This paper introduces a custom portable RFID (Radio-Frequency IDentification) reader, performing ... more This paper introduces a custom portable RFID (Radio-Frequency IDentification) reader, performing bi-dimensional beam-steering in real-time by means of the radar monopulse principle. The system is able to simultaneously track the angular position of multiple tagged entities (objects or people), static or dynamic, with respect to the azimuth and elevation planes. Furthermore, a simple signal processing algorithm, running on board of the reader, is used to derive an estimate of the tags-to-reader distances, thus allowing a 3D-position assessment of the tracked entities. This portable device can be exploited in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) applications to perform a tri-dimensional scanning of a room and detect potential falls of the monitored people. The scanning data, collected during the device tracking operations, can further provide various feedbacks regarding the tagged people behaviour; for this purpose, a procedure to remotely control the whole system is introduced making use of a Raspberry Pi 3B directly connected to the reader output and wirelessly communicating with the environment monitoring platform. In this way, a seamless link of the portable reader to a software architecture, able to control several devices and processes at the same time, is obtained.
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2016
In most countries the share of circulating electric vehicles (EV) is less than 1%. Beside cost is... more In most countries the share of circulating electric vehicles (EV) is less than 1%. Beside cost issues, the detrimental factors that most discourage people from purchasing EVs are their limited range and the rather poor coverage area of the recharging infrastructure. This clearly indicates the need for higher investments in vehicular technologies and infrastructures; however, software services and applications also play a major role in the transition to electric mobility, e.g. to mitigate EV driver anxiety. In this paper we illustrate the recipe proposed by the European Internet of Energy (IoE) project toward interoperable services for large-scale EV mobility scenarios: it consists of a Service-Oriented Architecture (SoA) to collect and integrate data coming from the heterogeneous actors of the EV scenario thanks to a semantic data tier. On top of it, we describe the implementation of an advanced Route Planning service to compute the optimal path towards a destination according to user-defined parameters and goals; differently from other approaches, our tool integrates reservation mechanisms of charging slots, so that a complete planning of the itinerary can be produced. Effectiveness of the route planning service is evaluated on large-scale EV scenarios (e.g. the Italian Emilia-Romagna region) thanks to an innovative emulation-simulation platform.
Progetto Artemis, Prima Call, 2009-11, Coordinatore Nokia, 19 partners, costi preventivati circa ... more Progetto Artemis, Prima Call, 2009-11, Coordinatore Nokia, 19 partners, costi preventivati circa 35 ME, costi preventivati Unibo circa 1.1 ME. Obiettivo: piattaforma interoperabile per servizi basati sul paradigma "space based computing". Partecipano sei gruppi di ricerca di Unibo, i cui referenti sono: Paolo Bellavista, Luigi Di Stefano, Alessandra Costanzo, Luciano Bononi, Elisabetta Farella, Tullio Salmon Cinotti. Quest'ultimo svolge il ruolo di coordinatore dell'Unit\ue0 dell'Universit\ue0 di Bologna
In modern smart cities, mobility based on Electric Vehicles (EVs) is considered a key factor to r... more In modern smart cities, mobility based on Electric Vehicles (EVs) is considered a key factor to reduce carbon emissions and pollution. However, despite the global interest and the investments worldwide, the user acceptance level is still low, mainly due to the lack of charging services support. This is one of the main causes for the so called “EV driver's anxiety”, and has led people to consider EV mobility suitable only for short routes. To contrast this issue, we propose here a route planner application supporting EV mobility also on medium and long routes, through prediction of range and charging stops. Our application estimates the minimal energy consumption path, by also considering the overhead to reach the charging stations along the way towards the destination. We demonstrate the optimality of the algorithm and we describe its implementation within a Web-application which connects to charging providers' services (to retrieve the locations of charging spots) and to Google services (for routing directions and real-time traffic data). Finally, we evaluate the scalability of our application, and we study its effectiveness in supporting EV routes on large-scale scenarios (e.g. the Emila-Romagna region in Italy) through immersive simulation techniques.
