Recent studies on a field population of F. graminearum sensu stricto from Argentina revealed an a... more Recent studies on a field population of F. graminearum sensu stricto from Argentina revealed an atypical panel of strains identified through PCR genotyping as 15ADON genotypes, but producing high levels of 3ADON. Based on representative strain CBS 139514, we asked if the discrepancy between the trichothecene genotype and chemotype might result from an inter-chemotype recombination of the chemotype-determining genes. To answer this, we sequenced the complete core Tri gene cluster (around 30,200 bp) from this strain and compared its sequence to sequence data of typical type B trichothecene genotypes/chemotypes. Sequence alignment showed that CBS 139514 has an identical sequence within the entire core Tri cluster to the 15ADON genotype. The revealed discrepancy underlines the need for using both molecular and chemical methods for reliable characterization of toxigenic strains of Fusarium.
The structure of the Aneura pinguis mitochondrial genome (GenBank accession no. NC_026901) is sim... more The structure of the Aneura pinguis mitochondrial genome (GenBank accession no. NC_026901) is similar to that of closely related Metzgeriales species: it has a total length of 165 603 bp, the base composition of the mitogenome is the following: A (26.2%), C(23.6%), G(23.8%), and T(26.4%). The A. piguis mitochondrial genome contains 69 genes. A complete mitochondrial genome sequence of A. pinguis will help better to understand mitogenome structure and content among Metzgeriales order.
existence of hybrids and horizontal gene transfer also complicate efforts to develop reliable dia... more existence of hybrids and horizontal gene transfer also complicate efforts to develop reliable diagnostic protocols for Fusarium.
The structure of the Fusarium culmorum mitogenome is similar to that of closely related Fusarium ... more The structure of the Fusarium culmorum mitogenome is similar to that of closely related Fusarium spp.: it has a total length of 103,844 bp, the base composition of the genome is the following: A (35.4%), T (32.9%), C (14.6%), and G (17.1%). The mitogenome contains 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and 28 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, all coded on the same strand of DNA. The gene order is identical to that of the other Fusarium and Hypocreales mitogenomes. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis based on the concatenated amino acid dataset of mitochondrial protein-coding genes confirmed close genetic relationship of F. culmorum to the other type B trichothecene producers F. graminearum and F. gerlachii.
An ascomycete fungus, Fusarium graminearum sensu stricto (s.s.), is the major cause of Fusarium h... more An ascomycete fungus, Fusarium graminearum sensu stricto (s.s.), is the major cause of Fusarium head blight (FHB), a devastating disease of cereals worldwide. The fungus contaminates crops with mycotoxins, which pose a serious threat to food and feed safety. In this study, we developed a highly sensitive mitochondrial based qPCR assay (FgMito qPCR) for quantification of F. graminearum s.s. To ensure high sensitivity of the assay, primers and a Minor-groove binding (MGB) probe were designed based on multi-copy mitochondrial DNA. The FgMito assay was successfully validated against a range of geographically diverse F. graminearum s.s. strains to ensure uniformity of the assay at an intraspecific level, as well as with other fungal species to ensure specificity. The assay was further evaluated in terms of efficiency and sensitivity against a test panel of different F. graminearum s.s. strains with various levels of pure fungal DNA and in the presence of wheat background DNA. The results showed a high efficiency of the assay developed, ranging from 93% to 101% with r 2 -values of N 0.99. We further showed that three low concentrations of fungal template 2 pg, 0.6 pg and 0.2 pg could be reliably quantified in the presence of wheat background DNA. The FgMito assay was used to quantify F. graminearum s.s. DNA on 65 field samples from a range of hosts with defined levels of trichothecenes. We revealed a significant positive correlation between fungal DNA quantity and the sum of trichothecenes. Lastly, we showed a higher sensitivity of the FgMito assay than the nuclear based qPCR assay for F. graminearum s.s. by comparing Ct-values from both assays.
