L'etude porte sur deux cas d'enfants en bas âge, nes en milieu rural. Le premier âge d... more L'etude porte sur deux cas d'enfants en bas âge, nes en milieu rural. Le premier âge d'un mois et demi, presente une forme cutanee et decede malgre un traitement bien conduit, par un choc anaphylactique. Le second âge de 3 mois associe des lesions de periostite ossifiante, d'osteochondrite et d'osteomyelite qui regressent grâce a un traitement specifique par penicilline G (50000 UI/kg en 2 injections I-H) et prednisone (1 mg/kg/j)
Dans le but de rapporter la prevalence et les facteurs associes a la prematurite pour une meilleu... more Dans le but de rapporter la prevalence et les facteurs associes a la prematurite pour une meilleure prise en charge des malades, les auteurs rapportent l'experience de leur service basee sur 151 cas colliges en quatre ans. La frequence globale de la prematurite etait de 15, 88 %. Il n'y avait pas d'influence du sexe (sex-ratio = 1,04). Un grand nombre d'enfants (67,54 %) avaient un âge gestationnel compris entre 32 et 36 semaines. Dans 48,54% des cas le score d'Apgar se situait entre 3 et 7 a la premiere minute. Les poids de naissance allaient de 800 a 2 350 g et 45,14% des cas etaient compris entre 1 500 et 2 000 g. 17,21 % des bebes prematures etaient jumeaux. La moyenne d'âge des meres etait de 24,92 ans ± 5,41. Dans 86,40 % la gestite etait inferieure ou egale a 5 avec 36,42 % de primigestes. De meme, 87,05 % des meres avaient une parite ≤ 5 avec 42,44 % de primipares. Les meres etaient menageres dans 82,22 %. Dans les antecedents maternels, l'HTA a e...
Birth of an Harlequin fetus in an African maternity ward is an exceptional event. There is no que... more Birth of an Harlequin fetus in an African maternity ward is an exceptional event. There is no question as to the diagnosis, but no treatment is available. A female infant was delivered with typical lesions of malignant keratoma. Death occurred 20 hours after birth. In countries with adequate intensive care facilities (hydration, acitretine), such infants may occasionally survive with the risk of developing major lamellar ichthyosis which remains a handicap for the rest of life. In Burkina-Faso, such therapeutic facilities are lacking as are means of antenatal diagnosis. The ethical question as to whether or not to attempt survival measures is quite different under these conditions.
Nous avons observe 36 cas de staphylococcie pleuro-pulmonaire chez les nourrissons de 0 a 30 mois... more Nous avons observe 36 cas de staphylococcie pleuro-pulmonaire chez les nourrissons de 0 a 30 mois au cours d’une etude prospective allant du 1 er avril 1995 au 31 mars 1996 dans le service de pediatrie du CHU de Ouagadougou. Cette pathologie a represente 0,5 % des hospitalisations et 11,6 % des infections respiratoires aigues basses observees chez les moins de 30 mois. Une legere predominance masculine a ete relevee avec un sex ratio de 1,2. La triade symptomatique classique, toux, fievre et polypnee, associee a un ballonnement abdominal et a une alteration de l’etat general a ete retrouvee. Sur le plan radiologique, les images bulleuses caracteristiques (27,8 %) venaient en deuxieme position apres les opacites parenchymateuses (69,5 %). L’oxacilline (Bristopen®), la gentamicine (Gentalline®) et le cefuroxime-axetil (Zinnat®) ont ete les antibiotiques les plus utilises. Le pronostic de staphylococcie pleuro-pulmonaire demeure redoutable avec une forte letalite (27,8 %) et un risque ...
lions en Asie [9]. . ses conséquences désastreuses, le nombre d’orphelins est alarmant : 2 millio... more lions en Asie [9]. . ses conséquences désastreuses, le nombre d’orphelins est alarmant : 2 millions en Afrique Tropicale avec une prévision de 3,1 à 5,5 millions en l’an 2000 [14]. . il potentialise l’agressivité de la tuberculose qui est un problème majeur de santé publique en Afrique où 18 à 20 % de malades sont sidéens [7]. . il n’y a pas de traitement curatif, ce qui met au premier plan de la prise en charge de tels malades la prévention des infections opportunistes associées [3]. . enfin, il est plus sévère chez le tout petit qui en meurt dans 90% des cas avant le 5e anniversaire [15].
