Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan YME, karena atas limpahan rahmat dan karunia-Nya, sehingga buku ini s... more Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan YME, karena atas limpahan rahmat dan karunia-Nya, sehingga buku ini selesai disusun dan berhasil diterbitkan. Kehadiran Buku Manajemen Strategik ini disusun oleh para akademisi dan praktisi dalam bentuk buku kolaborasi. Walaupun masih jauh dari kesempurnaan, tetapi kami mengharapkan buku ini dapat menjadi referensi atau bahan bacaan dalam menambah khasanah keilmuan khususnya mengenai Manajemen Strategik. Sistematika penulisan buku ini diuraikan dalam tigabelas bab yang memuat tentang Ruang lingkup Manajemen Strategik, Sejarah dan Perkembangan Manajemen Strategik, Visi, Misi, dan Tujuan Perusahaan, Analisis Lingkungan Eksternal, Manajemen Strategik, Formulasi Strategi, Strategi Bisnis (Bersaing), Strategi Fokus Pelanggan, Implementasi Strategi, Manajemen Strategi SDM, Manajemen Strategi pada Proses Operasional, Manajemen Strategi Keuangan, dan bab terakhir yaitu Evaluasi dan Pengendalian Strategik. Ucapan terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada seluruh piha...
Green transportation is a concept developed by utilizing vehicles that are environmentally friend... more Green transportation is a concept developed by utilizing vehicles that are environmentally friendly, low in emissions and do not produce pollution that has a negative impact on the environment. This study aims to analyze scientific publications by utilizing green transportation as the main construct that has relevance to sustainable transportation to be directed into novelty and followed up in future developments. Meta analysis was developed by optimizing the use of scientific literature on the concept of green transportation. The analysis was developed through a qualitative approach and literature review using VOSviewer. This study describes 4920 journals published from 2018 to 2022 as data sources from database search results found on Google Scholar which were developed through the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) stages. Results state that the trend of scientific publications on the studied construct has increased in line with the need for the sustainability of the transportation system. In addition, novelty of construct is obtained as a derivative of green transportation including green supply chain, green warehousing, green distribution, green logistics, green manufacturing, green production, green packaging, green infrastructure, green economy, green marketing, green initiative, clean energy, emission reduction, new energy vehicles and green cities. The novelty of constructs found needs to be followed up in further studies along with the development of knowledge and technology which is encouraged to support sustainable development.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2024
Ensuring a stable and sustainable supply of energy has emerged as a critical global concern in th... more Ensuring a stable and sustainable supply of energy has emerged as a critical global concern in the face of increasing energy demand, environmental degradation and geopolitical uncertainty. As all countries rely heavily on energy to drive economic growth and technological progress, ensuring a stable and accessible supply of energy has become a paramount imperative. This study aims to explore the multifaceted concept of energy security and its derivative topics for follow-up development in the future. The research approach combines bibliometric analysis and the analytical hierarchy process which was developed to analyze the derivatives of the concept of energy security. Data sourced from scientific literature collected from journal publications published from 2018-2022. The results of the study found three priority topics that have the potential to have novelty in the development of energy security in the future, including clean energy, energy harvesting and energy equity. This priority topic underscores the importance of a transition towards sustainable energy system that not only guarantees a reliable supply of energy but also promotes environmental stewardship and people's well-being.