The mitogenome of the Orthotrichum rogeri (GenBank accession number KM873610) has a total length ... more The mitogenome of the Orthotrichum rogeri (GenBank accession number KM873610) has a total length of 106,634 bp and consist of 40 protein-coding genes, 3 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and 24 transfer RNA. The gene order is identical to other known moss mitogenomes. A complete mitochondrial genome sequence of O. rogeri will help the development of primers for examining mitochondrial variation across bryophytes.
SUMMARY A complex of Fusarium species causes a wide range of diseases in a diversity of host plan... more SUMMARY A complex of Fusarium species causes a wide range of diseases in a diversity of host plants worldwide. In ce- reals Fusarium head blight is one of the most devastat- ing diseases. Besides yield loss, infection of the seeds by Fusarium spp. results in the accumulation of various mycotoxins in food. In small-grain cereals, F. poae and F. sporotrichioides
We analysed the levels of Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fusarium and Penicillium verrucosum in grain ... more We analysed the levels of Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fusarium and Penicillium verrucosum in grain samples harvested in 2011 and 2012 from conventional and organic farms using qPCR. In general, both Alternaria and Cladosporium occurred in all cereal grains in the highest quantities, followed by P. verrucosum and Fusarium. Alternaria, Cladosporium and P. verrucosum had the highest levels in crop mixtures, barley and rye and lower levels in wheat, while Fusarium levels were the highest in crop mixtures and wheat. The levels of Alternaria and P. verrucosum were higher in organic rye and wheat than conventional grains. Although the level of Fusarium was higher in conventional than organic rye, opposite results were obtained for crop mixtures. A positive correlation was found between Alternaria, Cladosporium and P. verrucosum, indicating that similar factors might affect the distribution of these fungi in grains.
Abstract The mitogenome of the Orthotrichum speciousum (GenBank accession number KM288416) has a ... more Abstract The mitogenome of the Orthotrichum speciousum (GenBank accession number KM288416) has a total length of 104,747 bp and consist of 40 protein-coding genes, 3 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and 24 transfer RNA. The gene order is identical to other known moss mitogenomes.
The structure of the Fusarium gerlachii mitogenome is similar to that of closely related Fusarium... more The structure of the Fusarium gerlachii mitogenome is similar to that of closely related Fusarium graminearum; it has a total length of 93,428 bp, the base composition of the genome is: A (35.3%), T (32.8%), C (14.7%) and G (17.2%). The mitogenome contains 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and 28 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. The tRNA genes range in size from 62 bp to 88 bp. The gene order is identical to that of the other Fusarium mitogenomes.
Biosynthesis in fungal cultures of 27 Fusarium graminearum isolates of three different chemotypes... more Biosynthesis in fungal cultures of 27 Fusarium graminearum isolates of three different chemotypes (3AcDON, 15AcDON and NIV) grown on yeast extract sucrose agar medium was examined in this study. Volatile organic compound (VOC) analysis performed by headspace solid phase microextraction GC-MS allowed for determination of various concentrations of six alcohols, 14 aldehydes and ketones, 10 benzene derivatives, one furane, five hydrocarbons and three terpenes. In general, the determined VOC profile in fungal cultures was dominated by hexanal (up to 74%), followed by nonanal (18%) and 2-methylbutanal (18%). Principal component analysis and discriminant analysis based on VOCs allowed for unambiguous discrimination of all studied isolates into three different groups in accordance with their trichothecene production (chemotypes). Significant differences were revealed between the levels of aldehydes and ketones, benzene derivatives and hydrocarbons in fungal cultures of three F. graminearum chemotypes.
