Openness in the development of policy making is a must in local governments to carry out good pub... more Openness in the development of policy making is a must in local governments to carry out good public services in accordance with Good Governance. The purpose of this research is to see the development of the concept of administration to public administration in implementing local government decisions. So that the openness of a policy by involving community participation results in satisfaction with public services for the wider community. The research methodology uses a qualitative descriptive approach to the problem of openness to policy developments in public services by local governments. As a result, the community can enjoy and feel the involvement of participation in a decision-making process carried out by the local government. The legal basis for making public policy implementation by the government is the principle of decentralization, namely the granting of regional autonomy to local governments. As guaranteed in Law No. 32/2004 article 14 on mandatory local government affairs
Radikalisme agama telah masuk dalam berbagai sektor kehidupan, termasuk dalam ranah pendidikan. P... more Radikalisme agama telah masuk dalam berbagai sektor kehidupan, termasuk dalam ranah pendidikan. Paham radikal akan berkembang di tengah masyarakat ketika terjadi ketidakadilan sosial dan hukum, kondisi kemiskinan, serta penyimpangan paham Islam yang dimaknai secara sempit. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan keterlibatan semua pihak dalam mencegahnya. Pesantren sebagai pusat pendidikan Islam harus mengambil peran dalam upaya pengarusutamaan ide-ide dan sikap moderat dalam beragama yang sesuai dengan nilai luhur Islam yang rahmatan li al-alamin (rahmat bagi semesta alam). Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberi penguatan tentang pentingnya menanamkan nilai-nilai moderasi beragama untuk mencegah radikalisme agar tidak tumbuh di lingkungan pesantren. Penanaman nilai moderasi beragama ini sangat penting untuk menghindari sikap intoleransi, munculnya berbagai konflik, terjadinya perpecahan, serta bersikap ekstrim dalam praktik beragama. Metode dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini menggunakan com...
The aim of this research is to identify the main determinants of Kosovo outbound tourists influen... more The aim of this research is to identify the main determinants of Kosovo outbound tourists influencing the use of e-services in the hospitality industry. To test hypotheses, we used Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM). Findings suggest that the intention of Kosovo outbound tourists to use e-services in the hospitality industry is influenced positively by performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, perceived value, and satisfaction with information quality. We found that expected effort and social influence have no impact on the intention to use e-services. The relationship between users' behavioral intentions and satisfaction with the information provided and real use behavior is confirmed. The perceived value depends on cost-savings, enjoyment and convenience from the use of e-services in hospitality.
<pre>The writing of this article will address three important aspects in tracking the role ... more <pre>The writing of this article will address three important aspects in tracking the role and regulation of the development of media policy by identifying the rules of media laws and regulations; view background of policy and internal working mechanism in policy making process; power relationships among stakeholders that have implications for citizens' rights. The location of the study is limited to the existing media in Indonesia using a descriptive research approach with qualitative methodology.</pre> <pre>The purpose of writing is expected to contribute positively to the community in understanding the complexity of media issues in Indonesia that can be used to empower groups and civil society organizations.</pre> <pre>The frame of thought of writing takes several elements, such as the practical importance of research by defining policies, mutatis mutandis (important changes have been made). As well as providing a looser view of policies greater than specific decisions, but smaller than general social movements.</pre> The results of research with major approaches in research and media analysis are often reduced and fail to recognize the natural characteristics of mass media as the public sphere and the complexity behind the performance of the mass media.
This work reports the use ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy and multivariate calibration as a method for dete... more This work reports the use ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy and multivariate calibration as a method for determination of oxidative stability of biodiesel and oils. The prediction of the oxidative stability showed a good agreement with the results obtained by the EN14112 reference method Rancimat. The models presented high correlation between spectral data and induction periods. The R2 values of (0.9927 and 0.9921) indicated the accuracy of the models to predict the oxidative stability of vegetable oils and samples of biodiesel, respectively. Student’s t test showed no significant difference at 95% confidence between the actual and the predicted values of the periods of induction when applied for samples of vegetable oils and biodiesel.
