The guided inquiry approach is an inquiry activity where problems and various questions are raise... more The guided inquiry approach is an inquiry activity where problems and various questions are raised by the teacher while the student needs to initiate the findings of the item. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to know the level of knowledge and skill of managing the Islamic Education teacher towards the implementation of guided inquiry approach based on Aqidah in high school. Also, this study also identifies the relationship between the two aspects. The methodology of this study is quantitative in the survey of 108 Islamic Education teachers. The descriptive analysis was carried out that both elements of knowledge and skills in managing teachers were at high levels. Spearman's correlation inference analysis also found that the strength of the relation between the two aspects was at a moderate positive level. Furthermore, the implication of the study found that teachers need to emphasize specifically on issues of knowledge and skills in managing the implementation of guided inquiry approaches so that they can have a positive and effective impact on students such as helping students to understand the content of the lesson in better, encourage critical cultural cognitive processes of critical thinking as well as reinforcing aqidah in the students who are increasingly worrying about the day.
International Journal of Humanities, Philosophy and Language
Students at Higher Education Institutions need to be nurtured and involved in volunteering activi... more Students at Higher Education Institutions need to be nurtured and involved in volunteering activities in line with the need in producing holistic human capital. This quantitative survey study aims to see the fields that students engage in volunteering activities, the characteristics of student volunteering, and the factors and effects of engaging in volunteering activities. The study was conducted online among 961 students. Data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The results of the study found that students are most involved in activities that relates to religious field, students have very good volunteering characteristics, the main factor in students engaging in volunteering activities is because they want to improve their skills (SM=4.44; SP=0.60), the effect of students involving involvement in volunteering activities is at a very high level with an overall mean score of 4.32 (SP=0.55), there is a significant difference in the effect of engaging in volunteering activi...
Unity and patriotism are among the key elements in ensuring the well-being of the nation. This st... more Unity and patriotism are among the key elements in ensuring the well-being of the nation. This study aimed to identify the level of unity and patriotism, look at differences in perceptions based on gender, and the relationship between unity and patriotism among students taking the MPU21032 (`Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban’) course. A total of 240 out of a population from 364 students were randomly selected as the study sample using a questionnaire adapted from Abdul Rahim & Siti Norashikin (2010) for aspects of unity with and adaptation from Ku Hasnita et al (2018) the aspects of patriotism The instrument was administered online using `google form 'application and analyzed using SPSS version 23.0 application in a descriptive and inferential manner. The results of the study found that the overall mean score was 3.91 (SP = 0.71) which is at a moderately high level for the aspect of unity level and the overall mean score is 4.33 (SP = 0.52) which is at a high level for the aspect ...
This article aimed at identifying the students’ perceptions towards the use of musholla in Malays... more This article aimed at identifying the students’ perceptions towards the use of musholla in Malaysian secondary schools. A group of 1676 Form 4 students from secondary schools in Malaysia were randomly stratified selected to participate in the study. The participants were then grouped into four zones of Peninsular Malaysia. Students are required to respond to 55 items by answering 5-point Likert-scale items on the use of musholla in schools based on four components; the usage on the aspect of Islamic Studies’ subfields, teaching and learning approaches, audio visual aids and participation of school staff. The findings were reported descriptively by using frequencies, percentage and mean calculation. The findings showed that overall the use of musholla was moderately low (mean = 2.92). The mean level for subfield usage was moderately high (mean= 3.06), teaching and learning approaches were at moderately low level (mean = 2.92), audio visual aids were moderately low marked (mean = 2.41...
Mosque plays an important role as a knowledge spreading institution besides its main role as a pl... more Mosque plays an important role as a knowledge spreading institution besides its main role as a place for worship. It serves the purpose of “ the house of God “ i.e a place for Muslims to perform their prayers in unison, where the relationship and bond among Muslims are strengthened. Mosque can also be an institution that provides Islamic education and trainings to the Muslims regardless of their age and social background. Therefore, it is vital that activities which are organized and carried out to supported by society, in particular the youth. However, these objectives have not yet been optimally met. Hence, the mosque is not particularly meant for certain group of people, and it requires the supports and participations from the society so that the main function of a mosque in producing outstanding and pious youth can be achieved.