Fusarium avenaceum is a common soil saprophyte and plant pathogen of a variety of hosts worldwide... more Fusarium avenaceum is a common soil saprophyte and plant pathogen of a variety of hosts worldwide. This pathogen is often involved in the crown rot and head blight of cereals that affects grain yield and quality. F. avenaceum contaminates grain with enniatins more than any species, and they are often detected at the highest prevalence among fusarial toxins in certain geographic areas. We studied intraspecific variability of F. avenaceum based on partial sequences of elongation factor-1 alpha, enniatin synthase, intergenic spacer of rDNA, arylamine N-acetyltransferase and RNA polymerase II data sets. The phylogenetic analyses incorporated a collection of 63 F. avenaceum isolates of various origin among which 41 were associated with wheat. Analyses of the multilocus sequence (MLS) data indicated a high level of genetic variation within the isolates studied with no significant linkage disequilibrium. Correspondingly, maximum parsimony analyses of both MLS and individual data sets showed lack of clear phylogenetic structure within F. avenaceum in relation to host (wheat) and geographic origin. Lack of host specialization indicates no host selective pressure in driving F. avenaceum evolution, while no geographic lineage structure indicates widespread distribution of genotypes that resulted in nullifying the effects of geographic isolation on the evolution of this species. Moreover, significant incongruence between all individual tree topologies and little clonality is consistent with frequent recombination within F. avenaceum.
contributed equally to the project and are listed in alphabetical order. Electronic supplementary... more contributed equally to the project and are listed in alphabetical order. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (
existence of hybrids and horizontal gene transfer also complicate efforts to develop reliable dia... more existence of hybrids and horizontal gene transfer also complicate efforts to develop reliable diagnostic protocols for Fusarium.
Recent surveys have identified increased predominance of Fusarium poae causing FHB (Fusarium Head... more Recent surveys have identified increased predominance of Fusarium poae causing FHB (Fusarium Head Blight) of wheat in Europe. Several studies revealed a correlation between levels of F. poae DNA and nivalenol (NIV) and enniatins (ENNs) in highly contaminated cereal grain. In this study, F. poae specific TaqMan assays and mycotoxin analysis were performed on 48 asymptomatically contaminated wheat grain samples obtained from six different locations in northern Poland in 2006 and 2007. TaqMan assays revealed the presence of F. poae DNA in all samples analyzed, however the amounts of target DNA between the samples differed. Mycotoxin analysis revealed the presence of 13 toxins in the grain analyzed, however only ENN B and B1 were detected at quantifiable concentrations. A significant positive correlation was revealed between F. poae DNA (R = 0.75) and monthly mean rainfalls recorded in May (a month before wheat anthesis) in both years. Additionally, a significant positive correlation was found between levels of ENN B+B1 (R = 0.49) and rainfalls in May, however, no correlation was found between the quantity F. poae DNA and the level of ENN B+B1. This paper confirms the increasing importance of F. poae in the FHB complex of wheat in Poland.
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a disease of small-grain cereals and corn caused by a complex of fu... more Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a disease of small-grain cereals and corn caused by a complex of fungal species of the genus Fusarium. The disease reduces the yield and quality of seeds and results in the accumulation of various mycotoxins which cause a variety of toxic effects on humans and livestock. Beauvericin (BEA) and enniatins (ENs) are a group of toxins with antimicrobial, insecticidal and phytotoxic activities produced mainly by F. avenaceum, F. poae and F. tricinctum. In this study, primer sets were designed that were targeted to esyn1 gene homologs encoding multifunctional enzyme enniatin synthetase. Primers used in multiplex PCR amplified products from the FHB species reported to produce (ENs) and/or BEA. The use of the marker developed on asymptomatic wheat seed samples originating from Northern and Southern Poland demonstrated that all samples were positive for the presence of potential enniatin-producing Fusarium species.