Licensing is the main thing about broadcasting arrangements. In a series of recycling processes b... more Licensing is the main thing about broadcasting arrangements. In a series of recycling processes broadcast regulation, licensing becomes stages of decision of the state (through KPIs and the Commission) to provide an assessment (evaluation) is a broadcasting institution deserves to be given or appropriate to continue the lease rights on frequency. Regional Indonesian Broadcasting Commission or KPID is an independent state institution in Indonesia established in each province serving as a regulator of broadcasting in every province in Indonesia. KPID is an institution capable of controlling the media, especially concerning Broadcasting Permit. Broadcasting Broadcasting Permit (IPP) is a right granted by KPID to broadcasters to conduct broadcasting. To this day there are seven local private television broadcasters in Banten (1.Untirta TV; 2. Baraya TV; 3. CTV Banten; 4. TV3 Tangerang; 5. CCNC; 6. Carlita TV; 7. CTV Network) which already Broadcasting to obtain broadcasting licenses. Th...
Research on the implementation of social development of border communities in Jagoi Babang Sub-di... more Research on the implementation of social development of border communities in Jagoi Babang Sub-district of Bengkayang Regency West Kalimantan Province. The research is based on the phenomenon of the lack of successful development in fulfilling the basic rights of the people in the border areas between Indonesia and Malaysia. Using qualitative research methodology and using descriptive analytical processing, the intention is expected to answer some research questions, that is by using the question how the implementation and empowerment of society to border area. The data collection is done by literature study and secondary data through documentation from various information that exist only news media and by going down in the field by looking at the condition of Jagoi Babang Sub-district of Bengkayang Regency West Kalimantan Province. The results showed that the effectiveness of development and community empowerment for the border area is determined by three main activities namely org...
This study aims to investigate Indonesian government policy on the environmental law in the era o... more This study aims to investigate Indonesian government policy on the environmental law in the era of regional autonomy by analyzing the by the conception of Indonesian government policy towards regional autonomy or decentralization, the relation between regional autonomy policy and law enforcement and violation to the environment and the Indonesian government's strategic policy towards environmental law in the era of regional autonomy. The methodology in this research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive research design. The results showed that the laws and regulations relating to environmental management are sufficient, but in their implementation, including in the supervision of their implementation, they need to receive serious attention. This is closely related to the good intentions of the government including the regional government, the community and the parties concerned to manage the environment as well as possible.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis bagaimana kualitas pelayanan pada ... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis bagaimana kualitas pelayanan pada bagian Customer Care di Plasa Telkom Kebon Sirih dan untuk mengetahui tanggapan pelanggan Telkom sebagai penerima layanan mengenai pelayanan yang diberikan oleh para pegawai Customer Care Plasa Telkom Kebon Sirih sebagai pemberi layanan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tipe penelitian deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan juga menggunakan wawancara serta observasi atau pengamatan dengan terlebih dahulu membuat pedoman wawancara. Adapun informan dan key informan dalam penelitian ini sejumlah 14 orang yang terdiri dari Manager, Asisten Manager Servis Assurance, 2 Pegawai Servis Assurance dan 10 pelanggan Telkom. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah model Miles dan Huberman. Prosesnya mencakup : Data Reduction (Reduksi Data), Data Display (Penyajian Data), Conclusion Drawing/Verification ( Penarikan Kesimpulan). Teori atau konsep yangf diguna...
The purpose of writing this community service article is how to see food policy in Indonesia in r... more The purpose of writing this community service article is how to see food policy in Indonesia in realizing the ethos of nationalism, namely the fulfillment of household food with good, safe and equitable quality standards. The problem of writing is how to look at food security from various sides, namely economic, social and political. So that food security does not cause instability. The methodology uses qualitative, with a descriptive analysis approach, with a research design using the theory of Creswell, J.W. (2014). Primary data were obtained from interviews with decision makers at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia. Secondary data were obtained from literature studies and documents related to Food Security. The results of the research are, (1) The agricultural sector is the main pillar of development almost all economic activities are centered in the agricultural sector; (2) The government is obligated to guarantee sufficient food in good quality, price stab...
