Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika
At this time, the assessment and measurement of the concept’s level of understanding are consider... more At this time, the assessment and measurement of the concept’s level of understanding are considered less effective. This is due to the use of conventional media. With this in mind, researchers are interested in conducting research on developing assessments and measuring the understanding of concepts using web media. Web of the comprehension level test will be automatically stored in real-time on the system so that educators can process the data on the results of the misconception test and can also be seen by students as the results of the comprehension level test. This study aims to develop a web diagnostic test and identify students’ misconceptions about effort and energy as the subject matter. This study uses the ADDIE development model. The results obtained from this study were that the responses given by users showed good results. This means that the media used to measure student misconceptions is interactive enough to be used as a support in the learning process.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produk akhir modul elektronik fisika dan mengetahui per... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produk akhir modul elektronik fisika dan mengetahui persepsi siswa terhadap produk. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE. Subjek uji coba adalah siswa kelas XI MIA MAN 2 Tanjung Jabung Timur. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi, angket kebutuhan siswa, angket validasi ahli media dan materi dan angket persepsi siswa. Teknik analisis data berupa saran dari validator ahli media dan ahli materi, sedangkan skor angket validasi ahli media, ahli materi, dan persepsi siswa dilakukan secara statistic deskriptif. Produk yang dihasilkan adalah sebuah modul elektronik fisika menggunakan aplikasi KVisoft Flipbook Maker yang memuat warna, gambar, animasi, simulasi, video dan contoh soal interaktif. Produk dinyatakan layak oleh validator setelah melalui tahapan validasi ahli materi dan ahli media sebesar 30 dan 63 dengan kategori setuju. Hasil analisis persepsi siswa pada uji coba diperoleh skor 78.17 dikategorikan sangat s...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan four-tier diagnostic test berbasis web untuk mengident... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan four-tier diagnostic test berbasis web untuk mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi siswa SMP pada materi suhu dan kalor. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (Research dan Development) dengan menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Namun dalam penelitian hanya dibatasi sampai tahap Development karena tujuan penelitian sudah tercapai. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa angket validasi ahli media. Data penelitian meliputi data kuantitatif berupa evaluasi validator serta data kualitatif berupa komentar dan saran yang diberikan oleh validator. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk layak digunakan berdasarkan validasi ahli dengan kategori sangat layak. Produk yang dihasilkan memiliki dua bagian utama, yaitu four-tier diagnostic test dan data hasil analisis four-tier diagnostic test
Keberadaan Sambasunda memiliki daya tarik tersendiri untuk dijadikan sebagai objek penelitian ter... more Keberadaan Sambasunda memiliki daya tarik tersendiri untuk dijadikan sebagai objek penelitian tersendiri. Di tengah sulitnya generasi sekarang yang akan tertarik terhadap kesenian tradisi, kehadiran kesenian tradisi di tengah masyarakat Bandung yang hampir dilupakan dan mengalami transisi ke arah modern. Banyaknya bermunculan grup-grup musik yang mengusung konsep grup Sambasunda sebagai arah utama kreativitasnya, menjadikan Sambasunda semakin dikenal di masyarakat Bandung. Kreativitas Sambasunda merupakan perkembanggan dari kesenian tradisi sebagai tumpuan berkreativitas, dalam kreativitas yang dilakukan oleh Sambasunda pada lagu Bajidor Kahot ini berbeda dengan grup-grup musik lainnya dikarenakan pada lagu Bajidor Kahot adanya campuran dua unsur elmen musik yang berbeda budayanya, yaitu memadukan Gamelan Bali dengan instrumen Sunda. Selain itu juga adanya tepak Kendang Jaipong gaya Jugala dan Bajidoran dengan menonjolkan gending Bali yang sangat khas yaitu teknik Ubit-ubitan. Stuk...
In agreement with conceptual understanding, identifying problem-solving skills is an important to... more In agreement with conceptual understanding, identifying problem-solving skills is an important topic in physics. The purpose of this research was to explore students' problem-solving skills based on expert and novice categories. The research used a mixedmethod approach with an explanatory model with 34 prospective physics teachers at Jambi University, Indonesia. The data was obtained by using open-ended questions. Data were collected using tests and interviews. Data analysis was done by using the rubric for physics problem-solving skills. Problem-solving skills were classified into expert and novice. The research showed that most students have problem-solving skills by novice categories. The cause is the weak application of concepts in the problem-solving process. The research concludes application of the concept in the process of problem-solving not well understood by most students be the reason most students have categories novice ability in problemsolving.
