Proceeding National Conference of Christian Education and Theology
Peran guru dalam pendidikan karakter menghormati orang lain dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan ruti... more Peran guru dalam pendidikan karakter menghormati orang lain dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan rutin yang dilakukan berulang-ulang setiap hari. Guru juga dapat berperan melalui kegiatan spontan seperti memberi apresiasi dan menegur ketika siswa melakukan kesalahan. Selain itu guru juga dapat berperan melalui kegiatan – kegitan untuk mengkondisikan pembentukan karakter siswa. Dan guru juga dapat berperan dengan memberikan teladan yang baik kepada siswa. Guru juga dapat berperan melalui penguatan mata pelajaran di dalam RPP, proses belajar mengajar, serta penilaian dan evaluasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Untuk pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan metode wawancara tak terstruktur kepada Wali Kelas, Guru Agama Kristen, Guru Bahasa Inggris, Guru Mulok, Guru PJOK dan 2 orang siswa sebagai responden. Untuk triangulasi data, peneliti membandingkan hasil wawancara para guru dengan wawancara kepada siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah guru sudah berperan dala...
In its continuity to distinguish true faith and false faith in the christian life is not an easy ... more In its continuity to distinguish true faith and false faith in the christian life is not an easy thing to do. Therefore there needs to be a test of faith to prove the authenticity of one's faith. This study uses the biblical text's exposition approach to Matthew 13:36-43 by looking at the background and finding the meaning of the text. Researchers also use interpretations to get a clearer meaning and then the results are presented by describing what tests are effective in proving the authenticity of one's faith . The test is through hardship and fun. Whether in adversity one still believes and worships God and whether in pleasure one does not forget God
EDULEAD: Journal of Christian Education and Leadership
The Covid-19 Pandemic period hit Indonesia and affected the learning system in schools. Schools s... more The Covid-19 Pandemic period hit Indonesia and affected the learning system in schools. Schools should run distance education. This makes it difficult for teachers in schools, including Christian Religious Education Teachers, to educate children so that their character is formed. The focus of this paper is the efforts of Christian Religious Education Teachers to shape the character of teenagers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The writing uses library research methods and Bible interpretation to provide ideas about efforts to build the character of teenagers during the pandemic. These efforts include making a teaching curriculum based on Bible teaching both doctrinally and practically, which focuses explicitly on the fruit of the Spirit in this discussion. Then apply creative learning methods based on information technology. Teachers can also take an enthusiastic approach to teenagers and become trusted friends simultaneously and guide them based on the truth of God's Word. Teacher...
Every parent definitely wants the children to succeed in their life. However, most parents do not... more Every parent definitely wants the children to succeed in their life. However, most parents do not understand the true key of success. On the other hand, they are not able to accompany and educate their children to be success. The purpose of this study is to search the exposure of the Bible about the concept of success, the way a child raised by the parent or adults based on the examples from the Bible. The method used in this study is a literature review research and the exegesis of Bible. Based on the Bible success promised by God is a success in wealth and an ability to have wisdom needed to manage the daily problems. Besides, the important thing for a child to be success based on the exposure of the Holy Bible, is by reading, meditating and being careful to do everything written in the Scripture. Abstrak Setiap orang tua pasti ingin agar anak – anaknya berhasil di dalam hidupnya. Tetapi belum tentu semua orang tua memahami kunci keberhasilan yang sejati. Di sisi lain, belum tent...
Participation of Religious Leaders in Helping the Success of the Government's COVID-19 Vaccin... more Participation of Religious Leaders in Helping the Success of the Government's COVID-19 Vaccination Program. The basic idea of this paper departs from observations in the virtual and real world, where certain people or groups are found who disagree with the need to be vaccinated. If the country's people reject the mandatory mass vaccination, which the government is discussing, it will take a long time to restore normal activities. This paper uses a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach. The description in this paper found some people's rejection of vaccines because their views or perceptions about COVID-19 influenced it. The government's hope to immediately carry out mass vaccinations for all Indonesian people must be balanced with maximum efforts to make it happen. This substantial effort can be made by providing massive education in the media, conducting public campaigns, and providing guarantees to vaccine recipients. On the other hand, th...
The concept of God's regret in Jonah 3:10 may be confusing to today's Christians if they ... more The concept of God's regret in Jonah 3:10 may be confusing to today's Christians if they do not get a proper understanding. God is All-knowing and All-wise. If God is sovereign why can He change in His decisions and become remorseful. Knowing the nature of Alah based on the understanding of this text is indispensable to today's Christians. In addition, a clear understanding of the nature of God based on the text of Jonah 3:10 will lead the present Christian mat to understand what should be done based on that understanding. This paper will provide a clear understanding of the concept of God's regret through the exeegese method and library research of the text from Jonah 3:10 Today's Christians understand the nature of God in the concept of god's regret clearly based on the text of Jonah 3:10 and respond correctly based on an understanding of the concept. So be not allah of those who show mercy. He knew that the Ninevites would repent, which is why He forced Jo...
