In the modern literature related to linguistic decision-making, the 2-tuple linguistic representa... more In the modern literature related to linguistic decision-making, the 2-tuple linguistic representation model and its useful applications in various fields have been extensively studied and used during the last decade. Recently, some useful multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) methods have been introduced based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for 2-tuple linguistic representation model. By keeping in mind the importance of this linguistic model, in this paper, we introduce a fuzzy AHP methodology for intuitionistic 2-tuple linguistic sets (I2TLSs) which is a useful extension of the 2-tuple linguistic representation model. This study is comprised of four stages. In the first stage, we define some operational laws for I2TL elements (I2TLEs) and prove some related important properties. In the second stage, intuitionistic 2-tuple linguistic preference relation (I2TLPR) and multiplicative I2TLPR are defined using I2TLSs. In the 3rd stage, a transformation mechanism is introduced which can transform an I2TLPR to a corresponding intuitionistic preference relation (IPR) and vice versa. In the fourth stage, an approach is proposed for checking the consistency of an I2TLPR and presented a method to repair the inconsistent one by using the proposed transformation mechanism. Finally, a numerical example is given and comparative analysis is carried out with the TOPSIS method to verify the validity of the proposed method.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This paper proposes some operations on the cubic intuitionistic set along with useful properties.... more This paper proposes some operations on the cubic intuitionistic set along with useful properties. We propose the internal cubic intuitionistic set (ICIS), the external cubic intuitionistic set (ECIS), P-order, R-order order (P-(R-) order), P-union, R-union (P-(R-) union), P-intersection, and R-intersection (P-(R-) intersection). We further investigate several properties of the P-(R-) union and P-(R-) intersection of ICISs and ECISs, and present some examples in this context. Some important theorems related to ICISs and ECISs are also presented with proof. Finally, an application example is given to measure the effectiveness and significance of the proposed operations by solving a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem.
Correlation is considered the most important factor in analyzing the data in statistics. It is us... more Correlation is considered the most important factor in analyzing the data in statistics. It is used to measure the movement of two different variables linearly. The concept of correlation is well-known and used in different fields to measure the association between two variables. The hesitant 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic set (H2FLS) comes out to be valuable in addressing people’s reluctant subjective data. The purpose of this paper is to analyze new correlation measures between H2FLSs and apply them in the decision-making process. First and foremost, the ideas of mean and variance of hesitant 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic elements (H2FLEs) are introduced. Then, a new correlation coefficient between H2FLSs is established. In addition, considering that different H2FLEs may have different criteria weights, the weighted correlation coefficient and ordered weighted correlation coefficient are further investigated. A practical example concerning the detailed procedure of solving problems is exempl...
A fuzzy set extension known as the hesitant fuzzy set (HFS) has increased in popularity for decis... more A fuzzy set extension known as the hesitant fuzzy set (HFS) has increased in popularity for decision making in recent years, especially when experts have had trouble evaluating several alternatives by employing a single value for assessment when working in a fuzzy environment. However, it has a significant problem in its uses, i.e., considerable data loss. The probabilistic hesitant fuzzy set (PHFS) has been proposed to improve the HFS. It provides probability values to the HFS and has the ability to retain more information than the HFS. Previously, fuzzy regression models such as the fuzzy linear regression model (FLRM) and hesitant fuzzy linear regression model were used for decision making; however, these models do not provide information about the distribution. To address this issue, we proposed a probabilistic hesitant fuzzy linear regression model (PHFLRM) that incorporates distribution information to account for multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems. The PHFLRM obser...
For a non-abelian group G and a subset X of G, we de…ne the commuting graph, denoted (X) = C(G; X... more For a non-abelian group G and a subset X of G, we de…ne the commuting graph, denoted (X) = C(G; X), to be the graph whose vertex set is X with two distinct vertices x; y 2 X joined by an edge if and only if xy = yx. In this short note, certain properties of commuting graphs constructed on the dihedral type groups D2n with respect to some speci…c subsets are discussed. More precisely, the chromatic number and clique number of these commuting graphs are obtained.
Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) plays a vibrant role in decision-making, and the characteri... more Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) plays a vibrant role in decision-making, and the characteristic object method (COMET) acts as a powerful tool for decision-making of complex problems. COMET technique allows using both symmetrical and asymmetrical triangular fuzzy numbers. The COMET technique is immune to the pivotal challenge of rank reversal paradox and is proficient at handling vagueness and hesitancy. Classical COMET is not designed for handling uncertainty data when the expert has a problem with the identification of the membership function. In this paper, symmetrical and asymmetrical normalized interval-valued triangular fuzzy numbers (NIVTFNs) are used for decision-making as the solution of the identified challenge. A new MCDM method based on the COMET method is developed by using the concept of NIVTFNs. A simple problem of MCDM in the form of an illustrative example is given to demonstrate the calculation procedure and accuracy of the proposed approach. Furthermore, we compare the solution of the proposed method, as interval preference, with the results obtained in the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal solution (TOPSIS) method (a certain preference number).
For a non-abelian group G and a subset X of G, we define the commuting graph, denoted Γ(X) = C(G,... more For a non-abelian group G and a subset X of G, we define the commuting graph, denoted Γ(X) = C(G,X), to be the graph whose vertex set is X with two distinct vertices x, y ∈ X joined by an edge if and only if xy = yx. In this short note, certain properties of commuting graphs constructed on the dihedral type groups D2n with respect to some specific subsets are discussed. More precisely, the chromatic number and clique number of these commuting graphs are obtained.
Ambiguous and uncertain facts can be handled using a hesitant 2-tuple linguistic set (H2TLS), an ... more Ambiguous and uncertain facts can be handled using a hesitant 2-tuple linguistic set (H2TLS), an important expansion of the 2-tuple linguistic set. The vagueness and uncertainty of data can be grabbed by using aggregation operators. Therefore, aggregation operators play an important role in computational processes to merge the information provided by decision makers (DMs). Furthermore, the aggregation operator is a potential mechanism for merging multisource data which is synonymous with cooperative preference. The aggregation operators need to be studied and analyzed from various perspectives to represent complex choice situations more readily and capture the diverse experiences of DMs. In this manuscript, we propose some valuable operational laws for H2TLS. These new operational laws work through the individual aggregation of linguistic words and the collection of translation parameters. We introduced a hesitant 2-tuple linguistic weighted average (H2TLWA) operator to solve multi-...
For a non-abelian group G and a subset X of G, we define the commuting graph, denoted (X)=C(G;X),... more For a non-abelian group G and a subset X of G, we define the commuting graph, denoted (X)=C(G;X), to be the graph whose vertex set is X with two distinct vertices x,y∈X joined by an edge if and only if xy=yx. In this short note, certain properties of commuting graphs constructed on the dihedral type groups D 2n with respect to some specific subsets are discussed. More precisely, the chromatic number and clique number of these commuting graphs are obtained.
An expert may experience difficulties in decision making when evaluating alternatives through a s... more An expert may experience difficulties in decision making when evaluating alternatives through a single assessment value in a hesitant environment. A fuzzy linear regression model (FLRM) is used for decision-making purposes, but this model is entirely unreasonable in the presence of hesitant fuzzy information. In order to overcome this issue, in this paper, we define a hesitant fuzzy linear regression model (HFLRM) to account for multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) problems in a hesitant environment. The HFLRM provides an alternative approach to statistical regression for modelling situations where input–output variables are observed as hesitant fuzzy elements (HFEs). The parameters of HFLRM are symmetric triangular fuzzy numbers (STFNs) estimated through solving the linear programming (LP) model. An application example is presented to measure the effectiveness and significance of our proposed methodology by solving a MCDM problem. Moreover, the results obtained employing HFLRM are ...
This paper comprises the introduction of weighted mean products of fuzzy graph structures (FGSs) ... more This paper comprises the introduction of weighted mean products of fuzzy graph structures (FGSs) to construct weighted mean fuzzy graph structures (WMFGSs) with the help of optimization parameter, and establish some novel results after validating with examples, accordingly. The notions of regular and mµ k-regular FGSs are described, where m ∈]0, 1] represents the degree of all vertices in G under mapping µ k , and develop certain properties of regular WMFGSs. In addition, we create a flowchart to present common application procedures of fuzzy graphical frameworks to classify the advanced city out of some important Pakistani cities subject to certain parameters. INDEX TERMS Fuzzy graph structure, weighted mean product, vertex degree, vertex total degree, regular fuzzy graph structure.
The multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem has a solution whose quality can be affected by... more The multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem has a solution whose quality can be affected by the experts’ inclinations. Under essential conditions, the fuzzy MCDM method can provide more acceptable and efficient outcomes to select the best alternatives. This work consists of a consensus-based technique for selecting and evaluating suppliers in an incomplete fuzzy preference relations (IFPRs) environment utilizing TL-transitivity (Lukasiewicz transitivity). The suggested method is developed based on the criteria of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Fframework, and the decision matrix is construtced using consistent fuzzy preference relations (FPRs). We use the symmetrical decisional matrix approach. A variety of numerical explanations and an analysis of quantitative results illustrate the suggested methodology’s logic and effectiveness.
Over the past few decades, several researchers and professionals have focused on the development ... more Over the past few decades, several researchers and professionals have focused on the development and application of multi-criteria group decision making (MCGDM) methods under a fuzzy environment in different areas and disciplines. This complex research area has become one of the more popular topics, and it seems that this trend will be increasing. In this paper, we propose a new MCGDM approach combining intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) and the Characteristic Object Method (COMET) for solving the group decision making (GDM) problems. The COMET method is resistant to the rank reversal phenomenon, and at the same time it remains relatively simple and intuitive in practical problems. This method can be used for both symmetric and asymmetric information. The Triangular Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers (TIFNs) have been used to handle uncertain data. This concept can ensure the preference information about an alternative under specific criteria more comprehensively and allows for easy modelli...
Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) plays a vibrant role in decision-making, and the characteri... more Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) plays a vibrant role in decision-making, and the characteristic object method (COMET) acts as a powerful tool for decision-making of complex problems. COMET technique allows using both symmetrical and asymmetrical triangular fuzzy numbers. The COMET technique is immune to the pivotal challenge of rank reversal paradox and is proficient at handling vagueness and hesitancy. Classical COMET is not designed for handling uncertainty data when the expert has a problem with the identification of the membership function. In this paper, symmetrical and asymmetrical normalized interval-valued triangular fuzzy numbers (NIVTFNs) are used for decision-making as the solution of the identified challenge. A new MCDM method based on the COMET method is developed by using the concept of NIVTFNs. A simple problem of MCDM in the form of an illustrative example is given to demonstrate the calculation procedure and accuracy of the proposed approach. Furthermore, we c...
In the modern literature related to linguistic decision-making, the 2-tuple linguistic representa... more In the modern literature related to linguistic decision-making, the 2-tuple linguistic representation model and its useful applications in various fields have been extensively studied and used during the last decade. Recently, some useful multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) methods have been introduced based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for 2-tuple linguistic representation model. By keeping in mind the importance of this linguistic model, in this paper, we introduce a fuzzy AHP methodology for intuitionistic 2-tuple linguistic sets (I2TLSs) which is a useful extension of the 2-tuple linguistic representation model. This study is comprised of four stages. In the first stage, we define some operational laws for I2TL elements (I2TLEs) and prove some related important properties. In the second stage, intuitionistic 2-tuple linguistic preference relation (I2TLPR) and multiplicative I2TLPR are defined using I2TLSs. In the 3rd stage, a transformation mechanism is introduced which can transform an I2TLPR to a corresponding intuitionistic preference relation (IPR) and vice versa. In the fourth stage, an approach is proposed for checking the consistency of an I2TLPR and presented a method to repair the inconsistent one by using the proposed transformation mechanism. Finally, a numerical example is given and comparative analysis is carried out with the TOPSIS method to verify the validity of the proposed method.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This paper proposes some operations on the cubic intuitionistic set along with useful properties.... more This paper proposes some operations on the cubic intuitionistic set along with useful properties. We propose the internal cubic intuitionistic set (ICIS), the external cubic intuitionistic set (ECIS), P-order, R-order order (P-(R-) order), P-union, R-union (P-(R-) union), P-intersection, and R-intersection (P-(R-) intersection). We further investigate several properties of the P-(R-) union and P-(R-) intersection of ICISs and ECISs, and present some examples in this context. Some important theorems related to ICISs and ECISs are also presented with proof. Finally, an application example is given to measure the effectiveness and significance of the proposed operations by solving a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem.
