followed in the footsteps of Imam Mahdi's world power." 17 During his first term, the former pres... more followed in the footsteps of Imam Mahdi's world power." 17 During his first term, the former president predicted that "the expected Messiah will appear in four years." Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly stated: "The Mahdi is the one who runs the country." It even goes so far as to claim that "Hugo Chavez is one of the supporters of Imam Mahdi." He also began to talk about his meeting with the Messiah. Sheikh Al Misbah al Yazdi, a Shiite jurist-theologian, whom Ahmadinejad takes as his margin, a source of religious norms, i.e., of fatwas, notes: "We live in a time of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi, who elected Ahmadinejad president." The same was declared by one of the most famous ulema in Kom, the Great Ayatollah Mohammed Bahjat al-Fomni (1915-2009). The latter added in this connection: "The elderly of our time will witness the appearance of Imam Mahdi," without specifying the exact date. 18 Ahmadinejad's followers formed the Khujaji movement, which promoted the Mahdi's global government. They are making a documentary called The Emergence. It discusses the role of Ahmadinejad in preparing the Middle East for the coming of the Messiah. Books promoting the occult of the Messiah are being distributed in the book market in Lebanon, Iraq and Iran. A whole section of research is being created, which we can figuratively call "Mahdology". Among the leading titles is Abdel Mohammed Hassan's "Approach the Appearance," which states the exact date of the
The aim of the 4 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (4IeC... more The aim of the 4 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (4IeCSHSS) was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in different areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The e-Conference was organized as a kind of a multidisciplinary forum which provided the appropriate opportunities for inter-disciplinary communications.
A flute is a "keyed woodwind instrument consisting of a cylindrical tube which is stopped at one ... more A flute is a "keyed woodwind instrument consisting of a cylindrical tube which is stopped at one end, and which has a side hole over which air is blown to produce the tone", as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Unfortunately, this definition is only true of modern flutes. The first flutes were simple pieces of bone that had been fashioned with drilled holes. These prehistoric flutes have been discovered as artifacts in many places around the world. However, through time keys were added to expand the note range of the instrument, and to improve the intonation of the notes that were played. These improvements were added slowly, but as interest in the instrument grew, so did new ideas about its technical properties. In this paper I discuss how the flute progresses through time from a simple bone to the metal-keyed instruments of today.
The changes in the last decade for Muslims in Bulgaria are all the more significant when seen aga... more The changes in the last decade for Muslims in Bulgaria are all the more significant when seen against the background of the situation prior: the regime of the last communist president T. Jivkov carried out (like that of Miloshevic in Yugoslavia) a kind of ethnic cleansing by challenging the local Muslims through changing their Turkic-Arab names into Slavic ones. Also the emigration process was indicative of the situation: in the summer of 1989, 500,000 Bulgarian Muslims left the country to settle in Turkey. Yet despite the considerable reduction of the community, the Muslim population in Bulgaria is still quite large. According to the official census in 1992, there were 1,110,295 Muslims registered (800,052 of which declared themselves Turks, 313,396 Gypsies, 4,515 Tartars and other Muslim minorities). Due to the deterioration of the economic conditions, Bulgarian Muslims (especially the Turks) massively migrated to Turkey. This process is still going on up to the present day and because of the illegal forms of migration, the exact size of the Bulgarian Muslim community is still unknown. After the installation of a competitive political system, the Bulgarian Muslim community seems to be an attractive electoral area for the newly established Bulgarian parties. However, the community has made it clear that it possesses its own electoral potation for transforming itself from an object to a subject in Bulgarian political life.
The aim of the 6 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (6IeC... more The aim of the 6 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (6IeCSHSS) was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in different areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The e-Conference was organized as a kind of a multidisciplinary forum which provided the appropriate opportunities for inter-disciplinary communications.
The aim of the 7 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (7IeC... more The aim of the 7 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (7IeCSHSS) was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in different areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The e-Conference was organized as a kind of a multidisciplinary forum which provided the appropriate opportunities for inter-disciplinary communications.
