A constante evolução técnica em antropologia forense visa, sobretudo, trazer maior celeridade e q... more A constante evolução técnica em antropologia forense visa, sobretudo, trazer maior celeridade e qualidade para as análises periciais. Este trabalho é um relato de experiência que apresentará em detalhes o DO -Sator, dispositivo criado pelo Dr. Frank Marotta, cuja finalidade principal é preparar remanescentes biológicos para o exame antropológico, de forma padronizada e com controle fino de temperatura. Nesta leitura você irá conhecer os materiais necessários para produção, instruções para montagem e utilização do dispositivo. O DO -Sator está em uso no
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar o equipamento denominado Jaw Angulator, criado pelo Dr... more Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar o equipamento denominado Jaw Angulator, criado pelo Dr. Frank Marotta para padronização e redução de erros de aferição na sua utilização em Antropologia Forense. Ao longo dos anos, este autor desenvolveu em sua oficina diversos aparelhos visando aprimorar resultados na análise forense. Os equipamentos foram incorporados à rotina do serviço de Antropologia Forense do Instituto Médico Legal André Roquette e, também, ajudaram na estética e design do espaço. Este é um trabalho de relato de experiência baseado nas invenções do Dr. Frank, mais especificamente no Jaw Angulator. O dispositivo estará detalhado neste artigo e, da mesma forma, as instruções para reproduzi-lo.
Este trabalho apresentará o equipamento OS-T-OMETRO desenvolvido pelo Dr. Frank Marotta para padr... more Este trabalho apresentará o equipamento OS-T-OMETRO desenvolvido pelo Dr. Frank Marotta para padronização e correta aferição das medidas antropométricas dos ossos longos. Nesta leitura será possível conhecer os componentes e a montagem deste dispositivo, que está em uso, desde 1988, no Laboratório de Antropologia do Instituto Médico Legal André Roquette, em Belo Horizonte.
The suicide phenomenon involves complex interactions between psychological, biological, cultural ... more The suicide phenomenon involves complex interactions between psychological, biological, cultural and socio-environmental factors. This study aimed to assess the epidemiological and toxicological profiles of officially confirmed suicide victims. A retrospective study was performed using autopsy reports, forensic anthropology examinations and police summaries of all suicide cases that underwent toxicological analysis at an Official Forensic Laboratory (Minas Gerais, Brazil) in 1 year. The sample set was composed of 351 suicide victims, predominantly men (70.32%), most of them were adults between 31 and 64 years old (62.11%), with mixed skin colour (48.89%) and low educational level (66.44%). The most common suicide method was hanging (57.79%), followed by intoxication (30.45%). Most victims presented positive toxicological results (56.41%), especially for the presence of medicines (37.6%), illicit drugs (36.3%) and pesticides (26.1%). Our study corroborated previous data that most suicide victims have low educational levels. The most common toxicological findings were medicines, especially prescription drugs, followed by illicit drugs and pesticides. We hope this study contributes to reflections and planning of preventive suicide programmes, considering the described profiles of victims.
The collapse of the B1 Dam of VALE SA mining company in Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, Brazil was the ... more The collapse of the B1 Dam of VALE SA mining company in Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, Brazil was the largest humanitarian disaster and occupational accident in the country's history, and it posed challenges regarding the management and identification of multiple victims. We evaluated the impact of the iron ore tailings on the victims' bodies. We examined the scientific identification of the victims and the dynamics of the disaster over the 1st year after it occurred. We also determined the socio-demographic profiles of the victims. In this retrospective, cross-sectional study, we investigated the expert reports of the victims' biological remains from 25 January 2019 to 25 January 2020. We analysed the socio-demographic data, identification methods, identification status, identification time, and necroscopic information. During the study period, 259 of 270 victims were identified, and 603 biological materials were analysed; among them, 86.2% were body parts and 13.8% were whole bodies. Of the total cases registered that year, 476 (78.9%) were submitted during the first 10 weeks after the disaster. Friction ridge analysis accounted for 67.9% of primary identifications and DNA analysis did so for 91.6% of re-identification cases. Body dismemberment was 3.4 times greater among mine workers than among community victims. Adult males accounted for the greatest number of victims (P < 0.001). Polytraumatic injury was the prevalent single cause of death. Necropsy examination revealed the occurrence of asphyxia in 7% of cases. The higher number of fatalities and greater dismemberment among employees than with community residents underlines the occupational dangers in the mining industry and clarifies the dynamics of the disaster. In the initial weeks after the dam collapsed, friction ridge analysis was the most appropriate method for identification. Subsequently, DNA analysis became the most-used technique for identification and re-identification owing to the great volume of body parts and decomposed biological tissue. Autopsy allowed diagnosis of the causes of death to be clarified according to the Brazilian criminal legal system.