The paper describes the installation of context and location dependant tools at the Interactive S... more The paper describes the installation of context and location dependant tools at the Interactive Salon, an exhibition of new technologies for Cultural Heritage, supported by the EPOCH NoE and held at the Stadsmuseum in Stockholm. The Context Management Infrastructure is MobiComp. MobiComp was introduced by the University of Kent and further developed within the framework of EPOCH
International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting (ICHIM07), 2007
Cultural Heritage is becoming a greater attraction factor for tourism worldwide and many countrie... more Cultural Heritage is becoming a greater attraction factor for tourism worldwide and many countries are aiming to offer lower-cost, but higher-quality, content and services that can provide better visibility to their museums, sites and landscapes. The CIMAD project, \u201cCommon Infrastructure/Context Influenced Mobile Acquisition and Delivery of cultural heritage data" presented in this paper is a framework concerned with the development of cultural heritage \u201cservices\u201d designed and implemented within the EU Network of Excellence EPOCH \u2013 Excellence in Processing Open Cultural Heritage. CIMAD aims to address a range of context-aware and multi-channel services in the cultural heritage domain, i.e. data acquisition, content delivery, monitoring, and management. The innovative aspect of CIMAD is that it helps the development team in mastering the complexity of building, customizing and integrating site specific cultural heritage services, thus making the different implementation activities more productive and cost-effective
The emerging Internet of Things paradigm is driving the industry and the research towards Informa... more The emerging Internet of Things paradigm is driving the industry and the research towards Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) scenarios supporting high heterogeneity and interoperability. We claim that software architectures based on Semantic Publish-Subscribe MessageOriented Middlewares (SPS-MoMs) are a powerful approach to address the requirements of such scenarios. While benchmarks and frameworks are available to evaluate the performance of MoMs, Semantic Web tools (i.e., SPARQL endpoints and RDF stores) and publish-subscribe systems, there are still no de-facto standards for the evaluation of SPS-MoMs, due to the novelty of this approach. In this paper, we propose Performance Evaluation Suite (PES), a benchmarking framework aimed at retrieving relevant performance indicators about a generic SPS-MoM. The feasibility of the proposed approach is proved by using PES to compare different implementations of a Semantic Information Broker (SIB), the core component of a SPS-...
La ricerca relativa al biennio 2004-2005 si pone come obiettivo generale lo studio e lo sviluppo ... more La ricerca relativa al biennio 2004-2005 si pone come obiettivo generale lo studio e lo sviluppo di tecniche di fusione dati per la localizzazione di terminali mobili in aree confinate. Nell'ambito di tale obiettivo generale sono stati individuati tre sotto-obiettivi specifici. Sotto-obiettivo 1): Sviluppo di un sistema di localizzazione e tracciamento di persone mediante una coppia di telecamere stereo. Sotto-obiettivo 2): Studio e sviluppo di tecniche di "Dead Reckoning" per il tracking dei terminali nelle aree non coperte da sistemi di visione stereo. Sotto-obiettivo 3): Fusione dei dati provenienti dai sotto-obiettivi 1 e 2 Sotto-obiettivo 1) Si vuole realizzare un sistema di tracciamento stereo. Tale sistema sara' costituito da una coppia di telecamere e da un PC per l'elaborazione delle immagini. Adottando algoritmi di matching stereo gi\ue0 realizzati negli anni precedenti (Ricerca del biennio 2000-2001) con fondi RFO, si realizzer\ue0 il modulo di rilevamento e tracciamento di persone, che fornir\ue0 in ogni istante le coordinate in un sistema di riferimento XY all'interno dell'area