An estimated 70% of patients with pit viper snakebites require antivenom to treat serious complic... more An estimated 70% of patients with pit viper snakebites require antivenom to treat serious complications such as coagulopathy. Evidence-based guidance is limited for the appropriate administration of Crotalinae Polyvalent Immune Fab (FabAV) and the duration of laboratory follow-up. The objective of our study was to assess the incidence of marked and recurrent envenomation coagulopathy at our trauma center and identify practice patterns that may prevent serious complications. A retrospective case review was conducted over a 3-year period on patients treated for symptomatic snakebite injury. Case records were reviewed for the inclusion criteria of international normalized ratio (INR) greater than 2.0. The exclusion criterion was limited to patients receiving anticoagulant therapy. In all, 61 patients were identified on retrospective chart review and 3 patients (4.9%) met inclusion criteria. Two of the 3 patients had marked rebound coagulopathy requiring readmission and additional treat...
An estimated 70% of patients with pit viper snakebites require antivenom to treat serious complic... more An estimated 70% of patients with pit viper snakebites require antivenom to treat serious complications such as coagulopathy. Evidence-based guidance is limited for the appropriate administration of Crotalinae Polyvalent Immune Fab (FabAV) and the duration of laboratory follow-up. The objective of our study was to assess the incidence of marked and recurrent envenomation coagulopathy at our trauma center and identify practice patterns that may prevent serious complications. A retrospective case review was conducted over a 3-year period on patients treated for symptomatic snakebite injury. Case records were reviewed for the inclusion criteria of international normalized ratio (INR) greater than 2.0. The exclusion criterion was limited to patients receiving anticoagulant therapy. In all, 61 patients were identified on retrospective chart review and 3 patients (4.9%) met inclusion criteria. Two of the 3 patients had marked rebound coagulopathy requiring readmission and additional treat...
Papers by Jagjeet M Patel