Hydrochemical, inverse geochemical modelling and isotopic approaches are used to assess the hydro... more Hydrochemical, inverse geochemical modelling and isotopic approaches are used to assess the hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater from the basement aquifers in the Southeastern part of the Plateaux Region, Togo. Groundwater originates from present-day rainwater infiltration and is mostly fresh and slightly acidic to neutral. Hydrochemical facies are predominantly mixed cations-HCO 3 associated with Ca/Mg-Cl, Na-HCO 3 and Na-Cl water types in equilibrium with kaolinite and Ca/Mg-smectites. They are related to silicates hydrolysis, anthropogenic contamination,
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, Sep 1, 2016
En este estudio se llevó a cabo la evaluación de los períodos de sequía histórica que han afectad... more En este estudio se llevó a cabo la evaluación de los períodos de sequía histórica que han afectado al Valle de Guadalupe en el Estado de Baja California, México, el cual pertenece a la subcuenca que lleva el mismo nombre. En esta región se llevan a cabo actividades agrícolas de gran importancia como el cultivo de olivo, hortalizas, hierbas de olor y uva de mesa, siendo la más representativa la producción de uva para la elaboración de vino. Por ser una zona semiárida el recurso hídrico superficial es limitado, por lo tanto, toda la demanda de agua la provee el Acuífero Guadalupe. Para cumplir con el objetivo de este estudio se utilizó el cálculo del índice de reconocimiento de sequía (IRS) para llevar a cabo la clasificación anual histórica, la severidad, la duración y la frecuencia de la sequía meteorológica. Se encontraron cuáles han sido los periodos más representativos que han afectado a la región (1999-2009) y se concluye que los resultados generados pueden relacionarse con el descenso en el volumen de recarga del acuífero.
Con el fin de conocer las características edafológicas y geomorfológicas del noreste del Valle de... more Con el fin de conocer las características edafológicas y geomorfológicas del noreste del Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California, y sus implicaciones en los volúmenes de escurrimiento en esta región, se tomaron 59 muestras de los primeros 5 cm del suelo, observándose el relieve, la clasificación del sedimento y la cobertura superficial de los sitios de muestreo. En el laboratorio se realizaron análisis texturales y de contenido gravimétrico de humedad de dichas muestras. Los estudios geomorfológicos tuvieron como base los datos de tres matrices de información: una imagen del satélite Ikonos, una
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, Sep 4, 2017
En este estudio se llevó a cabo la evaluación de los períodos de sequía histórica que han afectad... more En este estudio se llevó a cabo la evaluación de los períodos de sequía histórica que han afectado al Valle de Guadalupe en el Estado de Baja California, México, el cual pertenece a la subcuenca que lleva el mismo nombre. En esta región se llevan a cabo actividades agrícolas de gran importancia como el cultivo de olivo, hortalizas, hierbas de olor y uva de mesa, siendo la más representativa la producción de uva para la elaboración de vino. Por ser una zona semiárida el recurso hídrico superficial es limitado, por lo tanto, toda la demanda de agua la provee el Acuífero Guadalupe. Para cumplir con el objetivo de este estudio se utilizó el cálculo del índice de reconocimiento de sequía (IRS) para llevar a cabo la clasificación anual histórica, la severidad, la duración y la frecuencia de la sequía meteorológica. Se encontraron cuáles han sido los periodos más representativos que han afectado a la región (1999-2009) y se concluye que los resultados generados pueden relacionarse con el descenso en el volumen de recarga del acuífero.
