DEPRESSION, SOCIAL ANXIETY, AND ATTACHMENT AS PREDICTORS OF THE USE AND QUALITY OF CYBER COMMUNIC... more DEPRESSION, SOCIAL ANXIETY, AND ATTACHMENT AS PREDICTORS OF THE USE AND QUALITY OF CYBER COMMUNICATION. Stefan E. LaTulip Old Dominion University, 2013 Director: Dr. Barbara Winstead This study examined the influence of depression symptoms, social anxiety symptoms, and adult attachment style on the use and the perceptions o f the quality of cyber communications with close friends, romantic partners, and family members. One hundred thirty-five individuals completed an initial survey, with sixty five o f the original group completing a follow-up survey five weeks later. Results indicated that anxious attachment was associated with a greater reported usage o f social networking sites, whereas avoidant attachment predicted less instant message use over time. Depression symptoms and avoidant attachment were generally associated with perceptions o f higher negativity and lower positivity with some of the target groups, where as social anxiety symptoms were generally associated with percep...
DEPRESSION, SOCIAL ANXIETY, AND ATTACHMENT AS PREDICTORS OF THE USE AND QUALITY OF CYBER COMMUNIC... more DEPRESSION, SOCIAL ANXIETY, AND ATTACHMENT AS PREDICTORS OF THE USE AND QUALITY OF CYBER COMMUNICATION. Stefan E. LaTulip Old Dominion University, 2013 Director: Dr. Barbara Winstead This study examined the influence of depression symptoms, social anxiety symptoms, and adult attachment style on the use and the perceptions o f the quality of cyber communications with close friends, romantic partners, and family members. One hundred thirty-five individuals completed an initial survey, with sixty five o f the original group completing a follow-up survey five weeks later. Results indicated that anxious attachment was associated with a greater reported usage o f social networking sites, whereas avoidant attachment predicted less instant message use over time. Depression symptoms and avoidant attachment were generally associated with perceptions o f higher negativity and lower positivity with some of the target groups, where as social anxiety symptoms were generally associated with percep...
Papers by Stefan Latulip