Током немачке окупације у Другом светском рату, културни и књижевни живот Београда доживео је огр... more Током немачке окупације у Другом светском рату, културни и књижевни живот Београда доживео је огромну и наметнуту трансформацију, чији је циљ био да се стваралачке снаге зауздају и натерају да раде у корист нацистичке и колаборационистичке пропагандне машинерије. Створена је културна политика која се ослањала на идеолошке постулате нацизма, национализма, ксенофобије и антимодернизма. Контрола је спровођена путем цензуре штампаног материјала и забране штампања књига и часописа, путем контроле значајних књижара и издавачких кућа. Успостављањем надзора књижевни живот је у великој мери замро, јер се већина писаца и интелектуалаца повукла из јавности и одбила да делује у наметнутом систему.
Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society for Serbian Studies, 2012
The article aims to give a short overview of the origins and development of soccer in Serbia, fro... more The article aims to give a short overview of the origins and development of soccer in Serbia, from the introduction of the game to the public in the late nineteenth century until the beginning of the Second World War and the occupation of the country by the Axis powers. Soccer, an eccentric pastime in the beginning, in a brief period of fifty years managed to grow into a favorite national sport and to occupy the interest of millions of spectators, thus immensely influencing other spheres of life. The stages of development that soccer went ...
Апстракт: Аутор истражује околности у којима је протицао спортски, посебно фудбалски живот на тер... more Апстракт: Аутор истражује околности у којима је протицао спортски, посебно фудбалски живот на територији Србије у периоду окупације, са посебним освртом на последице које су рат и растурање Југославије оставили на материјални и друштвени статус највећих српских фудбалских клубова, на њихове играче и навијаче. Такође, анализирају се и друштвени утицај који је фудбал имао у наведеном периоду и могућности манипулације и политичке индоктринације целокупне јавности на ...
АПСТРАКТ: Рад има за циљ да дâ кратак преглед литературе која се критички бавила историјом фудбал... more АПСТРАКТ: Рад има за циљ да дâ кратак преглед литературе која се критички бавила историјом фудбала у Србији и Југославији, пре свега његовим почецима и развојем у првој половини 20. века, као и да укаже на то да је изворна база на основу које се може проучавати прошлост српског и југословенског спорта веома оскудна. Најзначајније изворе за ову проблематику представљају писани мемоари и успомене учесника догађаја и у овом чланку се врши детаљна анализа три најбитнија писана документа ...
The history of sport in socialist Yugoslavia is a peculiar lens through which to examine the coun... more The history of sport in socialist Yugoslavia is a peculiar lens through which to examine the country’s social, cultural and political transformations. Sport is represented as one of the most popular and engaging cultural phenomena of social life. Sport both embodied the social dynamics of the socialist period as well as revealing questions of the everyday lives of the Yugoslav people. Ultimately, sport was closely intertwined with the country’s overall destiny. This volume offers an introduction into the myriad social functions that sport served in the Yugoslav socialist project. It illustrates how sport was central to the establishment of Yugoslavia’s physical and leisure culture in the early post-Second World War period, an international promotional tool for Yugoslav communists championing the ideological superiority of the ‘Brotherhood and Unity’ and the Non-Aligned Movement, as well as a social field in which the ideological contradictions of Yugoslav socialism became increasingly apparent. The chapters expand the existing knowledge of the processes that defined Yugoslav sport and contribute to a more nuanced understanding of socialist Yugoslavia in the years between 1945 and 1991. Table of Contents 1. From the Concept of the Communist ‘New Man’ to Nationalist Hooliganism: Research Perspectives on Sport in Socialist Yugoslavia Dario Brentin and Dejan Zec 2. How Falcons Became Partizans Hrvoje Klasić 3. How Doing Sport Became a Culture: Producing the Concept of Physical Cultivation of the Yugoslavs Ana Petrov 4. Gender Policies and Amateur Sports in Early Yugoslav Socialism Ivan Simić 5. Like a Bridge Over Troubled Adriatic Water: The Complex Relationship between Italian and Yugoslavian Sporting Diplomacy (1945-1954) Nicola Sbetti 6. Laying the Foundations of Physical Culture: The Stadium Revolution in Socialist Yugoslavia Richard Mills 7. FC Red Star Belgrade and the Multiplicity of Social Identifications in Socialist Yugoslavia: Representative Dimensions of the ‘Big Four’ Football Clubs Martin Blasius 8. The 1984 Sarajevo Winter Olympics and Identity-Formation in Late Socialist Sarajevo Zlatko Jovanovic 9. Blind-Alleys on the Road to Communism: ‘Isms’ of the Automobile Sport in Socialist Yugoslavia, 1945-1992 Marko Miljković This book was originally published as a special issue of The International Journal of the History of Sport.
