2015 18th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, 2015
Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are attracting a lot of attention from wireless network researchers... more Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are attracting a lot of attention from wireless network researchers. Node placement problems have been investigated for a long time in the optimization field due to numerous applications in location science. In this work, we evaluated WMN-HC system which is based on Hill Climbing (HC) to find an optimal location assignment for mesh routers. As evaluation metrics, we used throughput, one-way delay, jitter, fairness index and residual energy. For simulations, we used ns-3 and Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR). We compare the performance of the optimized network topologies by sending multiple constant bit rate flows in the network. The simulation results show that the throughput of 24 mesh routers is higher than other number of mesh routers for both WMN architectures. The delay and jitter of 24 mesh routers is lower than other number of mesh routers. The fairness index of 16 mesh routers is higher than other number of mesh routers for Hybrid WMN architecture. For 16 mesh router, the remaining energy is higher than 24 and 32 mesh routers.
2016 10th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), 2016
In this paper, we evaluate and compare the performance of single-copy and multiple-copy routing p... more In this paper, we evaluate and compare the performance of single-copy and multiple-copy routing protocols in a realistic Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network (VDTN) scenario. The simulations are conducted with the Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator. The performance is analyzed using delivery probability, overhead ratio, average latency, average number of hops and average buffer time metrics. The simulation results show that multiple-copy protocols perform better in terms of delivery probability compared with singlecopy protocol. The single-copy protocol uses the highest average number of hops and higher average latency compared with multiple-copy protocols. Maxprop achieves the highest delivery ratio and lowest average latency. Spray and wait results are the lowest for overhead ratio, but the longest for average buffer time. First contact have a short buffer time, but it uses a big number of hops.
2016 19th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS), 2016
In this paper, we evaluate and compare the performance of four different routing protocols in a m... more In this paper, we evaluate and compare the performance of four different routing protocols in a many-to-one communication opportunistic network. Seven groups with three stationary sensor nodes sense the temperature, humidity and wind speed and send these data to a stationary destination node that collect them for statistical and data analysis purposes. Vehicles moving in Tirana city roads during the opportunistic contacts will exchange the sensed data to destination node. The simulations are conducted with the Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator. For the simulations we considered two different scenarios where the distance of the source nodes from the destination is short and long. The performance is analyzed using delivery probability, overhead ratio, average latency, average number of hops and average buffer time metrics. For both scenarios the effect of increasing ttl is evaluated. The simulation results show that the increase of ttl from 15 min to 60 min slightly effects the performance of all protocols. By increasing the distance between source nodes and destination node, delivery probability is decreased almost10% for all protocols, the overhead for spray and wait does not change, but for other protocols is slightly increased and theaverage number of hops and average latency is increased.
2016 IEEE 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2016
In this work, we evaluate the performance of three routing protocols epidemic, spray and wait and... more In this work, we evaluate the performance of three routing protocols epidemic, spray and wait and maxprop in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks (VDTNs). We study the impact of vehicles density and ttl on the network performance. The simulations are conducted with the Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator. The performance is analyzed using delivery probability, overhead ratio, average latencyand average number of hops metrics. The simulation resultsshow that the increase of node density improves the networkperformance. In dense network scenario, the performance ofepidemic and maxprop routing protocols is better because thenumber of opportunistic contacts between nodes increases. Forsprayandwait the performance is not improved since it uses amaximum of two hops to deliver bundles. Hence, in densenetworks, a bundle may have a significant delay because itcan only be delivered when a relay or source node have andopportunistic contact with the destination. The increase of ttlfrom 30 to 120 min does not improve the performance of threerouting protocols in both scenarios.
2015 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, 2015
Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are attracting a lot of attention from wireless network researchers... more Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are attracting a lot of attention from wireless network researchers. Node placement problems have been investigated for a long time in the optimization field due to numerous applications in location science. In this work, we evaluated WMN-SA system which is based on Simulated Annealing (SA) to find an optimal location assignment for mesh routers. As evaluation metrics, we used throughput, one-way delay, jitter, fairness index and residual energy. For simulations, we used ns-3 and Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR). We compare the performance of the optimized network topologies by sending multiple constant bit rate flows in the network. The simulation results show that the throughput is almost the same for both WMN architectures. The delay, jitter and fairness index of 32 mesh routers is higher than other number of mesh routers for I/B WMN architecture. For 16 mesh router, the remaining energy is higher than 24 and 32 mesh routers.