The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) is targeting... more The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) is targeting the realization of thevalid complete village map. This strategic program is carried out by mapping all land parcels including physical and juridical data so that an accurate land database can be created. This study aimed to analyze collaborations of three stakeholders: Land Office, City/Regency Government, and Village Government in realizing the complete village map. This study was conducted using a qualitative-descriptive method. Data collection was conducted in three ways: interview, secondary data, and observation field. Data analysis was carried out spatially on the main data and supporting data for the complete village map. The results of the study show that collaboration and data sharing (land registration maps, land value zone map, PBB block map, Regional Spatial Planning (Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah - RTRW) map, and detailed Village Letter C map) between the three stakeholders ar...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Awareness for Sustainable Development in conjunction with International Conference on Challenge and Opportunities Sustainable Environmental Development, ICEASD & ICCOSED 2019, 1-2 April 2019, Kendari, Indonesia, 2019
Artikel ini adalah perlombaan Kreatifitas Mahasiswa Gagasan Tertulis, Direktorat Pembelajaran dan... more Artikel ini adalah perlombaan Kreatifitas Mahasiswa Gagasan Tertulis, Direktorat Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan Kebudayaan Indonesia 2021. Membahas, Inovasi Techplomacy, dengan cara membuat aplikasi dan sistem profiling digital diplomasi menuju 5.0G. Tujuan penulisan, memudahkan para diplomat Indonesia melakukan profiling diplomat digital untuk negara tujuan. Yaitu memberikan informasi sosial, ekonomi, budaya, politik, hukum, pendidikan, kesehatan, pertahanan keamanan, energi, teknologi, pangan lingkungan, serta sosial budaya pariwisata dari negara tujuan. Metodologi kualitatif deskriftif, yaitu menjelaskan berbagai rangkuman informasi berikut analisa terhadap informasi yang didapat untuk membuat sistem aplikasi dan profiling teknologi digital yang bisa dipergunakan oleh program studi hubungan internasional atau Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia. Hasil penelitian, teknologi diplomasi (Techpllomacy) dengan system aplikasi dan p...
Tujuan penulisan penelitian mendeskripsikan kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia dalam memajukan dan me... more Tujuan penulisan penelitian mendeskripsikan kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia dalam memajukan dan meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia unggul. Karenanya masalah kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia meningkatan mutu layanan pendidikan merupakan persoalan strategis dalam agenda pelaksanaan pembangunan. Pendidik di sekolah memiliki posisi strategis terhadap perkembangan peserta didik. Karena tugas pendidikan, selain pemerintah, harus juga memiliki turut mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dalam menciptakan Sumber Daya Manusia Unggul. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif. Data diperoleh secara purpose sampling. Yaitu, melalui obsrvasi dan wawancara. Penelitian kualitatif adalah pendekatan penelitian yang menonjolkan pengungkapan fenomena menurut persepsi subyek peneliti. Hasilnya, dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 32 Tahun 2013, tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan, diiharapkan dapat memajukan dan meningkatkan kualitas pendidik dalam proses pendidikan ...
Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa inovasi layanan kesehatan di Kementerian Ke... more Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa inovasi layanan kesehatan di Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia dalam kesiapan aparat melayani pasien yang terkena virus covid 19. Layanan kesehatan call center 119 adalah layanan kegawatdaruratan medik yang memberikan fasilitas ambulan, perlunya rumah sakit rujukan rawat inap pasien yang terkena covid 19. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori New Public Management (NPM) yang dikembangkan Osborne dan Gaebler (1992), merupakan perbaikan dari Old Public Administration ditandai dengan munculnya konsep managerialism dan perlunya model baru dalam administrasi pelayanan publik. Manfaat penelitian diharapkan memberikan masukan konstruktif ke Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia yang sudah melakukan terobosan layanan kesehatan. Sehingga layanan Kesehatan lebih berkualitas dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip pelayanan yang baik dan cepat. Layanan call center 119 menempatkan tenaga operator, perawat dan dokter yang terlatih dan profesio...
