Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has disrupted virtually every aspect of daily living, engende... more Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has disrupted virtually every aspect of daily living, engendering forced isolation and social distance, economic hardship, fears of contracting a potentially lethal illness and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Unfortunately, there is no formula or operating manual for how to cope with the current global pandemic. Previous research has documented an array of responses to mass crises or disasters, including chronic anxiety and posttraumatic stress as well as resilience and recovery. Much can be learned from this research about how people have coped in the past in order to identify strategies that may be particularly effective in managing distress and cultivating resilience during these perilous times. We delineate multiple coping strategies (e.g., behavioral activation, acceptance-based coping, mindfulness practice, loving-kindness practices) geared to decrease stress and promote resilience and recovery. These strategies may be especially ...
Hypnosis has never been far from the center of controversy. Indeed, hypnosis has been intimately ... more Hypnosis has never been far from the center of controversy. Indeed, hypnosis has been intimately associated with historical debates concerning the nature of hysteria, dissociation, repression, and now, memory (see Lynn, Rhue, & Spanos, 1994). While hypnosis is currently riding an unprecedented wave of popularity among clinicians, and while researchers are moving hypnosis forward into the mainstream of psychology, debate rages in the hypnosis and broader psychological community about the role and potential usefulness of hypnosis in memory retrieval (Loftus & Ketcham, 1994; Lindsay & Read, 1995; Lynn & Nash, 1994).
eritorios son los trabajos que tratan de promoveren nuestras conciencias estas dos preguntas:?don... more eritorios son los trabajos que tratan de promoveren nuestras conciencias estas dos preguntas:?donde estamos? y ?hacia donde queremos ir?Es por ello necesaria la realizacion de trabajos que nosexponen como esta formada la actividad investigadoraen nuestro pais y que impacto tiene, pese a lo dificil y te-dioso que resulta este arduo trabajo de revision. Por elloes de agradecer el esfuerzo empleado en los articulospertenecientes al monografico de los numeros 81 y 82de Papeles del Psicologopor parte de sus autores, bajoel titulo de “Lineas de investigacion en la Psicologia es-panola (1989-1998)”. No es de agradecer en igual me-dida el resultado escrito en este monografico aexcepcion del ultimo articulo en el cual los autores hanrealizado un excelente analisis del desarrollo de la Psi-cologia Profesional en Espana (Santolaya, Berdullas yFernandez Hermida, 2002). En este monografico, la in-tencion no es lo que cuenta, pues lejos de conseguir elobjetivo, lo que queda reflejado es una distorsion de laslineas de investigacion de la psicologia espanola. Y esto,resulta lamentable. Por ello se cree necesaria la critica(siempre constructiva) publica de estos trabajos, dondeya el titulo es inadecuado (aspecto que pasaremos a re-visar mas adelante).La revision critica que aqui se hace se estructura en tor-no a dos aspectos fundamentales: uno en referencia alos criterios utilizados por los autores y otro en cuanto alprocedimiento de la investigacion. Ademas de estos dosaspectos, presentaremos otros, a nuestro juicio desafor-tunados igualmente. Este hiriente conjunto de articulosesta conformado a priori por una misma linea de actua-cion y como parece coherente pretenden seguir unosmismos criterios contando ademas con la presencia deun coordinador que tiene la funcion de establecer los cri-terios comunes respecto al metodo y al procedimiento yasegurarse de que se cumplen. Por esta razon, pareceapropiado, por no extenderse, hacer las criticas de ma-nera general, aunque exista la necesidad de tomarejemplos concretos para ilustrar esta revision.PROBLEMAS DE CRITERIOUn aspecto incluido erroneamente en el titulo, es el refe-rido al periodo al que se deben adecuar los trabajos(1989-1998), parece increible que no se cumpla estecriterio en los articulos revisados (Blanco y De la Corte,2002; Garcia-Perez, 2002; Sanchez-Miguel y Garcia-Sanchez, 2002 y Sanz, 2002). En ellos se incluyen deforma desconsiderada una gran cantidad de articulosposteriores al 1998, referencias que son usadas paraapoyar o formar una linea de investigacion. Si a esto su-mamos la ausencia en el trabajo de profesores no nume-rarios, doctorandos y profesionales, mas acertado seria
Researchers and clinicians typically divide hypnosis into two distinct parts: the induction and t... more Researchers and clinicians typically divide hypnosis into two distinct parts: the induction and the suggestions that follow. We suggest that this distinction is arbitrary and artificial. Different definitions of hypnosis ascribe different roles to the hypnotic induction, yet none clearly specifies the mechanisms that mediate or moderate subjective and behavioral responses to hypnotic suggestions. Researchers have identified few if any differences in responding across diverse hypnotic inductions, and surprisingly little research has focused on the specific ingredients that optimize responsiveness. From a sociocognitive perspective, we consider the role of inductions in the broader scheme of hypnosis and suggest that there is no clear line of demarcation between prehypnotic information, the induction, suggestions, and other constituents of the hypnotic context. We describe research efforts to maximize responses to hypnotic suggestions, which encompass the induction and other aspects o...