International Journal of Web and Grid Services, 2015
In this work, we present WMN-HC and WMN-SA systems which are based on Hill Climbing HC and Simula... more In this work, we present WMN-HC and WMN-SA systems which are based on Hill Climbing HC and Simulated Annealing SA for location assignment of mesh routers in Wireless Mesh Networks WMNs. As evaluation metrics, we used throughput, one-way delay, jitter, fairness index and residual energy. The simulation results show that for WMN-HC, the throughput of 24 mesh routers is good for both WMN architectures. But, for WMN-SA, the throughput is almost the same. For WMN-HC, the delay and jitter of 24 mesh routers is low for both WMN architectures. However, for WMN-SA, the delay and jitter of 32 mesh routers is higher for I/B WMN architecture. For WMN-HC, the fairness index of 16 mesh routers is high for Hybrid WMN architecture. But, for WMN-SA, the fairness index of 32 mesh routers is high for I/B WMN architecture. For 16 and 32 mesh routers, the remaining energy of WMN-HC is higher than WMN-SA.
2015 Ninth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, 2015
In this paper, we deal with connectivity and coverage problem in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). W... more In this paper, we deal with connectivity and coverage problem in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). We used Friedman test to check if we can compare Tabu Search (TS) and Hill Climbing (HC). We found out that TS and HC have differences in their performance. Then, we used the implemented systems WMN-TS and WMN-HC to evaluate and compare the performance of the systems for different distributions of mesh clients in terms of Size of Giant Component (SGC) and Number of Covered Mesh Clients (NCMC). The simulation results show that for Uniform distribution, for small radius of communication distance, the SGC of WMN-TS is better than WMN-HC. For Normal distribution, the WMN-HC performs better than WMN-TS. For Exponential distribution, the WMN-HC performs better than WMN-TS for all radius of communication distances. For Weibull distribution, the WMN-HC has a good performance for big radius of communication distance.
2015 Ninth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, 2015
Finding an optimal solution is computationally hard for most combinatorial optimization problems.... more Finding an optimal solution is computationally hard for most combinatorial optimization problems. Therefore the use of heuristics methods aims at finding, if not optimal, near optimal solutions in reasonable amount of computation time. Due to lack of knowledge about the landscape of fitness function, searching the solution space by heuristic methods becomes very challenging. One can search the solution space through local search methods that build a path of feasible solutions. Here, the search method selects one solution at each iteration towards reaching the near optimal solution. To this group belong Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search and other algorithms. Alternatively, one can use heuristic methods that use many feasible solutions at the same time at any iteration, known as population-based heuristics. In this group there are Genetic Algorithms (GAs and its variants), Memetic Algorithms (MAs), and more generally, Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). The research issue is, for a given combinatorial optimization problem, which of the two search methods is more effective. This is even more challenging for the case of highly constraint problems. In this paper we present a study on the effectiveness of using local search vs. Population-based search for the problem of Ground Station Scheduling problem, which is known for its high complexity and over-constraint nature.
2015 Ninth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, 2015
With the fast development of wireless technologies, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are becoming an... more With the fast development of wireless technologies, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are becoming an important networking infrastructure due to their low cost and increased high speed wireless Internet connectivity. In this paper, we used our proposed and implemented system based on Hill Climbing algorithm, called WMN-HC for mesh router node placement in WMNs. We analyze WMN-HC simulation system data for different number of nodes using Friedman test. We took into consideration 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 mesh routers and 24, 48, 96, 192, 384 mesh clients. We use Size of Giant Component (SGC) and Number of Covered Mesh Clients (NCMC) as metrics. From the analysis, for all cases, the p-value of SGC is more than 0.05. Thus, we adopt H0. On the other hand, for NCMC, we adopt H1 because the p-value is less than 0.05. Friedman test results show that there is not difference for SGC parameter. However, there is difference for NCMC parameter.