4.0 industrial revolution gives opportunity for education through learning technology. Mobile lea... more 4.0 industrial revolution gives opportunity for education through learning technology. Mobile learning is the use of technology in the learning process using tablets, PCs or smartphones. Technological development in education is the use of Android which is a medium for mobile learning that is more flexible. Online based mobile learning provides opportunities for students to study anytime and anywhere. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of electronic guide books and electronic-based assessment in a basic physics practicum with reflectance material on a flat mirror. The study involved 65 physics education students with 35 students in the experimental class and 30 students in the control class. This research is true experimental research with the post-test end-experimental control group design. Based on the evaluation, in very good category at the communication’s indicator and classification’s indicator for experimental class, and in very good category at the com...
The use of gadgets can cause addiction and have a negative impact on the health and psychological... more The use of gadgets can cause addiction and have a negative impact on the health and psychological development of children. The solution to overcome this problem was through outdoor learning based on local wisdom of traditional games. This activity aims to form an agent for driving traditional games to reduce the use of gadgets for children in the District of Pelayangan. The method of implementing activities was in the form of socialization, training and assistance to prospective agents who drive traditional games. The targets of the activities were students at SDN 04 / IV and SDN 10 / IV Jambi City. The activity was carried out in July-September 2020. The evaluation was carried out by giving questionnaires to participants to determine the success of the activity. The results of this activity indicated that students at SDN 04 / IV and SDN 10 / IV Jambi City preferred traditional games. Based on the results of the questionnaire, data on the frequency of using gadgets decreased from a...
World Music is a term used to label non-Western music. The presence of World Music in Bandung mak... more World Music is a term used to label non-Western music. The presence of World Music in Bandung makes a trend in the young art community. The phenomenon of World Music influenced the traditional music group that began to identify themselves as World Music. The presence of World Music was warmly discussed, and emerged as a new identity for these groups. However, the term World Music just suck the attention of traditional music groups to name themselves. This is clearly questionable on the musical extras and intra-musical aspect. The term World Music for the community Young art Bandung is categorized as a mixed music. image Sambasunda as World Music, attracts the young art community of Bandung to follow what is done Sambasunda. The presence of Sambasunda is imaged as a popular group within World Music. He identified as a group of World Music, by entering World music this group is famous in European countries and even Asia. With the presence of Sambasunda in Bandung make a musical orient...
Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal yang dilakukan peneliti, maupun oleh teman sejawat. siswa yang m... more Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal yang dilakukan peneliti, maupun oleh teman sejawat. siswa yang mendapat nilai diatas 75 sebanyak 17 siswa, atau 44,7 % sedangkan nilai kurang dari 75 sebanyak 21 siswa atau 55,3% dari 38 siswa. Setelah peneliti melaksanakan perbaikan pembelajaran melalui pembelajaran siklus I dan siklus II dengan materi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dikelas V semester I tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 di SD Negeri Indihiang Kota Tasikmalaya, maka penulis dapat mengambil kesimpulan bahwa upaya meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa dengan metode bermain peran melalui pendekatan model cooperative learning dengan mengefektifkan alat peraga kebudayaan dan globe telah mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Peningkatan ini terjadi pada siklus I maupun siklus II dengan bukti adanya peningkatan pada :1) Menggunakan media pembelajaran kebudayaan dan globe dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. 2)Model pembelajaran cooperative learn...
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2019
Attitude is one aspect that needs to be considered both for learning activities or learning objec... more Attitude is one aspect that needs to be considered both for learning activities or learning objects. This study aims to determine the attitudes and motivations of students in mathematics physics subjects. The sample used was 100 students who had studied the Mathematics Physics course. This study employed quantitative research methods with correlational research design. Respondent was gathered by purposive sampling method. The research instruments used were attitude questionnaires in mathematical physics and motivational questionnaires. The study found that there is a significant relationship between attitudes and motivation of students in mathematics physics learning.