8th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings
This study aims to present political and/or religious anti-Semitism in Sunni vs Shiites. Anti-Sem... more This study aims to present political and/or religious anti-Semitism in Sunni vs Shiites. Anti-Semitism is probably the oldest hatred in history and has proven to be extremely adaptable to the times. It is “carved” and fueled by powerful precedents and inherited stereotypes. Anti-Semitism takes various forms to reflect the conditional fears and anxieties of an ever-changing world. Understood in this way, this is the modern manifestation of ancient prejudice – one that, according to some scholars, dates back to antiquity and medieval times. The main points in the article are: Anti-Semitism; Anti-Semitism in the Arab and Islamic world.
7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings, 2021
This study aims to present the socio-economic and spiritual-religious specifics of the Syrian Kur... more This study aims to present the socio-economic and spiritual-religious specifics of the Syrian Kurds. The dominant agrarian livelihood of the “foreign Kurds” stimulates the preservation of the tribal-clan profile of their social structure. This directly reflects on the stability and strong resistance of the specific conservative political culture in which the political center is differentiated, due to non-social parameters. If religion (in a nuanced degree, ethnicity) plays a major role in the formation of the nation-building and state-building process among neighbors, Arabs and Turks, then in the Kurds, especially the Syrians, a similar function is played by the family cell. The main points in the article are: The Syrian Kurds; Armenians and Christians – Assyrians; The specific religious institutions of the Kurds. In conclusion: The main conclusion that can be drawn is that the Kurds in Syria are failing to create a large urban agglomeration, which pushes them to be constantly assoc...
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings, 2020
This study aims to present the Kurds – “External” and “Internal” in Syria, Khaibun’s Organization... more This study aims to present the Kurds – “External” and “Internal” in Syria, Khaibun’s Organization and “Arab Security Belt” (Security Belt Forces تاو ق مازح لا ين ملأا). During the period 1958-1961, in which Syria became part of the United Arab Republic (UAR), a new migration wave from Turkey to the Arab country was observed. The article analyzes: Kurdish’s migration wave; the principle “The land is on this one, that processes it”; political power; genesis of Syrian Kurds; Khaibun’s Organization and it fate.
2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings, 2018
A flute is a "keyed woodwind instrument consisting of a cylindrical tube which is stopped at one ... more A flute is a "keyed woodwind instrument consisting of a cylindrical tube which is stopped at one end, and which has a side hole over which air is blown to produce the tone", as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Unfortunately, this definition is only true of modern flutes. The first flutes were simple pieces of bone that had been fashioned with drilled holes. These prehistoric flutes have been discovered as artifacts in many places around the world. However, through time keys were added to expand the note range of the instrument, and to improve the intonation of the notes that were played. These improvements were added slowly, but as interest in the instrument grew, so did new ideas about its technical properties. In this paper I discuss how the flute progresses through time from a simple bone to the metal-keyed instruments of today.
This study aims to present the emergence of the Islamic Messiah Al Mahdi and his “ideal” state. M... more This study aims to present the emergence of the Islamic Messiah Al Mahdi and his “ideal” state. Many modern preachers, clerics and thinkers are trying to find the signs of the appearance of the expected messiah given by Sharia tests and their interpretations by Islamic legal authorities. Thus, they create their own geopolitical versions, explaining modern political dynamics, based on their aspirations to build the ideal state formed under the light of the crescent. The dispositions of the Sharia norms are explained in a way that forms a logical-looking version of the emergence of a universal just state, led by the expected savior – Imam Mahdi. Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Mahdi (Arabic: مُحَمَّد ابْن ٱلْحَسَن ٱلْمَهْدِي, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Mahdi) is believed by Twelver Shia to be the Mahdi, who has two other eschatologists with Jesus (Jesus) to fulfill their mission to bring peace and justice to the world. The Shivers of Twelver believe that al-Mahdi was born on the 15th of Sha...
The aim of the e-Conference was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from diff... more The aim of the e-Conference was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in different areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The e-Conference is organized as a kind of a multi-disciplinary forum which provided the appropriate opportunities for inter-disciplinary communications. The following areas of study are covered by the e-Conference: Philosophy, Anthropology, Psychology, Science of Education, Pedagogy, History, Linguistics, Arts, Sociology, Political Science, Law, and Economics.
