PhD in Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology, Federal University of Parana (CONCEPT 07 - CAPES). (PECS - Area: Health Education / Internationalization of Brazilian HEIs), Lecturer (undergraduate courses):Biomedicine / Pharmacy and Medicine (Basic and Clinical Immunology, Molecular Genetics). Experience in : Basic and Clinical Immunology and in Genetic-Molecular Sciences, working mainly in the following subjects: biotechnology, genomics and proteomics of organisms of clinical and bioindustrial interest, administration of R
Toxoplasmosis is a cosmopolite disease caused by the protozoan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. The i... more Toxoplasmosis is a cosmopolite disease caused by the protozoan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. The infection may be contracted through the ingestion of raw or undercooked meat or unpasteurised milk, organ transplants, blood transfusion, through the placenta in vertical transmission or by direct contact with the faeces of infected felids or even through the ingestion of sporulated oocysts in water or food. In immunocompetent individuals, it is generally asymptomatic. However, in patients with various degrees of immunodeficiency and in pregnant women, it may cause severe sequelae and can be fatal. In pregnant women, the prenatal diagnosis should be made as early as possible, so that therapy may be applied to reduce parasitemia and avoid transplacental infection. Despite the high prevalence of infected individuals around the world (20 - 90%), in some European Union countries, such as France and Austria, the average incidence of foetal toxoplasmosis was reduced from 40% to 7% by means of s...
The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the need for Global Health (GH) understanding between medical s... more The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the need for Global Health (GH) understanding between medical science undergraduates and the need for new online teaching methods during social isolation. This paper aims to report the experience of an international webinar on the perception of medical science undergraduates from Brazil, Italy, France, and Switzerland about the Covid-19 pandemic. This activity allowed students comprehension of different realities faced by other countries, education on global epidemiology, comparison government and university maneuvers to handle the new coronavirus disease, and exchange of experiences among medical undergraduates concerning the ways of maintaining their mental well-being. Thereupon, it is necessary to implement GH activities within the medical curricula to promote a qualified education that addresses the needs of the digital and globalized world.
Anais do I Congresso Brasileiro de Doenças Infectocontagiosas On-line
Introdução: A tuberculose é uma infecção causada pela bactéria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, acomet... more Introdução: A tuberculose é uma infecção causada pela bactéria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, acometendo mais frequentemente os pulmões. Já a COVID-19 consiste em uma infecção respiratória aguda ocasionada pelo SARS-CoV-2, um RNA vírus envelopado. Além disso, ambas as doenças apresentam semelhanças clínicas e radiológicas e podem levar a óbito. Objetivo: Tal estudo objetiva relacionar aspectos da coinfecção de tuberculose e COVID-19. Material e métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, em que se utilizou os descritores “Coinfection”, “COVID-19” e “Mycobacterium tuberculosis” para busca nas bases de dados Pubmed, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e Portal de Periódicos CAPES. Foram selecionados artigos publicados nos últimos 5 anos, em inglês, português e espanhol. Resultados: Embora a infecção por tuberculose apresente-se cronicamente a infecção por COVID-19 de forma aguda, um obstáculo no diagnóstico dos casos de coinfecção de tais doenças consiste na mimetização dos sinto...
ABSTRACT This paper presents a model to optimize the distribution of chord and twist angle of hor... more ABSTRACT This paper presents a model to optimize the distribution of chord and twist angle of horizontal axis wind turbine blades, taking into account the influence of the wake, by using a Rankine vortex. This model is applied to both large and small wind turbines, aiming to improve the aerodynamics of the wind rotor, and particularly useful for the case of wind turbines operating at low tip-speed ratios. The proposed optimization is based on maximizing the power coefficient, coupled with the general relationship between the axial induction factor in the rotor plane and in the wake. The results show an increase in the chord and a slightly decrease in the twist angle distributions as compared to other classical optimization methods, resulting in an improved aerodynamic shape of the blade. An evaluation of the efficiency of wind rotors designed with the proposed model is developed and compared other optimization models in the literature, showing an improvement in the power coefficient of the wind turbine. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
III – FQRNT Centre for Host-Parasite Interactions Centre de recherche sur les interactions hôte-p... more III – FQRNT Centre for Host-Parasite Interactions Centre de recherche sur les interactions hôte-parasite In 2006-2007, our Provincially-funded Regroupement Stratégique Centre completed its fourth busy year of operation. Please visit the website for details of our scientific activities, and services offered, throughout the Centre. The Centre for Host-Parasite Interactions brings together researchers and their trainees at the Institute of Parasitology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Department of Biology, Department of Chemistry, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Department of Physiology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Bioresource Engineering, School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, Brace Research Institute, McGill Centre for Tropical Medicine and the McGill University Health Centre, at McGill University, Université de Montréal, Centre de recherche en Infectiologie, Université Laval, INRS – Institut Armand-Frappier, and Un...