2015 Ninth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, 2015
A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a multihop wireless network in which the mobile nodes are dyna... more A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a multihop wireless network in which the mobile nodes are dynamic in nature and has a limited bandwidth and minimum battery power. Due to this challenging environment the mobile nodes can be grouped into clusters to achieve better stability and scalability. Grouping the mobile nodes is called clustering, in which a leader node is elected to manage the entire network. In this paper, we consider the various approaches for clustering focus on different performance metrics. Each cluster contain a particular node called cluster head which is elected as cluster head according to the specific metric or combination of metrics such as mobility, energy, degree, weight etc. In this survey paper, we study some clustering schemes such as Mobility-based clustering, Energy-efficient clustering, Connectivity-based clustering, Weighted-based clustering and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.
The Specific Absorption Ratio is a very sensitive issue for the cellular communications.SAR repre... more The Specific Absorption Ratio is a very sensitive issue for the cellular communications.SAR represents the ratio of the power absorbed by the human tissues and it must be within the standards. The average SAR, defined by the standards, can be calculated by the measuring of the E (electric field) in an imaginary biological volume filled with tissues. This paper describes a way of measuring SAR, approximated by the technique of the near field. The division of the plane waves, of the field measured in a plain allows the recreation of the imaginary electric field from which the SAR can be measured. The impact of the metallic jewelry in the face is investigated based on the absorbed energy from the human head, from the radiation of a PDA (personal data assistant). We will deal with relative differences of SAR in the human head, as result of a radiation from a dipole at the frequency 1.8GHZ and of a mono-pole inside a conductor box, influenced by the presence in the near-field of metallic...
Design and implementation of a multifunctional monitoring system in distance consist in a system ... more Design and implementation of a multifunctional monitoring system in distance consist in a system that has to provide video surveillance for in and out of the monitoring sites, temperatures control, humidity control, dew point control, fluid detection, air flow control and also controlling parameters of other devices on site. In this paper we present a model for this system, by
International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications, 2014
One of the key advantages of Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) is their importance for providing cost... more One of the key advantages of Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) is their importance for providing cost-efficient broadband connectivity. In WMNs, there are issues for achieving the network connectivity and user coverage, which are related with the node placement problem. In this work, the authors consider the router node placement problem in WMNs. The objective is to find the optimal distribution of router nodes in order to provide the best network connectivity (the maximal number of connected routers) and coverage (maximal number of covered clients). The authors apply their proposed WMN-SA simulation system in a realistic scenario of the distribution of mesh clients considering Itoshima City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. From simulation results, they found many insights that can be very important for real deployment of WMNs.
The use of GPS is becoming increasingly popular for real-time navigation systems. To ensure that ... more The use of GPS is becoming increasingly popular for real-time navigation systems. To ensure that satellite failures are detected and excluded at the receiver is of high importance for the integrity of the satellite navigation system. The focus of this paper is to implement a fault detection and exclusion algorithm in a software GPS receiver in order to provide timely warnings to the user when it is not advisable to use the GPS system for navigation. The GPS system currently provides some basic integrity information to users via the navigation message, but it is not timely enough for safetycritical applications. RAIM is a means of providing integrity with the capability of detecting when a satellite failure or a measurement error has occurred. It is the simplest and most cost effective technique for integrity monitoring. After applying the iterative fault detection and the exclusion algorithm, a significant improvement in positioning accuracy is achieved.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2015
The objective of this paper is to present a simple, accurate and very efficient method for the ev... more The objective of this paper is to present a simple, accurate and very efficient method for the evaluation of the field in the vicinity of GSM antennas of the radio base-station in urban areas. The method is based on the replacement of the antenna panel with a group of discrete source emitters. A geometrical approximation is used for the evaluation of the environment's influence also. The calculated results are compared with results taken from the use of NARDA SRM 3000 measuring equipment. The presented method could be successfully used for the exposure evaluation of the electromagnetic field emitted by GSM antennas of the basestation in urban areas.