The effect of sublethal concentrations (below the recommended field doses) of propiconazole and t... more The effect of sublethal concentrations (below the recommended field doses) of propiconazole and tebuconazole on the amount of tri transcripts and accumulation of trichothecenes by three Fusarium graminearum isolates of 3ADON, 15ADON, and NIV chemotypes was examined on yeast extract sucrose agar (YES) medium. RT-qPCR analyses showed higher tri4, tri5, and tri11 transcript levels in cultures of all three F. graminearum isolates supplemented with sublethal concentrations of azoles as compared to those in nontreated control, although the fold changes in the amount of tri transcripts differed according to the type of azole used. Mycotoxin analysis revealed higher increase in trichothecene accumulation in most of the tebuconazole-treated samples of all chemotypes tested. A huge increase in all trichothecene compounds was revealed in samples of all F. graminearum isolates treated with 5 mg L À1 of tebuconazole. An inducing effect of azoles on trichothecene accumulation in the grain was confirmed in an in planta experiment; however, the results obtained were inconsistent. A higher amount of trichothecenes and fungal DNA was quantitated in two grain samples treated with sublethal propiconazole concentrations. In contrast, no significant increase in trichothecene levels was revealed in grain samples treated with sublethal concentrations of tebuconazole.
Fungi of the genus Fusarium are important plant pathogens and contaminants of cereal grains produ... more Fungi of the genus Fusarium are important plant pathogens and contaminants of cereal grains producing different types of mycotoxins. Enniatins are a group of mycotoxins with ionophoric properties frequently detected in North European grains. Within the Fusarium complex responsible for grain infection, Fusarium avenaceum, Fusarium poae and Fusarium tricinctum are the most potential enniatins producers. This study presents the development of two quantitative TaqMan MGB (Minor Groove Binder) assays for the specific quantification of F. avenaceum/F. tricinctum and F. poae esyn1 genotypes, respectively. Two sets of genotype-specific primers/probes were designed on the basis of esyn1 gene homologues encoding multifunctional enzyme enniatin synthetase. The specificity of the assays developed has been tested successfully on 111 Fusarium isolates from different geographical origins. The detection limits for F. avenaceum/F. tricinctum esyn1 genotype and F. poae genotype were 19 and 0.3 pg, respectively. The application of the assays developed on asymptomatic wheat grain samples revealed significant positive correlations between the enniatins levels and the amount of F. avenaceum/F. tricinctum esyn1 genotype (R = 0.61) and F. poae esyn1 genotype (R = 0.42).
Recent studies on a field population of F. graminearum sensu stricto from Argentina revealed an a... more Recent studies on a field population of F. graminearum sensu stricto from Argentina revealed an atypical panel of strains identified through PCR genotyping as 15ADON genotypes, but producing high levels of 3ADON. Based on representative strain CBS 139514, we asked if the discrepancy between the trichothecene genotype and chemotype might result from an inter-chemotype recombination of the chemotype-determining genes. To answer this, we sequenced the complete core Tri gene cluster (around 30,200 bp) from this strain and compared its sequence to sequence data of typical type B trichothecene genotypes/chemotypes. Sequence alignment showed that CBS 139514 has an identical sequence within the entire core Tri cluster to the 15ADON genotype. The revealed discrepancy underlines the need for using both molecular and chemical methods for reliable characterization of toxigenic strains of Fusarium.
The structure of the Aneura pinguis mitochondrial genome (GenBank accession no. NC_026901) is sim... more The structure of the Aneura pinguis mitochondrial genome (GenBank accession no. NC_026901) is similar to that of closely related Metzgeriales species: it has a total length of 165 603 bp, the base composition of the mitogenome is the following: A (26.2%), C(23.6%), G(23.8%), and T(26.4%). The A. piguis mitochondrial genome contains 69 genes. A complete mitochondrial genome sequence of A. pinguis will help better to understand mitogenome structure and content among Metzgeriales order.
existence of hybrids and horizontal gene transfer also complicate efforts to develop reliable dia... more existence of hybrids and horizontal gene transfer also complicate efforts to develop reliable diagnostic protocols for Fusarium.
The structure of the Fusarium culmorum mitogenome is similar to that of closely related Fusarium ... more The structure of the Fusarium culmorum mitogenome is similar to that of closely related Fusarium spp.: it has a total length of 103,844 bp, the base composition of the genome is the following: A (35.4%), T (32.9%), C (14.6%), and G (17.1%). The mitogenome contains 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and 28 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, all coded on the same strand of DNA. The gene order is identical to that of the other Fusarium and Hypocreales mitogenomes. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis based on the concatenated amino acid dataset of mitochondrial protein-coding genes confirmed close genetic relationship of F. culmorum to the other type B trichothecene producers F. graminearum and F. gerlachii.