The Yugoslav Sokol movement was one of the most influential non-governmental organizations in the... more The Yugoslav Sokol movement was one of the most influential non-governmental organizations in the interwar Yugoslav Kingdom. In the course of the 1920s, it moved from an independent and idealistic organization which celebrated brotherhood between the South Slavs to being a still independent but Serb-centered organization whose version of Yugoslav integration pushed away Croats in particular. But it was only from 1929, when King Aleksandar’s royal dictatorship brought a reconstituted organization under direct state control, that it became a vehicle for official propaganda and an exponent of assimilating Serbs as well as non-Serbs under the banner of integral Yugoslavism. These efforts by the royal dictatorship in Belgrade from 1929 did not survive the king’s assassination in 1934. Helping to widen the political divide, particularly between Serbs and Croats, this official Sokol became a well-known focal point for Serb confrontation with non-Serb majorities in western and southern Yugo...
The paper analyses the game of football as a force of integration in diverse and war-torn societi... more The paper analyses the game of football as a force of integration in diverse and war-torn societies. It is focused on Yugoslavia in two turbulent historical periods: after the First World War, when its nations had just started to form joint institutions; and after the Second World War, when the country was severely devastated by the Nazi occupiers and a bloody internal civil and ethnic strife. In both of these periods, football proved to be a positive influence in rebuilding trust and mutual cooperation. Regional differences also played a part in the process, both in terms of organization, and in terms of regional identities. The latter often influenced the social life of Yugoslav regions, and, thus, football as a part of it, but the influence was mutual, which is examined in this study. Finally, it is unavoidable to dwell, at least marginally, on the effect the game had on social distances and social integration.
Током немачке окупације у Другом светском рату, културни и књижевни живот Београда доживео је огр... more Током немачке окупације у Другом светском рату, културни и књижевни живот Београда доживео је огромну и наметнуту трансформацију, чији је циљ био да се стваралачке снаге зауздају и натерају да раде у корист нацистичке и колаборационистичке пропагандне машинерије. Створена је културна политика која се ослањала на идеолошке постулате нацизма, национализма, ксенофобије и антимодернизма. Контрола је спровођена путем цензуре штампаног материјала и забране штампања књига и часописа, путем контроле значајних књижара и издавачких кућа. Успостављањем надзора књижевни живот је у великој мери замро, јер се већина писаца и интелектуалаца повукла из јавности и одбила да делује у наметнутом систему.
Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society for Serbian Studies, 2012
The article aims to give a short overview of the origins and development of soccer in Serbia, fro... more The article aims to give a short overview of the origins and development of soccer in Serbia, from the introduction of the game to the public in the late nineteenth century until the beginning of the Second World War and the occupation of the country by the Axis powers. Soccer, an eccentric pastime in the beginning, in a brief period of fifty years managed to grow into a favorite national sport and to occupy the interest of millions of spectators, thus immensely influencing other spheres of life. The stages of development that soccer went ...
Апстракт: Аутор истражује околности у којима је протицао спортски, посебно фудбалски живот на тер... more Апстракт: Аутор истражује околности у којима је протицао спортски, посебно фудбалски живот на територији Србије у периоду окупације, са посебним освртом на последице које су рат и растурање Југославије оставили на материјални и друштвени статус највећих српских фудбалских клубова, на њихове играче и навијаче. Такође, анализирају се и друштвени утицај који је фудбал имао у наведеном периоду и могућности манипулације и политичке индоктринације целокупне јавности на ...
АПСТРАКТ: Рад има за циљ да дâ кратак преглед литературе која се критички бавила историјом фудбал... more АПСТРАКТ: Рад има за циљ да дâ кратак преглед литературе која се критички бавила историјом фудбала у Србији и Југославији, пре свега његовим почецима и развојем у првој половини 20. века, као и да укаже на то да је изворна база на основу које се може проучавати прошлост српског и југословенског спорта веома оскудна. Најзначајније изворе за ову проблематику представљају писани мемоари и успомене учесника догађаја и у овом чланку се врши детаљна анализа три најбитнија писана документа ...