The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis
Smoking cessation remains a major health priority. Despite public campaigns against smoking and w... more Smoking cessation remains a major health priority. Despite public campaigns against smoking and widespread availability of smoking-cessation treatments, many people continue to smoke. The authors argue that the "problem of motivation," that is, suboptimal or fluctuating motivation to resist smoking urges and to comply with the demands of treatment, commonly undermines treatment seeking and adherence, appreciably reducing the success rates of smoking-cessation programs. The authors describe the history of the Winning Edge smoking-cessation program and discuss ways to enhance motivation before, during, and after formal treatment. They illustrate how hypnotic suggestions, administered in the context of their program, can promote cognitive, behavioral, and emotional commitment to treatment and enhance motivation to live a smoke-free life.
Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, Jul 1, 2016
One can find psychological authors in the most unexpected places. We present a capsule summary of... more One can find psychological authors in the most unexpected places. We present a capsule summary of scholarly publications of psychological interest authored or coauthored by 78 surprising individuals, most of whom are celebrities or relatives of celebrities, historical figures, or people who have otherwise achieved visibility in academic circles, politics, religion, art, and diverse realms of popular culture. Still other publications are authored by individuals who are far better known for their contributions to popular than to academic psychology. The publications, stretching across more than two centuries, encompass a wide swath of domains of psychological inquiry and highlight the intersection of psychology with fields that fall outside its traditional borders, including public health, economics, law, neurosurgery, and even magic. Many of these scholarly contributions have enriched psychology and its allied disciplines, such as psychiatry, in largely unappreciated ways, and they i...
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Feb 1, 2003
Participants received 1 of 3 instructional sets designed to manipulate their performance standard... more Participants received 1 of 3 instructional sets designed to manipulate their performance standards (i.e., criteria used to evaluate hypnotic performance): (a) stringent set (n = 33), these subjects were told that responsive subjects respond immediately to hypnosis and imagine realistically, (b) lenient set (n = 30), these subjects were told that responsive subjects do not necessarily respond immediately or imagine realistically, and (c) control set (n = 34), standard prehypnotic information. As expected, compared to controls, stringent set participants were less responsive to hypnosis, as indexed by measures of actual and estimated suggestibility, subjective involvement, involuntariness, quickness of responding, satisfaction, and imaginative ability. Stringent set participants estimated they passed fewer suggestions, were less satisfied with their performance, and reported less subjective involvement than individuals in the lenient condition.
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Jan 31, 2008
This article reviews 59 studies of hypnosis and smoking cessation as to whether the research empi... more This article reviews 59 studies of hypnosis and smoking cessation as to whether the research empirically supports hypnosis as a treatment. Whereas hypnotic procedures generally yield higher rates of abstinence relative to wait-list and no-treatment conditions, hypnotic interventions are generally comparable to a variety of nonhypnotic treatments. The evidence for whether hypnosis yields outcomes superior to placebos is mixed. In short, hypnosis cannot be considered a specific and efficacious treatment for smoking cessation. Furthermore, in many cases, it is impossible to rule out cognitive/behavioral and educational interventions as the source of positive treatment gains associated with hypnotic treatments. Hypnosis cannot, as yet, be regarded as a well-established treatment for smoking cessation. Nevertheless, it seems justified to classify hypnosis as a "possibly efficacious" treatment for smoking cessation.