Correlation is considered the most important factor in analyzing the data in statistics. It is us... more Correlation is considered the most important factor in analyzing the data in statistics. It is used to measure the movement of two different variables linearly. The concept of correlation is well-known and used in different fields to measure the association between two variables. The hesitant 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic set (H2FLS) comes out to be valuable in addressing people’s reluctant subjective data. The purpose of this paper is to analyze new correlation measures between H2FLSs and apply them in the decision-making process. First and foremost, the ideas of mean and variance of hesitant 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic elements (H2FLEs) are introduced. Then, a new correlation coefficient between H2FLSs is established. In addition, considering that different H2FLEs may have different criteria weights, the weighted correlation coefficient and ordered weighted correlation coefficient are further investigated. A practical example concerning the detailed procedure of solving problems is exempl...
A fuzzy set extension known as the hesitant fuzzy set (HFS) has increased in popularity for decis... more A fuzzy set extension known as the hesitant fuzzy set (HFS) has increased in popularity for decision making in recent years, especially when experts have had trouble evaluating several alternatives by employing a single value for assessment when working in a fuzzy environment. However, it has a significant problem in its uses, i.e., considerable data loss. The probabilistic hesitant fuzzy set (PHFS) has been proposed to improve the HFS. It provides probability values to the HFS and has the ability to retain more information than the HFS. Previously, fuzzy regression models such as the fuzzy linear regression model (FLRM) and hesitant fuzzy linear regression model were used for decision making; however, these models do not provide information about the distribution. To address this issue, we proposed a probabilistic hesitant fuzzy linear regression model (PHFLRM) that incorporates distribution information to account for multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems. The PHFLRM obser...
For a non-abelian group G and a subset X of G, we de…ne the commuting graph, denoted (X) = C(G; X... more For a non-abelian group G and a subset X of G, we de…ne the commuting graph, denoted (X) = C(G; X), to be the graph whose vertex set is X with two distinct vertices x; y 2 X joined by an edge if and only if xy = yx. In this short note, certain properties of commuting graphs constructed on the dihedral type groups D2n with respect to some speci…c subsets are discussed. More precisely, the chromatic number and clique number of these commuting graphs are obtained.
Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) plays a vibrant role in decision-making, and the characteri... more Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) plays a vibrant role in decision-making, and the characteristic object method (COMET) acts as a powerful tool for decision-making of complex problems. COMET technique allows using both symmetrical and asymmetrical triangular fuzzy numbers. The COMET technique is immune to the pivotal challenge of rank reversal paradox and is proficient at handling vagueness and hesitancy. Classical COMET is not designed for handling uncertainty data when the expert has a problem with the identification of the membership function. In this paper, symmetrical and asymmetrical normalized interval-valued triangular fuzzy numbers (NIVTFNs) are used for decision-making as the solution of the identified challenge. A new MCDM method based on the COMET method is developed by using the concept of NIVTFNs. A simple problem of MCDM in the form of an illustrative example is given to demonstrate the calculation procedure and accuracy of the proposed approach. Furthermore, we compare the solution of the proposed method, as interval preference, with the results obtained in the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal solution (TOPSIS) method (a certain preference number).
For a non-abelian group G and a subset X of G, we define the commuting graph, denoted Γ(X) = C(G,... more For a non-abelian group G and a subset X of G, we define the commuting graph, denoted Γ(X) = C(G,X), to be the graph whose vertex set is X with two distinct vertices x, y ∈ X joined by an edge if and only if xy = yx. In this short note, certain properties of commuting graphs constructed on the dihedral type groups D2n with respect to some specific subsets are discussed. More precisely, the chromatic number and clique number of these commuting graphs are obtained.
Ambiguous and uncertain facts can be handled using a hesitant 2-tuple linguistic set (H2TLS), an ... more Ambiguous and uncertain facts can be handled using a hesitant 2-tuple linguistic set (H2TLS), an important expansion of the 2-tuple linguistic set. The vagueness and uncertainty of data can be grabbed by using aggregation operators. Therefore, aggregation operators play an important role in computational processes to merge the information provided by decision makers (DMs). Furthermore, the aggregation operator is a potential mechanism for merging multisource data which is synonymous with cooperative preference. The aggregation operators need to be studied and analyzed from various perspectives to represent complex choice situations more readily and capture the diverse experiences of DMs. In this manuscript, we propose some valuable operational laws for H2TLS. These new operational laws work through the individual aggregation of linguistic words and the collection of translation parameters. We introduced a hesitant 2-tuple linguistic weighted average (H2TLWA) operator to solve multi-...