Openness in the development of policy making is a must in local governments to carry out good pub... more Openness in the development of policy making is a must in local governments to carry out good public services in accordance with Good Governance. The purpose of this research is to see the development of the concept of administration to public administration in implementing local government decisions. So that the openness of a policy by involving community participation results in satisfaction with public services for the wider community. The research methodology uses a qualitative descriptive approach to the problem of openness to policy developments in public services by local governments. As a result, the community can enjoy and feel the involvement of participation in a decision-making process carried out by the local government. The legal basis for making public policy implementation by the government is the principle of decentralization, namely the granting of regional autonomy to local governments. As guaranteed in Law No. 32/2004 article 14 on mandatory local government affairs
Radikalisme agama telah masuk dalam berbagai sektor kehidupan, termasuk dalam ranah pendidikan. P... more Radikalisme agama telah masuk dalam berbagai sektor kehidupan, termasuk dalam ranah pendidikan. Paham radikal akan berkembang di tengah masyarakat ketika terjadi ketidakadilan sosial dan hukum, kondisi kemiskinan, serta penyimpangan paham Islam yang dimaknai secara sempit. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan keterlibatan semua pihak dalam mencegahnya. Pesantren sebagai pusat pendidikan Islam harus mengambil peran dalam upaya pengarusutamaan ide-ide dan sikap moderat dalam beragama yang sesuai dengan nilai luhur Islam yang rahmatan li al-alamin (rahmat bagi semesta alam). Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberi penguatan tentang pentingnya menanamkan nilai-nilai moderasi beragama untuk mencegah radikalisme agar tidak tumbuh di lingkungan pesantren. Penanaman nilai moderasi beragama ini sangat penting untuk menghindari sikap intoleransi, munculnya berbagai konflik, terjadinya perpecahan, serta bersikap ekstrim dalam praktik beragama. Metode dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini menggunakan com...
The aim of this research is to identify the main determinants of Kosovo outbound tourists influen... more The aim of this research is to identify the main determinants of Kosovo outbound tourists influencing the use of e-services in the hospitality industry. To test hypotheses, we used Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM). Findings suggest that the intention of Kosovo outbound tourists to use e-services in the hospitality industry is influenced positively by performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, perceived value, and satisfaction with information quality. We found that expected effort and social influence have no impact on the intention to use e-services. The relationship between users&#39; behavioral intentions and satisfaction with the information provided and real use behavior is confirmed. The perceived value depends on cost-savings, enjoyment and convenience from the use of e-services in hospitality.
<pre>The writing of this article will address three important aspects in tracking the role ... more <pre>The writing of this article will address three important aspects in tracking the role and regulation of the development of media policy by identifying the rules of media laws and regulations; view background of policy and internal working mechanism in policy making process; power relationships among stakeholders that have implications for citizens' rights. The location of the study is limited to the existing media in Indonesia using a descriptive research approach with qualitative methodology.</pre> <pre>The purpose of writing is expected to contribute positively to the community in understanding the complexity of media issues in Indonesia that can be used to empower groups and civil society organizations.</pre> <pre>The frame of thought of writing takes several elements, such as the practical importance of research by defining policies, mutatis mutandis (important changes have been made). As well as providing a looser view of policies greater than specific decisions, but smaller than general social movements.</pre> The results of research with major approaches in research and media analysis are often reduced and fail to recognize the natural characteristics of mass media as the public sphere and the complexity behind the performance of the mass media.
This work reports the use ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy and multivariate calibration as a method for dete... more This work reports the use ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy and multivariate calibration as a method for determination of oxidative stability of biodiesel and oils. The prediction of the oxidative stability showed a good agreement with the results obtained by the EN14112 reference method Rancimat. The models presented high correlation between spectral data and induction periods. The R2 values of (0.9927 and 0.9921) indicated the accuracy of the models to predict the oxidative stability of vegetable oils and samples of biodiesel, respectively. Student’s t test showed no significant difference at 95% confidence between the actual and the predicted values of the periods of induction when applied for samples of vegetable oils and biodiesel.