Afin de decrire les aspects epidemiologiques, cliniques et therapeutiques de la bronchiolite aigu... more Afin de decrire les aspects epidemiologiques, cliniques et therapeutiques de la bronchiolite aigue du nourrisson en milieu hospitalier pediatrique de Ouagadougou, nous avons mene une etude prospective du 1 avril 1995 au 31 mars 1996. Les bronchiolites representaient 15,6% des infections respiratoires aigues (IRA) basses et 0,9% des admissions en pediatrie. Une recrudescence des cas a ete notee pendant les mois frais de la saison seche. Les nourrissons de moins de six mois etaient les plus touches avec 51,6%. Une predominance masculine a ete notee avec un sex-ratio de 1,4. Le delai moyen d'hospitalisation etait de 6 jours. Le maintien de l'equilibre hydroelectrolytique, l'antibiotherapie, l'oxygenotherapie et les bronchodilatateurs etaient les modalites therapeutiques les plus usitees dans notre service. Un taux de letalite de 8,1% a ete observe. Les facteurs de mauvais pronostic identifies ont ete: le jeune âge des patients, le retard a l'hospitalisation, l'a...
From January 1986 through June 1987, 714 children with measles were admitted to the Pediatric Dep... more From January 1986 through June 1987, 714 children with measles were admitted to the Pediatric Department of the Sanou Souro Hospital in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina-Faso. Eighty-four per cent of cases occurred during the first semester of 1987. Sixty per cent of patients were 9 to 35 months of age. The case-fatality rate was 29.1% (31.5% during the first semester of 1987, 12% in 1986). Fifty-five per cent of deaths occurred within 24 hours of admission. The most common clinical features upon admission included dehydration (91% of patients), diarrhea (64%), conjunctivitis (56%), fever in excess of 39.5 degrees C (50%), respiratory infection (46%), and cardiovascular collapse (34.5%). Factors associated with a fatal outcome included dehydration and cardiovascular collapse, poor nutritional status, and occurrence of the disease during the dry season (March, April, May). In most cases, immunization status of affected children was unknown. The high mortality rate can be ascribed to the signif...
Objective: To estimate the sources of funds for health research (revenue) and the uses of these f... more Objective: To estimate the sources of funds for health research (revenue) and the uses of these funds (expenditure). Design: A structured questionnaire was used to solicit financial information from health research institutions. Setting: Forty-two sub-Saharan African countries. Participants: Key informants in 847 health research institutions in the 42 sub-Saharan African countries. Main outcome measures: Expenditure on health research by institutions, funders and subject areas. Results: An estimated total of US$ 302 million was spent on health research by institutions that responded to the survey in the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region for the biennium 2005-2006. The most notable funders for health research activities were external funding, ministries of health, other government ministries, own funds and non-profit institutions. Most types of health research performers spent significant portions of their resources on in-house research, with medical schools spending 82% and government agencies 62%. Hospitals spent 38% of their resources on management, and other institutions (universities, firms, etc.) spent 87% of their resources on capital investment. Research on human immunodeficiency virus/tuberculosis and malaria accounted for 30% of funds, followed by research on other communicable diseases and maternal, perinatal and nutritional conditions (23%). Conclusions: Research on major health problems of the Region, such as communicable diseases, accounts for most of the research expenditures. However, the total expenditure is very low compared with other WHO regions.