Brazilian Journal of Forensic Anthropology & Legal Medicine
A constante evolução técnica em antropologia forense visa, sobretudo, trazer maior celeridade e ... more A constante evolução técnica em antropologia forense visa, sobretudo, trazer maior celeridade e qualidade para as análises periciais. Este trabalho é um relato de experiência que apresentará em detalhes o D-O-Sator, dispositivo criado pelo Dr. Frank Marotta, cuja finalidade principal é preparar remanescentes biológicos para o exame antropológico, de forma padronizada e com controle fino de temperatura. Nesta leitura você irá conhecer os materiais necessários para produção, instruções para montagem e utilização do dispositivo. O D-O-Sator está em uso no Laboratório de Antropologia Forense do Instituto Médico Legal Dr. André Roquette, em Belo Horizonte, que faz parte da Polícia Civil de Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Brazilian Journal of Forensic Anthropology & Legal Medicine
Este trabalho relata os procedimentos aplicados no atendimento ao DVI BRUMADINHO pela equipe do I... more Este trabalho relata os procedimentos aplicados no atendimento ao DVI BRUMADINHO pela equipe do Instituto Médico Legal André Roquete – Belo Horizonte/MG. Acredita-se que conhecer os desafios enfrentados e soluções encontradas poderá auxiliar a comunidade científica em outras situações de desastre no âmbito forense.
Brazilian Journal of Forensic Anthropology & Legal Medicine
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar o equipamento denominado Jaw Angulator, criado pelo Dr... more Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar o equipamento denominado Jaw Angulator, criado pelo Dr. Frank Marotta para padronização e redução de erros de aferição na sua utilização em Antropologia Forense. Ao longo dos anos, este autor desenvolveu, em sua oficina, diversos aparelhos visando aprimorar resultados na análise forense. Os equipamentos foram incorporados à rotina do serviço de Antropologia Forense do Instituto Médico Legal André Roquette e, também, ajudaram na estética e design do espaço. Este é um trabalho de relato de experiência baseado nas invenções do Dr. Frank, mais, especificamente, no Jaw Angulator. O dispositivo estará detalhado neste artigo e, da mesma forma, as instruções para reproduzi-lo.
O presente artigo teve como designio o estudo da corrupcao policial sob a perspectiva dos preceit... more O presente artigo teve como designio o estudo da corrupcao policial sob a perspectiva dos preceitos da Teoria da Associacao Diferencial, cujo exponente e Edwin Sutherland. Partindo da premissa que a conduta criminosa e aprendida mediante o processo de comunicacao, foi defendido neste estudo que a corrupcao policial e uma forma de interacao social, resultado de associacoes incorretas. Foram colecionados autores classicos que tratam sobre o tema, fomentando a discussao teorica e demonstrado alguns dados estatisticos, retirados de artigos e doutrinas, da incidencia da corrupcao em âmbito policial. O estudo desse fenomeno criminal teve como objetivo entender o comportamento e por qual motivo existe a corrupcao especificamente no âmbito policial e como essa conduta impacta nas Instituicoes, principalmente no quesito confianca da populacao em relacao a Policia. Impossivel foi esgotar o tema, pois a criminalidade nao consegue ser explicada apenas por uma teoria, varias sao as nuances de um...