2014 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, 2014
Data mining is an active field of research and development aiming to automatically extract "knowl... more Data mining is an active field of research and development aiming to automatically extract "knowledge" from analyzing data sets. Knowledge can be defined in different ways such as discovering (structured, frequent, approximate, etc.) patterns in data, grouping/clustering/bi-clustering data according to one or more criteria, finding association rules, etc. Such knowledge is then fed-back to decision support systems enabling end-users (actors) to make more informed decisions, which in economic terms could lead to advantages as compared to traditional decision support systems. It should be noted however, that data mining algorithms and frameworks have been proposed prior to the "Big Data" explosion. While data mining algorithms have considered efficiency and computational complexity as an important requirement, they did not take into account features of Big Data such as very large size, velocity with which data is generated, variety, etc. On the other hand, these features are indeed posing issues and challenges to data mining algorithms and frameworks. In this paper we analyse some of the issues in mining large data sets such as scalability and in-memory needs. We also show some computational results pointing out to such issues.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2014
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) refers to satellite-based radiopositioning systems and time-tran... more Global Positioning Systems (GPS) refers to satellite-based radiopositioning systems and time-transfer systems that provide three-dimensional course, position, and time information to suitably equipped users. At present, GPS system is worldwide used for positioning and navigation, attracting great attention from the scientific, professional and social community.GPS satellites are orbiting Earth at altitudes of 20.200 km and the GPS signal is mostly affected by the atmospheric effects. The scope of this paper is to investigate the performance impact of the atmospheric correction models in the overall positioning accuracy. Real GPS measurements were gathered using a single frequency receiver and post-processed by our proposed innovative adaptive LMS algorithm. We integrated Klobuchar and Hopfield correction models enabling a considerable reduction of the vertical error.
International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2011
Communication via satellite begins when the satellite is positioned in the desired orbital positi... more Communication via satellite begins when the satellite is positioned in the desired orbital position. Ground stations can communicate with LEO (Low Earth Orbiting) satellites only when the satellite is in their visibility region. The ground station's ideal horizon plane is in fact the visibility region under 0˚ of elevation angle. Because of natural barriers or too high buildings in urban areas, practical (visible) horizon plane differs from the ideal one. The duration of the visibility and so the communication duration varies for each LEO satellite pass at the ground station, since LEO satellites move too fast over the Earth. The range between the ground station and the LEO satellite depends on maximal elevation of satellite's path above the ground station. The dimension of the horizon plane depends on satellite's orbital attitude. The range variations between the ground station and the satellite, and then ground station horizon plane simulation for low Earth orbiting satellites as a function of orbital attitude is presented. The range impact and horizon plane variations on communication duration between the ground station and LEO satellites are given.
Int'l J. of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2012
Basic resources for communication satellites are communication radio-frequencies and satellite or... more Basic resources for communication satellites are communication radio-frequencies and satellite orbits. An orbit is the trajectory followed by the satellite. The communication between the satellite and a ground station is established only when the satellite is consolidated in its own orbit and it is visible from the ground station. Different types of orbits are possible, each suitable for a specific application or mission. Most used orbits are circular, categorized as low, medium and geosynchronous (geostationary) orbits based on the attitude above the Earths surface. The launching process heading the satellite in geostationary orbit, by the first step places the satellite in a transfer orbit. The transfer orbit is elliptical in shape with low attitude at perigee, and the apogee of the geostationary orbit attitude. The apogee of the parking orbit depends on the injection velocity applied at perigee. Simulation approach of injection velocity at perigee to attain different apogees, considering an incremental step is presented in this paper.
International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2012
Nowadays, microwave frequency systems, in many applications are used. Regardless of the applicati... more Nowadays, microwave frequency systems, in many applications are used. Regardless of the application, all microwave communication systems are faced with transmission line matching problem, related to the load or impedance connected to them. The mismatching of microwave lines with the load connected to them generates reflected waves. Mismatching is identified by a parameter known as VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio). VSWR is a crucial parameter on determining the efficiency of microwave systems. In medical application VSWR gets a specific importance. The presence of reflected waves can lead to the wrong measurement information, consequently a wrong diagnostic result interpretation applied to a specific patient. For this reason, specifically in medical applications, it is important to minimize the reflected waves, or control the VSWR value with the high accuracy level. In this paper, the transmission line under different matching conditions is simulated and experimented. Through simulation and experimental measurements, the VSWR for each case of connected line with the respective load is calculated and measured. Further elements either with impact or not on the VSWR value are identified. Interpretation of simulation and experimental results allows to judge about improving the VSWR, and consequently increasing the microwave transmission systems efficiency.