Kajian tinjauan ini bertujuan menilai pelaksanaan kurikulum TITAS di Politeknik KPTM berdasarkan ... more Kajian tinjauan ini bertujuan menilai pelaksanaan kurikulum TITAS di Politeknik KPTM berdasarkan model CIPP. Fokus kajian ini adalah: kerelevenan objektif kurikulum TITAS di politeknik KPTM dengan Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan (FPK), Falsafah Pendidikan Islam (FPI), objektif penawaran dan kurikulum TITAS di IPTA serta isi kandungan TITAS di Politeknik; kesediaan pengetahuan, profesionalisme, keupayaan menggunakan alat AVA dan keyakinan diri; kemudahan; pelaksanaan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PP pemantauan; penilaian; hubungan dan kerjasama; dan produk impak, keberkesanan, kemampuan dan kebolehpindahan. Reka bentuk kajian adalah kaedah kuantitatif disokong oleh kualitatif menggunakan instrumen soal selidik pelajar, pensyarah dan lulusan politeknik, senarai semak dan protokol temu bual. Kajian melibatkan 127 pelajar, 8 pensyarah, 22 lepasan Politeknik serta 15 pakar kurikulum TITAS IPTA. Data kuantitatif dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan SPSS manakala data kualitatif s...
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti profil kecerdasan emosi, sikap pembelajaran dan hubunga... more Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti profil kecerdasan emosi, sikap pembelajaran dan hubungan antara kecerdasan emosi dan sikap pembelajaran dengan pencapaian kursus Tamadun Islam dalam kalangan pelajar tahun akhir di Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, Politeknik Port Dickson. Seramai 80 daripada 473 orang pelajar tahun akhir di Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, Politeknik Port Dickson terlibat dalam kajian ini. Statistik deskriptif menggunakan peratusan, min dan sisihan piawai digunakan untuk analisis taburan. Ujian t digunakan untuk melihat perbezaan manakala kolerasi Pearson untuk melihat hubungan antara pemboleh ubah kecerdasan emosi dan sikap pembelajaran dengan pencapaian kursus Tamadun Islam. Hasil kajian mendapati pelajar mempunyai tahap kecerdasan emosi dan sikap pembelajaran yang tinggi dan mencapai keputusan yang baik dalam kursus Tamadun Islam. Tiada perbezaan signifikan kecerdasan emosi dan sikap pembelajaran berdasarkan gender. Kajian ini juga mendapati tidak terdapat hubungan y...
Kursus Tamadun Islam adalah kursus wajib bagi semua pelajar Institusi Pengajian Tinggi di Malaysi... more Kursus Tamadun Islam adalah kursus wajib bagi semua pelajar Institusi Pengajian Tinggi di Malaysia termasuk politeknik. Makalah ini membincangkan persepsi pelajar terhadap pelaksanaan kursus Tamadun Islam di Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin (PSMZA), Dungun,Terengganu. Sampel kajian ini terdiri daripada 231 orang pelajar dari kalangan belia daripada 6 program pengajian peringkat diploma.Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa tahap persepsi pelajar terhadap prosesberada pada tahap tinggi. Secara ringkas, pelajar berpuas hati dengan proses pengajian di PSMZA. Kajian ini juga mendapati perbezaan gender dan program pengajian yang diikuti tidak mempengaruhi persepsi mereka terhadap proses P&P. Respon pelajar terhadap sokongan akademik yang pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) Tamadun Islam di PSMZA adalah disediakan oleh PSMZA adalah baik. Walau bagaimanapun, PSMZA menghadapi kekurangan jumlah tenaga pengajar dan tenaga pengajar sedia ada tidak mempunyai kelayakan iktisas yang sepatutnya.
The study to identify the first semester, Advanced Diploma students’ perceptions towards the teac... more The study to identify the first semester, Advanced Diploma students’ perceptions towards the teaching and learning of Islamic and Asian Civilisation (TITAS) with the use of Audio Visual Aids (AVA) in two polytechnics of Malaysia Higher Education Ministry (MOHE). Respondents are 33 students of Advanced Diploma Programme which are the overall population in the two polytechnics chosen for the study. The findings revealed that there is a high perception towards the teaching and learning of the course where the mean score of set induction as in 4.53 (SD 0.47), teaching and learning progress as in 4.48 (SD 0.39), approach as in 4.47 (SD 0.38), value inculcation as in 4.52 (SD 0.42), closure as in 4.32 (SD 0.56) and the use of audio visual aids (AVA) as in 4.32 (SD 0.39). There is no significant difference between both polytechnics for the assessed variables as revealed in the comparative analysis.