Post-Smart Tourism Destinations (PSTD) need a sense-of-place approach based on uniqueness and the... more Post-Smart Tourism Destinations (PSTD) need a sense-of-place approach based on uniqueness and thematic differentiation to deliver authentic and valuable experiences. Information and communication technology (ICT), digital technology adoption, sustainable development, community empowerment and local wisdom, and destination uniqueness are keywords that will be further explored in the development of tourism villages in Kenderan as the most important tourism destination development at the village level. The development of smart tourism, proof of the disruption of digital technology in the tourism sector, has become the objective of almost every tourism destination in the world today, be it an urban or rural area. Since its initial emergence, the smart concept in tourism development has evolved. In the beginning, it focused on ICT and the adoption of digital technology. Along with the pressure of the global requirement to apply sustainable development, the focus of smart tourism later included sustainability in the application of smart technology, which made smart tourism development (STD) become smart and sustainable tourism development (SSTD). The post-smart tourism concept arose because many critics suggested that destinations tend to place too much focus on technology adoption and lack attention to local wisdom, inclusivity, and local indigenous aspects of destination development. Applied research implemented mixed methods in the form of qualitative research through expert judgment and quantitative research through structural equation modeling analysis. The results of this research show that creative events for the local aspects of a tourist village, digital competence, and sustainability practice are the building blocks for a postsmart tourism village, while digital competence and sustainable practice have a significant mediating effect of locality on post-smart tourism villages. To ensure a tourism village possesses sustainable competitive advantages, the village must explore and promote its locality aspects to differentiate itself as a tourist village by identifying its valuable, rare, inimitable, and non-substitutable tourism resources. The implication of this research is that to develop wise and distinctive smart tourism destinations, tourist villages should explore their local values and resources, embed them into their basic components and core resources of tourism, and co-create, distribute, deliver, and promote them to the global market through technology adoption and global sustainability value.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2022
Community empowerment to improve local welfare is a big challenge for almost every rural area in ... more Community empowerment to improve local welfare is a big challenge for almost every rural area in developing countries as thematic empowerment’s programs has to be launched in order to make it happen. The objective of study is to examine how sustainable tourism and creative economy development as local community’s empowerment theme in rural area can be utilized as means to improve local welfare. This study uses a quantitative approach through distributing questionnaires to 137 respondents located in five villages, Samosir Regency - Indonesia as an effort to collect local community perceptions of the observed variables. The data collected are analyzed by structural equation model. The results of the study show that community empowerment influences significantly on sustainable tourism development and creative economy, while its effect is greater on sustainable tourism development, while both sustainable tourism development and creative economy are positively contributed to community wellbeing. Recommendations are given in following up on research findings for stakeholders developing tourism industry to empower local community on sustainable tourism development to enhance and strengthen creative economy in order to improve people's welfare.
Green transportation is a concept developed by utilizing vehicles that are environmentally friend... more Green transportation is a concept developed by utilizing vehicles that are environmentally friendly, low in emissions and do not produce pollution that has a negative impact on the environment. This study aims to analyze scientific publications by utilizing green transportation as the main construct that has relevance to sustainable transportation to be directed into novelty and followed up in future developments. Meta analysis was developed by optimizing the use of scientific literature on the concept of green transportation. The analysis was developed through a qualitative approach and literature review using VOSviewer. This study describes 4920 journals published from 2018 to 2022 as data sources from database search results found on Google Scholar which were developed through the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) stages. Results state that the trend of scientific publications on the studied construct has increased in line with the need f...
Renewable energy is required to meet the electrical energy demand in order to achieve national en... more Renewable energy is required to meet the electrical energy demand in order to achieve national energy independence. Mix method was developed in this study which aims to examine the performance of renewable energy development which is influenced by several aspects including supply chain, partnership strategy, dynamic capability, and regulation. The unit of analysis developed is renewable power plant with data sources coming from government, business actors, PLN management, environmental institutions, and experts in energy sector. Analytical hierarchy process and structural equation modeling used to test the hypothesis. The results of the study state that regulations, partnership strategies and supply chain performance are solution and important priorities in building the performance of renewable power plants in Indonesia. Renewable power plant is recommended as one of national policies that must be issued by government to support the fulfillment of alternative energy needs.
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 36, 2017
Corporate reputation is an assessment of stakeholders based on their existence, leadership, and i... more Corporate reputation is an assessment of stakeholders based on their existence, leadership, and innovation. This study empirically investigates the effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR), dynamic capabilities, reputation, and competitive advantage in manufacturing industries. An active role of manufacturing industries for involvement in CSR is needed by stakeholders in order to sustain the economic, social, and environmental aspects that ultimately increase the reputation of an objective that can be achieved by manufacturing industries. The development of dynamic capabilities is an internal factor for manufacturing industries into sections to win a competitive advantage. The authors conducted a survey to test the hypotheses and designed a SEM to analyze them. The results show that CSR has a positive effect on reputation. Dynamic capabilities have an effect on competitive advantage. This study concludes that reputation has an effect on competitive advantage. This finding integrates insights in a reputation framework into a generalization having a direct effect on competitive advantage in manufacturing industries. This research is expected to provide manufacturing industries with valuable suggestions for management practices to increase reputation and achieve the industrial goals especially to win the competitive advantage.
