Acute tinnitus and its transition to chronic tinnitus are poorly investigated, and factors associ... more Acute tinnitus and its transition to chronic tinnitus are poorly investigated, and factors associated with amelioration exacerbation are largely unknown. Aims of this study were to identify early predictors for the future development of tinnitus severity. Patients with tinnitus of no longer than 4 weeks presenting at an otolaryngologist filled out questionnaires at inclusion (T1), as well as 3 (T3), and 6 months (T4) after tinnitus onset. 6 weeks after onset, an interview was conducted over the phone (T2). An audiogram was taken at T1, perceived tinnitus loudness, and tinnitus-related distress were assessed separately and repeatedly together with oversensitivity to external sounds and the levels of depression and anxiety. Furthermore, coping strategies with illness were recorded. Complete remission until T4 was observed in 11% of the 47 participants, while voiced complaints at onset were stable in the majority. In the subgroup with a relevant level of depression at T1, tinnitus-rela...
BACKGROUND Aim was to assess correlations between hearing threshold and mental health measures at... more BACKGROUND Aim was to assess correlations between hearing threshold and mental health measures at tinnitus onset and tinnitus severity after 6 months. Short self-report questionnaires were used to permit later use in ENT-practices. METHOD 28 patients with tinnitus of no longer than 4 weeks filled out questionnaires at inclusion (T1), and at 6 weeks (T2), 3 (T3) and 6 months (T4) after tinnitus onset. An audiogram was recorded at T1. Tinnitus loudness and sound sensitivity were assessed by numeric rating scales, tinnitus-distress was recorded with the short form of the tinnitus questionnaire. Mental health and personality factors were measured by the depressivity, anxiety and somatic severity scales of the Patient Health Questionnaire, and the resilience scale. RESULTS Tinnitus loudness and distress were stable throughout the investigation period whereas sound sensitivity decreased. Resilience did not represent a predictor for tinnitus severity after 6 months. Depressivity and hearing loss at T1 had an effect on later tinnitus loudness, while depressivity and age at T1 showed an effect on sound sensitivity and tinnitus-related distress at T4. CONCLUSION Stability of tinnitus severity during the 6 months after onset supports the hypothesis of early manifestation. RESULTS also support the hypothesis that later tinnitus severity is related to psychological distress and hearing impairment at onset. RESULTS suggest to use hearing aids to alleviate tinnitus loudness, and to include tools for the identification of depressive disorders at an early stage to identify patients that might benefit from psychotherapeutic interventions.
It has been suggested that personality traits may be prognostic for the severity of suffering fro... more It has been suggested that personality traits may be prognostic for the severity of suffering from tinnitus. Resilience as measured with the Wagnild and Young resilience scale represents a positive personality characteristic that promotes adaptation to adverse life conditions including chronic health conditions. Aim of the study was to explore the relation between resilience and tinnitus severity. In a cross-sectional study with a self-report questionnaire, information on tinnitus-related distress and subjective tinnitus loudness was recorded together with the personality characteristic resilience and emotional health, a measure generated from depression, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity scales. Data from 4705 individuals with tinnitus indicate that tinnitus-related distress and to a lesser extent the experienced loudness of the tinnitus show an inverse correlation with resilience. A mediation analysis revealed that the relationship between resilience and tinnitus-related distr...
Tinnitus is an auditory sensation that is generated by aberrant activation within the auditory sy... more Tinnitus is an auditory sensation that is generated by aberrant activation within the auditory system. Sleep disturbances are a frequent problem in the tinnitus population. They are known to worsen the distress caused by the tinnitus which in turn worsens sleep quality. Beyond that, disturbed sleep is a risk factor for mental health problems and distressing tinnitus is often associated with enhanced depressivity, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity. Moreover there is evidence that therapies which alleviate tinnitus-related distress have a positive influence on sleep quality and help interrupt this vicious cycle. This suggests that distressing tinnitus and insomnia may both be promoted by similar physiological mechanisms. One candidate mechanism is hyperarousal caused by enhanced activation of the sympathetic nervous system. There is increasing evidence for hyperarousal in insomnia patients, and animal models of tinnitus and insomnia show conspicuous similarities in the activation pattern of limbic and autonomous brain regions. In this article we review the evidence for this hypothesis which may have implications for therapeutic intervention in tinnitus patients with comorbid insomnia.