3rd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings, Jul 3, 2019
This study aims to present that the most visible and drastic changes in the life of modern humans... more This study aims to present that the most visible and drastic changes in the life of modern humans are caused by the globalization process. The main thesis through which are analyzed these changes are: (1) the globalization of the structure of social space (properties and manifestations); (2) the risk as a major category of a globalized social space; (3) extraterritoriality of the individual's personal identity; (4) segmentation and the new boundaries of the global space; (5) the mobile man; and (6) mobility, as a new paradigm of the social knowledge. Because of the dynamic changes in our societies, it is increasingly difficult to use scientific instruments that have been working well in the past relatively more sustainable societies. The old toolbox will become inefficient in relation of the processes that directly affect the human psyche. The more adaptable among us will deal easily with the challenges of everyday life, but people who struggle with quick adaptation will experience mental disorders and will be more likely to suffer from mental diseases, with never seen before sizes.
<jats:p>This study aims to present the Kurds and the Kurdish migration waves to Rojava (Nor... more <jats:p>This study aims to present the Kurds and the Kurdish migration waves to Rojava (Northern Syria). The accumulation of huge Kurdish masses on the territory of today's Syria is the result of millennial waves of migration caused by the turbulent events in the Middle East. The article analyzes: The Kurdish settlements in Syria; The French colonial authorities; The French colonial policy in the Middle East; The migration flow to Syria. The authors of the in-depth study of modern Syrian Kurdistan, The Question of Syrian Kurdistan – Reality, History, Mythologisation, argue that in the twentieth century there were two main waves of migration to northern Syria. One is expansionist and the other is restrictive. They form the current profile of the Kurdish community in Syria.</jats:p>
4th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings, Dec 30, 2019
The aim of the 4 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (4IeC... more The aim of the 4 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (4IeCSHSS) was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in different areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The e-Conference was organized as a kind of a multidisciplinary forum which provided the appropriate opportunities for inter-disciplinary communications.
I. Увод
II. Евангелизмът, юдаизмът и еврейската държава
1. Реформация, Мартин Лутер /1483- 1546... more I. Увод
II. Евангелизмът, юдаизмът и еврейската държава
1. Реформация, Мартин Лутер /1483- 1546/, антисемитизъм и ислям 2. Протестанти-евангелисти, фундаментализъм, месианизъм и милениализъм 3. Юдео-християнство, християнски ционизъм 4. Англиканизъм, евангелизъм, Оливър Кромуел, пуританите и евреите 5. Американският евангелизъм, пуританизъм и държавата Израел 6. Религията в американската външна политика
III. Джаафаризмът, евреите и държавата Израел 1. Джаафаризмът – секта или деноминация 2. Теоритични щрихи на джаафаритската държавност и юриспруденция 3. Философия на джаафаритското месианство – ал махди ал монтазар, очакваният месия 4. Съвременните белези за появата на Махди и параметрите на неговата идеална държава 5. Сунити versus шиити – политически и/или религиозен антисемитизъм
IV. Иманентност на евангелистко-джа’афаристката колизия 1. Религия-вътрешна политика - външна политика – casus belli 2. Религията в американския елит и политика 3. Уилаят ал факих – джаафаритски „конституционализъм“ или етатистки модел
followed in the footsteps of Imam Mahdi's world power." 17 During his first term, the former pres... more followed in the footsteps of Imam Mahdi's world power." 17 During his first term, the former president predicted that "the expected Messiah will appear in four years." Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly stated: "The Mahdi is the one who runs the country." It even goes so far as to claim that "Hugo Chavez is one of the supporters of Imam Mahdi." He also began to talk about his meeting with the Messiah. Sheikh Al Misbah al Yazdi, a Shiite jurist-theologian, whom Ahmadinejad takes as his margin, a source of religious norms, i.e., of fatwas, notes: "We live in a time of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi, who elected Ahmadinejad president." The same was declared by one of the most famous ulema in Kom, the Great Ayatollah Mohammed Bahjat al-Fomni (1915-2009). The latter added in this connection: "The elderly of our time will witness the appearance of Imam Mahdi," without specifying the exact date. 18 Ahmadinejad's followers formed the Khujaji movement, which promoted the Mahdi's global government. They are making a documentary called The Emergence. It discusses the role of Ahmadinejad in preparing the Middle East for the coming of the Messiah. Books promoting the occult of the Messiah are being distributed in the book market in Lebanon, Iraq and Iran. A whole section of research is being created, which we can figuratively call "Mahdology". Among the leading titles is Abdel Mohammed Hassan's "Approach the Appearance," which states the exact date of the
The aim of the 4 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (4IeC... more The aim of the 4 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (4IeCSHSS) was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in different areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The e-Conference was organized as a kind of a multidisciplinary forum which provided the appropriate opportunities for inter-disciplinary communications.