Geothermal power in Mexico is mainly produced in four geothermal fields operated by the Comision ... more Geothermal power in Mexico is mainly produced in four geothermal fields operated by the Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE): Cerro Prieto, Los Azufres, Los Humeros, and Las Tres Virgenes. The Los Humeros Geothermal Field (LHGF) is ranked third in terms of generated capacity, and in the last decade its installed capacity has doubled (up to 95.0 MW). Further increases in the geothermal power generation capacity in Mexico are planned, and thus the LHGF warrants further examination. The development and growth phases of any geothermal project must start from an awareness of the conceptual model of the natural system studied. The recharge mechanism, feeding zones, and fluid flow-path must be identified, along with the estimation of the temperature at the productive level and of phase separation (liquidsteam). To accomplish this, detailed fluid geochemical surveys were carried out in June 2017 and March 2018, in which 57 and 87 samples were collected, respectively, from cold and thermal springs, water wells and maar lakes located around and inside the LHGF. Samples from fumaroles inside the producing area were also collected for the first time, together with fluid from re-injection wells. The presence of a meteoric component, which plays an important role at the regional scale, is confirmed by the chemical and isotope data, and its contribution in terms of recharge may be higher than previously assumed. The Sierra Madre Oriental, on the west side of the LHGF, is characterized by widespread outcrops of limestone belonging to the same geological formation as those at the bottom of the LHGF. The isotope composition (δD and δ 18 O, respectively-77.3‰ and-10.50‰ for the hypothetical Infiltration Water-IW) is similar to that observed in cold springs located in the Sierra Madre Oriental, and from this the evolution of isotopes in the liquid-rock-steam system during water-rock interaction and phase separation processes can be modelled. Thus, the experimental data obtained for natural gas emissions (fumarolic condensates) and for geothermal fluids can be reproduced. These findings suggest that geothermal fluids in the LHGF are likely to be derived from meteoric water infiltrating (IW) the limestone outcrops of the Sierra Madre Oriental. During their flow-path, the infiltrating waters exchange isotopes at a high temperature with the crustal rocks, which have a much higher 18 O/ 16 O ratio, resulting in a shift towards higher δ 18 O (-4.35‰ ± 1) as the water O exchanges with rock O. The vapor phase can be separated from this deep water (DW) and it is discharged from the fumarolic effluents of Loma Blanca. Single Step Vapor Separation (SSVS) and Continuous Steam Separation processes (CSS) were modelled using stable isotopes of water. The results of geochemical modeling agree with available data for geothermal liquids discharged from several geothermal wells, suggesting that steam separation may be interpreted either as SSVS or CSS. Other processes can affect the chemistry and isotope composition of geothermal fluids (e.g. phase segregation, gas exchange, contributions from magmatic-volcanic deep fluids and re-injection fluids). The proposed conceptual model is consistent with both the geochemical data and the geological setting, and provides a useful point of reference for examining the fluid flow-path and geochemical processes active in the LHGF, at least at a general level.
Dairy farmers often keep almost all their newborn heifer calves despite the high cost of rearing.... more Dairy farmers often keep almost all their newborn heifer calves despite the high cost of rearing. By rearing all heifer calves, farmers have more security and retain flexibility to cope with the uncertainty in the availability of replacement heifers in time. This uncertainty is due to mortality or infertility during the rearing period and the variation in culling rate of lactating cows. The objective of this study is to provide insight in the economically optimal number of heifer calves to be reared as replacements. A herd-level stochastic simulation model was developed specific for this purpose with a herd of 100 dairy cows; the biological part of the model consisted of a dairy herd unit and rearing unit for replacement heifers. The dairy herd unit included variation in the number of culled dairy cows. The rearing unit incorporated variation in the number of heifers present in the herd by including uncertainty in mortality and variation in fertility. The dairy herd unit and rearing unit were linked by the number of replacement heifers and culled dairy cows. When not enough replacement heifers were available to replace culled dairy cows, the herd size was temporarily reduced, resulting in an additional cost for the empty slots. When the herd size reached 100 dairy cows, the available replacement heifers that were not needed were sold. It was assumed that no purchase of cows and calves occurred. The optimal percentage of 2-wk-old heifer calves to be retained was defined as the percentage of heifer calves that minimized the average net costs of rearing replacement heifers. In the default scenario, the optimal retention was 73% and the total net cost of rearing was estimated at €40,939 per herd per year. This total net cost was 6.5% lower than when all heifer calves were kept. An earlier first-calving age resulted in an optimal retention of 75%, and the net costs of rearing were €581 per herd per year lower than in the default scenario. For herds with a lower or higher culling rate of dairy cows (10 or 40% instead of 25% in the default scenario), it was optimal to retain 35 or 100% of the heifer calves per year. Herds that had a lower or higher cost of empty slots (€50 or €120 per month instead of €82 in the default scenario) had an optimal retention of 49 or 83% per year; the optimal retention percentage was dependent on farm and herd characteristics. For Dutch dairy farming conditions, it was not optimal to keep all heifer calves.