Objectives: Overall success of current tinnitus therapies is low, which may be due to the heterog... more Objectives: Overall success of current tinnitus therapies is low, which may be due to the heterogeneity of tinnitus patients. Therefore, subclassification of tinnitus patients is expected to improve therapeutic allocation, which, in turn, is hoped to improve therapeutic success for the individual patient. The present study aims to define factors that differentially influence subjectively perceived tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related distress. Methods: In a questionnaire-based cross-sectional survey, the data of 4705 individuals with tinnitus were analyzed. The selfreport questionnaire contained items about subjective tinnitus loudness, type of onset, awareness and localization of the tinnitus, hearing impairment, chronic comorbidities, sleep quality, and psychometrically validated questionnaires addressing tinnitus-related distress, depressivity, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity. In a binary step-wise logistic regression model, we tested the predictive power of these variables on subjective tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related distress. Results: The present data contribute to the distinction between subjective tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related distress. Whereas subjective loudness was associated with permanent awareness and binaural localization of the tinnitus, tinnitusrelated distress was associated with depressivity, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity. Conclusions: Subjective tinnitus loudness and the potential presence of severe depressivity, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity should be assessed separately from tinnitus-related distress. If loud tinnitus is the major complaint together with mild or moderate tinnitus-related distress, therapies should focus on auditory perception. If levels of depressivity, anxiety or somatic symptom severity are severe, therapies and further diagnosis should focus on these symptoms at first.
Overall success of current tinnitus therapies is low, which may be due to the heterogeneity of ti... more Overall success of current tinnitus therapies is low, which may be due to the heterogeneity of tinnitus patients. Therefore, subclassification of tinnitus patients is expected to improve therapeutic allocation, which, in turn, is hoped to improve therapeutic success for the individual patient. The present study aims to define factors that differentially influence subjectively perceived tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related distress.
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund. Untersucht wurde der therapeutische Effekt einer Tinnitusretrainin... more Zusammenfassung Hintergrund. Untersucht wurde der therapeutische Effekt einer Tinnitusretrainingtherapie (TRT) in Kombination mit einer zusätzlichen kognitiv-behavioralen Gruppentherapie. Patienten und Methode. 95 Patienten im Alter von 17–73 Jahren mit chronischem Tinnitus nahmen an der Studie teil. 16 Teilnehmer dienten als Wartekontrollgruppe. Die 79 Therapieteilnehmer wurden 3 Gruppen zugeordnet, wobei die Patienten der Gruppe 1 mit Rauschgeneratoren und die der Gruppe 2
2004 und 2010 wurden Befragungen aller Mitglieder der Deutschen Tinnitus-Liga durchgeführt (Hille... more 2004 und 2010 wurden Befragungen aller Mitglieder der Deutschen Tinnitus-Liga durchgeführt (Hiller & Goebel, 2006, 2007; Wallhäusser-Franke et al., 2012 a,b). Tinnitusbelastung (Mini-TF, Goebel & Hiller, 2004), subjektive Tinnituslautheit, sowie das Vorhandensein von Hyperakusis[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
Norena et al. [ref:1] proposed a method for the psychoacoustic characterization of tinnitus. The ... more Norena et al. [ref:1] proposed a method for the psychoacoustic characterization of tinnitus. The aim of our study was to investigate clinical uses of psychoacoustic tinnitus spectra as well as their relation to cochlea defects. Methods: 61 tinnitus patients (28 with normal hearing, 33[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
From September 2010 to January 2011 we performed a cross-sectional survey among the members of th... more From September 2010 to January 2011 we performed a cross-sectional survey among the members of the German Tinnitus League (DTL). 4705, i.e. 29.4% of the DTL-members had sent in a complete questionnaire by January 2011. The questionnaire consisted of questions regarding tinnitus characteristics[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
Hintergrund Die Prävalenz an einer Stimmstörung zu erkranken liegt schätzungsweise bei 6,6% und d... more Hintergrund Die Prävalenz an einer Stimmstörung zu erkranken liegt schätzungsweise bei 6,6% und die Lebenszeitprävalenz bei 29,9%. Funktionelle Stimmstörungen gehören mit 30% zu der häufigsten laryngealen Pathologie im Erwachsenenalter. Stimmstörungen[zum vollständigen Text gelangen Sie über die oben angegebene URL]
The fitting of cochlear implants as well as hearing aids requires information on the hearing thre... more The fitting of cochlear implants as well as hearing aids requires information on the hearing threshold as well as on the uncomfortable loudness level. Due to its very subjective nature, the estimation of the uncomfortable loudness level is particularly challenging and represents a clinically unsolved problem. Using a computational monitoring of the habituation processes in single sweeps recordings of late auditory evoked potentials (LAEP), we propose a method that might be able to objectively determine the uncomfortable loudness level in non--cooperative patients such as newborns. Here we presented preliminary results of an ongoing study. Single sweep recordings of LAEP were performed at 2 stimulation levels, 50dB and and 100dB hearing level (HL) with an interstimulus interval (ISI) of 1s. In a group of 10 voluntary adult subjects with normal hearing, our scheme based on the analysis of single sweeps recordings and the calculation of time-scale phase coherence, the 1.12% reduction o...