Il s'agissait d'une étude prospective allant du 1er mars 95 au 29 février 96, soit une période de... more Il s'agissait d'une étude prospective allant du 1er mars 95 au 29 février 96, soit une période de 12 mois. Elle s'est déroulée dans les services de pédiatrie et des laboratoires
Objective: To describe the mechanisms and systems of knowledge acquisition, creation, diffusion, ... more Objective: To describe the mechanisms and systems of knowledge acquisition, creation, diffusion, application and improvement of knowledge in two layers of the health system: health policy formulation and the provision of clinical services. Design: A questionnaire-based survey. Setting: Health research institutions in 46 countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region. Participants: Key informants in ministries of health and health care institutions in 39 countries of the Region. Main outcome measures: Existence of knowledge management infrastructure or components of infrastructure in the countries of the Region. Results: Central national bodies are always cited as having a major role in policy-setting. Non-national bodies most frequently provide advice and act in monitoring and evaluation, while decentralised entities are strongly involved in dissemination, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. In general, ministries tend not to have an explicit knowledge management framework and do not map knowledge sources and flows for policy-making. The main sources of evidence are guidelines or recommendations from international or national agencies, although systematic reviews are rarely used. Routine monitoring and evaluation of quality and effectiveness of the process of policy development and its implementation was reported in 19 of the 39 respondent countries. In most respondent countries, electronic medical records were rarely used. Conclusions: As systematic reviews are rarely utilised as a source of evidence in policy development and few mechanisms exist to assess the performance of the policies, there are significant opportunities for improving policy development.
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Plasmodium falciparum malaria infection induces elevated blood levels of both total immunoglobuli... more Plasmodium falciparum malaria infection induces elevated blood levels of both total immunoglobulin and anti-plasmodial antibodies belonging to different isotypes. We have previously shown that donors living in areas of malaria transmission develop malaria-specific IgE antibodies that are present at highest concentrations in patients with severe disease, suggesting a role for this isotype in malaria pathogenesis. To establish the possible importance of IgE in the course and severity of this disease, we have analyzed a large and homogenous group of African children (age range ס 6 months to 15 years) belonging to one ethnic group (Mossi) living in identical epidemiologic conditions in the same urban area (Ougadougo) of Burkina Faso. While IgG antibodies to P. falciparum increased to high concentrations in very young children and then remained at these levels in older patients, IgE antibodies increased with age, becoming most significantly elevated in children more than four years of age. In older children, those with severe malaria had significantly higher IgE antibody levels than those with non-severe disease. No significant differences between the patient groups were seen for IgG antibodies to P. falciparum. However, when the patients with severe malaria were divided into two groups distinguished by the presence of absence of coma, both IgG and IgE antibodies against malaria were lower in the comatous patients than in the non-comatous patients The results support the conclusion that IgE antibodies against malaria, regardless of their possible protectivity, also contribute to disease severity in this large and homogenous group of African children. * The patients were divided into two age groups (0.5-4.0 and 4.1-15 years, respectively). P values, by Student's t-test, are for differences between non-severe and severe (all, non-comatous, or comatous) patients. GM ס geometric mean concentration; No. ס number of patients; NS ס not significant.
Objective: To describe the current status of institutional facilities and the supporting research... more Objective: To describe the current status of institutional facilities and the supporting research infrastructure of surveyed health research institutions in Africa, including information on communication technologies and connectivity, library resources, and laboratory operations and resources. Design: A structured questionnaire was used to solicit information on institutional facilities at health research institutions. Setting: Health research institutions in 42 sub-Saharan African countries. Participants: Key informants from 847 health research institutions. Main outcome measures: The availability of laboratory, information and communication, and library facilities in health research institutions. Results: Less than half of the respondent health research institutions had computer laboratories (49%), network computers (50%) and information technology support (38%). More than two-thirds (67%) had a library. Electronic subscriptions to international journals were observed to be very low, with an average of three subscriptions per institution. Almost two-thirds of the surveyed institutions (69%) reported having laboratories, about half of which (55%) were accredited nationally. Linkages and research collaborations were generally weak, particularly those with other laboratories in the Region. Challenges included financial and human resource constraints and the inability to communicate effectively with partners. Conclusions: Health research institutions in the Region have insufficient access to essential facilities such as laboratories, libraries, computers and the Internet to generate, access and share information. Keywords research systems, research facilities, Africa research, health research '.. . the people, institutions and activities whose primary purpose is to generate high-quality knowledge that can be used to promote, restore and/or maintain the health status of populations. It can include mechanisms adopted to encourage the utilization of research.'
Page 1. Étude originale Formes cliniques du paludisme grave en milieu hospitalier pédiatrique à O... more Page 1. Étude originale Formes cliniques du paludisme grave en milieu hospitalier pédiatrique à Ouagadougou Issa Sanou, Jean Paré, Simeon Traoré, David Modiano, Kobina Ludovic Kam, JeanKaboré, Lancina Lamizana ...