En este estudio se llevó a cabo la evaluación de los períodos de sequía histórica que han af... more En este estudio se llevó a cabo la evaluación de los períodos de sequía histórica que han afectado al Valle de Guadalupe en el Estado de Baja California, México, el cual pertenece a la subcuenca que lleva el mismo nombre. En esta región se llevan a cabo actividades agrícolas de gran importancia como el cultivo de olivo, hortalizas, hierbas de olor y uva de mesa, siendo la más representativa la producción de uva para la elaboración de vino. Por ser una zona semiárida el recurso hídrico superficial es limitado, por lo tanto, toda la demanda de agua la provee el Acuífero Guadalupe. Para cumplir con el objetivo de este estudio se utilizó el cálculo del índice de reconocimiento de sequía (IRS) para llevar a cabo la clasificación anual histórica, la severidad, la duración y la frecuencia de la sequía meteorológica. Se encontraron cuáles han sido los periodos más representativos que han afectado a la región (1999 - 2009) y se concluye que los resultados generados ...
In order to recognize the soil and geomorphologic characteristics of the northeastern part of Val... more In order to recognize the soil and geomorphologic characteristics of the northeastern part of Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California, and its implications on the runoff volumes in the region, 59 soil samples were collected from the first 5 cm of the soil layer, taking into account the surface relief, soil classification and vegetation cover of each sampling point. Soil moisture content and textural analyses were carried out in the laboratory for each sample. Three raster images were used to complement field data: an Ikonos image, an Aster Image and the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Geografia e Informatica digital geologic map I11D82. The Ikonos image was used to calculate the normalized differential vegetation index, the Aster image to evaluate the field slope, and the digital map to obtain geologic information for the study area. Following the runoff curve number method, a computational algorithm was developed (for Ermapper 6.4 software), by using the three raster images and the f...
Se han buscado fuentes alternativas a las que actualmente se utilizan, siendo una de ellas la des... more Se han buscado fuentes alternativas a las que actualmente se utilizan, siendo una de ellas la desembocadura del Rio Guadalupe, que se localiza a 40 Km al norte del municipio de Ensenada y forma parte del acuifero del Valle de La Mision, que, a su vez, representa la parte mas occidental de la Cuenca Guadalupe, la cual es de suma importancia para la actividad vitivinicola de la region. Aparte de la presion del crecimiento poblacional a los acuiferos para satisfacer la ciudad con agua potable, la extraccion de material petreo en el norte de Baja California modifico en los ultimos anos la morfologia de los valles locales como es el Valle de la Mision, Valle de Guadalupe y Valle de Ojos Negros, entre otros. En conjunto con este cambio se pudo ver un impacto en la calidad de los acuiferos presentes en los aluviones de estos valles.
The sustainable development is based on three main aspects: social, economic and environmental. H... more The sustainable development is based on three main aspects: social, economic and environmental. However, the international institutions of energy believe that economic growth improves social and environmental aspects. Therefore, the sustainable indicators coming from these institutions are based on economic productivity. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) gives an overview of the environmental conditions that has prevailed in the Cerro Prieto geothermal power plant throughout its existence. The EIA is based on five criteria: importance of condition (A1), magnitude of change or effect (A2), permanence (B1), feasibility (B2) and cumulative (B3). The intention of B3 is to judge the sustainability of the condition and should not be confused with a permanent or irreversible situation. This study presents the first stage of evaluation of the nature of sustainable development of the Cerro Prieto geothermal power plant in Mexico, based on the Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM).
El trabajo de investigacion se efectuo en la subcuenca El Mogor en el Valle de Guadalupe (VG) en ... more El trabajo de investigacion se efectuo en la subcuenca El Mogor en el Valle de Guadalupe (VG) en Baja California, Mexico. Se realizo una caracterizacion integral, con el objetivo de hacer una cuantificacion del aporte hidrogeologico de la subcuenca hacia el valle en el ano hidrologico 2010-2011. Esta region presenta un clima semiarido y se realizan actividades agricolas de gran importancia, donde sobresale la viticultura. Como parte de la caracterizacion, se establecio la conductividad hidraulica no saturada utilizando la ecuacion de Kozeny-Carman (KC). Se llevo a cabo el calculo de la evapotranspiracion potencial (ETP) utilizando el metodo de Thornthwaite (Thw), el cual se comparo con la evaporacion potencial (EP) estimada con la charola de Penman (CHP) y con la ETP calculada por la estacion del CICESE (CIC), cuyo programa utiliza la ecuacion de Penman-Monteith para su calculo. Se estimo un balance hidrico (Almorox, 2003) utilizando el resultado obtenido de la ETP de Thw y los dato...
