Research on mutual trust and collaboration has been proven by previous studies that show positive... more Research on mutual trust and collaboration has been proven by previous studies that show positive and constructive behavior related to work. Some studies use instruments of mutual trust and collaboration but have not yet tested how much influence cultural variables have on each other on collaboration. Therefore this study investigates the effect of the variable of mutual trust on the collaboration variable by using multisample in several industrial sectors in the Greater Bandung Region, Indonesia. The method used is a simple linear regression analysis with SPSS version 17. The research results show that the instruments adopted from both variables show valid results and can replicate in multiple samples in several industrial sectors in the Greater Bandung Region, Indonesia. Furthermore, the results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence between the variables of mutual trust on collaboration. Keywords: mutual trust, collaboration.
The problem faced by the tunalaras students of class VII in LPKA Sukamiskin low level of emotiona... more The problem faced by the tunalaras students of class VII in LPKA Sukamiskin low level of emotional intelligence as a result of environmental factors such as the association of peers. Emotional intelligence of low students with emotional and behavior disorder includes skills in recognizing emotions, managing emotions, motivating himself, empathy and fostering relationships with others. This study aims to determine the effect of using modeling techniques to improve the emotional intelligence of grade VII students tunalaras of LPKA Sukamiskin. The method used in this research is the experimental method with Pre-experimental one group Pre-test Post-test design. Data processing using Wilcoxon signed rank test with SPSS. Place of research in LPKA Sukamiskin Bandung with the number of samples are 16 students. Sampling technique using random sampling. The results showed that the use of modeling techniques can improve students emotional intelligence tunalaras evidenced by Wilcoxon Signed Ran...
The study of living Qur'an is one of the studies in the form of scientific research on social... more The study of living Qur'an is one of the studies in the form of scientific research on social events in the Muslim community by positioning the Qur'an as the main behavior and actions in daily life. From there, it will be seen how they react continuously and live up to the values of the al-Qur'an in their community. The study of the Living Qur'an appears as a phenomenon of the Qur'an in everyday life, namely the function and meaning of the Qur'an is understood and practiced by the Muslim community in real terms in everyday life. Unlike the study of the Koran which only focuses on the al-Qur'an as an object of study that focuses on the textuality of the Qur'an it self, while the living Al-Qur'an is more focused on the way people position the Qur'an. In his daily life. One example of this living Qur'an practice is the tradition of Free Lunch after Friday prayers at the Jogokariyan Mosque. In this tradition, the Muslim community tries to li...
Salah satu penerjemahana Al-Qur’an yang ada di Indonesia kedalam bahasa daerah adalah terjemahan ... more Salah satu penerjemahana Al-Qur’an yang ada di Indonesia kedalam bahasa daerah adalah terjemahan Al-Qur’an kedalam bahasa Sasak. Bahasa Sasak adalah bahasa penduduk asli masyarakat Lombok. Anggota penerjemahan Al-Qur’an ini terdiri dari delapan orang, mereka merupakan para akademisi yang berasal dari suku Sasak asli. Penerjemahan Al-Qur’an ke dalam bahasa Sasak telah selesai diterjemahkan semuanya yaitu 30 juz. Permasalahan yang dirumuskan adalah (1) Bagaimana Metode Terjemah Al-Qur’an dalam Bahasa Sasak? (2) Bgaimana akurasi penggunaan Bahasa Sasak dalam Terjemah Al-Qur’an Bahasa Sasak? (3) Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan terjemah Al-Qur’an kedalam Bahasa Sasak? Pada penerjemahan Al-Qur’an ke dalam bahasa Sasak, terdapat beberapa kekurangan dan sejumlah kekeliruan ketika penerjemah melekukan pengalihan bahasa dari bahasa sasaran ke bahasa terget. Hal ini disebabkan karena beberapa faktor; pertama, penutur bahasa Sasak tidak secara otomatis merupakan pakar dalam bahasa Sasak; kedua, ba...
Living Hadith is a study of the practices of the Muslim community in perceiving a text of hadith ... more Living Hadith is a study of the practices of the Muslim community in perceiving a text of hadith in everyday life. In practice, society has different ways of applying it. As is the case in Ali Abdul Wahab mosque, this mosque is one of the places that provides free lunch for the congregation Friday. The purpose of this program is: first, as a sign of application of traditions related to shodaqoh, secondly, as an aid to the pilgrims, who may have a traveler and then his travels run out, and the third is that many pilgrims are present, both from the small to the old in order to prosper the mosque, especially train the children so that later adult happy to come to wthe mosque to pray together and follow the activities of other mosques. Keywords: Living Hadith, Reception, Free Lunch, Ali Abdul Wahab
Research on mutual trust and collaboration has been proven by previous studies that show positive... more Research on mutual trust and collaboration has been proven by previous studies that show positive and constructive behavior related to work. Some studies use instruments of mutual trust and collaboration but have not yet tested how much influence cultural variables have on each other on collaboration. Therefore this study investigates the effect of the variable of mutual trust on the collaboration variable by using multisample in several industrial sectors in the Greater Bandung Region, Indonesia. The method used is a simple linear regression analysis with SPSS version 17. The research results show that the instruments adopted from both variables show valid results and can replicate in multiple samples in several industrial sectors in the Greater Bandung Region, Indonesia. Furthermore, the results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence between the variables of mutual trust on collaboration. Keywords: mutual trust, collaboration.