Surviving a gunshot wound to the head is a rare event, particularly in the past when medical trea... more Surviving a gunshot wound to the head is a rare event, particularly in the past when medical treatment was much less advanced than it is today. Moreover, the finding of such a case as an identified specimen within a museum collection is even more uncommon. This led us to report on this unique case in this paper as it poses a challenge to forensic anthropology and provides a unique educational oppourtunity. The skull from the Collection at the Cranium Museum in the Department of Morphology and Genetic at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) dates back to 1946. For trauma registration the bone location, severity, trauma aetiology, trauma classification, description, callus formation, periosteal reaction, degree and success of repair, and an estimate of the time elapsed since the trauma, were all assessed. To explore the case radiologically a CT scan of the skull was performed. Considering the survival of the patient and the morphology of the wound it is likely that the injury was caused by a small calibre, low-velocity gunshot. The bullet path shows an almost vertical direction on the right side of the individual's splanchno and neurocranium. The path of the projectile is consistent with a suicide attempt, although the possibility of a homicide simulating a suicide cannot be discarded. This case highlights how informative such cases can be to the practice of forensic anthropology.
The use of illicit drugs is considered a risk factor for victimization by lethal violence and is ... more The use of illicit drugs is considered a risk factor for victimization by lethal violence and is frequently found in necropsies of homicide victims. This study aimed to evaluate the profile of these victims. Methods and material: A cross-sectional retrospective study was performed on homicide victims in 2014 with a sample composed of all homicide cases in 2014 for which toxicology had been performed in an Official Forensic Laboratory (Minas Gerais-Brazil). Results: 1382 homicide victims composed the sample. The group with a positive toxicology test (N = 943) presented higher proportions of men (p = 0.003), black/brown skin (p < 0.001), firearm history (p = 0.007) and a lower mean age (p < 0.001). In 72.2% of the positive tests, cocaine and benzoylecgonine were found; in 67.7%, THC and/or its metabolite was found; and in 43.1%, both illicit drugs were found. Conclusions: The role of illicit drugs in early death goes far beyond intoxication as they are directly associated with age, skin color and gender. Young black/mixed men have an increased risk of homicide. Our findings point to the importance of investing in social actions, public safety and efforts to reduce drug use in this at-risk population.
It has been suggested that obesity is associated with an altered rate of gastric emptying. The ob... more It has been suggested that obesity is associated with an altered rate of gastric emptying. The objective of the present study was to determine whether the rates of solid and semi-solid gastric emptying differ between morbidly obese patients and lean subjects. The Gastric-emptying time (GET) of solid and semi-solid meals were compared between lean healthy subjects and morbidly obese patients enrolled in two previously published studies. GET of solid and semi-solid meals was measured using the 13C-octanoic acid breath test and 13C-acetic acid breath test, respectively, in 24 lean and 14 morbidly obese individuals of both sexes. Student t-test was used to compare the mean data between the lean and morbidly obese groups. The influence of sex, gender, BMI and morbid obesity on the GET of solid meals was verified by linear regression analysis. Mean t(1/2) values of solid GET (+/- standard deviation) were 203.6 +/- 76.0 min and 143.5 +/- 19.1 min for lean and obese subjects, respectively (P = 0.0010). Mean t(lag) values of solid GET were 127.3 +/- 42.7 min and 98.4 +/- 13.0 min for lean and obese subjects, respectively (P = -0.0044). No significant difference in semi-solid GET was observed between the lean and morbidly obese groups. The present study demonstrated a significantly enhanced gastric emptying of the solid meal test in morbidly obese patients when compared to lean subjects. This finding is compatible with the hypothesis that rapid gastric emptying in morbidly obese subjects increases caloric intake due to a more rapid loss of satiety.