monitorata dalle due telecamere. Inizialmente sar\ue0 effettuato uno studio approfondito riguardante i sistemi di visione stereoscopica, con l'obiettivo di definire le specifiche dell'elemento stereo. In particolare si dovranno individuare i componenti hardware e realizzare i componenti software del modulo di acquisizione sincrona delle immagini stereo (le immagini ottenute dalle due telecamere destra e sinistra devono essere relative allo stesso istante). Si dovranno determinare i requisiti di precisione e tempo di risposta della stima della posizione dell'utente, e determinare quindi il compromesso ottimo tra area monitorata, precisione della misura e risorse necessarie. Verranno calcolati e verificati sperimentalmente i parametri del sistema stereo che rendono massima l'area monitorata dal sistema (es. la distanza tra gli obiettivi delle due telecamere - baseline -, le lenti, le altezze e inclinazioni delle telecamere rispetto al pavimento). Inoltre, utilizzando algoritmi noti di calibrazione, si realizzer\ue0 il modulo software comprensivo di interfaccia utente per determinare i parametri intrinseci di una coppia stereo e per determinare inclinazione e altezza della coppia stereo. Sotto-obiettivo 2) Nelle aree non monitorate dal sistema di tracciamento stereo, si studieranno metodi di localizzazione mediante sensori inerziali e non, posti su un apposito terminale mobile indossabile di cui verranno dotati gli utenti. La scheda multisensore, gi\ue0 studiata negli anni precedenti con fondi RFO e di cui esiste un prototipo, sar\ue0 migliorata come sensibilit\ue0, accuratezza e stabilit\ue0 delle informazioni ottenute. Inoltre ne sar\ue0 realizzato un nuovo prototipo, fisicamente pi\uf9 piccolo del precedente, da integrarsi in un terminale mobile basato su arhitettura Intel IA32, gi\ue0 sviluppato in anni precedenti, e su piattaforme Low-Power basate su architettura Intel XScale. La localizzazione sar\ue0 basata sull'utilizzo di una coppia bussola-giroscopio che permette l'individuazione della direzione dell'utente. Questa informazione, unitamente alla rilevazione dell'accelerazione degli utenti, ottenuta mediante un accelerometro a due assi, permetter\ue0 di rilevare il percorso effettuato dagli stessi, a condizione di una periodica ri-sincronizzazione in una posizione nota e certa. Per la realizzazione dell'obiettivo suddetto si utilizzeranno algoritmi "conta-passi", di cui si effettuer\ue0 un studio preliminare sulla letteratura scientifica. Sotto-obiettivo 3) Tale sotto-obiettivo ha lo scopo di fondere i due sistemi di localizzazione, in modo da garantire al sistema complessivo un tracciamento continuo degli utenti sia in zone coperte dal sistema stereo che in zone "cieche". Le interazioni tra i due sistemi saranno le seguenti: - La fusione \ue8 necessaria per dare al sistema di cui al punto 2, una posizione iniziale nota, coincident..
2017 21st Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 2017
Cloud computing revolutionized the way resources (i.e. services and data) are accessed and used. ... more Cloud computing revolutionized the way resources (i.e. services and data) are accessed and used. Among the many changes in data processing and service provision paradigms, Software as a Service (SaaS) and collaborative editing are two of the most significant. This paper presents an approach based on semantic publish/subscribe paradigm to the development of collaborative editing applications. The main aim of this research work consists in exploiting emerging technologies (i.e. semantic web data representation formalisms, publish-subscribe platforms) in order to (1) overcome limitations coming from the traditional paradigm of single-author workflows, (2) enhance the editing capabilities of the users, (3) ease the development and maintainment of applications and (4) provide a shared high- level abstraction of the documents that fosters information-level interoperability and reusability. The proposed approach is then validated through an ad-hoc vector graphics application, SCEd (Semanti...