Wood and Milgrom defined vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) as paradoxical adduction of the vocal folds... more Wood and Milgrom defined vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) as paradoxical adduction of the vocal folds during inspiration or during inspiration and expiration. We describe the case of a patient with attacks of dyspnea with an isolated expiratory paradoxical adduction of the vocal folds. A review of the literature reveals many factors associated with VCD. Because of the similar risk factors and order of events concerning VCD, we believe that even expiratory laryngeal dysfunctions could be denoted as subtypes of VCD.
2009 4th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 2009
... Electroencephalographic Data : A Novelty Detection Approach Using Habituation Correlates Mai ... more ... Electroencephalographic Data : A Novelty Detection Approach Using Habituation Correlates Mai Mariam ∗ , Wolfgang Delb ∗ , and Daniel J Strauss ∗ ... k we define the function δx : P −→RK δx(θ) = (δ1(θ),...θK(θ), ) = (γ(c θ K−n ), (γ(c θ K−n−1 ),...γ(c θ K ), ...
BACKGROUND: Binaural interaction components of auditory brainstem responses have long been studie... more BACKGROUND: Binaural interaction components of auditory brainstem responses have long been studied and its beta-wave has been shown to be correlated with directional hearing ability. As patients with auditory processing disorders such as patients with some sorts of learning disabilities frequently have difficulties with binaural processing it seems sensible to use binaural interaction components in the diagnosis of these disorders. METHODS: In order to obtain normal values and to investigate the influence of interaural time (ITD) and level differences (ILD) binaural interaction components were measured in 21 adults. Interaural time differences varied between 0 and 1.2 ms and interaural level differences between 0 and 30 dB. RESULTS: beta-latencies increased significantly as interaural time differences increased while beta-amplitudes did not change significantly. In measurements with higher interaural time differences detection of the beta-wave was only rarely possible. The effect of interaural level differences on beta-latencies was less pronounced and not significant as well as the influence of interaural level differences on beta-amplitudes. CONCLUSIONS: In the present study it could be shown that the beta-wave of the binaural interaction waveform is present in almost every normal hearing subject. As amplitudes show a considerable variation beta-latencies seem to be of higher diagnostic value than amplitudes.
Der in dieser HNO-Ausgabe veröffentlichte Beitrag von Walger et al. Beschäftigt sich mit der obje... more Der in dieser HNO-Ausgabe veröffentlichte Beitrag von Walger et al. Beschäftigt sich mit der objektiven Diagnostik der binauralen Interaktion, einer Leistung des zentralen auditiven Systems. Abgesehen von Patienten mit umschriebenen Defekten des Hirnstamms findet man Fehlfunktionen der binauralen Interaktion insbesondere bei Patienten mit zentralen auditiven Verarbeitungs- und Wahrnehmungsstörungen.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2005
Accessible neural correlates of binaural interaction might be useful for the objective adjustment... more Accessible neural correlates of binaural interaction might be useful for the objective adjustment of cochlear implants in a bilateral implantation. A possible candidate could be the beta-wave of binaural interaction components in auditory brainstem responses which has been shown to be an objective measure of binaural interaction. However a reliable and automated detection of this component capable of clinical use still remains a challenge and, moreover, it is mainly applied as discrete decision measure which does not allow for a quantitative assessment of binaural interaction. In this correspondence, we suggest a continuous time-scale feature of binaurally evoked brainstem responses for the quantitative assessment of binaural interaction in bilateral cochlear implant users. The extraction of such a feature by morphological local discriminant bases has recently been introduced in the objective diagnosis of the central auditory processing disorder. We show that this feature could be o...