Objective To describe the current status of institutional facilities and the supporting research ... more Objective To describe the current status of institutional facilities and the supporting research infrastructure of surveyed health research institutions in Africa, including information on communication technologies and connectivity, library resources, and laboratory operations and resources.DesignThe survey used a structured questionnaire, Tool 6 from the World Health Organization (WHO) Health Research System Analysis Initiative: Methods for Collecting Benchmarks and Systems Analysis Toolkit, to solicit information from 847 health research institutions in 42 countries of the WHO African Region.SettingEight hundred and forty-seven health research institutions in 42 sub-Saharan African countries.ParticipantsKey informants from the health research institutions.Main outcome measuresThe availability of laboratory, information and communication, and library facilities in health research institutions.ResultsLess than half of the respondent health research institutions had computer laborat...
Objective: To estimate the sources of funds for health research (revenue) and the uses of these f... more Objective: To estimate the sources of funds for health research (revenue) and the uses of these funds (expenditure). Design: A structured questionnaire was used to solicit financial information from health research institutions. Setting: Forty-two sub-Saharan African countries. Participants: Key informants in 847 health research institutions in the 42 sub-Saharan African countries. Main outcome measures: Expenditure on health research by institutions, funders and subject areas. Results: An estimated total of US$ 302 million was spent on health research by institutions that responded to the survey in the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region for the biennium 2005-2006. The most notable funders for health research activities were external funding, ministries of health, other government ministries, own funds and non-profit institutions. Most types of health research performers spent significant portions of their resources on in-house research, with medical schools spending 82% and government agencies 62%. Hospitals spent 38% of their resources on management, and other institutions (universities, firms, etc.) spent 87% of their resources on capital investment. Research on human immunodeficiency virus/tuberculosis and malaria accounted for 30% of funds, followed by research on other communicable diseases and maternal, perinatal and nutritional conditions (23%). Conclusions: Research on major health problems of the Region, such as communicable diseases, accounts for most of the research expenditures. However, the total expenditure is very low compared with other WHO regions.
L'etude porte sur deux cas d'enfants en bas âge, nes en milieu rural. Le premier âge d... more L'etude porte sur deux cas d'enfants en bas âge, nes en milieu rural. Le premier âge d'un mois et demi, presente une forme cutanee et decede malgre un traitement bien conduit, par un choc anaphylactique. Le second âge de 3 mois associe des lesions de periostite ossifiante, d'osteochondrite et d'osteomyelite qui regressent grâce a un traitement specifique par penicilline G (50000 UI/kg en 2 injections I-H) et prednisone (1 mg/kg/j)
Dans le but de rapporter la prevalence et les facteurs associes a la prematurite pour une meilleu... more Dans le but de rapporter la prevalence et les facteurs associes a la prematurite pour une meilleure prise en charge des malades, les auteurs rapportent l'experience de leur service basee sur 151 cas colliges en quatre ans. La frequence globale de la prematurite etait de 15, 88 %. Il n'y avait pas d'influence du sexe (sex-ratio = 1,04). Un grand nombre d'enfants (67,54 %) avaient un âge gestationnel compris entre 32 et 36 semaines. Dans 48,54% des cas le score d'Apgar se situait entre 3 et 7 a la premiere minute. Les poids de naissance allaient de 800 a 2 350 g et 45,14% des cas etaient compris entre 1 500 et 2 000 g. 17,21 % des bebes prematures etaient jumeaux. La moyenne d'âge des meres etait de 24,92 ans ± 5,41. Dans 86,40 % la gestite etait inferieure ou egale a 5 avec 36,42 % de primigestes. De meme, 87,05 % des meres avaient une parite ≤ 5 avec 42,44 % de primipares. Les meres etaient menageres dans 82,22 %. Dans les antecedents maternels, l'HTA a e...
Birth of an Harlequin fetus in an African maternity ward is an exceptional event. There is no que... more Birth of an Harlequin fetus in an African maternity ward is an exceptional event. There is no question as to the diagnosis, but no treatment is available. A female infant was delivered with typical lesions of malignant keratoma. Death occurred 20 hours after birth. In countries with adequate intensive care facilities (hydration, acitretine), such infants may occasionally survive with the risk of developing major lamellar ichthyosis which remains a handicap for the rest of life. In Burkina-Faso, such therapeutic facilities are lacking as are means of antenatal diagnosis. The ethical question as to whether or not to attempt survival measures is quite different under these conditions.