Framework: NoE EPOCH - 1st Call for NEWTON projects Project title: CIMAD: {Common Infrastructure,... more Framework: NoE EPOCH - 1st Call for NEWTON projects Project title: CIMAD: {Common Infrastructure, Context Influenced} Mobile Acquisition and Delivery of Cultural Heritage data Partners: University of Bologna, Politecnico di Milano, University of Kent, Istituto per i Beni Artistica, Culturali e Naturali della Regione Emilia Romagna - IBC, Ducati Sistemi S.p.A. Total budget: 90 kEuro Duration: 15 months The goal of the project is the exploratory implementation of a framework for smart Cultural Heritage environments supporting distributed and mobile on-site applications, from data capture to public dissemination. Within CIMAD a Smart Environment is any confined area of cultural interest where there are means enabling IT devices to detect the occupants context, so that contextual information can be used to support and enhance their abilities in executing application specific actions. These means may be sensor systems embedded in the environment itself, sensors integrated in the platform, or both. The smart environment generated by the project will include networked context-aware mobile devices, repositories, context-servers and stationary clients. Existing context-aware mobile devices operating at the data capture end, such as PDAs able to collect contextualized field notes, will be made inter-operable with recording systems and repositories created by other EPOCH sources, and the recommendations of the standards group. These repositories will provide contextualised and conformable digital data to an authoring module specifically devised to develop context-related content tailored to the mobile clients operating at the dissemination end within the smart environment. The mobile clients will access the repositories according to a contextaware navigation and interaction policy implemented by the proposed framework and specified by the curator or by the target institution authority
2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor), 2020
Smart agriculture is increasingly seen as a solution to global sustainability problems such as gl... more Smart agriculture is increasingly seen as a solution to global sustainability problems such as global warming, waste of water resources, excessive use of pesticides, and low economic activity. The core of this technology is the acquisition of data from the soil, crop, and climate to act in the production. Several solutions exist, but many are proprietary, high cost, hard to install, maintain, and integrate with third-party solutions. This paper presents an IoT technology set applied to the acquisition of agricultural data using open source solutions such as FIWARE and LoRaWAN, which allow extensive customization and integration with advanced weather forecasting, Machine Learning, and real-time dashboard services. The results obtained by the combination of different tools and platforms in pilots located in Brazil and Europe reveal a high versatility of the IoT technology applied to smart agriculture.
This paper introduces a custom portable RFID (Radio-Frequency IDentification) reader, performing ... more This paper introduces a custom portable RFID (Radio-Frequency IDentification) reader, performing bi-dimensional beam-steering in real-time by means of the radar monopulse principle. The system is able to simultaneously track the angular position of multiple tagged entities (objects or people), static or dynamic, with respect to the azimuth and elevation planes. Furthermore, a simple signal processing algorithm, running on board of the reader, is used to derive an estimate of the tags-to-reader distances, thus allowing a 3D-position assessment of the tracked entities. This portable device can be exploited in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) applications to perform a tri-dimensional scanning of a room and detect potential falls of the monitored people. The scanning data, collected during the device tracking operations, can further provide various feedbacks regarding the tagged people behaviour; for this purpose, a procedure to remotely control the whole system is introduced making use of a Raspberry Pi 3B directly connected to the reader output and wirelessly communicating with the environment monitoring platform. In this way, a seamless link of the portable reader to a software architecture, able to control several devices and processes at the same time, is obtained.
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2016
In most countries the share of circulating electric vehicles (EV) is less than 1%. Beside cost is... more In most countries the share of circulating electric vehicles (EV) is less than 1%. Beside cost issues, the detrimental factors that most discourage people from purchasing EVs are their limited range and the rather poor coverage area of the recharging infrastructure. This clearly indicates the need for higher investments in vehicular technologies and infrastructures; however, software services and applications also play a major role in the transition to electric mobility, e.g. to mitigate EV driver anxiety. In this paper we illustrate the recipe proposed by the European Internet of Energy (IoE) project toward interoperable services for large-scale EV mobility scenarios: it consists of a Service-Oriented Architecture (SoA) to collect and integrate data coming from the heterogeneous actors of the EV scenario thanks to a semantic data tier. On top of it, we describe the implementation of an advanced Route Planning service to compute the optimal path towards a destination according to user-defined parameters and goals; differently from other approaches, our tool integrates reservation mechanisms of charging slots, so that a complete planning of the itinerary can be produced. Effectiveness of the route planning service is evaluated on large-scale EV scenarios (e.g. the Italian Emilia-Romagna region) thanks to an innovative emulation-simulation platform.