Immunological and Molecular Factors Involved on Hard Tissue Resorption in the Periodontal Disease... more Immunological and Molecular Factors Involved on Hard Tissue Resorption in the Periodontal Disease anisms and causes involved in the hard tissue resorption in periodontal focal sites. This disease is widely disseminated through our population, and thus require the comprehension of its immunophysiopathological mechanisms, in order to improve and develop preventive measures and treatment. Within periodontal sites is located the dentoalveolar articulation, rich in cells, fibers, microcirculation vases and nerves, and it is in this microenvironment that tissue changes may occur in response to the Innate and Acquired Immune System activation. The activation of specific cells induced by cytokines, growth factors, proteins and hormones seems to be the main remodulation mechanism of hard tissue. Neverthe- less, the cell to cell contact during the activation of the resorp- tion process, in the presence or absence of LPS producing bac- teria, could use receptor activator NF-kB (RANK), and its ...
Os fagócitos são componentes celulares da imunidade inata ou natural responsáveis pela primeira l... more Os fagócitos são componentes celulares da imunidade inata ou natural responsáveis pela primeira linha de defesa do organismo contra infecções, eliminando os microrganismos invasores (patógenos) através de um mecanismo efetor denominado fagocitose. O presente estudo apresenta uma revisão sobre os tipos de células fagocíticas, bem como sobre sua origem e maturação. Palavras-chave: fagócitos, granulócitos polimorfonucleares, neutrófilos, monócitos e macrófagos.
A indústria farmacêutica necessita de processos biotecnológicos para obtenção de vários produtos ... more A indústria farmacêutica necessita de processos biotecnológicos para obtenção de vários produtos importantes para a saúde humana e animal. A história da biotecnologia moderna começa inclusive com o desenvolvimento de um medicamento, a penicilina, na primeira metade do século XX. A partir de então, processos biotecnológicos são utilizados na produ ção de vitaminas, hormônios, antibióticos, vacinas e enzimas. Este trabalho apresenta as características gerais desses processos.
Rogério Saad Vaz1 ,BMD,PhD 1-Biomédico, Pós-grad. em Imunologia pela Universidade Livre de Bruxel... more Rogério Saad Vaz1 ,BMD,PhD 1-Biomédico, Pós-grad. em Imunologia pela Universidade Livre de Bruxelas e Univ. Estadualde Gent - Bélgica, PhD em Engenharia de Bioprocessos e Biotecnologia pela UFPR (Área - Saúde Humana e Animal) - UFPR DEPRESSÃO: EVIDÊNCIAS GENÉTICO-MOLECULARES DE VULNERABILIDADE A DISTÚRBIOS E DOENÇAS AFETIVAS. Em estudos de base genética humana e clínica relacionados a doenças afetivas,o transtorno afetivo bipolar tem sido o mais freqüentemente estudado, em função da relação de herdabilidade deste transtorno. Localização - Cromossômica A região de maior probabilidade de relação com doença bipolar está localizada no braço longo do cromossomo X (Xq28).Winokur et al. (1969) e Mendlewicz et al. (1974) demonstraram uma cosegregação da doença maníaco-depressiva com a cegueira para cores. MendlewicZ et al. (1980) pareceram confirmar este achado inicial, observando uma ligação entre a deficiência da enzima glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G-6-PD) com di...