A flute is a "keyed woodwind instrument consisting of a cylindrical tube which is stopped at one ... more A flute is a "keyed woodwind instrument consisting of a cylindrical tube which is stopped at one end, and which has a side hole over which air is blown to produce the tone", as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Unfortunately, this definition is only true of modern flutes. The first flutes were simple pieces of bone that had been fashioned with drilled holes. These prehistoric flutes have been discovered as artifacts in many places around the world. However, through time keys were added to expand the note range of the instrument, and to improve the intonation of the notes that were played. These improvements were added slowly, but as interest in the instrument grew, so did new ideas about its technical properties. In this paper I discuss how the flute progresses through time from a simple bone to the metal-keyed instruments of today.
The changes in the last decade for Muslims in Bulgaria are all the more significant when seen aga... more The changes in the last decade for Muslims in Bulgaria are all the more significant when seen against the background of the situation prior: the regime of the last communist president T. Jivkov carried out (like that of Miloshevic in Yugoslavia) a kind of ethnic cleansing by challenging the local Muslims through changing their Turkic-Arab names into Slavic ones. Also the emigration process was indicative of the situation: in the summer of 1989, 500,000 Bulgarian Muslims left the country to settle in Turkey. Yet despite the considerable reduction of the community, the Muslim population in Bulgaria is still quite large. According to the official census in 1992, there were 1,110,295 Muslims registered (800,052 of which declared themselves Turks, 313,396 Gypsies, 4,515 Tartars and other Muslim minorities). Due to the deterioration of the economic conditions, Bulgarian Muslims (especially the Turks) massively migrated to Turkey. This process is still going on up to the present day and because of the illegal forms of migration, the exact size of the Bulgarian Muslim community is still unknown. After the installation of a competitive political system, the Bulgarian Muslim community seems to be an attractive electoral area for the newly established Bulgarian parties. However, the community has made it clear that it possesses its own electoral potation for transforming itself from an object to a subject in Bulgarian political life.
The aim of the 6 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (6IeC... more The aim of the 6 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (6IeCSHSS) was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in different areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The e-Conference was organized as a kind of a multidisciplinary forum which provided the appropriate opportunities for inter-disciplinary communications.
The aim of the 7 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (7IeC... more The aim of the 7 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (7IeCSHSS) was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in different areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The e-Conference was organized as a kind of a multidisciplinary forum which provided the appropriate opportunities for inter-disciplinary communications.
8th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings
This study aims to present political and/or religious anti-Semitism in Sunni vs Shiites. Anti-Sem... more This study aims to present political and/or religious anti-Semitism in Sunni vs Shiites. Anti-Semitism is probably the oldest hatred in history and has proven to be extremely adaptable to the times. It is “carved” and fueled by powerful precedents and inherited stereotypes. Anti-Semitism takes various forms to reflect the conditional fears and anxieties of an ever-changing world. Understood in this way, this is the modern manifestation of ancient prejudice – one that, according to some scholars, dates back to antiquity and medieval times. The main points in the article are: Anti-Semitism; Anti-Semitism in the Arab and Islamic world.
7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings, 2021
This study aims to present the socio-economic and spiritual-religious specifics of the Syrian Kur... more This study aims to present the socio-economic and spiritual-religious specifics of the Syrian Kurds. The dominant agrarian livelihood of the “foreign Kurds” stimulates the preservation of the tribal-clan profile of their social structure. This directly reflects on the stability and strong resistance of the specific conservative political culture in which the political center is differentiated, due to non-social parameters. If religion (in a nuanced degree, ethnicity) plays a major role in the formation of the nation-building and state-building process among neighbors, Arabs and Turks, then in the Kurds, especially the Syrians, a similar function is played by the family cell. The main points in the article are: The Syrian Kurds; Armenians and Christians – Assyrians; The specific religious institutions of the Kurds. In conclusion: The main conclusion that can be drawn is that the Kurds in Syria are failing to create a large urban agglomeration, which pushes them to be constantly assoc...