Progetto Artemis, Prima Call, 2009-11, Coordinatore Nokia, 19 partners, costi preventivati circa ... more Progetto Artemis, Prima Call, 2009-11, Coordinatore Nokia, 19 partners, costi preventivati circa 35 ME, costi preventivati Unibo circa 1.1 ME. Obiettivo: piattaforma interoperabile per servizi basati sul paradigma "space based computing". Partecipano sei gruppi di ricerca di Unibo, i cui referenti sono: Paolo Bellavista, Luigi Di Stefano, Alessandra Costanzo, Luciano Bononi, Elisabetta Farella, Tullio Salmon Cinotti. Quest'ultimo svolge il ruolo di coordinatore dell'Unit\ue0 dell'Universit\ue0 di Bologna
In modern smart cities, mobility based on Electric Vehicles (EVs) is considered a key factor to r... more In modern smart cities, mobility based on Electric Vehicles (EVs) is considered a key factor to reduce carbon emissions and pollution. However, despite the global interest and the investments worldwide, the user acceptance level is still low, mainly due to the lack of charging services support. This is one of the main causes for the so called “EV driver's anxiety”, and has led people to consider EV mobility suitable only for short routes. To contrast this issue, we propose here a route planner application supporting EV mobility also on medium and long routes, through prediction of range and charging stops. Our application estimates the minimal energy consumption path, by also considering the overhead to reach the charging stations along the way towards the destination. We demonstrate the optimality of the algorithm and we describe its implementation within a Web-application which connects to charging providers' services (to retrieve the locations of charging spots) and to Google services (for routing directions and real-time traffic data). Finally, we evaluate the scalability of our application, and we study its effectiveness in supporting EV routes on large-scale scenarios (e.g. the Emila-Romagna region in Italy) through immersive simulation techniques.
The paper describes the installation of context and location dependant tools at the Interactive S... more The paper describes the installation of context and location dependant tools at the Interactive Salon, an exhibition of new technologies for Cultural Heritage, supported by the EPOCH NoE and held at the Stadsmuseum in Stockholm. The Context Management Infrastructure is MobiComp. MobiComp was introduced by the University of Kent and further developed within the framework of EPOCH
International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting (ICHIM07), 2007
Cultural Heritage is becoming a greater attraction factor for tourism worldwide and many countrie... more Cultural Heritage is becoming a greater attraction factor for tourism worldwide and many countries are aiming to offer lower-cost, but higher-quality, content and services that can provide better visibility to their museums, sites and landscapes. The CIMAD project, \u201cCommon Infrastructure/Context Influenced Mobile Acquisition and Delivery of cultural heritage data" presented in this paper is a framework concerned with the development of cultural heritage \u201cservices\u201d designed and implemented within the EU Network of Excellence EPOCH \u2013 Excellence in Processing Open Cultural Heritage. CIMAD aims to address a range of context-aware and multi-channel services in the cultural heritage domain, i.e. data acquisition, content delivery, monitoring, and management. The innovative aspect of CIMAD is that it helps the development team in mastering the complexity of building, customizing and integrating site specific cultural heritage services, thus making the different implementation activities more productive and cost-effective
The emerging Internet of Things paradigm is driving the industry and the research towards Informa... more The emerging Internet of Things paradigm is driving the industry and the research towards Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) scenarios supporting high heterogeneity and interoperability. We claim that software architectures based on Semantic Publish-Subscribe MessageOriented Middlewares (SPS-MoMs) are a powerful approach to address the requirements of such scenarios. While benchmarks and frameworks are available to evaluate the performance of MoMs, Semantic Web tools (i.e., SPARQL endpoints and RDF stores) and publish-subscribe systems, there are still no de-facto standards for the evaluation of SPS-MoMs, due to the novelty of this approach. In this paper, we propose Performance Evaluation Suite (PES), a benchmarking framework aimed at retrieving relevant performance indicators about a generic SPS-MoM. The feasibility of the proposed approach is proved by using PES to compare different implementations of a Semantic Information Broker (SIB), the core component of a SPS-...