The history of sport in socialist Yugoslavia is a peculiar lens through which to examine the coun... more The history of sport in socialist Yugoslavia is a peculiar lens through which to examine the country’s social, cultural and political transformations. Sport is represented as one of the most popular and engaging cultural phenomena of social life. Sport both embodied the social dynamics of the socialist period as well as revealing questions of the everyday lives of the Yugoslav people. Ultimately, sport was closely intertwined with the country’s overall destiny. This volume offers an introduction into the myriad social functions that sport served in the Yugoslav socialist project. It illustrates how sport was central to the establishment of Yugoslavia’s physical and leisure culture in the early post-Second World War period, an international promotional tool for Yugoslav communists championing the ideological superiority of the ‘Brotherhood and Unity’ and the Non-Aligned Movement, as well as a social field in which the ideological contradictions of Yugoslav socialism became increasingly apparent. The chapters expand the existing knowledge of the processes that defined Yugoslav sport and contribute to a more nuanced understanding of socialist Yugoslavia in the years between 1945 and 1991. Table of Contents 1. From the Concept of the Communist ‘New Man’ to Nationalist Hooliganism: Research Perspectives on Sport in Socialist Yugoslavia Dario Brentin and Dejan Zec 2. How Falcons Became Partizans Hrvoje Klasić 3. How Doing Sport Became a Culture: Producing the Concept of Physical Cultivation of the Yugoslavs Ana Petrov 4. Gender Policies and Amateur Sports in Early Yugoslav Socialism Ivan Simić 5. Like a Bridge Over Troubled Adriatic Water: The Complex Relationship between Italian and Yugoslavian Sporting Diplomacy (1945-1954) Nicola Sbetti 6. Laying the Foundations of Physical Culture: The Stadium Revolution in Socialist Yugoslavia Richard Mills 7. FC Red Star Belgrade and the Multiplicity of Social Identifications in Socialist Yugoslavia: Representative Dimensions of the ‘Big Four’ Football Clubs Martin Blasius 8. The 1984 Sarajevo Winter Olympics and Identity-Formation in Late Socialist Sarajevo Zlatko Jovanovic 9. Blind-Alleys on the Road to Communism: ‘Isms’ of the Automobile Sport in Socialist Yugoslavia, 1945-1992 Marko Miljković This book was originally published as a special issue of The International Journal of the History of Sport.
The Yugoslav Sokol movement was one of the most influential non-governmental organizations in the... more The Yugoslav Sokol movement was one of the most influential non-governmental organizations in the interwar Yugoslav Kingdom. In the course of the 1920s, it moved from an independent and idealistic organization which celebrated brotherhood between the South Slavs to being a still independent but Serb-centered organization whose version of Yugoslav integration pushed away Croats in particular. But it was only from 1929, when King Aleksandar’s royal dictatorship brought a reconstituted organization under direct state control, that it became a vehicle for official propaganda and an exponent of assimilating Serbs as well as non-Serbs under the banner of integral Yugoslavism. These efforts by the royal dictatorship in Belgrade from 1929 did not survive the king’s assassination in 1934. Helping to widen the political divide, particularly between Serbs and Croats, this official Sokol became a well-known focal point for Serb confrontation with non-Serb majorities in western and southern Yugo...
The paper analyses the game of football as a force of integration in diverse and war-torn societi... more The paper analyses the game of football as a force of integration in diverse and war-torn societies. It is focused on Yugoslavia in two turbulent historical periods: after the First World War, when its nations had just started to form joint institutions; and after the Second World War, when the country was severely devastated by the Nazi occupiers and a bloody internal civil and ethnic strife. In both of these periods, football proved to be a positive influence in rebuilding trust and mutual cooperation. Regional differences also played a part in the process, both in terms of organization, and in terms of regional identities. The latter often influenced the social life of Yugoslav regions, and, thus, football as a part of it, but the influence was mutual, which is examined in this study. Finally, it is unavoidable to dwell, at least marginally, on the effect the game had on social distances and social integration.
Papers by Dejan Zec