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2019
Scientific literacy is the ability which must be owned by the students to analyze and apply the c... more Scientific literacy is the ability which must be owned by the students to analyze and apply the concept of science in solving daily life problem. This research aims to know the correlation between scientific literacy and science learning achievement at State Junior High Schools. This research used a quantitative approach with correlational type. The population of this research were 428 grade IX students at State Junior High Schools within the District of Jaluko Muaro Jambi. The samples was 138 students. The technique of selecting samples was random sampling. The instruments used were the test of science literacy and the test of science learning achievement. Hypothesis test was conducted by using rank spearman correlation test with the assistance of SPSS 21. The results show the average score of scientific literacy is 33.7 (medium category) and the average score of science learning achievement is 21.5 (very low category). The result of the correlation test obtains Sig value 0.00 then...
Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 2020
In agreement with problem-solving skills, identifying conceptual understanding is an important to... more In agreement with problem-solving skills, identifying conceptual understanding is an important topic in physics. The purpose of this study was to analyze the conceptual understanding of physics teacher prospective students on direct current based electric material “Knowledge in Piece” Theory. The study used a mixed-method approach with an explanatory model with 148 Physics Pre-service at the Jambi University, Indonesia. Data were collected using tests and interviews. The students were given a test using reasoned multiplechoice question developed to find out the understanding of student concepts, while unstructured interviews were conducted to confirm student answers that were not clear.Data analysis was done by using a rubric which as developed based on the possible reasons for student’ answer to the concept of direct current electricity. The result of study showed that understanding the concept of students in direct current electricity material is still not very good, this is shown...
Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian dan pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan se... more Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian dan pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah media berupa buku bergambar bermuatan konsep fisika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang dapat dijadikan sebagai suplemen mata pelajaran IPA di SMP. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui pandangan dan ketertakiran siswa terhadap pembelajaran yang menggunakan media buku bergambar sebagai perwakilan contoh aplikasi dari materi yang diajarakan dan untuk melihat validitas atau kelayakan media buku bergambar yang telah dikembangkan serta untuk melihat penilaian siswa terhadap media buku bergambar yang teah dikembangkan. Angket yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diantaranya adalah angket survey lapangan yang diberikan kepada guru mata pelajaran IPA dan beberapa siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Toroh, angket validasi ahli diberikan kepada dosen Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi Universitas PGRI Semarang sebagai ahli media pembalajaran dan dosen Pendidikan Fisika Universitas PGRI Semarang s...
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a multiple choice science process skills te... more The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a multiple choice science process skills test. This research was a mixed method using sequential exploratory design. The data collection phase was divided into two. The qualitative data collection phase includes the stages of designing a science process skills test (arranging the test objectives, determining the type of process skills to be assessed, making a question grid, writing questions, face validity, and revising the questions). Quantitative data collection includes empirical test questions in schools, analyzing item analysis, revising questions, and assembling questions into tests. The subjects of this study were evaluation experts, material experts and students of SMAN 5 Jambi City as many as 100 people. The collection instrument was in the form of a review sheet/validation test. Qualitative data were analyzed descriptively, and quantitative data were analyzed using the ANATES Program. The results of this research are mu...
This study aims to develop a virtual laboratory (Vir-lab) based guided inquiry on viscosity exper... more This study aims to develop a virtual laboratory (Vir-lab) based guided inquiry on viscosity experiments and know the students' perceptions of the products developed. This study was a research and development using 4D model that consists of four stage: define, design, develop, disseminate. The participants were two material experts, two media experts, and 43 students. Data collection used expert assessment sheet and student response questionnaire. The data were analyzed descriptively. The result of this study was a Vir-lab which was packaged in e-book form with 3D effects. The activities in the Vir-lab are designed based on the syntax of guided inquiry. The Vir-lab contains goals, problem formulations, theories, hypotheses, tutorial videos, virtual experiments, experimental data, data analysis, results, and conclusions. The results of the material expert obtained a score of 45 with a very good category and media experts obtained a score of 66 with a very good category, and the re...
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 2019
4.0 industrial revolution gives opportunity for education through learning technology. Mobile lea... more 4.0 industrial revolution gives opportunity for education through learning technology. Mobile learning is the use of technology in the learning process using tablets, PCs or smartphones. Technological development in education is the use of Android which is a medium for mobile learning that is more flexible. Online based mobile learning provides opportunities for students to study anytime and anywhere. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of electronic guide books and electronic-based assessment in a basic physics practicum with reflectance material on a flat mirror. The study involved 65 physics education students with 35 students in the experimental class and 30 students in the control class. This research is true experimental research with the post-test end-experimental control group design. Based on the evaluation, in very good category at the communication’s indicator and classification’s indicator for experimental class, and in very good category at the com...
Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika
At this time, the assessment and measurement of the concept’s level of understanding are consider... more At this time, the assessment and measurement of the concept’s level of understanding are considered less effective. This is due to the use of conventional media. With this in mind, researchers are interested in conducting research on developing assessments and measuring the understanding of concepts using web media. Web of the comprehension level test will be automatically stored in real-time on the system so that educators can process the data on the results of the misconception test and can also be seen by students as the results of the comprehension level test. This study aims to develop a web diagnostic test and identify students’ misconceptions about effort and energy as the subject matter. This study uses the ADDIE development model. The results obtained from this study were that the responses given by users showed good results. This means that the media used to measure student misconceptions is interactive enough to be used as a support in the learning process.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produk akhir modul elektronik fisika dan mengetahui per... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produk akhir modul elektronik fisika dan mengetahui persepsi siswa terhadap produk. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE. Subjek uji coba adalah siswa kelas XI MIA MAN 2 Tanjung Jabung Timur. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi, angket kebutuhan siswa, angket validasi ahli media dan materi dan angket persepsi siswa. Teknik analisis data berupa saran dari validator ahli media dan ahli materi, sedangkan skor angket validasi ahli media, ahli materi, dan persepsi siswa dilakukan secara statistic deskriptif. Produk yang dihasilkan adalah sebuah modul elektronik fisika menggunakan aplikasi KVisoft Flipbook Maker yang memuat warna, gambar, animasi, simulasi, video dan contoh soal interaktif. Produk dinyatakan layak oleh validator setelah melalui tahapan validasi ahli materi dan ahli media sebesar 30 dan 63 dengan kategori setuju. Hasil analisis persepsi siswa pada uji coba diperoleh skor 78.17 dikategorikan sangat s...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan four-tier diagnostic test berbasis web untuk mengident... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan four-tier diagnostic test berbasis web untuk mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi siswa SMP pada materi suhu dan kalor. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (Research dan Development) dengan menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Namun dalam penelitian hanya dibatasi sampai tahap Development karena tujuan penelitian sudah tercapai. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa angket validasi ahli media. Data penelitian meliputi data kuantitatif berupa evaluasi validator serta data kualitatif berupa komentar dan saran yang diberikan oleh validator. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk layak digunakan berdasarkan validasi ahli dengan kategori sangat layak. Produk yang dihasilkan memiliki dua bagian utama, yaitu four-tier diagnostic test dan data hasil analisis four-tier diagnostic test
Keberadaan Sambasunda memiliki daya tarik tersendiri untuk dijadikan sebagai objek penelitian ter... more Keberadaan Sambasunda memiliki daya tarik tersendiri untuk dijadikan sebagai objek penelitian tersendiri. Di tengah sulitnya generasi sekarang yang akan tertarik terhadap kesenian tradisi, kehadiran kesenian tradisi di tengah masyarakat Bandung yang hampir dilupakan dan mengalami transisi ke arah modern. Banyaknya bermunculan grup-grup musik yang mengusung konsep grup Sambasunda sebagai arah utama kreativitasnya, menjadikan Sambasunda semakin dikenal di masyarakat Bandung. Kreativitas Sambasunda merupakan perkembanggan dari kesenian tradisi sebagai tumpuan berkreativitas, dalam kreativitas yang dilakukan oleh Sambasunda pada lagu Bajidor Kahot ini berbeda dengan grup-grup musik lainnya dikarenakan pada lagu Bajidor Kahot adanya campuran dua unsur elmen musik yang berbeda budayanya, yaitu memadukan Gamelan Bali dengan instrumen Sunda. Selain itu juga adanya tepak Kendang Jaipong gaya Jugala dan Bajidoran dengan menonjolkan gending Bali yang sangat khas yaitu teknik Ubit-ubitan. Stuk...
In agreement with conceptual understanding, identifying problem-solving skills is an important to... more In agreement with conceptual understanding, identifying problem-solving skills is an important topic in physics. The purpose of this research was to explore students' problem-solving skills based on expert and novice categories. The research used a mixedmethod approach with an explanatory model with 34 prospective physics teachers at Jambi University, Indonesia. The data was obtained by using open-ended questions. Data were collected using tests and interviews. Data analysis was done by using the rubric for physics problem-solving skills. Problem-solving skills were classified into expert and novice. The research showed that most students have problem-solving skills by novice categories. The cause is the weak application of concepts in the problem-solving process. The research concludes application of the concept in the process of problem-solving not well understood by most students be the reason most students have categories novice ability in problemsolving.