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 15, 2016
CSR strategy become manufacture's policy to effective controlling all of resources and capabiliti... more CSR strategy become manufacture's policy to effective controlling all of resources and capabilities. CSR activities needed powerful commitment to conduct business especially focus in economically, socially and environmentally. Strategic organizational through resources and capabilities determine the type of CSR strategy deployed in manufacturing. These valuable and unique aspects of CSR strategy be attributed to the moral and ethics of CSR activity. This study empirically investigates whether there is an effect of CSR strategy to achieve competitive advantage at industrial city. The authors conducted a survey to test the hypotheses and design a SEM to analyze them. The result showed that the CSR strategies have positive effect on competitive advantage. Resources and capabilities have positive effect on CSR strategy. Furthermore, this research is expected to provide for management in industrial manufacturing have valuable suggestions for management practices to increase for implemented of CSR strategy and how achieved the manufacturing goals especially to win of competitive advantage in business.
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 198, 2021
Digital economy is an effort to strengthen economic activity through the development of digital d... more Digital economy is an effort to strengthen economic activity through the development of digital data by utilizing information and communication technology. Digital computing technology has been developed in various forms of digital platforms through internet-based business development to support the digital economy that is currently developing. This research was developed with qualitative method using bibliometric analysis to analyze various research topics that are currently growing rapidly. The development of various scientific literatures is analyzed which refers to scientific journals published in the last five years on the topic of digital economy. The results of analysis reveal that there are several topics with high novelty elements and have the feasibility to be developed in various sectors to support economic growth which include artificial intelligence, block chain technology, sharing economy, digital platforms, knowledge economy, cashless transactions, demonetization, financial technology. Various topics that have novelty, especially for the development of digital economy, need to be researched further so that they can be developed according to current needs with the support of knowledge and technology that is experiencing rapid improvement.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Islamic Studies (ICONIS) , 2021
Spiritual resilience is ability to carry out the teachings of religion adopted by implementing re... more Spiritual resilience is ability to carry out the teachings of religion adopted by implementing religious values as the basis for acting and behaving. The ability in attitude and behavior in implementing religious teachings becomes a solid foundation in dealing with various life problems in order to get the best solution in accordance with God's teachings. Qualitative methods by implementing meta-analysis are applied to this study as an effort to analyze topics studied in various scientific journals. Scientific literature is analyzed over a period of time during covid-19 pandemic on the topic of spiritual resilience. The results of meta-analysis describe various current topics and deserve to be developed in the future in increasing knowledge related to spiritual resilience with several dominant topics including efficacy, religious coping, psychological hardiness, spiritual wellbeing, spiritual intelligent, psychological capital, spiritual change, spiritual influence, emotional intelligence. The various topics studied were found to have novel value and need to be further developed to grow knowledge in order to face various problems and challenges in the future which are expected to be in accordance with the needs in providing solutions to various problems that arise.
Renewable energy is required to meet the electrical energy demand in order to achieve national en... more Renewable energy is required to meet the electrical energy demand in order to achieve national energy independence. Mix method was developed in this study which aims to examine the performance of renewable energy development which is influenced by several aspects including supply chain, partnership strategy, dynamic capability, and regulation. The unit of analysis developed is renewable power plant with data sources coming from government, business actors, PLN management, environmental institutions, and experts in energy sector. Analytical hierarchy process and structural equation modeling used to test the hypothesis. The results of the study state that regulations, partnership strategies and supply chain performance are solution and important priorities in building the performance of renewable power plants in Indonesia. Renewable power plant is recommended as one of national policies that must be issued by government to support the fulfillment of alternative energy needs.
Smart destinations require a management system that provides convenient real-time use of digital ... more Smart destinations require a management system that provides convenient real-time use of digital technology in creating, communicating, and delivering value to visitors. Research related to smart island destinations is still limited, let alone those that utilize blockchain technology to create the smartness of the destination. This research is an empirical study that captures the perceptions of stakeholders in the blue economy on smart islands and the use of blockchain technology in order to build smart islands, a destination that consists of many islands that lack connectedness, such as the Seribu Islands in Jakarta, Indonesia. Data were collected using qualitative and quantitative approaches (mixed methods). Qualitative data were collected from scientific journal publications and followed up with VOS viewer analysis, and quantitative data with the questionnaire survey responses from 150 blue economy industry players in the Seribu Islands and structural equation modeling showed tha...