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 00029157 2011 645913, Mar 26, 2012
In this article, we describe how cognitive hypnotherapy can be used in conjunction with evidence-... more In this article, we describe how cognitive hypnotherapy can be used in conjunction with evidence-based practices for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We review cognitive-behavioral interventions for PTSD, including mindfulness and acceptance-based approaches, and contend that (a) empirical support for the use of hypnosis in treating a variety of conditions is considerable; (b) hypnosis is fundamentally a cognitive-behavioral intervention; (c) psychological interventions with a firm footing in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) are well-suited to treat the symptoms of PTSD; and (d) hypnosis can be a useful adjunct to evidence-based cognitive-behavioral approaches, including mindfulness and acceptance-based interventions, for treating PTSD.
Abstract 1. Considers questions pertaining to the relationship between hypnotic responsiveness an... more Abstract 1. Considers questions pertaining to the relationship between hypnotic responsiveness and imaginative processes: Are Ss' nonhypnotic imaginative involvements related to hypnotic susceptibility? Do fantasy-prone Ss share a unique constellation of ...
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Nov 1, 2002
This article critiques the landmark Report of the Commissioners Charged by the King to Examine An... more This article critiques the landmark Report of the Commissioners Charged by the King to Examine Animal Magnetism, now widely known as the "Franklin Report." The authors mount a defense of D'Eslon, the disciple of Mesmer who conducted the "experiments," designed by the Commissioners that debunked animal magnetism as the mechanism responsible for dramatic alterations in behavior and medical cures following the application of Mesmer's procedures. The authors identify deficiencies in the commissioners' methods, discuss difficulties inherent in drawing strong inferences from the experiments they conducted, and contend that the commissioners missed an opportunity to elucidate the manifold ways in which mesmerism mapped onto important psychological constructs and phenomena. The authors adopt a fanciful approach by couching their critique in a sympathetic response to D'Eslon, who appears to one of the authors in a dream and voices his reservations about the commissioners' efforts.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has disrupted virtually every aspect of daily living, engende... more Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has disrupted virtually every aspect of daily living, engendering forced isolation and social distance, economic hardship, fears of contracting a potentially lethal illness and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Unfortunately, there is no formula or operating manual for how to cope with the current global pandemic. Previous research has documented an array of responses to mass crises or disasters, including chronic anxiety and posttraumatic stress as well as resilience and recovery. Much can be learned from this research about how people have coped in the past in order to identify strategies that may be particularly effective in managing distress and cultivating resilience during these perilous times. We delineate multiple coping strategies (e.g., behavioral activation, acceptance-based coping, mindfulness practice, loving-kindness practices) geared to decrease stress and promote resilience and recovery. These strategies may be especially ...
Hypnosis has never been far from the center of controversy. Indeed, hypnosis has been intimately ... more Hypnosis has never been far from the center of controversy. Indeed, hypnosis has been intimately associated with historical debates concerning the nature of hysteria, dissociation, repression, and now, memory (see Lynn, Rhue, & Spanos, 1994). While hypnosis is currently riding an unprecedented wave of popularity among clinicians, and while researchers are moving hypnosis forward into the mainstream of psychology, debate rages in the hypnosis and broader psychological community about the role and potential usefulness of hypnosis in memory retrieval (Loftus & Ketcham, 1994; Lindsay & Read, 1995; Lynn & Nash, 1994).