2015 18th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, 2015
Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are attracting a lot of attention from wireless network researchers... more Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are attracting a lot of attention from wireless network researchers. Node placement problems have been investigated for a long time in the optimization field due to numerous applications in location science. In this work, we evaluated WMN-HC system which is based on Hill Climbing (HC) to find an optimal location assignment for mesh routers. As evaluation metrics, we used throughput, one-way delay, jitter, fairness index and residual energy. For simulations, we used ns-3 and Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR). We compare the performance of the optimized network topologies by sending multiple constant bit rate flows in the network. The simulation results show that the throughput of 24 mesh routers is higher than other number of mesh routers for both WMN architectures. The delay and jitter of 24 mesh routers is lower than other number of mesh routers. The fairness index of 16 mesh routers is higher than other number of mesh routers for Hybrid WMN architecture. For 16 mesh router, the remaining energy is higher than 24 and 32 mesh routers.
2016 10th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), 2016
In this paper, we evaluate and compare the performance of single-copy and multiple-copy routing p... more In this paper, we evaluate and compare the performance of single-copy and multiple-copy routing protocols in a realistic Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network (VDTN) scenario. The simulations are conducted with the Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator. The performance is analyzed using delivery probability, overhead ratio, average latency, average number of hops and average buffer time metrics. The simulation results show that multiple-copy protocols perform better in terms of delivery probability compared with singlecopy protocol. The single-copy protocol uses the highest average number of hops and higher average latency compared with multiple-copy protocols. Maxprop achieves the highest delivery ratio and lowest average latency. Spray and wait results are the lowest for overhead ratio, but the longest for average buffer time. First contact have a short buffer time, but it uses a big number of hops.
2016 19th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS), 2016
In this paper, we evaluate and compare the performance of four different routing protocols in a m... more In this paper, we evaluate and compare the performance of four different routing protocols in a many-to-one communication opportunistic network. Seven groups with three stationary sensor nodes sense the temperature, humidity and wind speed and send these data to a stationary destination node that collect them for statistical and data analysis purposes. Vehicles moving in Tirana city roads during the opportunistic contacts will exchange the sensed data to destination node. The simulations are conducted with the Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator. For the simulations we considered two different scenarios where the distance of the source nodes from the destination is short and long. The performance is analyzed using delivery probability, overhead ratio, average latency, average number of hops and average buffer time metrics. For both scenarios the effect of increasing ttl is evaluated. The simulation results show that the increase of ttl from 15 min to 60 min slightly effects the performance of all protocols. By increasing the distance between source nodes and destination node, delivery probability is decreased almost10% for all protocols, the overhead for spray and wait does not change, but for other protocols is slightly increased and theaverage number of hops and average latency is increased.
2016 IEEE 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2016
In this work, we evaluate the performance of three routing protocols epidemic, spray and wait and... more In this work, we evaluate the performance of three routing protocols epidemic, spray and wait and maxprop in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks (VDTNs). We study the impact of vehicles density and ttl on the network performance. The simulations are conducted with the Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator. The performance is analyzed using delivery probability, overhead ratio, average latencyand average number of hops metrics. The simulation resultsshow that the increase of node density improves the networkperformance. In dense network scenario, the performance ofepidemic and maxprop routing protocols is better because thenumber of opportunistic contacts between nodes increases. Forsprayandwait the performance is not improved since it uses amaximum of two hops to deliver bundles. Hence, in densenetworks, a bundle may have a significant delay because itcan only be delivered when a relay or source node have andopportunistic contact with the destination. The increase of ttlfrom 30 to 120 min does not improve the performance of threerouting protocols in both scenarios.
2015 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, 2015
Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are attracting a lot of attention from wireless network researchers... more Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are attracting a lot of attention from wireless network researchers. Node placement problems have been investigated for a long time in the optimization field due to numerous applications in location science. In this work, we evaluated WMN-SA system which is based on Simulated Annealing (SA) to find an optimal location assignment for mesh routers. As evaluation metrics, we used throughput, one-way delay, jitter, fairness index and residual energy. For simulations, we used ns-3 and Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR). We compare the performance of the optimized network topologies by sending multiple constant bit rate flows in the network. The simulation results show that the throughput is almost the same for both WMN architectures. The delay, jitter and fairness index of 32 mesh routers is higher than other number of mesh routers for I/B WMN architecture. For 16 mesh router, the remaining energy is higher than 24 and 32 mesh routers.