4.0 industrial revolution gives opportunity for education through learning technology. Mobile lea... more 4.0 industrial revolution gives opportunity for education through learning technology. Mobile learning is the use of technology in the learning process using tablets, PCs or smartphones. Technological development in education is the use of Android which is a medium for mobile learning that is more flexible. Online based mobile learning provides opportunities for students to study anytime and anywhere. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of electronic guide books and electronic-based assessment in a basic physics practicum with reflectance material on a flat mirror. The study involved 65 physics education students with 35 students in the experimental class and 30 students in the control class. This research is true experimental research with the post-test end-experimental control group design. Based on the evaluation, in very good category at the communication’s indicator and classification’s indicator for experimental class, and in very good category at the com...
The use of gadgets can cause addiction and have a negative impact on the health and psychological... more The use of gadgets can cause addiction and have a negative impact on the health and psychological development of children. The solution to overcome this problem was through outdoor learning based on local wisdom of traditional games. This activity aims to form an agent for driving traditional games to reduce the use of gadgets for children in the District of Pelayangan. The method of implementing activities was in the form of socialization, training and assistance to prospective agents who drive traditional games. The targets of the activities were students at SDN 04 / IV and SDN 10 / IV Jambi City. The activity was carried out in July-September 2020. The evaluation was carried out by giving questionnaires to participants to determine the success of the activity. The results of this activity indicated that students at SDN 04 / IV and SDN 10 / IV Jambi City preferred traditional games. Based on the results of the questionnaire, data on the frequency of using gadgets decreased from a...
World Music is a term used to label non-Western music. The presence of World Music in Bandung mak... more World Music is a term used to label non-Western music. The presence of World Music in Bandung makes a trend in the young art community. The phenomenon of World Music influenced the traditional music group that began to identify themselves as World Music. The presence of World Music was warmly discussed, and emerged as a new identity for these groups. However, the term World Music just suck the attention of traditional music groups to name themselves. This is clearly questionable on the musical extras and intra-musical aspect. The term World Music for the community Young art Bandung is categorized as a mixed music. image Sambasunda as World Music, attracts the young art community of Bandung to follow what is done Sambasunda. The presence of Sambasunda is imaged as a popular group within World Music. He identified as a group of World Music, by entering World music this group is famous in European countries and even Asia. With the presence of Sambasunda in Bandung make a musical orient...
Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal yang dilakukan peneliti, maupun oleh teman sejawat. siswa yang m... more Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal yang dilakukan peneliti, maupun oleh teman sejawat. siswa yang mendapat nilai diatas 75 sebanyak 17 siswa, atau 44,7 % sedangkan nilai kurang dari 75 sebanyak 21 siswa atau 55,3% dari 38 siswa. Setelah peneliti melaksanakan perbaikan pembelajaran melalui pembelajaran siklus I dan siklus II dengan materi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dikelas V semester I tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 di SD Negeri Indihiang Kota Tasikmalaya, maka penulis dapat mengambil kesimpulan bahwa upaya meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa dengan metode bermain peran melalui pendekatan model cooperative learning dengan mengefektifkan alat peraga kebudayaan dan globe telah mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Peningkatan ini terjadi pada siklus I maupun siklus II dengan bukti adanya peningkatan pada :1) Menggunakan media pembelajaran kebudayaan dan globe dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. 2)Model pembelajaran cooperative learn...
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2019
Attitude is one aspect that needs to be considered both for learning activities or learning objec... more Attitude is one aspect that needs to be considered both for learning activities or learning objects. This study aims to determine the attitudes and motivations of students in mathematics physics subjects. The sample used was 100 students who had studied the Mathematics Physics course. This study employed quantitative research methods with correlational research design. Respondent was gathered by purposive sampling method. The research instruments used were attitude questionnaires in mathematical physics and motivational questionnaires. The study found that there is a significant relationship between attitudes and motivation of students in mathematics physics learning.