Licensing is the main thing about broadcasting arrangements. In a series of recycling processes b... more Licensing is the main thing about broadcasting arrangements. In a series of recycling processes broadcast regulation, licensing becomes stages of decision of the state (through KPIs and the Commission) to provide an assessment (evaluation) is a broadcasting institution deserves to be given or appropriate to continue the lease rights on frequency. Regional Indonesian Broadcasting Commission or KPID is an independent state institution in Indonesia established in each province serving as a regulator of broadcasting in every province in Indonesia. KPID is an institution capable of controlling the media, especially concerning Broadcasting Permit. Broadcasting Broadcasting Permit (IPP) is a right granted by KPID to broadcasters to conduct broadcasting. To this day there are seven local private television broadcasters in Banten (1.Untirta TV; 2. Baraya TV; 3. CTV Banten; 4. TV3 Tangerang; 5. CCNC; 6. Carlita TV; 7. CTV Network) which already Broadcasting to obtain broadcasting licenses. Th...
Research on the implementation of social development of border communities in Jagoi Babang Sub-di... more Research on the implementation of social development of border communities in Jagoi Babang Sub-district of Bengkayang Regency West Kalimantan Province. The research is based on the phenomenon of the lack of successful development in fulfilling the basic rights of the people in the border areas between Indonesia and Malaysia. Using qualitative research methodology and using descriptive analytical processing, the intention is expected to answer some research questions, that is by using the question how the implementation and empowerment of society to border area. The data collection is done by literature study and secondary data through documentation from various information that exist only news media and by going down in the field by looking at the condition of Jagoi Babang Sub-district of Bengkayang Regency West Kalimantan Province. The results showed that the effectiveness of development and community empowerment for the border area is determined by three main activities namely org...
This study aims to investigate Indonesian government policy on the environmental law in the era o... more This study aims to investigate Indonesian government policy on the environmental law in the era of regional autonomy by analyzing the by the conception of Indonesian government policy towards regional autonomy or decentralization, the relation between regional autonomy policy and law enforcement and violation to the environment and the Indonesian government's strategic policy towards environmental law in the era of regional autonomy. The methodology in this research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive research design. The results showed that the laws and regulations relating to environmental management are sufficient, but in their implementation, including in the supervision of their implementation, they need to receive serious attention. This is closely related to the good intentions of the government including the regional government, the community and the parties concerned to manage the environment as well as possible.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis bagaimana kualitas pelayanan pada ... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis bagaimana kualitas pelayanan pada bagian Customer Care di Plasa Telkom Kebon Sirih dan untuk mengetahui tanggapan pelanggan Telkom sebagai penerima layanan mengenai pelayanan yang diberikan oleh para pegawai Customer Care Plasa Telkom Kebon Sirih sebagai pemberi layanan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tipe penelitian deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan juga menggunakan wawancara serta observasi atau pengamatan dengan terlebih dahulu membuat pedoman wawancara. Adapun informan dan key informan dalam penelitian ini sejumlah 14 orang yang terdiri dari Manager, Asisten Manager Servis Assurance, 2 Pegawai Servis Assurance dan 10 pelanggan Telkom. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah model Miles dan Huberman. Prosesnya mencakup : Data Reduction (Reduksi Data), Data Display (Penyajian Data), Conclusion Drawing/Verification ( Penarikan Kesimpulan). Teori atau konsep yangf diguna...
The purpose of writing this community service article is how to see food policy in Indonesia in r... more The purpose of writing this community service article is how to see food policy in Indonesia in realizing the ethos of nationalism, namely the fulfillment of household food with good, safe and equitable quality standards. The problem of writing is how to look at food security from various sides, namely economic, social and political. So that food security does not cause instability. The methodology uses qualitative, with a descriptive analysis approach, with a research design using the theory of Creswell, J.W. (2014). Primary data were obtained from interviews with decision makers at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia. Secondary data were obtained from literature studies and documents related to Food Security. The results of the research are, (1) The agricultural sector is the main pillar of development almost all economic activities are centered in the agricultural sector; (2) The government is obligated to guarantee sufficient food in good quality, price stab...