Proceeding National Conference of Christian Education and Theology
Peran guru dalam pendidikan karakter menghormati orang lain dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan ruti... more Peran guru dalam pendidikan karakter menghormati orang lain dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan rutin yang dilakukan berulang-ulang setiap hari. Guru juga dapat berperan melalui kegiatan spontan seperti memberi apresiasi dan menegur ketika siswa melakukan kesalahan. Selain itu guru juga dapat berperan melalui kegiatan – kegitan untuk mengkondisikan pembentukan karakter siswa. Dan guru juga dapat berperan dengan memberikan teladan yang baik kepada siswa. Guru juga dapat berperan melalui penguatan mata pelajaran di dalam RPP, proses belajar mengajar, serta penilaian dan evaluasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Untuk pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan metode wawancara tak terstruktur kepada Wali Kelas, Guru Agama Kristen, Guru Bahasa Inggris, Guru Mulok, Guru PJOK dan 2 orang siswa sebagai responden. Untuk triangulasi data, peneliti membandingkan hasil wawancara para guru dengan wawancara kepada siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah guru sudah berperan dala...
In its continuity to distinguish true faith and false faith in the christian life is not an easy ... more In its continuity to distinguish true faith and false faith in the christian life is not an easy thing to do. Therefore there needs to be a test of faith to prove the authenticity of one's faith. This study uses the biblical text's exposition approach to Matthew 13:36-43 by looking at the background and finding the meaning of the text. Researchers also use interpretations to get a clearer meaning and then the results are presented by describing what tests are effective in proving the authenticity of one's faith . The test is through hardship and fun. Whether in adversity one still believes and worships God and whether in pleasure one does not forget God
EDULEAD: Journal of Christian Education and Leadership
The Covid-19 Pandemic period hit Indonesia and affected the learning system in schools. Schools s... more The Covid-19 Pandemic period hit Indonesia and affected the learning system in schools. Schools should run distance education. This makes it difficult for teachers in schools, including Christian Religious Education Teachers, to educate children so that their character is formed. The focus of this paper is the efforts of Christian Religious Education Teachers to shape the character of teenagers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The writing uses library research methods and Bible interpretation to provide ideas about efforts to build the character of teenagers during the pandemic. These efforts include making a teaching curriculum based on Bible teaching both doctrinally and practically, which focuses explicitly on the fruit of the Spirit in this discussion. Then apply creative learning methods based on information technology. Teachers can also take an enthusiastic approach to teenagers and become trusted friends simultaneously and guide them based on the truth of God's Word. Teacher...
Every parent definitely wants the children to succeed in their life. However, most parents do not... more Every parent definitely wants the children to succeed in their life. However, most parents do not understand the true key of success. On the other hand, they are not able to accompany and educate their children to be success. The purpose of this study is to search the exposure of the Bible about the concept of success, the way a child raised by the parent or adults based on the examples from the Bible. The method used in this study is a literature review research and the exegesis of Bible. Based on the Bible success promised by God is a success in wealth and an ability to have wisdom needed to manage the daily problems. Besides, the important thing for a child to be success based on the exposure of the Holy Bible, is by reading, meditating and being careful to do everything written in the Scripture. Abstrak Setiap orang tua pasti ingin agar anak – anaknya berhasil di dalam hidupnya. Tetapi belum tentu semua orang tua memahami kunci keberhasilan yang sejati. Di sisi lain, belum tent...
Participation of Religious Leaders in Helping the Success of the Government's COVID-19 Vaccin... more Participation of Religious Leaders in Helping the Success of the Government's COVID-19 Vaccination Program. The basic idea of this paper departs from observations in the virtual and real world, where certain people or groups are found who disagree with the need to be vaccinated. If the country's people reject the mandatory mass vaccination, which the government is discussing, it will take a long time to restore normal activities. This paper uses a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach. The description in this paper found some people's rejection of vaccines because their views or perceptions about COVID-19 influenced it. The government's hope to immediately carry out mass vaccinations for all Indonesian people must be balanced with maximum efforts to make it happen. This substantial effort can be made by providing massive education in the media, conducting public campaigns, and providing guarantees to vaccine recipients. On the other hand, th...
The concept of God's regret in Jonah 3:10 may be confusing to today's Christians if they ... more The concept of God's regret in Jonah 3:10 may be confusing to today's Christians if they do not get a proper understanding. God is All-knowing and All-wise. If God is sovereign why can He change in His decisions and become remorseful. Knowing the nature of Alah based on the understanding of this text is indispensable to today's Christians. In addition, a clear understanding of the nature of God based on the text of Jonah 3:10 will lead the present Christian mat to understand what should be done based on that understanding. This paper will provide a clear understanding of the concept of God's regret through the exeegese method and library research of the text from Jonah 3:10 Today's Christians understand the nature of God in the concept of god's regret clearly based on the text of Jonah 3:10 and respond correctly based on an understanding of the concept. So be not allah of those who show mercy. He knew that the Ninevites would repent, which is why He forced Jo...
Papers by Yvonny Nainupu