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings, 2020
This study aims to present the Kurds – “External” and “Internal” in Syria, Khaibun’s Organization... more This study aims to present the Kurds – “External” and “Internal” in Syria, Khaibun’s Organization and “Arab Security Belt” (Security Belt Forces تاو ق مازح لا ين ملأا). During the period 1958-1961, in which Syria became part of the United Arab Republic (UAR), a new migration wave from Turkey to the Arab country was observed. The article analyzes: Kurdish’s migration wave; the principle “The land is on this one, that processes it”; political power; genesis of Syrian Kurds; Khaibun’s Organization and it fate.
2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings, 2018
A flute is a "keyed woodwind instrument consisting of a cylindrical tube which is stopped at one ... more A flute is a "keyed woodwind instrument consisting of a cylindrical tube which is stopped at one end, and which has a side hole over which air is blown to produce the tone", as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Unfortunately, this definition is only true of modern flutes. The first flutes were simple pieces of bone that had been fashioned with drilled holes. These prehistoric flutes have been discovered as artifacts in many places around the world. However, through time keys were added to expand the note range of the instrument, and to improve the intonation of the notes that were played. These improvements were added slowly, but as interest in the instrument grew, so did new ideas about its technical properties. In this paper I discuss how the flute progresses through time from a simple bone to the metal-keyed instruments of today.
This study aims to present the emergence of the Islamic Messiah Al Mahdi and his “ideal” state. M... more This study aims to present the emergence of the Islamic Messiah Al Mahdi and his “ideal” state. Many modern preachers, clerics and thinkers are trying to find the signs of the appearance of the expected messiah given by Sharia tests and their interpretations by Islamic legal authorities. Thus, they create their own geopolitical versions, explaining modern political dynamics, based on their aspirations to build the ideal state formed under the light of the crescent. The dispositions of the Sharia norms are explained in a way that forms a logical-looking version of the emergence of a universal just state, led by the expected savior – Imam Mahdi. Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Mahdi (Arabic: مُحَمَّد ابْن ٱلْحَسَن ٱلْمَهْدِي, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Mahdi) is believed by Twelver Shia to be the Mahdi, who has two other eschatologists with Jesus (Jesus) to fulfill their mission to bring peace and justice to the world. The Shivers of Twelver believe that al-Mahdi was born on the 15th of Sha...
The aim of the e-Conference was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from diff... more The aim of the e-Conference was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in different areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The e-Conference is organized as a kind of a multi-disciplinary forum which provided the appropriate opportunities for inter-disciplinary communications. The following areas of study are covered by the e-Conference: Philosophy, Anthropology, Psychology, Science of Education, Pedagogy, History, Linguistics, Arts, Sociology, Political Science, Law, and Economics.
3rd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings, Jul 3, 2019
This study aims to present that the most visible and drastic changes in the life of modern humans... more This study aims to present that the most visible and drastic changes in the life of modern humans are caused by the globalization process. The main thesis through which are analyzed these changes are: (1) the globalization of the structure of social space (properties and manifestations); (2) the risk as a major category of a globalized social space; (3) extraterritoriality of the individual's personal identity; (4) segmentation and the new boundaries of the global space; (5) the mobile man; and (6) mobility, as a new paradigm of the social knowledge. Because of the dynamic changes in our societies, it is increasingly difficult to use scientific instruments that have been working well in the past relatively more sustainable societies. The old toolbox will become inefficient in relation of the processes that directly affect the human psyche. The more adaptable among us will deal easily with the challenges of everyday life, but people who struggle with quick adaptation will experience mental disorders and will be more likely to suffer from mental diseases, with never seen before sizes.