Online learning is learning process to gain knowledge through a set of electronic devices with r... more Online learning is learning process to gain knowledge through a set of electronic devices with relevant application programs and connected to internet. Teachers must develop various effective learning models during pandemic. Online learning needs to be done as long as there is no classroom learning, one program that can be applied is faststone. The purpose of study was to obtain overview effectiveness the implementation of online learning using faststone. The research subjects were students of class XI in financial accounting department totaling 69 students through data collection of observations, documentation, and giving questionnaires. Qualitative descriptive method was applied to analyze the collected data. Results showed that the application of learning model using faststone was more effective during online learning. Learning model used in this study can be applied by teachers to increase learning independence, interest and motivation, and courage to express ideas during onl...
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) adalah penataan dan pengembangan kawasan perkotaan yang mengin... more Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) adalah penataan dan pengembangan kawasan perkotaan yang mengintegrasikan sistem transportasi ramah lingkungan yang seimbang dengan kehidupan ekonomi dan sosial untuk mewujudkan kota yang berkelanjutan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis artikel jurnal yang menggunakan tema TOD dan mendeskripsikan berbagai topik yang relevan dan memiliki kebaruan untuk dikembangkan pada penelitian yang akan datang. Analisis bibliometrik yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan literatur ilmiah dengan tema TOD yang diterbitkan mulai tahun 1977 hingga 2021. Metode kualitatif dikembangkan untuk menganalisis jurnal ilmiah dengan menggunakan VOSviewer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tema TOD yang diimplementasikan dalam jurnal ilmiah menjadi perhatian serius dan memiliki nilai minat yang tinggi bagi para peneliti selama sepuluh tahun terakhir. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan 999 jurnal ilmiah yang didapatkan dari hasil penelusuran database Google Scho...
Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan YME, karena atas limpahan rahmat dan karunia-Nya, sehingga buku ini s... more Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan YME, karena atas limpahan rahmat dan karunia-Nya, sehingga buku ini selesai disusun dan berhasil diterbitkan. Kehadiran Buku Manajemen Strategik ini disusun oleh para akademisi dan praktisi dalam bentuk buku kolaborasi. Walaupun masih jauh dari kesempurnaan, tetapi kami mengharapkan buku ini dapat menjadi referensi atau bahan bacaan dalam menambah khasanah keilmuan khususnya mengenai Manajemen Strategik. Sistematika penulisan buku ini diuraikan dalam tigabelas bab yang memuat tentang Ruang lingkup Manajemen Strategik, Sejarah dan Perkembangan Manajemen Strategik, Visi, Misi, dan Tujuan Perusahaan, Analisis Lingkungan Eksternal, Manajemen Strategik, Formulasi Strategi, Strategi Bisnis (Bersaing), Strategi Fokus Pelanggan, Implementasi Strategi, Manajemen Strategi SDM, Manajemen Strategi pada Proses Operasional, Manajemen Strategi Keuangan, dan bab terakhir yaitu Evaluasi dan Pengendalian Strategik. Ucapan terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada seluruh piha...