eritorios son los trabajos que tratan de promoveren nuestras conciencias estas dos preguntas:?don... more eritorios son los trabajos que tratan de promoveren nuestras conciencias estas dos preguntas:?donde estamos? y ?hacia donde queremos ir?Es por ello necesaria la realizacion de trabajos que nosexponen como esta formada la actividad investigadoraen nuestro pais y que impacto tiene, pese a lo dificil y te-dioso que resulta este arduo trabajo de revision. Por elloes de agradecer el esfuerzo empleado en los articulospertenecientes al monografico de los numeros 81 y 82de Papeles del Psicologopor parte de sus autores, bajoel titulo de “Lineas de investigacion en la Psicologia es-panola (1989-1998)”. No es de agradecer en igual me-dida el resultado escrito en este monografico aexcepcion del ultimo articulo en el cual los autores hanrealizado un excelente analisis del desarrollo de la Psi-cologia Profesional en Espana (Santolaya, Berdullas yFernandez Hermida, 2002). En este monografico, la in-tencion no es lo que cuenta, pues lejos de conseguir elobjetivo, lo que queda reflejado es una distorsion de laslineas de investigacion de la psicologia espanola. Y esto,resulta lamentable. Por ello se cree necesaria la critica(siempre constructiva) publica de estos trabajos, dondeya el titulo es inadecuado (aspecto que pasaremos a re-visar mas adelante).La revision critica que aqui se hace se estructura en tor-no a dos aspectos fundamentales: uno en referencia alos criterios utilizados por los autores y otro en cuanto alprocedimiento de la investigacion. Ademas de estos dosaspectos, presentaremos otros, a nuestro juicio desafor-tunados igualmente. Este hiriente conjunto de articulosesta conformado a priori por una misma linea de actua-cion y como parece coherente pretenden seguir unosmismos criterios contando ademas con la presencia deun coordinador que tiene la funcion de establecer los cri-terios comunes respecto al metodo y al procedimiento yasegurarse de que se cumplen. Por esta razon, pareceapropiado, por no extenderse, hacer las criticas de ma-nera general, aunque exista la necesidad de tomarejemplos concretos para ilustrar esta revision.PROBLEMAS DE CRITERIOUn aspecto incluido erroneamente en el titulo, es el refe-rido al periodo al que se deben adecuar los trabajos(1989-1998), parece increible que no se cumpla estecriterio en los articulos revisados (Blanco y De la Corte,2002; Garcia-Perez, 2002; Sanchez-Miguel y Garcia-Sanchez, 2002 y Sanz, 2002). En ellos se incluyen deforma desconsiderada una gran cantidad de articulosposteriores al 1998, referencias que son usadas paraapoyar o formar una linea de investigacion. Si a esto su-mamos la ausencia en el trabajo de profesores no nume-rarios, doctorandos y profesionales, mas acertado seria
Researchers and clinicians typically divide hypnosis into two distinct parts: the induction and t... more Researchers and clinicians typically divide hypnosis into two distinct parts: the induction and the suggestions that follow. We suggest that this distinction is arbitrary and artificial. Different definitions of hypnosis ascribe different roles to the hypnotic induction, yet none clearly specifies the mechanisms that mediate or moderate subjective and behavioral responses to hypnotic suggestions. Researchers have identified few if any differences in responding across diverse hypnotic inductions, and surprisingly little research has focused on the specific ingredients that optimize responsiveness. From a sociocognitive perspective, we consider the role of inductions in the broader scheme of hypnosis and suggest that there is no clear line of demarcation between prehypnotic information, the induction, suggestions, and other constituents of the hypnotic context. We describe research efforts to maximize responses to hypnotic suggestions, which encompass the induction and other aspects o...
The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis
Smoking cessation remains a major health priority. Despite public campaigns against smoking and w... more Smoking cessation remains a major health priority. Despite public campaigns against smoking and widespread availability of smoking-cessation treatments, many people continue to smoke. The authors argue that the "problem of motivation," that is, suboptimal or fluctuating motivation to resist smoking urges and to comply with the demands of treatment, commonly undermines treatment seeking and adherence, appreciably reducing the success rates of smoking-cessation programs. The authors describe the history of the Winning Edge smoking-cessation program and discuss ways to enhance motivation before, during, and after formal treatment. They illustrate how hypnotic suggestions, administered in the context of their program, can promote cognitive, behavioral, and emotional commitment to treatment and enhance motivation to live a smoke-free life.
Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, Jul 1, 2016
One can find psychological authors in the most unexpected places. We present a capsule summary of... more One can find psychological authors in the most unexpected places. We present a capsule summary of scholarly publications of psychological interest authored or coauthored by 78 surprising individuals, most of whom are celebrities or relatives of celebrities, historical figures, or people who have otherwise achieved visibility in academic circles, politics, religion, art, and diverse realms of popular culture. Still other publications are authored by individuals who are far better known for their contributions to popular than to academic psychology. The publications, stretching across more than two centuries, encompass a wide swath of domains of psychological inquiry and highlight the intersection of psychology with fields that fall outside its traditional borders, including public health, economics, law, neurosurgery, and even magic. Many of these scholarly contributions have enriched psychology and its allied disciplines, such as psychiatry, in largely unappreciated ways, and they i...