The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) is targeting... more The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) is targeting the realization of thevalid complete village map. This strategic program is carried out by mapping all land parcels including physical and juridical data so that an accurate land database can be created. This study aimed to analyze collaborations of three stakeholders: Land Office, City/Regency Government, and Village Government in realizing the complete village map. This study was conducted using a qualitative-descriptive method. Data collection was conducted in three ways: interview, secondary data, and observation field. Data analysis was carried out spatially on the main data and supporting data for the complete village map. The results of the study show that collaboration and data sharing (land registration maps, land value zone map, PBB block map, Regional Spatial Planning (Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah - RTRW) map, and detailed Village Letter C map) between the three stakeholders ar...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Awareness for Sustainable Development in conjunction with International Conference on Challenge and Opportunities Sustainable Environmental Development, ICEASD & ICCOSED 2019, 1-2 April 2019, Kendari, Indonesia, 2019
Artikel ini adalah perlombaan Kreatifitas Mahasiswa Gagasan Tertulis, Direktorat Pembelajaran dan... more Artikel ini adalah perlombaan Kreatifitas Mahasiswa Gagasan Tertulis, Direktorat Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan Kebudayaan Indonesia 2021. Membahas, Inovasi Techplomacy, dengan cara membuat aplikasi dan sistem profiling digital diplomasi menuju 5.0G. Tujuan penulisan, memudahkan para diplomat Indonesia melakukan profiling diplomat digital untuk negara tujuan. Yaitu memberikan informasi sosial, ekonomi, budaya, politik, hukum, pendidikan, kesehatan, pertahanan keamanan, energi, teknologi, pangan lingkungan, serta sosial budaya pariwisata dari negara tujuan. Metodologi kualitatif deskriftif, yaitu menjelaskan berbagai rangkuman informasi berikut analisa terhadap informasi yang didapat untuk membuat sistem aplikasi dan profiling teknologi digital yang bisa dipergunakan oleh program studi hubungan internasional atau Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia. Hasil penelitian, teknologi diplomasi (Techpllomacy) dengan system aplikasi dan p...
Tujuan penulisan penelitian mendeskripsikan kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia dalam memajukan dan me... more Tujuan penulisan penelitian mendeskripsikan kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia dalam memajukan dan meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia unggul. Karenanya masalah kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia meningkatan mutu layanan pendidikan merupakan persoalan strategis dalam agenda pelaksanaan pembangunan. Pendidik di sekolah memiliki posisi strategis terhadap perkembangan peserta didik. Karena tugas pendidikan, selain pemerintah, harus juga memiliki turut mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dalam menciptakan Sumber Daya Manusia Unggul. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif. Data diperoleh secara purpose sampling. Yaitu, melalui obsrvasi dan wawancara. Penelitian kualitatif adalah pendekatan penelitian yang menonjolkan pengungkapan fenomena menurut persepsi subyek peneliti. Hasilnya, dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 32 Tahun 2013, tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan, diiharapkan dapat memajukan dan meningkatkan kualitas pendidik dalam proses pendidikan ...
Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa inovasi layanan kesehatan di Kementerian Ke... more Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa inovasi layanan kesehatan di Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia dalam kesiapan aparat melayani pasien yang terkena virus covid 19. Layanan kesehatan call center 119 adalah layanan kegawatdaruratan medik yang memberikan fasilitas ambulan, perlunya rumah sakit rujukan rawat inap pasien yang terkena covid 19. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori New Public Management (NPM) yang dikembangkan Osborne dan Gaebler (1992), merupakan perbaikan dari Old Public Administration ditandai dengan munculnya konsep managerialism dan perlunya model baru dalam administrasi pelayanan publik. Manfaat penelitian diharapkan memberikan masukan konstruktif ke Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia yang sudah melakukan terobosan layanan kesehatan. Sehingga layanan Kesehatan lebih berkualitas dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip pelayanan yang baik dan cepat. Layanan call center 119 menempatkan tenaga operator, perawat dan dokter yang terlatih dan profesio...
Papers by Taufiqurokhman Taufiqurokhman