Green transportation is a concept developed by utilizing vehicles that are environmentally friend... more Green transportation is a concept developed by utilizing vehicles that are environmentally friendly, low in emissions and do not produce pollution that has a negative impact on the environment. This study aims to analyze scientific publications by utilizing green transportation as the main construct that has relevance to sustainable transportation to be directed into novelty and followed up in future developments. Meta analysis was developed by optimizing the use of scientific literature on the concept of green transportation. The analysis was developed through a qualitative approach and literature review using VOSviewer. This study describes 4920 journals published from 2018 to 2022 as data sources from database search results found on Google Scholar which were developed through the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) stages. Results state that the trend of scientific publications on the studied construct has increased in line with the need for the sustainability of the transportation system. In addition, novelty of construct is obtained as a derivative of green transportation including green supply chain, green warehousing, green distribution, green logistics, green manufacturing, green production, green packaging, green infrastructure, green economy, green marketing, green initiative, clean energy, emission reduction, new energy vehicles and green cities. The novelty of constructs found needs to be followed up in further studies along with the development of knowledge and technology which is encouraged to support sustainable development.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2024
Ensuring a stable and sustainable supply of energy has emerged as a critical global concern in th... more Ensuring a stable and sustainable supply of energy has emerged as a critical global concern in the face of increasing energy demand, environmental degradation and geopolitical uncertainty. As all countries rely heavily on energy to drive economic growth and technological progress, ensuring a stable and accessible supply of energy has become a paramount imperative. This study aims to explore the multifaceted concept of energy security and its derivative topics for follow-up development in the future. The research approach combines bibliometric analysis and the analytical hierarchy process which was developed to analyze the derivatives of the concept of energy security. Data sourced from scientific literature collected from journal publications published from 2018-2022. The results of the study found three priority topics that have the potential to have novelty in the development of energy security in the future, including clean energy, energy harvesting and energy equity. This priority topic underscores the importance of a transition towards sustainable energy system that not only guarantees a reliable supply of energy but also promotes environmental stewardship and people's well-being.
Post-Smart Tourism Destinations (PSTD) need a sense-of-place approach based on uniqueness and the... more Post-Smart Tourism Destinations (PSTD) need a sense-of-place approach based on uniqueness and thematic differentiation to deliver authentic and valuable experiences. Information and communication technology (ICT), digital technology adoption, sustainable development, community empowerment and local wisdom, and destination uniqueness are keywords that will be further explored in the development of tourism villages in Kenderan as the most important tourism destination development at the village level. The development of smart tourism, proof of the disruption of digital technology in the tourism sector, has become the objective of almost every tourism destination in the world today, be it an urban or rural area. Since its initial emergence, the smart concept in tourism development has evolved. In the beginning, it focused on ICT and the adoption of digital technology. Along with the pressure of the global requirement to apply sustainable development, the focus of smart tourism later included sustainability in the application of smart technology, which made smart tourism development (STD) become smart and sustainable tourism development (SSTD). The post-smart tourism concept arose because many critics suggested that destinations tend to place too much focus on technology adoption and lack attention to local wisdom, inclusivity, and local indigenous aspects of destination development. Applied research implemented mixed methods in the form of qualitative research through expert judgment and quantitative research through structural equation modeling analysis. The results of this research show that creative events for the local aspects of a tourist village, digital competence, and sustainability practice are the building blocks for a postsmart tourism village, while digital competence and sustainable practice have a significant mediating effect of locality on post-smart tourism villages. To ensure a tourism village possesses sustainable competitive advantages, the village must explore and promote its locality aspects to differentiate itself as a tourist village by identifying its valuable, rare, inimitable, and non-substitutable tourism resources. The implication of this research is that to develop wise and distinctive smart tourism destinations, tourist villages should explore their local values and resources, embed them into their basic components and core resources of tourism, and co-create, distribute, deliver, and promote them to the global market through technology adoption and global sustainability value.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2022
Community empowerment to improve local welfare is a big challenge for almost every rural area in ... more Community empowerment to improve local welfare is a big challenge for almost every rural area in developing countries as thematic empowerment’s programs has to be launched in order to make it happen. The objective of study is to examine how sustainable tourism and creative economy development as local community’s empowerment theme in rural area can be utilized as means to improve local welfare. This study uses a quantitative approach through distributing questionnaires to 137 respondents located in five villages, Samosir Regency - Indonesia as an effort to collect local community perceptions of the observed variables. The data collected are analyzed by structural equation model. The results of the study show that community empowerment influences significantly on sustainable tourism development and creative economy, while its effect is greater on sustainable tourism development, while both sustainable tourism development and creative economy are positively contributed to community wellbeing. Recommendations are given in following up on research findings for stakeholders developing tourism industry to empower local community on sustainable tourism development to enhance and strengthen creative economy in order to improve people's welfare.