The problem faced by the tunalaras students of class VII in LPKA Sukamiskin low level of emotiona... more The problem faced by the tunalaras students of class VII in LPKA Sukamiskin low level of emotional intelligence as a result of environmental factors such as the association of peers. Emotional intelligence of low students with emotional and behavior disorder includes skills in recognizing emotions, managing emotions, motivating himself, empathy and fostering relationships with others. This study aims to determine the effect of using modeling techniques to improve the emotional intelligence of grade VII students tunalaras of LPKA Sukamiskin. The method used in this research is the experimental method with Pre-experimental one group Pre-test Post-test design. Data processing using Wilcoxon signed rank test with SPSS. Place of research in LPKA Sukamiskin Bandung with the number of samples are 16 students. Sampling technique using random sampling. The results showed that the use of modeling techniques can improve students emotional intelligence tunalaras evidenced by Wilcoxon Signed Ran...
The study of living Qur'an is one of the studies in the form of scientific research on social... more The study of living Qur'an is one of the studies in the form of scientific research on social events in the Muslim community by positioning the Qur'an as the main behavior and actions in daily life. From there, it will be seen how they react continuously and live up to the values of the al-Qur'an in their community. The study of the Living Qur'an appears as a phenomenon of the Qur'an in everyday life, namely the function and meaning of the Qur'an is understood and practiced by the Muslim community in real terms in everyday life. Unlike the study of the Koran which only focuses on the al-Qur'an as an object of study that focuses on the textuality of the Qur'an it self, while the living Al-Qur'an is more focused on the way people position the Qur'an. In his daily life. One example of this living Qur'an practice is the tradition of Free Lunch after Friday prayers at the Jogokariyan Mosque. In this tradition, the Muslim community tries to li...
Salah satu penerjemahana Al-Qur’an yang ada di Indonesia kedalam bahasa daerah adalah terjemahan ... more Salah satu penerjemahana Al-Qur’an yang ada di Indonesia kedalam bahasa daerah adalah terjemahan Al-Qur’an kedalam bahasa Sasak. Bahasa Sasak adalah bahasa penduduk asli masyarakat Lombok. Anggota penerjemahan Al-Qur’an ini terdiri dari delapan orang, mereka merupakan para akademisi yang berasal dari suku Sasak asli. Penerjemahan Al-Qur’an ke dalam bahasa Sasak telah selesai diterjemahkan semuanya yaitu 30 juz. Permasalahan yang dirumuskan adalah (1) Bagaimana Metode Terjemah Al-Qur’an dalam Bahasa Sasak? (2) Bgaimana akurasi penggunaan Bahasa Sasak dalam Terjemah Al-Qur’an Bahasa Sasak? (3) Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan terjemah Al-Qur’an kedalam Bahasa Sasak? Pada penerjemahan Al-Qur’an ke dalam bahasa Sasak, terdapat beberapa kekurangan dan sejumlah kekeliruan ketika penerjemah melekukan pengalihan bahasa dari bahasa sasaran ke bahasa terget. Hal ini disebabkan karena beberapa faktor; pertama, penutur bahasa Sasak tidak secara otomatis merupakan pakar dalam bahasa Sasak; kedua, ba...
Living Hadith is a study of the practices of the Muslim community in perceiving a text of hadith ... more Living Hadith is a study of the practices of the Muslim community in perceiving a text of hadith in everyday life. In practice, society has different ways of applying it. As is the case in Ali Abdul Wahab mosque, this mosque is one of the places that provides free lunch for the congregation Friday. The purpose of this program is: first, as a sign of application of traditions related to shodaqoh, secondly, as an aid to the pilgrims, who may have a traveler and then his travels run out, and the third is that many pilgrims are present, both from the small to the old in order to prosper the mosque, especially train the children so that later adult happy to come to wthe mosque to pray together and follow the activities of other mosques. Keywords: Living Hadith, Reception, Free Lunch, Ali Abdul Wahab
Papers by Saepul Rahman
Keywords: Living Hadith, Reception, Free Lunch, Ali Abdul Wahab
Books by Saepul Rahman
Keywords: Living Hadith, Reception, Free Lunch, Ali Abdul Wahab