Pelajar yang memasuki sistem politeknik adalah pelajar yang telah melalui pendidikan formal di pe... more Pelajar yang memasuki sistem politeknik adalah pelajar yang telah melalui pendidikan formal di peringkat sekolah rendah dan menengah. Pelajar ini diberikan banyak pendedahan terhadap Pendidikan Islam termasuk KAFA (Kursus Asas Fardhu Ain). Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk melihat tahap pengetahuan Pendidikan Islam aspek Akidah, Syariat serta Muamalat dan penghayatan akhlak setelah melalui alam persekolahan selama 11 tahun. Kajian berbentuk tinjauan ini melibatkan keseluruhan populasi pelajar semester 1 seramai 104 orang. Kajian ini menggunakan instrumen soal selidik Ab Halim et al (2011) dan dianalisis menggunakan SPSS 18.0 secara deskriptif dan inferensi. Kajian mendapati tahap kesemua aspek yang dikaji adalah tinggi iaitu Akidah pada skor min 4.60 (sp=0.28), Syariat pada skor min 4.41 (sp=0.38) dan aspek Muamalat pada skor min 4.31 (sp=0.38). Tahap penghayatan akhlak juga secara keseluruhannya berada pada tahap tinggi iaitu pada skor Min 4.29 (sp=0.40). Kesemua aspek yang dikaji jug...
Students who enter polytechnics system are students who have completed their formal education at ... more Students who enter polytechnics system are students who have completed their formal education at primary and secondary level. These students have been exposed to Islamic education including KAFA (Fardhu Ain Basic Course). This study aims to look at Islamic Education knowledge level in the aspect of Faith, Shari’a, Muamalat and appreciation of morality through 11 years of schooling. This study was carried out involving a total of 104 students in the first semester. This study used questionnaire by Ab Halim et al. (2011) and analyzed using SPSS 18.0 in a descriptive and inferential manner. This study discovers that the extent to all aspects studies is high, namely Faith at the mean score of 4.31 (sp=0.28), Shari’a at the mean score of 4.41 (sp=0.38) and Muamalat at the mean score of 4.31 (sp=0.38). The degree of morality appreciation is also at a high level at the mean score of 4.29 (sp=0.40). All aspects being studied also has a significant relationship with the appreciation of moral...
The guided inquiry approach is an inquiry activity where problems and various questions are raise... more The guided inquiry approach is an inquiry activity where problems and various questions are raised by the teacher while the student needs to initiate the findings of the item. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to know the level of knowledge and skill of managing the Islamic Education teacher towards the implementation of guided inquiry approach based on Aqidah in high school. Also, this study also identifies the relationship between the two aspects. The methodology of this study is quantitative in the survey of 108 Islamic Education teachers. The descriptive analysis was carried out that both elements of knowledge and skills in managing teachers were at high levels. Spearman's correlation inference analysis also found that the strength of the relation between the two aspects was at a moderate positive level. Furthermore, the implication of the study found that teachers need to emphasize specifically on issues of knowledge and skills in managing the implementation of guided...
Lingkungan sosial siswa berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan tingkah laku dan kehidupan siswa. Kajian... more Lingkungan sosial siswa berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan tingkah laku dan kehidupan siswa. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh tersebut. Lingkungan sosial dalam kajian ini meliputi ibu dan bapa, guru, teman, artis, lingkungan sekolah, masyarakat dan undang-undang. Kajian kuantitatif ini dilakukan terhadap 192 orang pelajar semester satu sebagai sampel yang berasal dari Kolej Komuniti Kuala Langat dan Politeknik Banting Selangor. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan sosial berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pembentukan tingkah laku siswa. Pengaruh lingkungan sosial yang tertinggi adalah ibu bapak (SM 4.25, SP=0.57), diikuti guru (SM 3.97, SP=0.61), masyarakat (SM 3.81, SP=0.60), lingkungan sekolah (SM 3.76, SP=0.59), undang-undang (SM 3.74, SP=0.73), rakan (SM 3.63, SP=0.62) dan artis (SM 2.80, SP=0.93). Terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengaruh lingkungan sosial antara dua institusi dan antara program studi di Kolej Komuniti Kuala Langat. Hasil kajian menyumbang input kep...