Nous avons observe 36 cas de staphylococcie pleuro-pulmonaire chez les nourrissons de 0 a 30 mois... more Nous avons observe 36 cas de staphylococcie pleuro-pulmonaire chez les nourrissons de 0 a 30 mois au cours d’une etude prospective allant du 1 er avril 1995 au 31 mars 1996 dans le service de pediatrie du CHU de Ouagadougou. Cette pathologie a represente 0,5 % des hospitalisations et 11,6 % des infections respiratoires aigues basses observees chez les moins de 30 mois. Une legere predominance masculine a ete relevee avec un sex ratio de 1,2. La triade symptomatique classique, toux, fievre et polypnee, associee a un ballonnement abdominal et a une alteration de l’etat general a ete retrouvee. Sur le plan radiologique, les images bulleuses caracteristiques (27,8 %) venaient en deuxieme position apres les opacites parenchymateuses (69,5 %). L’oxacilline (Bristopen®), la gentamicine (Gentalline®) et le cefuroxime-axetil (Zinnat®) ont ete les antibiotiques les plus utilises. Le pronostic de staphylococcie pleuro-pulmonaire demeure redoutable avec une forte letalite (27,8 %) et un risque ...
lions en Asie [9]. . ses conséquences désastreuses, le nombre d’orphelins est alarmant : 2 millio... more lions en Asie [9]. . ses conséquences désastreuses, le nombre d’orphelins est alarmant : 2 millions en Afrique Tropicale avec une prévision de 3,1 à 5,5 millions en l’an 2000 [14]. . il potentialise l’agressivité de la tuberculose qui est un problème majeur de santé publique en Afrique où 18 à 20 % de malades sont sidéens [7]. . il n’y a pas de traitement curatif, ce qui met au premier plan de la prise en charge de tels malades la prévention des infections opportunistes associées [3]. . enfin, il est plus sévère chez le tout petit qui en meurt dans 90% des cas avant le 5e anniversaire [15].
Afin de decrire les aspects epidemiologiques, cliniques et therapeutiques de la bronchiolite aigu... more Afin de decrire les aspects epidemiologiques, cliniques et therapeutiques de la bronchiolite aigue du nourrisson en milieu hospitalier pediatrique de Ouagadougou, nous avons mene une etude prospective du 1 avril 1995 au 31 mars 1996. Les bronchiolites representaient 15,6% des infections respiratoires aigues (IRA) basses et 0,9% des admissions en pediatrie. Une recrudescence des cas a ete notee pendant les mois frais de la saison seche. Les nourrissons de moins de six mois etaient les plus touches avec 51,6%. Une predominance masculine a ete notee avec un sex-ratio de 1,4. Le delai moyen d'hospitalisation etait de 6 jours. Le maintien de l'equilibre hydroelectrolytique, l'antibiotherapie, l'oxygenotherapie et les bronchodilatateurs etaient les modalites therapeutiques les plus usitees dans notre service. Un taux de letalite de 8,1% a ete observe. Les facteurs de mauvais pronostic identifies ont ete: le jeune âge des patients, le retard a l'hospitalisation, l'a...
From January 1986 through June 1987, 714 children with measles were admitted to the Pediatric Dep... more From January 1986 through June 1987, 714 children with measles were admitted to the Pediatric Department of the Sanou Souro Hospital in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina-Faso. Eighty-four per cent of cases occurred during the first semester of 1987. Sixty per cent of patients were 9 to 35 months of age. The case-fatality rate was 29.1% (31.5% during the first semester of 1987, 12% in 1986). Fifty-five per cent of deaths occurred within 24 hours of admission. The most common clinical features upon admission included dehydration (91% of patients), diarrhea (64%), conjunctivitis (56%), fever in excess of 39.5 degrees C (50%), respiratory infection (46%), and cardiovascular collapse (34.5%). Factors associated with a fatal outcome included dehydration and cardiovascular collapse, poor nutritional status, and occurrence of the disease during the dry season (March, April, May). In most cases, immunization status of affected children was unknown. The high mortality rate can be ascribed to the signif...