Hydrochemical, inverse geochemical modelling and isotopic approaches are used to assess the hydro... more Hydrochemical, inverse geochemical modelling and isotopic approaches are used to assess the hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater from the basement aquifers in the Southeastern part of the Plateaux Region, Togo. Groundwater originates from present-day rainwater infiltration and is mostly fresh and slightly acidic to neutral. Hydrochemical facies are predominantly mixed cations-HCO 3 associated with Ca/Mg-Cl, Na-HCO 3 and Na-Cl water types in equilibrium with kaolinite and Ca/Mg-smectites. They are related to silicates hydrolysis, anthropogenic contamination,
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, Sep 1, 2016
En este estudio se llevó a cabo la evaluación de los períodos de sequía histórica que han afectad... more En este estudio se llevó a cabo la evaluación de los períodos de sequía histórica que han afectado al Valle de Guadalupe en el Estado de Baja California, México, el cual pertenece a la subcuenca que lleva el mismo nombre. En esta región se llevan a cabo actividades agrícolas de gran importancia como el cultivo de olivo, hortalizas, hierbas de olor y uva de mesa, siendo la más representativa la producción de uva para la elaboración de vino. Por ser una zona semiárida el recurso hídrico superficial es limitado, por lo tanto, toda la demanda de agua la provee el Acuífero Guadalupe. Para cumplir con el objetivo de este estudio se utilizó el cálculo del índice de reconocimiento de sequía (IRS) para llevar a cabo la clasificación anual histórica, la severidad, la duración y la frecuencia de la sequía meteorológica. Se encontraron cuáles han sido los periodos más representativos que han afectado a la región (1999-2009) y se concluye que los resultados generados pueden relacionarse con el descenso en el volumen de recarga del acuífero.
Con el fin de conocer las características edafológicas y geomorfológicas del noreste del Valle de... more Con el fin de conocer las características edafológicas y geomorfológicas del noreste del Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California, y sus implicaciones en los volúmenes de escurrimiento en esta región, se tomaron 59 muestras de los primeros 5 cm del suelo, observándose el relieve, la clasificación del sedimento y la cobertura superficial de los sitios de muestreo. En el laboratorio se realizaron análisis texturales y de contenido gravimétrico de humedad de dichas muestras. Los estudios geomorfológicos tuvieron como base los datos de tres matrices de información: una imagen del satélite Ikonos, una
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, Sep 4, 2017
En este estudio se llevó a cabo la evaluación de los períodos de sequía histórica que han afectad... more En este estudio se llevó a cabo la evaluación de los períodos de sequía histórica que han afectado al Valle de Guadalupe en el Estado de Baja California, México, el cual pertenece a la subcuenca que lleva el mismo nombre. En esta región se llevan a cabo actividades agrícolas de gran importancia como el cultivo de olivo, hortalizas, hierbas de olor y uva de mesa, siendo la más representativa la producción de uva para la elaboración de vino. Por ser una zona semiárida el recurso hídrico superficial es limitado, por lo tanto, toda la demanda de agua la provee el Acuífero Guadalupe. Para cumplir con el objetivo de este estudio se utilizó el cálculo del índice de reconocimiento de sequía (IRS) para llevar a cabo la clasificación anual histórica, la severidad, la duración y la frecuencia de la sequía meteorológica. Se encontraron cuáles han sido los periodos más representativos que han afectado a la región (1999-2009) y se concluye que los resultados generados pueden relacionarse con el descenso en el volumen de recarga del acuífero.