International Journal of Web and Grid Services, 2015
In this work, we present WMN-HC and WMN-SA systems which are based on Hill Climbing HC and Simula... more In this work, we present WMN-HC and WMN-SA systems which are based on Hill Climbing HC and Simulated Annealing SA for location assignment of mesh routers in Wireless Mesh Networks WMNs. As evaluation metrics, we used throughput, one-way delay, jitter, fairness index and residual energy. The simulation results show that for WMN-HC, the throughput of 24 mesh routers is good for both WMN architectures. But, for WMN-SA, the throughput is almost the same. For WMN-HC, the delay and jitter of 24 mesh routers is low for both WMN architectures. However, for WMN-SA, the delay and jitter of 32 mesh routers is higher for I/B WMN architecture. For WMN-HC, the fairness index of 16 mesh routers is high for Hybrid WMN architecture. But, for WMN-SA, the fairness index of 32 mesh routers is high for I/B WMN architecture. For 16 and 32 mesh routers, the remaining energy of WMN-HC is higher than WMN-SA.
2015 Ninth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, 2015
In this paper, we deal with connectivity and coverage problem in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). W... more In this paper, we deal with connectivity and coverage problem in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). We used Friedman test to check if we can compare Tabu Search (TS) and Hill Climbing (HC). We found out that TS and HC have differences in their performance. Then, we used the implemented systems WMN-TS and WMN-HC to evaluate and compare the performance of the systems for different distributions of mesh clients in terms of Size of Giant Component (SGC) and Number of Covered Mesh Clients (NCMC). The simulation results show that for Uniform distribution, for small radius of communication distance, the SGC of WMN-TS is better than WMN-HC. For Normal distribution, the WMN-HC performs better than WMN-TS. For Exponential distribution, the WMN-HC performs better than WMN-TS for all radius of communication distances. For Weibull distribution, the WMN-HC has a good performance for big radius of communication distance.
2015 Ninth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, 2015
Finding an optimal solution is computationally hard for most combinatorial optimization problems.... more Finding an optimal solution is computationally hard for most combinatorial optimization problems. Therefore the use of heuristics methods aims at finding, if not optimal, near optimal solutions in reasonable amount of computation time. Due to lack of knowledge about the landscape of fitness function, searching the solution space by heuristic methods becomes very challenging. One can search the solution space through local search methods that build a path of feasible solutions. Here, the search method selects one solution at each iteration towards reaching the near optimal solution. To this group belong Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search and other algorithms. Alternatively, one can use heuristic methods that use many feasible solutions at the same time at any iteration, known as population-based heuristics. In this group there are Genetic Algorithms (GAs and its variants), Memetic Algorithms (MAs), and more generally, Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). The research issue is, for a given combinatorial optimization problem, which of the two search methods is more effective. This is even more challenging for the case of highly constraint problems. In this paper we present a study on the effectiveness of using local search vs. Population-based search for the problem of Ground Station Scheduling problem, which is known for its high complexity and over-constraint nature.
2015 Ninth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, 2015
With the fast development of wireless technologies, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are becoming an... more With the fast development of wireless technologies, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are becoming an important networking infrastructure due to their low cost and increased high speed wireless Internet connectivity. In this paper, we used our proposed and implemented system based on Hill Climbing algorithm, called WMN-HC for mesh router node placement in WMNs. We analyze WMN-HC simulation system data for different number of nodes using Friedman test. We took into consideration 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 mesh routers and 24, 48, 96, 192, 384 mesh clients. We use Size of Giant Component (SGC) and Number of Covered Mesh Clients (NCMC) as metrics. From the analysis, for all cases, the p-value of SGC is more than 0.05. Thus, we adopt H0. On the other hand, for NCMC, we adopt H1 because the p-value is less than 0.05. Friedman test results show that there is not difference for SGC parameter. However, there is difference for NCMC parameter.