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
The aim of this study was to evaluate HTLV I/II sensitivity of pooled and serial diluted samples ... more The aim of this study was to evaluate HTLV I/II sensitivity of pooled and serial diluted samples by PCR (polumerase Chain Reaction). This could provide the possibility of epidemilogical studies using this methodology. Samples of 4 HTLV I (+) (ELISA/WB) individuals confirmed by PCR (Roche Molecular Sustems KIT) were analysed. The samples (whole blood/ pelleted leukocytes) were diluted and amplified by PCR, and the products were detected by Enzyme Immune Assay (specific probes). The results were calculated according to OD/CO values. The established cut off was 0.250. All samples were also tested for HTLV II and resulted negative. All samples (100%) were positive to the dilution of 1/50, 3 were positive (37.5%) and 5 were negative (62.5%) for the dilution 1/100. We concluded that the dilution to 1/50 of pooled samples seemend to be efficient. In comparison with serological tests, PCR of pooled samples is by itself a confirming tes. Further studies on PCR diluted samples have to be done...
The Centre for Host-Parasite Interactions brings together researchers and their trainees at the I... more The Centre for Host-Parasite Interactions brings together researchers and their trainees at the Institute of Parasitology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Department of Biology, Department of Chemistry, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Department of Physiology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Bioresource Engineering, School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, Brace Research Institute, McGill Centre for Tropical Medicine and the McGill University Health Centre, at McGill University, Université de Montréal, Centre de recherche en Infectiologie, Université Laval, INRS – Institut Armand-Frappier, and Université du Québec à Montréal into what is considered by external reviewers as the strongest centre for parasitological research in the world. It is recognized as an FQRNT Regroupement stratégique. The research of the Centre focuses on Mechanisms of Pathogenesis and Host Defense to Parasite Infections, and the Molecular Basis of Anti-parasite Drug R...
ABSTRACT Serological assays to detect anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and specific anamnesis as... more ABSTRACT Serological assays to detect anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and specific anamnesis associated with this highly prevalent infection could be necessary in hemotherapy services in order to regulate safer blood supplies thus avoiding unnecessary transfusion risks. Even though, such policies are not yet implemented. In order to evaluate this requirement, our research group designed a questionnaire filled up by 132 volunteer blood donors from Parana Hemotherapy Center (Hemepar) assessing the possible risk factors to toxoplasmic infection. A total of 20 IgG anti-Toxoplasma serological tests were done to check out for positive-reactivity. 60% of the selected serum samples reacted positively; from these, 50% reported having pets (average of 2 animals per person) and 33% of these pets were "semi-free". It suggested the probability of toxoplasmic infection through these animals. Only 2.2% of the interviewed individuals were aware of the correct concept of the disease and ...
Toxoplasmosis is a cosmopolite disease caused by the protozoan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. The i... more Toxoplasmosis is a cosmopolite disease caused by the protozoan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. The infection may be contracted through the ingestion of raw or undercooked meat or unpasteurised milk, organ transplants, blood transfusion, through the placenta in vertical transmission or by direct contact with the faeces of infected felids or even through the ingestion of sporulated oocysts in water or food. In immunocompetent individuals, it is generally asymptomatic. However, in patients with various degrees of immunodeficiency and in pregnant women, it may cause severe sequelae and can be fatal. In pregnant women, the prenatal diagnosis should be made as early as possible, so that therapy may be applied to reduce parasitemia and avoid transplacental infection. Despite the high prevalence of infected individuals around the world (20 - 90%), in some European Union countries, such as France and Austria, the average incidence of foetal toxoplasmosis was reduced from 40% to 7% by means of s...
The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the need for Global Health (GH) understanding between medical s... more The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the need for Global Health (GH) understanding between medical science undergraduates and the need for new online teaching methods during social isolation. This paper aims to report the experience of an international webinar on the perception of medical science undergraduates from Brazil, Italy, France, and Switzerland about the Covid-19 pandemic. This activity allowed students comprehension of different realities faced by other countries, education on global epidemiology, comparison government and university maneuvers to handle the new coronavirus disease, and exchange of experiences among medical undergraduates concerning the ways of maintaining their mental well-being. Thereupon, it is necessary to implement GH activities within the medical curricula to promote a qualified education that addresses the needs of the digital and globalized world.