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Feb 1, 2003
Participants received 1 of 3 instructional sets designed to manipulate their performance standard... more Participants received 1 of 3 instructional sets designed to manipulate their performance standards (i.e., criteria used to evaluate hypnotic performance): (a) stringent set (n = 33), these subjects were told that responsive subjects respond immediately to hypnosis and imagine realistically, (b) lenient set (n = 30), these subjects were told that responsive subjects do not necessarily respond immediately or imagine realistically, and (c) control set (n = 34), standard prehypnotic information. As expected, compared to controls, stringent set participants were less responsive to hypnosis, as indexed by measures of actual and estimated suggestibility, subjective involvement, involuntariness, quickness of responding, satisfaction, and imaginative ability. Stringent set participants estimated they passed fewer suggestions, were less satisfied with their performance, and reported less subjective involvement than individuals in the lenient condition.
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Jan 31, 2008
This article reviews 59 studies of hypnosis and smoking cessation as to whether the research empi... more This article reviews 59 studies of hypnosis and smoking cessation as to whether the research empirically supports hypnosis as a treatment. Whereas hypnotic procedures generally yield higher rates of abstinence relative to wait-list and no-treatment conditions, hypnotic interventions are generally comparable to a variety of nonhypnotic treatments. The evidence for whether hypnosis yields outcomes superior to placebos is mixed. In short, hypnosis cannot be considered a specific and efficacious treatment for smoking cessation. Furthermore, in many cases, it is impossible to rule out cognitive/behavioral and educational interventions as the source of positive treatment gains associated with hypnotic treatments. Hypnosis cannot, as yet, be regarded as a well-established treatment for smoking cessation. Nevertheless, it seems justified to classify hypnosis as a "possibly efficacious" treatment for smoking cessation.
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 00029157 2011 645913, Mar 26, 2012
In this article, we describe how cognitive hypnotherapy can be used in conjunction with evidence-... more In this article, we describe how cognitive hypnotherapy can be used in conjunction with evidence-based practices for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We review cognitive-behavioral interventions for PTSD, including mindfulness and acceptance-based approaches, and contend that (a) empirical support for the use of hypnosis in treating a variety of conditions is considerable; (b) hypnosis is fundamentally a cognitive-behavioral intervention; (c) psychological interventions with a firm footing in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) are well-suited to treat the symptoms of PTSD; and (d) hypnosis can be a useful adjunct to evidence-based cognitive-behavioral approaches, including mindfulness and acceptance-based interventions, for treating PTSD.
Abstract 1. Considers questions pertaining to the relationship between hypnotic responsiveness an... more Abstract 1. Considers questions pertaining to the relationship between hypnotic responsiveness and imaginative processes: Are Ss' nonhypnotic imaginative involvements related to hypnotic susceptibility? Do fantasy-prone Ss share a unique constellation of ...
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Nov 1, 2002
This article critiques the landmark Report of the Commissioners Charged by the King to Examine An... more This article critiques the landmark Report of the Commissioners Charged by the King to Examine Animal Magnetism, now widely known as the "Franklin Report." The authors mount a defense of D'Eslon, the disciple of Mesmer who conducted the "experiments," designed by the Commissioners that debunked animal magnetism as the mechanism responsible for dramatic alterations in behavior and medical cures following the application of Mesmer's procedures. The authors identify deficiencies in the commissioners' methods, discuss difficulties inherent in drawing strong inferences from the experiments they conducted, and contend that the commissioners missed an opportunity to elucidate the manifold ways in which mesmerism mapped onto important psychological constructs and phenomena. The authors adopt a fanciful approach by couching their critique in a sympathetic response to D'Eslon, who appears to one of the authors in a dream and voices his reservations about the commissioners' efforts.
Papers by Steven Lynn