Acute tinnitus and its transition to chronic tinnitus are poorly investigated, and factors associ... more Acute tinnitus and its transition to chronic tinnitus are poorly investigated, and factors associated with amelioration exacerbation are largely unknown. Aims of this study were to identify early predictors for the future development of tinnitus severity. Patients with tinnitus of no longer than 4 weeks presenting at an otolaryngologist filled out questionnaires at inclusion (T1), as well as 3 (T3), and 6 months (T4) after tinnitus onset. 6 weeks after onset, an interview was conducted over the phone (T2). An audiogram was taken at T1, perceived tinnitus loudness, and tinnitus-related distress were assessed separately and repeatedly together with oversensitivity to external sounds and the levels of depression and anxiety. Furthermore, coping strategies with illness were recorded. Complete remission until T4 was observed in 11% of the 47 participants, while voiced complaints at onset were stable in the majority. In the subgroup with a relevant level of depression at T1, tinnitus-rela...
BACKGROUND Aim was to assess correlations between hearing threshold and mental health measures at... more BACKGROUND Aim was to assess correlations between hearing threshold and mental health measures at tinnitus onset and tinnitus severity after 6 months. Short self-report questionnaires were used to permit later use in ENT-practices. METHOD 28 patients with tinnitus of no longer than 4 weeks filled out questionnaires at inclusion (T1), and at 6 weeks (T2), 3 (T3) and 6 months (T4) after tinnitus onset. An audiogram was recorded at T1. Tinnitus loudness and sound sensitivity were assessed by numeric rating scales, tinnitus-distress was recorded with the short form of the tinnitus questionnaire. Mental health and personality factors were measured by the depressivity, anxiety and somatic severity scales of the Patient Health Questionnaire, and the resilience scale. RESULTS Tinnitus loudness and distress were stable throughout the investigation period whereas sound sensitivity decreased. Resilience did not represent a predictor for tinnitus severity after 6 months. Depressivity and hearing loss at T1 had an effect on later tinnitus loudness, while depressivity and age at T1 showed an effect on sound sensitivity and tinnitus-related distress at T4. CONCLUSION Stability of tinnitus severity during the 6 months after onset supports the hypothesis of early manifestation. RESULTS also support the hypothesis that later tinnitus severity is related to psychological distress and hearing impairment at onset. RESULTS suggest to use hearing aids to alleviate tinnitus loudness, and to include tools for the identification of depressive disorders at an early stage to identify patients that might benefit from psychotherapeutic interventions.
It has been suggested that personality traits may be prognostic for the severity of suffering fro... more It has been suggested that personality traits may be prognostic for the severity of suffering from tinnitus. Resilience as measured with the Wagnild and Young resilience scale represents a positive personality characteristic that promotes adaptation to adverse life conditions including chronic health conditions. Aim of the study was to explore the relation between resilience and tinnitus severity. In a cross-sectional study with a self-report questionnaire, information on tinnitus-related distress and subjective tinnitus loudness was recorded together with the personality characteristic resilience and emotional health, a measure generated from depression, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity scales. Data from 4705 individuals with tinnitus indicate that tinnitus-related distress and to a lesser extent the experienced loudness of the tinnitus show an inverse correlation with resilience. A mediation analysis revealed that the relationship between resilience and tinnitus-related distr...
Tinnitus is an auditory sensation that is generated by aberrant activation within the auditory sy... more Tinnitus is an auditory sensation that is generated by aberrant activation within the auditory system. Sleep disturbances are a frequent problem in the tinnitus population. They are known to worsen the distress caused by the tinnitus which in turn worsens sleep quality. Beyond that, disturbed sleep is a risk factor for mental health problems and distressing tinnitus is often associated with enhanced depressivity, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity. Moreover there is evidence that therapies which alleviate tinnitus-related distress have a positive influence on sleep quality and help interrupt this vicious cycle. This suggests that distressing tinnitus and insomnia may both be promoted by similar physiological mechanisms. One candidate mechanism is hyperarousal caused by enhanced activation of the sympathetic nervous system. There is increasing evidence for hyperarousal in insomnia patients, and animal models of tinnitus and insomnia show conspicuous similarities in the activation pattern of limbic and autonomous brain regions. In this article we review the evidence for this hypothesis which may have implications for therapeutic intervention in tinnitus patients with comorbid insomnia.