<jats:p>This study aims to present the Kurds and the Kurdish migration waves to Rojava (Nor... more <jats:p>This study aims to present the Kurds and the Kurdish migration waves to Rojava (Northern Syria). The accumulation of huge Kurdish masses on the territory of today's Syria is the result of millennial waves of migration caused by the turbulent events in the Middle East. The article analyzes: The Kurdish settlements in Syria; The French colonial authorities; The French colonial policy in the Middle East; The migration flow to Syria. The authors of the in-depth study of modern Syrian Kurdistan, The Question of Syrian Kurdistan – Reality, History, Mythologisation, argue that in the twentieth century there were two main waves of migration to northern Syria. One is expansionist and the other is restrictive. They form the current profile of the Kurdish community in Syria.</jats:p>
4th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings, Dec 30, 2019
The aim of the 4 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (4IeC... more The aim of the 4 th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (4IeCSHSS) was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in different areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The e-Conference was organized as a kind of a multidisciplinary forum which provided the appropriate opportunities for inter-disciplinary communications.
I. Увод
II. Евангелизмът, юдаизмът и еврейската държава
1. Реформация, Мартин Лутер /1483- 1546... more I. Увод
II. Евангелизмът, юдаизмът и еврейската държава
1. Реформация, Мартин Лутер /1483- 1546/, антисемитизъм и ислям 2. Протестанти-евангелисти, фундаментализъм, месианизъм и милениализъм 3. Юдео-християнство, християнски ционизъм 4. Англиканизъм, евангелизъм, Оливър Кромуел, пуританите и евреите 5. Американският евангелизъм, пуританизъм и държавата Израел 6. Религията в американската външна политика
III. Джаафаризмът, евреите и държавата Израел 1. Джаафаризмът – секта или деноминация 2. Теоритични щрихи на джаафаритската държавност и юриспруденция 3. Философия на джаафаритското месианство – ал махди ал монтазар, очакваният месия 4. Съвременните белези за появата на Махди и параметрите на неговата идеална държава 5. Сунити versus шиити – политически и/или религиозен антисемитизъм
IV. Иманентност на евангелистко-джа’афаристката колизия 1. Религия-вътрешна политика - външна политика – casus belli 2. Религията в американския елит и политика 3. Уилаят ал факих – джаафаритски „конституционализъм“ или етатистки модел
Papers by Vladimir Chukov
Books by Vladimir Chukov
II. Евангелизмът, юдаизмът и еврейската държава
1. Реформация, Мартин Лутер /1483- 1546/, антисемитизъм и ислям
2. Протестанти-евангелисти, фундаментализъм, месианизъм и милениализъм
3. Юдео-християнство, християнски ционизъм
4. Англиканизъм, евангелизъм, Оливър Кромуел, пуританите и евреите
5. Американският евангелизъм, пуританизъм и държавата Израел
6. Религията в американската външна политика
III. Джаафаризмът, евреите и държавата Израел
1. Джаафаризмът – секта или деноминация
2. Теоритични щрихи на джаафаритската държавност и юриспруденция
3. Философия на джаафаритското месианство – ал махди ал монтазар, очакваният месия
4. Съвременните белези за появата на Махди и параметрите на неговата идеална държава
5. Сунити versus шиити – политически и/или религиозен антисемитизъм
IV. Иманентност на евангелистко-джа’афаристката колизия
1. Религия-вътрешна политика - външна политика – casus belli
2. Религията в американския елит и политика
3. Уилаят ал факих – джаафаритски „конституционализъм“ или етатистки модел
V. Заключение
VI. Използвана литература
II. Евангелизмът, юдаизмът и еврейската държава
1. Реформация, Мартин Лутер /1483- 1546/, антисемитизъм и ислям
2. Протестанти-евангелисти, фундаментализъм, месианизъм и милениализъм
3. Юдео-християнство, християнски ционизъм
4. Англиканизъм, евангелизъм, Оливър Кромуел, пуританите и евреите
5. Американският евангелизъм, пуританизъм и държавата Израел
6. Религията в американската външна политика
III. Джаафаризмът, евреите и държавата Израел
1. Джаафаризмът – секта или деноминация
2. Теоритични щрихи на джаафаритската държавност и юриспруденция
3. Философия на джаафаритското месианство – ал махди ал монтазар, очакваният месия
4. Съвременните белези за появата на Махди и параметрите на неговата идеална държава
5. Сунити versus шиити – политически и/или религиозен антисемитизъм
IV. Иманентност на евангелистко-джа’афаристката колизия
1. Религия-вътрешна политика - външна политика – casus belli
2. Религията в американския елит и политика
3. Уилаят ал факих – джаафаритски „конституционализъм“ или етатистки модел
V. Заключение
VI. Използвана литература