2015 Ninth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, 2015
A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a multihop wireless network in which the mobile nodes are dyna... more A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a multihop wireless network in which the mobile nodes are dynamic in nature and has a limited bandwidth and minimum battery power. Due to this challenging environment the mobile nodes can be grouped into clusters to achieve better stability and scalability. Grouping the mobile nodes is called clustering, in which a leader node is elected to manage the entire network. In this paper, we consider the various approaches for clustering focus on different performance metrics. Each cluster contain a particular node called cluster head which is elected as cluster head according to the specific metric or combination of metrics such as mobility, energy, degree, weight etc. In this survey paper, we study some clustering schemes such as Mobility-based clustering, Energy-efficient clustering, Connectivity-based clustering, Weighted-based clustering and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.
The Specific Absorption Ratio is a very sensitive issue for the cellular communications.SAR repre... more The Specific Absorption Ratio is a very sensitive issue for the cellular communications.SAR represents the ratio of the power absorbed by the human tissues and it must be within the standards. The average SAR, defined by the standards, can be calculated by the measuring of the E (electric field) in an imaginary biological volume filled with tissues. This paper describes a way of measuring SAR, approximated by the technique of the near field. The division of the plane waves, of the field measured in a plain allows the recreation of the imaginary electric field from which the SAR can be measured. The impact of the metallic jewelry in the face is investigated based on the absorbed energy from the human head, from the radiation of a PDA (personal data assistant). We will deal with relative differences of SAR in the human head, as result of a radiation from a dipole at the frequency 1.8GHZ and of a mono-pole inside a conductor box, influenced by the presence in the near-field of metallic...
Design and implementation of a multifunctional monitoring system in distance consist in a system ... more Design and implementation of a multifunctional monitoring system in distance consist in a system that has to provide video surveillance for in and out of the monitoring sites, temperatures control, humidity control, dew point control, fluid detection, air flow control and also controlling parameters of other devices on site. In this paper we present a model for this system, by
International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications, 2014
One of the key advantages of Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) is their importance for providing cost... more One of the key advantages of Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) is their importance for providing cost-efficient broadband connectivity. In WMNs, there are issues for achieving the network connectivity and user coverage, which are related with the node placement problem. In this work, the authors consider the router node placement problem in WMNs. The objective is to find the optimal distribution of router nodes in order to provide the best network connectivity (the maximal number of connected routers) and coverage (maximal number of covered clients). The authors apply their proposed WMN-SA simulation system in a realistic scenario of the distribution of mesh clients considering Itoshima City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. From simulation results, they found many insights that can be very important for real deployment of WMNs.
The use of GPS is becoming increasingly popular for real-time navigation systems. To ensure that ... more The use of GPS is becoming increasingly popular for real-time navigation systems. To ensure that satellite failures are detected and excluded at the receiver is of high importance for the integrity of the satellite navigation system. The focus of this paper is to implement a fault detection and exclusion algorithm in a software GPS receiver in order to provide timely warnings to the user when it is not advisable to use the GPS system for navigation. The GPS system currently provides some basic integrity information to users via the navigation message, but it is not timely enough for safetycritical applications. RAIM is a means of providing integrity with the capability of detecting when a satellite failure or a measurement error has occurred. It is the simplest and most cost effective technique for integrity monitoring. After applying the iterative fault detection and the exclusion algorithm, a significant improvement in positioning accuracy is achieved.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2015
The objective of this paper is to present a simple, accurate and very efficient method for the ev... more The objective of this paper is to present a simple, accurate and very efficient method for the evaluation of the field in the vicinity of GSM antennas of the radio base-station in urban areas. The method is based on the replacement of the antenna panel with a group of discrete source emitters. A geometrical approximation is used for the evaluation of the environment's influence also. The calculated results are compared with results taken from the use of NARDA SRM 3000 measuring equipment. The presented method could be successfully used for the exposure evaluation of the electromagnetic field emitted by GSM antennas of the basestation in urban areas.