Objectives: Overall success of current tinnitus therapies is low, which may be due to the heterog... more Objectives: Overall success of current tinnitus therapies is low, which may be due to the heterogeneity of tinnitus patients. Therefore, subclassification of tinnitus patients is expected to improve therapeutic allocation, which, in turn, is hoped to improve therapeutic success for the individual patient. The present study aims to define factors that differentially influence subjectively perceived tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related distress. Methods: In a questionnaire-based cross-sectional survey, the data of 4705 individuals with tinnitus were analyzed. The selfreport questionnaire contained items about subjective tinnitus loudness, type of onset, awareness and localization of the tinnitus, hearing impairment, chronic comorbidities, sleep quality, and psychometrically validated questionnaires addressing tinnitus-related distress, depressivity, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity. In a binary step-wise logistic regression model, we tested the predictive power of these variables on subjective tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related distress. Results: The present data contribute to the distinction between subjective tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related distress. Whereas subjective loudness was associated with permanent awareness and binaural localization of the tinnitus, tinnitusrelated distress was associated with depressivity, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity. Conclusions: Subjective tinnitus loudness and the potential presence of severe depressivity, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity should be assessed separately from tinnitus-related distress. If loud tinnitus is the major complaint together with mild or moderate tinnitus-related distress, therapies should focus on auditory perception. If levels of depressivity, anxiety or somatic symptom severity are severe, therapies and further diagnosis should focus on these symptoms at first.
Overall success of current tinnitus therapies is low, which may be due to the heterogeneity of ti... more Overall success of current tinnitus therapies is low, which may be due to the heterogeneity of tinnitus patients. Therefore, subclassification of tinnitus patients is expected to improve therapeutic allocation, which, in turn, is hoped to improve therapeutic success for the individual patient. The present study aims to define factors that differentially influence subjectively perceived tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related distress.
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund. Untersucht wurde der therapeutische Effekt einer Tinnitusretrainin... more Zusammenfassung Hintergrund. Untersucht wurde der therapeutische Effekt einer Tinnitusretrainingtherapie (TRT) in Kombination mit einer zusätzlichen kognitiv-behavioralen Gruppentherapie. Patienten und Methode. 95 Patienten im Alter von 17–73 Jahren mit chronischem Tinnitus nahmen an der Studie teil. 16 Teilnehmer dienten als Wartekontrollgruppe. Die 79 Therapieteilnehmer wurden 3 Gruppen zugeordnet, wobei die Patienten der Gruppe 1 mit Rauschgeneratoren und die der Gruppe 2
2004 und 2010 wurden Befragungen aller Mitglieder der Deutschen Tinnitus-Liga durchgeführt (Hille... more 2004 und 2010 wurden Befragungen aller Mitglieder der Deutschen Tinnitus-Liga durchgeführt (Hiller & Goebel, 2006, 2007; Wallhäusser-Franke et al., 2012 a,b). Tinnitusbelastung (Mini-TF, Goebel & Hiller, 2004), subjektive Tinnituslautheit, sowie das Vorhandensein von Hyperakusis[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
Norena et al. [ref:1] proposed a method for the psychoacoustic characterization of tinnitus. The ... more Norena et al. [ref:1] proposed a method for the psychoacoustic characterization of tinnitus. The aim of our study was to investigate clinical uses of psychoacoustic tinnitus spectra as well as their relation to cochlea defects. Methods: 61 tinnitus patients (28 with normal hearing, 33[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
From September 2010 to January 2011 we performed a cross-sectional survey among the members of th... more From September 2010 to January 2011 we performed a cross-sectional survey among the members of the German Tinnitus League (DTL). 4705, i.e. 29.4% of the DTL-members had sent in a complete questionnaire by January 2011. The questionnaire consisted of questions regarding tinnitus characteristics[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
Hintergrund Die Prävalenz an einer Stimmstörung zu erkranken liegt schätzungsweise bei 6,6% und d... more Hintergrund Die Prävalenz an einer Stimmstörung zu erkranken liegt schätzungsweise bei 6,6% und die Lebenszeitprävalenz bei 29,9%. Funktionelle Stimmstörungen gehören mit 30% zu der häufigsten laryngealen Pathologie im Erwachsenenalter. Stimmstörungen[zum vollständigen Text gelangen Sie über die oben angegebene URL]
The fitting of cochlear implants as well as hearing aids requires information on the hearing thre... more The fitting of cochlear implants as well as hearing aids requires information on the hearing threshold as well as on the uncomfortable loudness level. Due to its very subjective nature, the estimation of the uncomfortable loudness level is particularly challenging and represents a clinically unsolved problem. Using a computational monitoring of the habituation processes in single sweeps recordings of late auditory evoked potentials (LAEP), we propose a method that might be able to objectively determine the uncomfortable loudness level in non--cooperative patients such as newborns. Here we presented preliminary results of an ongoing study. Single sweep recordings of LAEP were performed at 2 stimulation levels, 50dB and and 100dB hearing level (HL) with an interstimulus interval (ISI) of 1s. In a group of 10 voluntary adult subjects with normal hearing, our scheme based on the analysis of single sweeps recordings and the calculation of time-scale phase coherence, the 1.12% reduction o...