An ascomycete fungus, Fusarium graminearum sensu stricto (s.s.), is the major cause of Fusarium h... more An ascomycete fungus, Fusarium graminearum sensu stricto (s.s.), is the major cause of Fusarium head blight (FHB), a devastating disease of cereals worldwide. The fungus contaminates crops with mycotoxins, which pose a serious threat to food and feed safety. In this study, we developed a highly sensitive mitochondrial based qPCR assay (FgMito qPCR) for quantification of F. graminearum s.s. To ensure high sensitivity of the assay, primers and a Minor-groove binding (MGB) probe were designed based on multi-copy mitochondrial DNA. The FgMito assay was successfully validated against a range of geographically diverse F. graminearum s.s. strains to ensure uniformity of the assay at an intraspecific level, as well as with other fungal species to ensure specificity. The assay was further evaluated in terms of efficiency and sensitivity against a test panel of different F. graminearum s.s. strains with various levels of pure fungal DNA and in the presence of wheat background DNA. The results showed a high efficiency of the assay developed, ranging from 93% to 101% with r 2 -values of N 0.99. We further showed that three low concentrations of fungal template 2 pg, 0.6 pg and 0.2 pg could be reliably quantified in the presence of wheat background DNA. The FgMito assay was used to quantify F. graminearum s.s. DNA on 65 field samples from a range of hosts with defined levels of trichothecenes. We revealed a significant positive correlation between fungal DNA quantity and the sum of trichothecenes. Lastly, we showed a higher sensitivity of the FgMito assay than the nuclear based qPCR assay for F. graminearum s.s. by comparing Ct-values from both assays.
The mitogenome of the Orthotrichum rogeri (GenBank accession number KM873610) has a total length ... more The mitogenome of the Orthotrichum rogeri (GenBank accession number KM873610) has a total length of 106,634 bp and consist of 40 protein-coding genes, 3 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and 24 transfer RNA. The gene order is identical to other known moss mitogenomes. A complete mitochondrial genome sequence of O. rogeri will help the development of primers for examining mitochondrial variation across bryophytes.
SUMMARY A complex of Fusarium species causes a wide range of diseases in a diversity of host plan... more SUMMARY A complex of Fusarium species causes a wide range of diseases in a diversity of host plants worldwide. In ce- reals Fusarium head blight is one of the most devastat- ing diseases. Besides yield loss, infection of the seeds by Fusarium spp. results in the accumulation of various mycotoxins in food. In small-grain cereals, F. poae and F. sporotrichioides
We analysed the levels of Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fusarium and Penicillium verrucosum in grain ... more We analysed the levels of Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fusarium and Penicillium verrucosum in grain samples harvested in 2011 and 2012 from conventional and organic farms using qPCR. In general, both Alternaria and Cladosporium occurred in all cereal grains in the highest quantities, followed by P. verrucosum and Fusarium. Alternaria, Cladosporium and P. verrucosum had the highest levels in crop mixtures, barley and rye and lower levels in wheat, while Fusarium levels were the highest in crop mixtures and wheat. The levels of Alternaria and P. verrucosum were higher in organic rye and wheat than conventional grains. Although the level of Fusarium was higher in conventional than organic rye, opposite results were obtained for crop mixtures. A positive correlation was found between Alternaria, Cladosporium and P. verrucosum, indicating that similar factors might affect the distribution of these fungi in grains.
Abstract The mitogenome of the Orthotrichum speciousum (GenBank accession number KM288416) has a ... more Abstract The mitogenome of the Orthotrichum speciousum (GenBank accession number KM288416) has a total length of 104,747 bp and consist of 40 protein-coding genes, 3 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and 24 transfer RNA. The gene order is identical to other known moss mitogenomes.