Anais do I Congresso Brasileiro de Doenças Infectocontagiosas On-line
Introdução: A tuberculose é uma infecção causada pela bactéria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, acomet... more Introdução: A tuberculose é uma infecção causada pela bactéria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, acometendo mais frequentemente os pulmões. Já a COVID-19 consiste em uma infecção respiratória aguda ocasionada pelo SARS-CoV-2, um RNA vírus envelopado. Além disso, ambas as doenças apresentam semelhanças clínicas e radiológicas e podem levar a óbito. Objetivo: Tal estudo objetiva relacionar aspectos da coinfecção de tuberculose e COVID-19. Material e métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, em que se utilizou os descritores “Coinfection”, “COVID-19” e “Mycobacterium tuberculosis” para busca nas bases de dados Pubmed, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e Portal de Periódicos CAPES. Foram selecionados artigos publicados nos últimos 5 anos, em inglês, português e espanhol. Resultados: Embora a infecção por tuberculose apresente-se cronicamente a infecção por COVID-19 de forma aguda, um obstáculo no diagnóstico dos casos de coinfecção de tais doenças consiste na mimetização dos sinto...
ABSTRACT This paper presents a model to optimize the distribution of chord and twist angle of hor... more ABSTRACT This paper presents a model to optimize the distribution of chord and twist angle of horizontal axis wind turbine blades, taking into account the influence of the wake, by using a Rankine vortex. This model is applied to both large and small wind turbines, aiming to improve the aerodynamics of the wind rotor, and particularly useful for the case of wind turbines operating at low tip-speed ratios. The proposed optimization is based on maximizing the power coefficient, coupled with the general relationship between the axial induction factor in the rotor plane and in the wake. The results show an increase in the chord and a slightly decrease in the twist angle distributions as compared to other classical optimization methods, resulting in an improved aerodynamic shape of the blade. An evaluation of the efficiency of wind rotors designed with the proposed model is developed and compared other optimization models in the literature, showing an improvement in the power coefficient of the wind turbine. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
III – FQRNT Centre for Host-Parasite Interactions Centre de recherche sur les interactions hôte-p... more III – FQRNT Centre for Host-Parasite Interactions Centre de recherche sur les interactions hôte-parasite In 2006-2007, our Provincially-funded Regroupement Stratégique Centre completed its fourth busy year of operation. Please visit the website for details of our scientific activities, and services offered, throughout the Centre. The Centre for Host-Parasite Interactions brings together researchers and their trainees at the Institute of Parasitology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Department of Biology, Department of Chemistry, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Department of Physiology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Bioresource Engineering, School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, Brace Research Institute, McGill Centre for Tropical Medicine and the McGill University Health Centre, at McGill University, Université de Montréal, Centre de recherche en Infectiologie, Université Laval, INRS – Institut Armand-Frappier, and Un...
Immunological and Molecular Factors Involved on Hard Tissue Resorption in the Periodontal Disease... more Immunological and Molecular Factors Involved on Hard Tissue Resorption in the Periodontal Disease anisms and causes involved in the hard tissue resorption in periodontal focal sites. This disease is widely disseminated through our population, and thus require the comprehension of its immunophysiopathological mechanisms, in order to improve and develop preventive measures and treatment. Within periodontal sites is located the dentoalveolar articulation, rich in cells, fibers, microcirculation vases and nerves, and it is in this microenvironment that tissue changes may occur in response to the Innate and Acquired Immune System activation. The activation of specific cells induced by cytokines, growth factors, proteins and hormones seems to be the main remodulation mechanism of hard tissue. Neverthe- less, the cell to cell contact during the activation of the resorp- tion process, in the presence or absence of LPS producing bac- teria, could use receptor activator NF-kB (RANK), and its ...
Os fagócitos são componentes celulares da imunidade inata ou natural responsáveis pela primeira l... more Os fagócitos são componentes celulares da imunidade inata ou natural responsáveis pela primeira linha de defesa do organismo contra infecções, eliminando os microrganismos invasores (patógenos) através de um mecanismo efetor denominado fagocitose. O presente estudo apresenta uma revisão sobre os tipos de células fagocíticas, bem como sobre sua origem e maturação. Palavras-chave: fagócitos, granulócitos polimorfonucleares, neutrófilos, monócitos e macrófagos.
A indústria farmacêutica necessita de processos biotecnológicos para obtenção de vários produtos ... more A indústria farmacêutica necessita de processos biotecnológicos para obtenção de vários produtos importantes para a saúde humana e animal. A história da biotecnologia moderna começa inclusive com o desenvolvimento de um medicamento, a penicilina, na primeira metade do século XX. A partir de então, processos biotecnológicos são utilizados na produ ção de vitaminas, hormônios, antibióticos, vacinas e enzimas. Este trabalho apresenta as características gerais desses processos.