The guided inquiry approach is an inquiry activity where problems and various questions are raise... more The guided inquiry approach is an inquiry activity where problems and various questions are raised by the teacher while the student needs to initiate the findings of the item. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to know the level of knowledge and skill of managing the Islamic Education teacher towards the implementation of guided inquiry approach based on Aqidah in high school. Also, this study also identifies the relationship between the two aspects. The methodology of this study is quantitative in the survey of 108 Islamic Education teachers. The descriptive analysis was carried out that both elements of knowledge and skills in managing teachers were at high levels. Spearman's correlation inference analysis also found that the strength of the relation between the two aspects was at a moderate positive level. Furthermore, the implication of the study found that teachers need to emphasize specifically on issues of knowledge and skills in managing the implementation of guided inquiry approaches so that they can have a positive and effective impact on students such as helping students to understand the content of the lesson in better, encourage critical cultural cognitive processes of critical thinking as well as reinforcing aqidah in the students who are increasingly worrying about the day.
International Journal of Humanities, Philosophy and Language
Students at Higher Education Institutions need to be nurtured and involved in volunteering activi... more Students at Higher Education Institutions need to be nurtured and involved in volunteering activities in line with the need in producing holistic human capital. This quantitative survey study aims to see the fields that students engage in volunteering activities, the characteristics of student volunteering, and the factors and effects of engaging in volunteering activities. The study was conducted online among 961 students. Data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The results of the study found that students are most involved in activities that relates to religious field, students have very good volunteering characteristics, the main factor in students engaging in volunteering activities is because they want to improve their skills (SM=4.44; SP=0.60), the effect of students involving involvement in volunteering activities is at a very high level with an overall mean score of 4.32 (SP=0.55), there is a significant difference in the effect of engaging in volunteering activi...
Unity and patriotism are among the key elements in ensuring the well-being of the nation. This st... more Unity and patriotism are among the key elements in ensuring the well-being of the nation. This study aimed to identify the level of unity and patriotism, look at differences in perceptions based on gender, and the relationship between unity and patriotism among students taking the MPU21032 (`Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban’) course. A total of 240 out of a population from 364 students were randomly selected as the study sample using a questionnaire adapted from Abdul Rahim & Siti Norashikin (2010) for aspects of unity with and adaptation from Ku Hasnita et al (2018) the aspects of patriotism The instrument was administered online using `google form 'application and analyzed using SPSS version 23.0 application in a descriptive and inferential manner. The results of the study found that the overall mean score was 3.91 (SP = 0.71) which is at a moderately high level for the aspect of unity level and the overall mean score is 4.33 (SP = 0.52) which is at a high level for the aspect ...
This article aimed at identifying the students’ perceptions towards the use of musholla in Malays... more This article aimed at identifying the students’ perceptions towards the use of musholla in Malaysian secondary schools. A group of 1676 Form 4 students from secondary schools in Malaysia were randomly stratified selected to participate in the study. The participants were then grouped into four zones of Peninsular Malaysia. Students are required to respond to 55 items by answering 5-point Likert-scale items on the use of musholla in schools based on four components; the usage on the aspect of Islamic Studies’ subfields, teaching and learning approaches, audio visual aids and participation of school staff. The findings were reported descriptively by using frequencies, percentage and mean calculation. The findings showed that overall the use of musholla was moderately low (mean = 2.92). The mean level for subfield usage was moderately high (mean= 3.06), teaching and learning approaches were at moderately low level (mean = 2.92), audio visual aids were moderately low marked (mean = 2.41...
Mosque plays an important role as a knowledge spreading institution besides its main role as a pl... more Mosque plays an important role as a knowledge spreading institution besides its main role as a place for worship. It serves the purpose of “ the house of God “ i.e a place for Muslims to perform their prayers in unison, where the relationship and bond among Muslims are strengthened. Mosque can also be an institution that provides Islamic education and trainings to the Muslims regardless of their age and social background. Therefore, it is vital that activities which are organized and carried out to supported by society, in particular the youth. However, these objectives have not yet been optimally met. Hence, the mosque is not particularly meant for certain group of people, and it requires the supports and participations from the society so that the main function of a mosque in producing outstanding and pious youth can be achieved.