Green transportation is a concept developed by utilizing vehicles that are environmentally friend... more Green transportation is a concept developed by utilizing vehicles that are environmentally friendly, low in emissions and do not produce pollution that has a negative impact on the environment. This study aims to analyze scientific publications by utilizing green transportation as the main construct that has relevance to sustainable transportation to be directed into novelty and followed up in future developments. Meta analysis was developed by optimizing the use of scientific literature on the concept of green transportation. The analysis was developed through a qualitative approach and literature review using VOSviewer. This study describes 4920 journals published from 2018 to 2022 as data sources from database search results found on Google Scholar which were developed through the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) stages. Results state that the trend of scientific publications on the studied construct has increased in line with the need f...
Renewable energy is required to meet the electrical energy demand in order to achieve national en... more Renewable energy is required to meet the electrical energy demand in order to achieve national energy independence. Mix method was developed in this study which aims to examine the performance of renewable energy development which is influenced by several aspects including supply chain, partnership strategy, dynamic capability, and regulation. The unit of analysis developed is renewable power plant with data sources coming from government, business actors, PLN management, environmental institutions, and experts in energy sector. Analytical hierarchy process and structural equation modeling used to test the hypothesis. The results of the study state that regulations, partnership strategies and supply chain performance are solution and important priorities in building the performance of renewable power plants in Indonesia. Renewable power plant is recommended as one of national policies that must be issued by government to support the fulfillment of alternative energy needs.
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 36, 2017
Corporate reputation is an assessment of stakeholders based on their existence, leadership, and i... more Corporate reputation is an assessment of stakeholders based on their existence, leadership, and innovation. This study empirically investigates the effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR), dynamic capabilities, reputation, and competitive advantage in manufacturing industries. An active role of manufacturing industries for involvement in CSR is needed by stakeholders in order to sustain the economic, social, and environmental aspects that ultimately increase the reputation of an objective that can be achieved by manufacturing industries. The development of dynamic capabilities is an internal factor for manufacturing industries into sections to win a competitive advantage. The authors conducted a survey to test the hypotheses and designed a SEM to analyze them. The results show that CSR has a positive effect on reputation. Dynamic capabilities have an effect on competitive advantage. This study concludes that reputation has an effect on competitive advantage. This finding integrates insights in a reputation framework into a generalization having a direct effect on competitive advantage in manufacturing industries. This research is expected to provide manufacturing industries with valuable suggestions for management practices to increase reputation and achieve the industrial goals especially to win the competitive advantage.
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 15, 2016
CSR strategy become manufacture's policy to effective controlling all of resources and capabiliti... more CSR strategy become manufacture's policy to effective controlling all of resources and capabilities. CSR activities needed powerful commitment to conduct business especially focus in economically, socially and environmentally. Strategic organizational through resources and capabilities determine the type of CSR strategy deployed in manufacturing. These valuable and unique aspects of CSR strategy be attributed to the moral and ethics of CSR activity. This study empirically investigates whether there is an effect of CSR strategy to achieve competitive advantage at industrial city. The authors conducted a survey to test the hypotheses and design a SEM to analyze them. The result showed that the CSR strategies have positive effect on competitive advantage. Resources and capabilities have positive effect on CSR strategy. Furthermore, this research is expected to provide for management in industrial manufacturing have valuable suggestions for management practices to increase for implemented of CSR strategy and how achieved the manufacturing goals especially to win of competitive advantage in business.
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 198, 2021
Digital economy is an effort to strengthen economic activity through the development of digital d... more Digital economy is an effort to strengthen economic activity through the development of digital data by utilizing information and communication technology. Digital computing technology has been developed in various forms of digital platforms through internet-based business development to support the digital economy that is currently developing. This research was developed with qualitative method using bibliometric analysis to analyze various research topics that are currently growing rapidly. The development of various scientific literatures is analyzed which refers to scientific journals published in the last five years on the topic of digital economy. The results of analysis reveal that there are several topics with high novelty elements and have the feasibility to be developed in various sectors to support economic growth which include artificial intelligence, block chain technology, sharing economy, digital platforms, knowledge economy, cashless transactions, demonetization, financial technology. Various topics that have novelty, especially for the development of digital economy, need to be researched further so that they can be developed according to current needs with the support of knowledge and technology that is experiencing rapid improvement.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Islamic Studies (ICONIS) , 2021
Spiritual resilience is ability to carry out the teachings of religion adopted by implementing re... more Spiritual resilience is ability to carry out the teachings of religion adopted by implementing religious values as the basis for acting and behaving. The ability in attitude and behavior in implementing religious teachings becomes a solid foundation in dealing with various life problems in order to get the best solution in accordance with God's teachings. Qualitative methods by implementing meta-analysis are applied to this study as an effort to analyze topics studied in various scientific journals. Scientific literature is analyzed over a period of time during covid-19 pandemic on the topic of spiritual resilience. The results of meta-analysis describe various current topics and deserve to be developed in the future in increasing knowledge related to spiritual resilience with several dominant topics including efficacy, religious coping, psychological hardiness, spiritual wellbeing, spiritual intelligent, psychological capital, spiritual change, spiritual influence, emotional intelligence. The various topics studied were found to have novel value and need to be further developed to grow knowledge in order to face various problems and challenges in the future which are expected to be in accordance with the needs in providing solutions to various problems that arise.