A constante evolução técnica em antropologia forense visa, sobretudo, trazer maior celeridade e q... more A constante evolução técnica em antropologia forense visa, sobretudo, trazer maior celeridade e qualidade para as análises periciais. Este trabalho é um relato de experiência que apresentará em detalhes o DO -Sator, dispositivo criado pelo Dr. Frank Marotta, cuja finalidade principal é preparar remanescentes biológicos para o exame antropológico, de forma padronizada e com controle fino de temperatura. Nesta leitura você irá conhecer os materiais necessários para produção, instruções para montagem e utilização do dispositivo. O DO -Sator está em uso no
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar o equipamento denominado Jaw Angulator, criado pelo Dr... more Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar o equipamento denominado Jaw Angulator, criado pelo Dr. Frank Marotta para padronização e redução de erros de aferição na sua utilização em Antropologia Forense. Ao longo dos anos, este autor desenvolveu em sua oficina diversos aparelhos visando aprimorar resultados na análise forense. Os equipamentos foram incorporados à rotina do serviço de Antropologia Forense do Instituto Médico Legal André Roquette e, também, ajudaram na estética e design do espaço. Este é um trabalho de relato de experiência baseado nas invenções do Dr. Frank, mais especificamente no Jaw Angulator. O dispositivo estará detalhado neste artigo e, da mesma forma, as instruções para reproduzi-lo.
Este trabalho apresentará o equipamento OS-T-OMETRO desenvolvido pelo Dr. Frank Marotta para padr... more Este trabalho apresentará o equipamento OS-T-OMETRO desenvolvido pelo Dr. Frank Marotta para padronização e correta aferição das medidas antropométricas dos ossos longos. Nesta leitura será possível conhecer os componentes e a montagem deste dispositivo, que está em uso, desde 1988, no Laboratório de Antropologia do Instituto Médico Legal André Roquette, em Belo Horizonte.
The suicide phenomenon involves complex interactions between psychological, biological, cultural ... more The suicide phenomenon involves complex interactions between psychological, biological, cultural and socio-environmental factors. This study aimed to assess the epidemiological and toxicological profiles of officially confirmed suicide victims. A retrospective study was performed using autopsy reports, forensic anthropology examinations and police summaries of all suicide cases that underwent toxicological analysis at an Official Forensic Laboratory (Minas Gerais, Brazil) in 1 year. The sample set was composed of 351 suicide victims, predominantly men (70.32%), most of them were adults between 31 and 64 years old (62.11%), with mixed skin colour (48.89%) and low educational level (66.44%). The most common suicide method was hanging (57.79%), followed by intoxication (30.45%). Most victims presented positive toxicological results (56.41%), especially for the presence of medicines (37.6%), illicit drugs (36.3%) and pesticides (26.1%). Our study corroborated previous data that most suicide victims have low educational levels. The most common toxicological findings were medicines, especially prescription drugs, followed by illicit drugs and pesticides. We hope this study contributes to reflections and planning of preventive suicide programmes, considering the described profiles of victims.
The collapse of the B1 Dam of VALE SA mining company in Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, Brazil was the ... more The collapse of the B1 Dam of VALE SA mining company in Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, Brazil was the largest humanitarian disaster and occupational accident in the country&#39;s history, and it posed challenges regarding the management and identification of multiple victims. We evaluated the impact of the iron ore tailings on the victims&#39; bodies. We examined the scientific identification of the victims and the dynamics of the disaster over the 1st year after it occurred. We also determined the socio-demographic profiles of the victims. In this retrospective, cross-sectional study, we investigated the expert reports of the victims&#39; biological remains from 25 January 2019 to 25 January 2020. We analysed the socio-demographic data, identification methods, identification status, identification time, and necroscopic information. During the study period, 259 of 270 victims were identified, and 603 biological materials were analysed; among them, 86.2% were body parts and 13.8% were whole bodies. Of the total cases registered that year, 476 (78.9%) were submitted during the first 10 weeks after the disaster. Friction ridge analysis accounted for 67.9% of primary identifications and DNA analysis did so for 91.6% of re-identification cases. Body dismemberment was 3.4 times greater among mine workers than among community victims. Adult males accounted for the greatest number of victims (P &lt; 0.001). Polytraumatic injury was the prevalent single cause of death. Necropsy examination revealed the occurrence of asphyxia in 7% of cases. The higher number of fatalities and greater dismemberment among employees than with community residents underlines the occupational dangers in the mining industry and clarifies the dynamics of the disaster. In the initial weeks after the dam collapsed, friction ridge analysis was the most appropriate method for identification. Subsequently, DNA analysis became the most-used technique for identification and re-identification owing to the great volume of body parts and decomposed biological tissue. Autopsy allowed diagnosis of the causes of death to be clarified according to the Brazilian criminal legal system.