Kajian tinjauan ini bertujuan menilai pelaksanaan kurikulum TITAS di Politeknik KPTM berdasarkan ... more Kajian tinjauan ini bertujuan menilai pelaksanaan kurikulum TITAS di Politeknik KPTM berdasarkan model CIPP. Fokus kajian ini adalah: kerelevenan objektif kurikulum TITAS di politeknik KPTM dengan Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan (FPK), Falsafah Pendidikan Islam (FPI), objektif penawaran dan kurikulum TITAS di IPTA serta isi kandungan TITAS di Politeknik; kesediaan pengetahuan, profesionalisme, keupayaan menggunakan alat AVA dan keyakinan diri; kemudahan; pelaksanaan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PP pemantauan; penilaian; hubungan dan kerjasama; dan produk impak, keberkesanan, kemampuan dan kebolehpindahan. Reka bentuk kajian adalah kaedah kuantitatif disokong oleh kualitatif menggunakan instrumen soal selidik pelajar, pensyarah dan lulusan politeknik, senarai semak dan protokol temu bual. Kajian melibatkan 127 pelajar, 8 pensyarah, 22 lepasan Politeknik serta 15 pakar kurikulum TITAS IPTA. Data kuantitatif dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan SPSS manakala data kualitatif s...
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti profil kecerdasan emosi, sikap pembelajaran dan hubunga... more Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti profil kecerdasan emosi, sikap pembelajaran dan hubungan antara kecerdasan emosi dan sikap pembelajaran dengan pencapaian kursus Tamadun Islam dalam kalangan pelajar tahun akhir di Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, Politeknik Port Dickson. Seramai 80 daripada 473 orang pelajar tahun akhir di Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, Politeknik Port Dickson terlibat dalam kajian ini. Statistik deskriptif menggunakan peratusan, min dan sisihan piawai digunakan untuk analisis taburan. Ujian t digunakan untuk melihat perbezaan manakala kolerasi Pearson untuk melihat hubungan antara pemboleh ubah kecerdasan emosi dan sikap pembelajaran dengan pencapaian kursus Tamadun Islam. Hasil kajian mendapati pelajar mempunyai tahap kecerdasan emosi dan sikap pembelajaran yang tinggi dan mencapai keputusan yang baik dalam kursus Tamadun Islam. Tiada perbezaan signifikan kecerdasan emosi dan sikap pembelajaran berdasarkan gender. Kajian ini juga mendapati tidak terdapat hubungan y...
Kursus Tamadun Islam adalah kursus wajib bagi semua pelajar Institusi Pengajian Tinggi di Malaysi... more Kursus Tamadun Islam adalah kursus wajib bagi semua pelajar Institusi Pengajian Tinggi di Malaysia termasuk politeknik. Makalah ini membincangkan persepsi pelajar terhadap pelaksanaan kursus Tamadun Islam di Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin (PSMZA), Dungun,Terengganu. Sampel kajian ini terdiri daripada 231 orang pelajar dari kalangan belia daripada 6 program pengajian peringkat diploma.Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa tahap persepsi pelajar terhadap prosesberada pada tahap tinggi. Secara ringkas, pelajar berpuas hati dengan proses pengajian di PSMZA. Kajian ini juga mendapati perbezaan gender dan program pengajian yang diikuti tidak mempengaruhi persepsi mereka terhadap proses P&P. Respon pelajar terhadap sokongan akademik yang pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) Tamadun Islam di PSMZA adalah disediakan oleh PSMZA adalah baik. Walau bagaimanapun, PSMZA menghadapi kekurangan jumlah tenaga pengajar dan tenaga pengajar sedia ada tidak mempunyai kelayakan iktisas yang sepatutnya.
The study to identify the first semester, Advanced Diploma students’ perceptions towards the teac... more The study to identify the first semester, Advanced Diploma students’ perceptions towards the teaching and learning of Islamic and Asian Civilisation (TITAS) with the use of Audio Visual Aids (AVA) in two polytechnics of Malaysia Higher Education Ministry (MOHE). Respondents are 33 students of Advanced Diploma Programme which are the overall population in the two polytechnics chosen for the study. The findings revealed that there is a high perception towards the teaching and learning of the course where the mean score of set induction as in 4.53 (SD 0.47), teaching and learning progress as in 4.48 (SD 0.39), approach as in 4.47 (SD 0.38), value inculcation as in 4.52 (SD 0.42), closure as in 4.32 (SD 0.56) and the use of audio visual aids (AVA) as in 4.32 (SD 0.39). There is no significant difference between both polytechnics for the assessed variables as revealed in the comparative analysis.