2014 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, 2014
Data mining is an active field of research and development aiming to automatically extract "knowl... more Data mining is an active field of research and development aiming to automatically extract "knowledge" from analyzing data sets. Knowledge can be defined in different ways such as discovering (structured, frequent, approximate, etc.) patterns in data, grouping/clustering/bi-clustering data according to one or more criteria, finding association rules, etc. Such knowledge is then fed-back to decision support systems enabling end-users (actors) to make more informed decisions, which in economic terms could lead to advantages as compared to traditional decision support systems. It should be noted however, that data mining algorithms and frameworks have been proposed prior to the "Big Data" explosion. While data mining algorithms have considered efficiency and computational complexity as an important requirement, they did not take into account features of Big Data such as very large size, velocity with which data is generated, variety, etc. On the other hand, these features are indeed posing issues and challenges to data mining algorithms and frameworks. In this paper we analyse some of the issues in mining large data sets such as scalability and in-memory needs. We also show some computational results pointing out to such issues.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2014
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) refers to satellite-based radiopositioning systems and time-tran... more Global Positioning Systems (GPS) refers to satellite-based radiopositioning systems and time-transfer systems that provide three-dimensional course, position, and time information to suitably equipped users. At present, GPS system is worldwide used for positioning and navigation, attracting great attention from the scientific, professional and social community.GPS satellites are orbiting Earth at altitudes of 20.200 km and the GPS signal is mostly affected by the atmospheric effects. The scope of this paper is to investigate the performance impact of the atmospheric correction models in the overall positioning accuracy. Real GPS measurements were gathered using a single frequency receiver and post-processed by our proposed innovative adaptive LMS algorithm. We integrated Klobuchar and Hopfield correction models enabling a considerable reduction of the vertical error.
International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2011
Communication via satellite begins when the satellite is positioned in the desired orbital positi... more Communication via satellite begins when the satellite is positioned in the desired orbital position. Ground stations can communicate with LEO (Low Earth Orbiting) satellites only when the satellite is in their visibility region. The ground station's ideal horizon plane is in fact the visibility region under 0˚ of elevation angle. Because of natural barriers or too high buildings in urban areas, practical (visible) horizon plane differs from the ideal one. The duration of the visibility and so the communication duration varies for each LEO satellite pass at the ground station, since LEO satellites move too fast over the Earth. The range between the ground station and the LEO satellite depends on maximal elevation of satellite's path above the ground station. The dimension of the horizon plane depends on satellite's orbital attitude. The range variations between the ground station and the satellite, and then ground station horizon plane simulation for low Earth orbiting satellites as a function of orbital attitude is presented. The range impact and horizon plane variations on communication duration between the ground station and LEO satellites are given.
Int'l J. of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2012
Basic resources for communication satellites are communication radio-frequencies and satellite or... more Basic resources for communication satellites are communication radio-frequencies and satellite orbits. An orbit is the trajectory followed by the satellite. The communication between the satellite and a ground station is established only when the satellite is consolidated in its own orbit and it is visible from the ground station. Different types of orbits are possible, each suitable for a specific application or mission. Most used orbits are circular, categorized as low, medium and geosynchronous (geostationary) orbits based on the attitude above the Earths surface. The launching process heading the satellite in geostationary orbit, by the first step places the satellite in a transfer orbit. The transfer orbit is elliptical in shape with low attitude at perigee, and the apogee of the geostationary orbit attitude. The apogee of the parking orbit depends on the injection velocity applied at perigee. Simulation approach of injection velocity at perigee to attain different apogees, considering an incremental step is presented in this paper.
International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2012
Nowadays, microwave frequency systems, in many applications are used. Regardless of the applicati... more Nowadays, microwave frequency systems, in many applications are used. Regardless of the application, all microwave communication systems are faced with transmission line matching problem, related to the load or impedance connected to them. The mismatching of microwave lines with the load connected to them generates reflected waves. Mismatching is identified by a parameter known as VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio). VSWR is a crucial parameter on determining the efficiency of microwave systems. In medical application VSWR gets a specific importance. The presence of reflected waves can lead to the wrong measurement information, consequently a wrong diagnostic result interpretation applied to a specific patient. For this reason, specifically in medical applications, it is important to minimize the reflected waves, or control the VSWR value with the high accuracy level. In this paper, the transmission line under different matching conditions is simulated and experimented. Through simulation and experimental measurements, the VSWR for each case of connected line with the respective load is calculated and measured. Further elements either with impact or not on the VSWR value are identified. Interpretation of simulation and experimental results allows to judge about improving the VSWR, and consequently increasing the microwave transmission systems efficiency.
Papers by Vladi Koliçi