La ricerca relativa al biennio 2004-2005 si pone come obiettivo generale lo studio e lo sviluppo ... more La ricerca relativa al biennio 2004-2005 si pone come obiettivo generale lo studio e lo sviluppo di tecniche di fusione dati per la localizzazione di terminali mobili in aree confinate. Nell'ambito di tale obiettivo generale sono stati individuati tre sotto-obiettivi specifici. Sotto-obiettivo 1): Sviluppo di un sistema di localizzazione e tracciamento di persone mediante una coppia di telecamere stereo. Sotto-obiettivo 2): Studio e sviluppo di tecniche di "Dead Reckoning" per il tracking dei terminali nelle aree non coperte da sistemi di visione stereo. Sotto-obiettivo 3): Fusione dei dati provenienti dai sotto-obiettivi 1 e 2 Sotto-obiettivo 1) Si vuole realizzare un sistema di tracciamento stereo. Tale sistema sara' costituito da una coppia di telecamere e da un PC per l'elaborazione delle immagini. Adottando algoritmi di matching stereo gi\ue0 realizzati negli anni precedenti (Ricerca del biennio 2000-2001) con fondi RFO, si realizzer\ue0 il modulo di rilevamento e tracciamento di persone, che fornir\ue0 in ogni istante le coordinate in un sistema di riferimento XY all'interno dell'area monitorata dalle due telecamere. Inizialmente sar\ue0 effettuato uno studio approfondito riguardante i sistemi di visione stereoscopica, con l'obiettivo di definire le specifiche dell'elemento stereo. In particolare si dovranno individuare i componenti hardware e realizzare i componenti software del modulo di acquisizione sincrona delle immagini stereo (le immagini ottenute dalle due telecamere destra e sinistra devono essere relative allo stesso istante). Si dovranno determinare i requisiti di precisione e tempo di risposta della stima della posizione dell'utente, e determinare quindi il compromesso ottimo tra area monitorata, precisione della misura e risorse necessarie. Verranno calcolati e verificati sperimentalmente i parametri del sistema stereo che rendono massima l'area monitorata dal sistema (es. la distanza tra gli obiettivi delle due telecamere - baseline -, le lenti, le altezze e inclinazioni delle telecamere rispetto al pavimento). Inoltre, utilizzando algoritmi noti di calibrazione, si realizzer\ue0 il modulo software comprensivo di interfaccia utente per determinare i parametri intrinseci di una coppia stereo e per determinare inclinazione e altezza della coppia stereo. Sotto-obiettivo 2) Nelle aree non monitorate dal sistema di tracciamento stereo, si studieranno metodi di localizzazione mediante sensori inerziali e non, posti su un apposito terminale mobile indossabile di cui verranno dotati gli utenti. La scheda multisensore, gi\ue0 studiata negli anni precedenti con fondi RFO e di cui esiste un prototipo, sar\ue0 migliorata come sensibilit\ue0, accuratezza e stabilit\ue0 delle informazioni ottenute. Inoltre ne sar\ue0 realizzato un nuovo prototipo, fisicamente pi\uf9 piccolo del precedente, da integrarsi in un terminale mobile basato su arhitettura Intel IA32, gi\ue0 sviluppato in anni precedenti, e su piattaforme Low-Power basate su architettura Intel XScale. La localizzazione sar\ue0 basata sull'utilizzo di una coppia bussola-giroscopio che permette l'individuazione della direzione dell'utente. Questa informazione, unitamente alla rilevazione dell'accelerazione degli utenti, ottenuta mediante un accelerometro a due assi, permetter\ue0 di rilevare il percorso effettuato dagli stessi, a condizione di una periodica ri-sincronizzazione in una posizione nota e certa. Per la realizzazione dell'obiettivo suddetto si utilizzeranno algoritmi "conta-passi", di cui si effettuer\ue0 un studio preliminare sulla letteratura scientifica. Sotto-obiettivo 3) Tale sotto-obiettivo ha lo scopo di fondere i due sistemi di localizzazione, in modo da garantire al sistema complessivo un tracciamento continuo degli utenti sia in zone coperte dal sistema stereo che in zone "cieche". Le interazioni tra i due sistemi saranno le seguenti: - La fusione \ue8 necessaria per dare al sistema di cui al punto 2, una posizione iniziale nota, coincident..