Wood and Milgrom defined vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) as paradoxical adduction of the vocal folds... more Wood and Milgrom defined vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) as paradoxical adduction of the vocal folds during inspiration or during inspiration and expiration. We describe the case of a patient with attacks of dyspnea with an isolated expiratory paradoxical adduction of the vocal folds. A review of the literature reveals many factors associated with VCD. Because of the similar risk factors and order of events concerning VCD, we believe that even expiratory laryngeal dysfunctions could be denoted as subtypes of VCD.
2009 4th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 2009
... Electroencephalographic Data : A Novelty Detection Approach Using Habituation Correlates Mai ... more ... Electroencephalographic Data : A Novelty Detection Approach Using Habituation Correlates Mai Mariam ∗ , Wolfgang Delb ∗ , and Daniel J Strauss ∗ ... k we define the function δx : P −→RK δx(θ) = (δ1(θ),...θK(θ), ) = (γ(c θ K−n ), (γ(c θ K−n−1 ),...γ(c θ K ), ...
BACKGROUND: Binaural interaction components of auditory brainstem responses have long been studie... more BACKGROUND: Binaural interaction components of auditory brainstem responses have long been studied and its beta-wave has been shown to be correlated with directional hearing ability. As patients with auditory processing disorders such as patients with some sorts of learning disabilities frequently have difficulties with binaural processing it seems sensible to use binaural interaction components in the diagnosis of these disorders. METHODS: In order to obtain normal values and to investigate the influence of interaural time (ITD) and level differences (ILD) binaural interaction components were measured in 21 adults. Interaural time differences varied between 0 and 1.2 ms and interaural level differences between 0 and 30 dB. RESULTS: beta-latencies increased significantly as interaural time differences increased while beta-amplitudes did not change significantly. In measurements with higher interaural time differences detection of the beta-wave was only rarely possible. The effect of interaural level differences on beta-latencies was less pronounced and not significant as well as the influence of interaural level differences on beta-amplitudes. CONCLUSIONS: In the present study it could be shown that the beta-wave of the binaural interaction waveform is present in almost every normal hearing subject. As amplitudes show a considerable variation beta-latencies seem to be of higher diagnostic value than amplitudes.
Der in dieser HNO-Ausgabe veröffentlichte Beitrag von Walger et al. Beschäftigt sich mit der obje... more Der in dieser HNO-Ausgabe veröffentlichte Beitrag von Walger et al. Beschäftigt sich mit der objektiven Diagnostik der binauralen Interaktion, einer Leistung des zentralen auditiven Systems. Abgesehen von Patienten mit umschriebenen Defekten des Hirnstamms findet man Fehlfunktionen der binauralen Interaktion insbesondere bei Patienten mit zentralen auditiven Verarbeitungs- und Wahrnehmungsstörungen.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2005
Accessible neural correlates of binaural interaction might be useful for the objective adjustment... more Accessible neural correlates of binaural interaction might be useful for the objective adjustment of cochlear implants in a bilateral implantation. A possible candidate could be the beta-wave of binaural interaction components in auditory brainstem responses which has been shown to be an objective measure of binaural interaction. However a reliable and automated detection of this component capable of clinical use still remains a challenge and, moreover, it is mainly applied as discrete decision measure which does not allow for a quantitative assessment of binaural interaction. In this correspondence, we suggest a continuous time-scale feature of binaurally evoked brainstem responses for the quantitative assessment of binaural interaction in bilateral cochlear implant users. The extraction of such a feature by morphological local discriminant bases has recently been introduced in the objective diagnosis of the central auditory processing disorder. We show that this feature could be o...
Papers by Wolfgang Delb