1, 1998
The applications of the new interferometric techniques to the measurement of nonlinear refractive... more The applications of the new interferometric techniques to the measurement of nonlinear refractive index are summarized in this paper. Developed methods are based on dispersion and shearing interferometry and allow to perform the direct phase measurements in the near field. The majority of the limitations of traditional interferometers have been eliminated in these schemes. At the same time, the benefit of using these methods comparable to currently used is shown for the cases of complicated dependence of the refractive index on the intensity and when the response time of nonlinearity is comparable with the laser pulse duration.
We present a new wave-front sensitive interferometry technique ͑called dispersion shearing interf... more We present a new wave-front sensitive interferometry technique ͑called dispersion shearing interferom-etry͒ for the measurement of both the sign and the magnitude of n 2 . The interference pattern is produced by two laterally shifted second harmonics of the laser source. Only the fundamental wave passes through the nonlinear sample, which is placed before the interferometer. We demonstrate this technique on an aggregated colloidal silver solution using a YAG:Nd laser and KTiOPO 4 frequency doublers.
Proceedings of Spie the International Society For Optical Engineering, Apr 1, 2007
The light-induced forces in the aggregates of metal nanoparticles are studied with the Newton's a... more The light-induced forces in the aggregates of metal nanoparticles are studied with the Newton's and coupled dipole equations. The simulations imply a linear intrinsic optical response of the particles and host medium. Large and relatively fast third-order optical nonlinearity of such a nanocomposite is shown to originate from the light-induced motion of the particles. The nonlinear absorption coefficients of an artificial medium composed of 5-particles aggregates are simulated at different intensities and frequencies of the incident light. The calculated nonlinear absorption appears to be of the same order of magnitude as typically measured for the silver colloids.
The magnetic field distribution and electric-field amplification factor are found in the gap betw... more The magnetic field distribution and electric-field amplification factor are found in the gap between periodically arranged parallel metal cylinders scattering an evanescent wave. Such a wave appears if an original plane wave is incident from the dielectric substrate onto the interface at an angle of total internal reflection. A substantial restructuring of the near-field distribution, which results from a small change in the angle of incidence, is revealed. Estimations of the angular dependence of the local field, explaining the shift and broadening of the plasmon resonance at a shorter wavelength, are presented.
The new mechanism for obtaining a nonlinear phase shift has been proposed and the schemes are des... more The new mechanism for obtaining a nonlinear phase shift has been proposed and the schemes are described for its implementation. As it is shown, the interference of two waves with intensity-dependent amplitude ratio coming from the second harmonic generation should produce the nonlinear phase shift. The sign and amount of nonlinear distortion of a beam wavefront is dependent of the relative phase of the waves that is introduced by the phase element. Calculated value of $n_2^{eff}$ exceeds that connected with cascaded quadratic nonlinearity, at the same conditions.
Enhanced optical responses in metal nanostructured materials have been intensively studied during... more Enhanced optical responses in metal nanostructured materials have been intensively studied during the past two decades. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering, surface-enhanced coherent antiStokes Raman scattering, enhanced degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM), enhanced harmonic generation, and other fascinating optical effects have been predicted and observed in rough metal films and colloidal solutions . It was found that the giant enhancement is associated with a collective interaction of metal nanoparticles in a metal-dielectric composite, and therefore the enhancement factors depend on the geometrical structure of the material .
Papers by Sergey Perminov