Renewable energy is required to meet the electrical energy demand in order to achieve national en... more Renewable energy is required to meet the electrical energy demand in order to achieve national energy independence. Mix method was developed in this study which aims to examine the performance of renewable energy development which is influenced by several aspects including supply chain, partnership strategy, dynamic capability, and regulation. The unit of analysis developed is renewable power plant with data sources coming from government, business actors, PLN management, environmental institutions, and experts in energy sector. Analytical hierarchy process and structural equation modeling used to test the hypothesis. The results of the study state that regulations, partnership strategies and supply chain performance are solution and important priorities in building the performance of renewable power plants in Indonesia. Renewable power plant is recommended as one of national policies that must be issued by government to support the fulfillment of alternative energy needs.
Smart destinations require a management system that provides convenient real-time use of digital ... more Smart destinations require a management system that provides convenient real-time use of digital technology in creating, communicating, and delivering value to visitors. Research related to smart island destinations is still limited, let alone those that utilize blockchain technology to create the smartness of the destination. This research is an empirical study that captures the perceptions of stakeholders in the blue economy on smart islands and the use of blockchain technology in order to build smart islands, a destination that consists of many islands that lack connectedness, such as the Seribu Islands in Jakarta, Indonesia. Data were collected using qualitative and quantitative approaches (mixed methods). Qualitative data were collected from scientific journal publications and followed up with VOS viewer analysis, and quantitative data with the questionnaire survey responses from 150 blue economy industry players in the Seribu Islands and structural equation modeling showed tha...
Online learning is learning process to gain knowledge through a set of electronic devices with r... more Online learning is learning process to gain knowledge through a set of electronic devices with relevant application programs and connected to internet. Teachers must develop various effective learning models during pandemic. Online learning needs to be done as long as there is no classroom learning, one program that can be applied is faststone. The purpose of study was to obtain overview effectiveness the implementation of online learning using faststone. The research subjects were students of class XI in financial accounting department totaling 69 students through data collection of observations, documentation, and giving questionnaires. Qualitative descriptive method was applied to analyze the collected data. Results showed that the application of learning model using faststone was more effective during online learning. Learning model used in this study can be applied by teachers to increase learning independence, interest and motivation, and courage to express ideas during onl...
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) adalah penataan dan pengembangan kawasan perkotaan yang mengin... more Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) adalah penataan dan pengembangan kawasan perkotaan yang mengintegrasikan sistem transportasi ramah lingkungan yang seimbang dengan kehidupan ekonomi dan sosial untuk mewujudkan kota yang berkelanjutan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis artikel jurnal yang menggunakan tema TOD dan mendeskripsikan berbagai topik yang relevan dan memiliki kebaruan untuk dikembangkan pada penelitian yang akan datang. Analisis bibliometrik yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan literatur ilmiah dengan tema TOD yang diterbitkan mulai tahun 1977 hingga 2021. Metode kualitatif dikembangkan untuk menganalisis jurnal ilmiah dengan menggunakan VOSviewer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tema TOD yang diimplementasikan dalam jurnal ilmiah menjadi perhatian serius dan memiliki nilai minat yang tinggi bagi para peneliti selama sepuluh tahun terakhir. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan 999 jurnal ilmiah yang didapatkan dari hasil penelusuran database Google Scho...
Papers by Sri Sarjana