The structure of the Fusarium gerlachii mitogenome is similar to that of closely related Fusarium... more The structure of the Fusarium gerlachii mitogenome is similar to that of closely related Fusarium graminearum; it has a total length of 93,428 bp, the base composition of the genome is: A (35.3%), T (32.8%), C (14.7%) and G (17.2%). The mitogenome contains 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and 28 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. The tRNA genes range in size from 62 bp to 88 bp. The gene order is identical to that of the other Fusarium mitogenomes.
Biosynthesis in fungal cultures of 27 Fusarium graminearum isolates of three different chemotypes... more Biosynthesis in fungal cultures of 27 Fusarium graminearum isolates of three different chemotypes (3AcDON, 15AcDON and NIV) grown on yeast extract sucrose agar medium was examined in this study. Volatile organic compound (VOC) analysis performed by headspace solid phase microextraction GC-MS allowed for determination of various concentrations of six alcohols, 14 aldehydes and ketones, 10 benzene derivatives, one furane, five hydrocarbons and three terpenes. In general, the determined VOC profile in fungal cultures was dominated by hexanal (up to 74%), followed by nonanal (18%) and 2-methylbutanal (18%). Principal component analysis and discriminant analysis based on VOCs allowed for unambiguous discrimination of all studied isolates into three different groups in accordance with their trichothecene production (chemotypes). Significant differences were revealed between the levels of aldehydes and ketones, benzene derivatives and hydrocarbons in fungal cultures of three F. graminearum chemotypes.
Fusarium avenaceum is a common soil saprophyte and plant pathogen of a variety of hosts worldwide... more Fusarium avenaceum is a common soil saprophyte and plant pathogen of a variety of hosts worldwide. This pathogen is often involved in the crown rot and head blight of cereals that affects grain yield and quality. F. avenaceum contaminates grain with enniatins more than any species, and they are often detected at the highest prevalence among fusarial toxins in certain geographic areas. We studied intraspecific variability of F. avenaceum based on partial sequences of elongation factor-1 alpha, enniatin synthase, intergenic spacer of rDNA, arylamine N-acetyltransferase and RNA polymerase II data sets. The phylogenetic analyses incorporated a collection of 63 F. avenaceum isolates of various origin among which 41 were associated with wheat. Analyses of the multilocus sequence (MLS) data indicated a high level of genetic variation within the isolates studied with no significant linkage disequilibrium. Correspondingly, maximum parsimony analyses of both MLS and individual data sets showed lack of clear phylogenetic structure within F. avenaceum in relation to host (wheat) and geographic origin. Lack of host specialization indicates no host selective pressure in driving F. avenaceum evolution, while no geographic lineage structure indicates widespread distribution of genotypes that resulted in nullifying the effects of geographic isolation on the evolution of this species. Moreover, significant incongruence between all individual tree topologies and little clonality is consistent with frequent recombination within F. avenaceum.
contributed equally to the project and are listed in alphabetical order. Electronic supplementary... more contributed equally to the project and are listed in alphabetical order. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (
existence of hybrids and horizontal gene transfer also complicate efforts to develop reliable dia... more existence of hybrids and horizontal gene transfer also complicate efforts to develop reliable diagnostic protocols for Fusarium.
Recent surveys have identified increased predominance of Fusarium poae causing FHB (Fusarium Head... more Recent surveys have identified increased predominance of Fusarium poae causing FHB (Fusarium Head Blight) of wheat in Europe. Several studies revealed a correlation between levels of F. poae DNA and nivalenol (NIV) and enniatins (ENNs) in highly contaminated cereal grain. In this study, F. poae specific TaqMan assays and mycotoxin analysis were performed on 48 asymptomatically contaminated wheat grain samples obtained from six different locations in northern Poland in 2006 and 2007. TaqMan assays revealed the presence of F. poae DNA in all samples analyzed, however the amounts of target DNA between the samples differed. Mycotoxin analysis revealed the presence of 13 toxins in the grain analyzed, however only ENN B and B1 were detected at quantifiable concentrations. A significant positive correlation was revealed between F. poae DNA (R = 0.75) and monthly mean rainfalls recorded in May (a month before wheat anthesis) in both years. Additionally, a significant positive correlation was found between levels of ENN B+B1 (R = 0.49) and rainfalls in May, however, no correlation was found between the quantity F. poae DNA and the level of ENN B+B1. This paper confirms the increasing importance of F. poae in the FHB complex of wheat in Poland.