Geothermal power in Mexico is mainly produced in four geothermal fields operated by the Comision ... more Geothermal power in Mexico is mainly produced in four geothermal fields operated by the Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE): Cerro Prieto, Los Azufres, Los Humeros, and Las Tres Virgenes. The Los Humeros Geothermal Field (LHGF) is ranked third in terms of generated capacity, and in the last decade its installed capacity has doubled (up to 95.0 MW). Further increases in the geothermal power generation capacity in Mexico are planned, and thus the LHGF warrants further examination. The development and growth phases of any geothermal project must start from an awareness of the conceptual model of the natural system studied. The recharge mechanism, feeding zones, and fluid flow-path must be identified, along with the estimation of the temperature at the productive level and of phase separation (liquidsteam). To accomplish this, detailed fluid geochemical surveys were carried out in June 2017 and March 2018, in which 57 and 87 samples were collected, respectively, from cold and thermal springs, water wells and maar lakes located around and inside the LHGF. Samples from fumaroles inside the producing area were also collected for the first time, together with fluid from re-injection wells. The presence of a meteoric component, which plays an important role at the regional scale, is confirmed by the chemical and isotope data, and its contribution in terms of recharge may be higher than previously assumed. The Sierra Madre Oriental, on the west side of the LHGF, is characterized by widespread outcrops of limestone belonging to the same geological formation as those at the bottom of the LHGF. The isotope composition (δD and δ 18 O, respectively-77.3‰ and-10.50‰ for the hypothetical Infiltration Water-IW) is similar to that observed in cold springs located in the Sierra Madre Oriental, and from this the evolution of isotopes in the liquid-rock-steam system during water-rock interaction and phase separation processes can be modelled. Thus, the experimental data obtained for natural gas emissions (fumarolic condensates) and for geothermal fluids can be reproduced. These findings suggest that geothermal fluids in the LHGF are likely to be derived from meteoric water infiltrating (IW) the limestone outcrops of the Sierra Madre Oriental. During their flow-path, the infiltrating waters exchange isotopes at a high temperature with the crustal rocks, which have a much higher 18 O/ 16 O ratio, resulting in a shift towards higher δ 18 O (-4.35‰ ± 1) as the water O exchanges with rock O. The vapor phase can be separated from this deep water (DW) and it is discharged from the fumarolic effluents of Loma Blanca. Single Step Vapor Separation (SSVS) and Continuous Steam Separation processes (CSS) were modelled using stable isotopes of water. The results of geochemical modeling agree with available data for geothermal liquids discharged from several geothermal wells, suggesting that steam separation may be interpreted either as SSVS or CSS. Other processes can affect the chemistry and isotope composition of geothermal fluids (e.g. phase segregation, gas exchange, contributions from magmatic-volcanic deep fluids and re-injection fluids). The proposed conceptual model is consistent with both the geochemical data and the geological setting, and provides a useful point of reference for examining the fluid flow-path and geochemical processes active in the LHGF, at least at a general level.
Dairy farmers often keep almost all their newborn heifer calves despite the high cost of rearing.... more Dairy farmers often keep almost all their newborn heifer calves despite the high cost of rearing. By rearing all heifer calves, farmers have more security and retain flexibility to cope with the uncertainty in the availability of replacement heifers in time. This uncertainty is due to mortality or infertility during the rearing period and the variation in culling rate of lactating cows. The objective of this study is to provide insight in the economically optimal number of heifer calves to be reared as replacements. A herd-level stochastic simulation model was developed specific for this purpose with a herd of 100 dairy cows; the biological part of the model consisted of a dairy herd unit and rearing unit for replacement heifers. The dairy herd unit included variation in the number of culled dairy cows. The rearing unit incorporated variation in the number of heifers present in the herd by including uncertainty in mortality and variation in fertility. The dairy herd unit and rearing unit were linked by the number of replacement heifers and culled dairy cows. When not enough replacement heifers were available to replace culled dairy cows, the herd size was temporarily reduced, resulting in an additional cost for the empty slots. When the herd size reached 100 dairy cows, the available replacement heifers that were not needed were sold. It was assumed that no purchase of cows and calves occurred. The optimal percentage of 2-wk-old heifer calves to be retained was defined as the percentage of heifer calves that minimized the average net costs of rearing replacement heifers. In the default scenario, the optimal retention was 73% and the total net cost of rearing was estimated at €40,939 per herd per year. This total net cost was 6.5% lower than when all heifer calves were kept. An earlier first-calving age resulted in an optimal retention of 75%, and the net costs of rearing were €581 per herd per year lower than in the default scenario. For herds with a lower or higher culling rate of dairy cows (10 or 40% instead of 25% in the default scenario), it was optimal to retain 35 or 100% of the heifer calves per year. Herds that had a lower or higher cost of empty slots (€50 or €120 per month instead of €82 in the default scenario) had an optimal retention of 49 or 83% per year; the optimal retention percentage was dependent on farm and herd characteristics. For Dutch dairy farming conditions, it was not optimal to keep all heifer calves.