Brazilian Journal of Forensic Anthropology & Legal Medicine
A constante evolução técnica em antropologia forense visa, sobretudo, trazer maior celeridade e ... more A constante evolução técnica em antropologia forense visa, sobretudo, trazer maior celeridade e qualidade para as análises periciais. Este trabalho é um relato de experiência que apresentará em detalhes o D-O-Sator, dispositivo criado pelo Dr. Frank Marotta, cuja finalidade principal é preparar remanescentes biológicos para o exame antropológico, de forma padronizada e com controle fino de temperatura. Nesta leitura você irá conhecer os materiais necessários para produção, instruções para montagem e utilização do dispositivo. O D-O-Sator está em uso no Laboratório de Antropologia Forense do Instituto Médico Legal Dr. André Roquette, em Belo Horizonte, que faz parte da Polícia Civil de Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Brazilian Journal of Forensic Anthropology & Legal Medicine
Este trabalho relata os procedimentos aplicados no atendimento ao DVI BRUMADINHO pela equipe do I... more Este trabalho relata os procedimentos aplicados no atendimento ao DVI BRUMADINHO pela equipe do Instituto Médico Legal André Roquete – Belo Horizonte/MG. Acredita-se que conhecer os desafios enfrentados e soluções encontradas poderá auxiliar a comunidade científica em outras situações de desastre no âmbito forense.
Brazilian Journal of Forensic Anthropology & Legal Medicine
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar o equipamento denominado Jaw Angulator, criado pelo Dr... more Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar o equipamento denominado Jaw Angulator, criado pelo Dr. Frank Marotta para padronização e redução de erros de aferição na sua utilização em Antropologia Forense. Ao longo dos anos, este autor desenvolveu, em sua oficina, diversos aparelhos visando aprimorar resultados na análise forense. Os equipamentos foram incorporados à rotina do serviço de Antropologia Forense do Instituto Médico Legal André Roquette e, também, ajudaram na estética e design do espaço. Este é um trabalho de relato de experiência baseado nas invenções do Dr. Frank, mais, especificamente, no Jaw Angulator. O dispositivo estará detalhado neste artigo e, da mesma forma, as instruções para reproduzi-lo.
O presente artigo teve como designio o estudo da corrupcao policial sob a perspectiva dos preceit... more O presente artigo teve como designio o estudo da corrupcao policial sob a perspectiva dos preceitos da Teoria da Associacao Diferencial, cujo exponente e Edwin Sutherland. Partindo da premissa que a conduta criminosa e aprendida mediante o processo de comunicacao, foi defendido neste estudo que a corrupcao policial e uma forma de interacao social, resultado de associacoes incorretas. Foram colecionados autores classicos que tratam sobre o tema, fomentando a discussao teorica e demonstrado alguns dados estatisticos, retirados de artigos e doutrinas, da incidencia da corrupcao em âmbito policial. O estudo desse fenomeno criminal teve como objetivo entender o comportamento e por qual motivo existe a corrupcao especificamente no âmbito policial e como essa conduta impacta nas Instituicoes, principalmente no quesito confianca da populacao em relacao a Policia. Impossivel foi esgotar o tema, pois a criminalidade nao consegue ser explicada apenas por uma teoria, varias sao as nuances de um...