Pelajar yang memasuki sistem politeknik adalah pelajar yang telah melalui pendidikan formal di pe... more Pelajar yang memasuki sistem politeknik adalah pelajar yang telah melalui pendidikan formal di peringkat sekolah rendah dan menengah. Pelajar ini diberikan banyak pendedahan terhadap Pendidikan Islam termasuk KAFA (Kursus Asas Fardhu Ain). Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk melihat tahap pengetahuan Pendidikan Islam aspek Akidah, Syariat serta Muamalat dan penghayatan akhlak setelah melalui alam persekolahan selama 11 tahun. Kajian berbentuk tinjauan ini melibatkan keseluruhan populasi pelajar semester 1 seramai 104 orang. Kajian ini menggunakan instrumen soal selidik Ab Halim et al (2011) dan dianalisis menggunakan SPSS 18.0 secara deskriptif dan inferensi. Kajian mendapati tahap kesemua aspek yang dikaji adalah tinggi iaitu Akidah pada skor min 4.60 (sp=0.28), Syariat pada skor min 4.41 (sp=0.38) dan aspek Muamalat pada skor min 4.31 (sp=0.38). Tahap penghayatan akhlak juga secara keseluruhannya berada pada tahap tinggi iaitu pada skor Min 4.29 (sp=0.40). Kesemua aspek yang dikaji jug...
Students who enter polytechnics system are students who have completed their formal education at ... more Students who enter polytechnics system are students who have completed their formal education at primary and secondary level. These students have been exposed to Islamic education including KAFA (Fardhu Ain Basic Course). This study aims to look at Islamic Education knowledge level in the aspect of Faith, Shari’a, Muamalat and appreciation of morality through 11 years of schooling. This study was carried out involving a total of 104 students in the first semester. This study used questionnaire by Ab Halim et al. (2011) and analyzed using SPSS 18.0 in a descriptive and inferential manner. This study discovers that the extent to all aspects studies is high, namely Faith at the mean score of 4.31 (sp=0.28), Shari’a at the mean score of 4.41 (sp=0.38) and Muamalat at the mean score of 4.31 (sp=0.38). The degree of morality appreciation is also at a high level at the mean score of 4.29 (sp=0.40). All aspects being studied also has a significant relationship with the appreciation of moral...
The guided inquiry approach is an inquiry activity where problems and various questions are raise... more The guided inquiry approach is an inquiry activity where problems and various questions are raised by the teacher while the student needs to initiate the findings of the item. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to know the level of knowledge and skill of managing the Islamic Education teacher towards the implementation of guided inquiry approach based on Aqidah in high school. Also, this study also identifies the relationship between the two aspects. The methodology of this study is quantitative in the survey of 108 Islamic Education teachers. The descriptive analysis was carried out that both elements of knowledge and skills in managing teachers were at high levels. Spearman's correlation inference analysis also found that the strength of the relation between the two aspects was at a moderate positive level. Furthermore, the implication of the study found that teachers need to emphasize specifically on issues of knowledge and skills in managing the implementation of guided...
Lingkungan sosial siswa berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan tingkah laku dan kehidupan siswa. Kajian... more Lingkungan sosial siswa berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan tingkah laku dan kehidupan siswa. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh tersebut. Lingkungan sosial dalam kajian ini meliputi ibu dan bapa, guru, teman, artis, lingkungan sekolah, masyarakat dan undang-undang. Kajian kuantitatif ini dilakukan terhadap 192 orang pelajar semester satu sebagai sampel yang berasal dari Kolej Komuniti Kuala Langat dan Politeknik Banting Selangor. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan sosial berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pembentukan tingkah laku siswa. Pengaruh lingkungan sosial yang tertinggi adalah ibu bapak (SM 4.25, SP=0.57), diikuti guru (SM 3.97, SP=0.61), masyarakat (SM 3.81, SP=0.60), lingkungan sekolah (SM 3.76, SP=0.59), undang-undang (SM 3.74, SP=0.73), rakan (SM 3.63, SP=0.62) dan artis (SM 2.80, SP=0.93). Terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengaruh lingkungan sosial antara dua institusi dan antara program studi di Kolej Komuniti Kuala Langat. Hasil kajian menyumbang input kep...
Papers by Nor Hayati Fatmi Talib