Objective: To estimate the sources of funds for health research (revenue) and the uses of these f... more Objective: To estimate the sources of funds for health research (revenue) and the uses of these funds (expenditure). Design: A structured questionnaire was used to solicit financial information from health research institutions. Setting: Forty-two sub-Saharan African countries. Participants: Key informants in 847 health research institutions in the 42 sub-Saharan African countries. Main outcome measures: Expenditure on health research by institutions, funders and subject areas. Results: An estimated total of US$ 302 million was spent on health research by institutions that responded to the survey in the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region for the biennium 2005-2006. The most notable funders for health research activities were external funding, ministries of health, other government ministries, own funds and non-profit institutions. Most types of health research performers spent significant portions of their resources on in-house research, with medical schools spending 82% and government agencies 62%. Hospitals spent 38% of their resources on management, and other institutions (universities, firms, etc.) spent 87% of their resources on capital investment. Research on human immunodeficiency virus/tuberculosis and malaria accounted for 30% of funds, followed by research on other communicable diseases and maternal, perinatal and nutritional conditions (23%). Conclusions: Research on major health problems of the Region, such as communicable diseases, accounts for most of the research expenditures. However, the total expenditure is very low compared with other WHO regions.
Il s'agissait d'une étude prospective allant du 1er mars 95 au 29 février 96, soit une période de... more Il s'agissait d'une étude prospective allant du 1er mars 95 au 29 février 96, soit une période de 12 mois. Elle s'est déroulée dans les services de pédiatrie et des laboratoires
Objective: To describe the mechanisms and systems of knowledge acquisition, creation, diffusion, ... more Objective: To describe the mechanisms and systems of knowledge acquisition, creation, diffusion, application and improvement of knowledge in two layers of the health system: health policy formulation and the provision of clinical services. Design: A questionnaire-based survey. Setting: Health research institutions in 46 countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region. Participants: Key informants in ministries of health and health care institutions in 39 countries of the Region. Main outcome measures: Existence of knowledge management infrastructure or components of infrastructure in the countries of the Region. Results: Central national bodies are always cited as having a major role in policy-setting. Non-national bodies most frequently provide advice and act in monitoring and evaluation, while decentralised entities are strongly involved in dissemination, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. In general, ministries tend not to have an explicit knowledge management framework and do not map knowledge sources and flows for policy-making. The main sources of evidence are guidelines or recommendations from international or national agencies, although systematic reviews are rarely used. Routine monitoring and evaluation of quality and effectiveness of the process of policy development and its implementation was reported in 19 of the 39 respondent countries. In most respondent countries, electronic medical records were rarely used. Conclusions: As systematic reviews are rarely utilised as a source of evidence in policy development and few mechanisms exist to assess the performance of the policies, there are significant opportunities for improving policy development.
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Plasmodium falciparum malaria infection induces elevated blood levels of both total immunoglobuli... more Plasmodium falciparum malaria infection induces elevated blood levels of both total immunoglobulin and anti-plasmodial antibodies belonging to different isotypes. We have previously shown that donors living in areas of malaria transmission develop malaria-specific IgE antibodies that are present at highest concentrations in patients with severe disease, suggesting a role for this isotype in malaria pathogenesis. To establish the possible importance of IgE in the course and severity of this disease, we have analyzed a large and homogenous group of African children (age range ס 6 months to 15 years) belonging to one ethnic group (Mossi) living in identical epidemiologic conditions in the same urban area (Ougadougo) of Burkina Faso. While IgG antibodies to P. falciparum increased to high concentrations in very young children and then remained at these levels in older patients, IgE antibodies increased with age, becoming most significantly elevated in children more than four years of age. In older children, those with severe malaria had significantly higher IgE antibody levels than those with non-severe disease. No significant differences between the patient groups were seen for IgG antibodies to P. falciparum. However, when the patients with severe malaria were divided into two groups distinguished by the presence of absence of coma, both IgG and IgE antibodies against malaria were lower in the comatous patients than in the non-comatous patients The results support the conclusion that IgE antibodies against malaria, regardless of their possible protectivity, also contribute to disease severity in this large and homogenous group of African children. * The patients were divided into two age groups (0.5-4.0 and 4.1-15 years, respectively). P values, by Student's t-test, are for differences between non-severe and severe (all, non-comatous, or comatous) patients. GM ס geometric mean concentration; No. ס number of patients; NS ס not significant.