For a non-abelian group G and a subset X of G, we define the commuting graph, denoted (X)=C(G;X),... more For a non-abelian group G and a subset X of G, we define the commuting graph, denoted (X)=C(G;X), to be the graph whose vertex set is X with two distinct vertices x,y∈X joined by an edge if and only if xy=yx. In this short note, certain properties of commuting graphs constructed on the dihedral type groups D 2n with respect to some specific subsets are discussed. More precisely, the chromatic number and clique number of these commuting graphs are obtained.
An expert may experience difficulties in decision making when evaluating alternatives through a s... more An expert may experience difficulties in decision making when evaluating alternatives through a single assessment value in a hesitant environment. A fuzzy linear regression model (FLRM) is used for decision-making purposes, but this model is entirely unreasonable in the presence of hesitant fuzzy information. In order to overcome this issue, in this paper, we define a hesitant fuzzy linear regression model (HFLRM) to account for multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) problems in a hesitant environment. The HFLRM provides an alternative approach to statistical regression for modelling situations where input–output variables are observed as hesitant fuzzy elements (HFEs). The parameters of HFLRM are symmetric triangular fuzzy numbers (STFNs) estimated through solving the linear programming (LP) model. An application example is presented to measure the effectiveness and significance of our proposed methodology by solving a MCDM problem. Moreover, the results obtained employing HFLRM are ...
This paper comprises the introduction of weighted mean products of fuzzy graph structures (FGSs) ... more This paper comprises the introduction of weighted mean products of fuzzy graph structures (FGSs) to construct weighted mean fuzzy graph structures (WMFGSs) with the help of optimization parameter, and establish some novel results after validating with examples, accordingly. The notions of regular and mµ k-regular FGSs are described, where m ∈]0, 1] represents the degree of all vertices in G under mapping µ k , and develop certain properties of regular WMFGSs. In addition, we create a flowchart to present common application procedures of fuzzy graphical frameworks to classify the advanced city out of some important Pakistani cities subject to certain parameters. INDEX TERMS Fuzzy graph structure, weighted mean product, vertex degree, vertex total degree, regular fuzzy graph structure.
The multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem has a solution whose quality can be affected by... more The multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem has a solution whose quality can be affected by the experts’ inclinations. Under essential conditions, the fuzzy MCDM method can provide more acceptable and efficient outcomes to select the best alternatives. This work consists of a consensus-based technique for selecting and evaluating suppliers in an incomplete fuzzy preference relations (IFPRs) environment utilizing TL-transitivity (Lukasiewicz transitivity). The suggested method is developed based on the criteria of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Fframework, and the decision matrix is construtced using consistent fuzzy preference relations (FPRs). We use the symmetrical decisional matrix approach. A variety of numerical explanations and an analysis of quantitative results illustrate the suggested methodology’s logic and effectiveness.
Over the past few decades, several researchers and professionals have focused on the development ... more Over the past few decades, several researchers and professionals have focused on the development and application of multi-criteria group decision making (MCGDM) methods under a fuzzy environment in different areas and disciplines. This complex research area has become one of the more popular topics, and it seems that this trend will be increasing. In this paper, we propose a new MCGDM approach combining intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) and the Characteristic Object Method (COMET) for solving the group decision making (GDM) problems. The COMET method is resistant to the rank reversal phenomenon, and at the same time it remains relatively simple and intuitive in practical problems. This method can be used for both symmetric and asymmetric information. The Triangular Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers (TIFNs) have been used to handle uncertain data. This concept can ensure the preference information about an alternative under specific criteria more comprehensively and allows for easy modelli...
Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) plays a vibrant role in decision-making, and the characteri... more Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) plays a vibrant role in decision-making, and the characteristic object method (COMET) acts as a powerful tool for decision-making of complex problems. COMET technique allows using both symmetrical and asymmetrical triangular fuzzy numbers. The COMET technique is immune to the pivotal challenge of rank reversal paradox and is proficient at handling vagueness and hesitancy. Classical COMET is not designed for handling uncertainty data when the expert has a problem with the identification of the membership function. In this paper, symmetrical and asymmetrical normalized interval-valued triangular fuzzy numbers (NIVTFNs) are used for decision-making as the solution of the identified challenge. A new MCDM method based on the COMET method is developed by using the concept of NIVTFNs. A simple problem of MCDM in the form of an illustrative example is given to demonstrate the calculation procedure and accuracy of the proposed approach. Furthermore, we c...
Papers by Shahzad Faizi