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2019
Scientific literacy is the ability which must be owned by the students to analyze and apply the c... more Scientific literacy is the ability which must be owned by the students to analyze and apply the concept of science in solving daily life problem. This research aims to know the correlation between scientific literacy and science learning achievement at State Junior High Schools. This research used a quantitative approach with correlational type. The population of this research were 428 grade IX students at State Junior High Schools within the District of Jaluko Muaro Jambi. The samples was 138 students. The technique of selecting samples was random sampling. The instruments used were the test of science literacy and the test of science learning achievement. Hypothesis test was conducted by using rank spearman correlation test with the assistance of SPSS 21. The results show the average score of scientific literacy is 33.7 (medium category) and the average score of science learning achievement is 21.5 (very low category). The result of the correlation test obtains Sig value 0.00 then...
Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 2020
In agreement with problem-solving skills, identifying conceptual understanding is an important to... more In agreement with problem-solving skills, identifying conceptual understanding is an important topic in physics. The purpose of this study was to analyze the conceptual understanding of physics teacher prospective students on direct current based electric material “Knowledge in Piece” Theory. The study used a mixed-method approach with an explanatory model with 148 Physics Pre-service at the Jambi University, Indonesia. Data were collected using tests and interviews. The students were given a test using reasoned multiplechoice question developed to find out the understanding of student concepts, while unstructured interviews were conducted to confirm student answers that were not clear.Data analysis was done by using a rubric which as developed based on the possible reasons for student’ answer to the concept of direct current electricity. The result of study showed that understanding the concept of students in direct current electricity material is still not very good, this is shown...
Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian dan pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan se... more Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian dan pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah media berupa buku bergambar bermuatan konsep fisika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang dapat dijadikan sebagai suplemen mata pelajaran IPA di SMP. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui pandangan dan ketertakiran siswa terhadap pembelajaran yang menggunakan media buku bergambar sebagai perwakilan contoh aplikasi dari materi yang diajarakan dan untuk melihat validitas atau kelayakan media buku bergambar yang telah dikembangkan serta untuk melihat penilaian siswa terhadap media buku bergambar yang teah dikembangkan. Angket yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diantaranya adalah angket survey lapangan yang diberikan kepada guru mata pelajaran IPA dan beberapa siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Toroh, angket validasi ahli diberikan kepada dosen Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi Universitas PGRI Semarang sebagai ahli media pembalajaran dan dosen Pendidikan Fisika Universitas PGRI Semarang s...
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a multiple choice science process skills te... more The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a multiple choice science process skills test. This research was a mixed method using sequential exploratory design. The data collection phase was divided into two. The qualitative data collection phase includes the stages of designing a science process skills test (arranging the test objectives, determining the type of process skills to be assessed, making a question grid, writing questions, face validity, and revising the questions). Quantitative data collection includes empirical test questions in schools, analyzing item analysis, revising questions, and assembling questions into tests. The subjects of this study were evaluation experts, material experts and students of SMAN 5 Jambi City as many as 100 people. The collection instrument was in the form of a review sheet/validation test. Qualitative data were analyzed descriptively, and quantitative data were analyzed using the ANATES Program. The results of this research are mu...
This study aims to develop a virtual laboratory (Vir-lab) based guided inquiry on viscosity exper... more This study aims to develop a virtual laboratory (Vir-lab) based guided inquiry on viscosity experiments and know the students' perceptions of the products developed. This study was a research and development using 4D model that consists of four stage: define, design, develop, disseminate. The participants were two material experts, two media experts, and 43 students. Data collection used expert assessment sheet and student response questionnaire. The data were analyzed descriptively. The result of this study was a Vir-lab which was packaged in e-book form with 3D effects. The activities in the Vir-lab are designed based on the syntax of guided inquiry. The Vir-lab contains goals, problem formulations, theories, hypotheses, tutorial videos, virtual experiments, experimental data, data analysis, results, and conclusions. The results of the material expert obtained a score of 45 with a very good category and media experts obtained a score of 66 with a very good category, and the re...
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 2019
4.0 industrial revolution gives opportunity for education through learning technology. Mobile lea... more 4.0 industrial revolution gives opportunity for education through learning technology. Mobile learning is the use of technology in the learning process using tablets, PCs or smartphones. Technological development in education is the use of Android which is a medium for mobile learning that is more flexible. Online based mobile learning provides opportunities for students to study anytime and anywhere. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of electronic guide books and electronic-based assessment in a basic physics practicum with reflectance material on a flat mirror. The study involved 65 physics education students with 35 students in the experimental class and 30 students in the control class. This research is true experimental research with the post-test end-experimental control group design. Based on the evaluation, in very good category at the communication’s indicator and classification’s indicator for experimental class, and in very good category at the com...
Papers by Wawan Kurniawan