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a disease of small-grain cereals and corn caused by a complex of fu... more Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a disease of small-grain cereals and corn caused by a complex of fungal species of the genus Fusarium. The disease reduces the yield and quality of seeds and results in the accumulation of various mycotoxins which cause a variety of toxic effects on humans and livestock. Beauvericin (BEA) and enniatins (ENs) are a group of toxins with antimicrobial, insecticidal and phytotoxic activities produced mainly by F. avenaceum, F. poae and F. tricinctum. In this study, primer sets were designed that were targeted to esyn1 gene homologs encoding multifunctional enzyme enniatin synthetase. Primers used in multiplex PCR amplified products from the FHB species reported to produce (ENs) and/or BEA. The use of the marker developed on asymptomatic wheat seed samples originating from Northern and Southern Poland demonstrated that all samples were positive for the presence of potential enniatin-producing Fusarium species.
The effect of sublethal concentrations (below the recommended field doses) of propiconazole and t... more The effect of sublethal concentrations (below the recommended field doses) of propiconazole and tebuconazole on the amount of tri transcripts and accumulation of trichothecenes by three Fusarium graminearum isolates of 3ADON, 15ADON, and NIV chemotypes was examined on yeast extract sucrose agar (YES) medium. RT-qPCR analyses showed higher tri4, tri5, and tri11 transcript levels in cultures of all three F. graminearum isolates supplemented with sublethal concentrations of azoles as compared to those in nontreated control, although the fold changes in the amount of tri transcripts differed according to the type of azole used. Mycotoxin analysis revealed higher increase in trichothecene accumulation in most of the tebuconazole-treated samples of all chemotypes tested. A huge increase in all trichothecene compounds was revealed in samples of all F. graminearum isolates treated with 5 mg L À1 of tebuconazole. An inducing effect of azoles on trichothecene accumulation in the grain was confirmed in an in planta experiment; however, the results obtained were inconsistent. A higher amount of trichothecenes and fungal DNA was quantitated in two grain samples treated with sublethal propiconazole concentrations. In contrast, no significant increase in trichothecene levels was revealed in grain samples treated with sublethal concentrations of tebuconazole.
Fungi of the genus Fusarium are important plant pathogens and contaminants of cereal grains produ... more Fungi of the genus Fusarium are important plant pathogens and contaminants of cereal grains producing different types of mycotoxins. Enniatins are a group of mycotoxins with ionophoric properties frequently detected in North European grains. Within the Fusarium complex responsible for grain infection, Fusarium avenaceum, Fusarium poae and Fusarium tricinctum are the most potential enniatins producers. This study presents the development of two quantitative TaqMan MGB (Minor Groove Binder) assays for the specific quantification of F. avenaceum/F. tricinctum and F. poae esyn1 genotypes, respectively. Two sets of genotype-specific primers/probes were designed on the basis of esyn1 gene homologues encoding multifunctional enzyme enniatin synthetase. The specificity of the assays developed has been tested successfully on 111 Fusarium isolates from different geographical origins. The detection limits for F. avenaceum/F. tricinctum esyn1 genotype and F. poae genotype were 19 and 0.3 pg, respectively. The application of the assays developed on asymptomatic wheat grain samples revealed significant positive correlations between the enniatins levels and the amount of F. avenaceum/F. tricinctum esyn1 genotype (R = 0.61) and F. poae esyn1 genotype (R = 0.42).
Papers by Tomasz Kulik