Rogério Saad Vaz1 ,BMD,PhD 1-Biomédico, Pós-grad. em Imunologia pela Universidade Livre de Bruxel... more Rogério Saad Vaz1 ,BMD,PhD 1-Biomédico, Pós-grad. em Imunologia pela Universidade Livre de Bruxelas e Univ. Estadualde Gent - Bélgica, PhD em Engenharia de Bioprocessos e Biotecnologia pela UFPR (Área - Saúde Humana e Animal) - UFPR DEPRESSÃO: EVIDÊNCIAS GENÉTICO-MOLECULARES DE VULNERABILIDADE A DISTÚRBIOS E DOENÇAS AFETIVAS. Em estudos de base genética humana e clínica relacionados a doenças afetivas,o transtorno afetivo bipolar tem sido o mais freqüentemente estudado, em função da relação de herdabilidade deste transtorno. Localização - Cromossômica A região de maior probabilidade de relação com doença bipolar está localizada no braço longo do cromossomo X (Xq28).Winokur et al. (1969) e Mendlewicz et al. (1974) demonstraram uma cosegregação da doença maníaco-depressiva com a cegueira para cores. MendlewicZ et al. (1980) pareceram confirmar este achado inicial, observando uma ligação entre a deficiência da enzima glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G-6-PD) com di...
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
The aim of this study was to evaluate HTLV I/II sensitivity of pooled and serial diluted samples ... more The aim of this study was to evaluate HTLV I/II sensitivity of pooled and serial diluted samples by PCR (polumerase Chain Reaction). This could provide the possibility of epidemilogical studies using this methodology. Samples of 4 HTLV I (+) (ELISA/WB) individuals confirmed by PCR (Roche Molecular Sustems KIT) were analysed. The samples (whole blood/ pelleted leukocytes) were diluted and amplified by PCR, and the products were detected by Enzyme Immune Assay (specific probes). The results were calculated according to OD/CO values. The established cut off was 0.250. All samples were also tested for HTLV II and resulted negative. All samples (100%) were positive to the dilution of 1/50, 3 were positive (37.5%) and 5 were negative (62.5%) for the dilution 1/100. We concluded that the dilution to 1/50 of pooled samples seemend to be efficient. In comparison with serological tests, PCR of pooled samples is by itself a confirming tes. Further studies on PCR diluted samples have to be done...
The Centre for Host-Parasite Interactions brings together researchers and their trainees at the I... more The Centre for Host-Parasite Interactions brings together researchers and their trainees at the Institute of Parasitology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Department of Biology, Department of Chemistry, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Department of Physiology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Bioresource Engineering, School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, Brace Research Institute, McGill Centre for Tropical Medicine and the McGill University Health Centre, at McGill University, Université de Montréal, Centre de recherche en Infectiologie, Université Laval, INRS – Institut Armand-Frappier, and Université du Québec à Montréal into what is considered by external reviewers as the strongest centre for parasitological research in the world. It is recognized as an FQRNT Regroupement stratégique. The research of the Centre focuses on Mechanisms of Pathogenesis and Host Defense to Parasite Infections, and the Molecular Basis of Anti-parasite Drug R...
ABSTRACT Serological assays to detect anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and specific anamnesis as... more ABSTRACT Serological assays to detect anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and specific anamnesis associated with this highly prevalent infection could be necessary in hemotherapy services in order to regulate safer blood supplies thus avoiding unnecessary transfusion risks. Even though, such policies are not yet implemented. In order to evaluate this requirement, our research group designed a questionnaire filled up by 132 volunteer blood donors from Parana Hemotherapy Center (Hemepar) assessing the possible risk factors to toxoplasmic infection. A total of 20 IgG anti-Toxoplasma serological tests were done to check out for positive-reactivity. 60% of the selected serum samples reacted positively; from these, 50% reported having pets (average of 2 animals per person) and 33% of these pets were "semi-free". It suggested the probability of toxoplasmic infection through these animals. Only 2.2% of the interviewed individuals were aware of the correct concept of the disease and ...
Papers by Rogerio Vaz