Objective: To describe the current status of institutional facilities and the supporting research... more Objective: To describe the current status of institutional facilities and the supporting research infrastructure of surveyed health research institutions in Africa, including information on communication technologies and connectivity, library resources, and laboratory operations and resources. Design: A structured questionnaire was used to solicit information on institutional facilities at health research institutions. Setting: Health research institutions in 42 sub-Saharan African countries. Participants: Key informants from 847 health research institutions. Main outcome measures: The availability of laboratory, information and communication, and library facilities in health research institutions. Results: Less than half of the respondent health research institutions had computer laboratories (49%), network computers (50%) and information technology support (38%). More than two-thirds (67%) had a library. Electronic subscriptions to international journals were observed to be very low, with an average of three subscriptions per institution. Almost two-thirds of the surveyed institutions (69%) reported having laboratories, about half of which (55%) were accredited nationally. Linkages and research collaborations were generally weak, particularly those with other laboratories in the Region. Challenges included financial and human resource constraints and the inability to communicate effectively with partners. Conclusions: Health research institutions in the Region have insufficient access to essential facilities such as laboratories, libraries, computers and the Internet to generate, access and share information. Keywords research systems, research facilities, Africa research, health research '.. . the people, institutions and activities whose primary purpose is to generate high-quality knowledge that can be used to promote, restore and/or maintain the health status of populations. It can include mechanisms adopted to encourage the utilization of research.'
Page 1. Étude originale Formes cliniques du paludisme grave en milieu hospitalier pédiatrique à O... more Page 1. Étude originale Formes cliniques du paludisme grave en milieu hospitalier pédiatrique à Ouagadougou Issa Sanou, Jean Paré, Simeon Traoré, David Modiano, Kobina Ludovic Kam, JeanKaboré, Lancina Lamizana ...
Objective To describe the current status of institutional facilities and the supporting research ... more Objective To describe the current status of institutional facilities and the supporting research infrastructure of surveyed health research institutions in Africa, including information on communication technologies and connectivity, library resources, and laboratory operations and resources.DesignThe survey used a structured questionnaire, Tool 6 from the World Health Organization (WHO) Health Research System Analysis Initiative: Methods for Collecting Benchmarks and Systems Analysis Toolkit, to solicit information from 847 health research institutions in 42 countries of the WHO African Region.SettingEight hundred and forty-seven health research institutions in 42 sub-Saharan African countries.ParticipantsKey informants from the health research institutions.Main outcome measuresThe availability of laboratory, information and communication, and library facilities in health research institutions.ResultsLess than half of the respondent health research institutions had computer laborat...
Objective: To estimate the sources of funds for health research (revenue) and the uses of these f... more Objective: To estimate the sources of funds for health research (revenue) and the uses of these funds (expenditure). Design: A structured questionnaire was used to solicit financial information from health research institutions. Setting: Forty-two sub-Saharan African countries. Participants: Key informants in 847 health research institutions in the 42 sub-Saharan African countries. Main outcome measures: Expenditure on health research by institutions, funders and subject areas. Results: An estimated total of US$ 302 million was spent on health research by institutions that responded to the survey in the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region for the biennium 2005-2006. The most notable funders for health research activities were external funding, ministries of health, other government ministries, own funds and non-profit institutions. Most types of health research performers spent significant portions of their resources on in-house research, with medical schools spending 82% and government agencies 62%. Hospitals spent 38% of their resources on management, and other institutions (universities, firms, etc.) spent 87% of their resources on capital investment. Research on human immunodeficiency virus/tuberculosis and malaria accounted for 30% of funds, followed by research on other communicable diseases and maternal, perinatal and nutritional conditions (23%). Conclusions: Research on major health problems of the Region, such as communicable diseases, accounts for most of the research expenditures. However, the total expenditure is very low compared with other WHO regions.
Papers by I. Sanou