En este estudio se llevó a cabo la evaluación de los períodos de sequía histórica que han af... more En este estudio se llevó a cabo la evaluación de los períodos de sequía histórica que han afectado al Valle de Guadalupe en el Estado de Baja California, México, el cual pertenece a la subcuenca que lleva el mismo nombre. En esta región se llevan a cabo actividades agrícolas de gran importancia como el cultivo de olivo, hortalizas, hierbas de olor y uva de mesa, siendo la más representativa la producción de uva para la elaboración de vino. Por ser una zona semiárida el recurso hídrico superficial es limitado, por lo tanto, toda la demanda de agua la provee el Acuífero Guadalupe. Para cumplir con el objetivo de este estudio se utilizó el cálculo del índice de reconocimiento de sequía (IRS) para llevar a cabo la clasificación anual histórica, la severidad, la duración y la frecuencia de la sequía meteorológica. Se encontraron cuáles han sido los periodos más representativos que han afectado a la región (1999 - 2009) y se concluye que los resultados generados ...
In order to recognize the soil and geomorphologic characteristics of the northeastern part of Val... more In order to recognize the soil and geomorphologic characteristics of the northeastern part of Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California, and its implications on the runoff volumes in the region, 59 soil samples were collected from the first 5 cm of the soil layer, taking into account the surface relief, soil classification and vegetation cover of each sampling point. Soil moisture content and textural analyses were carried out in the laboratory for each sample. Three raster images were used to complement field data: an Ikonos image, an Aster Image and the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Geografia e Informatica digital geologic map I11D82. The Ikonos image was used to calculate the normalized differential vegetation index, the Aster image to evaluate the field slope, and the digital map to obtain geologic information for the study area. Following the runoff curve number method, a computational algorithm was developed (for Ermapper 6.4 software), by using the three raster images and the f...
Se han buscado fuentes alternativas a las que actualmente se utilizan, siendo una de ellas la des... more Se han buscado fuentes alternativas a las que actualmente se utilizan, siendo una de ellas la desembocadura del Rio Guadalupe, que se localiza a 40 Km al norte del municipio de Ensenada y forma parte del acuifero del Valle de La Mision, que, a su vez, representa la parte mas occidental de la Cuenca Guadalupe, la cual es de suma importancia para la actividad vitivinicola de la region. Aparte de la presion del crecimiento poblacional a los acuiferos para satisfacer la ciudad con agua potable, la extraccion de material petreo en el norte de Baja California modifico en los ultimos anos la morfologia de los valles locales como es el Valle de la Mision, Valle de Guadalupe y Valle de Ojos Negros, entre otros. En conjunto con este cambio se pudo ver un impacto en la calidad de los acuiferos presentes en los aluviones de estos valles.
The sustainable development is based on three main aspects: social, economic and environmental. H... more The sustainable development is based on three main aspects: social, economic and environmental. However, the international institutions of energy believe that economic growth improves social and environmental aspects. Therefore, the sustainable indicators coming from these institutions are based on economic productivity. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) gives an overview of the environmental conditions that has prevailed in the Cerro Prieto geothermal power plant throughout its existence. The EIA is based on five criteria: importance of condition (A1), magnitude of change or effect (A2), permanence (B1), feasibility (B2) and cumulative (B3). The intention of B3 is to judge the sustainability of the condition and should not be confused with a permanent or irreversible situation. This study presents the first stage of evaluation of the nature of sustainable development of the Cerro Prieto geothermal power plant in Mexico, based on the Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM).
El trabajo de investigacion se efectuo en la subcuenca El Mogor en el Valle de Guadalupe (VG) en ... more El trabajo de investigacion se efectuo en la subcuenca El Mogor en el Valle de Guadalupe (VG) en Baja California, Mexico. Se realizo una caracterizacion integral, con el objetivo de hacer una cuantificacion del aporte hidrogeologico de la subcuenca hacia el valle en el ano hidrologico 2010-2011. Esta region presenta un clima semiarido y se realizan actividades agricolas de gran importancia, donde sobresale la viticultura. Como parte de la caracterizacion, se establecio la conductividad hidraulica no saturada utilizando la ecuacion de Kozeny-Carman (KC). Se llevo a cabo el calculo de la evapotranspiracion potencial (ETP) utilizando el metodo de Thornthwaite (Thw), el cual se comparo con la evaporacion potencial (EP) estimada con la charola de Penman (CHP) y con la ETP calculada por la estacion del CICESE (CIC), cuyo programa utiliza la ecuacion de Penman-Monteith para su calculo. Se estimo un balance hidrico (Almorox, 2003) utilizando el resultado obtenido de la ETP de Thw y los dato...
Papers by Thomas Kretzschmar