Surviving a gunshot wound to the head is a rare event, particularly in the past when medical trea... more Surviving a gunshot wound to the head is a rare event, particularly in the past when medical treatment was much less advanced than it is today. Moreover, the finding of such a case as an identified specimen within a museum collection is even more uncommon. This led us to report on this unique case in this paper as it poses a challenge to forensic anthropology and provides a unique educational oppourtunity. The skull from the Collection at the Cranium Museum in the Department of Morphology and Genetic at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) dates back to 1946. For trauma registration the bone location, severity, trauma aetiology, trauma classification, description, callus formation, periosteal reaction, degree and success of repair, and an estimate of the time elapsed since the trauma, were all assessed. To explore the case radiologically a CT scan of the skull was performed. Considering the survival of the patient and the morphology of the wound it is likely that the injury was caused by a small calibre, low-velocity gunshot. The bullet path shows an almost vertical direction on the right side of the individual's splanchno and neurocranium. The path of the projectile is consistent with a suicide attempt, although the possibility of a homicide simulating a suicide cannot be discarded. This case highlights how informative such cases can be to the practice of forensic anthropology.
The use of illicit drugs is considered a risk factor for victimization by lethal violence and is ... more The use of illicit drugs is considered a risk factor for victimization by lethal violence and is frequently found in necropsies of homicide victims. This study aimed to evaluate the profile of these victims. Methods and material: A cross-sectional retrospective study was performed on homicide victims in 2014 with a sample composed of all homicide cases in 2014 for which toxicology had been performed in an Official Forensic Laboratory (Minas Gerais-Brazil). Results: 1382 homicide victims composed the sample. The group with a positive toxicology test (N = 943) presented higher proportions of men (p = 0.003), black/brown skin (p < 0.001), firearm history (p = 0.007) and a lower mean age (p < 0.001). In 72.2% of the positive tests, cocaine and benzoylecgonine were found; in 67.7%, THC and/or its metabolite was found; and in 43.1%, both illicit drugs were found. Conclusions: The role of illicit drugs in early death goes far beyond intoxication as they are directly associated with age, skin color and gender. Young black/mixed men have an increased risk of homicide. Our findings point to the importance of investing in social actions, public safety and efforts to reduce drug use in this at-risk population.
It has been suggested that obesity is associated with an altered rate of gastric emptying. The ob... more It has been suggested that obesity is associated with an altered rate of gastric emptying. The objective of the present study was to determine whether the rates of solid and semi-solid gastric emptying differ between morbidly obese patients and lean subjects. The Gastric-emptying time (GET) of solid and semi-solid meals were compared between lean healthy subjects and morbidly obese patients enrolled in two previously published studies. GET of solid and semi-solid meals was measured using the 13C-octanoic acid breath test and 13C-acetic acid breath test, respectively, in 24 lean and 14 morbidly obese individuals of both sexes. Student t-test was used to compare the mean data between the lean and morbidly obese groups. The influence of sex, gender, BMI and morbid obesity on the GET of solid meals was verified by linear regression analysis. Mean t(1/2) values of solid GET (+/- standard deviation) were 203.6 +/- 76.0 min and 143.5 +/- 19.1 min for lean and obese subjects, respectively (P = 0.0010). Mean t(lag) values of solid GET were 127.3 +/- 42.7 min and 98.4 +/- 13.0 min for lean and obese subjects, respectively (P = -0.0044). No significant difference in semi-solid GET was observed between the lean and morbidly obese groups. The present study demonstrated a significantly enhanced gastric emptying of the solid meal test in morbidly obese patients when compared to lean subjects. This finding is compatible with the hypothesis that rapid gastric emptying in morbidly obese subjects increases caloric intake due to a more rapid loss of satiety.
Papers by Yara Lemos