2017 21st Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 2017
Cloud computing revolutionized the way resources (i.e. services and data) are accessed and used. ... more Cloud computing revolutionized the way resources (i.e. services and data) are accessed and used. Among the many changes in data processing and service provision paradigms, Software as a Service (SaaS) and collaborative editing are two of the most significant. This paper presents an approach based on semantic publish/subscribe paradigm to the development of collaborative editing applications. The main aim of this research work consists in exploiting emerging technologies (i.e. semantic web data representation formalisms, publish-subscribe platforms) in order to (1) overcome limitations coming from the traditional paradigm of single-author workflows, (2) enhance the editing capabilities of the users, (3) ease the development and maintainment of applications and (4) provide a shared high- level abstraction of the documents that fosters information-level interoperability and reusability. The proposed approach is then validated through an ad-hoc vector graphics application, SCEd (Semanti...
Framework: NoE EPOCH - 1st Call for NEWTON projects Project title: CIMAD: {Common Infrastructure,... more Framework: NoE EPOCH - 1st Call for NEWTON projects Project title: CIMAD: {Common Infrastructure, Context Influenced} Mobile Acquisition and Delivery of Cultural Heritage data Partners: University of Bologna, Politecnico di Milano, University of Kent, Istituto per i Beni Artistica, Culturali e Naturali della Regione Emilia Romagna - IBC, Ducati Sistemi S.p.A. Total budget: 90 kEuro Duration: 15 months The goal of the project is the exploratory implementation of a framework for smart Cultural Heritage environments supporting distributed and mobile on-site applications, from data capture to public dissemination. Within CIMAD a Smart Environment is any confined area of cultural interest where there are means enabling IT devices to detect the occupants context, so that contextual information can be used to support and enhance their abilities in executing application specific actions. These means may be sensor systems embedded in the environment itself, sensors integrated in the platform, or both. The smart environment generated by the project will include networked context-aware mobile devices, repositories, context-servers and stationary clients. Existing context-aware mobile devices operating at the data capture end, such as PDAs able to collect contextualized field notes, will be made inter-operable with recording systems and repositories created by other EPOCH sources, and the recommendations of the standards group. These repositories will provide contextualised and conformable digital data to an authoring module specifically devised to develop context-related content tailored to the mobile clients operating at the dissemination end within the smart environment. The mobile clients will access the repositories according to a contextaware navigation and interaction policy implemented by the proposed framework and specified by the curator or by the target institution authority
2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor), 2020
Smart agriculture is increasingly seen as a solution to global sustainability problems such as gl... more Smart agriculture is increasingly seen as a solution to global sustainability problems such as global warming, waste of water resources, excessive use of pesticides, and low economic activity. The core of this technology is the acquisition of data from the soil, crop, and climate to act in the production. Several solutions exist, but many are proprietary, high cost, hard to install, maintain, and integrate with third-party solutions. This paper presents an IoT technology set applied to the acquisition of agricultural data using open source solutions such as FIWARE and LoRaWAN, which allow extensive customization and integration with advanced weather forecasting, Machine Learning, and real-time dashboard services. The results obtained by the combination of different tools and platforms in pilots located in Brazil and Europe reveal a high versatility of the IoT technology applied to smart agriculture.
Papers by Tullio Salmon Cinotti