Offset dynamics of human smooth pursuit eye movements: Effects of target presence and subject att... more Offset dynamics of human smooth pursuit eye movements: Effects of target presence and subject attention
Entre Dos Mundos Revista De Traduccion Sobre Discapacidad Visual, 2005
En este articulo los autores exponen el resultado de un estudio realizado entre personas de mas d... more En este articulo los autores exponen el resultado de un estudio realizado entre personas de mas de 65 anos para averiguar si podian aprender a leer una de estas tres fuentes tactiles: una fuente nueva llamada ELIA, la fuente Braille estandar o un tipo de letra redonda (Roman) en relieve. El resultado es que los sujetos podian leer la fuente ELIA con mas velocidad y mas precision de reconocimiento que la fuente Roman, y que estas dos fuentes se leen con mas precision y velocidad que el Braille.
Most low-vision subjects read text faster from an RSVP display than they do with full PAGE readin... more Most low-vision subjects read text faster from an RSVP display than they do with full PAGE reading. This result has been confirmed with a group of subjects with congenital nystagmus (Plass and Yager, 1995, paper presented at ARVO). The present experiment was intended to determine whether reading with RSVP also reduced the severity of the nystagmus, which may have contributed to the faster reading rates. Eye position and velocity of congenital nystagmats were recorded with an infrared reflection technique, sampled at 40 s−1. Recordings were made in three conditions: (1) passively viewing a blank computer monitor; (2) silently reading full PAGE text at a size of approximately four times Snellen acuity; (3) silently reading RSVP text at the same size, at about 200 words min−1. We found that: (1) in frequency histograms of instantaneous eye velocities at 25 ms intervals, the full width at half height was an average of 60% smaller for RSVP reading compared to PAGE; (2) with a window of ±...
Offset dynamics of human smooth pursuit eye movements: Effects of target presence and subject att... more Offset dynamics of human smooth pursuit eye movements: Effects of target presence and subject attention
Entre Dos Mundos Revista De Traduccion Sobre Discapacidad Visual, 2005
En este articulo los autores exponen el resultado de un estudio realizado entre personas de mas d... more En este articulo los autores exponen el resultado de un estudio realizado entre personas de mas de 65 anos para averiguar si podian aprender a leer una de estas tres fuentes tactiles: una fuente nueva llamada ELIA, la fuente Braille estandar o un tipo de letra redonda (Roman) en relieve. El resultado es que los sujetos podian leer la fuente ELIA con mas velocidad y mas precision de reconocimiento que la fuente Roman, y que estas dos fuentes se leen con mas precision y velocidad que el Braille.
Most low-vision subjects read text faster from an RSVP display than they do with full PAGE readin... more Most low-vision subjects read text faster from an RSVP display than they do with full PAGE reading. This result has been confirmed with a group of subjects with congenital nystagmus (Plass and Yager, 1995, paper presented at ARVO). The present experiment was intended to determine whether reading with RSVP also reduced the severity of the nystagmus, which may have contributed to the faster reading rates. Eye position and velocity of congenital nystagmats were recorded with an infrared reflection technique, sampled at 40 s−1. Recordings were made in three conditions: (1) passively viewing a blank computer monitor; (2) silently reading full PAGE text at a size of approximately four times Snellen acuity; (3) silently reading RSVP text at the same size, at about 200 words min−1. We found that: (1) in frequency histograms of instantaneous eye velocities at 25 ms intervals, the full width at half height was an average of 60% smaller for RSVP reading compared to PAGE; (2) with a window of ±...
Papers by Harry Wyatt